1#cython: boundscheck=False
2#cython: wraparound=False
3#cython: cdivision=False
5State Space Model - Cython tools
7Author: Chad Fulton
8License: Simplified-BSD
11# Typical imports
12cimport numpy as np
13cimport cython
14import numpy as np
18from statsmodels.src.math cimport *
19cimport scipy.linalg.cython_blas as blas
20cimport scipy.linalg.cython_lapack as lapack
22cdef FORTRAN = 1
24ctypedef fused sm_type_t:
25    np.float64_t
26    np.float32_t
27    np.complex64_t
28    np.complex128_t
31# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
32# Array shape validation
34cdef validate_matrix_shape(str name, Py_ssize_t *shape, int nrows, int ncols, nobs=None):
35    if not shape[0] == nrows:
36        raise ValueError('Invalid shape for %s matrix: requires %d rows,'
37                         ' got %d' % (name, nrows, shape[0]))
38    if not shape[1] == ncols:
39        raise ValueError('Invalid shape for %s matrix: requires %d columns,'
40                         'got %d' % (name, shape[1], shape[1]))
41    if nobs is not None and shape[2] not in [1, nobs]:
42        raise ValueError('Invalid time-varying dimension for %s matrix:'
43                         ' requires 1 or %d, got %d' % (name, nobs, shape[2]))
46cdef validate_vector_shape(str name, Py_ssize_t *shape, int nrows, nobs = None):
47    if not shape[0] == nrows:
48        raise ValueError('Invalid shape for %s vector: requires %d rows,'
49                         ' got %d' % (name, nrows, shape[0]))
50    if nobs is not None and not shape[1] in [1, nobs]:
51        raise ValueError('Invalid time-varying dimension for %s vector:'
52                         ' requires 1 or %d got %d' % (name, nobs, shape[1]))
55# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
56# Blas Wrapping
58cdef inline copy(int size, sm_type_t* src_arr, sm_type_t* target,
59                 int incx=1, int incy=1):
60    """
61    Parameters
62    ----------
63    size : int
64        number of elements in vectors `src_arr` and `target`
65    src_arr : sm_type_t*
66        Pointer to Array that we are copying _from_
67    target : sm_type_t*
68        Pointer to Array that we are copying _to_
69    incx : int, default 1
70        Specifies the increment for the elements of `src_arr`
71    incy : int, default 1
72        Specifies the increment for the elements of `target`
74    References
75    ----------
76    https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-cblas-copy
77    """
78    if sm_type_t is np.float32_t:
79        blas.scopy(&size, src_arr, &incx, target, &incy)
80    elif sm_type_t is np.float64_t:
81        blas.dcopy(&size, src_arr, &incx, target, &incy)
82    elif sm_type_t is np.complex64_t:
83        blas.ccopy(&size, src_arr, &incx, target, &incy)
84    elif sm_type_t is np.complex128_t:
85        blas.zcopy(&size, src_arr, &incx, target, &incy)
88cdef inline swap(int size, sm_type_t* src_arr, sm_type_t* target,
89                 int incx=1, int incy=1):
90    """
91    Parameters
92    ----------
93    size : int
94        number of elements in vectors `src_arr` and `target`
95    src_arr : sm_type_t*
96        Pointer to first of two arrays being swapped
97    target : sm_type_t*
98        Pointer to second of two arrays being swapped
99    incx : int, default 1
100        Specifies the increment for the elements of `src_arr`
101    incy : int, default 1
102        Specifies the increment for the elements of `target`
104    References
105    ----------
106    https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-cblas-swap
107    """
109    if sm_type_t is np.float32_t:
110        blas.sswap(&size, src_arr, &incx, target, &incy)
111    elif sm_type_t is np.float64_t:
112        blas.dswap(&size, src_arr, &incx, target, &incy)
113    elif sm_type_t is np.complex64_t:
114        blas.cswap(&size, src_arr, &incx, target, &incy)
115    elif sm_type_t is np.complex128_t:
116        blas.zswap(&size, src_arr, &incx, target, &incy)
119# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
123TYPES = {
124    "s": ("np.float32_t", "np.float32", "np.NPY_FLOAT32"),
125    "d": ("np.float64_t", "float", "np.NPY_FLOAT64"),
126    "c": ("np.complex64_t", "np.complex64", "np.NPY_COMPLEX64"),
127    "z": ("np.complex128_t", "complex", "np.NPY_COMPLEX128"),
132{{for prefix, types in TYPES.items()}}
133{{py:cython_type, dtype, typenum = types}}
135combined_prefix = prefix
136combined_cython_type = cython_type
137if prefix == 'c':
138    combined_prefix = 'z'
139    combined_cython_type = 'np.complex128_t'
140if prefix == 's':
141    combined_prefix = 'd'
142    combined_cython_type = 'np.float64_t'
146cdef bint _{{prefix}}select1({{cython_type}} * a):
147    return 0
149cdef bint _{{prefix}}select2({{cython_type}} * a, {{cython_type}} * b):
150    return 0
152cdef int _{{prefix}}solve_discrete_lyapunov({{cython_type}} * a, {{cython_type}} * q, int n, int complex_step=False) except *:
153    # Note: some of this code (esp. the Sylvester solving part) cribbed from
154    # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scipy/scipy/master/scipy/linalg/_solvers.py
156    # Solve an equation of the form $A'XA-X=-Q$
157    # a: input / output
158    # q: input / output
159    cdef:
160        int i, j
161        int info
162        int inc = 1
163        int n2 = n**2
164        {{if prefix == 's' or prefix == 'c'}}
165        np.float32_t scale = 0.0
166        {{else}}
167        np.float64_t scale = 0.0
168        {{endif}}
169        {{cython_type}} tmp = 0.0
170        {{cython_type}} alpha = 1.0
171        {{cython_type}} beta = 0.0
172        {{cython_type}} delta = -2.0
173        char trans
174    cdef np.npy_intp dim[2]
175    cdef {{cython_type}} [::1,:] apI, capI, u, v
176    cdef int [::1,:] ipiv
177    # Dummy selection function, will not actually be referenced since we do not
178    # need to order the eigenvalues in the ?gees call.
