1 // =============================================================================
2 // === SuiteSparseQR ===========================================================
3 // =============================================================================
5 //  QR factorization of a sparse matrix, and optionally solve a least squares
6 //  problem, Q*R = A*E where A is m-by-n, E is a permutation matrix, R is
7 //  upper triangular if A is full rank, and Q is an orthogonal matrix.
8 //  R is upper trapezoidal or a "squeezed" upper trapezoidal matrix if A is
9 //  found to be rank deficient.
10 //
11 //  All output arrays are optional.  If you pass NULL for the C, R, E, X,
12 //  and/or H array handles, those arrays will not be returned.
13 //
14 //  The Z output (either sparse or dense) is either C, C', or X where
15 //  C = Q'*B and X = E*(R\(Q'*B)).  The latter gives the result of X=A\B,
16 //  which is the least-squares solution if m > n.
17 //
18 //  To return full-sized results, set econ = m.  Then C and R will have m rows,
19 //  and C' will have m columns.
20 //
21 //  To return economy-sized results, set econ = n.  Then C and R will have k
22 //  rows and C' will have k columns, where k = min(m,n).
23 //
24 //  To return rank-sized results, set econ = 0.  Then C and R will have k rows
25 //  and C' will have k columns, where k = r = the estimated rank of A.
26 //
27 //  In all three cases, k = max (min (m, econ), r).
28 //
29 //  To compute Q, pass in B = speye (m), and then set getCTX to 1
30 //  (Q is then returned as Zsparse).
31 //
32 //  The Householder representation of Q is returned in H, HTau, and HPinv.
33 //  E is a permutation vector represention of the column permutation, for
34 //  the factorization Q*R=A*E.
37 #include "spqr.hpp"
39 #define XCHUNK 4            // FUTURE: make this a parameter
41 #define FREE_ALL \
42         spqr_freefac (&QR, cc) ; \
43         cholmod_l_free (rjsize+1, sizeof (Long),  H2p, cc) ; \
44         cholmod_l_free_dense  (&HTau, cc) ; \
45         cholmod_l_free_sparse (&H, cc) ; \
46         cholmod_l_free_sparse (&R, cc) ; \
47         cholmod_l_free_sparse (&Xsparse, cc) ; \
48         cholmod_l_free_sparse (&Zsparse, cc) ; \
49         cholmod_l_free_dense  (&Zdense, cc) ; \
50         cholmod_l_free (xsize, sizeof (Entry), Xwork, cc) ; \
51         cholmod_l_free (csize, sizeof (Entry), C, cc) ; \
52         cholmod_l_free (wsize, sizeof (Entry), W, cc) ; \
53         cholmod_l_free (maxfrank, sizeof (Long), Rlive, cc) ; \
54         cholmod_l_free (maxfrank, sizeof (Entry *), Rcolp, cc) ; \
55         cholmod_l_free (n+bncols, sizeof (Long), E, cc) ; \
56         cholmod_l_free (m, sizeof (Long), HP1inv, cc) ;
58 // returns rank(A) estimate if successful, EMPTY otherwise
SuiteSparseQR(int ordering,double tol,Long econ,int getCTX,cholmod_sparse * A,cholmod_sparse * Bsparse,cholmod_dense * Bdense,cholmod_sparse ** p_Zsparse,cholmod_dense ** p_Zdense,cholmod_sparse ** p_R,Long ** p_E,cholmod_sparse ** p_H,Long ** p_HPinv,cholmod_dense ** p_HTau,cholmod_common * cc)59 template <typename Entry> Long SuiteSparseQR
60 (
61     // inputs, not modified
62     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
63     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
64     Long econ,              // number of rows of C and R to return; a value
65                             // less than the rank r of A is treated as r, and
66                             // a value greater than m is treated as m.
67                             // That is, e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A)) gives the
68                             // number of rows of C and R, and columns of C'.
70     int getCTX,             // if 0: return Z = C of size econ-by-bncols
71                             // if 1: return Z = C' of size bncols-by-econ
72                             // if 2: return Z = X of size econ-by-bncols
74     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
76     // B is either sparse or dense.  If Bsparse is non-NULL, B is sparse and
77     // Bdense is ignored.  If Bsparse is NULL and Bdense is non-NULL, then B is
78     // dense.  B is not present if both are NULL.
79     cholmod_sparse *Bsparse,    // B is m-by-bncols
80     cholmod_dense *Bdense,
82     // output arrays, neither allocated nor defined on input.
84     // Z is the matrix C, C', or X, either sparse or dense.  If p_Zsparse is
85     // non-NULL, then Z is returned as a sparse matrix.  If p_Zsparse is NULL
86     // and p_Zdense is non-NULL, then Z is returned as a dense matrix.  Neither
87     // are returned if both arguments are NULL.
