5Implemented according to the PhD thesis
6http://www.cybertester.com/data/gruntz.pdf, which contains very thorough
7descriptions of the algorithm including many examples.  We summarize here
8the gist of it.
10All functions are sorted according to how rapidly varying they are at
11infinity using the following rules. Any two functions f and g can be
12compared using the properties of L:
14L=lim  log|f(x)| / log|g(x)|           (for x -> oo)
16We define >, < ~ according to::
18    1. f > g .... L=+-oo
20        we say that:
21        - f is greater than any power of g
22        - f is more rapidly varying than g
23        - f goes to infinity/zero faster than g
25    2. f < g .... L=0
27        we say that:
28        - f is lower than any power of g
30    3. f ~ g .... L!=0, +-oo
32        we say that:
33        - both f and g are bounded from above and below by suitable integral
34          powers of the other
39    2 < x < exp(x) < exp(x**2) < exp(exp(x))
40    2 ~ 3 ~ -5
41    x ~ x**2 ~ x**3 ~ 1/x ~ x**m ~ -x
42    exp(x) ~ exp(-x) ~ exp(2x) ~ exp(x)**2 ~ exp(x+exp(-x))
43    f ~ 1/f
45So we can divide all the functions into comparability classes (x and x^2
46belong to one class, exp(x) and exp(-x) belong to some other class). In
47principle, we could compare any two functions, but in our algorithm, we
48don't compare anything below the class 2~3~-5 (for example log(x) is
49below this), so we set 2~3~-5 as the lowest comparability class.
51Given the function f, we find the list of most rapidly varying (mrv set)
52subexpressions of it. This list belongs to the same comparability class.
53Let's say it is {exp(x), exp(2x)}. Using the rule f ~ 1/f we find an
54element "w" (either from the list or a new one) from the same
55comparability class which goes to zero at infinity. In our example we
56set w=exp(-x) (but we could also set w=exp(-2x) or w=exp(-3x) ...). We
57rewrite the mrv set using w, in our case {1/w, 1/w^2}, and substitute it
58into f. Then we expand f into a series in w::
60    f = c0*w^e0 + c1*w^e1 + ... + O(w^en),       where e0<e1<...<en, c0!=0
62but for x->oo, lim f = lim c0*w^e0, because all the other terms go to zero,
63because w goes to zero faster than the ci and ei. So::
65    for e0>0, lim f = 0
66    for e0<0, lim f = +-oo   (the sign depends on the sign of c0)
67    for e0=0, lim f = lim c0
69We need to recursively compute limits at several places of the algorithm, but
70as is shown in the PhD thesis, it always finishes.
72Important functions from the implementation:
74compare(a, b, x) compares "a" and "b" by computing the limit L.
75mrv(e, x) returns list of most rapidly varying (mrv) subexpressions of "e"
76rewrite(e, Omega, x, wsym) rewrites "e" in terms of w
77leadterm(f, x) returns the lowest power term in the series of f
78mrv_leadterm(e, x) returns the lead term (c0, e0) for e
79limitinf(e, x) computes lim e  (for x->oo)
80limit(e, z, z0) computes any limit by converting it to the case x->oo
82All the functions are really simple and straightforward except
83rewrite(), which is the most difficult/complex part of the algorithm.
84When the algorithm fails, the bugs are usually in the series expansion
85(i.e. in SymPy) or in rewrite.
87This code is almost exact rewrite of the Maple code inside the Gruntz
93Because the gruntz algorithm is highly recursive, it's difficult to
94figure out what went wrong inside a debugger. Instead, turn on nice
95debug prints by defining the environment variable SYMPY_DEBUG. For
98[user@localhost]: SYMPY_DEBUG=True ./bin/isympy
100In [1]: limit(sin(x)/x, x, 0)
101limitinf(_x*sin(1/_x), _x) = 1
102+-mrv_leadterm(_x*sin(1/_x), _x) = (1, 0)
103| +-mrv(_x*sin(1/_x), _x) = set([_x])
104| | +-mrv(_x, _x) = set([_x])
105| | +-mrv(sin(1/_x), _x) = set([_x])
106| |   +-mrv(1/_x, _x) = set([_x])
107| |     +-mrv(_x, _x) = set([_x])
108| +-mrv_leadterm(exp(_x)*sin(exp(-_x)), _x, set([exp(_x)])) = (1, 0)
109|   +-rewrite(exp(_x)*sin(exp(-_x)), set([exp(_x)]), _x, _w) = (1/_w*sin(_w), -_x)
110|     +-sign(_x, _x) = 1
111|     +-mrv_leadterm(1, _x) = (1, 0)
112+-sign(0, _x) = 0
113+-limitinf(1, _x) = 1
115And check manually which line is wrong. Then go to the source code and
116debug this function to figure out the exact problem.