179    cdef:
180        int sdim
181        int lwork = 3*n
182        bint bwork
183    cdef np.npy_intp dim1[1]
184    cdef {{cython_type}} [::1,:] work
185    cdef {{cython_type}} [:] wr
186    {{if prefix == 's' or prefix == 'c'}}
187    cdef np.float32_t [:] wi
188    {{else}}
189    cdef np.float64_t [:] wi
190    {{endif}}
192    # Initialize arrays
193    dim[0] = n; dim[1] = n;
194    apI = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
195    capI = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
196    u = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
197    v = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
198    ipiv = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim, np.NPY_INT32, FORTRAN)
200    dim1[0] = n;
201    wr = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
202    {{if prefix == 's'}}
203    wi = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
204    {{else}}
205    wi = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim1, np.NPY_FLOAT64, FORTRAN)
206    {{endif}}
207    #vs = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
208    dim[0] = lwork; dim[1] = lwork;
209    work = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
211    # - Solve for b.conj().transpose() --------
213    # Get apI = a + I (stored in apI)
214    # = (a + eye)
215    # For: c = 2*np.dot(np.dot(inv(a + eye), q), aHI_inv)
216    copy(n2, a, &apI[0, 0])
217    # (for loop below adds the identity)
219    # Get conj(a) + I (stored in capI)
220    # a^H + I -> capI
221    # For: aHI_inv = inv(aH + eye)
222    copy(n2, a, &capI[0, 0])
223    # (for loop below adds the identity)
225    # Get conj(a) - I (stored in a)
226    # a^H - I -> a
227    # For: b = np.dot(aH - eye, aHI_inv)
228    # (for loop below subtracts the identity)
230    # Add / subtract identity matrix
231    for i in range(n):
232        apI[i,i] = apI[i,i] + 1 # apI -> a + eye
233        capI[i,i] = capI[i,i] + 1 # aH + eye
234        a[i + i*n] = a[i + i*n] - 1 # a - eye
236    # Solve [conj(a) + I] b' = [conj(a) - I] (result stored in a)
237    # For: b = np.dot(aH - eye, aHI_inv)
238    # Where: aHI_inv = inv(aH + eye)
239    # where b = (a^H - eye) (a^H + eye)^{-1}
240    # or b^H = (a + eye)^{-1} (a - eye)
241    # or (a + eye) b^H = (a - eye)
242    lapack.{{prefix}}getrf(&n, &n, &capI[0,0], &n, &ipiv[0,0], &info)
244    if not info == 0:
245        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('LU decomposition error.')
247    lapack.{{prefix}}getrs("N", &n, &n, &capI[0,0], &n, &ipiv[0,0],
248                               a, &n, &info)
250    if not info == 0:
251        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('LU solver error.')
253    # Now we have b^H; we could take the conjugate transpose to get b, except
254    # that the input to the continuous Lyapunov equation is exactly
255    # b^H, so we already have the quantity we need.
257    # - Solve for (-c) --------
259    # where c = 2*np.dot(np.dot(inv(a + eye), q), aHI_inv)
260    # = 2*(a + eye)^{-1} q (a^H + eye)^{-1}
261    # and with q Hermitian
262    # consider x = (a + eye)^{-1} q (a^H + eye)^{-1}
263    # this can be done in two linear solving steps:
264    # 1. consider y = q (a^H + eye)^{-1}
265    #    or y (a^H + eye) = q
266    #    or (a^H + eye)^H y^H = q^H
267    #    or (a + eye) y^H = q
268    # 2. Then consider x = (a + eye)^{-1} y
269    #    or (a + eye) x = y
271    # Solve [conj(a) + I] tmp' = q (result stored in q)
272    # For: y = q (a^H + eye)^{-1} => (a + eye) y^H = q
273    lapack.{{prefix}}getrs("N", &n, &n, &capI[0,0], &n, &ipiv[0,0],
274                                        q, &n, &info)
276    if not info == 0:
277        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('LU solver error.')
279    # Replace the result (stored in q) with its (conjugate) transpose
280    for j in range(1, n):
281        for i in range(j):
282            tmp = q[i + j*n]
283            q[i + j*n] = q[j + i*n]
284            q[j + i*n] = tmp
286    {{if combined_prefix == 'z'}}
287    if not complex_step:
288        for i in range(n2):
289            q[i] = q[i] - q[i].imag * 2.0j
290    {{endif}}
292    lapack.{{prefix}}getrs("N", &n, &n, &capI[0,0], &n, &ipiv[0,0],
293                                        q, &n, &info)
295    if not info == 0:
296        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('LU solver error.')
298    # q -> -2.0 * q
299    blas.{{prefix}}scal(&n2, &delta, q, &inc)
301    # - Solve continuous time Lyapunov --------
303    # Now solve the continuous time Lyapunov equation (AX + XA^H = Q), on the
304    # transformed inputs ...