88     cholmod_sparse **p_Zsparse,
89     cholmod_dense  **p_Zdense,
91     cholmod_sparse **p_R,   // the R factor
92     Long **p_E,             // size n; fill-reducing ordering of A.
93     cholmod_sparse **p_H,   // the Householder vectors (m-by-nh)
94     Long **p_HPinv,         // size m; row permutation for H
95     cholmod_dense **p_HTau, // size 1-by-nh, Householder coefficients
97     // workspace and parameters
98     cholmod_common *cc
99 )
100 {
101     Long *Q1fill, *R1p, *R1j, *P1inv, *Zp, *Zi, *Rp, *Ri, *Rap, *Hp, *H2p,
102         *Hi, *HP1inv, // *Ap, *Ai,
103         *Rlive, *E, *Bp, *Bi ;
104     Entry *R1x, *B, *Zx, *Rx, *X2, *C, *Hx, *C1, *X1, *Xwork, // *Ax,
105         *W, **Rcolp, *Bx ;
106     Long i, j, k, p, p2, n1cols, n1rows, B_is_sparse, Z_is_sparse, getC,
107         getR, getH, getE, getX, getZ, iold, inew, rank, n2, rnz, znz, zn, zm,
108         pr, xsize, getT, nh, k1, k2, xchunk, xncol, m, n, csize, wsize, ldb,
109         maxfrank, rjsize, bncols, bnrows ;
110     spqr_symbolic *QRsym ;
111     spqr_numeric <Entry> *QRnum ;
112     SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *QR ;
113     cholmod_sparse *Xsparse, *Zsparse, *R, *H ;
114     cholmod_dense *Zdense, *HTau ;
116     double t0 = SuiteSparse_time ( ) ;
118     int ok = TRUE ;
120     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
121     // get inputs
122     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
124     if (p_Zsparse != NULL) *p_Zsparse = NULL ;
125     if (p_Zdense  != NULL) *p_Zdense  = NULL ;
126     if (p_R != NULL) *p_R = NULL ;
127     if (p_E  != NULL) *p_E  = NULL ;
128     if (p_H != NULL) *p_H = NULL ;
129     if (p_HPinv != NULL) *p_HPinv = NULL ;
130     if (p_HTau  != NULL) *p_HTau  = NULL ;
134     Long xtype = spqr_type <Entry> ( ) ;
136     if (Bsparse != NULL) RETURN_IF_XTYPE_INVALID (Bsparse, EMPTY) ;
137     if (Bdense  != NULL) RETURN_IF_XTYPE_INVALID (Bdense,  EMPTY) ;
138     cc->status = CHOLMOD_OK ;
140     n = 0 ;
141     m = 0 ;
142     rnz = 0 ;
143     nh = 0 ;
145     Rap = NULL ;
147     R = NULL ;
148     Rp = NULL ;
149     Ri = NULL ;
150     Rx = NULL ;
152     Xsparse = NULL ;
153     Zsparse = NULL ;
154     Zdense = NULL ;
156     Zp = NULL ;
157     Zi = NULL ;
158     Zx = NULL ;
160     H = NULL ;
161     Hp = NULL ;
162     Hi = NULL ;
163     Hx = NULL ;
164     H2p = NULL ;
166     HTau = NULL ;
167     HP1inv = NULL ;
169     maxfrank = 0 ;
170     xsize = 0 ;
171     csize = 0 ;
172     wsize = 0 ;
174     Xwork = NULL ;
175     C = NULL ;
176     Rcolp = NULL ;
177     Rlive = NULL ;
179     E = NULL ;
180     W = NULL ;
182     m = A->nrow ;
183     n = A->ncol ;
184     // Ap = (Long *) A->p ;
185     // Ai = (Long *) A->i ;
186     // Ax = (Entry *) A->x ;
188     // B is an optional input.  It can be sparse or dense
189     B_is_sparse = (Bsparse != NULL) ;
190     if (B_is_sparse)
191     {
192         // B is sparse
193         bncols = Bsparse->ncol ;
194         bnrows = Bsparse->nrow ;
195         Bp = (Long *) Bsparse->p ;
196         Bi = (Long *) Bsparse->i ;
197         Bx = (Entry *) Bsparse->x ;
198         ldb = 0 ;       // unused
199     }
200     else if (Bdense != NULL)
201     {
202         // B is dense
203         bncols = Bdense->ncol ;
204         bnrows = Bdense->nrow ;
205         Bp = NULL ;
206         Bi = NULL ;
207         Bx = (Entry *) Bdense->x ;
208         ldb = Bdense->d ;
209     }
210     else
211     {
212         // B is not present
213         bncols = 0 ;
214         bnrows = m ;
215         Bp = NULL ;
216         Bi = NULL ;
217         Bx = NULL ;
218         ldb = 0 ;
219     }
221     if (bnrows != m)
222     {
223         ERROR (CHOLMOD_INVALID, "A and B must have the same # of rows") ;
224         return (EMPTY) ;
225     }
226     PR (("bncols : %ld\n", bncols)) ;
228     // Z = C, C', or X, can be sparse or dense
229     Z_is_sparse = (p_Zsparse != NULL) ;
230     getZ = (Z_is_sparse || p_Zdense != NULL) && (getCTX >= 0 && getCTX <= 2) ;
232     // Z = C is an optional output of size econ-by-bncols, sparse or dense
233     getC = getZ && (getCTX == 0) ;
235     // Z = C' is an optional output of size bncols-by-econ, sparse or dense
236     getT = getZ && (getCTX == 1) ;
238     // Z = X is an optional output of size n-by-bncols, sparse or dense
239     getX = getZ && (getCTX == 2) ;
241     // R is an optional output of size econ-by-n.  It is always sparse
242     getR = (p_R != NULL) ;
244     // E is an optional output; it is a permutation vector of length n+bncols
245     getE = (p_E != NULL) ;
247     // H is an optional output, of size m-by-nh.  It is always sparse
248     getH = (p_H != NULL && p_HPinv != NULL && p_HTau != NULL) ;
250     // at most one of C, C', or X will be returned as the Z matrix
251     ASSERT (getC + getT + getX <= 1) ;
253     PR (("getCTX %d getZ %ld getC %ld getT %ld getX %ld getR %ld getE %ld"
254         "getH %ld\n", getCTX, getZ, getC, getT, getX, getR, getE, getH)) ;
256     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
257     // symbolic and numeric QR factorization of [A B], exploiting singletons
258     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
260     QR = spqr_1factor (ordering, tol, bncols, getH, A, ldb, Bp, Bi, Bx, cc) ;
262     if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
263     {
264         // out of memory
265         return (EMPTY) ;
266     }
268     R1p = QR->R1p ;
269     R1j = QR->R1j ;
270     R1x = QR->R1x ;
271     P1inv = QR->P1inv ;
272     Q1fill = QR->Q1fill ;
273     QRsym = QR->QRsym ;
274     QRnum = QR->QRnum ;
275     n1rows = QR->n1rows ;
276     n1cols = QR->n1cols ;
277     n2 = n - n1cols ;
278     rank = QR->rank ;
279     tol = QR->tol ;
281     PR (("Singletons: n1cols %ld n1rows %ld\n", n1cols, n1rows)) ;
282     PR (("n2 %ld n %ld QRsym->n %ld\n", n2, n, QRsym->n)) ;
284     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
285     // determine the economy size
286     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
288     // econ gives the number of rows of C and R to return.  It must be at least
289     // as large as the estimated rank of R (all entries in R are always
290     // returned).  It can be no larger than m (all of C and R are returned).