119from functools import reduce
121from sympy import cacheit
122from sympy.core import Basic, S, oo, I, Dummy, Wild, Mul, PoleError
124from sympy.functions import log, exp
125from sympy.series.order import Order
126from sympy.simplify import logcombine
127from sympy.simplify.powsimp import powsimp, powdenest
129from sympy.utilities.misc import debug_decorator as debug
130from sympy.utilities.timeutils import timethis
131timeit = timethis('gruntz')
135def compare(a, b, x):
136    """Returns "<" if a<b, "=" for a == b, ">" for a>b"""
137    # log(exp(...)) must always be simplified here for termination
138    la, lb = log(a), log(b)
139    if isinstance(a, Basic) and (isinstance(a, exp) or (a.is_Pow and a.base == S.Exp1)):
140        la = a.exp
141    if isinstance(b, Basic) and (isinstance(b, exp) or (b.is_Pow and b.base == S.Exp1)):
142        lb = b.exp
144    c = limitinf(la/lb, x)
145    if c == 0:
146        return "<"
147    elif c.is_infinite:
148        return ">"
149    else:
150        return "="
153class SubsSet(dict):
154    """
155    Stores (expr, dummy) pairs, and how to rewrite expr-s.
157    Explanation
158    ===========
160    The gruntz algorithm needs to rewrite certain expressions in term of a new
161    variable w. We cannot use subs, because it is just too smart for us. For
162    example::
164        > Omega=[exp(exp(_p - exp(-_p))/(1 - 1/_p)), exp(exp(_p))]
165        > O2=[exp(-exp(_p) + exp(-exp(-_p))*exp(_p)/(1 - 1/_p))/_w, 1/_w]
166        > e = exp(exp(_p - exp(-_p))/(1 - 1/_p)) - exp(exp(_p))
167        > e.subs(Omega[0],O2[0]).subs(Omega[1],O2[1])
168        -1/w + exp(exp(p)*exp(-exp(-p))/(1 - 1/p))
170    is really not what we want!
172    So we do it the hard way and keep track of all the things we potentially
173    want to substitute by dummy variables. Consider the expression::
175        exp(x - exp(-x)) + exp(x) + x.
177    The mrv set is {exp(x), exp(-x), exp(x - exp(-x))}.
178    We introduce corresponding dummy variables d1, d2, d3 and rewrite::
180        d3 + d1 + x.
182    This class first of all keeps track of the mapping expr->variable, i.e.
183    will at this stage be a dictionary::
185        {exp(x): d1, exp(-x): d2, exp(x - exp(-x)): d3}.
187    [It turns out to be more convenient this way round.]
188    But sometimes expressions in the mrv set have other expressions from the
189    mrv set as subexpressions, and we need to keep track of that as well. In
190    this case, d3 is really exp(x - d2), so rewrites at this stage is::
192        {d3: exp(x-d2)}.
194    The function rewrite uses all this information to correctly rewrite our
195    expression in terms of w. In this case w can be chosen to be exp(-x),
196    i.e. d2. The correct rewriting then is::
198        exp(-w)/w + 1/w + x.
