1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === CHOLMOD/MATLAB/cholmod mexFunction =================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  * CHOLMOD/MATLAB Module.  Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Timothy A. Davis
7  * http://www.suitesparse.com
8  * MATLAB(tm) is a Trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.
9  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11 /* Supernodal sparse Cholesky backslash, x = A\b.  Factorizes PAP' in LL' then
12  * solves a sparse linear system.  Uses the diagonal and upper triangular part
13  * of A only.  A must be sparse.  b can be sparse or dense.
14  *
15  * Usage:
16  *
17  *	x = cholmod2 (A, b)
18  *	[x stats] = cholmod2 (A, b, ordering)	% a scalar: 0,-1,-2, or -3
19  *	[x stats] = cholmod2 (A, b, p)		% a permutation vector
20  *
21  * The 3rd argument select the ordering method to use.  If not present or -1,
22  * the default ordering strategy is used (AMD, and then try METIS if AMD finds
23  * an ordering with high fill-in, and use the best method tried).
24  *
25  * Other options for the ordering parameter:
26  *
27  *	0   natural (no etree postordering)
28  *	-1  use CHOLMOD's default ordering strategy (AMD, then try METIS)
29  *	-2  AMD, and then try NESDIS (not METIS) if AMD has high fill-in
30  *	-3  use AMD only
31  *	-4  use METIS only
32  *	-5  use NESDIS only
33  *	-6  natural, but with etree postordering
34  *	p   user permutation (vector of size n, with a permutation of 1:n)
35  *
36  * stats(1)	estimate of the reciprocal of the condition number
37  * stats(2)	ordering used:
38  *		    0: natural, 1: given, 2:amd, 3:metis, 4:nesdis, 5:colamd,
39  *		    6: natural but postordered.
40  * stats(3)	nnz(L)
41  * stats(4)	flop count in Cholesky factorization.  Excludes solution
42  *		    of upper/lower triangular systems, which can be easily
43  *		    computed from stats(3) (roughly 4*nnz(L)*size(b,2)).
44  * stats(5)	memory usage in MB.
45  */
47 #include "cholmod_matlab.h"
mexFunction(int nargout,mxArray * pargout[],int nargin,const mxArray * pargin[])49 void mexFunction
50 (
51     int	nargout,
52     mxArray *pargout [ ],
53     int	nargin,
54     const mxArray *pargin [ ]
55 )
56 {
57     double dummy = 0, rcond, *p ;
58     cholmod_sparse Amatrix, Bspmatrix, *A, *Bs, *Xs ;
59     cholmod_dense Bmatrix, *X, *B ;
60     cholmod_factor *L ;
61     cholmod_common Common, *cm ;
62     Long n, B_is_sparse, ordering, k, *Perm ;
64     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
65     /* start CHOLMOD and set parameters */
66     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
68     cm = &Common ;
69     cholmod_l_start (cm) ;
70     sputil_config (SPUMONI, cm) ;
72     /* There is no supernodal LDL'.  If cm->final_ll = FALSE (the default), then
73      * this mexFunction will use a simplicial LDL' when flops/lnz < 40, and a
74      * supernodal LL' otherwise.  This may give suprising results to the MATLAB
75      * user, so always perform an LL' factorization by setting cm->final_ll
76      * to TRUE. */
78     cm->final_ll = TRUE ;
79     cm->quick_return_if_not_posdef = TRUE ;
81     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
82     /* get inputs */
83     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
85     if (nargout > 2 || nargin < 2 || nargin > 3)
86     {
87 	mexErrMsgTxt ("usage: [x,rcond] = cholmod2 (A,b,ordering)") ;
88     }
89     n = mxGetM (pargin [0]) ;
90     if (!mxIsSparse (pargin [0]) || (n != mxGetN (pargin [0])))
91     {
92     	mexErrMsgTxt ("A must be square and sparse") ;
93     }
94     if (n != mxGetM (pargin [1]))
95     {
96     	mexErrMsgTxt ("# of rows of A and B must match") ;
97     }
99     /* get sparse matrix A.  Use triu(A) only. */
100     A = sputil_get_sparse (pargin [0], &Amatrix, &dummy, 1) ;
102     /* get sparse or dense matrix B */
103     B = NULL ;
104     Bs = NULL ;
105     B_is_sparse = mxIsSparse (pargin [1]) ;
106     if (B_is_sparse)
107     {
108 	/* get sparse matrix B (unsymmetric) */
109 	Bs = sputil_get_sparse (pargin [1], &Bspmatrix, &dummy, 0) ;
110     }
111     else
112     {
113 	/* get dense matrix B */
114 	B = sputil_get_dense (pargin [1], &Bmatrix, &dummy) ;
115     }
117     /* get the ordering option */
118     if (nargin < 3)
119     {
120 	/* use default ordering */
121 	ordering = -1 ;
122     }
123     else
124     {
125 	/* use a non-default option */