291     // If X is requested but not C nor R, then only rows 0 to rank-1 of C is
292     // extracted from the QR factorization.
294     if (getX && !getR)
295     {
296         econ = rank ;
297     }
298     else
299     {
300         // constrain econ to be between rank and m
301         econ = MIN (m, econ) ;
302         econ = MAX (econ, rank) ;
303     }
304     PR (("getX %ld econ %ld\n", getX, econ)) ;
306     zm = getT ? bncols : econ ;     // number of rows of Z, if present
307     zn = getT ? econ : bncols ;     // number of columns of Z, if present
309     ASSERT (rank <= econ && econ <= m) ;
311     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
312     // count the entries in the R factor of Y
313     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
315     if (getZ)
316     {
317         // Zsparse is zm-by-zn, but with no entries so far
318         Zsparse = cholmod_l_allocate_sparse (zm, zn, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0, xtype,
319             cc) ;
320         Zp = Zsparse ? ((Long *) Zsparse->p) : NULL ;
321         PR (("Z is zm %ld by zn %ld\n", zm, zn)) ;
322     }
324     if (getR)
325     {
326         // R is econ-by-n, but with no entries so far
327         R = cholmod_l_allocate_sparse (econ, n, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0, xtype, cc) ;
328         Rp = R ? ((Long *) R->p) : NULL ;
329         Rap = Rp + n1cols ;
330     }
332     rjsize = QRsym->rjsize ;    // rjsize is an upper bound on nh
334     if (getH)
335     {
336         H2p = (Long *) cholmod_l_malloc (rjsize+1, sizeof (Long), cc) ;
337     }
339     if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
340     {
341         // out of memory
342         FREE_ALL ;
343         return (EMPTY) ;
344     }
346     // count the number of nonzeros in each column of the R factor of Y,
347     // and count the entries in the Householder vectors
348     spqr_rcount (QRsym, QRnum, n1rows, econ, n2, getT, Rap, Zp, H2p, &nh) ;
350 #ifndef NDEBUG
351     if (getZ) for (k = 0 ; k < zn ; k++)
352     {
353         PR (("Zp [%ld] %ld count\n", k, Zp [k])) ;
354     }
355     if (getR) for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
356     {
357         PR (("R factor count Rp [%ld] = %ld\n", k, Rp [k])) ;
358     }
359 #endif
361     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
362     // count the entries in the singleton rows, R1
363     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
365     if (getR)
366     {
367         // add the entries in the singleton rows R11 and R12
368         for (k = 0 ; k < n1rows ; k++)
369         {
370             for (p = R1p [k] ; p < R1p [k+1] ; p++)
371             {
372                 j = R1j [p] ;
373                 ASSERT (j >= k && j < n) ;
374                 Rp [j]++ ;
375             }
376         }
377     }
379 #ifndef NDEBUG
380     if (getR) for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
381     {
382         PR (("R factor count Rp [%ld] = %ld after R1\n", k, Rp [k])) ;
383     }
384 #endif
386     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
387     // count the entries in B1 and add them to the counts of Z
388     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
390     if (getZ && n1rows > 0)
391     {
392         // add the entries in the singleton rows of B1
393         if (B_is_sparse)
394         {
395             // B is sparse
396             for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
397             {
398                 // count the nonzero entries in column k of B1
399                 for (p = Bp [k] ; p < Bp [k+1] ; p++)
400                 {
401                     iold = Bi [p] ;
402                     inew = P1inv [iold] ;
403                     if (inew < n1rows)
404                     {
405                         Zp [getT ? inew : k]++ ;
406                     }
407                 }
408             }
409         }
410         else
411         {
412             // B is dense
413             B = Bx ;
414             for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
415             {
416                 // count the nonzero entries in column k of B1
417                 for (iold = 0 ; iold < m ; iold++)
418                 {
419                     inew = P1inv [iold] ;
420                     if (inew < n1rows && B [iold] != (Entry) 0)
421                     {
422                         Zp [getT ? inew : k]++ ;
423                     }
424                 }
425                 B += ldb ;
426             }
427         }
428         #ifndef NDEBUG
429         for (k = 0 ; k < zn ; k++)
430         {
431             PR (("after adding singletons Zp [%ld] %ld count\n", k, Zp [k])) ;
432         }
433         #endif
434     }
436     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
437     // compute the Rp and Zp column pointers (skip if NULL)
438     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
440     // no Long overflow can occur
441     rnz = spqr_cumsum (n, Rp) ;     // Rp = cumsum ([0 Rp])
442     znz = spqr_cumsum (zn, Zp) ;    // Zp = cumsum ([0 Zp])
444     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
445     // allocate R, Z, and H
446     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
448     if (getR)
449     {
450         // R now has space for rnz entries
451         cholmod_l_reallocate_sparse (rnz, R, cc) ;
452         Ri = (Long  *) R->i ;
453         Rx = (Entry *) R->x ;
454     }
456     if (getZ)
457     {
458         // Zsparse now has space for znz entries
459         cholmod_l_reallocate_sparse (znz, Zsparse, cc) ;
460         Zi = (Long  *) Zsparse->i ;
461         Zx = (Entry *) Zsparse->x ;
462     }
464     if (getH)
465     {
466         // H is m-by-nh with hnz entries, where nh <= rjsize
467         Long hnz = H2p [nh] ;
468         H = cholmod_l_allocate_sparse (m, nh, hnz, TRUE, TRUE, 0, xtype, cc) ;
469         // copy the column pointers from H2p to Hp
470         if (cc->status == CHOLMOD_OK)
471         {
472             Hp = (Long  *) H->p ;
473             Hi = (Long  *) H->i ;
474             Hx = (Entry *) H->x ;
475             for (k = 0 ; k <= nh ; k++)
476             {
477                 Hp [k] = H2p [k] ;
478             }
479         }
480         // free the H2p workspace, and allocate HTau
481         cholmod_l_free (rjsize+1, sizeof (Long), H2p, cc) ;
482         H2p = NULL ;
483         HTau = cholmod_l_allocate_dense (1, nh, 1, xtype, cc) ;
484     }
486     if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
487     {
488         // out of memory
489         FREE_ALL ;
490         return (EMPTY) ;
491     }
493     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
494     // place the singleton rows in R
495     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
497     if (getR)
498     {
499         // add the entries in the singleton rows R11 and R12
500         for (k = 0 ; k < n1rows ; k++)