199    """
200    def __init__(self):
201        self.rewrites = {}
203    def __repr__(self):
204        return super().__repr__() + ', ' + self.rewrites.__repr__()
206    def __getitem__(self, key):
207        if not key in self:
208            self[key] = Dummy()
209        return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
211    def do_subs(self, e):
212        """Substitute the variables with expressions"""
213        for expr, var in self.items():
214            e = e.xreplace({var: expr})
215        return e
217    def meets(self, s2):
218        """Tell whether or not self and s2 have non-empty intersection"""
219        return set(self.keys()).intersection(list(s2.keys())) != set()
221    def union(self, s2, exps=None):
222        """Compute the union of self and s2, adjusting exps"""
223        res = self.copy()
224        tr = {}
225        for expr, var in s2.items():
226            if expr in self:
227                if exps:
228                    exps = exps.xreplace({var: res[expr]})
229                tr[var] = res[expr]
230            else:
231                res[expr] = var
232        for var, rewr in s2.rewrites.items():
233            res.rewrites[var] = rewr.xreplace(tr)
234        return res, exps
236    def copy(self):
237        """Create a shallow copy of SubsSet"""
238        r = SubsSet()
239        r.rewrites = self.rewrites.copy()
240        for expr, var in self.items():
241            r[expr] = var
242        return r
246def mrv(e, x):
247    """Returns a SubsSet of most rapidly varying (mrv) subexpressions of 'e',
248       and e rewritten in terms of these"""
249    e = powsimp(e, deep=True, combine='exp')
250    if not isinstance(e, Basic):
251        raise TypeError("e should be an instance of Basic")
252    if not e.has(x):
253        return SubsSet(), e
254    elif e == x:
255        s = SubsSet()
256        return s, s[x]
257    elif e.is_Mul or e.is_Add:
258        i, d = e.as_independent(x)  # throw away x-independent terms
259        if d.func != e.func:
260            s, expr = mrv(d, x)
261            return s, e.func(i, expr)
262        a, b = d.as_two_terms()
263        s1, e1 = mrv(a, x)
264        s2, e2 = mrv(b, x)
265        return mrv_max1(s1, s2, e.func(i, e1, e2), x)
266    elif e.is_Pow and e.base != S.Exp1:
267        e1 = S.One
268        while e.is_Pow:
269            b1 = e.base
270            e1 *= e.exp
271            e = b1
272        if b1 == 1:
273            return SubsSet(), b1
274        if e1.has(x):
275            base_lim = limitinf(b1, x)
276            if base_lim is S.One:
277                return mrv(exp(e1 * (b1 - 1)), x)
278            return mrv(exp(e1 * log(b1)), x)
279        else:
280            s, expr = mrv(b1, x)
281            return s, expr**e1
282    elif isinstance(e, log):
283        s, expr = mrv(e.args[0], x)
284        return s, log(expr)
285    elif isinstance(e, exp) or (e.is_Pow and e.base == S.Exp1):
286        # We know from the theory of this algorithm that exp(log(...)) may always
287        # be simplified here, and doing so is vital for termination.
288        if isinstance(e.exp, log):
289            return mrv(e.exp.args[0], x)
290        # if a product has an infinite factor the result will be
291        # infinite if there is no zero, otherwise NaN; here, we
292        # consider the result infinite if any factor is infinite
293        li = limitinf(e.exp, x)
294        if any(_.is_infinite for _ in Mul.make_args(li)):
295            s1 = SubsSet()
296            e1 = s1[e]
297            s2, e2 = mrv(e.exp, x)
298            su = s1.union(s2)[0]
299            su.rewrites[e1] = exp(e2)
300            return mrv_max3(s1, e1, s2, exp(e2), su, e1, x)
301        else:
302            s, expr = mrv(e.exp, x)
303            return s, exp(expr)
304    elif e.is_Function:
305        l = [mrv(a, x) for a in e.args]
306        l2 = [s for (s, _) in l if s != SubsSet()]
307        if len(l2) != 1:
308            # e.g. something like BesselJ(x, x)
309            raise NotImplementedError("MRV set computation for functions in"
310                                      " several variables not implemented.")
311        s, ss = l2[0], SubsSet()
312        args = [ss.do_subs(x[1]) for x in l]
313        return s, e.func(*args)
314    elif e.is_Derivative:
315        raise NotImplementedError("MRV set computation for derviatives"
316                                  " not implemented yet.")
317    raise NotImplementedError(
318        "Don't know how to calculate the mrv of '%s'" % e)
321def mrv_max3(f, expsf, g, expsg, union, expsboth, x):
322    """
323    Computes the maximum of two sets of expressions f and g, which
324    are in the same comparability class, i.e. max() compares (two elements of)
325    f and g and returns either (f, expsf) [if f is larger], (g, expsg)
326    [if g is larger] or (union, expsboth) [if f, g are of the same class].
