1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === Source/Mongoose_QPBoundary.cpp ======================================= */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  * Mongoose Graph Partitioning Library  Copyright (C) 2017-2018,
7  * Scott P. Kolodziej, Nuri S. Yeralan, Timothy A. Davis, William W. Hager
8  * Mongoose is licensed under Version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
9  * Mongoose is also available under other licenses; contact authors for details.
10  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12 /*
13    Move all components of x to boundary of the feasible region
15     0 <= x <= 1, a'x = b, lo <= b <= hi
17    while decreasing the cost function. The algorithm has the following parts
19    1. For each i in the free set, see if x_i can be feasibly pushed to either
20       boundary while decreasing the cost.
22    2. For each i in the bound set, see if x_i can be feasibly flipped to
23       opposite boundary while decreasing the cost.
25    3. For each i in the free list with a_{ij} = 0 and with j free,
26       move either x_i or x_j to the boundary while decreasing
27       the cost. The adjustments has the form x_i = s/a_i and x_j = -s/a_j
28       where s is a scalar factor. These adjustments must decrease cost.
30    4. For the remaining i in the free list, take pair x_i and x_j and
31       apply adjustments of the same form as in #2 above to push at least one
32       component to boundary. The quadratic terms can only decrease the
33       cost function. We choose the sign of s such that g_i x_i + g_j x_j <= 0.
34       Hence, this adjustment cannot increase the cost.
35  */
37 /* ========================================================================== */
39 #include "Mongoose_QPBoundary.hpp"
40 #include "Mongoose_Debug.hpp"
41 #include "Mongoose_Internal.hpp"
43 #define EMPTY (-1)
45 namespace Mongoose
46 {
QPBoundary(EdgeCutProblem * graph,const EdgeCut_Options * options,QPDelta * QP)48 void QPBoundary(EdgeCutProblem *graph, const EdgeCut_Options *options, QPDelta *QP)
49 {
50     (void)options; // Unused variable
51     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
52     /* Step 0. read in the needed arrays                                      */
53     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
55     /* input and output */
57     //--- FreeSet
58     Int nFreeSet        = QP->nFreeSet;
59     Int *FreeSet_list   = QP->FreeSet_list; /* list for free indices */
60     Int *FreeSet_status = QP->FreeSet_status;
61     /* FreeSet_status [i] = +1, -1, or 0
62        if x_i = 1, 0, or 0 < x_i < 1 */
63     //---
65     PR(("Mongoose_QPBoundary nFreeSet %ld\n", nFreeSet));
67     if (nFreeSet == 0)
68     {
69         // quick return if FreeSet is empty
70         return;
71     }
73     double *x    = QP->x;        /* current estimate of solution */
74     double *grad = QP->gradient; /* gradient at current x */
75     Int ib       = QP->ib;       /* ib = +1, -1, or 0 ,
76          if b = hi, lo, or lo < b < hi, respectively.  Note there are cases
77          where roundoff occurs, and ib can be zero even though b == lo or
78          b == hi.  The value of be can even be < lo or > hi, but only by a tiny
79          amount of roundoff error.  This is OK. */
81     double b = QP->b; /* current value for a'x */
83     /* problem specification for the graph G */
84     Int n      = graph->n; /* problem dimension */
85     double *Ex = graph->x; /* numerical values for edge weights */
86     Int *Ei    = graph->i; /* adjacent vertices for each vertex */
87     Int *Ep    = graph->p; /* points into Ex or Ei */
88     double *a  = graph->w; /* a'x = b, lo <= b <= hi */
90     double lo = QP->lo;
91     double hi = QP->hi;
93     /* work array */
94     double *D = QP->D; /* diagonal of quadratic */
96     PR(("\n----- QPBoundary start: [\n"));
97     DEBUG(QPcheckCom(graph, options, QP, 1, QP->nFreeSet, QP->b)); // check b
99     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
100     /* Step 1. if lo < b < hi, then for each free k,                          */
101     /*         see if x_k can be pushed to 0 or 1                             */
102     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
104     DEBUG(FreeSet_dump("QPBoundary start", n, FreeSet_list, nFreeSet,
105                        FreeSet_status, 0, x));
107     PR(("Boundary 1 start: ib %ld lo %g b %g hi %g b-lo %g hi-b %g\n", ib, lo,
108         b, hi, b - lo, hi - b));
110     Int kfree2 = 0;
111     for (Int kfree = 0; kfree < nFreeSet; kfree++)
112     {
113         // Once b becomes bounded, the remainder of the FreeSet is unchanged,
114         // and no further changes are made to x.  However, this loop must still
115         // continue, so as to compact the FreeSet from deletions made by earlier
116         // iterations.
