1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
16 // Hide VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_0_0() warnings for this class.
19 #include "vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor.h"
21 #include "vtk3DLinearGridInternal.h"
22 #include "vtkArrayListTemplate.h" // For processing attribute data
23 #include "vtkCellArray.h"
24 #include "vtkCellData.h"
25 #include "vtkCellTypes.h"
26 #include "vtkCompositeDataIterator.h"
27 #include "vtkCompositeDataSet.h"
28 #include "vtkImplicitFunction.h"
29 #include "vtkInformation.h"
30 #include "vtkInformationVector.h"
31 #include "vtkLogger.h"
32 #include "vtkMultiBlockDataSet.h"
33 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
34 #include "vtkPlane.h"
35 #include "vtkPointData.h"
36 #include "vtkSMPThreadLocalObject.h"
37 #include "vtkSMPTools.h"
38 #include "vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate.h"
39 #include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h"
40 #include "vtkUnsignedCharArray.h"
41 #include "vtkUnstructuredGrid.h"
43 #include <atomic>
44 #include <vector>
46 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor);
47 vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor, ImplicitFunction, vtkImplicitFunction);
49 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 // Macros immediately below are just used to make code easier to
51 // read. Invokes functor _op _num times depending on serial (_seq==1) or
52 // parallel processing mode. The _REDUCE_ version is used to called functors
53 // with a Reduce() method).
54 #define EXECUTE_SMPFOR(_seq, _num, _op)                                                            \
55   if (!_seq)                                                                                       \
56   {                                                                                                \
57     vtkSMPTools::For(0, _num, _op);                                                                \
58   }                                                                                                \
59   else                                                                                             \
60   {                                                                                                \
61     _op(0, _num);                                                                                  \
62   }
64 #define EXECUTE_REDUCED_SMPFOR(_seq, _num, _op, _nt)                                               \
65   if (!_seq)                                                                                       \
66   {                                                                                                \
67     vtkSMPTools::For(0, _num, _op);                                                                \
68   }                                                                                                \
69   else                                                                                             \
70   {                                                                                                \
71     _op.Initialize();                                                                              \
72     _op(0, _num);                                                                                  \
73     _op.Reduce();                                                                                  \
74   }                                                                                                \
75   _nt = _op.NumThreadsUsed;
77 namespace
78 { // anonymous
80 //========================= Quick implicit function cell selection =============
82 // Compute an array that classifies each point with respect to the current
83 // implicit function (i.e. above the function(=2), below the function(=1), on
84 // the function(=0)).  InOutArray is allocated here and should be deleted by
85 // the invoking code. InOutArray is an unsigned char array to simplify bit
86 // fiddling later on (i.e., Intersects() method). A fast path is available
87 // for vtkPlane implicit functions.
88 //
89 // The reason we compute this unsigned char array as compared to an array of
90 // function values is to reduce the amount of memory used, and writing to
91 // memory, since these are significant costs for large data.
93 // Templated for explicit point representations of real type
94 template <typename TP>
95 struct PlaneClassifyPoints;
96 template <typename TP>
97 struct FunctionClassifyPoints;
99 // General classification capability
100 struct Classify
101 {
102   unsigned char* InOutArray;
Classify__anon2aa6e4590111::Classify104   Classify(vtkPoints* pts) { this->InOutArray = new unsigned char[pts->GetNumberOfPoints()]; }
106   // Check if a list of points intersects the plane
Intersects__anon2aa6e4590111::Classify107   static bool Intersects(const unsigned char* inout, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType* pts)
108   {
109     unsigned char onOneSideOfPlane = inout[pts[0]];
110     for (vtkIdType i = 1; onOneSideOfPlane && i < npts; ++i)
111     {
112       onOneSideOfPlane &= inout[pts[i]];
113     }
114     return (!onOneSideOfPlane);
115   }
116 };
118 // Faster path for vtkPlane
119 template <typename TP>
120 struct PlaneClassifyPoints : public Classify
121 {
122   TP* Points;
123   double Origin[3];
124   double Normal[3];
PlaneClassifyPoints__anon2aa6e4590111::PlaneClassifyPoints126   PlaneClassifyPoints(vtkPoints* pts, vtkPlane* plane)
127     : Classify(pts)
128   {
129     this->Points = static_cast<TP*>(pts->GetVoidPointer(0));
130     plane->GetOrigin(this->Origin);
131     plane->GetNormal(this->Normal);
132   }
operator ()__anon2aa6e4590111::PlaneClassifyPoints134   void operator()(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType endPtId)
135   {
136     double p[3], zero = double(0), eval;
137     double *n = this->Normal, *o = this->Origin;
138     TP* pts = this->Points + 3 * ptId;
139     unsigned char* ioa = this->InOutArray + ptId;
140     for (; ptId < endPtId; ++ptId)
141     {
142       // Access each point
143       p[0] = static_cast<double>(*pts);
144       ++pts;
145       p[1] = static_cast<double>(*pts);
146       ++pts;
147       p[2] = static_cast<double>(*pts);
148       ++pts;
150       // Evaluate position of the point with the plane. Invoke inline,
151       // non-virtual version of evaluate method.
