1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
42 /*
43  *
44  * $Id: s9adsimp.c,v 1.2 2001-03-19 15:59:02 afr Exp $
45  *
46  */
49 #define S9ADSIMP
51 #include "sislP.h"
54 double
s9adsimp(double epnt1[],double epar1[],double eimpli[],int ideg,double egd1[],double epgd1[],double etang[],double eptan[],double astep,int * jstat)55 s9adsimp(double epnt1[],double epar1[],double eimpli[],int ideg,double egd1[],
56 		double epgd1[],double etang[],double eptan[],double astep,int *jstat)
57 #else
58 double s9adsimp(epnt1,epar1,eimpli,ideg,egd1,epgd1,etang,eptan,astep,jstat)
59      double epnt1[];
60      double epar1[];
61      double eimpli[];
62      int    ideg;
63      double egd1[];
64      double epgd1[];
65      double etang[];
66      double eptan[];
67      double astep;
68      int    *jstat;
69 #endif
70 /*
71 *********************************************************************
72 *
73 * PURPOSE    : To decide if we should step directly on to a guide point
74 *
75 * INPUT      : epnt1  - start point, in first surface of iteration step
76 *              epar1  - Parameter value of epnt1
77 *              eimpli - Description of the implicit surface
78 *              ideg   - The degree of the implicit surface
79 *                        ideg=1: Plane
80 *                        ideg=2; Quadric surface
81 *                        ideg=1001: Torus surface
82 *                        ideg=1003: Silhouette line parallel projection
83 *                        ideg=1004: Silhouette line perspective projection
84 *                        ideg=1005: Silhouette line circular projection
85 *              egd1   - Guide point in first surface
86 *                       For ideg=1,2 and 1001 the sequence is position,
87 *                       first derivative in first parameter direction,
88 *                       first derivative in second parameter direction,
89 *                       (2,0) derivative, (1,1) derivative, (0,2) derivative
90 *                       and normal. (21 numbers)
91 *                       For ideg=1003,1004,1005 the second derivatives are followed
92 *                       by the third derivatives and the normal (33 numbers)
93 *                       Compatible with output of s1421
94 *              epgd1  - Parameter value of egd1
95 *              etang  - Tangent in step direction at epoint
96 *              eptan  - Tangent in parameter plane at current point
97 *              idim   - Dimension of space the vectors lie in
98 *              astep  - Current step length
99 *
100 *
101 * OUTPUT     : s9adsimp - Distance to guide point
102 *              jstat  - Status  variable
103 *                        = 0  :  Don't step onto the guide point
104 *                        = 1  :  Step through the guide point
105 *
106 * METHOD     : The step is changed if
107 *               - The guide point lies in the tangent direction
108 *               - The distance between the guide point and start point
109 *                 of iteration step is less than or equal to astep
110 *
111 * USE        : This routine is only working in 3-D
112 *
113 *
115 *
116 *-
117 * CALLS      : s6diff,s6scpr,s6length,s6crss
118 *
119 * WRITTEN BY : Tor Dokken, SI, 1988-june-11
120 * Revised by : Tor Dokken, SI, 1989-03
121 *              Corrected stepping through singular points.
