1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // GB_mex_subassign: C(I,J)<M> = accum (C (I,J), A)
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8 // This function is a wrapper for all GxB_*_subassign functions.
9 // For these uses, the mask M must always be the same size as C(I,J) and A.
11 // GxB_Matrix_subassign: M has the same size as C(I,J) and A
12 // GxB_Matrix_subassign_TYPE: M has the same size as C(I,J).  A is scalar.
14 // GxB_Vector_subassign: M has the same size as C(I,J) and A
15 // GxB_Vector_subassign_TYPE: M has the same size as C(I,J).  A is scalar.
17 // GxB_Col_subassign: on input to GB_mex_subassign, M and A are a single
18 // columns, the same size as the single subcolumn C(I,j).  They are not column
19 // vectors.
21 // GxB_Row_subassign: on input to GB_mex_subassign, M and A are single ROWS,
22 // the same size as the single subrow C(i,J).  They are not column vectors.
23 // Before GxB_Row_subassign is called, the A and the mask M (if present) are
24 // transposed.
26 // Thus, in all cases, A and the mask M (if present) have the same size as
27 // C(I,J), except in the case where A is a scalar.  In that case, A is
28 // implicitly expanded into a matrix the same size as C(I,J), but this occurs
29 // inside GxB_*subassign, not here.
31 // This function does the same thing as the MATLAB mimic GB_spec_subassign.m.
33 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 #include "GB_mex.h"
37 #define USAGE "[C,s,t] = GB_mex_subassign " \
38               "(C, M, accum, A, I, J, desc, reduce) or (C, Work)"
40 #define FREE_ALL                        \
41 {                                       \
42     bool A_is_M = (A == M) ;            \
43     bool A_is_C = (A == C) ;            \
44     bool C_is_M = (C == M) ;            \
45     GrB_Matrix_free_(&A) ;              \
46     if (A_is_C) C = NULL ;              \
47     if (A_is_M) M = NULL ;              \
48     GrB_Matrix_free_(&C) ;              \
49     if (C_is_M) M = NULL ;              \
50     GrB_Matrix_free_(&M) ;              \
51     GrB_Descriptor_free_(&desc) ;       \
52     if (!user_complex) GrB_Monoid_free_(&reduce) ;                \
53     GB_mx_put_global (true) ;           \
54 }
56 #define GET_DEEP_COPY                                                   \
57 {                                                                       \
58     C = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [0], "C input", true, true) ;   \
59     if (have_sparsity_control)                                          \
60     {                                                                   \
61         GxB_Matrix_Option_set (C, GxB_SPARSITY_CONTROL, C_sparsity_control) ; \
62     }                                                                   \
63     if (nargin > 3 && mxIsChar (pargin [1]))                            \
64     {                                                                   \
65         M = GB_mx_alias ("M", pargin [1], "C", C, "A", A) ;             \
66     }                                                                   \
67     if (nargin > 3 && mxIsChar (pargin [3]))                            \
68     {                                                                   \
69         A = GB_mx_alias ("A", pargin [3], "C", C, "M", M) ;             \
70     }                                                                   \
71 }
73 #define FREE_DEEP_COPY          \
74 {                               \
75     if (A == C) A = NULL ;      \
76     if (M == C) M = NULL ;      \
77     GrB_Matrix_free_(&C) ;      \
78 }
80 GrB_Matrix C = NULL ;
81 GrB_Matrix M = NULL ;
82 GrB_Matrix A = NULL ;
83 GrB_Matrix mask = NULL, u = NULL ;
84 GrB_Descriptor desc = NULL ;
85 GrB_BinaryOp accum = NULL ;
86 GrB_Index *I = NULL, ni = 0, I_range [3] ;
87 GrB_Index *J = NULL, nj = 0, J_range [3] ;
88 bool ignore ;
89 bool malloc_debug = false ;
90 GrB_Info info = GrB_SUCCESS ;
91 GrB_Monoid reduce = NULL ;
92 GrB_BinaryOp op = NULL ;
93 bool user_complex = false ;
94 int C_sparsity_control ;