126 	ordering = mxGetScalar (pargin [2]) ;
127     }
129     p = NULL ;
130     Perm = NULL ;
132     if (ordering == 0)
133     {
134 	/* natural ordering */
135 	cm->nmethods = 1 ;
136 	cm->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_NATURAL ;
137 	cm->postorder = FALSE ;
138     }
139     else if (ordering == -1)
140     {
141 	/* default strategy ... nothing to change */
142     }
143     else if (ordering == -2)
144     {
145 	/* default strategy, but with NESDIS in place of METIS */
146 	cm->default_nesdis = TRUE ;
147     }
148     else if (ordering == -3)
149     {
150 	/* use AMD only */
151 	cm->nmethods = 1 ;
152 	cm->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_AMD ;
153 	cm->postorder = TRUE ;
154     }
155     else if (ordering == -4)
156     {
157 	/* use METIS only */
158 	cm->nmethods = 1 ;
159 	cm->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_METIS ;
160 	cm->postorder = TRUE ;
161     }
162     else if (ordering == -5)
163     {
164 	/* use NESDIS only */
165 	cm->nmethods = 1 ;
166 	cm->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_NESDIS ;
167 	cm->postorder = TRUE ;
168     }
169     else if (ordering == -6)
170     {
171 	/* natural ordering, but with etree postordering */
172 	cm->nmethods = 1 ;
173 	cm->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_NATURAL ;
174 	cm->postorder = TRUE ;
175     }
176     else if (ordering == -7)
177     {
178 	/* always try both AMD and METIS, and pick the best */
179 	cm->nmethods = 2 ;
180 	cm->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_AMD ;
181 	cm->method [1].ordering = CHOLMOD_METIS ;
182 	cm->postorder = TRUE ;
183     }
184     else if (ordering >= 1)
185     {
186 	/* assume the 3rd argument is a user-provided permutation of 1:n */
187 	if (mxGetNumberOfElements (pargin [2]) != n)
188 	{
189 	    mexErrMsgTxt ("invalid input permutation") ;
190 	}
191 	/* copy from double to integer, and convert to 0-based */
192 	p = mxGetPr (pargin [2]) ;
193 	Perm = cholmod_l_malloc (n, sizeof (Long), cm) ;
194 	for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
195 	{
196 	    Perm [k] = p [k] - 1 ;
197 	}
198 	/* check the permutation */
199 	if (!cholmod_l_check_perm (Perm, n, n, cm))
200 	{
201 	    mexErrMsgTxt ("invalid input permutation") ;
202 	}
203 	/* use only the given permutation */
204 	cm->nmethods = 1 ;
205 	cm->method [0].ordering = CHOLMOD_GIVEN ;
206 	cm->postorder = FALSE ;
207     }
208     else
209     {
210 	mexErrMsgTxt ("invalid ordering option") ;
211     }
213     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
214     /* analyze and factorize */
215     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
217     L = cholmod_l_analyze_p (A, Perm, NULL, 0, cm) ;
218     cholmod_l_free (n, sizeof (Long), Perm, cm) ;
219     cholmod_l_factorize (A, L, cm) ;
221     rcond = cholmod_l_rcond (L, cm) ;
223     if (rcond == 0)
224     {
225 	mexWarnMsgTxt ("Matrix is indefinite or singular to working precision");
226     }
227     else if (rcond < DBL_EPSILON)
228     {
229 	mexWarnMsgTxt ("Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.") ;
230 	mexPrintf ("         Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = %g.\n", rcond) ;
231     }
233     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
234     /* solve and return solution to MATLAB */
235     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
237     if (B_is_sparse)
238     {
239 	/* solve AX=B with sparse X and B; return sparse X to MATLAB */
240 	Xs = cholmod_l_spsolve (CHOLMOD_A, L, Bs, cm) ;
241 	pargout [0] = sputil_put_sparse (&Xs, cm) ;
242     }
243     else
244     {
245 	/* solve AX=B with dense X and B; return dense X to MATLAB */
246 	X = cholmod_l_solve (CHOLMOD_A, L, B, cm) ;
247 	pargout [0] = sputil_put_dense (&X, cm) ;
248     }
250     /* return statistics, if requested */
251     if (nargout > 1)
252     {
253 	pargout [1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (1, 5, mxREAL) ;
254 	p = mxGetPr (pargout [1]) ;
255 	p [0] = rcond ;
256 	p [1] = L->ordering ;
257 	p [2] = cm->lnz ;
258 	p [3] = cm->fl ;
259 	p [4] = cm->memory_usage / 1048576. ;
260     }
262     cholmod_l_free_factor (&L, cm) ;
263     cholmod_l_finish (cm) ;
264     cholmod_l_print_common (" ", cm) ;
265     /*
266     if (cm->malloc_count !=
267 	(mxIsComplex (pargout [0]) + (mxIsSparse (pargout[0]) ? 3:1)))
268 	mexErrMsgTxt ("memory leak!") ;
269     */
270 }