1function [U, S, V, stats] = spqr_ssi (R, varargin)
2%SPQR_SSI block power method or subspace iteration applied to inv(R)
3% to estimate rank, smallest singular values, and left/right singular vectors.
5% [U,S,V,stats] = spqr_ssi (R,opts);
7% Uses the block power method or subspace iteration applied to the inverse of
8% the triangular matrix R (implicitly) to estimate the numerical rank, smallest
9% singular values, and left and right singular vectors R.  The algorithm will
10% be efficient in the case the nullity of R is relatively low and inefficient
11% otherwise.
13% Input:
15%   R -- an n by n nonsingular triangular matrix
16%   opts (optional) -- see 'help spqr_rank_opts' for details.
18% Output:
20%   U  -- n by k matrix containing estimates of the left singular vectors of R
21%       corresponding to the singular values in S. When stats.flag is 0 (and
22%       when the optional parameter opts.nsvals_large has its default value 1),
23%       r = n - k + 1 is the estimated rank of R. Also NT=U(:,2:k) is an
24%       orthonormal basis for the numerical null space of R'.
25%   S -- A k by k diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the estimated
26%       smallest k singular values of R, with k as described above.  For i=1:k,
27%       S(i,i) is an an estimate of singular value (r + i - 1) of R.
28%       Note that, unless stats.flag = 3 (see below), S(1,1)) > tol and for
29%       i =2:k, S(i,i) <= tol.
30%   V  -- n by k matrix containing estimates of the right singular vectors of R
31%       corresponding to the singular values in S.   When stats.flag is 0,
32%       N=V(:,2:k) is an orthonormal basis for the numerical null space of R.
33%   stats -- statistics, type 'help spqr_rank_stats' for details.
35% Note that U' * R = S * V' (in exact arithmetic) and that R * V is
36% approximately equal to U * S.
38% output (for one or two output arguments): [s,stats] = spqr_ssi (...)
39%    s -- diag(S), with S as above.
41% Example:
42%    R = sparse (gallery ('kahan',100)) ;
43%    [U,S,V] = spqr_ssi (R) ;
44%    norm_of_residual = norm( U' * R - S * V' )   % should be near zero
45%    % or
46%    [U,S,V,stats] = spqr_ssi (R) ;
47%    N = V(:,2:end);   % orthonormal basis for numerical null space of R
48%    NT = U(:,2:end);  % orthonormal basis for numerical null space of R'
49%    norm_R_times_N = norm(R*N)
50%    norm_R_transpose_times_NT = norm(R'*NT)
51%    % or
52%    opts = struct('tol',1.e-5,'nsvals_large',3) ;
53%    [s,stats] = spqr_ssi (R,opts);
54%    stats  % information about several singular values
56% See also spqr_basic, spqr_null, spqr_pinv, spqr_cod.
58% Copyright 2012, Leslie Foster and Timothy A Davis.
60% Outline of algorithm:
61%    let b = initial block size
62%    U = n by b random matrix with orthonormal columns
63%    repeat
64%       V1 = R \ U
65%       [V,D1,X1]= svd(V1,0) = the compact svd of V1
66%       U1 = R' \ V
67%       [U,D2,X2] = svd(U1,0) = the compact svd of U1
68%       sdot = diag(D2)
69%       s = 1 ./ sdot = estimates of singular values of R
70%       if s(end) <= tol
71%          increase the number of columns of U and repeat loop
72%       else
73%          repeat loop until stopping criteria (see code) is met
74%       end
75%    end
76%    k = smallest i with  sdot(i) > tol
77%    V = V*X2 (see code)
78%    V = first k columns of V in reverse order
79%    U = first k columns of U in reverse order
80%    s = 1 ./ (first k entries in sdot in reverse order)
81%    S = diag(s)
83%    Note for i = 1, 2, ..., k, S(i,i) is an upper bound on singular
84%    value (r + i - 1) of R in exact arithmetic but not necessarily
85%    in finite precision arithmetic.
