1 /*++
2 Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     smt_enode.cpp
8 Abstract:
10     <abstract>
12 Author:
14     Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2008-02-19.
16 Revision History:
18 --*/
19 #include "ast/ast_pp.h"
20 #include "smt/smt_context.h"
21 #include "smt/smt_enode.h"
23 namespace smt {
25     /**
26        \brief Initialize an enode in the given memory position.
27     */
init(ast_manager & m,void * mem,app2enode_t const & app2enode,app * owner,unsigned generation,bool suppress_args,bool merge_tf,unsigned iscope_lvl,bool cgc_enabled,bool update_children_parent)28     enode * enode::init(ast_manager & m, void * mem, app2enode_t const & app2enode, app * owner,
29                         unsigned generation, bool suppress_args, bool merge_tf, unsigned iscope_lvl,
30                         bool cgc_enabled, bool update_children_parent) {
31         SASSERT(m.is_bool(owner) || !merge_tf);
32         enode * n             = new (mem) enode();
33         n->m_owner            = owner;
34         n->m_root             = n;
35         n->m_next             = n;
36         n->m_cg               = nullptr;
37         n->m_class_size       = 1;
38         n->m_generation       = generation;
39         n->m_func_decl_id     = UINT_MAX;
40         n->m_mark             = false;
41         n->m_mark2            = false;
42         n->m_interpreted      = false;
43         n->m_suppress_args    = suppress_args;
44         n->m_eq               = m.is_eq(owner);
45         n->m_commutative      = n->get_num_args() == 2 && owner->get_decl()->is_commutative();
46         n->m_bool             = m.is_bool(owner);
47         n->m_merge_tf         = merge_tf;
48         n->m_cgc_enabled      = cgc_enabled;
49         n->m_iscope_lvl       = iscope_lvl;
50         n->m_lbl_hash         = -1;
51         n->m_proof_is_logged = false;
52         unsigned num_args     = n->get_num_args();
53         for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
54             enode * arg  = app2enode[owner->get_arg(i)->get_id()];
55             n->m_args[i] = arg;
56             SASSERT(n->get_arg(i) == arg);
57             if (update_children_parent)
58                 arg->get_root()->m_parents.push_back(n);
59         }
60         TRACE("mk_enode_detail", tout << "new enode suppress_args: " << n->m_suppress_args << "\n";);
61         SASSERT(n->m_suppress_args == suppress_args);
62         return n;
63     }
mk(ast_manager & m,region & r,app2enode_t const & app2enode,app * owner,unsigned generation,bool suppress_args,bool merge_tf,unsigned iscope_lvl,bool cgc_enabled,bool update_children_parent)65     enode * enode::mk(ast_manager & m, region & r, app2enode_t const & app2enode, app * owner,
66                            unsigned generation, bool suppress_args, bool merge_tf, unsigned iscope_lvl,
67                            bool cgc_enabled, bool update_children_parent) {
68         SASSERT(m.is_bool(owner) || !merge_tf);
69         unsigned sz           = get_enode_size(suppress_args ? 0 : owner->get_num_args());
70         void * mem            = r.allocate(sz);
71         return init(m, mem, app2enode, owner, generation, suppress_args, merge_tf, iscope_lvl, cgc_enabled, update_children_parent);
72     }
mk_dummy(ast_manager & m,app2enode_t const & app2enode,app * owner)74     enode * enode::mk_dummy(ast_manager & m, app2enode_t const & app2enode, app * owner) {
75         unsigned sz           = get_enode_size(owner->get_num_args());
76         void * mem            = alloc_svect(char, sz);
77         return init(m, mem, app2enode, owner, 0, false, false, 0, true, false);
78     }
del_eh(ast_manager & m,bool update_children_parent)80     void enode::del_eh(ast_manager & m, bool update_children_parent) {
81         SASSERT(m_class_size == 1);
82         SASSERT(m_root == this);
83         SASSERT(m_next == this);
84         unsigned num_args = get_num_args();
85         for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
86             enode * arg = get_arg(i);
87             if (update_children_parent) {
88                 SASSERT(arg->get_root()->m_parents.back() == this);
89                 arg->get_root()->m_parents.pop_back();
90             }
91         }
92         this->~enode();
93     }
get_num_th_vars() const95     unsigned enode::get_num_th_vars() const {
96         return m_th_var_list.size();
97     }
99     /**
100        \brief Return the theory var (in theory th_id) associated with
101        the enode.
102        Return null_theory_var if the enode is not associated
103        with a variable of theory th_id
104     */
get_th_var(theory_id th_id) const105     theory_var enode::get_th_var(theory_id th_id) const {
106         return m_th_var_list.find(th_id);
107     }
109     /**
110        \brief Add the entry (v, id) to the list of theory variables.
