1// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
2// Copyright (C) INRIA -
4// Copyright (C) 2012 - 2016 - Scilab Enterprises
6// This file is hereby licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0,
7// pursuant to article 5.3.4 of the CeCILL v.2.1.
8// This file was originally licensed under the terms of the CeCILL v2.1,
9// and continues to be available under such terms.
10// For more information, see the COPYING file which you should have received
11// along with this program.
14function [Stmp,Ws]=colregul(Sl,Alfa,Beta);
15    // [Stmp,Ws]=regul(Sl) computes a polynomial-state-space prefilter
16    // Ws such that Stmp=Sl*Ws is proper and non singular.
17    // Poles at infinity of Sl are moved to Alfa;
18    // Zeros at infinity of Sl are moved to Beta;
19    // Sl is asummed left invertible i.e. ss2tf(Sl) full column rank
20    //!
22    [LHS,RHS]=argn(0);
23    if RHS==1 then Alfa=0;Beta=0;end
24    flag=0;
25    Sl1=Sl(1)
26    if Sl1(1)=="r" then
27        flag=1;Sl=tf2ss(Sl);
28    end
29    s=poly(0,"s");
30    D=Sl(5);
31    n=size(D);n1=n(1);n2=n(2);
32    Ws=syslin([],[],[],[],eye(n2,n2));
33    Stmp=Sl;
34    m=max(degree(D));
35    //     moving poles @ infinity to poles @ Alfa
36    while m>0
37        Dm=coeff(D,m);
38        [W,r]=colcomp(Dm);
39        if r==0 then Wstmp=W; else
40            dim=n2-r;Wstmp=W*[eye(dim,dim),zeros(dim,r);
41        zeros(r,dim),tf2ss(1/(s-Alfa)*eye(r,r))];end
42        Ws=Ws*Wstmp;
43        Stmp=Stmp*Wstmp;
44        D=clean(Stmp(5));
45        m=max(degree(D));
46    end
47    Stmp(5)=coeff(Stmp(5),0);
49    [W,r]=colcomp(Stmp(5));
50    if r==n1 then
51        Ws=Ws*W;Stmp=Stmp*W;
52        if flag==1 then Ws=ss2tf(Ws);Stmp=ss2tf(Stmp);end
53        return;
54    end
55    [nx,nx]=size(Stmp(2));
56    //      moving zeros @ infinity to zeros @ Beta
57    i=0;
58    while r < n2,
59        i=i+1;
60        if r==n2 then Wstmp=W;
61        else
62            dim=n2-r;Wstmp=W*[(s-Beta)*eye(dim,dim),zeros(dim,r);
63            zeros(r,dim),eye(r,r)];
64        end
65        Wstmp=syslin([],[],[],[],Wstmp);
66        Ws=Ws*Wstmp;
67        Stmp=Stmp*Wstmp;
68        Stmp(5)=coeff(Stmp(5),0);
69        rold=r;
70        [W,r]=colcomp(Stmp(5));
71        //  if r==rold&r<>0 then break;end
72        if i>=nx then break;end
73    end
74    if flag==1 then
75    Ws=ss2tf(Ws);Stmp=ss2tf(Stmp);end