1 // =============================================================================
2 // === spqr_solve mexFunction ==================================================
3 // =============================================================================
5 #include "spqr_mx.hpp"
7 /*  x = A\b using a sparse QR factorization.
9     x = spqr_solve (A,b,opts) ;
11     A 2nd optional output gives statistics, in a self-explainable struct.
13     Let [m n] = size (A).
15             opts is an optional struct with the following fields.  Fields not
16             present are set to their defaults.  The defaults are:
18                 opts.tol = 20 * (m+n) * eps * sqrt(max(diag(A'*A)))
19                 opts.ordering = "colamd"
21             opts.tol:  Default 20 * (m+n) * eps * sqrt(max(diag(A'*A))),
22                 that is, 20 * (m+n) * eps * (max 2-norm of the columns of A).
24                 If tol >= 0, then an approximate rank-revealing QR factorization
25                 is used.  A diagonal entry of R with magnitude < tol is treated
26                 as zero; the matrix A is considered rank deficient.
28                 If tol = -1, then no rank detection is attempted.  This allows
29                 the sparse QR to use less memory than when attempting to detect
30                 rank, even for full-rank matrices.  Thus, if you know your
31                 matrix has full rank, tol = -1 will reduce memory usage.  Zeros
32                 may appear on the diagonal of R if A is rank deficient.
34                 If tol <= -2, then the default tolerance is used.
36             opts.ordering:  Default is "default"
37                 See spqr.m for info.
39             opts.solution: default "basic"
40                 Defines how an underdetermined system should be solved (m < n).
41                 "basic": compute a basic solution, using
42                         [C,R,E]=spqr(A,B) ; X=E*(R\C) ; where C=Q'*B
43                 "min2norm": compute a minimum 2-norm solution, using
44                         [C,R,E]=spqr(A') ; X = Q*(R'\(E'*B))
45                         A min2norm solution is more costly to compute, in time
46                         and memory, than a basic solution.
47                 This option is ignored if m >= n.
48 */
50 #define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
mexFunction(int nargout,mxArray * pargout[],int nargin,const mxArray * pargin[])52 void mexFunction
53 (
54     int nargout,
55     mxArray *pargout [ ],
56     int nargin,
57     const mxArray *pargin [ ]
58 )
59 {
60     Long *Bp, *Bi ;
61     double *Ax, *Bx, dummy ;
62     Long m, n, k, bncols, p, i, rank, A_complex, B_complex, is_complex,
63         anz, bnz ;
64     spqr_mx_options opts ;
65     cholmod_sparse *A, Amatrix, *Xsparse ;
66     cholmod_dense *Xdense ;
67     cholmod_common Common, *cc ;
68     char msg [LEN+1] ;
70     double t0 = (nargout > 1) ? SuiteSparse_time ( ) : 0 ;
72     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
73     // start CHOLMOD and set parameters
74     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
76     cc = &Common ;
77     cholmod_l_start (cc) ;
78     spqr_mx_config (SPUMONI, cc) ;
80     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
81     // check inputs
82     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
84     if (nargout > 2)
85     {
86         mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ("MATLAB:maxlhs", "Too many output arguments") ;
87     }
88     if (nargin < 2)
89     {
90         mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ("MATLAB:minrhs", "Not enough input arguments") ;
91     }
92     if (nargin > 3)
93     {
94         mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ("MATLAB:maxrhs", "Too many input arguments") ;
95     }
97     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
98     // get the input matrix A (must be sparse)
99     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
101     if (!mxIsSparse (pargin [0]))
102     {
103         mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ("QR:invalidInput", "A must be sparse") ;
104     }
106     A = spqr_mx_get_sparse (pargin [0], &Amatrix, &dummy) ;
107     m = A->nrow ;
108     n = A->ncol ;
109     A_complex = mxIsComplex (pargin [0]) ;
111     B_complex = mxIsComplex (pargin [1]) ;
112     is_complex = (A_complex || B_complex) ;
113     Ax = spqr_mx_merge_if_complex (pargin [0], is_complex, &anz, cc) ;
114     if (is_complex)
115     {
116         // A has been converted from real or zomplex to complex
117         A->x = Ax ;
118         A->z = NULL ;
119         A->xtype = CHOLMOD_COMPLEX ;
120     }
122     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
123     // determine usage and parameters
124     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
126     spqr_mx_get_options ((nargin < 3) ? NULL : pargin [2], &opts, m, 3, cc) ;
128     opts.Qformat = SPQR_Q_DISCARD ;
129     opts.econ = 0 ;
130     opts.permvector = TRUE ;
131     opts.haveB = TRUE ;
133     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
134     // get the input matrix B (sparse or dense)
135     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
137     if (!mxIsNumeric (pargin [1]))
138     {
139         mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ("QR:invalidInput", "invalid non-numeric B") ;
140     }
141     if (mxGetM (pargin [1]) != m)
142     {
143         mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ("QR:invalidInput",