111     */
add_th_var(theory_var v,theory_id id,region & r)112     void enode::add_th_var(theory_var v, theory_id id, region & r) {
113         m_th_var_list.add_var(v, id, r);
114     }
116     /**
117        \brief Replace the entry (v', id) with the entry (v, id).
118        The enode must have an entry (v', id)
119     */
replace_th_var(theory_var v,theory_id id)120     void enode::replace_th_var(theory_var v, theory_id id) {
121         m_th_var_list.replace(v, id);
122     }
124     /**
125        \brief Delete theory variable. It assumes the
126        enode is associated with a variable of the given theory.
127     */
del_th_var(theory_id id)128     void enode::del_th_var(theory_id id) {
129         m_th_var_list.del_var(id);
130     }
133     /**
134        \brief Push old value of generation on the context trail stack
135        and update the generation.
136     */
set_generation(context & ctx,unsigned generation)137     void enode::set_generation(context & ctx, unsigned generation) {
138         if (m_generation == generation)
139             return;
140         ctx.push_trail(value_trail<context, unsigned>(m_generation));
141         m_generation = generation;
142     }
set_lbl_hash(context & ctx)145     void enode::set_lbl_hash(context & ctx) {
146         SASSERT(m_lbl_hash == -1);
147         // m_lbl_hash should be different from -1, if and only if,
148         // there is a pattern that contains the enode. So,
149         // I use a trail to restore the value of m_lbl_hash to -1.
150         ctx.push_trail(value_trail<context, signed char>(m_lbl_hash));
151         unsigned h = hash_u(get_owner_id());
152         m_lbl_hash = h & (APPROX_SET_CAPACITY - 1);
153         // propagate modification to the root m_lbls set.
154         approx_set & r_lbls = m_root->m_lbls;
155         if (!r_lbls.may_contain(m_lbl_hash)) {
156             ctx.push_trail(value_trail<context, approx_set>(r_lbls));
157             r_lbls.insert(m_lbl_hash);
158         }
159     }
get_eq_enode_with_min_gen()161     enode * enode::get_eq_enode_with_min_gen() {
162         if (m_generation == 0)
163             return this;
164         enode * r = this;
165         enode * curr = this;
166         do {
167             if (curr->m_generation < r->m_generation) {
168                 r = curr;
169                 if (r->m_generation == 0)
170                     return r;
171             }
172             curr = curr->m_next;
173         }
174         while (curr != this);
175         return r;
176     }
178 #ifdef Z3DEBUG
check_invariant() const179     bool enode::check_invariant() const {
180         unsigned class_size = 0;
181         bool     found_root = false;
182         bool     found_this = false;
183         bool     has_interpreted = false;
185         // "Equivalence" class structure.
186         enode const * curr = this;
187         do {
188             SASSERT(curr->m_root == m_root);
189             class_size++;
190             if (curr == m_root)
191                 found_root = true;
192             if (curr == this)
193                 found_this = true;
194             if (curr->is_interpreted())
195                 has_interpreted = true;
196             curr = curr->m_next;
197         }
198         while (curr != this);
200         SASSERT(found_root);
201         SASSERT(found_this);
202         SASSERT(this != m_root || class_size == m_class_size);
203         SASSERT(!has_interpreted || m_root->is_interpreted());
205         // Parent use-list
206         if (this == m_root) {
207             for (enode* parent : m_parents) {
208                 unsigned i = 0;
209                 unsigned num_args = parent->get_num_args();
210                 SASSERT(num_args > 0);
211                 for (; i < num_args; i++) {
212                     enode * arg = parent->get_arg(i);
213                     if (arg->get_root() == m_root)
214                         break;
215                 }
216                 SASSERT(i < num_args);
217             }
218         }
220         // Proof tree
221         // m_root is reachable from "this" by following the transitivity proof
222         SASSERT(trans_reaches(m_root));
223         SASSERT(check_parent_invariant());
224         return true;
225     }
227     /**
228        \brief Return true if the node is n or n is reached following the
229        m_proof.m_target pointers
230     */
trans_reaches(enode * n) const231     bool enode::trans_reaches(enode * n) const {
232         const enode * curr = this;
233         while (curr != 0) {
234             if (curr == n) {
235                 return true;
236             }
237             curr = curr->m_trans.m_target;
238         }
239         return false;
240     }
check_parent_invariant() const242     bool enode::check_parent_invariant() const {
243         if (this != m_root)
244             return true;
245         enode const * curr = m_root;
246         do {
247             if (curr != m_root) {
248                 for (enode * p : curr->m_parents) {