501         {
502             for (p = R1p [k] ; p < R1p [k+1] ; p++)
503             {
504                 j = R1j [p] ;
505                 ASSERT (j >= k && j < n) ;
506                 pr = Rp [j]++ ;
507                 Ri [pr] = k ;
508                 Rx [pr] = R1x [p] ;
509             }
510         }
511     }
513     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
514     // place the B1 entries in C or C'
515     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
517     if (getZ && n1rows > 0)
518     {
519         if (B_is_sparse)
520         {
521             // B is sparse
522             PR (("B1 sparse:\n")) ;
523             for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
524             {
525                 // copy the nonzero entries in column k of B1 into C or C'
526                 for (p = Bp [k] ; p < Bp [k+1] ; p++)
527                 {
528                     iold = Bi [p] ;
529                     inew = P1inv [iold] ;
530                     if (inew < n1rows)
531                     {
532                         if (getT)
533                         {
534                             p2 = Zp [inew]++ ;
535                             Zi [p2] = k ;
536                             Zx [p2] = spqr_conj (Bx [p]) ;
537                         }
538                         else
539                         {
540                             p2 = Zp [k]++ ;
541                             Zi [p2] = inew ;
542                             Zx [p2] = Bx [p] ;
543                         }
544                     }
545                 }
546             }
547         }
548         else
549         {
550             // B is dense
551             B = Bx ;
552             PR (("B1 dense:\n")) ;
553             for (k = 0 ; k < bncols ; k++)
554             {
555                 // copy the nonzero entries in column k of B1 into C or C'
556                 for (iold = 0 ; iold < m ; iold++)
557                 {
558                     inew = P1inv [iold] ;
559                     if (inew < n1rows && B [iold] != (Entry) 0)
560                     {
561                         if (getT)
562                         {
563                             p2 = Zp [inew]++ ;
564                             Zi [p2] = k ;
565                             Zx [p2] = spqr_conj (B [iold]) ;
566                         }
567                         else
568                         {
569                             p2 = Zp [k]++ ;
570                             Zi [p2] = inew ;
571                             Zx [p2] = B [iold] ;
572                         }
573                     }
574                 }
575                 B += ldb ;
576             }
577         }
578     }
580     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
581     // place the R factor entries in Z and R, and get H
582     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
584     spqr_rconvert (QRsym, QRnum, n1rows, econ, n2, getT, Rap, Ri, Rx,
585         Zp, Zi, Zx, Hp, Hi, Hx, HTau ? ((Entry *) HTau->x) : NULL) ;
587     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
588     // finalize the column pointers of Z and R
589     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
591     spqr_shift (n, Rp) ;
592     spqr_shift (zn, Zp) ;
594     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
595     // Finalize Z: either Z = E*(R\Z) or Z = full (Z)
596     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
598     if (getX)
599     {
601         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
602         // solve the least squares problem: X = E*(R\C)
603         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
605         // result X is n-by-bncols with leading dimension n, sparse or dense
606         maxfrank = QRnum->maxfrank  ;
608         if (Z_is_sparse)
609         {
611             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
612             // create the sparse result X
613             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
615             // ask for space for n+1 entries; this is increased later if needed
616             Xsparse = cholmod_l_allocate_sparse (n, bncols, n+1, TRUE, TRUE, 0,
617                 xtype, cc) ;
618             xncol = 0 ;
620             if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
621             {
622                 // out of memory
623                 FREE_ALL ;
624                 return (EMPTY) ;
625             }
627             // Xwork will be a temporary dense result
628             xchunk = MIN (bncols, XCHUNK) ;
630             // xsize = n * xchunk ;
631             xsize = spqr_mult (n, xchunk, &ok) ;
633             // csize = rank * xchunk ;
634             csize = spqr_mult (rank, xchunk, &ok) ;
636             // wsize = maxfrank * xchunk ;
637             wsize = spqr_mult (maxfrank, xchunk, &ok) ;
639             if (ok)
640             {
641                 Xwork = (Entry *) cholmod_l_malloc (xsize, sizeof (Entry), cc) ;
642                 C = (Entry *) cholmod_l_calloc (csize, sizeof (Entry), cc) ;
643                 W = (Entry *) cholmod_l_malloc (wsize, sizeof (Entry), cc) ;
644             }
646             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
647             // punt: use less workspace if we ran out of memory
648             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
650             if (!ok || (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK && xchunk > 1))
651             {
652                 // PUNT: out of memory; try again with xchunk = 1
653                 cc->status = CHOLMOD_OK ;
654                 ok = TRUE ;
655                 cholmod_l_free (xsize, sizeof (Entry), Xwork, cc) ;
656                 cholmod_l_free (csize, sizeof (Entry), C, cc) ;
657                 cholmod_l_free (wsize, sizeof (Entry), W, cc) ;
658                 xchunk = 1 ;
659                 xsize = n ;
660                 csize = rank ;
661                 wsize = maxfrank ;
662                 Xwork = (Entry *) cholmod_l_malloc (xsize, sizeof (Entry), cc) ;
663                 C = (Entry *) cholmod_l_calloc (csize, sizeof (Entry), cc) ;
664                 W = (Entry *) cholmod_l_malloc (wsize, sizeof (Entry), cc) ;
665             }
667             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
668             // use Xwork for the solve
669             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
671             X2 = Xwork ;
673         }
674         else
675         {
677             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
678             // construct the dense X
679             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
681             xchunk = bncols ;
683             // csize = rank * xchunk ;
684             csize = spqr_mult (rank, xchunk, &ok) ;
686             // wsize = maxfrank * xchunk ;
687             wsize = spqr_mult (maxfrank, xchunk, &ok) ;
689             if (ok)
