1 /*  A2.h  */
3 #include "../cfiles.h"
4 #include "../SPOOLES.h"
5 #include "../ZV.h"
6 #include "../IV.h"
7 #include "../DV.h"
9 /*====================================================================*/
10 /*
11    -----------------------------------------------------------
12    the A2 structure holds a 2-d dense array of double complex
14    type -- type of entries
15       1 -- real
16       2 -- complex
17    n1 -- number of rows (first dimension)
18    n2 -- number of columns (second dimension)
19    inc1 --
20       increment in storage along first dimension,
21       when inc1 == 1, the storage is column major
22    inc2 --
23       increment in storage along second dimension,
24       when inc2 == 1, the storage is row major
25    nowned -- number of owned entries starting at entries
26       when > 0, storage pointed to by entries
27       has been allocated here and can be free'd.
28       when = 0, storage pointed to by entries
29       has not been allocated here and cannot be free'd.
30    entries -- base address for the entries
32    if real then
33       entry(i,j) is found in entries[i*inc1 + j*inc2]
34    else
35       entry(i,j) is found in entries[2*(i*inc1 + j*inc2)]
36       and entries[2*(i*inc1 + j*inc2)+1]
37    endif
38    -----------------------------------------------------------
39 */
40 typedef
41 struct _A2 {
42    int      type     ;
43    int      n1       ;
44    int      n2       ;
45    int      inc1     ;
46    int      inc2     ;
47    int      nowned   ;
48    double   *entries ;
49 } A2 ;
51 #define A2_IS_REAL(chv)    ((chv)->type == SPOOLES_REAL)
52 #define A2_IS_COMPLEX(chv) ((chv)->type == SPOOLES_COMPLEX)
54 #define A2_STRICT_LOWER 1
55 #define A2_LOWER        2
56 #define A2_DIAGONAL     3
57 #define A2_UPPER        4
58 #define A2_STRICT_UPPER 5
59 #define A2_ALL_ENTRIES  6
61 #define A2_BY_ROWS     0
62 #define A2_BY_COLUMNS  1
64 /*====================================================================*/
65 /*
66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 ----- methods found in basics.c ----------------------------------------
68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 */
70 /*
71    -----------------------
72    simplest constructor
74    created -- 98may01, cca
75    -----------------------
76 */
77 A2 *
78 A2_new (
79    void
80 ) ;
81 /*
82    -----------------------
83    set the default fields
85    created -- 98may01, cca
86    -----------------------
87 */
88 void
89 A2_setDefaultFields (
90    A2   *mtx
91 ) ;
92 /*
93    --------------------------------------------------
94    clear the data fields, releasing allocated storage
96    created -- 98may01, cca
97    --------------------------------------------------
98 */
99 void
100 A2_clearData (
101    A2   *mtx
102 ) ;
103 /*
104    ------------------------------------------
105    destructor, free's the object and its data
107    created -- 98may01, cca
108    ------------------------------------------
109 */
110 void
111 A2_free (
112    A2   *mtx
113 ) ;
114 /*
115 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 ----- methods found in instance.c --------------------------------------
117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 */
119 /*
120    --------------------------------------
121    return the number of rows in the array
123    created -- 98may01, cca
124    --------------------------------------
125 */
126 int
127 A2_nrow (
128    A2   *mtx
129 ) ;
130 /*
131    -----------------------------------------
132    return the number of columns in the array
134    created -- 98may01, cca
135    -----------------------------------------
136 */
137 int
138 A2_ncol (
139    A2   *mtx
140 ) ;
141 /*
142    --------------------------
143    return the first increment
145    created -- 98may01, cca
146    --------------------------
147 */
148 int
149 A2_inc1 (
150    A2  *mtx
151 ) ;
152 /*
153    ---------------------------
154    return the second increment
156    created -- 98may01, cca
157    ---------------------------
158 */
159 int
160 A2_inc2 (
161    A2  *mtx
162 ) ;
163 /*
164    -------------------------------
165    return a pointer to the entries
167    created -- 98may01, cca
168    -------------------------------
169 */
170 double *
171 A2_entries (
172    A2      *mtx
173 ) ;
174 /*
175    --------------------------------------------
176    return a pointer to the first entry in a row
178    created -- 98may01, cca
179    --------------------------------------------
