1 // -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2009-2011, 2013-2019, 2021 Laboratoire de Recherche et
3 // Développement de l'Epita (LRDE).
4 // Copyright (C) 2004 Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6),
5 // département Systèmes Répartis Coopératifs (SRC), Université Pierre
6 // et Marie Curie.
7 //
8 // This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
9 //
10 // Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13 // (at your option) any later version.
14 //
15 // Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
17 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
18 // License for more details.
19 //
20 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 // along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 #include "config.h"
24 #include <set>
25 #include <iterator>
26 #include <vector>
27 #include <spot/twaalgos/powerset.hh>
28 #include <spot/misc/hash.hh>
29 #include <spot/twaalgos/sccinfo.hh>
30 #include <spot/twaalgos/cycles.hh>
31 #include <spot/twaalgos/gtec/gtec.hh>
32 #include <spot/twaalgos/product.hh>
33 #include <spot/twa/bddprint.hh>
34 #include <spot/twaalgos/sccfilter.hh>
35 #include <spot/twaalgos/ltl2tgba_fm.hh>
36 #include <spot/twaalgos/dualize.hh>
37 #include <spot/twaalgos/remfin.hh>
38 #include <spot/misc/bitvect.hh>
39 #include <spot/misc/bddlt.hh>
41 namespace spot
42 {
43   namespace
44   {
45     static power_map::power_state
bv_to_ps(const bitvect * in)46     bv_to_ps(const bitvect* in)
47     {
48       power_map::power_state ps;
49       unsigned ns = in->size();
50       for (unsigned pos = 0; pos < ns; ++pos)
51         if (in->get(pos))
52           ps.insert(pos);
53       return ps;
54     }
56     struct bv_hash
57     {
operator ()spot::__anon0fda452e0111::bv_hash58       size_t operator()(const bitvect* bv) const noexcept
59       {
60         return bv->hash();
61       }
62     };
64     struct bv_equal
65     {
operator ()spot::__anon0fda452e0111::bv_equal66       bool operator()(const bitvect* bvl, const bitvect* bvr) const
67       {
68         return *bvl == *bvr;
69       }
70     };
71   }
print_reason(std::ostream & os) const73   std::ostream& output_aborter::print_reason(std::ostream& os) const
74   {
75     os << "more than ";
76     if (reason_is_states_)
77       os << max_states_ << " states required";
78     else
79       os << max_edges_ << " edges required";
80     return os;
81   }
83   twa_graph_ptr
tgba_powerset(const const_twa_graph_ptr & aut,power_map & pm,bool merge,const output_aborter * aborter,std::vector<unsigned> * accepting_sinks)84   tgba_powerset(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut, power_map& pm, bool merge,
85                 const output_aborter* aborter,
86                 std::vector<unsigned>* accepting_sinks)
87   {
88     unsigned ns = aut->num_states();
89     unsigned nap = aut->ap().size();
91     if ((-1UL / ns) >> nap == 0)
92       throw std::runtime_error("too many atomic propositions (or states)");
94     // Build a correspondence between conjunctions of APs and unsigned
95     // indexes.
96     std::vector<bdd> num2bdd;
97     num2bdd.reserve(1UL << nap);
98     std::map<bdd, unsigned, bdd_less_than> bdd2num;
99     bdd allap = aut->ap_vars();
100     for (bdd one: minterms_of(bddtrue, allap))
101       {
102         bdd2num.emplace(one, num2bdd.size());
103         num2bdd.emplace_back(one);
104       }
106     size_t nc = num2bdd.size();        // number of conditions
107     assert(nc == (1UL << nap));
109     // Conceptually, we represent the automaton as an array 'bv' of
110     // ns*nc bit vectors of size 'ns'.  Each original state is
111     // represented by 'nc' consecutive bitvectors representing the
112     // possible destinations for each condition.
113     //
114     //  src  cond
115     //  0   !a&!b   [...bit vector of size ns...]
116     //      !a&b    [...bit vector of size ns...]
117     //       a&!b   [...bit vector of size ns...]
118     //       a&b    [...bit vector of size ns...]
119     //  1   !a&!b   [...bit vector of size ns...]
120     //      !a&b    [...bit vector of size ns...]
121     //       a&!b   [...bit vector of size ns...]
122     //       a&b    [...bit vector of size ns...]
123     //  2   !a&!b   [...bit vector of size ns...]
124     //      !a&b    [...bit vector of size ns...]