306    # ... which requires solving the continuous time Sylvester equation
307    # (AX + XB = Q) where B = A^H
309    # Compute the real Schur decomposition of a (unordered)
310    # TODO compute the optimal lwork rather than always using 3*n
311    {{if combined_prefix == 'd'}}
312    # a is now the Schur form of A; (r)
313    # u is now the unitary Schur transformation matrix for A; (u)
314    # In the usual case, we will also have:
315    # r = s, so s is also stored in a
316    # u = v, so v is also stored in u
317    # In the complex-step case, we will instead have:
318    # r = s.conj()
319    # u = v.conj()
320    lapack.{{prefix}}gees("V", "N", <lapack.{{prefix}}select2 *> &_{{prefix}}select2, &n,
321                          a, &n,
322                          &sdim,
323                          &wr[0], &wi[0],
324                          &u[0,0], &n,
325                          &work[0,0], &lwork,
326                          &bwork, &info)
327    {{else}}
328    lapack.{{prefix}}gees("V", "N", <lapack.{{prefix}}select1 *> &_{{prefix}}select1, &n,
329                          a, &n,
330                          &sdim,
331                          &wr[0],
332                          &u[0,0], &n,
333                          &work[0,0], &lwork,
334                          &wi[0],
335                          &bwork, &info)
336    {{endif}}
338    if not info == 0:
339        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError('Schur decomposition solver error.')
341    # Get v (so that in the complex step case we can take the conjugate)
342    copy(n2, &u[0, 0], &v[0, 0])
343    # If complex step, take the conjugate
344    {{if combined_prefix == 'z'}}
345    if complex_step:
346        for i in range(n):
347            for j in range(n):
348                v[i,j] = v[i,j] - v[i,j].imag * 2.0j
349    {{endif}}
351    # Construct f = u^H*q*u (result overwrites q)
352    # In the usual case, v = u
353    # In the complex step case, v = u.conj()
354    blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "N", &n, &n, &n,
355                        &alpha, q, &n,
356                                &v[0,0], &n,
357                        &beta, &capI[0,0], &n)
358    blas.{{prefix}}gemm("C", "N", &n, &n, &n,
359                        &alpha, &u[0,0], &n,
360                                &capI[0,0], &n,
361                        &beta, q, &n)
363    # DTRYSL Solve op(A)*X + X*op(B) = scale*C which is here:
364    # r*X + X*r = scale*q
365    # results overwrite q
366    copy(n2, a, &apI[0, 0])
367    {{if combined_prefix == 'z'}}
368    if complex_step:
369        for i in range(n):
370            for j in range(n):
371                apI[j,i] = apI[j,i] - apI[j,i].imag * 2.0j
372    {{endif}}
373    lapack.{{prefix}}trsyl("N", "C", &inc, &n, &n,
374                           a, &n,
375                           &apI[0,0], &n,
376                           q, &n,
377                           &scale, &info)
379    # Scale q by scale
380    if not scale == 1.0:
381        blas.{{prefix}}scal(&n2, <{{cython_type}}*> &scale, q, &inc)
383    # Calculate the solution: u * q * v^H (results overwrite q)
384    # In the usual case, v = u
385    # In the complex step case, v = u.conj()
386    blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "C", &n, &n, &n,
387                        &alpha, q, &n,
388                                &v[0,0], &n,
389                        &beta, &capI[0,0], &n)
390    blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "N", &n, &n, &n,
391                        &alpha, &u[0,0], &n,
392                                &capI[0,0], &n,
393                        &beta, q, &n)
396cpdef _{{prefix}}compute_coefficients_from_multivariate_pacf({{cython_type}} [::1,:] partial_autocorrelations,
397                                                             {{cython_type}} [::1,:] error_variance,
398                                                             int transform_variance,
399                                                             int order, int k_endog):
400    """
401    Notes
402    -----
404    This uses the ?trmm BLAS functions which are not available in
405    Scipy v0.11.0
406    """
407    # Constants
408    cdef:
409        {{cython_type}} alpha = 1.0
410        {{cython_type}} beta = 0.0
411        {{cython_type}} gamma = -1.0
412        int k_endog2 = k_endog**2
413        int k_endog_order = k_endog * order
414        int k_endog_order1 = k_endog * (order+1)
415        int info, s, k
416    # Local variables
417    cdef:
418        np.npy_intp dim2[2]
419        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] initial_variance
420        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] forward_variance
421        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] backward_variance
422        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] autocovariances
423        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] forwards1
424        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] forwards2
425        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] backwards1
426        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] backwards2
427        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] forward_factors
428        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] backward_factors
429        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] tmp
430        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] tmp2
431    # Pointers
432    cdef:
433        {{cython_type}} * forwards
434        {{cython_type}} * prev_forwards
435        {{cython_type}} * backwards
436        {{cython_type}} * prev_backwards
437    # ?trmm
438    # cdef {{prefix}}trmm_t *{{prefix}}trmm = <{{prefix}}trmm_t*>Capsule_AsVoidPtr(blas.{{prefix}}trmm._cpointer)
440    # dim2[0] = self.k_endog; dim2[1] = storage;
441    # self.forecast = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
443    # If we want to keep the provided variance but with the constrained
444    # coefficient matrices, we need to make a copy here, and then after the
445    # main loop we will transform the coefficients to match the passed variance
446    if not transform_variance:
447        initial_variance = np.asfortranarray(error_variance.copy())
448        # Need to make the input variance large enough that the recursions
449        # do not lead to zero-matrices due to roundoff error, which would case
450        # exceptions from the Cholesky decompositions.