122 * Revised by : Mike Floater, SI, 1991-01
123 *                   Add perspective and circular silhouettes (ideg=1004,ideg=1005)
124 *
125 *********************************************************************
126 */
127 {
128   int kpos=1;              /* Position indicator for errors           */
129   int kstat;               /* Dummy status variable                   */
130   int kdim=3;              /* This routine is only working in 3-D     */
131   int k2dim=2;             /* Dimension of parameter plane            */
132   int ksize;               /* Number of doubles for storage of derivateves
133 			      and normal vector */
134   int ksizem3;             /* ksize - 3                               */
135   double tdum;             /* Variable for storage of reals           */
136   double tdist=(double)0.0;/* Distance between guide point and point  */
137   double sdiff[3];         /* Vector for difference between two points*/
138   double scr1[3],scr2[3];  /* Normal vectors                          */
139   double snorm[3];         /* Normal vector                           */
142   /* If ideg=1,2 or 1001 then only derivatives up to second order
143      are calculated, then 18 doubles for derivatives and 3 for the
144      normal vector are to be used for calculation of points in the
145      spline surface. For ideg=1003,1004,1005 we have a silhouette curve and
146      derivatives up to the third are to be calculated,
147      thus 30 +3 a total of 33 doubles are to be calculated */
149   if (ideg==1003 || ideg==1004 || ideg==1005)
150     {
151       ksize = 33;
152     }
153   else
154     {
155       ksize = 21;
156     }
157   ksizem3 = ksize -3;
159   /* First see that we are not turning direction in the parameter plane */
161   s6diff(epgd1,epar1,k2dim,sdiff);
162   if (s6scpr(sdiff,eptan,k2dim) < DZERO) goto dontstepthrough;
164   s6diff(egd1,epnt1,kdim,sdiff);
165   tdum  = s6scpr(sdiff,etang,kdim);
166   tdist = s6length(sdiff,kdim,&kstat);
168   /* Step onto point if it is within 2.0*aepsge */
170   if (tdum > DZERO)
171     {
172       if (DZERO < tdist && tdist <= (double)2.0*astep)
173         {
174 	  /* Guide point lies within step length and in step direction, test
175 	     if cross products of normal vectors at current point and guide point
176 	     point in the same direction, this is not possible to test on for
177 	   silhouette curves */
179 	  if (ideg < 1003)
180             {
182 	      /* Make normal to implicit surface at epnt1 */
183 	      s1308(epnt1,3,eimpli,ideg,snorm,&kstat);
184 	      if (kstat<0) goto error;
186 	      /* Make cross product of normals in start point */
187 	      s6crss(epnt1+ksizem3,snorm,scr1);
190 	      /* Make normal to implicit surface at epnt1 */
191 	      s1308(epnt1,3,eimpli,ideg,snorm,&kstat);
192 	      if (kstat<0) goto error;
194 	      /* Make cross product of normals in guide point */
195 	      s6crss(egd1+ksizem3,snorm,scr2);
198 	      /* Make scalar product of these two vectors     */
199 	      tdum = s6scpr(scr1,scr2,kdim);
200 	      if (kstat<0) goto error;
202 	      /* If positive scalar product the curve at the two points point in
203 		 the same direction, step through point */
204 	      if (tdum > DZERO) goto stepthrough;
205 	      else if (tdum == DZERO)
206                 {
208 		  double tl1,tl2;
210 		  /* Vectors orthogonal or at least one has length zero */
212 		  tl1 = s6length(scr1,kdim,&kstat);
213 		  tl2 = s6length(scr2,kdim,&kstat);
215 		  if (tl1 != DZERO && tl2 != DZERO)
216 		    goto dontstepthrough;
217 		  else if (tl1 == DZERO && tl2 == DZERO)
218 		    goto stepthrough;
219 		  else if (tl2 == DZERO)
220 		    goto stepthrough;
221 		  else if (tl2 != DZERO)
222 		    {
223 		      /* Test if scr2 points in the direction from start */
225 		      tl1 = s6scpr(sdiff,scr2,kdim);
227 		      if (tl1 < DZERO)
228 			goto dontstepthrough;
229 		      else
230 			goto stepthrough;
231 		    }
232                 }
233             }
234 	  else
235             goto stepthrough;
236         }
237     }
239  dontstepthrough:
241   *jstat = 0;
242   goto out;
244  stepthrough:
245   *jstat = 1;
246   goto out;
248   /* Error in lower leve function */
249  error:
250   *jstat = kstat;
251   s6err("s9adsimp",*jstat,kpos);
252   goto out;
254  out:
255   return(tdist);
256 }