95 int M_sparsity_control ;
96 bool have_sparsity_control = false ;
98 GrB_Info assign (GB_Context Context) ;
100 GrB_Info many_subassign
101 (
102     int nwork,
103     int fA,
104     int fI,
105     int fJ,
106     int faccum,
107     int fM,
108     int fdesc,
109     GrB_Type ctype,
110     const mxArray *pargin [ ],
111     GB_Context Context
112 ) ;
114 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 // assign: perform a single assignment
116 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 #define OK(method)                      \
119 {                                       \
120     info = method ;                     \
121     if (info != GrB_SUCCESS)            \
122     {                                   \
123         GrB_Matrix_free_(&mask) ;       \
124         GrB_Matrix_free_(&u) ;          \
125         return (info) ;                 \
126     }                                   \
127 }
assign(GB_Context Context)129 GrB_Info assign (GB_Context Context)
130 {
131     bool at = (desc != NULL && desc->in0 == GrB_TRAN) ;
132     GrB_Info info ;
134     int pr = GB0 ;
135     bool ph = (pr > 0) ;
137     ASSERT_MATRIX_OK (C, "C before mex assign", pr) ;
138     ASSERT_BINARYOP_OK_OR_NULL (accum, "accum for mex assign", pr) ;
139     ASSERT_MATRIX_OK (A, "A for mex assign", pr) ;
141     if (GB_NROWS (A) == 1 && GB_NCOLS (A) == 1 && GB_NNZ (A) == 1)
142     {
143         // scalar expansion to matrix or vector
144         GB_void *Ax = A->x ;
146         if (ni == 1 && nj == 1 && M == NULL && I != GrB_ALL && J != GrB_ALL
147             && GB_op_is_second (accum, C->type) && A->type->code <= GB_FC64_code
148             && desc == NULL)
149         {
150             if (ph) printf ("setElement\n") ;
151             // test GrB_Matrix_setElement
152             #define ASSIGN(prefix,suffix,type)                          \
153             {                                                           \
154                 type x = ((type *) Ax) [0] ;                            \
155                 OK (prefix ## Matrix_setElement ## suffix               \
156                     (C, x, I [0], J [0])) ;                             \
157             } break ;
159             switch (A->type->code)
160             {
162                 case GB_BOOL_code   : ASSIGN (GrB_, _BOOL,   bool) ;
163                 case GB_INT8_code   : ASSIGN (GrB_, _INT8,   int8_t) ;
164                 case GB_UINT8_code  : ASSIGN (GrB_, _UINT8,  uint8_t) ;
165                 case GB_INT16_code  : ASSIGN (GrB_, _INT16,  int16_t) ;
166                 case GB_UINT16_code : ASSIGN (GrB_, _UINT16, uint16_t) ;
167                 case GB_INT32_code  : ASSIGN (GrB_, _INT32,  int32_t) ;
168                 case GB_UINT32_code : ASSIGN (GrB_, _UINT32, uint32_t) ;
169                 case GB_INT64_code  : ASSIGN (GrB_, _INT64,  int64_t) ;
170                 case GB_UINT64_code : ASSIGN (GrB_, _UINT64, uint64_t) ;
171                 case GB_FP32_code   : ASSIGN (GrB_, _FP32,   float) ;
172                 case GB_FP64_code   : ASSIGN (GrB_, _FP64,   double) ;
173                 case GB_FC32_code   : ASSIGN (GxB_, _FC32,   GxB_FC32_t) ;
174                 case GB_FC64_code   : ASSIGN (GxB_, _FC64,   GxB_FC64_t) ;
175                 case GB_UDT_code    :
176                 default:
177                     FREE_ALL ;
178                     mexErrMsgTxt ("unsupported type") ;
179             }
180             #undef ASSIGN
182         }
183         if (GB_VECTOR_OK (C) && GB_VECTOR_OK (M))
184         {
186             // test GxB_Vector_subassign_scalar functions
187             if (ph) printf ("scalar assign to vector\n") ;
188             #define ASSIGN(suffix,type)                 \
189             {                                           \
190                 type x = ((type *) Ax) [0] ;            \
191                 OK (GxB_Vector_subassign ## suffix      \
192                     ((GrB_Vector) C, (GrB_Vector) M,    \
193                     accum, x, I, ni, desc)) ;           \
194             } break ;