327    """
328    if not isinstance(f, SubsSet):
329        raise TypeError("f should be an instance of SubsSet")
330    if not isinstance(g, SubsSet):
331        raise TypeError("g should be an instance of SubsSet")
332    if f == SubsSet():
333        return g, expsg
334    elif g == SubsSet():
335        return f, expsf
336    elif f.meets(g):
337        return union, expsboth
339    c = compare(list(f.keys())[0], list(g.keys())[0], x)
340    if c == ">":
341        return f, expsf
342    elif c == "<":
343        return g, expsg
344    else:
345        if c != "=":
346            raise ValueError("c should be =")
347        return union, expsboth
350def mrv_max1(f, g, exps, x):
351    """Computes the maximum of two sets of expressions f and g, which
352    are in the same comparability class, i.e. mrv_max1() compares (two elements of)
353    f and g and returns the set, which is in the higher comparability class
354    of the union of both, if they have the same order of variation.
355    Also returns exps, with the appropriate substitutions made.
356    """
357    u, b = f.union(g, exps)
358    return mrv_max3(f, g.do_subs(exps), g, f.do_subs(exps),
359                    u, b, x)
365def sign(e, x):
366    """
367    Returns a sign of an expression e(x) for x->oo.
369    ::
371        e >  0 for x sufficiently large ...  1
372        e == 0 for x sufficiently large ...  0
373        e <  0 for x sufficiently large ... -1
375    The result of this function is currently undefined if e changes sign
376    arbitrarily often for arbitrarily large x (e.g. sin(x)).
378    Note that this returns zero only if e is *constantly* zero
379    for x sufficiently large. [If e is constant, of course, this is just
380    the same thing as the sign of e.]
381    """
382    from sympy import sign as _sign
383    if not isinstance(e, Basic):
384        raise TypeError("e should be an instance of Basic")
386    if e.is_positive:
387        return 1
388    elif e.is_negative:
389        return -1
390    elif e.is_zero:
391        return 0
393    elif not e.has(x):
394        e = logcombine(e)
395        return _sign(e)
396    elif e == x:
397        return 1
398    elif e.is_Mul:
399        a, b = e.as_two_terms()
400        sa = sign(a, x)
401        if not sa:
402            return 0
403        return sa * sign(b, x)
404    elif isinstance(e, exp):
405        return 1
406    elif e.is_Pow:
407        if e.base == S.Exp1:
408            return 1
409        s = sign(e.base, x)
410        if s == 1:
411            return 1
412        if e.exp.is_Integer:
413            return s**e.exp
414    elif isinstance(e, log):
415        return sign(e.args[0] - 1, x)
417    # if all else fails, do it the hard way
418    c0, e0 = mrv_leadterm(e, x)
419    return sign(c0, x)
425def limitinf(e, x, leadsimp=False):
426    """Limit e(x) for x-> oo.
428    Explanation
429    ===========
431    If ``leadsimp`` is True, an attempt is made to simplify the leading
432    term of the series expansion of ``e``. That may succeed even if
433    ``e`` cannot be simplified.
434    """
435    # rewrite e in terms of tractable functions only
437    if not e.has(x):
438        return e  # e is a constant
439    if e.has(Order):
440        e = e.expand().removeO()
441    if not x.is_positive or x.is_integer:
442        # We make sure that x.is_positive is True and x.is_integer is None
443        # so we get all the correct mathematical behavior from the expression.
444        # We need a fresh variable.
445        p = Dummy('p', positive=True)
446        e = e.subs(x, p)
447        x = p
448    e = e.rewrite('tractable', deep=True, limitvar=x)
449    e = powdenest(e)
450    c0, e0 = mrv_leadterm(e, x)
451    sig = sign(e0, x)
452    if sig == 1:
453        return S.Zero  # e0>0: lim f = 0
454    elif sig == -1:  # e0<0: lim f = +-oo (the sign depends on the sign of c0)
455        if c0.match(I*Wild("a", exclude=[I])):
456            return c0*oo
457        s = sign(c0, x)
458        # the leading term shouldn't be 0:
459        if s == 0:
460            raise ValueError("Leading term should not be 0")
461        return s*oo
462    elif sig == 0:
463        if leadsimp:
464            c0 = c0.simplify()
465        return limitinf(c0, x, leadsimp)  # e0=0: lim f = lim c0
466    else:
467        raise ValueError("{} could not be evaluated".format(sig))
470def moveup2(s, x):
471    r = SubsSet()
472    for expr, var in s.items():
473        r[expr.xreplace({x: exp(x)})] = var
474    for var, expr in s.rewrites.items():
475        r.rewrites[var] = s.rewrites[var].xreplace({x: exp(x)})
476    return r
479def moveup(l, x):
480    return [e.xreplace({x: exp(x)}) for e in l]
485def calculate_series(e, x, logx=None):
486    """ Calculates at least one term of the series of ``e`` in ``x``.