249                     if (!p->is_true_eq() && !m_root->contains_parent_congruent_to(p)) {
250                         UNREACHABLE();
251                     }
252                 }
253             }
254             curr = curr->m_next;
255         }
256         while (curr != m_root);
257         return true;
258     }
contains_parent_congruent_to(enode * p) const260     bool enode::contains_parent_congruent_to(enode * p) const {
261         for (enode* curr : m_parents) {
262             if (congruent(curr, p))
263                 return true;
264         }
265         return false;
266     }
268 #endif
display_lbls(std::ostream & out) const270     void enode::display_lbls(std::ostream & out) const {
271         out << "#" << get_owner_id() << "  ->  #" << get_root()->get_owner_id() << ", lbls: " << get_lbls() << ", plbls: " << get_plbls()
272             << ", root->lbls: " << get_root()->get_lbls() << ", root->plbls: " << get_root()->get_plbls();
273         if (has_lbl_hash())
274             out << ", lbl-hash: " << static_cast<int>(get_lbl_hash());
275         out << "\n";
276     }
congruent(enode * n1,enode * n2,bool & comm)278     bool congruent(enode * n1, enode * n2, bool & comm) {
279         comm          = false;
280         if (n1->get_owner()->get_decl() != n2->get_owner()->get_decl())
281             return false;
282         unsigned num_args = n1->get_num_args();
283         if (num_args != n2->get_num_args())
284             return false;
285         if (n1->is_commutative()) {
286             enode * c1_1 = n1->get_arg(0)->get_root();
287             enode * c1_2 = n1->get_arg(1)->get_root();
288             enode * c2_1 = n2->get_arg(0)->get_root();
289             enode * c2_2 = n2->get_arg(1)->get_root();
290             if (c1_1 == c2_1 && c1_2 == c2_2) {
291                 return true;
292             }
293             if (c1_1 == c2_2 && c1_2 == c2_1) {
294                 comm = true;
295                 return true;
296             }
297             return false;
298         }
299         else {
300             for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_args; i++)
301                 if (n1->get_arg(i)->get_root() != n2->get_arg(i)->get_root())
302                     return false;
303             return true;
304         }
305     }
get_max_generation(unsigned num_enodes,enode * const * enodes)307     unsigned get_max_generation(unsigned num_enodes, enode * const * enodes) {
308         unsigned max = 0;
309         for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_enodes; i++) {
310             unsigned curr = enodes[i]->get_generation();
311             if (curr > max)
312                 max = curr;
313         }
314         return max;
315     }
unmark_enodes(unsigned num_enodes,enode * const * enodes)317     void unmark_enodes(unsigned num_enodes, enode * const * enodes) {
318         for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_enodes; i++)
319             enodes[i]->unset_mark();
320     }
unmark_enodes2(unsigned num_enodes,enode * const * enodes)322     void unmark_enodes2(unsigned num_enodes, enode * const * enodes) {
323         for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_enodes; i++)
324             enodes[i]->unset_mark2();
325     }
tmp_enode()327     tmp_enode::tmp_enode():
328         m_app(0),
329         m_capacity(0),
330         m_enode_data(nullptr) {
331         SASSERT(m_app.get_app()->get_decl() == 0);
332         set_capacity(5);
333     }
~tmp_enode()335     tmp_enode::~tmp_enode() {
336         dealloc_svect(m_enode_data);
337     }
set_capacity(unsigned new_capacity)339     void tmp_enode::set_capacity(unsigned new_capacity) {
340         SASSERT(new_capacity > m_capacity);
341         if (m_enode_data)
342             dealloc_svect(m_enode_data);
343         m_capacity   = new_capacity;
344         unsigned sz  = sizeof(enode) + m_capacity * sizeof(enode*);
345         m_enode_data = alloc_svect(char, sz);
346         memset(m_enode_data, 0, sz);
347         enode * n = get_enode();
348         n->m_owner         = m_app.get_app();
349         n->m_root          = n;
350         n->m_next          = n;
351         n->m_class_size    = 1;
352         n->m_cgc_enabled   = true;
353         n->m_func_decl_id  = UINT_MAX;
354     }
set(func_decl * f,unsigned num_args,enode * const * args)356     enode * tmp_enode::set(func_decl * f, unsigned num_args, enode * const * args) {
357         if (num_args > m_capacity)
358             set_capacity(num_args * 2);
359         enode * r = get_enode();
360         if (m_app.get_app()->get_decl() != f) {
361             r->m_func_decl_id = UINT_MAX;
362         }
363         m_app.set_decl(f);
364         m_app.set_num_args(num_args);
365         r->m_commutative  = num_args == 2 && f->is_commutative();
366         memcpy(get_enode()->m_args, args, sizeof(enode*)*num_args);
367         return r;
368     }
reset()370     void tmp_enode::reset() {
371         get_enode()->m_func_decl_id = UINT_MAX;
372     }
374 };