1#cython: boundscheck=False
2#cython: wraparound=False
3#cython: cdivision=False
5State Space Models
7Author: Chad Fulton
8License: Simplified-BSD
13TYPES = {
14    "s": ("np.float32_t", "np.float32", "np.NPY_FLOAT32"),
15    "d": ("np.float64_t", "float", "np.NPY_FLOAT64"),
16    "c": ("np.complex64_t", "np.complex64", "np.NPY_COMPLEX64"),
17    "z": ("np.complex128_t", "complex", "np.NPY_COMPLEX128"),
22# Typical imports
23import numpy as np
24import warnings
25cimport numpy as np
26cimport cython
30from statsmodels.src.math cimport *
31cimport scipy.linalg.cython_blas as blas
32cimport scipy.linalg.cython_lapack as lapack
33cimport statsmodels.tsa.statespace._tools as tools
35{{for prefix, types in TYPES.items()}}
36from statsmodels.tsa.statespace._initialization cimport {{prefix}}Initialization
39cdef int FORTRAN = 1
41{{for prefix, types in TYPES.items()}}
42{{py:cython_type, dtype, typenum = types}}
44combined_prefix = prefix
45combined_cython_type = cython_type
46if prefix == 'c':
47    combined_prefix = 'z'
48    combined_cython_type = 'np.complex128_t'
49if prefix == 's':
50    combined_prefix = 'd'
51    combined_cython_type = 'np.float64_t'
54## State Space Representation
55cdef class {{prefix}}Statespace(object):
56    """
57    {{prefix}}Statespace(obs, design, obs_intercept, obs_cov, transition, state_intercept, selection, state_cov)
59    *See Durbin and Koopman (2012), Chapter 4 for all notation*
60    """
62    # ### State space representation
63    #
64    # $$
65    # \begin{align}
66    # y_t & = Z_t \alpha_t + d_t + \varepsilon_t \hspace{3em} & \varepsilon_t & \sim N(0, H_t) \\\\
67    # \alpha_{t+1} & = T_t \alpha_t + c_t + R_t \eta_t & \eta_t & \sim N(0, Q_t) \\\\
68    # & & \alpha_1 & \sim N(a_1, P_1)
69    # \end{align}
70    # $$
71    #
72    # $y_t$ is $p \times 1$
73    # $\varepsilon_t$ is $p \times 1$
74    # $\alpha_t$ is $m \times 1$
75    # $\eta_t$ is $r \times 1$
76    # $t = 1, \dots, T$
78    # `nobs` $\equiv T$ is the length of the time-series
79    # `k_endog` $\equiv p$ is dimension of observation space
80    # `k_states` $\equiv m$ is the dimension of the state space
81    # `k_posdef` $\equiv r$ is the dimension of the state shocks
82    # *Old notation: T, n, k, g*
83    # cdef readonly int nobs, k_endog, k_states, k_posdef
85    # `obs` $\equiv y_t$ is the **observation vector** $(p \times T)$
86    # `design` $\equiv Z_t$ is the **design vector** $(p \times m \times T)$
87    # `obs_intercept` $\equiv d_t$ is the **observation intercept** $(p \times T)$
88    # `obs_cov` $\equiv H_t$ is the **observation covariance matrix** $(p \times p \times T)$
89    # `transition` $\equiv T_t$ is the **transition matrix** $(m \times m \times T)$
90    # `state_intercept` $\equiv c_t$ is the **state intercept** $(m \times T)$
91    # `selection` $\equiv R_t$ is the **selection matrix** $(m \times r \times T)$
92    # `state_cov` $\equiv Q_t$ is the **state covariance matrix** $(r \times r \times T)$
93    # `selected_state_cov` $\equiv R Q_t R'$ is the **selected state covariance matrix** $(m \times m \times T)$
94    # `initial_state` $\equiv a_1$ is the **initial state mean** $(m \times 1)$
95    # `initial_state_cov` $\equiv P_1$ is the **initial state covariance matrix** $(m \times m)$
96    # `initial_state_cov` $\equiv P_\inf$ is the **initial diffuse state covariance matrix** $(m \times m)$
97    #
98    # With the exception of `obs`, these are *optionally* time-varying. If they are instead time-invariant,
99    # then the dimension of length $T$ is instead of length $1$.
100    #
101    # *Note*: the initial vectors' notation 1-indexed as in Durbin and Koopman,
102    # but in the recursions below it will be 0-indexed in the Python arrays.
103    #
104    # *Old notation: y, -, mu, beta_tt_init, P_tt_init*
105    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [::1,:] obs, obs_intercept, state_intercept
106    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [:] initial_state
107    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [::1,:] initial_state_cov
108    # *Old notation: H, R, F, G, Q*, G Q* G'*
109    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [::1,:,:] design, obs_cov, transition, selection, state_cov, selected_state_cov
111    # `missing` is a $(p \times T)$ boolean matrix where a row is a $(p \times 1)$ vector
112    # in which the $i$th position is $1$ if $y_{i,t}$ is to be considered a missing value.
113    # *Note:* This is created as the output of np.isnan(obs).
114    # cdef readonly int [::1,:] missing
115    # `nmissing` is an `T \times 0` integer vector holding the number of *missing* observations
116    # $p - p_t$
117    # cdef readonly int [:] nmissing
119    # Flag for a time-invariant model, which requires that *all* of the
120    # possibly time-varying arrays are time-invariant.
121    # cdef readonly int time_invariant
123    # Flag for initialization.
124    # cdef readonly int initialized
126    # Flags for performance improvements
127    # TODO need to add this to the UI in representation
128    # cdef public int diagonal_obs_cov
129    # cdef public int subset_design
130    # cdef public int companion_transition
132    # Temporary arrays
133    # cdef {{cython_type}} [::1,:] tmp
135    # Temporary selection arrays
136    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [:] selected_obs
137    # The following are contiguous memory segments which are then used to
138    # store the data in the above matrices.
