1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** Copyright (c) 2008-2020 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved.
4 ** $Id: //main/2019/qhull/src/libqhullcpp/Qhull.h#5 $$Change: 2956 $
5 ** $DateTime: 2020/05/23 21:08:29 $$Author: bbarber $
6 **
7 ****************************************************************************/
9 #ifndef QHULLCPP_H
10 #define QHULLCPP_H
12 #include "libqhullcpp/QhullPoint.h"
13 #include "libqhullcpp/QhullVertex.h"
14 #include "libqhullcpp/QhullFacet.h"
16 namespace orgQhull {
18 /***
19    Compile qhullcpp and libqhull with the same compiler.  setjmp() and longjmp() must be the same.
21    #define QHULL_NO_STL
22       Do not supply conversions to STL
23       Coordinates.h requires <vector>.  It could be rewritten for another vector class such as QList
24    #define QHULL_USES_QT
25       Supply conversions to QT
26       qhulltest requires QT.  It is defined in RoadTest.h
28   #define QHULL_ASSERT
29       Defined by QhullError.h
30       It invokes assert()
31 */
33 #//!\name Used here
34     class QhullFacetList;
35     class QhullPoints;
36     class QhullQh;
37     class RboxPoints;
39 #//!\name Defined here
40     class Qhull;
42 //! Interface to Qhull from C++
43 class Qhull {
45 private:
46 #//!\name Members and friends
47     QhullQh *           qh_qh;          //! qhT for this instance
48     Coordinates         origin_point;   //! origin for qh_qh->hull_dim.  Set by runQhull()
49     bool                run_called;     //! True at start of runQhull.  Errors if call again.
50     Coordinates         feasible_point;  //! feasible point for half-space intersection (alternative to qh.feasible_string for qh.feasible_point)
52 public:
53 #//!\name Constructors
54                         Qhull();      //!< call runQhull() next
55                         Qhull(const RboxPoints &rboxPoints, const char *qhullCommand2);
56                         Qhull(const char *inputComment2, int pointDimension, int pointCount, const realT *pointCoordinates, const char *qhullCommand2);
57                         ~Qhull() throw();
58 private:                //! Disable copy constructor and assignment.  Qhull owns QhullQh.
59                         Qhull(const Qhull &);
60     Qhull &             operator=(const Qhull &);
62 private:
63     void                allocateQhullQh();
65 public:
67 #//!\name GetSet
68     void                checkIfQhullInitialized();
dimension()69     int                 dimension() const { return qh_qh->input_dim; } //!< Dimension of input and result
disableOutputStream()70     void                disableOutputStream() { qh_qh->disableOutputStream(); }
enableOutputStream()71     void                enableOutputStream() { qh_qh->enableOutputStream(); }
facetCount()72     countT              facetCount() const { return qh_qh->num_facets; }
73     Coordinates         feasiblePoint() const;
hullDimension()74     int                 hullDimension() const { return qh_qh->hull_dim; } //!< Dimension of the computed hull
hasOutputStream()75     bool                hasOutputStream() const { return qh_qh->hasOutputStream(); }
initialized()76     bool                initialized() const { return (qh_qh->hull_dim>0); }
inputComment()77     const char *        inputComment() const { return qh_qh->rbox_command; }
78     QhullPoint          inputOrigin();
isDelaunay()79     bool                isDelaunay() const { return qh_qh->DELAUNAY; }
80                         //! non-const due to QhullPoint
origin()81     QhullPoint          origin() { QHULL_ASSERT(initialized()); return QhullPoint(qh_qh, origin_point.data()); }
qh()82     QhullQh *           qh() const { return qh_qh; }
qhullCommand()83     const char *        qhullCommand() const { return qh_qh->qhull_command; }
rboxCommand()84     const char *        rboxCommand() const { return qh_qh->rbox_command; }
rotateRandom()85     int                 rotateRandom() const { return qh_qh->ROTATErandom; } //!< Return QRn for repeating QR0 runs
setFeasiblePoint(const Coordinates & c)86     void                setFeasiblePoint(const Coordinates &c) { feasible_point= c; } //!< Sets qh.feasible_point via initializeFeasiblePoint
vertexCount()87     countT              vertexCount() const { return qh_qh->num_vertices; }
89 #//!\name Delegated to QhullQh
angleEpsilon()90     double              angleEpsilon() const { return qh_qh->angleEpsilon(); } //!< Epsilon for hyperplane angle equality
appendQhullMessage(const std::string & s)91     void                appendQhullMessage(const std::string &s) { qh_qh->appendQhullMessage(s); }
clearQhullMessage()92     void                clearQhullMessage() { qh_qh->clearQhullMessage(); }
distanceEpsilon()93     double              distanceEpsilon() const { return qh_qh->distanceEpsilon(); } //!< Epsilon for distance to hyperplane
factorEpsilon()94     double              factorEpsilon() const { return qh_qh->factorEpsilon(); }  //!< Factor for angleEpsilon and distanceEpsilon
qhullMessage()95     std::string         qhullMessage() const { return qh_qh->qhullMessage(); }
hasQhullMessage()96     bool                hasQhullMessage() const { return qh_qh->hasQhullMessage(); }
qhullStatus()97     int                 qhullStatus() const { return qh_qh->qhullStatus(); }
setErrorStream(std::ostream * os)98     void                setErrorStream(std::ostream *os) { qh_qh->setErrorStream(os); }
setFactorEpsilon(double a)99     void                setFactorEpsilon(double a) { qh_qh->setFactorEpsilon(a); }
setOutputStream(std::ostream * os)100     void                setOutputStream(std::ostream *os) { qh_qh->setOutputStream(os); }
102 #//!\name ForEach
beginFacet()103     QhullFacet          beginFacet() const { return QhullFacet(qh_qh, qh_qh->facet_list); }
beginVertex()104     QhullVertex         beginVertex() const { return QhullVertex(qh_qh, qh_qh->vertex_list); }
105     void                defineVertexNeighborFacets(); //!< Automatically called if merging facets or Voronoi diagram
endFacet()106     QhullFacet          endFacet() const { return QhullFacet(qh_qh, qh_qh->facet_tail); }
endVertex()107     QhullVertex         endVertex() const { return QhullVertex(qh_qh, qh_qh->vertex_tail); }
108     QhullFacetList      facetList() const;
firstFacet()109     QhullFacet          firstFacet() const { return beginFacet(); }
firstVertex()110     QhullVertex         firstVertex() const { return beginVertex(); }
111     QhullPoints         points() const;
112     QhullPointSet       otherPoints() const;
113                         //! Same as points().coordinates()
pointCoordinateBegin()114     coordT *            pointCoordinateBegin() const { return qh_qh->first_point; }
pointCoordinateEnd()115     coordT *            pointCoordinateEnd() const { return qh_qh->first_point + qh_qh->num_points*qh_qh->hull_dim; }
116     QhullVertexList     vertexList() const;
118 #//!\name Methods
119     double              area();
120     void                outputQhull();
121     void                outputQhull(const char * outputflags);
122     void                prepareVoronoi(bool *isLower, int *voronoiVertexCount);
123     void                runQhull(const RboxPoints &rboxPoints, const char *qhullCommand2);
124     void                runQhull(const char *inputComment2, int pointDimension, int pointCount, const realT *pointCoordinates, const char *qhullCommand2);
125     double              volume();
127 #//!\name Helpers
128 private:
129     void                initializeFeasiblePoint(int hulldim);
130 };//Qhull
132 }//namespace orgQhull
134 #endif // QHULLCPP_H