87% start block power method to estimate the smallest singular
88%     values and the corresponding right singular vectors (in the
89%     r by nblock matrix V) and left singular vectors (in the r by
90%     nblock matrix U) of the n by n matrix R
92% disable nearly-singular matrix warnings, and save the previous state
93warning_state = warning ('off', 'MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix') ;
96% get input options
99[ignore,opts,stats,start_tic,ok] = spqr_rank_get_inputs (R,0,varargin{:}) ; %#ok
100clear ignore
102if (~ok || nargout > 4)
103    error ('usage: [U,S,V,stats] = spqr_ssi (R,opts)') ;
106[m,n] = size (R) ;
107if m ~= n
108    error('R must be square')
111% see spqr_rank_get_inputs.m for defaults:
112tol = opts.ssi_tol ;                                        % default opts.tol
113min_block = opts.ssi_min_block ;                            % default 3
114max_block = opts.ssi_max_block ;                            % default 10
115min_iters = opts.ssi_min_iters ;                            % default 3
116max_iters = opts.ssi_max_iters ;                            % default 100
117nblock_increment = opts.ssi_nblock_increment ;              % default 5
118convergence_factor = opts.ssi_convergence_factor ;          % default 0.1
119nsvals_large = opts.nsvals_large ;                          % default 1
120get_details = opts.get_details ;                            % default false
121repeatable = opts.repeatable ;                              % default false
123private_stream = spqr_repeatable (repeatable) ;
126% adjust the options to reasonable ranges
129% cannot compute more than n large singular values, where R is n-by-n
130nsvals_large = min (nsvals_large, n) ;
132% make the block size large enough so that there is a possiblity of
133% calculating all nsvals_large singular values
134max_block = max (max_block, nsvals_large) ;
136% max_block cannot be larger than n
137max_block = min (max_block, n) ;
139% min_block cannot be larger than n
140min_block = min (min_block, n) ;
142% start with nblock = min_block;
143nblock = min_block ;
146% initializations
149% stats.flag and stats.rank initialized in spqr_rank_get_inputs
150% set the order of the remaining stats fields
151stats.tol = tol ;
152stats.tol_alt = -1 ;   % removed later if remains -1
153if get_details == 1 && isfield(stats,'normest_A')
154    normest_A = stats.normest_A ;
155    stats = rmfield( stats,'normest_A' ) ;  % to place in proper order
156    stats.normest_R = normest_A ;
158stats.est_svals_of_R = 0 ;
159stats.est_error_bounds = -1 ;
160stats.sval_numbers_for_bounds = -1 ;
161if get_details == 2
162    stats.ssi_max_block_used = -1 ;
163    stats.ssi_min_block_used = -1 ;
165if (get_details == 1)
166    stats.norm_R_times_N = -1 ;
167    stats.norm_R_transpose_times_NT = -1 ;
168    stats.iters = -1 ;
169    stats.nsvals_large_found = 0 ;
170    stats.final_blocksize = -1 ;
171    stats.ssi_max_block_used = -1 ;
172    stats.ssi_min_block_used = -1 ;
173    stats.opts_used = opts ;
174    stats.time = 0 ;
175    time_initialize = stats.time_initialize ;
176    stats = rmfield(stats,'time_initialize') ; % to place in proper order
177    stats.time_initialize = time_initialize ;
178    stats.time_iters = 0 ;
179    stats.time_est_error_bounds = 0 ;
180    stats.time_svd = 0 ;
184stats.rank = [ ] ;
185stats.tol = tol ;
186if (get_details == 1 || get_details == 2)
187    stats.ssi_max_block_used = max_block ;
188    stats.ssi_min_block_used = nblock ;
191if (get_details == 1)
192    start_iters_tic = tic ;
195if (~isempty (private_stream))
196    U = randn (private_stream, n, nblock) ;
198    U = randn (n, nblock) ;