139    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [:] selected_design
140    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [:] selected_obs_cov
142    # Temporary transformation arrays
143    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [::1,:] transform_cholesky
144    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [::1,:] transform_obs_cov
145    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [::1,:] transform_design
146    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} transform_determinant
148    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [:] collapse_obs
149    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [:] collapse_obs_tmp
150    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [::1,:] collapse_design
151    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [::1,:] collapse_obs_cov
152    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} [::1,:] collapse_cholesky
153    # cdef readonly {{cython_type}} collapse_loglikelihood
155    # Pointers
156    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _obs
157    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _design
158    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _obs_intercept
159    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _obs_cov
160    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _transition
161    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _state_intercept
162    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _selection
163    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _state_cov
164    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _selected_state_cov
165    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _initial_state
166    # cdef {{cython_type}} * _initial_state_cov
168    # Current location dimensions
169    # cdef int _k_endog, _k_states, _k_posdef, _k_endog2, _k_states2, _k_posdef2, _k_endogstates, _k_statesposdef
170    # cdef int _nmissing
172    # ### Initialize state space model
173    # *Note*: The initial state and state covariance matrix must be provided.
174    def __init__(self,
175                 {{cython_type}} [::1,:]   obs,
176                 {{cython_type}} [::1,:,:] design,
177                 {{cython_type}} [::1,:]   obs_intercept,
178                 {{cython_type}} [::1,:,:] obs_cov,
179                 {{cython_type}} [::1,:,:] transition,
180                 {{cython_type}} [::1,:]   state_intercept,
181                 {{cython_type}} [::1,:,:] selection,
182                 {{cython_type}} [::1,:,:] state_cov,
183                 diagonal_obs_cov=-1):
185        # Local variables
186        cdef:
187            int t, i, j
188            np.npy_intp dim1[1]
189            np.npy_intp dim2[2]
190            np.npy_intp dim3[3]
192        # #### State space representation variables
193        # **Note**: these arrays share data with the versions defined in
194        # Python and passed to this constructor, so if they are updated in
195        # Python they will also be updated here.
196        self.obs = obs
197        self.design = design
198        self.obs_intercept = obs_intercept
199        self.obs_cov = obs_cov
200        self.transition = transition
201        self.state_intercept = state_intercept
202        self.selection = selection
203        self.state_cov = state_cov
205        # Dimensions
206        self.k_endog = obs.shape[0]
207        self.k_states = selection.shape[0]
208        self.k_posdef = selection.shape[1]
209        self.nobs = obs.shape[1]
211        # #### Validate matrix dimensions
212        #
213        # Make sure that the given state-space matrices have consistent sizes
214        tools.validate_matrix_shape('design', &self.design.shape[0],
215                              self.k_endog, self.k_states, self.nobs)
216        tools.validate_vector_shape('observation intercept', &self.obs_intercept.shape[0],
217                              self.k_endog, self.nobs)
218        tools.validate_matrix_shape('observation covariance matrix', &self.obs_cov.shape[0],
219                              self.k_endog, self.k_endog, self.nobs)
220        tools.validate_matrix_shape('transition', &self.transition.shape[0],
221                              self.k_states, self.k_states, self.nobs)
222        tools.validate_vector_shape('state intercept', &self.state_intercept.shape[0],
223                              self.k_states, self.nobs)
224        tools.validate_matrix_shape('state covariance matrix', &self.state_cov.shape[0],
225                              self.k_posdef, self.k_posdef, self.nobs)
227        # Check for a time-invariant model
228        self.time_invariant = (
229            self.design.shape[2] == 1           and
230            self.obs_intercept.shape[1] == 1    and
231            self.obs_cov.shape[2] == 1          and
232            self.transition.shape[2] == 1       and
233            self.state_intercept.shape[1] == 1  and
234            self.selection.shape[2] == 1        and
235            self.state_cov.shape[2] == 1
236        )
238        # Set the flags for initialization to be false
239        self.initialized = False
240        self.initialized_diffuse = False
241        self.initialized_stationary = False
243        self.diagonal_obs_cov = diagonal_obs_cov
244        self._diagonal_obs_cov = -1
246        # Allocate selected state covariance matrix
247        dim3[0] = self.k_states; dim3[1] = self.k_states; dim3[2] = 1;
248        # (we only allocate memory for time-varying array if necessary)
249        if self.state_cov.shape[2] > 1 or self.selection.shape[2] > 1:
250            dim3[2] = self.nobs
251        self.selected_state_cov = np.PyArray_ZEROS(3, dim3, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
253        # Handle missing data
254        self.missing = np.array(np.isnan(obs), dtype=np.int32, order="F")
255        self.nmissing = np.array(np.sum(self.missing, axis=0), dtype=np.int32)
256        self.has_missing = np.sum(self.nmissing) > 0
258        # Create the temporary array
259        # Holds arrays of dimension $(m \times m)$
260        dim2[0] = self.k_states; dim2[1] = max(self.k_states, self.k_posdef);
261        self.tmp = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
263        # Arrays for initialization
264        dim1[0] = self.k_states;
265        self.initial_state = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
266        dim2[0] = self.k_states; dim2[1] = self.k_states;
267        self.initial_state_cov = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
268        dim2[0] = self.k_states; dim2[1] = self.k_states;
269        self.initial_diffuse_state_cov = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
271        # Arrays for missing data
272        dim1[0] = self.k_endog;
273        self.selected_obs = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
274        dim1[0] = self.k_endog;
275        self.selected_obs_intercept = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
276        dim1[0] = self.k_endog * self.k_states;
277        self.selected_design = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
278        dim1[0] = self.k_endog**2;
279        self.selected_obs_cov = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
281        # Arrays for transformations
282        dim2[0] = self.k_endog; dim2[1] = self.k_endog;
283        self.transform_cholesky = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
