1 /*  makeSendRecvIVLs.c  */
3 #include "../spoolesMPI.h"
5 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /*
7    -----------------------------------------------------------------
8    purpose -- to analyze and organize communication. it was written
9       in support of a distributed matrix-vector multiply but can be
10       used for other applications.
12    each processor has a list of items it "supports" or needs found
13    in the supportedIV object. the globalmapIV object contains the
14    map from items to owning processors. we need to figure out what
15    items this processor will send to and receive from each other
16    processor. this information is found in the sendIVL and recvIVL
17    objects.
19    on return, list jproc of sendIVL contains the items owned by
20    this processor and needed by jproc.
21    on return, list jproc of recvIVL contains the items needed by
22    this processor and owned by jproc.
24    as a concrete example, consider a distributed Y = A * X.
25    the matrix A, the right hand side X and the vector Y are
26    distributed among processors.
28    consider the case where the supportedIV object contains the rows
29    of X that are needed by this processor to perform its part of the
30    matrix-vector multiply. globalmapIV contains the map from rows
31    of X to the owning processors. on return, list jproc of sendIVL
32    contains the row indices of X owned by this processor that are
33    needed by processor jproc. on return, list jproc of recvIVL
34    contains the row indices of X needed by this processor that are
35    owned by processor jproc.
37    consider the case where the supportedIV object contains the rows
38    of Y that will be updated by this processor when it performs it
39    part of the matrix-vector multiply. globalmapIV contains the map
40    from rows of Y to their owning processors. on return, list jproc
41    of recvIVL contains the row indices of Y on this processor that
42    need to be sent to their owner, processor jproc. on return, list
43    jproc of sendIVL contains the row indices of Y owned by this
44    processor that will be sent by processor jproc to this processor.
46    created -- 98aug01, cca
47    -----------------------------------------------------------------
48 */
49 void
makeSendRecvIVLs(IV * supportedIV,IV * globalmapIV,IVL * sendIVL,IVL * recvIVL,int stats[],int msglvl,FILE * msgFile,int firsttag,MPI_Comm comm)50 makeSendRecvIVLs (
51    IV         *supportedIV,
52    IV         *globalmapIV,
53    IVL        *sendIVL,
54    IVL        *recvIVL,
55    int        stats[],
56    int        msglvl,
57    FILE       *msgFile,
58    int        firsttag,
59    MPI_Comm   comm
60 ) {
61 int   count, ii, item, jproc, maxitem, myid, nitem, nproc ;
62 int   *head, *items, *link, *list, *map ;
63 /*
64    ---------------
65    check the input
66    ---------------
67 */
68 if ( supportedIV == NULL || globalmapIV == NULL
69    || sendIVL == NULL || recvIVL == NULL
70    || stats == NULL || (msglvl > 0 && msgFile == NULL) ) {
71    fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in makeSendRecvIVLs()"
72            "\n bad input\n") ;
73    exit(-1) ;
74 }
75 IV_sizeAndEntries(supportedIV, &nitem,  &items) ;
76 if ( nitem == 0 ) {
77    maxitem = 0 ;
78 } else {
79    maxitem = items[nitem-1] ;
80 }
81 map = IV_entries(globalmapIV) ;
82 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
83    fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n inside makeSendRecvIVLs()"
84            "\n supportedIV") ;
85    IV_writeForHumanEye(supportedIV, msgFile) ;
86    fprintf(msgFile, "\n globalmapIV") ;
87    IV_writeForHumanEye(globalmapIV, msgFile) ;
88    fflush(msgFile) ;
89 }
90 /*
91    ---------------------------------------
92    get id of self and number of processors
93    ---------------------------------------
94 */
95 MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myid)  ;
96 MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nproc) ;
97 /*
98    ----------------------------------------------------
99    link the items into lists via their owning processor
100    ----------------------------------------------------
101 */
102 head = IVinit(nproc, -1) ;
103 link = IVinit(1 + maxitem, -1) ;
104 for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nitem ; ii++ ) {
105    item = items[ii] ;
106    jproc = map[item] ;
107    link[item] = head[jproc] ;
108    head[jproc] = item ;
109 }
110 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
111    fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n items linked by owning processor") ;
112    fflush(msgFile) ;
113 }
114 /*
115    ---------------------------------------
116    initialize and fill the recvIVL object.
117    list jproc contains the items that
118    this processor needs from jproc.
119    ---------------------------------------
120 */
121 IVL_init1(recvIVL, IVL_CHUNKED, nproc) ;
122 if ( nitem > 0 ) {
123    list = IVinit(nitem, -1) ;
124    for ( jproc = 0 ; jproc < nproc ; jproc++ ) {
125       count = 0 ;
126       for ( item = head[jproc] ; item != -1 ; item = link[item] ) {
127          list[count++] = item ;
128       }
129       IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
130       IVL_setList(recvIVL, jproc, count, list) ;
131    }
132    IVfree(list) ;
133    IVfree(head) ;
134    IVfree(link) ;
135 }
136 if ( msglvl > 5 ) {
137    fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n recvIVL") ;
138    IVL_writeForHumanEye(recvIVL, msgFile) ;
139    fflush(msgFile) ;
140 }
141 /*
142    ----------------------------------------------------------
143    compute the sendIVL object via an all-to-all communication
144    ----------------------------------------------------------
145 */
146 IVL_MPI_alltoall(recvIVL, sendIVL, stats,
147                  msglvl, msgFile, firsttag, comm) ;
149 return ; }
151 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/