1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkSplineGraphEdges.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
16   Copyright 2008 Sandia Corporation.
17   Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
18   the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 #include "vtkSplineGraphEdges.h"
22 #include "vtkCardinalSpline.h"
23 #include "vtkCommand.h"
24 #include "vtkGraph.h"
25 #include "vtkInformation.h"
26 #include "vtkInformationVector.h"
27 #include "vtkMath.h"
28 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
30 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkSplineGraphEdges);
31 vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkSplineGraphEdges, Spline, vtkSpline);
33 namespace {
34 // N-function defined at:
35 // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/B-Spline.html
36 // optimized for j = 3.
CubicSpline(vtkIdType i,double * k,double t)37 double CubicSpline(vtkIdType i, double* k, double t)
38 {
39   if (t >= k[i] && t < k[i+1])
40   {
41     double denom = (k[i+3]-k[i])*(k[i+2]-k[i])*(k[i+1]-k[i]);
42     if (denom == 0.0) return 0.0;
43     double temp = t - k[i];
44     return temp*temp*temp/denom;
45   }
46   if (t >= k[i+1] && t < k[i+2])
47   {
48     double denom1 = (k[i+3]-k[i])*(k[i+2]-k[i])*(k[i+2]-k[i+1]);
49     double term1;
50     if (denom1 == 0.0)
51     {
52       term1 = 0.0;
53     }
54     else
55     {
56       term1 = (t-k[i])*(t-k[i])*(k[i+2]-t)/denom1;
57     }
59     double denom2 = (k[i+3]-k[i])*(k[i+3]-k[i+1])*(k[i+2]-k[i+1]);
60     double term2;
61     if (denom2 == 0.0)
62     {
63       term2 = 0.0;
64     }
65     else
66     {
67       term2 = (t-k[i])*(k[i+3]-t)*(t-k[i+1])/denom2;
68     }
70     double denom3 = (k[i+4]-k[i+1])*(k[i+3]-k[i+1])*(k[i+2]-k[i+1]);
71     double term3;
72     if (denom3 == 0.0)
73     {
74       term3 = 0.0;
75     }
76     else
77     {
78       term3 = (k[i+4]-t)*(t-k[i+1])*(t-k[i+1])/denom3;
79     }
81     return term1 + term2 + term3;
82   }
83   if (t >= k[i+2] && t < k[i+3])
84   {
85     double denom1 = (k[i+3]-k[i])*(k[i+3]-k[i+1])*(k[i+3]-k[i+2]);
86     double term1;
87     if (denom1 == 0.0)
88     {
89       term1 = 0.0;
90     }
91     else
92     {
93       term1 = (t-k[i])*(k[i+3]-t)*(k[i+3]-t)/denom1;
94     }
96     double denom2 = (k[i+4]-k[i+1])*(k[i+3]-k[i+1])*(k[i+3]-k[i+2]);
97     double term2;
98     if (denom2 == 0.0)
99     {
100       term2 = 0.0;
101     }
102     else
103     {
104       term2 = (k[i+4]-t)*(t-k[i+1])*(k[i+3]-t)/denom2;
105     }
107     double denom3 = (k[i+4]-k[i+1])*(k[i+4]-k[i+2])*(k[i+3]-k[i+2]);
108     double term3;
109     if (denom3 == 0.0)
110     {
111       term3 = 0.0;
112     }
113     else
114     {
115       term3 = (k[i+4]-t)*(k[i+4]-t)*(t-k[i+2])/denom3;
116     }
118     return term1 + term2 + term3;
119   }
120   if (t >= k[i+3] && t < k[i+4])
121   {
122     double denom = (k[i+4]-k[i+1])*(k[i+4]-k[i+2])*(k[i+4]-k[i+3]);
123     if (denom == 0.0) return 0.0;
124     double temp = k[i+4] - t;
125     return temp*temp*temp/denom;
126   }
127   return 0.0;
128 }
130 // Slow, recursive version of N-function defined:
131 // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/B-Spline.html
132 #if 0
133 double N(vtkIdType i, vtkIdType j, double* k, double t)
134 {
135   if (j < 0)
136   {
137     return 0.0;
138   }
139   if (j == 0)
140   {
141     if (t >= k[i] && t < k[i+1] && k[i] < k[i+1])
142     {
143       return 1.0;
144     }
145     return 0.0;
146   }
147   double term1 = 0.0;
148   if (k[i] < k[i+j])
149   {
150     term1 = (t-k[i])/(k[i+j]-k[i])*N(i, j-1, k, t);
151   }
152   double term2 = 0.0;
153   if (k[i+1] < k[i+j+1])
154   {
155     term2 = (k[i+j+1]-t)/(k[i+j+1]-k[i+1])*N(i+1, j-1, k, t);
156   }
157   return term1 + term2;
158 }
159 #endif
161 #if 0
162 double BCubic(vtkIdType i, double* k, double t)
163 {
164   if (t < k[i-2] || t >= k[i+2])
165   {
166     return 0.0;
167   }
168   double temp;
169   if (t >= k[i-2] && t < k[i-1])
170   {
171     temp = 2.0 + t;
172     return temp*temp*temp/6.0;
173   }
174   if (t >= k[i-1] && t < k[i])
175   {