118         // get the next k from the FreeSet
119         Int k = FreeSet_list[kfree];
121         PR(("Step 1: k %ld  x[k] %g  ib %ld b %g\n", k, x[k], ib, b));
123         // only modify x[k] if ib == 0 (which means lo < b < hi)
124         if (ib == 0)
125         {
126             double delta_xk;
127             double ak = (a) ? a[k] : 1;
128             if (grad[k] > 0.0)
129             {
130                 // decrease x [k]
131                 delta_xk = (b - lo) / ak; // note that delta_xk > 0
132                 if (delta_xk < x[k])
133                 {
134                     // x [k] decreases by delta_xk but does not hit zero
135                     // b hits the lower bound, lo
136                     ib = -1;
137                     b  = lo;
138                     x[k] -= delta_xk;
139                     //--- keep k in the FreeSet
140                     FreeSet_list[kfree2++] = k;
141                 }
142                 else
143                 {
144                     // x [k] hits lower bound of zero
145                     // b does not hit lo; still between lower and upper bound
146                     delta_xk          = x[k];
147                     x[k]              = 0.;
148                     FreeSet_status[k] = -1;
149                     b -= delta_xk * ak;
150                     //--- remove k from the FreeSet by not incrementing kfree2
151                 }
152             }
153             else
154             {
155                 // increase x [k]
156                 delta_xk = (b - hi) / ak; // note that delta_xk < 0
157                 if (delta_xk < x[k] - 1.)
158                 {
159                     // x [k] hits upper bound of one
160                     // b does not reach hi; still between lower and upper bound
161                     delta_xk          = x[k] - 1.;
162                     x[k]              = 1.;
163                     FreeSet_status[k] = +1;
164                     b -= delta_xk * ak;
165                     //--- remove k from the FreeSet by not incrementing kfree2
166                 }
167                 else
168                 {
169                     // x [k] increases by -delta_xk but does not hit one
170                     // b hits the upper bound, hi.
171                     ib = +1;
172                     b  = hi;
173                     x[k] -= delta_xk;
174                     //--- keep k in the FreeSet
175                     FreeSet_list[kfree2++] = k;
176                 }
177             }
178             // x [k] has dropped by delta_xk, so update the gradient
179             for (Int p = Ep[k]; p < Ep[k + 1]; p++)
180             {
181                 grad[Ei[p]] += delta_xk * ((Ex) ? Ex[p] : 1);
182             }
183             grad[k] += delta_xk * D[k];
184         }
185         else
186         {
187             // b is at lo or hi and thus x [k] is not changed.
188             // Once this happens, the remainder of this loop does this next
189             // step only, and no further changes are made to x and the FreeSet.