451        # Note that this will still not always ensure positive definiteness,
452        # and for k_endog, order large enough an exception may still be raised
453        error_variance = np.asfortranarray(np.eye(k_endog, dtype={{dtype}}) * (order + k_endog)**10)
455    # Initialize matrices
456    dim2[0] = k_endog; dim2[1] = k_endog;
457    forward_variance = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
458    backward_variance = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
459    forward_factors = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
460    backward_factors = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
461    tmp = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
462    tmp2 = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
464    dim2[0] = k_endog; dim2[1] = k_endog_order;
465    # \phi_{s,k}, s = 1, ..., p
466    #             k = 1, ..., s+1
467    forwards1 = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
468    forwards2 = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
469    # \phi_{s,k}^*
470    backwards1 = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
471    backwards2 = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
473    dim2[0] = k_endog; dim2[1] = k_endog_order1;
474    autocovariances = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
476    copy(k_endog2, &error_variance[0, 0], &forward_variance[0, 0])   # \Sigma_s
477    copy(k_endog2, &error_variance[0, 0], &backward_variance[0, 0])  # \Sigma_s^*,  s = 0, ..., p
478    copy(k_endog2, &error_variance[0, 0], &autocovariances[0, 0])  # \Gamma_s
480    # error_variance_factor = linalg.cholesky(error_variance, lower=True)
481    copy(k_endog2, &error_variance[0, 0], &forward_factors[0,0])
482    lapack.{{prefix}}potrf("L", &k_endog, &forward_factors[0,0], &k_endog, &info)
483    copy(k_endog2, &forward_factors[0, 0], &backward_factors[0, 0])
485    # We fill in the entries as follows:
486    # [1,1]
487    # [2,2], [2,1]
488    # [3,3], [3,1], [3,2]
489    # ...
490    # [p,p], [p,1], ..., [p,p-1]
491    # the last row, correctly ordered, is then used as the coefficients
492    for s in range(order):  # s = 0, ..., p-1
493        if s % 2 == 0:
494            forwards = &forwards1[0, 0]
495            prev_forwards = &forwards2[0, 0]
496            backwards = &backwards1[0, 0]
497            prev_backwards = &backwards2[0, 0]
498        else:
499            forwards = &forwards2[0, 0]
500            prev_forwards = &forwards1[0, 0]
501            backwards = &backwards2[0, 0]
502            prev_backwards = &backwards1[0, 0]
504        # Create the "last" (k = s+1) matrix
505        # Note: this is for k = s+1. However, below we then have to fill
506        # in for k = 1, ..., s in order.
507        # P L*^{-1} = x
508        # x L* = P
509        # L*' x' = P'
510        # forwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog] = np.dot(
511        #     forward_factors,
512        #     linalg.solve_triangular(
513        #         backward_factors, partial_autocorrelations[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog].T,
514        #         lower=True, trans='T').T
515        # )
516        for k in range(k_endog):
517            copy(k_endog, &partial_autocorrelations[k, s*k_endog], &tmp[0, k], k_endog)
518        lapack.{{prefix}}trtrs("L", "T", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog, &backward_factors[0,0], &k_endog,
519                                                           &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog, &info)
520        # {{prefix}}gemm("N", "T", &k_endog, &k_endog, &k_endog,
521        #   &alpha, &forward_factors[0,0], &k_endog,
522        #           &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog,
523        #   &beta, &forwards[s*k_endog2], &k_endog)
524        blas.{{prefix}}trmm("R", "L", "T", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog,
525          &alpha, &forward_factors[0,0], &k_endog,
526                  &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog)
527        for k in range(k_endog):
528            copy(k_endog, &tmp[k, 0], &forwards[s*k_endog2 + k*k_endog], k_endog)
530        # P' L^{-1} = x
531        # x L = P'
532        # L' x' = P
533        # backwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog] = np.dot(
534        #     backward_factors,
535        #     linalg.solve_triangular(
536        #         forward_factors, partial_autocorrelations[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog],
537        #         lower=True, trans='T').T
538        # )
539        copy(k_endog2, &partial_autocorrelations[0, s*k_endog], &tmp[0, 0])
540        lapack.{{prefix}}trtrs("L", "T", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog, &forward_factors[0, 0], &k_endog,
541                                                           &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog, &info)
542        # {{prefix}}gemm("N", "T", &k_endog, &k_endog, &k_endog,
543        #   &alpha, &backward_factors[0, 0], &k_endog,
544        #           &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog,
545        #   &beta, &backwards[s * k_endog2], &k_endog)
546        blas.{{prefix}}trmm("R", "L", "T", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog,
547          &alpha, &backward_factors[0,0], &k_endog,
548                  &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog)
549        for k in range(k_endog):
550            copy(k_endog, &tmp[k, 0], &backwards[s*k_endog2 + k*k_endog], k_endog)
552        # Update the variance
553        # Note: if s >= 1, this will be further updated in the for loop
554        # below
555        # Also, this calculation will be re-used in the forward variance
556        # tmp = np.dot(forwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog], backward_variance)
557        # tmpT = np.dot(backward_variance.T, forwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog].T)
558        blas.{{prefix}}gemm("T", "T", &k_endog, &k_endog, &k_endog,
559          &alpha, &backward_variance[0, 0], &k_endog,
560                  &forwards[s * k_endog2], &k_endog,
561          &beta, &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog)
562        # autocovariances[:, (s+1)*k_endog:(s+2)*k_endog] = tmp.copy().T
563        copy(k_endog2, &tmp[0, 0], &autocovariances[0, (s+1)*k_endog])
565        # Create the remaining k = 1, ..., s matrices,
566        # only has an effect if s >= 1
567        for k in range(s):
568            # forwards[:, k*k_endog:(k+1)*k_endog] = (
569            #     prev_forwards[:, k*k_endog:(k+1)*k_endog] -
570            #     np.dot(
571            #         forwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog],
572            #         prev_backwards[:, (s-k-1)*k_endog:(s-k)*k_endog]
573            #     )
574            # )
575            copy(k_endog2, &prev_forwards[k * k_endog2], &forwards[k * k_endog2])