152       eval = vtkPlane::Evaluate(n, o, p);
154       // Point is either above(=2), below(=1), or on(=0) the plane.
155       *ioa++ = (eval > zero ? 2 : (eval < zero ? 1 : 0));
156     }
157   }
158 };
160 // General path for vtkImplicitFunction
161 template <typename TP>
162 struct FunctionClassifyPoints : public Classify
163 {
164   TP* Points;
165   vtkImplicitFunction* Function;
FunctionClassifyPoints__anon2aa6e4590111::FunctionClassifyPoints167   FunctionClassifyPoints(vtkPoints* pts, vtkImplicitFunction* f)
168     : Classify(pts)
169     , Function(f)
170   {
171     this->Points = static_cast<TP*>(pts->GetVoidPointer(0));
172   }
operator ()__anon2aa6e4590111::FunctionClassifyPoints174   void operator()(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType endPtId)
175   {
176     double p[3], zero = double(0), eval;
177     TP* pts = this->Points + 3 * ptId;
178     unsigned char* ioa = this->InOutArray + ptId;
179     for (; ptId < endPtId; ++ptId)
180     {
181       // Access each point
182       p[0] = static_cast<double>(*pts);
183       ++pts;
184       p[1] = static_cast<double>(*pts);
185       ++pts;
186       p[2] = static_cast<double>(*pts);
187       ++pts;
189       // Evaluate position of the point wrt the implicit function. This
190       // call better be thread safe.
191       eval = this->Function->FunctionValue(p);
193       // Point is either above(=2), below(=1), or on(=0) the plane.
194       *ioa++ = (eval > zero ? 2 : (eval < zero ? 1 : 0));
195     }
196   }
197 };
199 // Base class for extracting cells and points from the input
200 // vtkUnstructuredGrid.
201 struct ExtractCellsBase
202 {
203   typedef std::vector<vtkIdType> CellArrayType;
204   typedef std::vector<vtkIdType> OriginCellType;
205   typedef std::vector<unsigned char> CellTypesType;
207   // Track local data on a per-thread basis. In the Reduce() method this
208   // information will be used to composite the data from each thread.
209   struct LocalDataType
210   {
211     CellArrayType LocalCells;
212     OriginCellType LocalOrigins;
213     CellTypesType LocalTypes;
214     vtkIdType LocalNumCells;
215     CellIter LocalCellIter;
LocalDataType__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractCellsBase::LocalDataType217     LocalDataType()
218       : LocalNumCells(0)
219     {
220     }
221   };
223   const unsigned char* InOut;
224   CellIter* Iter;
225   vtkIdType InputNumPts;
226   vtkIdType OutputNumPts;
227   vtkIdType OutputNumCells;
228   vtkIdType TotalSize;
229   vtkUnstructuredGrid* Grid;
230   vtkCellArray* Cells;
231   bool CopyPointData;
232   bool CopyCellData;
233   vtkIdType* PointMap;
234   vtkIdType* CellMap;
235   int NumThreadsUsed;
236   vtkSMPThreadLocal<LocalDataType> LocalData;
ExtractCellsBase__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractCellsBase238   ExtractCellsBase(vtkIdType inNumPts, CellIter* c, unsigned char* inout, vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid,
239     vtkCellArray* cells, bool copyPtData, bool copyCellData)
240     : InOut(inout)
241     , Iter(c)
242     , InputNumPts(inNumPts)
243     , OutputNumPts(0)
244     , OutputNumCells(0)
245     , TotalSize(0)
246     , Grid(grid)
247     , Cells(cells)
248     , CopyPointData(copyPtData)
249     , CopyCellData(copyCellData)
250     , PointMap(nullptr)
251     , CellMap(nullptr)
252     , NumThreadsUsed(0)
253   {
254   }
256   // Set up the iteration process
Initialize__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractCellsBase257   void Initialize()
258   {
259     auto& localData = this->LocalData.Local();
260     localData.LocalCellIter = *(this->Iter);
261   }
263 }; // ExtractCellsBase
265 // Traverse all cells and extract intersected cells
266 struct ExtractCells : public ExtractCellsBase
267 {
ExtractCells__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractCells268   ExtractCells(vtkIdType inNumPts, CellIter* c, unsigned char* inout, vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid,
269     vtkCellArray* cells, bool copyPtData, bool copyCellData)
270     : ExtractCellsBase(inNumPts, c, inout, grid, cells, copyPtData, copyCellData)
271   {
272   }
Initialize__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractCells274   void Initialize() { this->ExtractCellsBase::Initialize(); }
276   // operator() method extracts cells
operator ()__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractCells277   void operator()(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType endCellId)
278   {
279     auto& localData = this->LocalData.Local();
280     auto& lCells = localData.LocalCells;
281     auto& lOrigins = localData.LocalOrigins;
282     auto& lTypes = localData.LocalTypes;
283     CellIter* cellIter = &localData.LocalCellIter;
284     const vtkIdType* c = cellIter->Initialize(cellId); // connectivity array
285     const unsigned char* inout = this->InOut;
286     vtkIdType& lNumCells = localData.LocalNumCells;
287     vtkIdType npts;
289     for (; cellId < endCellId; ++cellId)
290     {
291       // Does the implicit function cut this cell?