690             {
691                 C = (Entry *) cholmod_l_calloc (csize, sizeof (Entry), cc) ;
692                 W = (Entry *) cholmod_l_malloc (wsize, sizeof (Entry), cc) ;
693             }
695             // allocate the dense X and use it for the solve
696             Zdense = cholmod_l_allocate_dense (n, bncols, n, xtype, cc) ;
697             X2 = Zdense ? ((Entry *) Zdense->x) : NULL ;
698         }
700         Rlive = (Long *)   cholmod_l_malloc (maxfrank, sizeof (Long),    cc) ;
701         Rcolp = (Entry **) cholmod_l_malloc (maxfrank, sizeof (Entry *), cc) ;
703         if (!ok || cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
704         {
705             // still out of memory (or problem too large)
706             FREE_ALL ;
707             ERROR (CHOLMOD_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "out of memory") ;
708             return (EMPTY) ;
709         }
711         for (k1 = 0 ; k1 < bncols ; k1 += xchunk)
712         {
714             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
715             // this iteration computes X (:,k1:k2-1)
716             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
718             k2 = MIN (bncols, k1+xchunk) ;
719             PR (("k1 %ld k2 %ld bncols %ld n1rows %ld\n",
720                 k1, k2, bncols, n1rows)) ;
722 #ifndef NDEBUG
723             for (i = 0 ; i < rank*(k2-k1) ; i++)
724             {
725                 ASSERT (C [i] == (Entry) 0) ;
726             }
727 #endif
729             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
730             // scatter C
731             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
733             C1 = C ;
734             for (k = k1 ; k < k2 ; k++)
735             {
736                 // scatter C (0:rank-1,k1:k2-1) into workspace
737                 for (p = Zp [k] ; p < Zp [k+1] ; p++)
738                 {
739                     i = Zi [p] ;
740                     if (i < rank)
741                     {
742                         C1 [i] = Zx [p] ;
743                     }
744                 }
745                 C1 += rank ;
746             }
748             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
749             // X = E*(R\C)
750             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
752             spqr_rsolve (QR, TRUE, k2-k1, rank, C, X2, Rcolp, Rlive, W, cc) ;
754             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
755             // clear workspace C ; skip if this is the last k (C is freed)
756             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
758             if (k2 < bncols)
759             {
760                 C1 = C ;
761                 for (k = k1 ; k < k2 ; k++)
762                 {
763                     for (p = Zp [k] ; p < Zp [k+1] ; p++)
764                     {
765                         i = Zi [p] ;
766                         if (i < rank)
767                         {
768                             C1 [i] = 0 ;
769                         }
770                     }
771                     C1 += rank ;
772                 }
773             }
775             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
776             // save the result, either sparse or dense
777             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
779             if (Z_is_sparse)
780             {
781                 // append the columns of X2 onto the sparse X
782                 X1 = X2 ;
783                 for (k = 0 ; k < k2-k1 ; k++)
784                 {
785                     spqr_append (X1, NULL, Xsparse, &xncol, cc) ;
786                     X1 += n ;
787                     if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
788                     {
789                         // out of memory
790                         FREE_ALL ;
791                         return (EMPTY) ;
792                     }
793                 }
794             }
795         }
797         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
798         // free workspace
799         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
801         C     = (Entry *)  cholmod_l_free (csize,    sizeof (Entry), C, cc) ;
802         W     = (Entry *)  cholmod_l_free (wsize,    sizeof (Entry), W, cc) ;
803         Rlive = (Long *)   cholmod_l_free (maxfrank, sizeof (Long),  Rlive, cc);
804         Rcolp = (Entry **) cholmod_l_free (maxfrank, sizeof (Entry *), Rcolp,
805             cc) ;
807         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
808         // free the sparse Z
809         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
811         cholmod_l_free_sparse (&Zsparse, cc) ;
813         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
814         // finalize the sparse X
815         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
817         if (Z_is_sparse)
818         {
820             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
821             // reduce X in size so that nnz(X) == nzmax(X)
822             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
824             znz = cholmod_l_nnz (Xsparse, cc) ;
825             cholmod_l_reallocate_sparse (znz, Xsparse, cc) ;
826             ASSERT (cc->status == CHOLMOD_OK) ;
828             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
829             // Z becomes the sparse X
830             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
832             Zsparse = Xsparse ;
833             Xsparse = NULL ;
835             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
836             // free the dense Xwork
837             // -----------------------------------------------------------------
839             cholmod_l_free (xsize, sizeof (Entry), Xwork, cc) ;
840             Xwork = NULL ;
841             xsize = 0 ;
842         }
844     }
845     else if ((getC || getT) && !Z_is_sparse)
846     {
848         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
849         // convert C or C' to full
850         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
852         Zdense = cholmod_l_sparse_to_dense (Zsparse, cc) ;
853         cholmod_l_free_sparse (&Zsparse, cc) ;
855         if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
856         {
857             // out of memory
858             FREE_ALL ;
859             return (EMPTY) ;
860         }
861     }
863     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
864     // extract permutations, if requested, from the QR factors
865     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
867     if (getE)
868     {
869         // preserve Q1fill if E has been requested
870         E = QR->Q1fill ;
871         QR->Q1fill = NULL ;
872     }
874     if (getH)
875     {
876         // preserve HP1inv if E has been requested.  If there are no singletons,
877         // the QR->HP1inv is NULL, and QR->QRnum->HPinv serves in its place.
