1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkPExodusIIReader.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16  Copyright (c) Sandia Corporation
17  See Copyright.txt or http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details.
18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 /**
21  * @class   vtkPExodusIIReader
22  * @brief   Read Exodus II files (.exii)
23  *
24  * vtkPExodusIIReader is a unstructured grid source object that reads
25  * ExodusII files. Most of the meta data associated with the
26  * file is loaded when UpdateInformation is called. This includes
27  * information like Title, number of blocks, number and names of
28  * arrays. This data can be retrieved from methods in this
29  * reader. Separate arrays that are meant to be a single vector, are
30  * combined internally for convenience. To be combined, the array
31  * names have to be identical except for a trailing X,Y and Z (or
32  * x,y,z). By default all cell and point arrays are loaded. However,
33  * the user can flag arrays not to load with the methods
34  * "SetPointDataArrayLoadFlag" and "SetCellDataArrayLoadFlag". The
35  * reader responds to piece requests by loading only a range of the
36  * possible blocks. Unused points are filtered out internally.
37 */
39 #ifndef vtkPExodusIIReader_h
40 #define vtkPExodusIIReader_h
42 #include "vtkIOParallelExodusModule.h" // For export macro
43 #include "vtkExodusIIReader.h"
45 #include <vector> // Required for vector
47 class vtkTimerLog;
48 class vtkMultiProcessController;
50 class VTKIOPARALLELEXODUS_EXPORT vtkPExodusIIReader : public vtkExodusIIReader
51 {
52 public:
53   static vtkPExodusIIReader* New();
54   vtkTypeMacro(vtkPExodusIIReader,vtkExodusIIReader);
55   void PrintSelf( ostream& os, vtkIndent indent ) override;
57   //@{
58   /**
59    * Set/get the communication object used to relay a list of files
60    * from the rank 0 process to all others. This is the only interprocess
61    * communication required by vtkPExodusIIReader.
62    */
63   void SetController(vtkMultiProcessController* c);
64   vtkGetObjectMacro(Controller, vtkMultiProcessController);
65   //@}
67   //@{
68   /**
69    * These methods tell the reader that the data is distributed across
70    * multiple files. This is for distributed execution. It this case,
71    * pieces are mapped to files. The pattern should have one %d to
72    * format the file number. FileNumberRange is used to generate file
73    * numbers. I was thinking of having an arbitrary list of file
74    * numbers. This may happen in the future. (That is why there is no
75    * GetFileNumberRange method.
76    */
77   vtkSetStringMacro(FilePattern);
78   vtkGetStringMacro(FilePattern);
79   vtkSetStringMacro(FilePrefix);
80   vtkGetStringMacro(FilePrefix);
81   //@}
83   //@{
84   /**
85    * Set the range of files that are being loaded. The range for single
86    * file should add to 0.
87    */
88   void SetFileRange( int, int );
SetFileRange(int * r)89   void SetFileRange( int* r ) { this->SetFileRange( r[0], r[1] ); }
90   vtkGetVector2Macro(FileRange,int);
91   //@}
93   /**
94    * Provide an arbitrary list of file names instead of a prefix,
95    * pattern and range.  Overrides any prefix, pattern and range
96    * that is specified.  vtkPExodusIIReader makes it's own copy
97    * of your file names.
98    */
99   void SetFileNames( int nfiles, const char** names );
101   void SetFileName( const char* name ) override;
103   /**
104    * Return pointer to list of file names set in SetFileNames
105    */
GetFileNames()106   char** GetFileNames() { return this->FileNames; }
108   /**
109    * Return number of file names set in SetFileNames
110    */
GetNumberOfFileNames()111   int GetNumberOfFileNames() { return this->NumberOfFileNames; }
113   //@{
114   /**
115    * Return the number of files to be read.
116    */
117   vtkGetMacro(NumberOfFiles,int);
118   //@}
120   vtkIdType GetTotalNumberOfElements() override;
121   vtkIdType GetTotalNumberOfNodes() override;
123   /**
124    * Sends metadata (that read from the input file, not settings modified
125    * through this API) from the rank 0 node to all other processes in a job.
126    */
127   virtual void Broadcast( vtkMultiProcessController* ctrl );
129   //@{
130   /**
131    * The size of the variable cache in MegaByes. This represents the maximum
132    * size of cache that a single partition reader can have while reading. When
133    * a reader is finished its cache size will be set to a fraction of this based
134    * on the number of partitions.
135    * The Default for this is 100MiB.
136    * Note that because each reader still holds
137    * a fraction of the cache size after reading the total amount of data cached
138    * can be at most twice this size.
139    */
140   vtkGetMacro(VariableCacheSize,double);
141   vtkSetMacro(VariableCacheSize,double);
142   //@}
144 protected:
145   vtkPExodusIIReader();
146   ~vtkPExodusIIReader() override;
148   //@{
149   /**
150    * Try to "guess" the pattern of files.
151    */
152   int DeterminePattern( const char* file );
153   static int DetermineFileId( const char* file );
154   //@}
156   //holds the size of the variable cache in GigaBytes
157   double VariableCacheSize;
159   // **KEN** Previous discussions concluded with std classes in header
160   // files is bad.  Perhaps we should change ReaderList.
162   vtkMultiProcessController* Controller;
163   vtkIdType ProcRank;
164   vtkIdType ProcSize;
165   char* FilePattern;
166   char* CurrentFilePattern;
167   char* FilePrefix;
168   char* CurrentFilePrefix;
169   char* MultiFileName;
170   int FileRange[2];
171   int CurrentFileRange[2];
172   int NumberOfFiles;
173   char **FileNames;
174   int NumberOfFileNames;
176   std::vector<vtkExodusIIReader*> ReaderList;
177   std::vector<int> NumberOfPointsPerFile;
178   std::vector<int> NumberOfCellsPerFile;
180   int LastCommonTimeStep;
182   int Timing;
183   vtkTimerLog *TimerLog;
185   int RequestInformation( vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector* ) override;
186   int RequestData( vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector* ) override;
188 private:
189   vtkPExodusIIReader( const vtkPExodusIIReader& ) = delete;
190   void operator = ( const vtkPExodusIIReader& ) = delete;
191 };
193 #endif