190             //--- keep k in the FreeSet
191             FreeSet_list[kfree2++] = k;
192         }
193     }
195     // update the size of the FreeSet, after pruning
196     nFreeSet = kfree2;
198     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
199     /* Step 2. Examine flips of x_k from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 */
200     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
202     PR(("Boundary step 2:\n"));
204     for (Int k = 0; k < n; k++)
205     {
206         Int FreeSet_status_k = FreeSet_status[k];
207         if (FreeSet_status_k == 0)
208         {
209             // k is in FreeSet so it cannot be simply flipped 0->1 or 1->0
210             continue;
211         }
213         // k not in FreeSet, so no changes here to FreeSet
215         double ak = (a) ? a[k] : 1;
216         if (FreeSet_status_k > 0) /* try changing x_k from 1 to 0 */
217         {
218             if (b - ak >= lo)
219             {
220                 if (0.5 * D[k] + grad[k] >= 0) /* flip lowers cost */
221                 {
222                     b -= ak;
223                     ib                = (b <= lo ? -1 : 0);
224                     x[k]              = 0.0;
225                     FreeSet_status[k] = -1;
226                 }
227             }
228         }
229         else /* try changing x_k from 0 to 1 */
230         {
231             if (b + ak <= hi)
232             {
233                 if (grad[k] - 0.5 * D[k] <= 0) /* flip lowers cost */
234                 {
235                     b += ak;
236                     ib                = (b >= hi ? 1 : 0);
237                     x[k]              = 1.0;
238                     FreeSet_status[k] = +1;
239                 }
240             }
241         }
243         if (FreeSet_status_k != FreeSet_status[k])
244         {
245             if (FreeSet_status_k == 1) /* x [k] was 1, now it is 0 */
246             {
247                 for (Int p = Ep[k]; p < Ep[k + 1]; p++)
248                 {
249                     grad[Ei[p]] += (Ex) ? Ex[p] : 1;
250                 }
251                 grad[k] += D[k];
252             }
253             else /* x [k] was 0, now it is 1 */
254             {
255                 for (Int p = Ep[k]; p < Ep[k + 1]; p++)
256                 {
257                     grad[Ei[p]] -= (Ex) ? Ex[p] : 1;
258                 }
259                 grad[k] -= D[k];
260             }
261         }
262         // DEBUG (QPcheckCom (graph, options, QP, 1, nFreeSet, b)) ;         //
263         // check b
264     }
266     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
267     // quick return if FreeSet is now empty
268     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
270     if (nFreeSet == 0)
271     {
272         PR(("Boundary quick: ib %ld lo %g b %g hi %g b-lo %g hi-b %g\n", ib, lo,
273             b, hi, b - lo, hi - b));
274         QP->nFreeSet = nFreeSet;
275         QP->b        = b;
276         QP->ib       = ib;
277         PR(("------- QPBoundary end ]\n"));
278         return;
279     }
281     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
282     /* Step 3. Search for a_{ij} = 0 in the free index set */
283     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
285     // look for where both i and j are in the FreeSet,
286     // but i and j are not adjacent in the graph G.
288     DEBUG(FreeSet_dump("step 3", n, FreeSet_list, nFreeSet, FreeSet_status, 0,
289                        x));
291     // for each j in FreeSet, except for the last one
292     for (Int jfree = 0; jfree < nFreeSet - 1; jfree++)
293     {
295         // get j from the FreeSet
296         Int j = FreeSet_list[jfree];
297         if (j == EMPTY)
298         {
299             // j has already been deleted, skip it
300             continue;
301         }
303         /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
304         /* find i and j both free and where a_{ij} = 0 */
305         /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
307         // mark all vertices i adjacent to j in the FreeSet
308         for (Int p = Ep[j]; p < Ep[j + 1]; p++)
309         {
310             Int i = Ei[p];
311             ASSERT(i != j); // graph has no self edges
312             graph->mark(i);
313         }
314         graph->mark(j);
316         // for each i that follows after j in the FreeSet
317         for (Int ifree = jfree + 1; ifree < nFreeSet; ifree++)