284        self.transform_obs_cov = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
285        dim2[0] = self.k_endog; dim2[1] = self.k_states;
286        self.transform_design = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
287        dim1[0] = self.k_endog;
288        self.transform_obs_intercept = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
290        dim1[0] = self.k_states;
291        self.collapse_obs = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
292        self.collapse_obs_tmp = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
293        dim2[0] = self.k_states; dim2[1] = self.k_states;
294        self.collapse_design = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
295        self.collapse_obs_cov = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
296        self.collapse_cholesky = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
298        # Initialize location
299        self.t = 0
300        self._previous_t = 0
302        # Initialize dimensions
303        self.set_dimensions(self.k_endog, self.k_states, self.k_posdef)
305    def __reduce__(self):
306        init = (np.array(self.obs, copy=True, order='F'), np.array(self.design, copy=True, order='F'),
307                np.array(self.obs_intercept, copy=True, order='F'), np.array(self.obs_cov, copy=True, order='F'),
308                np.array(self.transition, copy=True, order='F'), np.array(self.state_intercept, copy=True, order='F'),
309                np.array(self.selection, copy=True, order='F'), np.array(self.state_cov, copy=True, order='F'),
310                self.diagonal_obs_cov)
311        state = {'initialized': self.initialized,
312                 'initialized_diffuse': self.initialized_diffuse,
313                 'initialized_stationary': self.initialized_stationary,
314                 'initial_state': None,
315                 'initial_state_cov': None,
316                 'initial_diffuse_state_cov': None,
317                 'missing': np.array(self.missing, copy=True, order='F'),
318                 'nmissing': np.array(self.nmissing, copy=True, order='F'),
319                 'has_missing': self.has_missing,
320                 'tmp': np.array(self.tmp, copy=True, order='F'),
321                 'selected_state_cov': np.array(self.selected_state_cov, copy=True, order='F'),
322                 'selected_obs': np.array(self.selected_obs, copy=True, order='F'),
323                 'selected_obs_intercept': np.array(self.selected_obs_intercept, copy=True, order='F'),
324                 'selected_design': np.array(self.selected_design, copy=True, order='F'),
325                 'selected_obs_cov': np.array(self.selected_obs_cov, copy=True, order='F'),
326                 'transform_cholesky': np.array(self.transform_cholesky, copy=True, order='F'),
327                 'transform_obs_cov': np.array(self.transform_obs_cov, copy=True, order='F'),
328                 'transform_design': np.array(self.transform_design, copy=True, order='F'),
329                 'collapse_obs': np.array(self.collapse_obs, copy=True, order='F'),
330                 'collapse_obs_tmp': np.array(self.collapse_obs_tmp, copy=True, order='F'),
331                 'collapse_design': np.array(self.collapse_design, copy=True, order='F'),
332                 'collapse_obs_cov': np.array(self.collapse_obs_cov, copy=True, order='F'),
333                 'collapse_cholesky': np.array(self.collapse_cholesky, copy=True, order='F'),
334                 't': self.t,
335                 'collapse_loglikelihood': self.collapse_loglikelihood,
336                 'companion_transition': self.companion_transition,
337                 'transform_determinant': self.transform_determinant,
338                 }
339        if self.initialized:
340            state['initial_state'] = np.array(self.initial_state, copy=True, order='F')
341            state['initial_state_cov'] = np.array(self.initial_state_cov, copy=True, order='F')
342            state['initial_diffuse_state_cov'] = np.array(self.initial_diffuse_state_cov, copy=True, order='F')
343        return (self.__class__, init, state)
345    def __setstate__(self, state):
346        self.initial_state = state['initial_state']
347        self.initial_state_cov = state['initial_state_cov']
348        self.initial_diffuse_state_cov = state['initial_diffuse_state_cov']
349        self.initialized = state['initialized']
350        self.initialized_diffuse = state['initialized_diffuse']
351        self.initialized_stationary = state['initialized_stationary']
352        self.selected_state_cov = state['selected_state_cov']
353        self.missing = state['missing']
354        self.nmissing =state['nmissing']
355        self.has_missing = state['has_missing']
356        self.tmp = state['tmp']
357        self.selected_obs  = state['selected_obs']
358        self.selected_obs_intercept  = state['selected_obs_intercept']
359        self.selected_design  = state['selected_design']
360        self.selected_obs_cov  =state['selected_obs_cov']
361        self.transform_cholesky  = state['transform_cholesky']
362        self.transform_obs_cov  = state['transform_obs_cov']
363        self.transform_design = state['transform_design']
364        self.collapse_obs = state['collapse_obs']
365        self.collapse_obs_tmp = state['collapse_obs_tmp']
366        self.collapse_design = state['collapse_design']
367        self.collapse_obs_cov = state['collapse_obs_cov']
368        self.collapse_cholesky = state['collapse_cholesky']
369        self.t = state['t']
370        self.collapse_loglikelihood = state['collapse_loglikelihood']
371        self.companion_transition = state['companion_transition']
372        self.transform_determinant = state['transform_determinant']
374    def initialize(self, init, offset=0, complex_step=False, clear=True):
375        cdef {{prefix}}Initialization _init
376        # Clear initial arrays
377        if clear:
378            self.initial_state[:] = 0
379            self.initial_diffuse_state_cov[:] = 0
380            self.initial_state_cov[:] = 0
382        # If using global initialization, compute the actual elements and
383        # return them
384        self.initialized_diffuse = False
385        self.initialized_stationary = False
386        if init.initialization_type is not None:
387            init._initialize_initialization(prefix='{{prefix}}')
388            _init = init._initializations['{{prefix}}']
389            _init.initialize(init.initialization_type, offset, self,
390                             self.initial_state,
391                             self.initial_diffuse_state_cov,
392                             self.initial_state_cov, complex_step)
393            if init.initialization_type == 'diffuse':
394                self.initialized_diffuse = True
395            if init.initialization_type == 'stationary':
396                self.initialized_stationary = True
397        # Otherwise, if using blocks, initialize each of the blocks
398        else:
399            for block_index, block_init in init.blocks.items():
400                self.initialize(block_init, offset=offset + block_index[0],
401                                complex_step=complex_step, clear=False)
403        if not self.initialized:
404            self.initialized = True
406    # ## Initialize: known values
407    #
408    # Initialize the filter with specific values, assumed to be known with
409    # certainty or else as filled with parameters from a maximum likelihood
410    # estimation run.