125     //       a&!b   [...bit vector of size ns...]
126     //       a&b    [...bit vector of size ns...]
127     //  ...
128     //
129     // Since there are nc possible "cond" value, and ns sources, the
130     // ns*nc bitvectors of ns bits each can take a lot of space.  In
131     // issue #302, we had the case of an automaton with ns=8777
132     // states, and 8 atomic propositions (nc=256): this large array
133     // would require 2.3GB, causing out-of-memory error on small
134     // systems.
135     //
136     // To work around this, we reduce the number of states we store in
137     // this array to reduced_ns, which we currently limit to 512
138     // (chosen arbitrarily), and use it as a least-recently-used
139     // cache.  A separate vector of size ns, contains pointers
140     // (i.e. iterators) to a list cell that gives an index in this
141     // cache.  The purpose of the list is to maintain the
142     // least-recently-used order.
143     typedef std::list<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>>::const_iterator iter;
144     std::list<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> lru; // list of (idx in bv, state#)
145     std::vector<iter> iters(ns, lru.end());
146     const unsigned reduced_ns = std::min(512U, ns);
147     auto bv =
148       std::unique_ptr<bitvect_array>(make_bitvect_array(ns, reduced_ns * nc));
150     // Get the index of src in bv, filling bv in an LRU-fashion if needed.
151     auto index = [&](unsigned src) {
152       iter i = iters[src];
153       if (i != lru.end())
154         {
155           // bv has already been filled for this state.  Just move it
156           // to the front of the LRU list.
157           lru.splice(lru.begin(), lru, i);
158           return i->first;
159         }
161       unsigned idx = lru.size();
162       bool reused = false;
163       if (idx < reduced_ns)
164         {
165           lru.emplace_front(idx, src);
166         }
167       else
168         {
169           unsigned state;
170           std::tie(idx, state) = lru.back();
171           iters[state] = lru.end();
172           lru.pop_back();
173           lru.emplace_front(idx, src);
174           reused = true;
175         }
176       iters[src] = lru.begin();
178       size_t base = idx * nc;
179       if (reused)
180         for (unsigned i = 0; i < nc; ++i)
181           bv->at(base + i).clear_all();
182       for (auto& t: aut->out(src))
183         for (bdd one: minterms_of(t.cond, allap))
184           {
185             unsigned num = bdd2num[one];
186             bv->at(base + num).set(t.dst);
187           }
189       assert(idx == lru.begin()->first);
190       return idx;
191     };
193     typedef power_map::power_state power_state;
195     typedef std::unordered_map<bitvect*, int, bv_hash, bv_equal> power_set;
196     power_set seen;
198     std::vector<const bitvect*> toclean;
200     auto res = make_twa_graph(aut->get_dict());
201     res->copy_ap_of(aut);
203     bitvect* acc_sinks = nullptr;
204     if (accepting_sinks)
205       {
206         acc_sinks = make_bitvect(ns);
207         for (unsigned s: *accepting_sinks)
208           acc_sinks->set(s);
209         toclean.emplace_back(acc_sinks);
211         // The accepting sink is the first registered state by
212         // convention.