318         {
320             // get i from the FreeSet
321             Int i = FreeSet_list[ifree];
322             if (i == EMPTY)
323             {
324                 // i has already been deleted it; skip it
325                 continue;
326             }
328             if (!graph->isMarked(i))
329             {
330                 // vertex i is not adjacent to j in the graph G
331                 double aj = (a) ? a[j] : 1;
332                 double ai = (a) ? a[i] : 1;
333                 double xi = x[i];
334                 double xj = x[j];
336                 /* cost change if x_j increases dx_j = s/a_j, dx_i = s/a_i */
337                 double s;
338                 Int bind1, bind2;
339                 if (aj * (1. - xj) < ai * xi) // x_j hits upper bound
340                 {
341                     s     = aj * (1. - xj);
342                     bind1 = 1;
343                 }
344                 else /* x_i hits lower bound */
345                 {
346                     s     = ai * xi;
347                     bind1 = 0;
348                 }
349                 double dxj = s / aj;
350                 double dxi = -s / ai;
351                 double c1  = (grad[j] - .5 * D[j] * dxj) * dxj
352                             + (grad[i] - .5 * D[i] * dxi) * dxi;
354                 /* cost change if x_j decreases dx_j = s/a_j, dx_i = s/a_i */
355                 if (aj * xj < ai * (1. - xi)) // x_j hits lower bound
356                 {
357                     s     = -aj * xj;
358                     bind2 = -1;
359                 }
360                 else /* x_i hits upper bound */
361                 {
362                     s     = -ai * (1. - xi);
363                     bind2 = 0;
364                 }
365                 dxj       = s / aj;
366                 dxi       = -s / ai;
367                 double c2 = (grad[j] - 0.5 * D[j] * dxj) * dxj
368                             + (grad[i] - 0.5 * D[i] * dxi) * dxi;
370                 Int new_FreeSet_status;
371                 if (c1 < c2) /* increase x_j */
372                 {
373                     if (bind1 == 1)
374                     {
375                         // j is bound (not i) and x_j becomes 1
376                         dxj  = 1. - xj;
377                         dxi  = -aj * dxj / ai;
378                         x[j] = 1.;
379                         x[i] += dxi;
380                         new_FreeSet_status = +1; /* j is bound at 1 */
381                     }
382                     else // bind1 is zero
383                     {
384                         // i is bound (not j) and x_i becomes 0
385                         dxi  = -xi;
386                         dxj  = -ai * dxi / aj;
387                         x[i] = 0.;
388                         x[j] += dxj;
389                         new_FreeSet_status = -1; /* i is bound at 0 */
390                     }
391                 }
392                 else
393                 {
394                     if (bind2 == -1)
395                     {
396                         // j is bound (not i) and x_j becomes 0
397                         bind1 = 1;
398                         x[j]  = 0.;
399                         x[i] += dxi;
400                         new_FreeSet_status = -1; /* j is bound at 0 */
401                     }
402                     else /* x_i = 1 */
403                     {
404                         // i is bound (not j) and x_i becomes 1
405                         bind1 = 0;
406                         x[i]  = 1;
407                         x[j] += dxj;
408                         new_FreeSet_status = +1; /* i is bound at 1 */
409                     }
410                 }
412                 for (Int p = Ep[j]; p < Ep[j + 1]; p++)
413                 {
414                     grad[Ei[p]] -= ((Ex) ? Ex[p] : 1) * dxj;
415                 }
416                 for (Int p = Ep[i]; p < Ep[i + 1]; p++)
417                 {
418                     grad[Ei[p]] -= ((Ex) ? Ex[p] : 1) * dxi;
419                 }
420                 grad[j] -= D[j] * dxj;
421                 grad[i] -= D[i] * dxi;
423                 // Remove either i or j from the FreeSet.  Note that it
424                 // is possible for both x[i] and x[j] to reach their bounds
425                 // at the same time.  Only one is removed from the FreeSet;
426                 // the other will be removed later.