180 */
181 double *
182 A2_row (
183    A2   *mtx,
184    int   irow
185 ) ;
186 /*
187    -----------------------------------------------
188    return a pointer to the first entry in a column
190    created -- 98may01, cca
191    -----------------------------------------------
192 */
193 double *
194 A2_column (
195    A2   *mtx,
196    int   jcol
197 ) ;
198 /*
199    -------------------------------------------
200    fill *pValue with the entry in (irow, jcol)
202    created -- 98may01, cca
203    -------------------------------------------
204 */
205 void
206 A2_realEntry (
207    A2       *mtx,
208    int      irow,
209    int      jcol,
210    double   *pValue
211 ) ;
212 /*
213    ---------------------------------------------------
214    fill (*pReal,*pImag) with the entry in (irow, jcol)
216    created -- 98may01, cca
217    ---------------------------------------------------
218 */
219 void
220 A2_complexEntry (
221    A2       *mtx,
222    int      irow,
223    int      jcol,
224    double   *pReal,
225    double   *pImag
226 ) ;
227 /*
228    -----------------------------------------
229    set the entry in (irow, jcol) to be value
231    created -- 98may01, cca
232    -----------------------------------------
233 */
234 void
235 A2_setRealEntry (
236    A2       *mtx,
237    int      irow,
238    int      jcol,
239    double   value
240 ) ;
241 /*
242    -----------------------------------------------
243    set the entry in (irow, jcol) to be (real,imag)
245    created -- 98may01, cca
246    -----------------------------------------------
247 */
248 void
249 A2_setComplexEntry (
250    A2       *mtx,
251    int      irow,
252    int      jcol,
253    double   real,
254    double   imag
255 ) ;
256 /*
257    ---------------------------------------
258    fill pointers to the matrix first entry
259    in row irow and column jcol
261    created -- 98may01, cca
262    ---------------------------------------
263 */
264 void
265 A2_pointerToRealEntry (
266    A2       *mtx,
267    int      irow,
268    int      jcol,
269    double   **ppValue
270 ) ;
271 /*
272    ---------------------------------------
273    fill pointers to the matrix first entry
274    in row irow and column jcol
276    created -- 98may01, cca
277    ---------------------------------------
278 */
279 void
280 A2_pointerToComplexEntry (
281    A2       *mtx,
282    int      irow,
283    int      jcol,
284    double   **ppReal,
285    double   **ppImag
286 ) ;
287 /*
288 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 ----- methods found in init.c ------------------------------------------
290 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
291 */
292 /*
293    ------------------------------------------------------------------
294    initializer. sets the n1, n2, inc1 and inc2 fields.
295    must have
296       mtx != NULL
298       n1, n2, inc1, inc2 > 0
299       (inc1 = 1 and inc2 = nrow) or (inc1 = ncol and inc2 = 1)
301    if entries is NULL then
302       entries are allocated and zeroed.
303    else
304       mtx->nowned is set to 0
305       mtx->entries is set to entries.
306    endif
307    n1, n2, inc1, inc2 set
309    created -- 98apr15, cca
310    ------------------------------------------------------------------
311 */
312 void
313 A2_init (
314    A2       *mtx,
315    int      type,
316    int      n1,
317    int      n2,
318    int      inc1,
319    int      inc2,
320    double   *entries
321 ) ;
322 /*
323    --------------------------------------------------
324    submatrix initializer
326    A(0:lastrow-firstrow,0:lastcol-firstcol)
327               = B(firstrow:lastrow, firstcol:lastcol)
329    created -- 98apr15, cca
330    --------------------------------------------------
331 */
332 void
333 A2_subA2 (
334    A2   *mtxA,
335    A2   *mtxB,
336    int   firstrow,
337    int   lastrow,
338    int   firstcol,
339    int   lastcol
340 ) ;
341 /*
342 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
343 ----- methods found in norms.c -----------------------------------------
344 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
345 */
346 /*
347    -------------------------------------
348    return the entry of maximum magnitude
350    created -- 98apr15, cca
351    -------------------------------------
352 */
353 double
354 A2_maxabs (
355    A2   *a
356 ) ;
357 /*
358    ---------------------------------------
359    return the frobenius norm of the matrix