196             switch (A->type->code)
197             {
199                 case GB_BOOL_code   : ASSIGN (_BOOL,   bool) ;
200                 case GB_INT8_code   : ASSIGN (_INT8,   int8_t) ;
201                 case GB_UINT8_code  : ASSIGN (_UINT8,  uint8_t) ;
202                 case GB_INT16_code  : ASSIGN (_INT16,  int16_t) ;
203                 case GB_UINT16_code : ASSIGN (_UINT16, uint16_t) ;
204                 case GB_INT32_code  : ASSIGN (_INT32,  int32_t) ;
205                 case GB_UINT32_code : ASSIGN (_UINT32, uint32_t) ;
206                 case GB_INT64_code  : ASSIGN (_INT64,  int64_t) ;
207                 case GB_UINT64_code : ASSIGN (_UINT64, uint64_t) ;
208                 case GB_FP32_code   : ASSIGN (_FP32,   float) ;
209                 case GB_FP64_code   : ASSIGN (_FP64,   double) ;
210                 case GB_FC32_code   : ASSIGN (_FC32,   GxB_FC32_t) ;
211                 case GB_FC64_code   : ASSIGN (_FC64,   GxB_FC64_t) ;
212                 case GB_UDT_code    :
213                 {
214                     // user-defined Complex type
215                     OK (GxB_Vector_subassign_UDT
216                         ((GrB_Vector) C, (GrB_Vector) M,
217                         accum, Ax, I, ni, desc)) ;
218                 }
219                 break ;
220                 default:
221                     FREE_ALL ;
222                     mexErrMsgTxt ("unsupported type") ;
223             }
224             #undef ASSIGN
226         }
227         else
228         {
230             // test Matrix_subassign_scalar functions
231             if (ph) printf ("scalar assign to matrix\n") ;
232             #define ASSIGN(suffix,type)                     \
233             {                                               \
234                 type x = ((type *) Ax) [0] ;                \
235                 OK (GxB_Matrix_subassign ## suffix          \
236                     (C, M, accum, x, I, ni, J, nj,desc)) ;  \
237             } break ;
239             switch (A->type->code)
240             {
242                 case GB_BOOL_code   : ASSIGN (_BOOL,   bool) ;
243                 case GB_INT8_code   : ASSIGN (_INT8,   int8_t) ;
244                 case GB_UINT8_code  : ASSIGN (_UINT8,  uint8_t) ;
245                 case GB_INT16_code  : ASSIGN (_INT16,  int16_t) ;
246                 case GB_UINT16_code : ASSIGN (_UINT16, uint16_t) ;
247                 case GB_INT32_code  : ASSIGN (_INT32,  int32_t) ;
248                 case GB_UINT32_code : ASSIGN (_UINT32, uint32_t) ;
249                 case GB_INT64_code  : ASSIGN (_INT64,  int64_t) ;
250                 case GB_UINT64_code : ASSIGN (_UINT64, uint64_t) ;
251                 case GB_FP32_code   : ASSIGN (_FP32,   float) ;
252                 case GB_FP64_code   : ASSIGN (_FP64,   double) ;
253                 case GB_FC32_code   : ASSIGN (_FC32,   GxB_FC32_t) ;
254                 case GB_FC64_code   : ASSIGN (_FC64,   GxB_FC64_t) ;
255                 case GB_UDT_code    :
256                 {
257                     // user-defined Complex type
258                     OK (GxB_Matrix_subassign_UDT
259                         (C, M, accum, Ax, I, ni, J, nj, desc)) ;
260                 }
261                 break ;
263                 default:
264                     FREE_ALL ;
265                     mexErrMsgTxt ("unsupported type") ;
266             }
267             #undef ASSIGN
269         }
270     }
271     else if (GB_VECTOR_OK (C) && GB_VECTOR_OK (A) &&
272         (M == NULL || GB_VECTOR_OK (M)) && !at)
273     {
274         // test GxB_Vector_subassign
275         if (ph) printf ("vector assign\n") ;
276         OK (GxB_Vector_subassign_((GrB_Vector) C, (GrB_Vector) M, accum,
277             (GrB_Vector) A, I, ni, desc)) ;
278     }
279     else if (GB_VECTOR_OK (A) && nj == 1 &&
280         (M == NULL || GB_VECTOR_OK (M)) && !at)
281     {
282         // test GxB_Col_subassign
283         if (ph) printf ("col assign\n") ;
284         OK (GxB_Col_subassign_(C, (GrB_Vector) M, accum, (GrB_Vector) A,
285             I, ni, J [0], desc)) ;