428                 if (bind1)
429                 {
430                     // remove j from the FreeSet by setting its place to EMPTY
431                     PR(("(b1):remove j = %ld from the FreeSet\n", j));
432                     ASSERT(j == FreeSet_list[jfree]);
433                     ASSERT(FreeSet_status[j] == 0);
434                     FreeSet_list[jfree] = EMPTY;
435                     FreeSet_status[j]   = new_FreeSet_status;
436                     ASSERT(FreeSet_status[j] != 0);
437                     //---
438                     // no longer consider j, so skip all of remainder of i loop
439                     break;
440                 }
441                 else
442                 {
443                     // remove i from the FreeSet by setting its place to EMPTY
444                     PR(("(b2):remove i = %ld from the FreeSet\n", i));
445                     ASSERT(i == FreeSet_list[ifree]);
446                     ASSERT(FreeSet_status[i] == 0);
447                     FreeSet_list[ifree] = EMPTY;
448                     FreeSet_status[i]   = new_FreeSet_status;
449                     ASSERT(FreeSet_status[i] != 0);
450                     //---
451                     // keep j, and consider it with the next i
452                     continue;
453                 }
454             }
455         }
457         // clear the marks from all the vertices
458         graph->clearMarkArray();
459     }
461     // remove deleted vertices from the FreeSet
462     kfree2 = 0;
463     for (Int kfree = 0; kfree < nFreeSet; kfree++)
464     {
465         Int k = FreeSet_list[kfree];
466         if (k != EMPTY)
467         {
468             // keep k in the FreeSet
469             FreeSet_list[kfree2++] = k;
470             ASSERT(0 <= k && k < n);
471             ASSERT(FreeSet_status[k] == 0);
472         }
473     }
474     nFreeSet = kfree2;
476     DEBUG(FreeSet_dump("step 3 done", n, FreeSet_list, nFreeSet, FreeSet_status,
477                        1, x));
479     DEBUG(QPcheckCom(graph, options, QP, 1, nFreeSet, b)); // check b
481 #ifndef NDEBUG
482     // the vertices in the FreeSet now form a single clique.  Check this.
483     // this test is for debug mode only
484     ASSERT(nFreeSet >= 1); // we can have 1 or more vertices still in FreeSet
485     for (Int kfree = 0; kfree < nFreeSet; kfree++)
486     {
487         // j must be adjacent to all other vertices in the FreeSet
488         Int j               = FreeSet_list[kfree];
489         Int nfree_neighbors = 0;
490         for (Int p = Ep[j]; p < Ep[j + 1]; p++)
491         {
492             Int i = Ei[p];
493             ASSERT(i != j);
494             if (FreeSet_status[i] == 0)
495                 nfree_neighbors++;
496         }
497         ASSERT(nfree_neighbors == nFreeSet - 1);
498     }
499 #endif
501     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
502     /* Step 4. dxj = s/aj, dxi = -s/ai, choose s with g_j dxj + g_i dxi <= 0 */
503     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
505     DEBUG(FreeSet_dump("step 4 starts", n, FreeSet_list, nFreeSet,
506                        FreeSet_status, 0, x));
508     // consider pairs of vertices in the FreeSet, until only one is left
509     while (nFreeSet > 1)
510     {
511         /* free variables: 0 < x_j < 1 */
512         /* choose s so that first derivative terms decrease */
514         // i and j are the last two vertex in the FreeSet_list, as in:
515         // FreeSet_list = [ .... i j ]
516         // at the end of this iteration, one will be deleted, thus becoming
517         // FreeSet_list = [ .... j ]
518         // or
519         // FreeSet_list = [ .... i ]