576            blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog, &k_endog,
577              &gamma, &forwards[s * k_endog2], &k_endog,
578                      &prev_backwards[(s - k - 1) * k_endog2], &k_endog,
579              &alpha, &forwards[k * k_endog2], &k_endog)
581            # backwards[:, k*k_endog:(k+1)*k_endog] = (
582            #     prev_backwards[:, k*k_endog:(k+1)*k_endog] -
583            #     np.dot(
584            #         backwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog],
585            #         prev_forwards[:, (s-k-1)*k_endog:(s-k)*k_endog]
586            #     )
587            # )
588            copy(k_endog2, &prev_backwards[k * k_endog2], &backwards[k * k_endog2])
589            blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog, &k_endog,
590              &gamma, &backwards[s * k_endog2], &k_endog,
591                      &prev_forwards[(s - k - 1) * k_endog2], &k_endog,
592              &alpha, &backwards[k * k_endog2], &k_endog)
594            # autocovariances[:, (s+1)*k_endog:(s+2)*k_endog] += np.dot(
595            #     autocovariances[:, (k+1)*k_endog:(k+2)*k_endog],
596            #     prev_forwards[:, (s-k-1)*k_endog:(s-k)*k_endog].T
597            # )
598            blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "T", &k_endog, &k_endog, &k_endog,
599              &alpha, &autocovariances[0, (k+1)*k_endog], &k_endog,
600                      &prev_forwards[(s - k - 1) * k_endog2], &k_endog,
601              &alpha, &autocovariances[0, (s+1)*k_endog], &k_endog)
603        # Create forward and backwards variances
604        # backward_variance = (
605        #     backward_variance -
606        #     np.dot(
607        #         np.dot(backwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog], forward_variance),
608        #         backwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog].T
609        #     )
610        # )
611        blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog, &k_endog,
612          &alpha, &backwards[s * k_endog2], &k_endog,
613                  &forward_variance[0, 0], &k_endog,
614          &beta, &tmp2[0, 0], &k_endog)
615        blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "T", &k_endog, &k_endog, &k_endog,
616          &gamma, &tmp2[0, 0], &k_endog,
617                  &backwards[s * k_endog2], &k_endog,
618          &alpha, &backward_variance[0, 0], &k_endog)
619        # forward_variance = (
620        #     forward_variance -
621        #     np.dot(tmp, forwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog].T)
622        # )
623        # forward_variance = (
624        #     forward_variance -
625        #     np.dot(tmpT.T, forwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog].T)
626        # )
627        blas.{{prefix}}gemm("T", "T", &k_endog, &k_endog, &k_endog,
628          &gamma, &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog,
629                  &forwards[s * k_endog2], &k_endog,
630          &alpha, &forward_variance[0, 0], &k_endog)
632        # Cholesky factors
633        # forward_factors = linalg.cholesky(forward_variance, lower=True)
634        # backward_factors =  linalg.cholesky(backward_variance, lower=True)
635        copy(k_endog2, &forward_variance[0, 0], &forward_factors[0, 0])
636        lapack.{{prefix}}potrf("L", &k_endog, &forward_factors[0,0], &k_endog, &info)
637        copy(k_endog2, &backward_variance[0, 0], &backward_factors[0, 0])
638        lapack.{{prefix}}potrf("L", &k_endog, &backward_factors[0,0], &k_endog, &info)
641    # If we do not want to use the transformed variance, we need to
642    # adjust the constrained matrices, as presented in Lemma 2.3, see above
643    if not transform_variance:
644        if order % 2 == 0:
645            forwards = &forwards2[0,0]
646        else:
647            forwards = &forwards1[0,0]
649        # Here, we need to construct T such that:
650        # variance = T * initial_variance * T'
651        # To do that, consider the Cholesky of variance (L) and
652        # input_variance (M) to get:
653        # L L' = T M M' T' = (TM) (TM)'
654        # => L = T M
655        # => L M^{-1} = T
656        # initial_variance_factor = np.linalg.cholesky(initial_variance)
657        # L'
658        lapack.{{prefix}}potrf("U", &k_endog, &initial_variance[0,0], &k_endog, &info)
659        # transformed_variance_factor = np.linalg.cholesky(variance)
660        # M'
661        copy(k_endog2, &forward_variance[0, 0], &tmp[0, 0])
662        lapack.{{prefix}}potrf("U", &k_endog, &tmp[0,0], &k_endog, &info)
663        # {{prefix}}potri("L", &k_endog, &tmp[0,0], &k_endog, &info)
665        # We need to zero out the lower triangle of L', because ?trtrs only
666        # knows that M' is upper triangular
667        for s in range(k_endog - 1):          # column
668            for k in range(s+1, k_endog):     # row
669                initial_variance[k, s] = 0
671        # Note that T is lower triangular
672        # L M^{-1} = T
673        # M' T' = L'
674        # transform = np.dot(initial_variance_factor,
675        #                    np.linalg.inv(transformed_variance_factor))
676        lapack.{{prefix}}trtrs("U", "N", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog, &tmp[0,0], &k_endog,
677                                                           &initial_variance[0, 0], &k_endog, &info)
678        # Now:
679        # initial_variance = T'
681        for s in range(order):
682            # forwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog] = (
683            #     np.dot(
684            #         np.dot(transform, forwards[:, s*k_endog:(s+1)*k_endog]),
685            #         inv_transform
686            #     )
687            # )
688            # TF T^{-1} = x
689            # TF = x T
690            # (TF)' = T' x'
692            # Get TF
693            copy(k_endog2, &forwards[s * k_endog2], &tmp2[0, 0])
694            blas.{{prefix}}trmm("L", "U", "T", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog,
695              &alpha, &initial_variance[0, 0], &k_endog,
696                      &tmp2[0, 0], &k_endog)
697            for k in range(k_endog):
698                copy(k_endog, &tmp2[k, 0], &tmp[0, k], k_endog)
699            # Get x'
700            lapack.{{prefix}}trtrs("U", "N", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog, &initial_variance[0,0], &k_endog,
701                                                               &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog, &info)
702            # Get x
703            for k in range(k_endog):
704                copy(k_endog, &tmp[k, 0], &forwards[s * k_endog2 + k*k_endog], k_endog)
707    if order % 2 == 0:
708        return forwards2, forward_variance
709    else:
710        return forwards1, forward_variance
712cpdef _{{prefix}}constrain_sv_less_than_one({{cython_type}} [::1,:] unconstrained, int order, int k_endog):
713    """
714    Transform arbitrary matrices to matrices with singular values less than
715    one.
