1function test104
2%TEST104 export/import
4% SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
5% SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7rng ('default')
8fprintf ('\ntest104: export/import tests\n') ;
10for m = [0 1 5 100]
11    for n = [0 1 5 100]
12        if (n == 1)
13            fmts = [-9:-1 1:9] ;
14        else
15            fmts = [1:9] ;
16        end
17        for d = [0 0.1 0.5 inf]
18            A = GB_spec_random (m, n, d) ;
19            nz = nnz (A.pattern) ;
20            is_sparse = (nz < m*n) ;
21            fprintf ('.') ;
22            for fmt_matrix = fmts
23                for fmt_export = 0:11
24                    try
25                        C = GB_mex_export_import (A, fmt_matrix, fmt_export) ;
26                        GB_spec_compare (C, A) ;
27                    catch me
28                        % should fail if A is sparse and it is attempted to
29                        % be exported as full
30                        ok = is_sparse && ...
31                            (fmt_export == 6 || fmt_export == 7 || ...
32                             fmt_export == -6 || fmt_export == -7) ;
33                        if (~ok)
34                            % this should not have failed
35                            me
36                            me.message
37                            assert (false) ;
38                        end
39                    end
40                end
41            end
42        end
43    end
46fprintf ('\ntest104: all tests passed\n') ;