520         Int j = FreeSet_list[nFreeSet - 1];
521         ASSERT(FreeSet_status[j] == 0);
522         Int i = FreeSet_list[nFreeSet - 2];
523         ASSERT(FreeSet_status[i] == 0);
525         double ai = (a) ? a[i] : 1;
526         double aj = (a) ? a[j] : 1;
527         double xi = x[i];
528         double xj = x[j];
530         Int new_FreeSet_status;
531         Int bind1;
532         double dxj, dxi, s = grad[j] / aj - grad[i] / ai;
534         if (s < 0.) /* increase x_j */
535         {
536             if (aj * (1. - xj) < ai * xi) /* x_j hits upper bound */
537             {
538                 dxj  = 1. - xj;
539                 dxi  = -aj * dxj / ai;
540                 x[j] = 1.;
541                 x[i] += dxi;
542                 new_FreeSet_status = +1;
543                 bind1              = 1; /* x_j is bound at 1 */
544             }
545             else /* x_i hits lower bound */
546             {
547                 dxi  = -xi;
548                 dxj  = -ai * dxi / aj;
549                 x[i] = 0.;
550                 x[j] += dxj;
551                 new_FreeSet_status = -1;
552                 bind1              = 0; /* x_i is bound at 0 */
553             }
554         }
555         else /* decrease x_j */
556         {
557             if (aj * xj < ai * (1. - xi)) /* x_j hits lower bound */
558             {
559                 dxj  = -xj;
560                 dxi  = -aj * dxj / ai;
561                 x[j] = 0;
562                 x[i] += dxi;
563                 new_FreeSet_status = -1;
564                 bind1              = 1; /* x_j is bound */
565             }
566             else /* x_i hits upper bound */
567             {
568                 dxi  = 1 - xi;
569                 dxj  = -ai * dxi / aj;
570                 x[i] = 1;
571                 x[j] += dxj;
572                 new_FreeSet_status = +1;
573                 bind1              = 0; /* x_i is bound */
574             }
575         }
577         for (Int k = Ep[j]; k < Ep[j + 1]; k++)
578         {
579             grad[Ei[k]] -= ((Ex) ? Ex[k] : 1) * dxj;
580         }
581         for (Int k = Ep[i]; k < Ep[i + 1]; k++)
582         {
583             grad[Ei[k]] -= ((Ex) ? Ex[k] : 1) * dxi;
584         }
585         grad[j] -= D[j] * dxj;
586         grad[i] -= D[i] * dxi;
588         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
589         // the following 2 cases define the next j in the iteration:
590         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
592         // Remove either i or j from the FreeSet.  Note that it is possible for
593         // both x[i] and x[j] to reach their bounds at the same time.  Only one
594         // is removed from the FreeSet; the other will be removed later.
596         if (bind1)
597         {
598             // j is bound.
599             // remove j from the FreeSet, and keep i.  The FreeSet_list was
600             // FreeSet_list = [ .... i j ] becomes FreeSet_list = [ .... i ]
601             PR(("(b3):remove j = %ld from the FreeSet\n", j));
602             ASSERT(FreeSet_status[j] == 0);
603             FreeSet_status[j] = new_FreeSet_status;
604             ASSERT(FreeSet_status[j] != 0);
605         }
606         else
607         {
608             // i is bound.
609             // remove i from the FreeSet, and keep j.  The FreeSet_list was
610             // FreeSet_list = [ .... i j ] becomes FreeSet_list = [ .... j ]
611             PR(("(b4):remove i = %ld from the FreeSet\n", i));
612             ASSERT(FreeSet_status[i] == 0);
613             FreeSet_status[i] = new_FreeSet_status;
614             ASSERT(FreeSet_status[i] != 0);
615             // shift j down by one in the list, thus discarding j.