717    Corresponds to Lemma 2.2 in Ansley and Kohn (1986). See
718    `constrain_stationary_multivariate` for more details.
719    """
720    # Constants
721    cdef:
722        {{cython_type}} alpha = 1.0
723        int k_endog2 = k_endog**2
724        int info, i
725    # Local variables
726    cdef:
727        np.npy_intp dim2[2]
728        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] constrained
729        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] tmp
730        {{cython_type}} [::1, :] eye
732    dim2[0] = k_endog; dim2[1] = k_endog * order;
733    constrained = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
734    dim2[0] = k_endog; dim2[1] = k_endog;
735    tmp = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
736    eye = np.PyArray_ZEROS(2, dim2, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
738    eye = np.asfortranarray(np.eye(k_endog, dtype={{dtype}}))
739    for i in range(order):
740        copy(k_endog2, &eye[0, 0], &tmp[0, 0])
741        blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "T", &k_endog, &k_endog, &k_endog,
742          &alpha, &unconstrained[0, i*k_endog], &k_endog,
743                  &unconstrained[0, i*k_endog], &k_endog,
744          &alpha, &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog)
745        lapack.{{prefix}}potrf("L", &k_endog, &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog, &info)
747        copy(k_endog2, &unconstrained[0, i*k_endog], &constrained[0, i*k_endog])
748        # constrained.append(linalg.solve_triangular(B, A, lower=lower))
749        lapack.{{prefix}}trtrs("L", "N", "N", &k_endog, &k_endog, &tmp[0, 0], &k_endog,
750                                                           &constrained[0, i*k_endog], &k_endog, &info)
751    return constrained
753cdef int _{{prefix}}ldl({{cython_type}} * A, int n) except *:
754    # See Golub and Van Loan, Algorithm 4.1.2
755    cdef:
756        int info = 0
757        int j, i, k
758        np.npy_intp dim[1]
759        np.float64_t tol = 1e-15
760        {{cython_type}} [:] v
762    dim[0] = n
763    v = np.PyArray_ZEROS(1, dim, {{typenum}}, FORTRAN)
765    for j in range(n):
766        # Compute v(1:j)
767        v[j] = A[j + j*n]
769        # Positive definite element: use Golub and Van Loan algorithm
770        if v[j].real < -tol:
771            info = -j
772            break
773        elif v[j].real > tol:
774            for i in range(j):
775                v[i] = A[j + i*n] * A[i + i*n]
776                v[j] = v[j] - A[j + i*n] * v[i]
778            # Store d(j) and compute L(j+1:n,j)
779            A[j + j*n] = v[j]
780            for i in range(j+1, n):
781                for k in range(j):
782                    A[i + j*n] = A[i + j*n] - A[i + k*n] * v[k]
783                A[i + j*n] = A[i + j*n] / v[j]
784        # Positive semi-definite element: zero the appropriate column
785        else:
786            info = 1
787            for i in range(j, n):
788                A[i + j*n]
790    return info
792cpdef int {{prefix}}ldl({{cython_type}} [::1, :] A) except *:
793    _{{prefix}}ldl(&A[0,0], A.shape[0])
795cdef int _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_diagonal({{cython_type}} * a, int * missing, int n):
796    """
797    a is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array A
798    missing is a pointer to an n x 1 array
799    n is the dimension of A
800    """
801    cdef int i, j, k, nobs
803    nobs = n
804    # Construct the non-missing index
805    for i in range(n):
806        nobs = nobs - missing[i]
808    # Perform replacement
809    k = nobs-1
810    for i in range(n-1,-1,-1):
811        if not missing[i]:
812            a[i + i*n] = a[k + k*n]
813            k = k - 1
814        else:
815            a[i + i*n] = 0
817cdef int _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_submatrix({{cython_type}} * a, int * missing, int n):
818    """
819    a is a pointer to an n x n array A
820    missing is a pointer to an n x 1 array
821    n is the dimension of A
822    """
823    cdef int i, j, k, nobs
825    _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_rows(a, missing, n, n)
826    _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_cols(a, missing, n, n)
828cdef int _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_rows({{cython_type}} * a, int * missing, int n, int m):
829    """
830    a is a pointer to an n x m array A
831    missing is a pointer to an n x 1 array
832    n is the number of rows of A
833    m is the number of columns of A
834    """
835    cdef int i, j, k, nobs
837    nobs = n
838    # Construct the non-missing index
839    for i in range(n):
840        nobs = nobs - missing[i]
842    # Perform replacement
843    k = nobs-1
844    for i in range(n-1,-1,-1):
845        if not missing[i]:
846            swap(m, &a[i], &a[k], n, n)
847            k = k - 1
850cdef int _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_cols({{cython_type}} * a, int * missing, int n, int m):
851    """
852    a is a pointer to an n x m array A
853    missing is a pointer to an m x 1 array
854    n is the number of rows of A
855    m is the number of columns of A
856    """
857    cdef int i, k, nobs
859    nobs = m
860    # Construct the non-missing index
861    for i in range(m):
862        nobs = nobs - missing[i]
864    # Perform replacement
865    k = nobs-1
866    for i in range(m-1,-1,-1):
867        if not missing[i]:
868            swap(n, &a[i*n], &a[k*n])
869            k = k - 1
872cpdef int {{prefix}}reorder_missing_matrix({{cython_type}} [::1, :, :] A, int [::1, :] missing, int reorder_rows, int reorder_cols, int diagonal) except *:
873    cdef int n, m, T, t