286     }
287     else if (A->vlen == 1 && ni == 1 && nj > 0 &&
288         (M == NULL || M->vlen == 1) && !at)
289     {
290         // test GxB_Row_subassign; this is not meant to be efficient,
291         // just for testing
292         if (ph) printf ("row assign\n") ;
293         if (M != NULL)
294         {
295             // mask = M'
296             int64_t mnrows, mncols ;
297             OK (GrB_Matrix_nrows (&mnrows, M)) ;
298             OK (GrB_Matrix_ncols (&mncols, M)) ;
299             OK (GrB_Matrix_new (&mask, M->type, mncols, mnrows)) ;
300             OK (GrB_transpose (mask, NULL, NULL, M, NULL)) ;
301             mask->is_csc = true ;
302             ASSERT (GB_VECTOR_OK (mask)) ;
303         }
304         // u = A'
305         int64_t ancols, anrows ;
306         OK (GrB_Matrix_nrows (&anrows, A)) ;
307         OK (GrB_Matrix_ncols (&ancols, A)) ;
308         OK (GrB_Matrix_new (&u, A->type, ancols, anrows)) ;
309         OK (GrB_transpose (u, NULL, NULL, A, NULL)) ;
310         u->is_csc = true ;
311         ASSERT (GB_VECTOR_OK (u)) ;
312         OK (GxB_Row_subassign_(C, (GrB_Vector) mask, accum, (GrB_Vector) u,
313             I [0], J, nj, desc)) ;
314         GrB_Matrix_free_(&mask) ;
315         GrB_Matrix_free_(&u) ;
316     }
317     else
318     {
319         // standard submatrix assignment
320         if (ph) printf ("submatrix assign\n") ;
321         OK (GxB_Matrix_subassign_(C, M, accum, A, I, ni, J, nj, desc)) ;
322     }
324     ASSERT_MATRIX_OK (C, "C after assign", pr) ;
325     return (info) ;
326 }
328 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
329 // many_subassign: do a sequence of assignments
330 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 // The list of assignments is in a struct array
many_subassign(int nwork,int fA,int fI,int fJ,int faccum,int fM,int fdesc,GrB_Type ctype,const mxArray * pargin[],GB_Context Context)334 GrB_Info many_subassign
335 (
336     int nwork,
337     int fA,
338     int fI,
339     int fJ,
340     int faccum,
341     int fM,
342     int fdesc,
343     GrB_Type ctype,
344     const mxArray *pargin [ ],
345     GB_Context Context
346 )
347 {
348     GrB_Info info = GrB_SUCCESS ;
350     for (int64_t k = 0 ; k < nwork ; k++)
351     {
353         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
354         // get the kth work to do
355         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
357         // each struct has fields A, I, J, and optionally Mask, accum, and desc
359         mxArray *p ;
361         // [ turn off malloc debugging
362         bool save = GB_Global_malloc_debug_get ( ) ;
363         GB_Global_malloc_debug_set (false) ;
365         // get M (deep copy)
366         M = NULL ;
367         if (fM >= 0)
368         {
369             p = mxGetFieldByNumber (pargin [1], k, fM) ;
370             M = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (p, "Mask", true, false) ;
371             if (M == NULL && !mxIsEmpty (p))
372             {
373                 FREE_ALL ;
374                 mexErrMsgTxt ("M failed") ;
375             }
376             if (have_sparsity_control)
377             {
378                 GxB_Matrix_Option_set (M, GxB_SPARSITY_CONTROL,
379                     M_sparsity_control) ;
380             }
381         }
383         // get A (true copy)
384         p = mxGetFieldByNumber (pargin [1], k, fA) ;
385         A = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (p, "A", true, true) ;
386         if (A == NULL)
387         {
388             FREE_ALL ;
389             mexErrMsgTxt ("A failed") ;
390         }
392         // get accum, if present
393         accum = NULL ;
394         if (faccum >= 0)
395         {
396             p = mxGetFieldByNumber (pargin [1], k, faccum) ;
397             user_complex = (Complex != GxB_FC64)
398                 && (C->type == Complex || A->type == Complex) ;
399             if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_BinaryOp (&accum, p, "accum",
400                 C->type, user_complex))
