1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === Source/Mongoose_QPNapDown.cpp ======================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  * Mongoose Graph Partitioning Library  Copyright (C) 2017-2018,
7  * Scott P. Kolodziej, Nuri S. Yeralan, Timothy A. Davis, William W. Hager
8  * Mongoose is licensed under Version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
9  * Mongoose is also available under other licenses; contact authors for details.
10  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12 /* ========================================================================== */
13 /* === QPNapDown ============================================================ */
14 /* ========================================================================== */
16 /* Find x that minimizes ||x-y|| while satisfying the constraints
17    0 <= x <= 1, a'x = b.
18    The algorithm is described in the napsack comments.
19    It is assumed that the starting guess lambda for the dual multiplier is >=
20    the correct multiplier. Hence, lambda will be decreased.  The slope of the
21    dual function, neglecting b, starts out smaller than b. We stop
22    when we reach b. We assume that a >= 0, so that as lambda decreases,
23    x_i (lambda) increases. Hence, the only bound variables that can become
24    free are those with x_i (lambda) <= 0 */
26 #include "Mongoose_QPNapDown.hpp"
27 #include "Mongoose_Debug.hpp"
28 #include "Mongoose_Internal.hpp"
29 #include "Mongoose_Logger.hpp"
30 #include "Mongoose_QPMaxHeap.hpp"
32 namespace Mongoose
33 {
QPNapDown(const double * x,const Int n,double lambda,const double * a,double b,double * breakpts,Int * bound_heap,Int * free_heap)35 double QPNapDown       /* return lambda */
36     (const double *x,  /* holds y on input, not modified */
37      const Int n,      /* size of x */
38      double lambda,    /* initial guess for the shift */
39      const double *a,  /* input constraint vector */
40      double b,         /* input constraint scalar */
41      double *breakpts, /* break points */
42      Int *bound_heap,  /* work array */
43      Int *free_heap    /* work array */
44     )
45 {
46     Int i, k, e, maxsteps, n_bound, n_free;
47     double ai, asum, a2sum, maxbound, maxfree, t;
49     maxbound = -INFINITY;
50     maxfree  = -INFINITY;
52     /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
53     /* construct the heaps */
54     /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
56     n_bound = 0;
57     n_free  = 0;
58     asum    = 0.;
59     a2sum   = 0.;
61     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
62     {
63         ai        = (a) ? a[i] : 1;
64         double xi = x[i] - ai * lambda;
65         if (xi < 0.)
66         {
67             n_bound++;
68             bound_heap[n_bound] = i;
70             t           = x[i] / ai;
71             maxbound    = std::max(maxbound, t);
72             breakpts[i] = t;
73         }
74         else if (xi < 1.)
75         {
76             n_free++;
77             free_heap[n_free] = i;
78             asum += x[i] * ai;
79             a2sum += ai * ai;
80             t           = (x[i] - 1.) / ai;
81             maxfree     = std::max(maxfree, t);
82             breakpts[i] = t;
83         }
84         else
85         {
86             asum += ai;
87         }
88     }
90     /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
91     /* check to see if zero slope achieved without changing the free set  */
92     /* remember that the slope must always be adjusted by b               */
93     /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
95     maxsteps = 2 * n + 1;
96     for (k = 1; k <= maxsteps; k++)
97     {
98         double new_break = std::max(maxfree, maxbound);
99         double s         = asum - new_break * a2sum;
100         if ((s >= b) || (new_break == -INFINITY)) /* done */
101         {
102             if (a2sum != 0.)
103             {
104                 lambda = (asum - b) / a2sum;
105             }
106             return lambda;
107         }
108         lambda = new_break;
110         if (k == 1)
111         {
112             QPMaxHeap_build(free_heap, n_free, breakpts);
113             QPMaxHeap_build(bound_heap, n_bound, breakpts);
114         }
116         /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
117         /* update the heaps */
118         /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
120         if (n_free > 0)
121         {
122             while (breakpts[e = free_heap[1]] >= lambda)
123             {
124                 ai = (a) ? a[e] : 1;
125                 a2sum -= ai * ai;
126                 asum += ai * (1. - x[e]);
127                 n_free = QPMaxHeap_delete(free_heap, n_free, breakpts);
128                 if (n_free == 0)
129                 {
130                     a2sum = 0.;
131                     break;
132                 }
133             }
134         }
136         if (n_bound > 0)
137         {
138             while (breakpts[e = bound_heap[1]] >= lambda)
139             {
140                 n_bound = QPMaxHeap_delete(bound_heap, n_bound, breakpts);
141                 ai      = (a) ? a[e] : 1;
142                 a2sum += ai * ai;
143                 asum += ai * x[e];
144                 t           = (x[e] - 1.) / ai;
145                 breakpts[e] = t;
146                 n_free      = QPMaxHeap_add(e, free_heap, breakpts, n_free);
147                 if (n_bound == 0)
148                     break;
149             }
150         }
152         /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
153         /* get the biggest entry in each heap */
154         /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
156         maxfree  = (n_free > 0 ? breakpts[free_heap[1]] : -INFINITY);
157         maxbound = (n_bound > 0 ? breakpts[bound_heap[1]] : -INFINITY);
158     }
160     /* This should never happen */
161     ASSERT(false);
162     lambda = 0.;
163     return lambda;
164 }
166 } // end namespace Mongoose