361    created -- 98apr15, cca
362    ---------------------------------------
363 */
364 double
365 A2_frobNorm (
366    A2   *mtx
367 ) ;
368 /*
369    ---------------------------------
370    return the one-norm of the matrix
372    created -- 98apr15, cca
373    ---------------------------------
374 */
375 double
376 A2_oneNorm (
377    A2   *mtx
378 ) ;
379 /*
380    --------------------------------------
381    return the infinity-norm of the matrix
383    created -- 98apr15, cca
384    --------------------------------------
385 */
386 double
387 A2_infinityNorm (
388    A2   *mtx
389 ) ;
390 /*
391    ----------------------------------
392    return the one-norm of column jcol
394    created -- 98apr15, cca
395    ----------------------------------
396 */
397 double
398 A2_oneNormOfColumn (
399    A2   *mtx,
400    int   jcol
401 ) ;
402 /*
403    ----------------------------------
404    return the two-norm of column jcol
406    created -- 98apr15, cca
407    ----------------------------------
408 */
409 double
410 A2_twoNormOfColumn (
411    A2   *mtx,
412    int   jcol
413 ) ;
414 /*
415    ---------------------------------------
416    return the infinity-norm of column jcol
418    created -- 98apr15, cca
419    ---------------------------------------
420 */
421 double
422 A2_infinityNormOfColumn (
423    A2   *mtx,
424    int   jcol
425 ) ;
426 /*
427    -------------------------------
428    return the one-norm of row irow
430    created -- 98apr15, cca
431    -------------------------------
432 */
433 double
434 A2_oneNormOfRow (
435    A2   *mtx,
436    int   irow
437 ) ;
438 /*
439    -------------------------------
440    return the two-norm of row irow
442    created -- 98apr15, cca
443    -------------------------------
444 */
445 double
446 A2_twoNormOfRow (
447    A2   *mtx,
448    int   irow
449 ) ;
450 /*
451    ------------------------------------
452    return the infinity-norm of row irow
454    created -- 98apr15, cca
455    ------------------------------------
456 */
457 double
458 A2_infinityNormOfRow (
459    A2   *mtx,
460    int   irow
461 ) ;
462 /*
463 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
464 ----- methods found in sort.c ------------------------------------------
465 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
466 */
467 /*
468    -----------------------------------------
469    permute the rows of the matrix
470    A(*,*) = A(index(*),*)
471    this method calls A2_sortRowsUp
472    but does not overwrite the index[] vector
474    created -- 98apr15, cca
475    -----------------------------------------
476 */
477 void
478 A2_permuteRows (
479    A2    *mtx,
480    int   nrow,
481    int   index[]
482 ) ;
483 /*
484    -----------------------------------------
485    permute the columns of the matrix
486    A(*,*) = A(*,index(*))
487    this method calls A2_sortColumnsUp
488    but does not overwrite the index[] vector
490    created -- 98apr15, cca
491    -----------------------------------------
492 */
493 void
494 A2_permuteColumns (
495    A2   *mtx,
496    int   ncol,
497    int   index[]
498 ) ;
499 /*
500    ----------------------------------------------
501    sort the rows of the matrix in ascending order
502    of the rowids[] vector. on return, rowids is
503    in asending order. return value is the number
504    of row swaps made.
506    created -- 98apr15, cca
507    ----------------------------------------------
508 */
509 int
510 A2_sortRowsUp (
511    A2    *mtx,
512    int   nrow,
513    int   rowids[]
514 ) ;
515 /*
516    -------------------------------------------------
517    sort the columns of the matrix in ascending order
518    of the colids[] vector. on return, colids is
519    in asending order. return value is the number
520    of column swaps made.
522    created -- 98apr15, cca
523    -------------------------------------------------
524 */
525 int
526 A2_sortColumnsUp (
527    A2   *mtx,
528    int   ncol,
529    int   colids[]
530 ) ;
531 /*
532 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
533 ----- methods found in QRreduce.c --------------------------------------
534 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
535 */
536 /*
537    --------------------------------------------------------------
538    purpose -- compute A = QR, where Q is a product of householder
539               vectors, (I - beta_j v_j v_j^T). on return, v_j is
540               found in the lower triangle of A, v_j(j) = 1.0.