401             {
402                 FREE_ALL ;
403                 mexErrMsgTxt ("accum failed") ;
404             }
405         }
407         // get I
408         p = mxGetFieldByNumber (pargin [1], k, fI) ;
409         if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_indices (&I, p, &ni, I_range, &ignore))
410         {
411             FREE_ALL ;
412             mexErrMsgTxt ("I failed") ;
413         }
415         // get J
416         p = mxGetFieldByNumber (pargin [1], k, fJ) ;
417         if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_indices (&J, p, &nj, J_range, &ignore))
418         {
419             FREE_ALL ;
420             mexErrMsgTxt ("J failed") ;
421         }
423         // get desc
424         desc = NULL ;
425         if (fdesc > 0)
426         {
427             p = mxGetFieldByNumber (pargin [1], k, fdesc) ;
428             if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_Descriptor (&desc, p, "desc"))
429             {
430                 FREE_ALL ;
431                 mexErrMsgTxt ("desc failed") ;
432             }
433         }
435         // restore malloc debugging to test the method
436         GB_Global_malloc_debug_set (save) ; // ]
438         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
439         // C(I,J)<M> = A
440         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
442         info = assign (Context) ;
444         GrB_Matrix_free_(&A) ;
445         GrB_Matrix_free_(&M) ;
446         GrB_Descriptor_free_(&desc) ;
448         if (info != GrB_SUCCESS)
449         {
450             return (info) ;
451         }
452     }
454     OK (GrB_Matrix_wait_(&C)) ;
455     return (info) ;
456 }
458 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
459 // GB_mex_subassign mexFunction
460 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mexFunction(int nargout,mxArray * pargout[],int nargin,const mxArray * pargin[])462 void mexFunction
463 (
464     int nargout,
465     mxArray *pargout [ ],
466     int nargin,
467     const mxArray *pargin [ ]
468 )
469 {
471     C = NULL ;
472     M = NULL ;
473     A = NULL ;
474     mask = NULL ;
475     u = NULL ;
476     desc = NULL ;
477     accum = NULL ;
478     I = NULL ; ni = 0 ;
479     J = NULL ; nj = 0 ;
480     malloc_debug = false ;
481     info = GrB_SUCCESS ;
482     reduce = NULL ;
483     op = NULL ;
484     user_complex = false ;
485     C_sparsity_control = GxB_AUTO_SPARSITY ;
486     M_sparsity_control = GxB_AUTO_SPARSITY ;
487     have_sparsity_control = false ;
489     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
490     // check inputs
491     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
493     malloc_debug = GB_mx_get_global (true) ;
494     A = NULL ;
495     C = NULL ;
496     M = NULL ;
497     desc = NULL ;
498     user_complex = false ;
499     op = NULL ;
500     reduce = NULL ;
502     GB_CONTEXT (USAGE) ;
503     if (!((nargout == 1 && (nargin == 2 || nargin == 3 ||
504             nargin == 6 || nargin == 7)) ||
505           ((nargout == 2 || nargout == 3) && nargin == 8)))
506     {
507         mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: " USAGE) ;
508     }
510     if (nargin == 2 || nargin == 3)
511     {
513         // get sparsity control if present
514         if (nargin == 3)
515         {
516             int n = mxGetNumberOfElements (pargin [2]) ;
517             if (n != 2) mexErrMsgTxt ("invalid sparsity control") ;
518             have_sparsity_control = true ;
519             double *p = mxGetDoubles (pargin [2]) ;
520             C_sparsity_control = (int) p [0] ;
521             M_sparsity_control = (int) p [1] ;
522         }
524         // get C (deep copy)
525         GET_DEEP_COPY ;
526         if (C == NULL)
527         {
528             FREE_ALL ;
529             mexErrMsgTxt ("C failed") ;
530         }
532         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
533         // get a list of work to do: a struct array of length nwork
534         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
