1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // GxB_Vector_subassign_[SCALAR]: assign scalar to vector, via scalar expansion
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // Assigns a single scalar to a subvector, w(Rows)<M> = accum(w(Rows),x)
11 // The scalar x is implicitly expanded into a vector u of size nRows-by-1,
12 // with each entry in u equal to x.
14 // The actual work is done in GB_subassign_scalar.c.
16 #include "GB_subassign.h"
18 #define GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR(type,T,ampersand)                                     \
19 GrB_Info GB_EVAL2 (GXB (Vector_subassign_), T) /* w(I)<M> = accum (w(I),x)  */ \
20 (                                                                              \
21     GrB_Vector w,                   /* input/output vector for results      */ \
22     const GrB_Vector M,             /* optional mask for w(Rows)            */ \
23     const GrB_BinaryOp accum,       /* optional accum for Z=accum(w(Rows),x)*/ \
24     type x,                         /* scalar to assign to w(Rows)          */ \
25     const GrB_Index *Rows,          /* row indices                          */ \
26     GrB_Index nRows,                /* number of row indices                */ \
27     const GrB_Descriptor desc       /* descriptor for w(Rows) and M         */ \
28 )                                                                              \
29 {                                                                              \
30     GB_WHERE (w, "GxB_Vector_subassign_" GB_STR(T)                             \
31         " (w, M, accum, x, Rows, nRows, desc)") ;                              \
32     GB_BURBLE_START ("GxB_subassign") ;                                        \
33     GB_RETURN_IF_NULL_OR_FAULTY (w) ;                                          \
34     GB_RETURN_IF_FAULTY (M) ;                                                  \
35     ASSERT (GB_VECTOR_OK (w)) ;                                                \
36     ASSERT (GB_IMPLIES (M != NULL, GB_VECTOR_OK (M))) ;                        \
37     GrB_Info info = (GB_subassign_scalar ((GrB_Matrix) w, (GrB_Matrix) M,      \
38         accum, ampersand x, GB_## T ## _code, Rows, nRows, GrB_ALL, 1, desc,   \
39         Context)) ;                                                            \
40     GB_BURBLE_END ;                                                            \
41     return (info) ;                                                            \
42 }
44 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (bool      , BOOL   , &)
45 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (int8_t    , INT8   , &)
46 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (uint8_t   , UINT8  , &)
47 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (int16_t   , INT16  , &)
48 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (uint16_t  , UINT16 , &)
49 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (int32_t   , INT32  , &)
50 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (uint32_t  , UINT32 , &)
51 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (int64_t   , INT64  , &)
52 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (uint64_t  , UINT64 , &)
53 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (float     , FP32   , &)
54 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (double    , FP64   , &)
55 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (GxB_FC32_t, FC32   , &)
56 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (GxB_FC64_t, FC64   , &)
57 GB_ASSIGN_SCALAR (void *    , UDT    ,  )