542    return value -- # of floating point operations
544    created -- 98may25, cca
545    --------------------------------------------------------------
546 */
547 double
548 A2_QRreduce (
549    A2       *mtxA,
550    DV       *workDV,
551    int      msglvl,
552    FILE     *msgFile
553 ) ;
554 /*
555    -----------------------------------------------------------
556    A contains the following data from the A = QR factorization
558    A(1:ncolA,1:ncolA) = R
559    A(j+1:nrowA,j) is v_j, the j-th householder vector,
560        where v_j[j] = 1.0
562    NOTE: A and Q must be column major
564    created -- 98dec10, cca
565    -----------------------------------------------------------
566 */
567 void
568 A2_computeQ (
569    A2     *Q,
570    A2     *A,
571    DV     *workDV,
572    int    msglvl,
573    FILE   *msgFile
574 ) ;
575 /*
576    -----------------------------------------------------------
577    A contains the following data from the A = QR factorization
579    A(1:ncolA,1:ncolA) = R
580    A(j+1:nrowA,j) is v_j, the j-th householder vector,
581        where v_j[j] = 1.0
583    we compute Y = Q^T X when A is real
584           and Y = Q^H X when A is complex
586    NOTE: A, Y and X must be column major.
587    NOTE: Y and X can be the same object,
588          in which case X is overwritten with Y
590    created -- 98dec10, cca
591    -----------------------------------------------------------
592 */
593 void
594 A2_applyQT (
595    A2     *Y,
596    A2     *A,
597    A2     *X,
598    DV     *workDV,
599    int    msglvl,
600    FILE   *msgFile
601 ) ;
602 /*
603 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
604 ----- methods found in copyEntriesToVector.c ---------------------------
605 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
606 */
607 /*
608    ----------------------------------------------------------------
609   purpose -- copy entries to a vector. the portion copied
610               can be a union of the strict lower portion,
611               the diagonal portion, and the strict upper
612               portion. there is one restriction, if the strict
613               lower and strict upper are to be copied, the
614               diagonal will also be copied.
616    length -- length of dvec[]
617    dvec[] -- vector to receive matrix entries
618    copyflag  -- flag to denote what part of the entries to move
619       A2_STRICT_LOWER --> move strict lower entries
620       A2_LOWER        --> move lower entries (includes the diagonal)
621       A2_DIAGONAL     --> move diagonal entries
622       A2_UPPER        --> move upper entries (includes the diagonal)
623       A2_STRICT_UPPER --> move strict upper entries
624       A2_ALL_ENTRIES  --> move all entries
625    storeflag -- flag to denote how to store entries in dvec[]
626       A2_BY_ROWS    --> store by rows
627       A2_BY_COLUMNS --> store by columns
629    return value -- number of entries copied
631    created  -- 97jun03, cca, dkw
632    modified -- 98may25, cca
633    ----------------------------------------------------------------
634 */
635 int
636 A2_copyEntriesToVector (
637    A2       *mtx,
638    int      length,
639    double   *dvec,
640    int      copyflag,
641    int      storeflag
642 ) ;
643 /*
644 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 ----- methods found in makeStaircase.c ---------------------------------
646 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
647 */
648 /*
649    -----------------------------------------------------------------
650    purpose -- to permute the rows so the matrix is in staircase form
652    created -- 98may25, cca
653    -----------------------------------------------------------------
654 */
655 void
656 A2_makeStaircase (
657    A2   *mtxA
658 ) ;
659 /*
660 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
661 ----- methods found in util.c ------------------------------------------
662 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
663 */
664 /*
665    ----------------------------------------------
666    return the number of bytes taken by the object
668    created -- 98may01, cca
669    ----------------------------------------------
670 */
671 int
672 A2_sizeOf (
673    A2   *mtx
674 ) ;
675 /*
676    ---------------------------------------------------------------
677    shift the base of the entries and adjust dimensions
679    mtx(0:n1-rowoff-1,0:n2-coloff-1) = mtx(rowoff:n1-1,coloff:n2-1)
681    created -- 98may01, cca
682    ---------------------------------------------------------------
683 */
684 void
685 A2_shiftBase (
686    A2   *mtx,
687    int   rowoff,
688    int   coloff
689 ) ;
690 /*
691    --------------------------------------------------------------
692    returns 1 if the storage is row major, otherwise returns zero.
694    created -- 98may01, cca
695    --------------------------------------------------------------
696 */
697 int
698 A2_rowMajor (
699    A2   *mtx
700 ) ;
701 /*
702    -----------------------------------------------------------------
703    returns 1 if the storage is column major, otherwise returns zero.