536         // each entry is a struct with fields:
537         // Mask, accum, A, I, J, desc
539         if (!mxIsStruct (pargin [1]))
540         {
541             FREE_ALL ;
542             mexErrMsgTxt ("2nd argument must be a struct") ;
543         }
545         int nwork = mxGetNumberOfElements (pargin [1]) ;
546         int nf = mxGetNumberOfFields (pargin [1]) ;
547         for (int f = 0 ; f < nf ; f++)
548         {
549             mxArray *p ;
550             for (int k = 0 ; k < nwork ; k++)
551             {
552                 p = mxGetFieldByNumber (pargin [1], k, f) ;
553             }
554         }
556         int fA = mxGetFieldNumber (pargin [1], "A") ;
557         int fI = mxGetFieldNumber (pargin [1], "I") ;
558         int fJ = mxGetFieldNumber (pargin [1], "J") ;
559         int faccum = mxGetFieldNumber (pargin [1], "accum") ;
560         int fM = mxGetFieldNumber (pargin [1], "Mask") ;
561         int fdesc = mxGetFieldNumber (pargin [1], "desc") ;
563         if (fA < 0 || fI < 0 || fJ < 0) mexErrMsgTxt ("A,I,J required") ;
565         METHOD (many_subassign (nwork, fA, fI, fJ, faccum, fM, fdesc, C->type,
566             pargin, Context)) ;
568     }
569     else
570     {
572         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
573         // C(I,J)<M> = A, with a single assignment
574         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
576         // get M (deep copy)
577         if (!mxIsChar (pargin [1]))
578         {
579             M = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [1], "M", true, false) ;
580             if (M == NULL && !mxIsEmpty (pargin [1]))
581             {
582                 FREE_ALL ;
583                 mexErrMsgTxt ("M failed") ;
584             }
585         }
587         // get A (deep copy)
588         if (!mxIsChar (pargin [3]))
589         {
590             A = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [3], "A", true, true) ;
591             if (A == NULL)
592             {
593                 FREE_ALL ;
594                 mexErrMsgTxt ("A failed") ;
595             }
596         }
598         // get C (deep copy)
599         GET_DEEP_COPY ;
600         if (C == NULL)
601         {
602             FREE_ALL ;
603             mexErrMsgTxt ("C failed") ;
604         }
606         // get accum, if present
607         user_complex = (Complex != GxB_FC64)
608             && (C->type == Complex || A->type == Complex) ;
609         accum = NULL ;
610         if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_BinaryOp (&accum, pargin [2], "accum",
611             C->type, user_complex))
612         {
613             FREE_ALL ;
614             mexErrMsgTxt ("accum failed") ;
615         }
617         // get I
618         if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_indices (&I, pargin [4], &ni, I_range, &ignore))
619         {
620             FREE_ALL ;
621             mexErrMsgTxt ("I failed") ;
622         }
624         // get J
625         if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_indices (&J, pargin [5], &nj, J_range, &ignore))
626         {
627             FREE_ALL ;
628             mexErrMsgTxt ("J failed") ;
629         }
631         // get desc
632         if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_Descriptor (&desc, PARGIN (6), "desc"))
633         {
634             FREE_ALL ;
635             mexErrMsgTxt ("desc failed") ;
636         }
638         if (nargin == 8 && (nargout == 2 || nargout == 3))
639         {
640             // get reduce operator
641             user_complex = (Complex != GxB_FC64) && (C->type == Complex) ;
642             if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_BinaryOp (&op, PARGIN (7), "op",
643                 C->type, user_complex) || op == NULL)
644             {
645                 FREE_ALL ;
646                 mexErrMsgTxt ("op failed") ;
647             }
649             // get the reduce monoid
650             if (user_complex)
651             {
652                 if (op == Complex_plus)
653                 {
