1function [complex_binaryops, complex_unaryops] = gbtest_complex
2%GBTEST_COMPLEX return list of complex operators
4% SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
5% SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
7complex_binaryops = {
8    % x,y,z all the same type:
9    '1st'
10    '2nd'
11    'pair'
12    'any'
13    '+'
14    '-'
15    'rminus'
16    '*'
17    '/'
18    '\'
19    'iseq'
20    'isne'
21    '=='
22    '~='
23    'pow'
24    % x and y are real, z is complex:
25    'cmplx'
26    } ;
28complex_unaryops = {
29    % z and x are complex:
30    'uplus'        % z = x
31    'uminus'       % z = -x
32    'minv'         % z = 1/x
33    'one'          % z = 1
34    'sqrt'
35    'log'
36    'exp'
37    'sin'
38    'cos'
39    'tan'
40    'asin'
41    'acos'
42    'atan'
43    'sinh'
44    'cosh'
45    'tanh'
46    'asinh'
47    'acosh'
48    'atanh'
49    'sign'
50    'ceil'
51    'floor'
52    'round'
53    'fix'
54    'pow2'
55    'expm1'
56    'log10'
57    'log1p'
58    'log2'
59    'conj'
60    % z is bool, x is complex
61    'isinf'
62    'isnan'
63    'isfinite'
64    % z is real, x is complex
65    'abs'
66    'real'
67    'imag'
68    'angle' } ;