1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === CHOLMOD/MATLAB/ldlchol mexFunction =================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  * CHOLMOD/MATLAB Module.  Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Timothy A. Davis
7  * http://www.suitesparse.com
8  * MATLAB(tm) is a Trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.
9  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11 /* Numeric LDL' factorization.  Note that LL' and LDL' are faster than R'R
12  * and use less memory.  The LDL' factorization methods use tril(A).
13  * The unit diagonal L can be obtained with tril(LD,-1)+speye(n) and the
14  * diagonal D can be obtained with D = diag(diag(LD)) ;
15  *
16  * LD = ldlchol (A)		return the LDL' factorization of A
17  * [LD,p] = ldlchol (A)		like [R,p] = chol(A), except LD is always square
18  * [LD,p,q] = ldlchol (A)	factorizes A(q,q) into L*D*L'
19  *
20  * LD = ldlchol (A,beta)	return the LDL' factorization of A*A'+beta*I
21  * [LD,p] = ldlchol (A,beta)	like [R,p] = chol(A*A'+beta+I)
22  * [LD,p,q] = ldlchol (A,beta)	factorizes A(q,:)*A(q,:)'+beta*I into L*D*L'
23  *
24  * Explicit zeros may appear in the LD matrix.  The pattern of LD matches the
25  * pattern of L as computed by symbfact2, even if some entries in LD are
26  * explicitly zero.  This is to ensure that ldlupdate works properly.  You must
27  * NOT modify LD in MATLAB itself and then use ldlupdate if LD contains
28  * explicit zero entries; ldlupdate will fail catastrophically in this case.
29  *
30  * You MAY modify LD in MATLAB if you do not pass it back to ldlupdate.  Just be
31  * aware that LD contains explicit zero entries, contrary to the standard
32  * practice in MATLAB of removing those entries from all sparse matrices.
33  *
34  * Note that CHOLMOD uses a supernodal LL' factorization and then converts it
35  * to LDL' for large matrices, and a simplicial LDL' factorization otherwise.
36  * Two-by-two block pivoting is not performed, in any case.  Thus, ldlchol
37  * will not be able to perform an LDL' factorization of an arbitrary indefinite
38  * matrix.  The matrix
39  *
40  *  0 1
41  *  1 0
42  *
43  * will fail, for example.  You can tell CHOLMOD to always use its simplicial
44  * LDL' factorization by adding the statement
45  *
46  *	cm->supernodal = CHOLMOD_SIMPLICIAL ;
47  *
48  * but ldlchol will be much slower for large matrices.  It still will not be
49  * able to handle the above matrix, but it can then handle matrices such as
50  *
51  *  -2  1
52  *   1 -2
53  *
54  * or any other symmetric matrix for which all leading minors are
55  * well-conditioned.
56  */
58 #include "cholmod_matlab.h"
mexFunction(int nargout,mxArray * pargout[],int nargin,const mxArray * pargin[])60 void mexFunction
61 (
62     int	nargout,
63     mxArray *pargout [ ],
64     int	nargin,
65     const mxArray *pargin [ ]
66 )
67 {
68     double dummy = 0, beta [2], *px ;
69     cholmod_sparse Amatrix, *A, *Lsparse ;
70     cholmod_factor *L ;
71     cholmod_common Common, *cm ;
72     Long n, minor ;
74     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
75     /* start CHOLMOD and set parameters */
76     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
78     cm = &Common ;
79     cholmod_l_start (cm) ;
80     sputil_config (SPUMONI, cm) ;
82     /* convert to packed LDL' when done */
83     cm->final_asis = FALSE ;
84     cm->final_super = FALSE ;
85     cm->final_ll = FALSE ;
86     cm->final_pack = TRUE ;
87     cm->final_monotonic = TRUE ;
89     /* since numerically zero entries are NOT dropped from the symbolic
90      * pattern, we DO need to drop entries that result from supernodal
91      * amalgamation. */
92     cm->final_resymbol = TRUE ;
94     cm->quick_return_if_not_posdef = (nargout < 2) ;
96     /* This will disable the supernodal LL', which will be slow. */
97     /* cm->supernodal = CHOLMOD_SIMPLICIAL ; */
99     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
100     /* get inputs */
101     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
103     if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2 || nargout > 3)
104     {
105 	mexErrMsgTxt ("usage: [L,p,q] = ldlchol (A,beta)") ;
106     }
108     n = mxGetM (pargin [0]) ;
110     if (!mxIsSparse (pargin [0]))
111     {
112     	mexErrMsgTxt ("A must be sparse") ;
113     }
114     if (nargin == 1 && n != mxGetN (pargin [0]))
115     {
116     	mexErrMsgTxt ("A must be square") ;
117     }
119     /* get sparse matrix A, use tril(A)  */
120     A = sputil_get_sparse (pargin [0], &Amatrix, &dummy, -1) ;
122     if (nargin == 1)
123     {
124 	A->stype = -1 ;	    /* use lower part of A */
125 	beta [0] = 0 ;
126 	beta [1] = 0 ;
127     }
128     else
129     {
130 	A->stype = 0 ;	    /* use all of A, factorizing A*A' */
131 	beta [0] = mxGetScalar (pargin [1]) ;
132 	beta [1] = 0 ;
133     }
135     /* use natural ordering if no q output parameter */
136     if (nargout < 3)
137     {
138 	cm->nmethods = 1 ;
139 	cm->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_NATURAL ;
140 	cm->postorder = FALSE ;
141     }
143     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
144     /* analyze and factorize */
145     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
147     L = cholmod_l_analyze (A, cm) ;
148     cholmod_l_factorize_p (A, beta, NULL, 0, L, cm) ;
150     if (nargout < 2 && cm->status != CHOLMOD_OK)
151     {
152 	mexErrMsgTxt ("matrix is not positive definite") ;
153     }
155     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
156     /* convert L to a sparse matrix */
157     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
159     /* the conversion sets L->minor back to n, so get a copy of it first */
160     minor = L->minor ;
161     Lsparse = cholmod_l_factor_to_sparse (L, cm) ;
162     if (Lsparse->xtype == CHOLMOD_COMPLEX)
163     {
164 	/* convert Lsparse from complex to zomplex */
165 	cholmod_l_sparse_xtype (CHOLMOD_ZOMPLEX, Lsparse, cm) ;
166     }
168     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
169     /* return results to MATLAB */
170     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
172     /* return L as a sparse matrix (it may contain numerically zero entries) */
173     pargout [0] = sputil_put_sparse (&Lsparse, cm) ;
175     /* return minor (translate to MATLAB convention) */
176     if (nargout > 1)
177     {
178 	pargout [1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (1, 1, mxREAL) ;
179 	px = mxGetPr (pargout [1]) ;
180 	px [0] = ((minor == n) ? 0 : (minor+1)) ;
181     }
183     /* return permutation */
184     if (nargout > 2)
185     {
186 	pargout [2] = sputil_put_int (L->Perm, n, 1) ;
187     }
189     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
190     /* free workspace and the CHOLMOD L, except for what is copied to MATLAB */
191     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
193     cholmod_l_free_factor (&L, cm) ;
194     cholmod_l_finish (cm) ;
195     cholmod_l_print_common (" ", cm) ;
196     /*
197     if (cm->malloc_count != 3 + mxIsComplex (pargout[0])) mexErrMsgTxt ("!") ;
198     */
199 }