488    This is a place that fails most often, so it is in its own function.
489    """
490    from sympy.polys import cancel
491    from sympy.simplify import bottom_up
493    for t in e.lseries(x, logx=logx):
494        # bottom_up function is required for a specific case - when e is
495        # -exp(p/(p + 1)) + exp(-p**2/(p + 1) + p). No current simplification
496        # methods reduce this to 0 while not expanding polynomials.
497        t = bottom_up(t, lambda w: getattr(w, 'normal', lambda: w)())
498        t = cancel(t, expand=False).factor()
500        if t.has(exp) and t.has(log):
501            t = powdenest(t)
503        if not t.is_zero:
504            break
506    return t
512def mrv_leadterm(e, x):
513    """Returns (c0, e0) for e."""
514    Omega = SubsSet()
515    if not e.has(x):
516        return (e, S.Zero)
517    if Omega == SubsSet():
518        Omega, exps = mrv(e, x)
519    if not Omega:
520        # e really does not depend on x after simplification
521        return exps, S.Zero
522    if x in Omega:
523        # move the whole omega up (exponentiate each term):
524        Omega_up = moveup2(Omega, x)
525        exps_up = moveup([exps], x)[0]
526        # NOTE: there is no need to move this down!
527        Omega = Omega_up
528        exps = exps_up
529    #
530    # The positive dummy, w, is used here so log(w*2) etc. will expand;
531    # a unique dummy is needed in this algorithm
532    #
533    # For limits of complex functions, the algorithm would have to be
534    # improved, or just find limits of Re and Im components separately.
535    #
536    w = Dummy("w", real=True, positive=True)
537    f, logw = rewrite(exps, Omega, x, w)
538    series = calculate_series(f, w, logx=logw)
539    try:
540        lt = series.leadterm(w, logx=logw)
541    except (ValueError, PoleError):
542        lt = f.as_coeff_exponent(w)
543        # as_coeff_exponent won't always split in required form. It may simply
544        # return (f, 0) when a better form may be obtained. Example (-x)**(-pi)
545        # can be written as (-1**(-pi), -pi) which as_coeff_exponent does not return
546        if lt[0].has(w):
547            base = f.as_base_exp()[0].as_coeff_exponent(w)
548            ex = f.as_base_exp()[1]
549            lt = (base[0]**ex, base[1]*ex)
550    return (lt[0].subs(log(w), logw), lt[1])
553def build_expression_tree(Omega, rewrites):
554    r""" Helper function for rewrite.
556    We need to sort Omega (mrv set) so that we replace an expression before
557    we replace any expression in terms of which it has to be rewritten::
559        e1 ---> e2 ---> e3
560                 \
561                  -> e4
563    Here we can do e1, e2, e3, e4 or e1, e2, e4, e3.
564    To do this we assemble the nodes into a tree, and sort them by height.
566    This function builds the tree, rewrites then sorts the nodes.
567    """
568    class Node:
569        def ht(self):
570            return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
571                          [x.ht() for x in self.before], 1)
572    nodes = {}
573    for expr, v in Omega:
574        n = Node()
575        n.before = []
576        n.var = v
577        n.expr = expr
578        nodes[v] = n
579    for _, v in Omega:
580        if v in rewrites:
581            n = nodes[v]
582            r = rewrites[v]
583            for _, v2 in Omega:
584                if r.has(v2):
585                    n.before.append(nodes[v2])
587    return nodes
592def rewrite(e, Omega, x, wsym):
593    """e(x) ... the function
594    Omega ... the mrv set
595    wsym ... the symbol which is going to be used for w
597    Returns the rewritten e in terms of w and log(w). See test_rewrite1()
598    for examples and correct results.