878         if (n1cols > 0)
879         {
880             // singletons are present, get E from QR->HP1inv
881             HP1inv = QR->HP1inv ;
882             QR->HP1inv = NULL ;
883         }
884         else
885         {
886             // no singletons are present, get E from QR->QRnum->HPinv
887             ASSERT (QR->HP1inv == NULL) ;
888             HP1inv = QRnum->HPinv ;
889             QRnum->HPinv = NULL ;
890         }
891     }
893     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
894     // free the QR factors
895     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
897     spqr_freefac (&QR, cc) ;
899     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
900     // convert R to trapezoidal, if rank < n and ordering is not fixed
901     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
903     if (getR && ordering != SPQR_ORDERING_FIXED && rank < n && tol >= 0)
904     {
905         Long *Rtrapp, *Rtrapi, *Qtrap ;
906         Entry *Rtrapx ;
908         // find Rtrap and Qtrap. This may fail if tol < 0 and the matrix
909         // is structurally rank deficient; in that case, k2 = EMPTY and
910         // Rtrap is returned NULL.
911         k2 = spqr_trapezoidal (n, Rp, Ri, Rx, bncols, Q1fill, TRUE,
912             &Rtrapp, &Rtrapi, &Rtrapx, &Qtrap, cc) ;
914         if (cc->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
915         {
916             // out of memory
917             // This is very unlikely to fail since the QR factorization object
918             // has just been freed
919             FREE_ALL ;
920             return (EMPTY) ;
921         }
923         ASSERT (k2 == EMPTY || rank == k2) ;
925         if (Rtrapp != NULL)
926         {
927             // Rtrap was created (it was skipped if R was already in upper
928             // trapezoidal form)
930             // free the old R and Q1fill
931             cholmod_l_free (n+1,      sizeof (Long),  Rp, cc) ;
932             cholmod_l_free (rnz,      sizeof (Long),  Ri, cc) ;
933             cholmod_l_free (rnz,      sizeof (Entry), Rx, cc) ;
934             cholmod_l_free (n+bncols, sizeof (Long),  E,  cc) ;
936             // replace R and Q1fill with Rtrap and Qtrap
937             R->p = Rtrapp ;
938             R->i = Rtrapi ;
939             R->x = Rtrapx ;
940             E = Qtrap ;
941         }
942     }
944     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
945     // return results
946     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
948     if (getZ)
949     {
950         // return C, C',  or X
951         if (Z_is_sparse)
952         {
953             *p_Zsparse = Zsparse ;
954         }
955         else
956         {
957             *p_Zdense = Zdense ;
958         }
959     }
961     if (getH)
962     {
963         // return H, of size m-by-nh in sparse column-oriented form
964         *p_H = H ;
965         *p_HTau = HTau ;
966         *p_HPinv = HP1inv ;     // this is QR->HP1inv or QR->QRnum->HPinv
967     }
969     if (getR)
970     {
971         // return R, of size econ-by-n in sparse column-oriented form
972         *p_R = R ;
973     }
975     if (getE)
976     {
977         // return E of size n+bncols (NULL if ordering == SPQR_ORDERING_FIXED)
978         *p_E = E ;
979     }
981     double t3 = SuiteSparse_time ( ) ;
982     double total_time = t3 - t0 ;
983     cc->SPQR_solve_time =
984         total_time - cc->SPQR_analyze_time - cc->SPQR_factorize_time ;
986     return (rank) ;
987 }
990 template Long SuiteSparseQR <double>
991 (
992     // inputs, not modified
993     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
994     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
995     Long econ,              // number of rows of C and R to return; a value
996                             // less than the rank r of A is treated as r, and
997                             // a value greater than m is treated as m.
999     int getCTX,             // if 0: return Z = C of size econ-by-bncols
1000                             // if 1: return Z = C' of size bncols-by-econ
1001                             // if 2: return Z = X of size econ-by-bncols
1003     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1004     cholmod_sparse *Bsparse,
1005     cholmod_dense *Bdense,
1007     // output arrays, neither allocated nor defined on input.
1009     // Z is the matrix C, C', or X
1010     cholmod_sparse **p_Zsparse,
1011     cholmod_dense  **p_Zdense,
1012     cholmod_sparse **p_R,   // the R factor
1013     Long **p_E,             // size n; fill-reducing ordering of A.
1014     cholmod_sparse **p_H,   // the Householder vectors (m-by-nh)
1015     Long **p_HPinv,         // size m; row permutation for H
1016     cholmod_dense **p_HTau, // size 1-by-nh, Householder coefficients
1018     // workspace and parameters
1019     cholmod_common *cc
1020 ) ;
1022 template Long SuiteSparseQR <Complex>
1023 (
1024     // inputs, not modified
1025     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1026     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1027     Long econ,              // number of rows of C and R to return; a value
1028                             // less than the rank r of A is treated as r, and
1029                             // a value greater than m is treated as m.
1031     int getCTX,             // if 0: return Z = C of size econ-by-bncols
1032                             // if 1: return Z = C' of size bncols-by-econ
1033                             // if 2: return Z = X of size econ-by-bncols
1035     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1036     cholmod_sparse *Bsparse,
1037     cholmod_dense *Bdense,
1039     // output arrays, neither allocated nor defined on input.