411    def initialize_known(self, {{cython_type}} [:] initial_state, {{cython_type}} [::1,:] initial_state_cov):
412        """
413        initialize_known(initial_state, initial_state_cov)
414        """
415        tools.validate_vector_shape('initial state', &initial_state.shape[0], self.k_states, None)
416        tools.validate_matrix_shape('initial state covariance', &initial_state_cov.shape[0], self.k_states, self.k_states, None)
418        self.initial_state = initial_state
419        self.initial_state_cov = initial_state_cov
420        self.initial_diffuse_state_cov[:] = 0
422        self.initialized = True
424    # ## Initialize: approximate diffuse priors
425    #
426    # Durbin and Koopman note that this initialization should only be coupled
427    # with the standard Kalman filter for "approximate exploratory work" and
428    # can lead to "large rounding errors" (p. 125).
429    #
430    # *Note:* see Durbin and Koopman section 5.6.1
431    def initialize_approximate_diffuse(self, {{cython_type}} variance=1e2):
432        """
433        initialize_approximate_diffuse(variance=1e2)
434        """
435        cdef np.npy_intp dim[1]
436        dim[0] = self.k_states
437        self.initial_state = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
438        self.initial_state_cov = np.eye(self.k_states, dtype={{dtype}}).T * variance
439        self.initial_diffuse_state_cov[:] = 0
441        self.initialized = True
443    # ## Initialize: stationary process
444    # *Note:* see Durbin and Koopman section 5.6.2
445    def initialize_stationary(self, complex_step=False):
446        """
447        initialize_stationary()
448        """
449        cdef np.npy_intp dim1[1]
450        cdef np.npy_intp dim2[2]
451        cdef int i, info, inc = 1
452        cdef int k_states2 = self.k_states**2
453        cdef np.float64_t asum, tol = 1e-9
454        cdef {{cython_type}} scalar
455        cdef int [::1,:] ipiv
457        # Create selected state covariance matrix
458        {{prefix}}select_cov(self.k_states, self.k_posdef,
459                                   &self.tmp[0,0],
460                                   &self.selection[0,0,0],
461                                   &self.state_cov[0,0,0],
462                                   &self.selected_state_cov[0,0,0])
464        # Initial state mean
465        {{if combined_prefix == 'd'}}
466        asum = blas.{{prefix}}asum(&self.k_states, &self.state_intercept[0, 0], &inc)
467        {{elif prefix == 'c'}}
468        asum = blas.scasum(&self.k_states, &self.state_intercept[0, 0], &inc)
469        {{else}}
470        asum = blas.dzasum(&self.k_states, &self.state_intercept[0, 0], &inc)
471        {{endif}}
473        dim1[0] = self.k_states
474        self.initial_state = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
475        if asum > tol:
476            dim2[0] = self.k_states
477            dim2[1] = self.k_states
478            ipiv = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, np.NPY_INT32, FORTRAN)
480            # I - T
481            blas.{{prefix}}copy(&k_states2, &self.transition[0,0,0], &inc,
482                                            &self.tmp[0,0], &inc)
483            scalar = -1.0
484            blas.{{prefix}}scal(&k_states2, &scalar, &self.tmp[0, 0], &inc)
485            for i in range(self.k_states):
486                self.tmp[i, i] = self.tmp[i, i] + 1
488            # c
489            blas.{{prefix}}copy(&self.k_states, &self.state_intercept[0,0], &inc,
490                                                &self.initial_state[0], &inc)
492            # Solve (I - T) x = c
493            lapack.{{prefix}}getrf(&self.k_states, &self.k_states, &self.tmp[0, 0], &self.k_states,
494                                   &ipiv[0, 0], &info)
495            lapack.{{prefix}}getrs('N', &self.k_states, &inc, &self.tmp[0, 0], &self.k_states,
496                                   &ipiv[0, 0], &self.initial_state[0], &self.k_states, &info)
498        dim2[0] = self.k_states; dim2[1] = self.k_states;
499        self.initial_state_cov = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
501        # Create a copy of the transition matrix (to avoid overwriting it)
502        blas.{{prefix}}copy(&k_states2, &self.transition[0,0,0], &inc,
503                                   &self.tmp[0,0], &inc)
505        # Copy the selected state covariance to the initial state covariance
506        # (it will be overwritten with the appropriate matrix)
507        blas.{{prefix}}copy(&k_states2, &self.selected_state_cov[0,0,0], &inc,
508                                   &self.initial_state_cov[0,0], &inc)
510        # Solve the discrete Lyapunov equation to the get initial state
511        # covariance matrix
512        tools._{{prefix}}solve_discrete_lyapunov(&self.tmp[0,0], &self.initial_state_cov[0,0], self.k_states, complex_step)
514        self.initial_diffuse_state_cov[:] = 0
516        self.initialized = True
518    def __iter__(self):
519        return self
521    def __next__(self):
522        """
523        Advance to the next location
524        """
525        if self.t >= self.nobs:
526            raise StopIteration
527        else:
528            self.seek(self.t+1, 0, 0)
530    cpdef seek(self, unsigned int t, unsigned int transform_diagonalize, unsigned int transform_generalized_collapse, unsigned int reset=False):
531        self._previous_t = self.t
533        # Set the global time indicator, if valid
534        if t >= self.nobs:
535            raise IndexError("Observation index out of range")
536        self.t = t
538        # Indices for possibly time-varying arrays
539        cdef:
540            int k_endog
541            int design_t = 0
542            int obs_intercept_t = 0
543            int obs_cov_t = 0
544            int transition_t = 0
545            int state_intercept_t = 0
546            int selection_t = 0
547            int state_cov_t = 0
549        # Get indices for possibly time-varying arrays
550        if not self.time_invariant:
551            if self.design.shape[2] > 1:             design_t = t
552            if self.obs_intercept.shape[1] > 1:      obs_intercept_t = t
553            if self.obs_cov.shape[2] > 1:            obs_cov_t = t
554            if self.transition.shape[2] > 1:         transition_t = t
555            if self.state_intercept.shape[1] > 1:    state_intercept_t = t
556            if self.selection.shape[2] > 1:          selection_t = t
557            if self.state_cov.shape[2] > 1:          state_cov_t = t
559        # Initialize object-level pointers to statespace arrays
560        self._obs = &self.obs[0, t]
561        self._design = &self.design[0, 0, design_t]
562        self._obs_intercept = &self.obs_intercept[0, obs_intercept_t]
563        self._obs_cov = &self.obs_cov[0, 0, obs_cov_t]
564        self._transition = &self.transition[0, 0, transition_t]
565        self._state_intercept = &self.state_intercept[0, state_intercept_t]
566        self._selection = &self.selection[0, 0, selection_t]
567        self._state_cov = &self.state_cov[0, 0, state_cov_t]
569        # Initialize object-level pointers to initialization
570        if not self.initialized:
571            raise RuntimeError("Statespace model not initialized.")
