1 /*  getCoords.c  */
3 #include "../Tree.h"
5 #define MYDEBUG 0
7 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 /*
9    ------------------------------------------------
10    purpose -- to get simple x[] and y[] coordinates
11               for the tree vertices
13    return values --
14       1 -- normal return
15      -1 -- tree is NULL
16      -2 -- heightflag is invalid
17      -3 -- coordflag is invalid
18      -4 -- xDV is NULL
19      -5 -- yDV is NULL
21    created -- 99jan07, cca
22    ------------------------------------------------
23 */
24 int
Tree_getSimpleCoords(Tree * tree,char heightflag,char coordflag,DV * xDV,DV * yDV)25 Tree_getSimpleCoords (
26    Tree   *tree,
27    char   heightflag,
28    char   coordflag,
29    DV     *xDV,
30    DV     *yDV
31 ) {
32 double   *x, *y ;
33 int      count, I, J, n, nleaves ;
34 int      *fch, *par, *sib ;
35 /*
36    ---------------
37    check the input
38    ---------------
39 */
40 if ( tree == NULL ) {
41    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Tree_getSimpleCoords()"
42            "\n tree is NULL\n") ;
43    return(-1) ;
44 }
45 if ( heightflag != 'D' && heightflag != 'H' ) {
46    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Tree_getSimpleCoords()"
47            "\n invalid heightflag = %c\n", heightflag) ;
48    return(-2) ;
49 }
50 if ( coordflag != 'C' && coordflag != 'P' ) {
51    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Tree_getSimpleCoords()"
52            "\n invalid coordflag = %c\n", coordflag) ;
53    return(-3) ;
54 }
55 if ( xDV == NULL ) {
56    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Tree_getSimpleCoords()"
57            "\n xDV is NULL\n") ;
58    return(-4) ;
59 }
60 if ( yDV == NULL ) {
61    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Tree_getSimpleCoords()"
62            "\n yDV is NULL\n") ;
63    return(-5) ;
64 }
65 n   = tree->n   ;
66 par = tree->par ;
67 fch = tree->fch ;
68 sib = tree->sib ;
69 DV_setSize(xDV, n) ;
70 DV_setSize(yDV, n) ;
71 x = DV_entries(xDV) ;
72 y = DV_entries(yDV) ;
73 switch ( heightflag ) {
74 case 'D' : {
75    int   J, K, maxdepth ;
77    for ( J = Tree_preOTfirst(tree), maxdepth = 0 ;
78          J != -1 ;
79          J = Tree_preOTnext(tree, J) ) {
80       if ( (K = par[J]) == -1 ) {
81          y[J] = 0.0 ;
82       } else {
83          y[J] = y[K] + 1.0 ;
84       }
85       if ( maxdepth < y[J] ) {
86          maxdepth = y[J] ;
87       }
88    }
89    if ( coordflag == 'C' ) {
90       for ( J = 0 ; J < n ; J++ ) {
91          y[J] = maxdepth - y[J] ;
92       }
93    }
94    } break ;
95 case 'H' : {
96    int   height, I, J, maxheight ;
98    for ( J = Tree_postOTfirst(tree), maxheight = 0 ;
99          J != -1 ;
100          J = Tree_postOTnext(tree, J) ) {
101       if ( (I = fch[J]) == -1 ) {
102          y[J] = 0.0 ;
103       } else {
104          height = y[I] ;
105          for ( I = sib[I] ; I != -1 ; I = sib[I] ) {
106             if ( height < y[I] ) {
107                height = y[I] ;
108             }
109          }
110          y[J] = height + 1.0 ;
111       }
112       if ( maxheight < y[J] ) {
113          maxheight = y[J] ;
114       }
115    }
116    if ( coordflag == 'P' ) {
117       for ( J = 0 ; J < n ; J++ ) {
118          y[J] = maxheight - y[J] ;
119       }
120    }
121    } break ;
122 default :
123    break ;
124 }
125 #if MYDEBUG > 0
126    fprintf(stdout, "\n\n y") ;
127    DV_writeForHumanEye(yDV, stdout) ;
128 #endif
129 DV_zero(xDV) ;
130 nleaves = 0 ;
131 for ( J = Tree_postOTfirst(tree) ;
132       J != -1 ;
133       J = Tree_postOTnext(tree, J) ) {
134    if ( fch[J] == -1 ) {
135       x[J] = nleaves++ ;
136    } else {
137       for ( I = fch[J], count = 0 ; I != -1 ; I = sib[I] ) {
138          x[J] += x[I] ;
139          count++ ;
140       }
141       x[J] /= count ;
142    }
143 }
144 if ( coordflag == 'C' ) {
145    for ( J = 0 ; J < n ; J++ ) {
146       x[J] = x[J] / nleaves ;
147    }
148 } else {
149    double   r, theta ;
151    for ( J = 0 ; J < n ; J++ ) {
152       theta = 6.283185 * x[J] / nleaves ;
153       r     = y[J] ;
154       x[J]  = r * cos(theta) ;
155       y[J]  = r * sin(theta) ;
156    }
157 }
158 #if MYDEBUG > 0
159    fprintf(stdout, "\n\n x") ;
160    DV_writeForHumanEye(xDV, stdout) ;
161 #endif
162 return(1) ; }
164 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/