705    created -- 98may01, cca
706    -----------------------------------------------------------------
707 */
708 int
709 A2_columnMajor (
710    A2   *mtx
711 ) ;
712 /*
713    -----------------------
714    transpose the matrix
716    created -- 98may01, cca
717    -----------------------
718 */
719 void
720 A2_transpose (
721    A2   *mtx
722 ) ;
723 /*
724    ----------------------------
725    extract row[*] = mtx(irow,*)
727    created -- 98may01, cca
728    ----------------------------
729 */
730 void
731 A2_extractRow (
732    A2      *mtx,
733    double   row[],
734    int      irow
735 ) ;
736 /*
737    ----------------------------
738    extract col[*] = mtx(*,jcol)
740    created -- 98may01, cca
741    ----------------------------
742 */
743 void
744 A2_extractColumn (
745    A2      *mtx,
746    double   col[],
747    int      jcol
748 ) ;
749 /*
750    -----------------------
751    set mtx(irow,*) = y[*]
753    created -- 98may01, cca
754    -----------------------
755 */
756 void
757 A2_setRow (
758    A2      *mtx,
759    double   row[],
760    int      irow
761 ) ;
762 /*
763    -----------------------
764    set mtx(*,jcol) = y[*]
766    created -- 98may01, cca
767    -----------------------
768 */
769 void
770 A2_setColumn (
771    A2      *mtx,
772    double   col[],
773    int      jcol
774 ) ;
775 /*
776    ----------------------------
777    extract row[*] = mtx(irow,*)
779    created -- 98may01, cca
780    ----------------------------
781 */
782 void
783 A2_extractRowDV (
784    A2   *mtx,
785    DV    *rowDV,
786    int   irow
787 ) ;
788 /*
789    ----------------------------
790    extract row[*] = mtx(irow,*)
792    created -- 98may01, cca
793    ----------------------------
794 */
795 void
796 A2_extractRowZV (
797    A2   *mtx,
798    ZV    *rowZV,
799    int   irow
800 ) ;
801 /*
802    ----------------------------
803    extract col[*] = mtx(*,jcol)
805    created -- 98may01, cca
806    ----------------------------
807 */
808 void
809 A2_extractColumnDV (
810    A2   *mtx,
811    DV    *colDV,
812    int   jcol
813 ) ;
814 /*
815    ----------------------------
816    extract col[*] = mtx(*,jcol)
818    created -- 98may01, cca
819    ----------------------------
820 */
821 void
822 A2_extractColumnZV (
823    A2   *mtx,
824    ZV    *colZV,
825    int   jcol
826 ) ;
827 /*
828    -----------------------
829    set mtx(irow,*) = y[*]
831    created -- 98may01, cca
832    -----------------------
833 */
834 void
835 A2_setRowDV (
836    A2      *mtx,
837    DV       *rowDV,
838    int      irow
839 ) ;
840 /*
841    -----------------------
842    set mtx(irow,*) = y[*]
844    created -- 98may01, cca
845    -----------------------
846 */
847 void
848 A2_setRowZV (
849    A2      *mtx,
850    ZV       *rowZV,
851    int      irow
852 ) ;
853 /*
854    -----------------------
855    set mtx(*,jcol) = y[*]
857    created -- 98may01, cca
858    -----------------------
859 */
860 void
861 A2_setColumnDV (
862    A2      *mtx,
863    DV       *colDV,
864    int      jcol
865 ) ;
866 /*
867    -----------------------
868    set mtx(*,jcol) = y[*]
870    created -- 98may01, cca
871    -----------------------
872 */
873 void
874 A2_setColumnZV (
875    A2      *mtx,
876    ZV       *colZV,
877    int      jcol
878 ) ;
879 /*
880    -------------------------------------------------------------
881    fill the matrix with uniform random numbers in [lower, upper]
883    created -- 98may01, cca
884    -------------------------------------------------------------
885 */
886 void
887 A2_fillRandomUniform (
888    A2       *a,
889    double   lower,
890    double   upper,
891    int      seed
892 ) ;
893 /*
894    -----------------------------------------------
895    fill the matrix with normal(0,1) random numbers
897    created -- 98may01, cca
898    -----------------------------------------------
899 */
900 void
901 A2_fillRandomNormal (
902    A2      *a,
903    double   mean,
904    double   variance,
905    int      seed
906 ) ;
907 /*
908    ----------------------------------------
909    fill the matrix with the identity matrix
911    created -- 98may01, cca
912    ----------------------------------------
913 */
914 void
915 A2_fillWithIdentity (
916    A2   *a
917 ) ;
918 /*
919    --------------------------
920    fill the matrix with zeros
922    created -- 98may01, cca
923    --------------------------