875    n, m, T = A.shape[0:3]
877    if reorder_rows and reorder_cols:
878        if not n == m:
879            raise RuntimeError('Reordering a submatrix requires n = m')
880        if diagonal:
881            for t in range(T):
882                _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_diagonal(&A[0, 0, t], &missing[0, t], n)
883        else:
884            for t in range(T):
885                _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_submatrix(&A[0, 0, t], &missing[0, t], n)
886    elif diagonal:
887        raise RuntimeError('`diagonal` argument only valid with reordering a submatrix')
888    elif reorder_rows:
889        for t in range(T):
890            _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_rows(&A[0, 0, t], &missing[0, t], n, m)
891    elif reorder_cols:
892        for t in range(T):
893            _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_cols(&A[0, 0, t], &missing[0, t], n, m)
896cpdef int {{prefix}}reorder_missing_vector({{cython_type}} [::1, :] A, int [::1, :] missing) except *:
897    cdef int i, k, t, n, T, nobs
899    n, T = A.shape[0:2]
901    for t in range(T):
902        _{{prefix}}reorder_missing_rows(&A[0, t], &missing[0, t], n, 1)
905cdef int _{{prefix}}copy_missing_diagonal({{cython_type}} * a, {{cython_type}} * b, int * missing, int n):
906    """
907    Copy the non-missing block of diagonal entries
909    a is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array A (copy from)
910    b is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array B (copy to)
911    missing is a pointer to an n x 1 array
912    n is the dimension of A, B
913    """
914    cdef int i, j, k, nobs
916    nobs = n
917    # Construct the non-missing index
918    for i in range(n):
919        nobs = nobs - missing[i]
921    # Perform replacement
922    k = nobs-1
923    for i in range(nobs):
924        b[i + i*n] = a[i + i*n]
927cdef int _{{prefix}}copy_missing_submatrix({{cython_type}} * a, {{cython_type}} * b, int * missing, int n):
928    """
929    Copy the non-missing submatrix
931    a is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array A (copy from)
932    b is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array B (copy to)
933    missing is a pointer to an n x 1 array
934    n is the dimension of A, B
935    """
936    cdef int i, j, nobs
938    nobs = n
939    # Construct the non-missing index
940    for i in range(n):
941        nobs = nobs - missing[i]
943    # Perform replacement
944    for i in range(nobs):
945        copy(nobs, &a[i*n], &b[i*n])
948cdef int _{{prefix}}copy_missing_rows({{cython_type}} * a, {{cython_type}} * b, int * missing, int n, int m):
949    """
950    a is a pointer to an n x m array A
951    b is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array B (copy to)
952    missing is a pointer to an n x 1 array
953    n is the number of rows of A
954    m is the number of columns of A
955    """
956    cdef int i, j, k, nobs
958    nobs = n
959    # Construct the non-missing index
960    for i in range(n):
961        nobs = nobs - missing[i]
963    # Perform replacement
964    for i in range(nobs):
965        copy(m, &a[i], &b[i], n, n)
968cdef int _{{prefix}}copy_missing_cols({{cython_type}} * a, {{cython_type}} * b, int * missing, int n, int m):
969    """
970    a is a pointer to an n x m array A
971    b is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array B (copy to)
972    missing is a pointer to an m x 1 array
973    n is the number of rows of A
974    m is the number of columns of A
975    """
976    cdef int i, j, nobs
978    nobs = m
979    # Construct the non-missing index
980    for i in range(m):
981        nobs = nobs - missing[i]
983    # Perform replacement
984    for i in range(nobs):
985        copy(n, &a[i*n], &b[i*n])
988cpdef int {{prefix}}copy_missing_matrix({{cython_type}} [::1, :, :] A, {{cython_type}} [::1, :, :] B, int [::1, :] missing, int missing_rows, int missing_cols, int diagonal) except *:
989    cdef int n, m, T, t, A_T, A_t = 0, time_varying
991    n, m, T = B.shape[0:3]
992    A_T = A.shape[2]
993    time_varying = (A_T == T)
995    if missing_rows and missing_cols:
996        if not n == m:
997            raise RuntimeError('Copying a submatrix requires n = m')
998        if diagonal:
999            for t in range(T):
1000                if time_varying:
1001                    A_t = t
1002                _{{prefix}}copy_missing_diagonal(&A[0, 0, A_t], &B[0, 0, t], &missing[0, t], n)
1003        else:
1004            for t in range(T):
1005                if time_varying:
1006                    A_t = t
1007                _{{prefix}}copy_missing_submatrix(&A[0, 0, A_t], &B[0, 0, t], &missing[0, t], n)
1008    elif diagonal:
1009        raise RuntimeError('`diagonal` argument only valid with copying a submatrix')
1010    elif missing_rows:
1011        for t in range(T):
1012            if time_varying:
1013                    A_t = t
1014            _{{prefix}}copy_missing_rows(&A[0, 0, A_t], &B[0, 0, t], &missing[0, t], n, m)
1015    elif missing_cols:
1016        for t in range(T):
1017            if time_varying:
1018                    A_t = t
1019            _{{prefix}}copy_missing_cols(&A[0, 0, A_t], &B[0, 0, t], &missing[0, t], n, m)
1020    pass
1023cpdef int {{prefix}}copy_missing_vector({{cython_type}} [::1, :] A, {{cython_type}} [::1, :] B, int [::1, :] missing) except *:
1024    cdef int n, t, T, A_t = 0, A_T
1026    n, T = B.shape[0:2]
1027    A_T = A.shape[1]
1028    time_varying = (A_T == T)
1030    for t in range(T):
1031        if time_varying:
1032            A_t = t
1033        _{{prefix}}copy_missing_rows(&A[0, A_t], &B[0, t], &missing[0, t], n, 1)