144             "A and B must have the same number of rows") ;
145     }
147     cholmod_sparse Bsmatrix, *Bsparse ;
148     cholmod_dense  Bdmatrix, *Bdense ;
150     // convert from real or zomplex to complex
151     Bx = spqr_mx_merge_if_complex (pargin [1], is_complex, &bnz, cc) ;
153     int B_is_sparse = mxIsSparse (pargin [1]) ;
154     if (B_is_sparse)
155     {
156         Bsparse = spqr_mx_get_sparse (pargin [1], &Bsmatrix, &dummy) ;
157         Bdense = NULL ;
158         if (is_complex)
159         {
160             // Bsparse has been converted from real or zomplex to complex
161             Bsparse->x = Bx ;
162             Bsparse->z = NULL ;
163             Bsparse->xtype = CHOLMOD_COMPLEX ;
164         }
165     }
166     else
167     {
168         Bsparse = NULL ;
169         Bdense = spqr_mx_get_dense (pargin [1], &Bdmatrix, &dummy) ;
170         if (is_complex)
171         {
172             // Bdense has been converted from real or zomplex to complex
173             Bdense->x = Bx ;
174             Bdense->z = NULL ;
175             Bdense->xtype = CHOLMOD_COMPLEX ;
176         }
177     }
179     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
180     // X = A\B
181     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
183     if (opts.min2norm && m < n)
184     {
185 #ifndef NEXPERT
186         // This requires SuiteSparseQR_expert.cpp
187         if (is_complex)
188         {
189             if (B_is_sparse)
190             {
191                 // X and B are both sparse and complex
192                 Xsparse = SuiteSparseQR_min2norm <Complex> (opts.ordering,
193                     opts.tol, A, Bsparse, cc) ;
194                 pargout [0] = spqr_mx_put_sparse (&Xsparse, cc) ;
195             }
196             else
197             {
198                 // X and B are both dense and complex
199                 Xdense = SuiteSparseQR_min2norm <Complex> (opts.ordering,
200                     opts.tol, A, Bdense, cc) ;
201                 pargout [0] = spqr_mx_put_dense (&Xdense, cc) ;
202             }
203         }
204         else
205         {
206             if (B_is_sparse)
207             {
208                 // X and B are both sparse and real
209                 Xsparse = SuiteSparseQR_min2norm <double> (opts.ordering,
210                     opts.tol, A, Bsparse, cc) ;
211                 pargout [0] = spqr_mx_put_sparse (&Xsparse, cc) ;
212             }
213             else
214             {
215                 // X and B are both dense and real
216                 Xdense = SuiteSparseQR_min2norm <double> (opts.ordering,
217                     opts.tol, A, Bdense, cc) ;
218                 pargout [0] = spqr_mx_put_dense (&Xdense, cc) ;
219             }
220         }
221 #else
222         mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ("QR:notInstalled", "min2norm method not installed") ;
223 #endif
225     }
226     else
227     {
229         if (is_complex)
230         {
231             if (B_is_sparse)
232             {
233                 // X and B are both sparse and complex
234                 Xsparse = SuiteSparseQR <Complex> (opts.ordering, opts.tol,
235                     A, Bsparse, cc) ;
236                 pargout [0] = spqr_mx_put_sparse (&Xsparse, cc) ;
237             }
238             else
239             {
240                 // X and B are both dense and complex
241                 Xdense = SuiteSparseQR <Complex> (opts.ordering, opts.tol,
242                     A, Bdense, cc) ;
243                 pargout [0] = spqr_mx_put_dense (&Xdense, cc) ;
244             }
245         }
246         else
247         {
248             if (B_is_sparse)
249             {
250                 // X and B are both sparse and real
251                 Xsparse = SuiteSparseQR <double> (opts.ordering, opts.tol,
252                     A, Bsparse, cc) ;
253                 pargout [0] = spqr_mx_put_sparse (&Xsparse, cc) ;
254             }
255             else
256             {
257                 // X and B are both dense and real
258                 Xdense = SuiteSparseQR <double> (opts.ordering, opts.tol,
259                     A, Bdense, cc) ;
260                 pargout [0] = spqr_mx_put_dense (&Xdense, cc) ;
261             }
262         }
263     }
265     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
266     // info output
267     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
269     if (nargout > 1)
270     {
271         double flops = cc->SPQR_flopcount ;
272         double t = SuiteSparse_time ( ) - t0 ;
273         pargout [1] = spqr_mx_info (cc, t, flops) ;
274     }
276     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
277     // warn if rank deficient
278     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
280     rank = cc->SPQR_istat [4] ;
281     if (rank < MIN (m,n))
282     {
283         // snprintf would be safer, but Windows is oblivious to safety ...
284         // (Visual Studio C++ 2008 does not recognize snprintf!)
285         sprintf (msg, "rank deficient. rank = %ld tol = %g\n", rank,
286             cc->SPQR_tol_used) ;
287         mexWarnMsgIdAndTxt ("MATLAB:rankDeficientMatrix", msg) ;
288     }
290     if (is_complex)
291     {
292         // free the merged complex copies of A and B
293         cholmod_l_free (anz, sizeof (Complex), Ax, cc) ;
294         cholmod_l_free (bnz, sizeof (Complex), Bx, cc) ;
295     }
297     cholmod_l_finish (cc) ;
298     if (opts.spumoni > 0) spqr_mx_spumoni (&opts, is_complex, cc) ;
299 }