1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkHyperTreeGridEntry.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /**
16  * @class   vtkHyperTreeGridEntry
17  * @brief   Entries are cache data for cursors
18  *
19  * Entries are relevant for cursor/supercursor developers. Filters
20  * developers should have a look at cursors/supercursors documentation.
21  * (cf. vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedCursor). When writing a new cursor or
22  * supercursor the choice of the entry is very important: it will drive
23  * the performance and memory cost. This is even more important for
24  * supercursors which have several neighbors: 6x for VonNeuman and 26x for
25  * Moore.
26  *
27  * Several types of Entries exist:
28  * 1. vtkHyperTreeGridEntry
29  * This cache only memorizes the current cell index in one HyperTree.
30  * Using the index, this entry provides several services such as:
31  * is the cell coarse or leaf, get or set global index (to access
32  * field value, cf. vtkHyperTree), descend into selected child,
33  * subdivise the cell. Equivalent services are available for all entries.
34  *
35  * 2. vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryEntry
36  * This cache adds the origin coordinates of the cell atop
37  * vtkHyperTreeGridEntry. Getter is provided, as well as services related
38  * to the bounding box and cell center.
39  *
40  * 3. vtkHyperTreeGridLevelEntry
41  * This cache adds the following information with their getters atop
42  * vtkHyperTreeGridEntry: pointer to the HyperTree, level of the current
43  * cell.
44  *
45  * 4. vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryLevelEntry
46  * This cache is a combination of vtkHyperTreeGridLevelEntry and
47  * vtkHyperTreeGridLevelEntry: it provides all combined services.
48  *
49  * @sa
50  * vtkHyperTreeGridEntry
51  * vtkHyperTreeGridLevelEntry
52  * vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryEntry
53  * vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryLevelEntry
54  * vtkHyperTreeGridOrientedCursor
55  * vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedCursor
56  *
57  * @par Thanks:
58  * This class was written by Jacques-Bernard Lekien, Jerome Dubois and
59  * Guenole Harel, CEA 2018.
60  * This work was supported by Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique
61  * CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France.
62  */
64 #ifndef vtkHyperTreeGridEntry_h
65 #define vtkHyperTreeGridEntry_h
67 #ifndef __VTK_WRAP__
69 #include "vtkObject.h"
71 class vtkHyperTree;
72 class vtkHyperTreeGrid;
74 class vtkHyperTreeGridEntry
75 {
76 public:
77   /**
78    * Display info about the entry
79    */
80   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
82   /**
83    * Dump information
84    */
85   void Dump(ostream& os);
87   /**
88    * Constructor
89    */
vtkHyperTreeGridEntry()90   vtkHyperTreeGridEntry() { this->Index = 0; }
92   /**
93    * Constructor
94    */
vtkHyperTreeGridEntry(vtkIdType index)95   vtkHyperTreeGridEntry(vtkIdType index) { this->Index = index; }
97   /**
98    * Destructor
99    */
100   ~vtkHyperTreeGridEntry() = default;
102   /**
103    * Initialize cursor at root of given tree index in grid.
104    */
105   vtkHyperTree* Initialize(vtkHyperTreeGrid* grid, vtkIdType treeIndex, bool create = false);
107   /**
108    * Initialize cursor at root of given tree index in grid.
109    */
Initialize(vtkIdType index)110   void Initialize(vtkIdType index) { this->Index = index; }
112   /**
113    * Copy function
114    */
Copy(const vtkHyperTreeGridEntry * entry)115   void Copy(const vtkHyperTreeGridEntry* entry) { this->Index = entry->Index; }
117   /**
118    * Return the index of the current vertex in the tree.
119    */
GetVertexId()120   vtkIdType GetVertexId() const { return this->Index; }
122   /**
123    * Return the global index for the current cell (cf. vtkHyperTree).
124    * \pre not_tree: tree
125    */
126   vtkIdType GetGlobalNodeIndex(const vtkHyperTree* tree) const;
128   /**
129    * Set the global index for the root cell of the HyperTree.
130    * \pre not_tree: tree
131    */
132   void SetGlobalIndexStart(vtkHyperTree* tree, vtkIdType index);
134   /**
135    * Set the global index for the current cell of the HyperTree.
136    * \pre not_tree: tree
137    */
138   void SetGlobalIndexFromLocal(vtkHyperTree* tree, vtkIdType index);
140   /**
141    * Set the blanking mask is empty or not
142    * \pre not_tree: tree
143    */
144   void SetMask(const vtkHyperTreeGrid* grid, const vtkHyperTree* tree, bool state);
146   /**
147    * Determine whether blanking mask is empty or not
148    * \pre not_tree: tree
149    */
150   bool IsMasked(const vtkHyperTreeGrid* grid, const vtkHyperTree* tree) const;
152   /**
153    * Is the cursor pointing to a leaf?
154    * \pre not_tree: tree
155    * Return true if level == grid->GetDepthLimiter()
156    */
157   bool IsLeaf(const vtkHyperTreeGrid* grid, const vtkHyperTree* tree, unsigned int level) const;
159   /**
160    * Change the current cell's status: if leaf then becomes coarse and
161    * all its children are created, cf. HyperTree.
162    * \pre not_tree: tree
163    * \pre depth_limiter: level == grid->GetDepthLimiter()
164    * \pre is_masked: IsMasked
165    */
166   void SubdivideLeaf(const vtkHyperTreeGrid* grid, vtkHyperTree* tree, unsigned int level);
168   /**
169    * Is the cursor pointing to a coarse with all childrens being leaves?
170    * \pre not_tree: tree
171    */
172   bool IsTerminalNode(
173     const vtkHyperTreeGrid* grid, const vtkHyperTree* tree, unsigned int level) const;
175   /**
176    * Is the cursor at HyperTree root?
177    */
IsRoot()178   bool IsRoot() const { return (this->Index == 0); }
180   /**
181    * Move the cursor to i-th child of the current cell.
182    * \pre not_tree: tree
183    * \pre not_leaf: !IsLeaf()
184    * \pre valid_child: ichild>=0 && ichild<this->GetNumberOfChildren()
185    * \pre depth_limiter: level == grid->GetDepthLimiter()
186    * \pre is_masked: !IsMasked()
187    */
188   void ToChild(const vtkHyperTreeGrid* grid, const vtkHyperTree* tree, unsigned int level,
189     unsigned char ichild);
191 protected:
192   /**
193    * index of the current cell in the HyperTree.
194    */
195   vtkIdType Index;
196 };
198 #endif // __VTK_WRAP__
200 #endif // vtkHyperTreeGridEntry_h
201 // VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkHyperTreeGridEntry.h