1035cdef int _{{prefix}}copy_index_diagonal({{cython_type}} * a, {{cython_type}} * b, int * index, int n):
1036    """
1037    Copy the non-index block of diagonal entries
1039    a is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array A (copy from)
1040    b is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array B (copy to)
1041    index is a pointer to an n x 1 array
1042    n is the dimension of A, B
1043    """
1044    cdef int i, j, k, nobs
1046    # Perform replacement
1047    for i in range(n):
1048        if index[i]:
1049            b[i + i*n] = a[i + i*n]
1052cdef int _{{prefix}}copy_index_submatrix({{cython_type}} * a, {{cython_type}} * b, int * index, int n):
1053    """
1054    Copy the non-index submatrix
1056    a is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array A (copy from)
1057    b is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array B (copy to)
1058    index is a pointer to an n x 1 array
1059    n is the dimension of A, B
1060    """
1061    _{{prefix}}copy_index_rows(a, b, index, n, n)
1062    _{{prefix}}copy_index_cols(a, b, index, n, n)
1065cdef int _{{prefix}}copy_index_rows({{cython_type}} * a, {{cython_type}} * b, int * index, int n, int m):
1066    """
1067    a is a pointer to an n x m array A
1068    b is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array B (copy to)
1069    index is a pointer to an n x 1 array
1070    n is the number of rows of A
1071    m is the number of columns of A
1072    """
1073    cdef int i
1075    # Perform replacement
1076    for i in range(n):
1077        if index[i]:
1078            copy(m, &a[i], &b[i], n, n)
1081cdef int _{{prefix}}copy_index_cols({{cython_type}} * a, {{cython_type}} * b, int * index, int n, int m):
1082    """
1083    a is a pointer to an n x m array A
1084    b is a pointer to an n x n diagonal array B (copy to)
1085    index is a pointer to an m x 1 array
1086    n is the number of rows of A
1087    m is the number of columns of A
1088    """
1089    cdef int i, j, k, nobs
1091    # Perform replacement
1092    for i in range(m):
1093        if index[i]:
1094            copy(n, &a[i*n], &b[i*n])
1097cpdef int {{prefix}}copy_index_matrix({{cython_type}} [::1, :, :] A, {{cython_type}} [::1, :, :] B, int [::1, :] index, int index_rows, int index_cols, int diagonal) except *:
1098    cdef int n, m, T, t, A_T, A_t = 0, time_varying
1100    n, m, T = B.shape[0:3]
1101    A_T = A.shape[2]
1102    time_varying = (A_T == T)
1104    if index_rows and index_cols:
1105        if not n == m:
1106            raise RuntimeError('Copying a submatrix requires n = m')
1107        if diagonal:
1108            for t in range(T):
1109                if time_varying:
1110                    A_t = t
1111                _{{prefix}}copy_index_diagonal(&A[0, 0, A_t], &B[0, 0, t], &index[0, t], n)
1112        else:
1113            for t in range(T):
1114                if time_varying:
1115                    A_t = t
1116                _{{prefix}}copy_index_submatrix(&A[0, 0, A_t], &B[0, 0, t], &index[0, t], n)
1117    elif diagonal:
1118        raise RuntimeError('`diagonal` argument only valid with copying a submatrix')
1119    elif index_rows:
1120        for t in range(T):
1121            if time_varying:
1122                    A_t = t
1123            _{{prefix}}copy_index_rows(&A[0, 0, A_t], &B[0, 0, t], &index[0, t], n, m)
1124    elif index_cols:
1125        for t in range(T):
1126            if time_varying:
1127                    A_t = t
1128            _{{prefix}}copy_index_cols(&A[0, 0, A_t], &B[0, 0, t], &index[0, t], n, m)
1131cpdef int {{prefix}}copy_index_vector({{cython_type}} [::1, :] A, {{cython_type}} [::1, :] B, int [::1, :] index) except *:
1132    cdef int n, t, T, A_t = 0, A_T
1134    n, T = B.shape[0:2]
1135    A_T = A.shape[1]
1136    time_varying = (A_T == T)
1138    for t in range(T):
1139        if time_varying:
1140            A_t = t
1141        _{{prefix}}copy_index_rows(&A[0, A_t], &B[0, t], &index[0, t], n, 1)
1143cdef int _{{prefix}}select_cov(int k_states, int k_posdef, int k_states_total,
1144                               {{cython_type}} * tmp,
1145                               {{cython_type}} * selection,
1146                               {{cython_type}} * cov,
1147                               {{cython_type}} * selected_cov):
1148    cdef:
1149        int i, k_states2 = k_states**2
1150        {{cython_type}} alpha = 1.0
1151        {{cython_type}} beta = 0.0
1153    # Only need to do something if there is a covariance matrix
1154    # (i.e k_posdof == 0)
1155    if k_posdef > 0:
1157        # #### Calculate selected state covariance matrix
1158        # $Q_t^* = R_t Q_t R_t'$
1159        #
1160        # Combine a selection matrix and a covariance matrix to get
1161        # a simplified (but possibly singular) "selected" covariance
1162        # matrix (see e.g. Durbin and Koopman p. 43)
1164        # `tmp0` array used here, dimension $(m \times r)$
1166        # $\\#_0 = 1.0 * R_t Q_t$
1167        # $(m \times r) = (m \times r) (r \times r)$
1168        blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "N", &k_states, &k_posdef, &k_posdef,
1169              &alpha, selection, &k_states_total,
1170                      cov, &k_posdef,
1171              &beta, tmp, &k_states)
1172        # $Q_t^* = 1.0 * \\#_0 R_t'$
1173        # $(m \times m) = (m \times r) (m \times r)'$
1174        blas.{{prefix}}gemm("N", "T", &k_states, &k_states, &k_posdef,
1175              &alpha, tmp, &k_states,
1176                      selection, &k_states_total,
1177              &beta, selected_cov, &k_states)
1178    else:
1179        for i in range(k_states2):
1180            selected_cov[i] = 0