1// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
2// Copyright (C) 2011 - INRIA - Serge Steer <serge.steer@inria.fr>
4// Copyright (C) 2012 - 2016 - Scilab Enterprises
6// This file is hereby licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0,
7// pursuant to article 5.3.4 of the CeCILL v.2.1.
8// This file was originally licensed under the terms of the CeCILL v2.1,
9// and continues to be available under such terms.
10// For more information, see the COPYING file which you should have received
11// along with this program.
13function datatipSetTipStyle(tip_handle,style)
14    //datatip utility function
15    point_handle=tip_handle.children(1)
16    string_handle=tip_handle.children(2)
17    bg=addcolor([255 255 238]/255);
18    tip_refs=point_handle.user_data
19    [curve_handle,k]=tip_refs(1:2)
21    pt=point_handle.data(1,:)
23    //label
24    if style(3)==0 then //no label
25        string_handle.visible="off"
26    else
27        string_handle.visible="on"
28    end
29    if style(2)==1 then //boxed
30        string_handle.background=bg;
31        string_handle.box="on";
32        string_handle.fill_mode="on";
33        string_handle.font_foreground=curve_handle.foreground;
34    else
35        string_handle.box="off"
36        string_handle.foreground=color("gray");
37        string_handle.fill_mode="off";
38        string_handle.font_foreground=curve_handle.foreground;
39    end
40    string_handle.clip_state="off";
41    if string_handle.user_data<>[] then //preserve orientation if any
42        orient=string_handle.user_data(1)
43    else
44        orient=0;
45    end
46    string_handle.user_data=[orient style(2)]
48    //marker
49    point_handle.mark_style=11;
50    point_handle.mark_size_unit="point";
51    point_handle.mark_size=6;
52    select style(1)
53    case 1  then //square marker
54        point_handle.data= pt
55        point_handle.mark_mode="on";
56        point_handle.mark_background=bg;
57        point_handle.mark_foreground=curve_handle.foreground;
58        point_handle.arrow_size_factor = 0;
59    case 2 then //directional arrow marker
61        //compute tangeant
62        tip_refs=point_handle.user_data
63        [curve_handle,k]=tip_refs(1:2)
64        if k<size(curve_handle.data,1)
65            dxy=(curve_handle.data(k+1,:)-pt)/100000;
66        else
67            dxy=(pt-curve_handle.data(k-1,:))/100000;
68        end
69        point_handle.data=[pt;pt+dxy]
70        //set properties
71        point_handle.mark_background=curve_handle.foreground;
72        point_handle.mark_foreground=curve_handle.foreground;
73        point_handle.mark_mode="off";
74        point_handle.arrow_size_factor = 1.5;
75        point_handle.polyline_style = 4;
76        point_handle.foreground=curve_handle.foreground;
77    end
78    if style(3)<>0 then setStringPosition(tip_handle,pt),end