1041     // Z is the matrix C, C', or X
1042     cholmod_sparse **p_Zsparse,
1043     cholmod_dense  **p_Zdense,
1044     cholmod_sparse **p_R,   // the R factor
1045     Long **p_E,             // size n; fill-reducing ordering of A.
1046     cholmod_sparse **p_H,   // the Householder vectors (m-by-nh)
1047     Long **p_HPinv,         // size m; row permutation for H
1048     cholmod_dense **p_HTau, // size 1-by-nh, Householder coefficients
1050     // workspace and parameters
1051     cholmod_common *cc
1052 ) ;
1055 // =============================================================================
1056 // === SuiteSparseQR overloaded functions ======================================
1057 // =============================================================================
1059 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1060 // X=A\B where X and B are dense
1061 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SuiteSparseQR(int ordering,double tol,cholmod_sparse * A,cholmod_dense * B,cholmod_common * cc)1063 template <typename Entry> cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR
1064 (
1065     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1066     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1067     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1068     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs
1069     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1070 )
1071 {
1072     cholmod_dense *X ;
1073     SuiteSparseQR <Entry> (ordering, tol, 0, 2, A,
1074         NULL, B, NULL, &X, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cc) ;
1075     return (X) ;
1076 }
1078 template cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR <double>
1079 (
1080     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1081     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1082     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1083     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs
1084     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1085 ) ;
1087 template cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR <Complex>
1088 (
1089     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1090     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1091     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1092     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs
1093     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1094 ) ;
1096 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1097 // X=A\B where X and B are dense, default ordering and tol
1098 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SuiteSparseQR(cholmod_sparse * A,cholmod_dense * B,cholmod_common * cc)1100 template <typename Entry> cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR
1101 (
1102     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1103     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs
1104     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1105 )
1106 {
1107     cholmod_dense *X ;
1108     SuiteSparseQR <Entry> (SPQR_ORDERING_DEFAULT, SPQR_DEFAULT_TOL, 0, 2, A,
1109         NULL, B, NULL, &X, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cc) ;
1110     return (X) ;
1111 }
1113 template cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR <double>
1114 (
1115     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1116     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs
1117     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1118 ) ;
1120 template cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR <Complex>
1121 (
1122     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1123     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs
1124     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1125 ) ;
1128 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1129 // X=A\B where X and B are sparse
1130 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SuiteSparseQR(int ordering,double tol,cholmod_sparse * A,cholmod_sparse * B,cholmod_common * cc)1132 template <typename Entry> cholmod_sparse *SuiteSparseQR
1133 (
1134     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1135     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1136     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1137     cholmod_sparse *B,      // m-by-nrhs
1138     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1139 )
1140 {
1142     cholmod_sparse *X ;
1143     SuiteSparseQR <Entry> (ordering, tol, 0, 2, A,
1144         B, NULL, &X, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cc) ;
1146     return (X) ;
1147 }
1149 template cholmod_sparse *SuiteSparseQR <double>
1150 (
1151     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1152     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1153     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1154     cholmod_sparse *B,      // m-by-nrhs
1155     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1156 ) ;
1158 template cholmod_sparse *SuiteSparseQR <Complex>
1159 (
1160     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1161     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1162     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1163     cholmod_sparse *B,      // m-by-nrhs
1164     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1165 ) ;
1168 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1169 // [Q,R,E] = qr(A), returning Q as a sparse matrix
1170 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SuiteSparseQR(int ordering,double tol,Long econ,cholmod_sparse * A,cholmod_sparse ** Q,cholmod_sparse ** R,Long ** E,cholmod_common * cc)1172 template <typename Entry> Long SuiteSparseQR     // returns rank(A) estimate
1173 (
1174     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1175     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1176     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1177     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1178     // outputs
1179     cholmod_sparse **Q,     // m-by-e sparse matrix
1180     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix
1181     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1182     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1183 )
1184 {
1185     cholmod_sparse *I ;
1186     Long xtype = spqr_type <Entry> ( ) ;
1188     RETURN_IF_NULL (A, EMPTY) ;
1189     Long m = A->nrow ;
1190     I = cholmod_l_speye (m, m, xtype, cc) ;
1191     Long rank = (I == NULL) ? EMPTY : SuiteSparseQR <Entry> (ordering, tol,
1192         econ, 1, A, I, NULL, Q, NULL, R, E, NULL, NULL, NULL, cc) ;
1193     cholmod_l_free_sparse (&I, cc) ;
1194     return (rank) ;
1195 }
1197 template Long SuiteSparseQR <Complex>     // returns rank(A) estimate
1198 (
1199     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1200     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1201     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1202     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1203     // outputs
1204     cholmod_sparse **Q,     // m-by-e sparse matrix
1205     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix
1206     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1
1207     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1208 ) ;
1210 template Long SuiteSparseQR <double>     // returns rank(A) estimate
1211 (
1212     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1213     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1214     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1215     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1216     // outputs
1217     cholmod_sparse **Q,     // m-by-e sparse matrix where e=max(econ,rank(A))
1218     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix
1219     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1
1220     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1221 ) ;
1223 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1224 // [Q,R,E] = qr(A), discarding Q
1225 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SuiteSparseQR(int ordering,double tol,Long econ,cholmod_sparse * A,cholmod_sparse ** R,Long ** E,cholmod_common * cc)1227 template <typename Entry> Long SuiteSparseQR     // returns rank(A) estimate
1228 (
1229     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1230     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1231     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1232     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1233     // outputs
1234     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix
1235     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1236     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1237 )
1238 {
1239     return (SuiteSparseQR <Entry> (ordering, tol, econ, 1, A,
1240         NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, R, E, NULL, NULL, NULL, cc)) ;
1241 }
1243 template Long SuiteSparseQR <Complex>     // returns rank(A) estimate
1244 (
