1 /*
2  *  Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
3  *  Copyright (C) 2013 - DIGITEO - Cedric DELAMARRE
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2016 - Scilab Enterprises
6  *
7  * This file is hereby licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0,
8  * pursuant to article 5.3.4 of the CeCILL v.2.1.
9  * This file was originally licensed under the terms of the CeCILL v2.1,
10  * and continues to be available under such terms.
11  * For more information, see the COPYING file which you should have received
12  * along with this program.
13  *
14  */
16 #ifndef __OPTIMIZATIONS_HXX__
17 #define __OPTIMIZATIONS_HXX__
19 #include <vector>
20 #include <map>
21 #include "dynlib_optimization.h"
22 #include "string.hxx"
23 #include "callable.hxx"
25 extern "C"
26 {
27 #include "Thread_Wrapper.h"
28 }
30 extern "C"
31 {
32     // optim
33     void C2F(genros)(int* ind, int* n, double* x, double* f, double* g, int* ti, float* tr, double* td);
34     void C2F(topt2) (int* ind, int* n, double* x, double* f, double* g, int* ti, float* tr, double* td);
35     void C2F(icsemc)(int* ind, int* n, double* x, double* f, double* g, int* ti, float* tr, double* td);
36     void C2F(mcsec) (int* ind, int* n, double* x, double* f, double* g, int* ti, float* tr, double* td);
38     // fsolve
39     void C2F(fsol1) (int* n, double* x, double* v, int* iflag);
40     void C2F(fsolj1)(int* n, double* x, double* jac, int* iflag);
42     // lsqrsolve
43     void C2F(lsqrsol1)  (int* m, int* n, double* x, double* v, int* iflag);
44     void C2F(lsqrsolj1) (int* m, int* n, double* x, double* jac, int* ldjac, int* iflag);
46 }
48 class OPTIMIZATION_IMPEXP OptimizationFunctions
49 {
51 public :
53     OptimizationFunctions(const std::wstring& callerName);
54     ~OptimizationFunctions();
56     void setXRows(int);
57     void setXCols(int);
58     int getXRows();
59     int getXCols();
61     // optim
62     void setOptimCostfFunction(types::Callable*);
63     bool setOptimCostfFunction(types::String*);
64     void setCostfArgs(types::InternalType*);
65     void execCostf(int* ind, int* n, double* x, double* f, double* g, int* ti, float* tr, double* td);
67     // fsolve & lsqrsolve
68     void setFsolveFctFunction(types::Callable*);
69     bool setFsolveFctFunction(types::String*);
70     void setFsolveFctArgs(types::InternalType*);
71     void execFsolveFct(int* n, double* x, double* v, int* iflag);
72     void execLsqrsolveFct(int* m, int* n, double* x, double* v, int* iflag);
74     void setFsolveJacFunction(types::Callable*);
75     bool setFsolveJacFunction(types::String*);
76     void setFsolveJacArgs(types::InternalType*);
77     void execFsolveJac(int* n, double* x, double* v, double* jac, int* ldjac, int* iflag);
78     void execLsqrsolveJac(int* m, int* n, double* x, double* v, double* jac, int* ldjac, int* iflag);
80 private :
82     std::map<std::wstring, void*> m_staticFunctionMap;
83     std::wstring m_wstrCaller;
84     int m_iXRows;
85     int m_iXCols;
87     // optim
88     types::Callable* m_pCallOptimCostfFunction;
89     types::String* m_pStringOptimCostfFunctionDyn;
90     types::String* m_pStringOptimCostfFunctionStatic;
91     std::vector<types::InternalType*> m_OptimArgs;
92     void callCostfMacro(int* ind, int* n, double* x, double* f, double* g, int* ti, float* tr, double* td);
94     // fsolve & lsqrsolve
95     types::Callable* m_pCallFsolveFctFunction;
96     types::String* m_pStringFsolveFctFunctionDyn;
97     types::String* m_pStringFsolveFctFunctionStatic;
98     std::vector<types::InternalType*> m_fsolveFctArgs;
99     void callFsolveFctMacro(int* n, double* x, double* v, int* iflag);
100     void callLsqrsolveFctMacro(int* m, int* n, double* x, double* v, int* iflag);
102     types::Callable* m_pCallFsolveJacFunction;
103     types::String* m_pStringFsolveJacFunctionDyn;
104     types::String* m_pStringFsolveJacFunctionStatic;
105     std::vector<types::InternalType*> m_fsolveJacArgs;
106     void callFsolveJacMacro(int* n, double* x, double* v, double* jac, int* ldjac, int* iflag);
107     void callLsqrsolveJacMacro(int* m, int* n, double* x, double* v, double* jac, int* ldjac, int* iflag);
109 };
111 class OPTIMIZATION_IMPEXP Optimization
112 {
113     // differential equation functions
114 private :
115     static std::vector<OptimizationFunctions*> m_OptimizationFunctions;
117 public :
118     static void addOptimizationFunctions(OptimizationFunctions* _opFunction);
119     static void removeOptimizationFunctions();
120     static OptimizationFunctions* getOptimizationFunctions();
122 };
123 #endif /* !__OPTIMIZATIONS_HXX__ */