924 */
925 void
926 A2_zero (
927    A2   *a
928 ) ;
929 /*
930    ----------------------------
931    copy one matrix into another
932       A := B
934    created  -- 98may01, cca
935    ----------------------------
936 */
937 void
938 A2_copy (
939    A2   *A,
940    A2   *B
941 ) ;
942 /*
943    --------------------------------
944    subtract one matrix from another
946    A := A - B
948    created -- 98may01, cca
949    ----------------------------
950 */
951 void
952 A2_sub (
953    A2   *A,
954    A2   *B
955 ) ;
956 /*
957    ---------------------------
958    swap two rows of the matrix
960    created -- 98may01, cca
961    ---------------------------
962 */
963 void
964 A2_swapRows (
965    A2   *a,
966    int   irow1,
967    int   irow2
968 ) ;
969 /*
970    ------------------------------
971    swap two columns of the matrix
973    created -- 98may01, cca
974    ------------------------------
975 */
976 void
977 A2_swapColumns (
978    A2   *a,
979    int   jcol1,
980    int   jcol2
981 ) ;
982 /*
983 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
984 ----- methods found in IO.c --------------------------------------------
985 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
986 */
987 /*
988    --------------------------------------------
989    purpose -- to read in the object from a file
991    input --
993       fn -- filename, must be *.a2b or *.a2f
995    return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure
997    created -- 98may01, cca
998    --------------------------------------------
999 */
1000 int
1001 A2_readFromFile (
1002    A2     *mtx,
1003    char   *fn
1004 ) ;
1005 /*
1006    --------------------------------------------------
1007    purpose -- to read an object from a formatted file
1009    return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure
1011    created -- 98may01, cca
1012    --------------------------------------------------
1013 */
1014 int
1015 A2_readFromFormattedFile (
1016    A2    *mtx,
1017    FILE   *fp
1018 ) ;
1019 /*
1020    -----------------------------------------------
1021    purpose -- to read an object from a binary file
1023    return value -- 1 if success, 0  if failure
1025    created -- 98may01, cca
1026    -----------------------------------------------
1027 */
1028 int
1029 A2_readFromBinaryFile (
1030    A2    *mtx,
1031    FILE   *fp
1032 ) ;
1033 /*
1034    ---------------------------------------
1035    purpose -- to write an object to a file
1037    input --
1039       fn -- filename
1040         *.a2b -- binary
1041         *.a2f -- formatted
1042         anything else -- for human eye
1044    created -- 98may01, cca
1045    ---------------------------------------
1046 */
1047 void
1048 A2_writeToFile (
1049    A2    *mtx,
1050    char   *fn
1051 ) ;
1052 /*
1053    -------------------------------------------------
1054    purpose -- to write an object to a formatted file
1056    created -- 98may01, cca
1057    -------------------------------------------------
1058 */
1059 void
1060 A2_writeToFormattedFile (
1061    A2    *mtx,
1062    FILE   *fp
1063 ) ;
1064 /*
1065    --------------------------------------------------------
1066    purpose -- to write an adjacency object to a binary file
1068    created -- 98may01, cca
1069    --------------------------------------------------------
1070 */
1071 void
1072 A2_writeToBinaryFile (
1073    A2    *mtx,
1074    FILE   *fp
1075 ) ;
1076 /*
1077    ----------------------------------------------
1078    purpose -- to write the object for a human eye
1080    created -- 98may01, cca
1081    ----------------------------------------------
1082 */
1083 void
1084 A2_writeForHumanEye (
1085    A2    *mtx,
1086    FILE   *fp
1087 ) ;
1088 /*
1089    --------------------------------------
1090    purpose -- to write out the statistics
1092    created -- 98may01, cca
1093    --------------------------------------
1094 */
1095 void
1096 A2_writeStats (
1097    A2    *mtx,
1098    FILE   *fp
1099 ) ;
1100 /*
1101    -----------------------------------------------
1102    purpose -- to write the matrix in matlab format
1104    created -- 98may01, cca
1105    -----------------------------------------------
1106 */
1107 void
1108 A2_writeForMatlab (
1109    A2    *mtx,
1110    char   *mtxname,
1111    FILE   *fp
1112 ) ;
1113 /*====================================================================*/