200[U,ignore] = qr (U,0) ;                                                     %#ok
201clear ignore
202% est_error_bound_calculated = 0 ;      % set to 1 later if bound calculated
203flag_overflow = 0 ;                     % set to 1 later if overflow occurs
206% iterations
209for iters = 1:max_iters
211    U0= U;
212    V1 = R \ U ;
213    if min(min(isfinite(V1))) == 0
214        flag_overflow = 1;
215        break   % *************>>>>> early exit from for loop
216    end
218    if (get_details == 1), time_svd = tic ; end
220    [V,D1,X1] = svd (V1,0) ;
222    if (get_details == 1)
223        stats.time_svd = stats.time_svd + toc( time_svd ) ;
224    end
226    % d1 = diag(D1)';
227    U1 = ( V' / R )';  % uses less memory than U1 = R' \ V;
228    % Note: with the inverse power method overflow is a potential concern
229    %     in extreme cases (SJid = 137 or UFid = 1239 is close)
230    if min (min (isfinite (U1))) == 0
231        % *************>>>>> early exit from for loop
232        % We know of no matrix that triggers this condition, so the next
233        % two lines are untested.
234        flag_overflow = 1;      % untested
235        break                   % untested
236    end
238    if (get_details == 1), time_svd = tic ; end
240    [U,D2,X2] = svd (U1,0) ;
242    if (get_details == 1)
243        stats.time_svd = stats.time_svd + toc(time_svd) ;
244    end
246    d2 = diag (D2)' ;
247    k = find(d2*tol<1);
249    if isempty(k) && (nblock == n)
250        % success since the numerical rank of R is zero
251        break   % *************>>>>> early exit from for loop
252    end
254    if ~isempty(k)
255        k = k(1);  % k equals the calculated nullity + 1, k corresponds to
256                   % the first singular value of R that is greater than tol
257        % reduce nsvals_large if necessary due to max_block limit:
258        nsvals_large_old = nsvals_large;
259        nsvals_large = min(nsvals_large,max_block - k + 1);
261        if nblock >= k + nsvals_large - 1
262            % estimate error bound for singular value n - k + 1 of R:
263            est_error_bound =  norm( ...
264                U0*(X1*(D1 \ X2(:,k))) - U(:,k)/D2(k,k) ) / sqrt(2);
265            % est_error_bound_calculated = 1;
266            k2 = k + nsvals_large - 1;
267            % When nsvals_large is 1, k and k2 are the same.  When
268            % nsvals_large > 1, k2 corresponds to the largest singular
269            % value of R that is returned.
270            if k2 ~= k
271                % estimate error bound for singular value n - k2 + 1 of R:
272                est_error_bound2 =  norm( ...
273                    U0*(X1*(D1 \ X2(:,k2))) - U(:,k2)/D2(k2,k2) ) / sqrt(2);
274            else
275                est_error_bound2 = est_error_bound;
276            end
277        end
279        % Note that
280        %     [ 0     R ] [  U   ]  =    [ U0 * X1 * ( D1 \ X2 ) ]
281        %     [ R'    0 ] [ V*X2 ]       [     V * ( X2 / D2 )   ]
282        % It follows that, by Demmel's Applied Numerical Linear Algebra,
283        % Theorem 5.5, some eigenvalue of
284        %     B  =  [ 0    R ]
285        %           [ R'   0 ]
286        % will be within a distance of est_error_bound of 1 / d2(k), where s(1)
287        % = 1 / d2(k) is our estimate of singular value n - k + 1 of R.
288        % Typically the eigenvalue of B is singular value number n - k + 1 of
289        % R, although this is not guaranteed.  est_error_bound is our estimate
290        % of a bound on the error in using s(1) to approximate singular value
291        % number n - k + 1 of R.
293        if nblock >= k + nsvals_large - 1 && ...