176     return (4 - 6*t*t - 3*t*t*t)/6.0;
177   }
178   if (t >= k[i] && t < k[i+1])
179   {
180     return (4 - 6*t*t + 3*t*t*t)/6.0;
181   }
182   temp = 2.0 - t;
183   return temp*temp*temp;
184 }
185 #endif
186 }
vtkSplineGraphEdges()188 vtkSplineGraphEdges::vtkSplineGraphEdges()
189 {
190   this->Spline = vtkCardinalSpline::New();
191   this->XSpline = nullptr;
192   this->YSpline = nullptr;
193   this->ZSpline = nullptr;
194   this->NumberOfSubdivisions = 20;
195   this->SplineType = CUSTOM;
196 }
~vtkSplineGraphEdges()198 vtkSplineGraphEdges::~vtkSplineGraphEdges()
199 {
200   if (this->Spline)
201   {
202     this->Spline->Delete();
203     this->Spline = nullptr;
204   }
205 }
GetMTime()207 vtkMTimeType vtkSplineGraphEdges::GetMTime()
208 {
209   vtkMTimeType mtime = this->Superclass::GetMTime();
210   if (this->Spline && this->Spline->GetMTime() > mtime)
211   {
212     mtime = this->Spline->GetMTime();
213   }
214   return mtime;
215 }
RequestData(vtkInformation * vtkNotUsed (request),vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)217 int vtkSplineGraphEdges::RequestData(
218   vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
219   vtkInformationVector **inputVector,
220   vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
221 {
222   if (!this->Spline)
223   {
224     vtkErrorMacro("Must have a valid spline.");
225     return 0;
226   }
228   // get the info objects
229   vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
230   vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
232   // get the input and output
233   vtkGraph *input = vtkGraph::SafeDownCast(
234     inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
235   vtkGraph *output = vtkGraph::SafeDownCast(
236     outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
238   output->ShallowCopy(input);
239   output->DeepCopyEdgePoints(input);
241   if (this->SplineType == CUSTOM)
242   {
243     this->XSpline.TakeReference(this->Spline->NewInstance());
244     this->XSpline->DeepCopy(this->Spline);
245     this->YSpline.TakeReference(this->Spline->NewInstance());
246     this->YSpline->DeepCopy(this->Spline);
247     this->ZSpline.TakeReference(this->Spline->NewInstance());
248     this->ZSpline->DeepCopy(this->Spline);
249   }
251   for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < output->GetNumberOfEdges(); ++i)
252   {
253     if (this->SplineType == BSPLINE)
254     {
255       this->GenerateBSpline(output, i);
256     }
257     else
258     {
259       this->GeneratePoints(output, i);
260     }
261     if (i % 1000 == 0)
262     {
263       double progress = static_cast<double>(i)/
264         static_cast<double>(output->GetNumberOfEdges());
265       this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::ProgressEvent, &progress);
266     }
267   }
269   return 1;
270 }
GeneratePoints(vtkGraph * g,vtkIdType e)272 void vtkSplineGraphEdges::GeneratePoints(vtkGraph* g, vtkIdType e)
273 {
274   // Initialize the splines
275   this->XSpline->RemoveAllPoints();
276   this->YSpline->RemoveAllPoints();
277   this->ZSpline->RemoveAllPoints();
279   vtkIdType numInternalPoints;
280   double* internalPoints;
281   g->GetEdgePoints(e, numInternalPoints, internalPoints);
283   vtkIdType numPoints = numInternalPoints + 2;
284   double* points = new double[3*static_cast<size_t>(numPoints)];
285   memcpy(points + 3, internalPoints, sizeof(double)*3
286          *static_cast<size_t>(numInternalPoints));
287   g->GetPoint(g->GetSourceVertex(e), points);
288   g->GetPoint(g->GetTargetVertex(e), points + 3*(numInternalPoints+1));
290   double* xPrev;
291   double* x;
292   double length = 0.0;
293   double* xEnd = points + 3*numPoints;
294   for (xPrev = points, x = points+3; x != xEnd; xPrev += 3, x += 3)
295   {
296     double len = sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x,xPrev));
297     length += len;
298   }
300   if (length <= 0.0)
301   {
302     return;
303   }
305   // Now we insert points into the splines with the parametric coordinate
306   // based on length. We keep track of the parametric coordinates
307   // of the points for later point interpolation.
