1function C = spones (G, type)
2%SPONES return pattern of a sparse matrix.
3% C = spones (G) returns a matrix C with the same pattern as G, but with
4% all entries set to 1.  The behavior of spones (G) for a GrB matrix
5% differs from spones (A) for a MATLAB matrix A.  An explicit entry
6% G(i,j) that has a value of zero is converted to the explicit entry
7% C(i,j)=1.  Explicit zero entries never appear in a MATLAB sparse
8% matrix.
10% C = spones (G) returns C as the same type as G if G is real.
11% If G is complex, C has the underlying real type of G ('single' if
12% G is 'single complex', or 'double' if G is 'double complex').
14% C = spones (G,type) returns C in the requested type ('double',
15% 'single', 'int8', ...).  For example, use C = spones (G, 'logical') to
16% return the pattern of G as a sparse logical matrix.
18% See also GrB/spfun, GrB.apply.
20% SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
21% SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
23G = G.opaque ;
24if (nargin == 1)
25    C = GrB (gb_spones (G)) ;
27    C = GrB (gb_spones (G, type)) ;