1 /**********************************************************
2  * Version $Id: dl_dxf.h 911 2011-02-14 16:38:15Z reklov_w $
3  *********************************************************/
4 /****************************************************************************
5 ** $Id: dl_dxf.h 911 2011-02-14 16:38:15Z reklov_w $
6 **
7 ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 RibbonSoft. All rights reserved.
8 **
9 ** This file is part of the dxflib project.
10 **
11 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
12 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
13 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
14 ** packaging of this file.
15 **
16 ** Licensees holding valid dxflib Professional Edition licenses may use
17 ** this file in accordance with the dxflib Commercial License
18 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
19 **
20 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
22 **
23 ** See http://www.ribbonsoft.com for further details.
24 **
25 ** Contact info@ribbonsoft.com if any conditions of this licensing are
26 ** not clear to you.
27 **
28 **********************************************************************/
30 #ifndef DL_DXF_H
31 #define DL_DXF_H
33 #include <stdio.h>
34 #include <stdlib.h>
35 #include <string.h>
36 #ifndef __GCC2x__
37 #include <sstream>
38 #endif
40 #include "dl_attributes.h"
41 #include "dl_codes.h"
42 #include "dl_entities.h"
43 #include "dl_writer_ascii.h"
45 #ifdef _WIN32
46 #undef M_PI
47 #define M_PI   3.14159265358979323846
48 #pragma warning(disable : 4800)
49 #endif
51 #ifndef M_PI
52 #define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
53 #endif
55 class DL_CreationInterface;
56 class DL_WriterA;
59 #define DL_VERSION     ""
61 #define DL_UNKNOWN               0
62 #define DL_LAYER                10
63 #define DL_BLOCK                11
64 #define DL_ENDBLK               12
65 #define DL_LINETYPE             13
66 #define DL_SETTING              50
67 #define DL_ENTITY_POINT        100
68 #define DL_ENTITY_LINE         101
69 #define DL_ENTITY_POLYLINE     102
70 #define DL_ENTITY_LWPOLYLINE   103
71 #define DL_ENTITY_VERTEX       104
72 #define DL_ENTITY_SPLINE       105
73 #define DL_ENTITY_KNOT         106
75 #define DL_ENTITY_ARC          108
76 #define DL_ENTITY_CIRCLE       109
77 #define DL_ENTITY_ELLIPSE      110
78 #define DL_ENTITY_INSERT       111
79 #define DL_ENTITY_TEXT         112
80 #define DL_ENTITY_MTEXT        113
81 #define DL_ENTITY_DIMENSION    114
82 #define DL_ENTITY_LEADER       115
83 #define DL_ENTITY_HATCH        116
84 #define DL_ENTITY_ATTRIB       117
85 #define DL_ENTITY_IMAGE        118
86 #define DL_ENTITY_IMAGEDEF     119
87 #define DL_ENTITY_TRACE        120
88 #define DL_ENTITY_SOLID        121
89 #define DL_ENTITY_3DFACE       122
90 #define DL_ENTITY_SEQEND       123
93 /**
94  * Reading and writing of DXF files.
95  *
96  * This class can read in a DXF file and calls methods from the
97  * interface DL_EntityContainer to add the entities to the
98  * contianer provided by the user of the library.
99  *
100  * It can also be used to write DXF files to a certain extent.
101  *
102  * When saving entities, special values for colors and linetypes
103  * can be used:
104  *
105  * Special colors are 0 (=BYBLOCK) and 256 (=BYLAYER).
106  * Special linetypes are "BYLAYER" and "BYBLOCK".