294            est_error_bound <= convergence_factor*abs( 1/d2(k)-tol ) && ...
295            est_error_bound2 <= convergence_factor*abs( 1/d2(k2) ) && ...
296            iters >= min_iters
297            % Motivation for the tests:
298            % The first test in the if statement is an attempt to insure
299            % that nsvals_large singular values of R larger than tol are
300            % calculated.
301            %
302            % Goal of the power method is to increase nblock until we find
303            % sigma = (singular value n - k + 1 of R) is > tol.  If
304            % this is true it is guaranteed that n - k + 1 is the
305            % correct numerical rank of R.  If we let s(1) = 1 / d2(k)
306            % then s(1) > tol.  However s(1) is only an estimate of sigma.
307            % However, in most cases
308            %     | s(1) - sigma | <= est_error_bound                   (1)
309            % and to be conservative assume only that
310            %  |s(1) - sigma|<= (1/convergence_factor)*est_error_bound  (2)
311            % where convergence_factor<=1. By the second test in the if
312            % statement
313            %  est_error_bound <= convergence_factor * | s(1) - tol |   (3)
314            % Equations (2) and (3) imply that
315            %      | s(1) - sigma | <= | s(1) - tol |
316            % This result and s(1) > tol imply that sigma > tol, as
317            % desired.  Thus the second test in the if statement attempts
318            % to carry out enough iterations to insure that the calculated
319            % numerical rank is correct.
320            %
321            % The third test in the if statement checks on the accuracy of
322            % the estimate for singular values n - k2 + 1.  Let sigma2 be
323            % singular value n - k2 + 1 of R.  Usually it is true
324            % that
325            %     | s( k2 ) - sigma2 | <= est_error_bound2.             (4)
326            % Assuming (4) and the third test in the if statement it
327            % follows that the estimated relative
328            % error in s(k2),  as measured by est_error_bound2 / s( k2) ,
329            % is less that or equal to convergence_factor.  Therefore
330            % the third test in the if statement attempts to insure that
331            % the largest singular value returned by ssi has a relative
332            % error <= convergence_factor.
333            %
334            % SUCCESS!!!, found singular value or R larger than tol
335            break  % *************>>>>> early exit from for loop
336        end
337        nsvals_large = nsvals_large_old;  % restore original value
338    end
340    if nblock == max_block && iters >= min_iters && isempty(k)
341        % reached max_block block size without encountering any
342        %     singular values of R larger than tolerance
343        break    % *************>>>>> early exit from for loop
344    end
346    if (1 <= iters && iters < max_iters) && ( isempty(k)  || ...
347            ( ~isempty(k) && nblock < k(1) + nsvals_large - 1) )
348        % increase block size
349        nblock_prev = nblock;
350        if isempty(k)
351            nblock = min(nblock + nblock_increment, max_block);
352        else
353            nblock = min( k(1) + nsvals_large - 1, max_block );
354        end
355        if (nblock > nblock_prev)
356            if (~isempty (private_stream))
357                Y = randn (private_stream, n, nblock-nblock_prev) ;
358            else
359                Y = randn (n, nblock-nblock_prev) ;
360            end
361            Y = Y - U*(U'*Y);
362            [Y,ignore]=qr(Y,0) ;                                            %#ok