213         power_state ps = bv_to_ps(acc_sinks);
214         unsigned num = res->new_state();
215         seen[acc_sinks] = num;
216         assert(pm.map_.size() == num);
217         pm.map_.emplace_back(std::move(ps));
218       }
220     {
221       unsigned init_num = aut->get_init_state_number();
222       auto bvi = make_bitvect(ns);
223       bvi->set(init_num);
224       power_state ps{init_num};
225       unsigned num = res->new_state();
226       res->set_init_state(num);
227       seen[bvi] = num;
228       assert(pm.map_.size() == num);
229       pm.map_.emplace_back(std::move(ps));
230       toclean.emplace_back(bvi);
231     }
233     // outgoing map
234     auto om = std::unique_ptr<bitvect_array>(make_bitvect_array(ns, nc));
236     for (unsigned src_num = 0; src_num < res->num_states(); ++src_num)
237       {
238         om->clear_all();
240         const power_state& src = pm.states_of(src_num);
241         for (auto s: src)
242           {
243             size_t base = index(s) * nc;
244             for (unsigned c = 0; c < nc; ++c)
245               om->at(c) |= bv->at(base + c);
246           }
247         for (unsigned c = 0; c < nc; ++c)
248           {
249             auto dst = &om->at(c);
250             if (dst->is_fully_clear())
251               continue;
252             if (acc_sinks && dst->intersects(*acc_sinks))
253               *dst = *acc_sinks;
254             auto i = seen.find(dst);
255             unsigned dst_num;
256             if (i != seen.end())
257               {
258                 dst_num = i->second;
259               }
260             else
261               {
262                 dst_num = res->new_state();
263                 auto dst2 = dst->clone();
264                 seen[dst2] = dst_num;
265                 toclean.emplace_back(dst2);
266                 auto ps = bv_to_ps(dst);
267                 assert(pm.map_.size() == dst_num);
268                 pm.map_.emplace_back(std::move(ps));
269               }
270             res->new_edge(src_num, dst_num, num2bdd[c]);
271             if (aborter && aborter->too_large(res))
272               {
273                 for (auto v: toclean)
274                   delete v;
275                 return nullptr;
276               }
277           }
278       }
280     for (auto v: toclean)
281       delete v;
282     if (merge)
283       res->merge_edges();
284     return res;
285   }
287   twa_graph_ptr
tgba_powerset(const const_twa_graph_ptr & aut,const output_aborter * aborter,std::vector<unsigned> * accepting_sinks)288   tgba_powerset(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut,
289                 const output_aborter* aborter,
290                 std::vector<unsigned>* accepting_sinks)
291   {
292     power_map pm;
293     return tgba_powerset(aut, pm, true, aborter, accepting_sinks);
294   }
297   namespace
298   {
300     class fix_scc_acceptance final: protected enumerate_cycles
301     {
302     public:
303       typedef dfs_stack::const_iterator cycle_iter;
304       typedef twa_graph_edge_data trans;
305       typedef std::set<trans*> edge_set;
306       typedef std::vector<edge_set> set_set;
307     protected:
308       const_twa_graph_ptr ref_;
309       power_map& refmap_;
310       edge_set reject_;         // set of rejecting edges
311       set_set accept_;          // set of cycles that are accepting
312       edge_set all_;            // all non rejecting edges
313       unsigned threshold_;      // maximum count of enumerated cycles
314       unsigned cycles_left_;    // count of cycles left to explore
316     public:
fix_scc_acceptance(const scc_info & sm,const_twa_graph_ptr ref,power_map & refmap,unsigned threshold)317       fix_scc_acceptance(const scc_info& sm, const_twa_graph_ptr ref,
318                          power_map& refmap, unsigned threshold)
319         : enumerate_cycles(sm), ref_(ref), refmap_(refmap),
320           threshold_(threshold)
321       {
322       }
fix_scc(const int m)324       bool fix_scc(const int m)
325       {
326         reject_.clear();
327         accept_.clear();
328         cycles_left_ = threshold_;
329         run(m);
331 //        std::cerr << "SCC #" << m << '\n';
332 //        std::cerr << "REJECT: ";
333 //        print_set(std::cerr, reject_) << '\n';
334 //        std::cerr << "ALL: ";
335 //        print_set(std::cerr, all_) << '\n';
336 //        for (set_set::const_iterator j = accept_.begin();
337 //             j != accept_.end(); ++j)
338 //          {
339 //            std::cerr << "ACCEPT: ";
340 //            print_set(std::cerr, *j) << '\n';
341 //          }
343         auto acc = aut_->acc().all_sets();
344         for (auto i: all_)
345           i->acc = acc;
346         return threshold_ != 0 && cycles_left_ == 0;
347       }
is_cycle_accepting(cycle_iter begin,edge_set & ts) const349       bool is_cycle_accepting(cycle_iter begin, edge_set& ts) const
350       {
351         auto a = std::const_pointer_cast<twa_graph>(aut_);
353         // Build an automaton representing this loop.
354         auto loop_a = make_twa_graph(aut_->get_dict());
355         int loop_size = std::distance(begin, dfs_.end());
356         loop_a->new_states(loop_size);
357         int n;
358         cycle_iter i;
359         for (n = 1, i = begin; n <= loop_size; ++n, ++i)
360           {
361             trans* t = &a->edge_data(i->succ);
362             loop_a->new_edge(n - 1, n % loop_size, t->cond);
363             if (reject_.find(t) == reject_.end())
364               ts.insert(t);
365           }
366         assert(i == dfs_.end());
368         unsigned loop_a_init = loop_a->get_init_state_number();
369         assert(loop_a_init == 0);
371         // Check if the loop is accepting in the original automaton.