1245     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1246     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1247     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1248     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1249     // outputs
1250     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix
1251     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1252     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1253 ) ;
1255 template Long SuiteSparseQR <double>     // returns rank(A) estimate
1256 (
1257     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1258     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1259     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1260     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1261     // outputs
1262     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix
1263     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1264     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1265 ) ;
1267 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1268 // [C,R,E] = qr(A,B) where C and B are both dense
1269 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1271 // returns rank(A) estimate if successful, EMPTY otherwise
SuiteSparseQR(int ordering,double tol,Long econ,cholmod_sparse * A,cholmod_dense * B,cholmod_dense ** C,cholmod_sparse ** R,Long ** E,cholmod_common * cc)1272 template <typename Entry> Long SuiteSparseQR
1273 (
1274     // inputs, not modified
1275     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1276     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1277     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1278     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1279     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs dense matrix
1280     // outputs
1281     cholmod_dense  **C,     // C = Q'*B, an e-by-nrhs dense matrix
1282     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix where e=max(econ,rank(A))
1283     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1284     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1285 )
1286 {
1287     return (SuiteSparseQR <Entry> (ordering, tol, econ, 0, A, NULL, B,
1288         NULL, C, R, E, NULL, NULL, NULL, cc)) ;
1289 }
1291 template Long SuiteSparseQR <double>
1292 (
1293     // inputs, not modified
1294     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1295     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1296     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1297     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1298     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs dense matrix
1299     // outputs
1300     cholmod_dense  **C,     // C = Q'*B, an e-by-nrhs dense matrix
1301     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix where e=max(econ,rank(A))
1302     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1303     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1304 ) ;
1307 template Long SuiteSparseQR <Complex>
1308 (
1309     // inputs, not modified
1310     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1311     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1312     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1313     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1314     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs dense matrix
1315     // outputs
1316     cholmod_dense  **C,     // C = Q'*B, an e-by-nrhs dense matrix
1317     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix where e=max(econ,rank(A))
1318     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1319     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1320 ) ;
1323 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1324 // [C,R,E] = qr(A,B) where C and B are both sparse
1325 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1327 // returns rank(A) estimate if successful, EMPTY otherwise
SuiteSparseQR(int ordering,double tol,Long econ,cholmod_sparse * A,cholmod_sparse * B,cholmod_sparse ** C,cholmod_sparse ** R,Long ** E,cholmod_common * cc)1328 template <typename Entry> Long SuiteSparseQR
1329 (
1330     // inputs, not modified
1331     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1332     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1333     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1334     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1335     cholmod_sparse *B,      // m-by-nrhs sparse matrix
1336     // outputs
1337     cholmod_sparse **C,     // C = Q'*B, an e-by-nrhs sparse matrix
1338     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix where e=max(econ,rank(A))
1339     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1340     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1341 )
1342 {
1343     return (SuiteSparseQR <Entry> (ordering, tol, econ, 0, A, B, NULL,
1344         C, NULL, R, E, NULL, NULL, NULL, cc)) ;
1345 }
1347 template Long SuiteSparseQR <double>
1348 (
1349     // inputs, not modified
1350     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1351     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1352     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1353     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1354     cholmod_sparse *B,      // m-by-nrhs sparse matrix
1355     // outputs
1356     cholmod_sparse **C,     // C = Q'*B, an e-by-nrhs sparse matrix
1357     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix where e=max(econ,rank(A))
1358     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1359     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1360 ) ;
1363 template Long SuiteSparseQR <Complex>
1364 (
1365     // inputs, not modified
1366     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1367     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1368     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1369     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1370     cholmod_sparse *B,      // m-by-nrhs sparse matrix
1371     // outputs
1372     cholmod_sparse **C,     // C = Q'*B, an e-by-nrhs sparse matrix
1373     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix where e=max(econ,rank(A))
1374     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1375     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1376 ) ;
1378 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1379 // [Q,R,E] = qr(A) where Q is returned in Householder form
1380 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1382 // returns rank(A) estimate if successful, EMPTY otherwise
SuiteSparseQR(int ordering,double tol,Long econ,cholmod_sparse * A,cholmod_sparse ** R,Long ** E,cholmod_sparse ** H,Long ** HPinv,cholmod_dense ** HTau,cholmod_common * cc)1383 template <typename Entry> Long SuiteSparseQR
1384 (
1385     // inputs, not modified
1386     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1387     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1388     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1389     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1390     // outputs
1391     cholmod_sparse **R,     // the R factor
1392     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1393     cholmod_sparse **H,     // the Householder vectors (m-by-nh)
1394     Long **HPinv,           // size m; row permutation for H
1395     cholmod_dense **HTau,   // size 1-by-nh, Householder coefficients
1396     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1397 )
1398 {
1399     return (SuiteSparseQR <Entry> (ordering, tol, econ, EMPTY, A,
1400         NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, R, E, H, HPinv, HTau, cc)) ;
1401 }
1403 template Long SuiteSparseQR <double>
1404 (
1405     // inputs, not modified
1406     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1407     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1408     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1409     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1410     // outputs
1411     cholmod_sparse **R,     // the R factor
1412     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1413     cholmod_sparse **H,     // the Householder vectors (m-by-nh)
1414     Long **HPinv,           // size m; row permutation for H
1415     cholmod_dense **HTau,   // size 1-by-nh, Householder coefficients
1416     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1417 ) ;
1419 template Long SuiteSparseQR <Complex>
1420 (
1421     // inputs, not modified
1422     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
1423     double tol,             // columns with 2-norm <= tol are treated as zero
1424     Long econ,              // e = max(min(m,econ),rank(A))
1425     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
1426     // outputs
1427     cholmod_sparse **R,     // the R factor
1428     Long **E,               // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
1429     cholmod_sparse **H,     // the Householder vectors (m-by-nh)
1430     Long **HPinv,           // size m; row permutation for H
1431     cholmod_dense **HTau,   // size 1-by-nh, Householder coefficients
1432     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
1433 ) ;