107  *
108  * @author Andrew Mustun
109  */
110 class DL_Dxf {
111 public:
112     DL_Dxf();
113     ~DL_Dxf();
115     bool in(const string& file,
116             DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
117     bool readDxfGroups(FILE* fp,
118                        DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface,
119 					   int* errorCounter = NULL);
120     static bool getChoppedLine(char* s, unsigned int size,
121                                FILE *stream);
123 #ifndef __GCC2x__
124     bool readDxfGroups(std::stringstream &stream,
125                        DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface,
126 					   int* errorCounter = NULL);
127     bool in(std::stringstream &stream,
128             DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
129     static bool getChoppedLine(char *s, unsigned int size,
130                                std::stringstream &stream);
131 #endif
133     static bool stripWhiteSpace(char** s);
135     bool processDXFGroup(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface,
136                          int groupCode, const char* groupValue);
137     void addSetting(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
138     void addLayer(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
139     void addBlock(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
140     void endBlock(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
142     void addPoint(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
143     void addLine(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
145     void addPolyline(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
146     void addVertex(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
148     void addSpline(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
149     //void addKnot(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
150     //void addControlPoint(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
152     void addArc(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
153     void addCircle(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
154     void addEllipse(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
155     void addInsert(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
157     void addTrace(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
158     void add3dFace(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
159     void addSolid(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
161     void addMText(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
162 	bool handleMTextData(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
163 	bool handleLWPolylineData(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
164 	bool handleSplineData(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
165 	bool handleLeaderData(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
166 	bool handleHatchData(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
168     void addText(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
169     void addAttrib(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
170     DL_DimensionData getDimData();
171     void addDimLinear(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
172     void addDimAligned(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
173     void addDimRadial(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
174     void addDimDiametric(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
175     void addDimAngular(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
176     void addDimAngular3P(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
177     void addDimOrdinate(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
178     void addLeader(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
179     void addHatch(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
180     void addImage(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
181     void addImageDef(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
183     void addComment(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface, const char* comment);
185 	void endEntity(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
187     void endSequence(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface);
189 	int  stringToInt(const char* s, bool* ok=NULL);
191     DL_WriterA* out(const char* file,
192                     DL_Codes::version version=VER_2000);
194     void writeHeader(DL_WriterA& dw);
196     void writePoint(DL_WriterA& dw,
197                     const DL_PointData& data,
198                     const DL_Attributes& attrib);
199     void writeLine(DL_WriterA& dw,
200                    const DL_LineData& data,
201                    const DL_Attributes& attrib);
202     void writePolyline(DL_WriterA& dw,
203                        const DL_PolylineData& data,
204                        const DL_Attributes& attrib);
205     void writeVertex(DL_WriterA& dw,
206                      const DL_VertexData& data);
207     void writePolylineEnd(DL_WriterA& dw);
208     void writeSpline(DL_WriterA& dw,
209                        const DL_SplineData& data,
210                        const DL_Attributes& attrib);
211     void writeControlPoint(DL_WriterA& dw,
212                      const DL_ControlPointData& data);
213     void writeKnot(DL_WriterA& dw,
214                      const DL_KnotData& data);
215     void writeCircle(DL_WriterA& dw,
216                      const DL_CircleData& data,
217                      const DL_Attributes& attrib);
218     void writeArc(DL_WriterA& dw,
219                   const DL_ArcData& data,
220                   const DL_Attributes& attrib);
221     void writeEllipse(DL_WriterA& dw,
222                       const DL_EllipseData& data,
223                       const DL_Attributes& attrib);
224     void writeSolid(DL_WriterA& dw,
225                    const DL_SolidData& data,
226                    const DL_Attributes& attrib);
227     void write3dFace(DL_WriterA& dw,
228                    const DL_3dFaceData& data,
229                    const DL_Attributes& attrib);
230     void writeInsert(DL_WriterA& dw,
231                      const DL_InsertData& data,
232                      const DL_Attributes& attrib);
233     void writeMText(DL_WriterA& dw,
234                     const DL_MTextData& data,
235                     const DL_Attributes& attrib);
236     void writeText(DL_WriterA& dw,
237                     const DL_TextData& data,
238                     const DL_Attributes& attrib);
239     void writeDimAligned(DL_WriterA& dw,
240                          const DL_DimensionData& data,
241                          const DL_DimAlignedData& edata,
242                          const DL_Attributes& attrib);
243     void writeDimLinear(DL_WriterA& dw,