654                     reduce = Complex_plus_monoid ;
655                 }
656                 else if (op == Complex_times)
657                 {
658                     reduce = Complex_times_monoid ;
659                 }
660                 else
661                 {
662                     FREE_ALL ;
663                     mexErrMsgTxt ("user reduce failed") ;
664                 }
665             }
666             else
667             {
668                 // create the reduce monoid
669                 if (!GB_mx_Monoid (&reduce, op, malloc_debug))
670                 {
671                     FREE_ALL ;
672                     mexErrMsgTxt ("reduce failed") ;
673                 }
674             }
675         }
677         // C(I,J)<M> = A
678         METHOD (assign (Context)) ;
680         // apply the reduce monoid
681         if (nargin == 8 && (nargout == 2 || nargout == 3))
682         {
684             pargout [1] = GB_mx_create_full (1, 1, C->type) ;
685             GB_void *p = mxGetData (pargout [1]) ;
687             #define REDUCE(prefix,suffix,type,zero)                            \
688             {                                                                  \
689                 type c = zero ;                                                \
690                 prefix ## Matrix_reduce ## suffix (&c, NULL, reduce, C, NULL) ;\
691                 memcpy (p, &c, sizeof (type)) ;                                \
692             }                                                                  \
693             break ;
695             double d = 0 ;
697             switch (C->type->code)
698             {
700                 case GB_BOOL_code   : REDUCE (GrB_, _BOOL,   bool      , false);
701                 case GB_INT8_code   : REDUCE (GrB_, _INT8,   int8_t    , 0) ;
702                 case GB_INT16_code  : REDUCE (GrB_, _INT16,  int16_t   , 0) ;
703                 case GB_INT32_code  : REDUCE (GrB_, _INT32,  int32_t   , 0) ;
704                 case GB_INT64_code  : REDUCE (GrB_, _INT64,  int64_t   , 0) ;
705                 case GB_UINT8_code  : REDUCE (GrB_, _UINT8,  uint8_t   , 0) ;
706                 case GB_UINT16_code : REDUCE (GrB_, _UINT16, uint16_t  , 0) ;
707                 case GB_UINT32_code : REDUCE (GrB_, _UINT32, uint32_t  , 0) ;
708                 case GB_UINT64_code : REDUCE (GrB_, _UINT64, uint64_t  , 0) ;
709                 case GB_FP32_code   : REDUCE (GrB_, _FP32,   float     , 0) ;
710                 case GB_FP64_code   : REDUCE (GrB_, _FP64,   double    , 0) ;
711                 case GB_FC32_code   :
712                     REDUCE (GxB_, _FC32, GxB_FC32_t, GxB_CMPLXF (0,0)) ;
713                 case GB_FC64_code   :
714                     REDUCE (GxB_, _FC64,   GxB_FC64_t, GxB_CMPLX  (0,0)) ;
715                 case GB_UDT_code    :
716                     {
717                         // user-defined Complex type
718                         GxB_FC64_t c = GxB_CMPLX (0,0) ;
719                         GrB_Matrix_reduce_UDT_((void *) &c, NULL, reduce,
720                             C, NULL) ;
721                         memcpy (p, &c, sizeof (GxB_FC64_t)) ;
722                     }
723                     break ;
725                 default             :
726                     FREE_ALL ;
727                     mexErrMsgTxt ("unknown type: subassign reduce") ;
728             }
730             GrB_Matrix_reduce_FP64_(&d, NULL, GxB_PLUS_FP64_MONOID, C, NULL) ;
731             if (nargout > 2) pargout [2] = mxCreateDoubleScalar (d) ;
733         }
734     }
736     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
737     // return C to MATLAB as a struct
738     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
740     ASSERT_MATRIX_OK (C, "Final C before wait", GB0) ;
741     GrB_Matrix_wait_(&C) ;
743     if (C == A) A = NULL ;      // do not free A if it is aliased to C
744     if (C == M) M = NULL ;      // do not free M if it is aliased to C
745     pargout [0] = GB_mx_Matrix_to_mxArray (&C, "C assign result", true) ;
746     FREE_ALL ;
747 }