372         bool accepting = false;
374         // Iterate on each original state corresponding to the
375         // start of the loop in the determinized automaton.
376         for (auto s: refmap_.states_of(begin->s))
377           {
378             // Check the product between LOOP_A, and ORIG_A starting
379             // in S.
380             if (!product(loop_a, ref_, loop_a_init, s)->is_empty())
381               {
382                 accepting = true;
383                 break;
384               }
385           }
386         return accepting;
387       }
389 //      std::ostream&
390 //      print_set(std::ostream& o, const edge_set& s) const
391 //      {
392 //        o << "{ ";
393 //        for (auto i: s)
394 //          o << i << ' ';
395 //        o << '}';
396 //        return o;
397 //      }
399       virtual bool
cycle_found(unsigned start)400       cycle_found(unsigned start) override
401       {
402         cycle_iter i = dfs_.begin();
403         while (i->s != start)
404           ++i;
405         edge_set ts;
406         bool is_acc = is_cycle_accepting(i, ts);
407         do
408           ++i;
409         while (i != dfs_.end());
410         if (is_acc)
411           {
412             accept_.emplace_back(ts);
413             all_.insert(ts.begin(), ts.end());
414           }
415         else
416           {
417             for (auto t: ts)
418               {
419                 reject_.insert(t);
420                 for (auto& j: accept_)
421                   j.erase(t);
422                 all_.erase(t);
423               }
424           }
426         // Abort this algorithm if we have seen too many cycles, i.e.,
427         // when cycle_left_ *reaches* 0.  (If cycle_left_ == 0, that
428         // means we had no limit.)
429         return (cycles_left_ == 0) || --cycles_left_;
430       }
431     };
433     static bool
fix_dba_acceptance(twa_graph_ptr det,const_twa_graph_ptr ref,power_map & refmap,unsigned threshold)434     fix_dba_acceptance(twa_graph_ptr det,
435                        const_twa_graph_ptr ref, power_map& refmap,
436                        unsigned threshold)
437     {
438       det->copy_acceptance_of(ref);
440       scc_info sm(det, scc_info_options::NONE);
442       unsigned scc_count = sm.scc_count();
444       fix_scc_acceptance fsa(sm, ref, refmap, threshold);
446       for (unsigned m = 0; m < scc_count; ++m)
447         if (!sm.is_trivial(m))
448           if (fsa.fix_scc(m))
449             return true;
450       return false;
451     }
452   }
454   twa_graph_ptr
tba_determinize(const const_twa_graph_ptr & aut,unsigned threshold_states,unsigned threshold_cycles)455   tba_determinize(const const_twa_graph_ptr& aut,
456                   unsigned threshold_states, unsigned threshold_cycles)
457   {
458     power_map pm;
459     // Do not merge edges in the deterministic automaton.  If we
460     // add two self-loops labeled by "a" and "!a", we do not want
461     // these to be merged as "1" before the acceptance has been fixed.
463     unsigned max_states = aut->num_states() * threshold_states;
464     if (max_states == 0)
465       max_states = ~0U;
466     output_aborter aborter(max_states);
467     auto det = tgba_powerset(aut, pm, false, &aborter);
468     if (!det)
469       return nullptr;
470     if (fix_dba_acceptance(det, aut, pm, threshold_cycles))
471       return nullptr;
472     det->merge_edges();
473     return det;
474   }
476   twa_graph_ptr
tba_determinize_check(const twa_graph_ptr & aut,unsigned threshold_states,unsigned threshold_cycles,formula f,const_twa_graph_ptr neg_aut)477   tba_determinize_check(const twa_graph_ptr& aut,
478                         unsigned threshold_states,
479                         unsigned threshold_cycles,
480                         formula f,
481                         const_twa_graph_ptr neg_aut)
482   {
483     if (f == nullptr && neg_aut == nullptr)
484       return nullptr;
485     if (aut->num_sets() > 1)
486       return nullptr;
488     auto det = tba_determinize(aut, threshold_states, threshold_cycles);
490     if (!det)
491       return nullptr;
493     if (neg_aut == nullptr)
494       {
495         neg_aut = ltl_to_tgba_fm(formula::Not(f), aut->get_dict());
496         // Remove useless SCCs.
497         neg_aut = scc_filter(neg_aut, true);
498       }
500     if (!det->intersects(neg_aut) && !aut->intersects(dualize(det)))
501       // Determinization was safe.
502       return det;
504     return aut;
505   }
506 }