244                         const DL_DimensionData& data,
245                         const DL_DimLinearData& edata,
246                         const DL_Attributes& attrib);
247     void writeDimRadial(DL_WriterA& dw,
248                         const DL_DimensionData& data,
249                         const DL_DimRadialData& edata,
250                         const DL_Attributes& attrib);
251     void writeDimDiametric(DL_WriterA& dw,
252                            const DL_DimensionData& data,
253                            const DL_DimDiametricData& edata,
254                            const DL_Attributes& attrib);
255     void writeDimAngular(DL_WriterA& dw,
256                          const DL_DimensionData& data,
257                          const DL_DimAngularData& edata,
258                          const DL_Attributes& attrib);
259     void writeDimAngular3P(DL_WriterA& dw,
260                            const DL_DimensionData& data,
261                            const DL_DimAngular3PData& edata,
262                            const DL_Attributes& attrib);
263     void writeDimOrdinate(DL_WriterA& dw,
264                          const DL_DimensionData& data,
265                          const DL_DimOrdinateData& edata,
266                          const DL_Attributes& attrib);
267     void writeLeader(DL_WriterA& dw,
268                      const DL_LeaderData& data,
269                      const DL_Attributes& attrib);
270     void writeLeaderVertex(DL_WriterA& dw,
271                            const DL_LeaderVertexData& data);
272     void writeHatch1(DL_WriterA& dw,
273                      const DL_HatchData& data,
274                      const DL_Attributes& attrib);
275     void writeHatch2(DL_WriterA& dw,
276                      const DL_HatchData& data,
277                      const DL_Attributes& attrib);
278     void writeHatchLoop1(DL_WriterA& dw,
279                          const DL_HatchLoopData& data);
280     void writeHatchLoop2(DL_WriterA& dw,
281                          const DL_HatchLoopData& data);
282     void writeHatchEdge(DL_WriterA& dw,
283                         const DL_HatchEdgeData& data);
285     int writeImage(DL_WriterA& dw,
286                    const DL_ImageData& data,
287                    const DL_Attributes& attrib);
289     void writeImageDef(DL_WriterA& dw, int handle,
290                        const DL_ImageData& data);
292     void writeLayer(DL_WriterA& dw,
293                     const DL_LayerData& data,
294                     const DL_Attributes& attrib);
296     void writeLineType(DL_WriterA& dw,
297                        const DL_LineTypeData& data);
299     void writeAppid(DL_WriterA& dw, const string& name);
301     void writeBlock(DL_WriterA& dw,
302                     const DL_BlockData& data);
303     void writeEndBlock(DL_WriterA& dw, const string& name);
305     void writeVPort(DL_WriterA& dw);
306     void writeStyle(DL_WriterA& dw);
307     void writeView(DL_WriterA& dw);
308     void writeUcs(DL_WriterA& dw);
309     void writeDimStyle(DL_WriterA& dw,
310 	                   double dimasz, double dimexe, double dimexo,
311 					   double dimgap, double dimtxt);
312     void writeBlockRecord(DL_WriterA& dw);
313     void writeBlockRecord(DL_WriterA& dw, const string& name);
314     void writeObjects(DL_WriterA& dw);
315     void writeObjectsEnd(DL_WriterA& dw);
317     void writeComment(DL_WriterA& dw, const string& comment);
319     /**
320      * Converts the given string into a double or returns the given
321      * default valud (def) if value is NULL or empty.
322      */
323     static double toReal(const char* value, double def=0.0) {
324        if (value!=NULL && value[0] != '\0') {
325             double ret;
326             if (strchr(value, ',') != NULL) {
327                char* tmp = new char[strlen(value)+1];
328                strcpy(tmp, value);
329                DL_WriterA::strReplace(tmp, ',', '.');
330                ret = atof(tmp);
331       		   delete[] tmp;
332             }
333             else {
334                ret = atof(value);
335             }
336 			return ret;
337         } else {
338             return def;
339         }
340     }
341     /**
342      * Converts the given string into an int or returns the given
343      * default valud (def) if value is NULL or empty.
344      */
345     static int toInt(const char* value, int def=0) {
346         if (value!=NULL && value[0] != '\0') {
347             return atoi(value);
348         } else {
349             return def;
350         }
351     }
352     /**
353      * Converts the given string into a string or returns the given
354      * default valud (def) if value is NULL or empty.
355      */
356     static const char* toString(const char* value, const char* def="") {
357         if (value!=NULL && value[0] != '\0') {
358             return value;
359         } else {
360             return def;
361         }
362     }
364 	static bool checkVariable(const char* var, DL_Codes::version version);
getVersion()366 	DL_Codes::version getVersion() {
367 		return version;
368 	}
370 	int getLibVersion(const char* str);
372 	static void test();
374 private:
375     DL_Codes::version version;
376     unsigned long styleHandleStd;
378 	string polylineLayer;
379     double* vertices;
380     int maxVertices;
381     int vertexIndex;
383     double* knots;
384     int maxKnots;
385     int knotIndex;
387     double* controlPoints;
388     int maxControlPoints;
389     int controlPointIndex;
391     double* leaderVertices;
392     int maxLeaderVertices;
393     int leaderVertexIndex;
395     // array of hatch loops
396     DL_HatchLoopData* hatchLoops;
397     int maxHatchLoops;
398     int hatchLoopIndex;
399     // array in format [loop#][edge#]
400     DL_HatchEdgeData** hatchEdges;
401     int* maxHatchEdges;
402     int* hatchEdgeIndex;
403     bool dropEdges;
405     // Bulge for the next vertex.
406     double bulge;
408     // Only the useful part of the group code
409     char groupCodeTmp[DL_DXF_MAXLINE+1];
410     // ...same as integer
411     unsigned int groupCode;
412     // Only the useful part of the group value
413     char groupValue[DL_DXF_MAXLINE+1];
414     // Current entity type
415     int currentEntity;
416     // Value of the current setting
417     char settingValue[DL_DXF_MAXLINE+1];
418     // Key of the current setting (e.g. "$ACADVER")
419     char settingKey[DL_DXF_MAXLINE+1];
420     // Stores the group codes
421     char values[DL_DXF_MAXGROUPCODE][DL_DXF_MAXLINE+1];
422     // First call of this method. We initialize all group values in
423     //  the first call.
424     bool firstCall;
425     // Attributes of the current entity (layer, color, width, line type)
426     DL_Attributes attrib;
427 	// library version. hex: 0x20003001 =
428 	int libVersion;
429 };
431 #endif
433 // EOF