1function [complex_binaryops complex_unaryops ] = GB_user_opsall
2%GB_USER_OPSALL return list of complex operators
4% SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
5% SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7% complex binary operators
8complex_binaryops = {
9% 11 operators where x,y,z are all the same class
10'first',     % z = x
11'second',    % z = y
12'pair',      % z = 1
13'plus',      % z = x + y
14'minus',     % z = x - y
15'rminus',    % z = y - x
16'times',     % z = x * y
17'div',       % z = x / y
18'rdiv',      % z = y / x
19% comparison operators where x,y,z are all the same class
20'iseq',      % z = (x == y)
21'isne',      % z = (x != y)
23% comparison operators where x,y are all the same class, z is logical
24'eq',        % z = (x == y)
25'ne',        % z = (x != y)
27'complex'    % z = complex (x,y)
28} ;
30complex_unaryops = {
31% 6 where x,z are complex
32'one',         % z = 1
33'identity',    % z = x
34'ainv',        % z = -x
35'abs',         % z = abs(x) (z is real)
36'minv'         % z = 1/x
37'conj'         % z = conj(x)
39% 4 where x is complex, z is double
40'real'         % z = real(x)
41'imag'         % z = imag(x)
42'carg'         % z = angle(x)
43} ;