616             ASSERT(FreeSet_list[nFreeSet - 2] == i);
617             FreeSet_list[nFreeSet - 2] = j;
618         }
620         // one fewer vertex in the FreeSet (i or j removed)
621         nFreeSet--;
623         DEBUG(FreeSet_dump("step 4", n, FreeSet_list, nFreeSet, FreeSet_status,
624                            0, x));
625         DEBUG(QPcheckCom(graph, options, QP, 1, nFreeSet, b)); // check b
626     }
628     DEBUG(FreeSet_dump("wrapup", n, FreeSet_list, nFreeSet, FreeSet_status, 0,
629                        x));
631     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
632     /* step 5: at most one free variable remaining */
633     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
635     ASSERT(nFreeSet == 0 || nFreeSet == 1);
637     PR(("Step 5: ib %ld lo %g b %g hi %g b-lo %g hi-b %g\n", ib, lo, b, hi,
638         b - lo, hi - b));
640     if (nFreeSet == 1) /* j is free, optimize over x [j] */
641     {
642         // j is the first and only item in the FreeSet
643         Int j = FreeSet_list[0];
644         PR(("ONE AND ONLY!! j = %ld x[j] %g\n", j, x[j]));
646         Int bind1  = 0;
647         double aj  = (a) ? a[j] : 1;
648         double dxj = (hi - b) / aj;
649         PR(("dxj %g  x[j] %g  (1-x[j]): %g\n", dxj, x[j], 1 - x[j]));
650         if (dxj < 1. - x[j])
651         {
652             bind1 = 1;
653         }
654         else
655         {
656             dxj = 1. - x[j];
657         }
659         Int bind2  = 0;
660         double dxi = (lo - b) / aj;
661         PR(("dxi %g  x[j] %g  (-x[j]): %g\n", dxi, x[j], -x[j]));
662         if (dxi > -x[j])
663         {
664             bind2 = 1;
665         }
666         else
667         {
668             dxi = -x[j];
669         }
671         double c1 = (grad[j] - 0.5 * D[j] * dxj) * dxj;
672         double c2 = (grad[j] - 0.5 * D[j] * dxi) * dxi;
673         if (c1 <= c2) /* x [j] += dxj */
674         {
675             if (bind1)
676             {
677                 PR(("bind1: xj changes from %g", x[j]));
678                 x[j] += dxj;
679                 PR((" to %g, b now at hi\n", x[j]));
680                 ib = +1;
681                 b  = hi;
682             }
683             else
684             {
685                 x[j] = 1.;
686                 b += dxj * aj;
687                 /// remove j from the FreeSet, which is now empty
688                 PR(("(b5):remove j = %ld from FreeSet, now empty\n", j));
689                 ASSERT(FreeSet_status[j] == 0);
690                 FreeSet_status[j] = 1;
691                 ASSERT(FreeSet_status[j] != 0);
692                 nFreeSet--;
693                 ASSERT(nFreeSet == 0);
694             }
695         }
696         else /* x [j] += dxi */
697         {
698             dxj = dxi;
699             if (bind2)
700             {
701                 PR(("bind2: xj changes from %g", x[j]));
702                 x[j] += dxj;
703                 PR((" to %g, b now at lo\n", x[j]));
704                 ib = -1;
705                 b  = lo;
706             }
707             else
708             {
709                 x[j] = 0.;
710                 b += dxj * aj;
711                 /// remove j from the FreeSet, which is now empty
712                 PR(("(b6):remove j = %ld from FreeSet, now empty\n", j));
713                 ASSERT(FreeSet_status[j] == 0);
714                 FreeSet_status[j] = -1;
715                 ASSERT(FreeSet_status[j] != 0);
716                 nFreeSet--;
717                 ASSERT(nFreeSet == 0);
718             }
719         }
721         if (dxj != 0.)
722         {
723             for (Int p = Ep[j]; p < Ep[j + 1]; p++)
724             {
725                 grad[Ei[p]] -= ((Ex) ? Ex[p] : 1) * dxj;
726             }
727             grad[j] -= D[j] * dxj;
728         }
729     }
731     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
732     // wrapup
733     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
735     PR(("QBboundary, done:\n"));
736     DEBUG(FreeSet_dump("QPBoundary: done ", n, FreeSet_list, nFreeSet,
737                        FreeSet_status, 0, x));
738     ASSERT(nFreeSet == 0 || nFreeSet == 1);
739     PR(("Boundary done: ib %ld lo %g b %g hi %g b-lo %g hi-b %g\n", ib, lo, b,
740         hi, b - lo, hi - b));
742     QP->nFreeSet = nFreeSet;
743     QP->b        = b;
744     QP->ib       = ib;
746     // clear the marks from all the vertices
747     graph->clearMarkArray();
749     DEBUG(QPcheckCom(graph, options, QP, 1, nFreeSet, b)); // check b
750     PR(("----- QPBoundary end ]\n"));
751 }
753 } // end namespace Mongoose