363            clear ignore
364            U = [U, Y];      %#ok
365        end
366    end
369if (get_details == 1)
370    stats.final_blocksize = nblock ;    % final block size
371    stats.iters = iters ;               % number of iterations taken in ssi
372    stats.time_iters = toc (start_iters_tic) ;
376% check for early return
379if flag_overflow == 1
380    warning ('spqr_rank:overflow', 'overflow in inverse power method') ;
381    warning (warning_state) ;
382    [stats U S V] = spqr_failure (4, stats, get_details, start_tic) ;
383    if (nargout == 2)
384        S = stats ;
385    end
386    return
390% determine estimated singular values of R
393est_error_bounds = [ ] ;
395if ~isempty(k)
396    % Note: in this case nullity = k - 1 and rank = n - k + 1
397    s = 1.0 ./ d2(min(nblock,k+nsvals_large-1):-1:1);
398    est_error_bounds (nsvals_large) = est_error_bound;
399    numerical_rank = n - k + 1;
401    k = nblock;
402    if nblock == n
403        numerical_rank = 0;
404        % success since numerical rank is 0
405    else
406        % in this case rank not successfully determined
407        % Note: In this case k is a lower bound on the nullity and
408        %       n - k is an upper bound on the rank
409        numerical_rank = n - k;  %upper bound on numerical rank
410        nsvals_large = 0 ; % calculated no singular values > tol
411    end
412    s = 1.0 ./ d2(nblock:-1:1);
415stats.rank = numerical_rank ;
417nkeep = length (s) ;   % number of cols kept in U and V
418S = diag (s) ;
420if (get_details == 1)
421    stats.nsvals_large_found = nsvals_large ;
426% adjust V so that R'*U = V*S (in exact arithmetic)
429V = V*X2;
430% reverse order of U and V and keep only nkeep singular vectors
431V = V(:,nkeep:-1:1);
432U = U(:,nkeep:-1:1);
434if (get_details == 1)
435    t = tic ;
438if nsvals_large > 0
439    % this recalculates est_error_bounds(nsvals_large)
440    U0 = R * V(:,1:nsvals_large) - ...
441        U(:,1:nsvals_large) * S(1:nsvals_large,1:nsvals_large) ;
442    U0 = [ U0;
443           R' * U(:,1:nsvals_large) - V(:,1:nsvals_large)* ...
444             S(1:nsvals_large,1:nsvals_large)];
445    est_error_bounds (1:nsvals_large) = sqrt(sum(U0 .* conj(U0) )) / sqrt(2) ;
448% this code calculates estimated error bounds for singular values
449%    nsvals_large+1 to nkeep
450ibegin = nsvals_large+1;
451U0 = R * V(:,ibegin:nkeep) - U(:,ibegin:nkeep)* ...
452         S(ibegin:nkeep,ibegin:nkeep);
453U0 = [ U0;
454       R' * U(:,ibegin:nkeep) - V(:,ibegin:nkeep)* ...
455         S(ibegin:nkeep,ibegin:nkeep)];
456est_error_bounds (ibegin:nkeep) = sqrt(sum(U0 .* conj(U0) )) /sqrt(2);
457% Note that
458%    [ 0      R ]  [ U ]   -    [ U ] * S = [ R * V - U * S ]
459%    [ R'     0 ]  [ V ]   -    [ V ]       [      0        ].
460% It follows, by Demmel's Applied Numerical Linear Algebra,
461% Theorem 5.5, for i = 2, . . .,  k, some eigenvalue of
462%     B  =  [ 0    R ]
463%           [ R'   0 ]
464% will be within a distance of the norm of the ith column of
465% [ R * V - U * S ; R'*U - V*S] / sqrt(2) from S(i,i). Typically this
466% eigenvalue will be singular value number n - k + i of R,
467% although it is not guaranteed that the singular value number
468% is correct.  est_error_bounds(i) is the norm of the ith column
469% of [ R * V - U * S; R' * U - V * S ] / sqrt(2).
472if (get_details == 1)
473    % Note that stats.time_est_error_bounds includes the time for the error
474    %   bound calculations done outside of the subspace iterations loop
475    stats.time_est_error_bounds = toc (t) ;
478stats.sval_numbers_for_bounds = ...
479    numerical_rank - nsvals_large + 1 : ...