572        self._initial_state = &self.initial_state[0]
573        self._initial_state_cov = &self.initial_state_cov[0,0]
574        self._initial_diffuse_state_cov = &self.initial_diffuse_state_cov[0,0]
576        # Create the selected state covariance matrix
577        self.select_state_cov(t)
579        # Handle missing data
580        # Note: this modifies object pointers and _* dimensions
581        k_endog = self.select_missing(t)
583        # Set dimensions
584        self.set_dimensions(k_endog, self.k_states, self.k_posdef)
586        # Handle transformations
587        self.transform(t, self._previous_t, transform_diagonalize, transform_generalized_collapse, reset)
589    cdef void set_dimensions(self, unsigned int k_endog, unsigned int k_states, unsigned int k_posdef):
590        self._k_endog = k_endog
591        self._k_states = k_states
592        self._k_posdef = k_posdef
593        self._k_endog2 = k_endog**2
594        self._k_states2 = k_states**2
595        self._k_posdef2 = k_posdef**2
596        self._k_endogstates = k_endog * k_states
597        self._k_statesposdef = k_states * k_posdef
599    cdef void select_state_cov(self, unsigned int t):
600        cdef int selected_state_cov_t = 0
602        # ### Get selected state covariance matrix
603        if t == 0 or self.selected_state_cov.shape[2] > 1:
604            selected_state_cov_t = t
605            self._selected_state_cov = &self.selected_state_cov[0, 0, selected_state_cov_t]
607            {{prefix}}select_cov(self.k_states, self.k_posdef,
608                                       &self.tmp[0,0],
609                                       self._selection,
610                                       self._state_cov,
611                                       self._selected_state_cov)
612        else:
613            self._selected_state_cov = &self.selected_state_cov[0, 0, 0]
615    cdef int select_missing(self, unsigned int t):
616        # Note: this assumes that object pointers are already initialized
617        # Note: this assumes that transform_... will be done *later*
618        cdef int k_endog = self.k_endog
620        # Set the current iteration nmissing
621        self._nmissing = self.nmissing[t]
623        # ### Perform missing selections
624        # In Durbin and Koopman (2012), these are represented as matrix
625        # multiplications, i.e. $Z_t^* = W_t Z_t$ where $W_t$ is a row
626        # selection matrix (it contains a subset of rows of the identity
627        # matrix).
628        #
629        # It's more efficient, though, to just copy over the data directly,
630        # which is what is done here. Note that the `selected_*` arrays are
631        # defined as single-dimensional, so the assignment indexes below are
632        # set such that the arrays can be interpreted by the BLAS and LAPACK
633        # functions as two-dimensional, column-major arrays.
634        #
635        # In the case that all data is missing (e.g. this is what happens in
636        # forecasting), we actually set do not change the dimension, but we set
637        # the design matrix to the zeros array.
638        if self._nmissing == self.k_endog:
639            self._select_missing_entire_obs(t)
640        elif self._nmissing > 0:
641            self._select_missing_partial_obs(t)
642            k_endog = self.k_endog - self._nmissing
644        # Return the number of non-missing endogenous variables
645        return k_endog
647    cdef void _select_missing_entire_obs(self, unsigned int t):
648        cdef:
649            int i, j
651        # Design matrix is set to zeros
652        for i in range(self.k_states):
653            for j in range(self.k_endog):
654                self.selected_design[j + i*self.k_endog] = 0.0
655        self._design = &self.selected_design[0]
657    cdef void _select_missing_partial_obs(self, unsigned int t):
658        cdef:
659            int i, j, k, l
660            int inc = 1
661            int design_t = 0
662            int obs_cov_t = 0
663            int k_endog = self.k_endog - self._nmissing
665        k = 0
666        for i in range(self.k_endog):
667            if not self.missing[i, t]:
669                self.selected_obs[k] = self._obs[i]
670                self.selected_obs_intercept[k] = self._obs_intercept[i]
672                # i is rows, k is rows
673                blas.{{prefix}}copy(&self.k_states,
674                      &self._design[i], &self.k_endog,
675                      &self.selected_design[k], &k_endog)
677                # i, k is columns, j, l is rows
678                l = 0
679                for j in range(self.k_endog):
680                    if not self.missing[j, t]:
681                        self.selected_obs_cov[l + k*k_endog] = self._obs_cov[j + i*self.k_endog]
682                        l += 1
683                k += 1
684        self._obs = &self.selected_obs[0]
685        self._obs_intercept = &self.selected_obs_intercept[0]
686        self._design = &self.selected_design[0]
687        self._obs_cov = &self.selected_obs_cov[0]
689    cdef void transform(self, unsigned int t, unsigned int previous_t, unsigned int transform_diagonalize, unsigned int transform_generalized_collapse, unsigned int reset=False) except *:
690        # Reset the collapsed loglikelihood
691        self.collapse_loglikelihood = 0
693        if transform_generalized_collapse and not self._k_endog <= self._k_states:
694            k_endog = self.transform_generalized_collapse(t, previous_t, reset)
695            # Reset dimensions
696            self.set_dimensions(k_endog, self._k_states, self._k_posdef)
697        elif transform_diagonalize and not (self.diagonal_obs_cov == 1):
698            self.transform_diagonalize(t, previous_t, reset)
700    cdef void transform_diagonalize(self, unsigned int t, unsigned int previous_t, unsigned int reset=False) except *:
701        # Note: this assumes that initialize_object_pointers has *already* been done
702        # Note: this assumes that select_missing has *already* been done
703        # TODO need unit tests, especially for the missing case
704        # TODO need to also transform observation intercept
705        cdef:
706            int i, j, inc=1
707            int obs_cov_t = 0
708            int info
709            int reset_missing
710            int diagonal_obs_cov
711            {{cython_type}} * _transform_obs_cov = &self.transform_obs_cov[0, 0]
712            {{cython_type}} * _transform_cholesky = &self.transform_cholesky[0, 0]
714        if self.obs_cov.shape[2] > 1:
715            obs_cov_t = t
717        # Handle missing data
718        if self.nmissing[t] == self.k_endog:
719            return
720        reset_missing = 0
721        for i in range(self.k_endog):
722            reset_missing = reset_missing + (not self.missing[i,t] == self.missing[i,previous_t])