308   this->XSpline->AddPoint(0.0, points[0]);
309   this->YSpline->AddPoint(0.0, points[1]);
310   this->ZSpline->AddPoint(0.0, points[2]);
311   double len = 0.0;
312   for (xPrev = points, x = points+3; x != xEnd; xPrev += 3, x += 3)
313   {
314     double dist = sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x, xPrev));
315     if (dist == 0)
316     {
317       continue;
318     }
319     len += dist;
320     double t = len/length;
322     this->XSpline->AddPoint(t, x[0]);
323     this->YSpline->AddPoint(t, x[1]);
324     this->ZSpline->AddPoint(t, x[2]);
325   }
327   // Now compute the new points
328   vtkIdType numNewPoints = this->NumberOfSubdivisions - 1;
329   double* newPoints = new double[3*numNewPoints];
330   vtkIdType i;
331   for (i = 0, x = newPoints; i < numNewPoints; i++, x += 3)
332   {
333     double t = static_cast<double>(i+1) /
334       static_cast<double>(this->NumberOfSubdivisions);
335     x[0] = this->XSpline->Evaluate(t);
336     x[1] = this->YSpline->Evaluate(t);
337     x[2] = this->ZSpline->Evaluate(t);
338   }
339   g->SetEdgePoints(e, numNewPoints, newPoints);
341   delete [] points;
342   delete [] newPoints;
343 }
GenerateBSpline(vtkGraph * g,vtkIdType e)345 void vtkSplineGraphEdges::GenerateBSpline(vtkGraph* g, vtkIdType e)
346 {
347   vtkIdType numInternalPoints;
348   double* internalPoints;
349   g->GetEdgePoints(e, numInternalPoints, internalPoints);
351   // Duplicate internal point if there is just one, so there are at least
352   // four points, required for B-spline.
353   bool repeat = false;
354   if (numInternalPoints == 1)
355   {
356     repeat = true;
357     numInternalPoints = 2;
358   }
359   vtkIdType numPoints = numInternalPoints + 2;
360   double* points = new double[3*numPoints];
361   if (repeat)
362   {
363     memcpy(points + 3, internalPoints, sizeof(double)*3);
364     memcpy(points + 6, internalPoints, sizeof(double)*3);
365   }
366   else
367   {
368     memcpy(points + 3, internalPoints, sizeof(double)*3
369            *static_cast<size_t>(numInternalPoints));
370   }
371   g->GetPoint(g->GetSourceVertex(e), points);
372   g->GetPoint(g->GetTargetVertex(e), points + 3*(numInternalPoints+1));
374   if (numPoints <= 3)
375   {
376     return;
377   }
379   // Compute the knot vector
380   vtkIdType numKnots = numPoints + 4;
381   double* knots = new double[numKnots];
382   knots[0] = 0.0;
383   knots[1] = 0.0;
384   knots[2] = 0.0;
385   knots[3] = 0.0;
386   knots[numKnots-4] = 1.0;
387   knots[numKnots-3] = 1.0;
388   knots[numKnots-2] = 1.0;
389   knots[numKnots-1] = 1.0;
391   vtkIdType i;
392   for (i = 4; i < numKnots-4; ++i)
393   {
394     knots[i] = static_cast<double>(i-3)/static_cast<double>(numKnots-7);
395   }
397   // Special case of 3 points, make symmetric
398   if (numPoints == 3)
399   {
400     knots[3] = 0.5;
401   }
403   // Now compute the new points
404   vtkIdType numNewPoints = this->NumberOfSubdivisions - 1;
405   double* newPoints = new double[3*numNewPoints];
406   double* xNew;
407   for (i = 0, xNew = newPoints; i < numNewPoints; i++, xNew += 3)
408   {
409     xNew[0] = 0.0;
410     xNew[1] = 0.0;
411     xNew[2] = 0.0;
412     double t = static_cast<double>(i+1) /
413       static_cast<double>(this->NumberOfSubdivisions);
414     double* x = points;
415     //double bsum = 0.0;
416     for (vtkIdType j = 0; j < numPoints; ++j, x += 3)
417     {
418       //double b = BCubic(j+2, knots, t);
419       //double b = N(j, 3, knots, t);
420       double b = CubicSpline(j, knots, t);
421       //bsum += b;
422       xNew[0] += x[0]*b;
423       xNew[1] += x[1]*b;
424       xNew[2] += x[2]*b;
425     }
426     //cerr << "bsum: " << bsum << endl;
427   }
428   g->SetEdgePoints(e, numNewPoints, newPoints);
430   delete [] points;
431   delete [] knots;
432   delete [] newPoints;
433 }
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)435 void vtkSplineGraphEdges::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
436 {
437   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent);
438   os << indent << "SplineType: " << this->SplineType << endl;
439   os << indent << "NumberOfSubdivisions: " << this->NumberOfSubdivisions << endl;
440   os << indent << "Spline: " << (this->Spline ? "" : "(none)") << endl;
441   if (this->Spline)
442   {
443     this->Spline->PrintSelf(os, indent.GetNextIndent());
444   }
445 }