599    """
600    from sympy import ilcm
601    if not isinstance(Omega, SubsSet):
602        raise TypeError("Omega should be an instance of SubsSet")
603    if len(Omega) == 0:
604        raise ValueError("Length can not be 0")
605    # all items in Omega must be exponentials
606    for t in Omega.keys():
607        if not isinstance(t, exp):
608            raise ValueError("Value should be exp")
609    rewrites = Omega.rewrites
610    Omega = list(Omega.items())
612    nodes = build_expression_tree(Omega, rewrites)
613    Omega.sort(key=lambda x: nodes[x[1]].ht(), reverse=True)
615    # make sure we know the sign of each exp() term; after the loop,
616    # g is going to be the "w" - the simplest one in the mrv set
617    for g, _ in Omega:
618        sig = sign(g.exp, x)
619        if sig != 1 and sig != -1:
620            raise NotImplementedError('Result depends on the sign of %s' % sig)
621    if sig == 1:
622        wsym = 1/wsym  # if g goes to oo, substitute 1/w
623    # O2 is a list, which results by rewriting each item in Omega using "w"
624    O2 = []
625    denominators = []
626    for f, var in Omega:
627        c = limitinf(f.exp/g.exp, x)
628        if c.is_Rational:
629            denominators.append(c.q)
630        arg = f.exp
631        if var in rewrites:
632            if not isinstance(rewrites[var], exp):
633                raise ValueError("Value should be exp")
634            arg = rewrites[var].args[0]
635        O2.append((var, exp((arg - c*g.exp).expand())*wsym**c))
637    # Remember that Omega contains subexpressions of "e". So now we find
638    # them in "e" and substitute them for our rewriting, stored in O2
640    # the following powsimp is necessary to automatically combine exponentials,
641    # so that the .xreplace() below succeeds:
642    # TODO this should not be necessary
643    f = powsimp(e, deep=True, combine='exp')
644    for a, b in O2:
645        f = f.xreplace({a: b})
647    for _, var in Omega:
648        assert not f.has(var)
650    # finally compute the logarithm of w (logw).
651    logw = g.exp
652    if sig == 1:
653        logw = -logw  # log(w)->log(1/w)=-log(w)
655    # Some parts of sympy have difficulty computing series expansions with
656    # non-integral exponents. The following heuristic improves the situation:
657    exponent = reduce(ilcm, denominators, 1)
658    f = f.subs({wsym: wsym**exponent})
659    logw /= exponent
661    return f, logw
664def gruntz(e, z, z0, dir="+"):
665    """
666    Compute the limit of e(z) at the point z0 using the Gruntz algorithm.
668    Explanation
669    ===========
671    ``z0`` can be any expression, including oo and -oo.
673    For ``dir="+"`` (default) it calculates the limit from the right
674    (z->z0+) and for ``dir="-"`` the limit from the left (z->z0-). For infinite z0
675    (oo or -oo), the dir argument doesn't matter.
677    This algorithm is fully described in the module docstring in the gruntz.py
678    file. It relies heavily on the series expansion. Most frequently, gruntz()
679    is only used if the faster limit() function (which uses heuristics) fails.
680    """
681    if not z.is_symbol:
682        raise NotImplementedError("Second argument must be a Symbol")
684    # convert all limits to the limit z->oo; sign of z is handled in limitinf
685    r = None
686    if z0 == oo:
687        e0 = e
688    elif z0 == -oo:
689        e0 = e.subs(z, -z)
690    else:
691        if str(dir) == "-":
692            e0 = e.subs(z, z0 - 1/z)
693        elif str(dir) == "+":
694            e0 = e.subs(z, z0 + 1/z)
695        else:
696            raise NotImplementedError("dir must be '+' or '-'")
698    try:
699        r = limitinf(e0, z)
700    except ValueError:
701        r = limitinf(e0, z, leadsimp=True)
703    # This is a bit of a heuristic for nice results... we always rewrite
704    # tractable functions in terms of familiar intractable ones.
705    # It might be nicer to rewrite the exactly to what they were initially,
706    # but that would take some work to implement.
707    return r.rewrite('intractable', deep=True)