724        # If the flag for a diagonal covariancem matrix is not set globally in
725        # the model one way or the other, then we need to check
726        diagonal_obs_cov = self.diagonal_obs_cov
727        if diagonal_obs_cov == -1:
728            # We don't need to check for a diagonal covariance matrix each t,
729            # except in the following cases:
730            if self._diagonal_obs_cov == -1 or t == 0 or self.obs_cov.shape[2] > 1 or reset_missing or reset:
731                diagonal_obs_cov = 1
732                for i in range(self.k_endog):
733                    for j in range(self.k_endog):
734                        if i == j:
735                            continue
736                        if not ({{combined_prefix}}abs(self.obs_cov[i, j, obs_cov_t]) < 1e-9):
737                            diagonal_obs_cov = 0
738                            break
739            # Otherwise, we use whatever value was produced last period
740            else:
741                diagonal_obs_cov = self._diagonal_obs_cov
742        self._diagonal_obs_cov = diagonal_obs_cov
743        if diagonal_obs_cov == 1:
744            return
746        # If we have a non-diagonal obs cov, we need to compute the cholesky
747        # decomposition of *self._obs_cov
748        if t == 0 or self.obs_cov.shape[2] > 1 or reset_missing or reset:
749            # LDL decomposition
750            blas.{{prefix}}copy(&self._k_endog2, self._obs_cov, &inc, _transform_cholesky, &inc)
751            info = tools._{{prefix}}ldl(_transform_cholesky, self._k_endog)
753            # Check for errors
754            if info > 0:
755                warnings.warn("Positive semi-definite observation covariance matrix encountered at period %d" % t)
756            elif info < 0:
757                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Invalid value in LDL factorization of observation covariance matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
759            # Currently both L and D are stored in transform_cholesky
760            for i in range(self._k_endog): # i is rows
761                for j in range(self._k_endog): # j is columns
762                    # Diagonal elements come from the diagonal
763                    if i == j:
764                        _transform_obs_cov[i + i * self._k_endog] = _transform_cholesky[i + i * self._k_endog]
765                    # Other elements are zero
766                    else:
767                        _transform_obs_cov[i + j * self._k_endog] = 0
769                    # Zero out the upper triangle of the cholesky
770                    if j > i:
771                        _transform_cholesky[i + j * self._k_endog] = 0
773                # Convert from L to C simply by setting the diagonal elements to ones
774                _transform_cholesky[i + i * self._k_endog] = 1
776        # Solve for y_t^*
777        # (unless this is a completely missing observation)
778        # TODO: note that this can cause problems if this function is run twice
779        if not self._nmissing == self.k_endog:
780            # If we have some missing elements, selected_obs is already populated
781            if self._nmissing == 0:
782                blas.{{prefix}}copy(&self._k_endog, &self.obs[0,t], &inc, &self.selected_obs[0], &inc)
783            lapack.{{prefix}}trtrs("L", "N", "U", &self._k_endog, &inc,
784                        _transform_cholesky, &self.k_endog,
785                        &self.selected_obs[0], &self._k_endog, &info)
787            # Check for errors
788            if info > 0:
789                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Singular factorization of observation covariance matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
790            elif info < 0:
791                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Invalid value in factorization of observation covariance matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
793            # Setup the pointer
794            self._obs = &self.selected_obs[0]
796        # Solve for d_t^*, if necessary
797        if t == 0 or self.obs_intercept.shape[1] > 1 or reset_missing or reset:
798            blas.{{prefix}}copy(&self._k_endog, self._obs_intercept, &inc, &self.transform_obs_intercept[0], &inc)
799            lapack.{{prefix}}trtrs("L", "N", "U", &self._k_endog, &inc,
800                        _transform_cholesky, &self.k_endog,
801                        &self.transform_obs_intercept[0], &self._k_endog,
802                        &info)
804        # Solve for Z_t^*, if necessary
805        if t == 0 or self.design.shape[2] > 1 or reset_missing or reset:
806            blas.{{prefix}}copy(&self._k_endogstates, self._design, &inc, &self.transform_design[0,0], &inc)
807            lapack.{{prefix}}trtrs("L", "N", "U", &self._k_endog, &self._k_states,
808                        _transform_cholesky, &self.k_endog,
809                        &self.transform_design[0,0], &self._k_endog,
810                        &info)
812            # Check for errors
813            if info > 0:
814                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Singular factorization of observation covariance matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
815            elif info < 0:
816                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Invalid value in factorization of observation covariance matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
818        # Setup final pointers
819        self._design = &self.transform_design[0,0]
820        self._obs_cov = &self.transform_obs_cov[0,0]
821        self._obs_intercept = &self.transform_obs_intercept[0]
823    cdef int transform_generalized_collapse(self, unsigned int t, unsigned int previous_t, unsigned int reset=True) except *:
824        # Note: this assumes that initialize_object_pointers has *already* been done
825        # Note: this assumes that select_missing has *already* been done
826        # TODO need unit tests, especially for the missing case
827        cdef:
828            int i, j, k, l, inc=1
829            int obs_cov_t, design_t
830            int info
831            int reset_missing
832            {{cython_type}} alpha = 1.0
833            {{cython_type}} beta = 0.0
834            {{cython_type}} gamma = -1.0
835            int k_states = self._k_states
836            int k_states2 = self._k_states2
837            int k_endogstates = self._k_endogstates
839        # $y_t^* = \bar A^* y_t = C_t Z_t' H_t^{-1} y_t$
840        # $Z_t^* = C_t^{-1}$
841        # $H_t^* = I_m$
843        # Make sure we have enough observations to perform collapse
844        if self.k_endog < self.k_states:
845            raise RuntimeError('Cannot collapse observation vector it the'
846                               ' state dimension is larger than the dimension'
847                               ' of the observation vector.')