480    numerical_rank - nsvals_large + length (est_error_bounds) ;
483% compute norm R*N and R'*NT
486% compute norm R*N where N = V(:,nsvals_large+1:end) is the approximate
487%         null space of R and
488%         norm R'*NT where NT = U(:,nsvals_large+1:end) is the approximate
489%         null space of R'
491if (get_details == 1), t = tic ; end
493% svals_R_times_N = svd(R*V(:,nsvals_large+1:end))';
494norm_R_times_N = norm (R * V(:,nsvals_large+1:end)) ;
495% svals_R_transpose_times_NT = svd(R'*U(:,nsvals_large+1:end))';
496norm_R_transpose_times_NT = norm (R' * U(:,nsvals_large+1:end)) ;
498if (get_details == 1)
499    stats.norm_R_times_N = norm_R_times_N;
500    stats.norm_R_transpose_times_NT = norm_R_transpose_times_NT;
501    stats.time_svd = stats.time_svd + toc (t) ;
504% Note: norm_R_times_N is an upper bound on sing. val. rank1+1 of R
505% and norm_R_transpose_times_NT is also an upper bound on sing. val.
506%      rank1+1 of R
507max_norm_RN_RTNT = max (norm_R_times_N,norm_R_transpose_times_NT);
508% choose max here to insure that both null spaces are good
511% determine flag indicating the accuracy of the rank calculation
514if numerical_rank == 0
515    % numerical rank is 0 in this case
516    stats.flag = 0;
517elseif (numerical_rank == n  || max_norm_RN_RTNT <= tol) && ...
518       (nsvals_large > 0 && ...
519       s(nsvals_large) - est_error_bounds(nsvals_large) > tol )
520    % in this case, assuming est_error_bounds(nsvals_large) is a true
521    % error bound, then the numerical rank is correct.  Also
522    % N = V(:,nsvals_large+1:end) and NT = U(:,nsvals_large+1:end)
523    % are bases for the numerical null space or R and R', respectively
524    stats.flag = 0;
525elseif ( nsvals_large > 0 && numerical_rank == n ) || ...
526        ( nsvals_large > 0 && ...
527        s(nsvals_large) - est_error_bounds(nsvals_large) > ...
528        max_norm_RN_RTNT )
529    % in this case, assuming est_error_bounds(nsvals_large) is a true
530    % error bound, then the numerical rank is correct with a modified
531    % tolerance.  This is a rare case.
532    stats.flag = 1;
533    tol_alt = ( s(nsvals_large) - est_error_bounds(nsvals_large) );
534    tol_alt = tol_alt - eps(tol_alt);  % so that tol_alt satisfies the >
535                                       % portion of the inequality below
536    % tol_alt = max_norm_RN_RTNT;
537    % Note: satisfactory values of tol_alt are in the range
538    %    s(nsvals_large) - est_error_bounds(nsvals_large) > tol_alt
539    %    >= max_norm_RN_RTNT
540    stats.tol_alt = tol_alt;
541elseif  nsvals_large > 0 && s(nsvals_large) > tol && ...
542        max_norm_RN_RTNT <= tol && ...
543        s(nsvals_large) - est_error_bounds(nsvals_large) ...
544        <= max_norm_RN_RTNT
545    % in this case, assuming est_error_bounds(nsvals_large) is a true
546    % error bound, the error bound is too large to determine the
547    % numerical rank.  This case is very rare.
548    stats.flag = 2;
550    % in this case all the calculated singular values are
551    % smaller than tol or either N is not a basis for the numerical
552    % null space of R with tolerance tol or NT is not such a basis for R'.
553    % stats.rank is an upper bound on the numerical rank.
554    stats.flag = 3;
558% return results
561% restore the warnings
562warning (warning_state) ;
564stats.est_svals_of_R = diag (S)' ;
565stats.est_error_bounds = est_error_bounds;
567if (get_details == 1)
568    stats.time = toc (start_tic) ;
571if stats.tol_alt == -1
572    stats = rmfield(stats, 'tol_alt') ;
575if (get_details == 1)
576    stats.time = toc (start_tic) ;
579if (nargout <= 2)
580    U = diag (S) ;
581    S = stats ;