849        # Adjust for a VAR transition (i.e. design = [#, 0], where the zeros
850        # correspond to all states except the first k_posdef states)
851        if self.subset_design:
852            k_states = self._k_posdef
853            k_states2 = self._k_posdef2
854            k_endogstates = self._k_endog * self._k_posdef
856        # Handle missing data
857        if self.nmissing[t] == self.k_endog:
858            return self.k_states
859        reset_missing = 0
860        for i in range(self.k_endog):
861            reset_missing = reset_missing + (not self.missing[i,t] == self.missing[i,previous_t])
863        # Initialize the transformation
864        if self.collapse_obs_cov[0,0] == 0:
865            # Set H_t^* to identity
866            for i in range(k_states):
867                self.collapse_obs_cov[i,i] = 1
869            # Make sure we do not have an observation intercept
870            if not np.sum(self.obs_intercept) == 0 or self.obs_intercept.shape[2] > 1:
871                raise RuntimeError('The observation collapse transformation'
872                                   ' does not currently support an observation'
873                                   ' intercept.')
875        # Perform the Cholesky decomposition of H_t, if necessary
876        if t == 0 or self.obs_cov.shape[2] > 1 or reset_missing or reset:
877            # Cholesky decomposition: $H = L L'$
878            blas.{{prefix}}copy(&self._k_endog2, self._obs_cov, &inc, &self.transform_cholesky[0,0], &inc)
879            lapack.{{prefix}}potrf("L", &self._k_endog, &self.transform_cholesky[0,0], &self._k_endog, &info)
881            # Check for errors
882            if info > 0:
883                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Non-positive-definite observation covariance matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
884            elif info < 0:
885                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Invalid value in observation covariance matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
887            # Calculate the determinant (just the squared product of the
888            # diagonals, in the Cholesky decomposition case)
889            self.transform_determinant = 0.
890            for i in range(self._k_endog):
891                j = i * (self._k_endog + 1)
892                k = j % self.k_endog
893                l = j // self.k_endog
894                if not self.transform_cholesky[k, l] == 0:
895                    self.transform_determinant = self.transform_determinant + {{combined_prefix}}log(self.transform_cholesky[k, l])
896            self.transform_determinant = 2 * self.transform_determinant
898        # Get $Z_t \equiv C^{-1}$, if necessary
899        if t == 0 or self.obs_cov.shape[2] > 1 or self.design.shape[2] > 1 or reset_missing or reset:
900            # Calculate $H_t^{-1} Z_t \equiv (Z_t' H_t^{-1})'$ via Cholesky solver
901            blas.{{prefix}}copy(&self._k_endogstates, self._design, &inc, &self.transform_design[0,0], &inc)
902            lapack.{{prefix}}potrs("L", &self._k_endog, &k_states,
903                            &self.transform_cholesky[0,0], &self._k_endog,
904                            &self.transform_design[0,0], &self._k_endog,
905                            &info)
907            # Check for errors
908            if not info == 0:
909                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Invalid value in calculation of H_t^{-1}Z matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
911            # Calculate $(H_t^{-1} Z_t)' Z_t$
912            # $(m \times m) = (m \times p) (p \times p) (p \times m)$
913            blas.{{prefix}}gemm("T", "N", &k_states, &k_states, &self._k_endog,
914                   &alpha, self._design, &self._k_endog,
915                           &self.transform_design[0,0], &self._k_endog,
916                   &beta, &self.collapse_cholesky[0,0], &self._k_states)
918            # Calculate $(Z_t' H_t^{-1} Z_t)^{-1}$ via Cholesky inversion
919            lapack.{{prefix}}potrf("U", &k_states, &self.collapse_cholesky[0,0], &self.k_states, &info)
920            # Check for errors
921            if info > 0:
922                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Non-positive-definite ZHZ matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
923            elif info < 0:
924                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Invalid value in ZHZ matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
925            lapack.{{prefix}}potri("U", &k_states, &self.collapse_cholesky[0,0], &self.k_states, &info)
927            # Calculate $C_t$ (the upper triangular cholesky decomposition of $(Z_t' H_t^{-1} Z_t)^{-1}$)
928            lapack.{{prefix}}potrf("U", &k_states, &self.collapse_cholesky[0,0], &self.k_states, &info)
930            # Check for errors
931            if info > 0:
932                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Non-positive-definite C matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
933            elif info < 0:
934                raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Invalid value in C matrix encountered at period %d' % t)
936            # Calculate $C_t'^{-1} \equiv Z_t$
937            # Do so by solving the system: $C_t' x = I$
938            # (Recall that collapse_obs_cov is an identity matrix)
939            blas.{{prefix}}copy(&self._k_states2, &self.collapse_obs_cov[0,0], &inc, &self.collapse_design[0,0], &inc)
940            lapack.{{prefix}}trtrs("U", "T", "N", &k_states, &k_states,
941                        &self.collapse_cholesky[0,0], &self._k_states,
942                        &self.collapse_design[0,0], &self._k_states,
943                        &info)
945        # Calculate $\bar y_t^* = \bar A_t^* y_t = C_t Z_t' H_t^{-1} y_t$
946        # (unless this is a completely missing observation)
947        self.collapse_loglikelihood = 0
948        if not self._nmissing == self.k_endog:
949            # If we have some missing elements, selected_obs is already populated
950            if self._nmissing == 0:
951                blas.{{prefix}}copy(&self.k_endog, &self.obs[0,t], &inc, &self.selected_obs[0], &inc)
952            # $\\# = Z_t' H_t^{-1} y_t$
953            blas.{{prefix}}gemv("T", &self._k_endog, &k_states,
954                  &alpha, &self.transform_design[0,0], &self._k_endog,
955                          &self.selected_obs[0], &inc,
956                  &beta, &self.collapse_obs[0], &inc)
957            # $y_t^* = C_t \\#$
958            blas.{{prefix}}trmv("U", "N", "N", &k_states,
959                                &self.collapse_cholesky[0,0], &self._k_states,
960                                &self.collapse_obs[0], &inc)
962            # Get residuals for loglikelihood calculation
963            # Note: Durbin and Koopman (2012) appears to have an error in the
964            # formula here. They have $e_t = y_t - Z_t \bar y_t^*$, whereas it
965            # should be: $e_t = y_t - Z_t C_t' \bar y_t^*$
966            # See Jungbacker and Koopman (2014), section 2.5 where $e_t$ is
967            # defined. In this case, $Z_t^dagger = Z_t C_t$ where
968            # $C_t C_t' = (Z_t' \Sigma_\varepsilon^{-1} Z_t)^{-1}$.
969            #
971            # $ \\# = C_t' y_t^*$
972            blas.{{prefix}}copy(&k_states, &self.collapse_obs[0], &inc, &self.collapse_obs_tmp[0], &inc)
973            blas.{{prefix}}trmv("U", "T", "N", &k_states,
974                                &self.collapse_cholesky[0,0], &self._k_states,
975                                &self.collapse_obs_tmp[0], &inc)
977            # $e_t = - Z_t C_t' y_t^* + y_t$
978            blas.{{prefix}}gemv("N", &self._k_endog, &k_states,
979                  &gamma, self._design, &self._k_endog,
980                          &self.collapse_obs_tmp[0], &inc,
981                  &alpha, &self.selected_obs[0], &inc)
983            # Calculate e_t' H_t^{-1} e_t via Cholesky solver
984            # $H_t^{-1} = (L L')^{-1} = L^{-1}' L^{-1}$
985            # So we want $e_t' L^{-1}' L^{-1} e_t = (L^{-1} e_t)' L^{-1} e_t$
986            # We have $L$ in `transform_cholesky`, so we want to do a linear
987            # solve of $L x = e_t$  where L is lower triangular
988            lapack.{{prefix}}trtrs("L", "N", "N", &self._k_endog, &inc,
989                        &self.transform_cholesky[0,0], &self._k_endog,
990                        &self.selected_obs[0], &self._k_endog,
991                        &info)
993            # Calculate loglikelihood contribution of this observation
995            # $e_t' H_t^{-1} e_t = (L^{-1} e_t)' L^{-1} e_t = \sum_i e_{i,t}**2$
996            self.collapse_loglikelihood = 0
997            for i in range(self._k_endog):
998                self.collapse_loglikelihood = self.collapse_loglikelihood + self.selected_obs[i]**2
1000            # (p-m) log( 2*pi) + log( |H_t| )
1001            self.collapse_loglikelihood = (
1002                self.collapse_loglikelihood +
1003                (self._k_endog - k_states)*{{combined_prefix}}log(2*NPY_PI) +
1004                self.transform_determinant
1005            )
1007            # -0.5 * ...
1008            self.collapse_loglikelihood = -0.5 * self.collapse_loglikelihood
1010        # Set pointers
1011        self._obs = &self.collapse_obs[0]
1012        self._design = &self.collapse_design[0,0]
1013        self._obs_cov = &self.collapse_obs_cov[0,0]
1015        # TODO can I replace this with k_states? I think I should be able to
1016        return self._k_states
1018# ### Selected covariance matrice
1019cdef int {{prefix}}select_cov(int k, int k_posdef,
1020                              {{cython_type}} * tmp,
1021                              {{cython_type}} * selection,
1022                              {{cython_type}} * cov,
1023                              {{cython_type}} * selected_cov):
1024    cdef:
1025        {{cython_type}} alpha = 1.0
1026        {{cython_type}} beta = 0.0
1028    # Only need to do something if there is a covariance matrix
1029    # (i.e k_posdof == 0)
1030    if k_posdef > 0:
1032        # #### Calculate selected state covariance matrix
1033        # $Q_t^* = R_t Q_t R_t'$
1034        #
1035        # Combine a selection matrix and a covariance matrix to get
1036        # a simplified (but possibly singular) "selected" covariance
1037        # matrix (see e.g. Durbin and Koopman p. 43)
1039        # `tmp0` array used here, dimension $(m \times r)$
1041        # TODO this does not require two ?gemm calls, since we know that it
1042        # is just selection rows and columns of the Q matrix
1044        # $\\#_0 = 1.0 * R_t Q_t$
1045        # $(m \times r) = (m \times r) (r \times r)$
1046        blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "N", &k, &k_posdef, &k_posdef,
1047              &alpha, selection, &k,
1048                      cov, &k_posdef,
1049              &beta, tmp, &k)
1050        # $Q_t^* = 1.0 * \\#_0 R_t'$
1051        # $(m \times m) = (m \times r) (m \times r)'$
1052        blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "T", &k, &k, &k_posdef,
1053              &alpha, tmp, &k,
1054                      selection, &k,
1055              &beta, selected_cov, &k)