292       npts = cellIter->NumVerts;
293       if (Classify::Intersects(inout, npts, c))
294       {
295         ++lNumCells;
296         lTypes.emplace_back(cellIter->GetCellType(cellId));
297         lCells.emplace_back(npts);
298         const vtkIdType* pts = cellIter->GetCellIds(cellId);
299         for (auto i = 0; i < npts; ++i)
300         {
301           lCells.emplace_back(pts[i]);
302         }
303         if (this->CopyCellData)
304         {
305           lOrigins.emplace_back(cellId); // to support cell data copying
306         }
307       }                     // if implicit function intersects
308       c = cellIter->Next(); // move to the next cell
309     }                       // for all cells in this batch
310   }
312   // Composite local thread data. Basically build the output unstructured grid.
Reduce__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractCells313   void Reduce()
314   {
315     // Count the number of cells, and the number of threads used. Figure out the total
316     // length of the cell array.
317     vtkIdType numCells = 0;
318     vtkIdType size = 0;
319     for (const auto& threadData : this->LocalData)
320     {
321       numCells += threadData.LocalNumCells;
322       size += static_cast<vtkIdType>(threadData.LocalCells.size());
323       this->NumThreadsUsed++;
324     }
325     this->OutputNumCells = numCells;
326     this->TotalSize = size;
328     // Now allocate the cell array, offset array, and cell types array.
329     this->Cells->AllocateExact(numCells, size - numCells);
330     vtkNew<vtkUnsignedCharArray> cellTypes;
331     unsigned char* ctptr = static_cast<unsigned char*>(cellTypes->WriteVoidPointer(0, numCells));
333     // If cell data is requested, roll up generating cell ids
334     vtkIdType* cellMap = nullptr;
335     if (this->CopyCellData)
336     {
337       this->CellMap = cellMap = new vtkIdType[numCells];
338     }
340     // Now composite the cell-related information
341     for (const auto& threadData : this->LocalData)
342     {
343       const auto& lCells = threadData.LocalCells;
344       const auto& lTypes = threadData.LocalTypes;
345       const auto& lOrigins = threadData.LocalOrigins;
346       numCells = threadData.LocalNumCells;
348       this->Cells->AppendLegacyFormat(lCells.data(), static_cast<vtkIdType>(lCells.size()));
349       ctptr = std::copy_n(lTypes.cbegin(), numCells, ctptr);
350       if (this->CopyCellData)
351       {
352         cellMap = std::copy_n(lOrigins.cbegin(), numCells, cellMap);
353       }
354     } // for this thread
356     // Define the grid
357     this->Grid->SetCells(cellTypes, this->Cells);
359   } // Reduce
361 }; // ExtractCells
363 // Traverse all cells to extract intersected cells and remapped points
364 struct ExtractPointsAndCells : public ExtractCellsBase
365 {
ExtractPointsAndCells__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractPointsAndCells366   ExtractPointsAndCells(vtkIdType inNumPts, CellIter* c, unsigned char* inout,
367     vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid, vtkCellArray* cells, bool copyPtData, bool copyCellData)
368     : ExtractCellsBase(inNumPts, c, inout, grid, cells, copyPtData, copyCellData)
369   {
370     this->PointMap = new vtkIdType[inNumPts];
371     std::fill_n(this->PointMap, inNumPts, (-1));
372   }
Initialize__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractPointsAndCells374   void Initialize() { this->ExtractCellsBase::Initialize(); }
376   // operator() method identifies cells and points to extract
operator ()__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractPointsAndCells377   void operator()(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType endCellId)
378   {
379     auto& localData = this->LocalData.Local();
380     auto& lCells = localData.LocalCells;
381     auto& lOrigins = localData.LocalOrigins;
382     auto& lTypes = localData.LocalTypes;
383     CellIter* cellIter = &localData.LocalCellIter;
384     const vtkIdType* c = cellIter->Initialize(cellId); // connectivity array
385     const unsigned char* inout = this->InOut;
386     vtkIdType& lNumCells = localData.LocalNumCells;
387     vtkIdType npts;
388     vtkIdType* pointMap = this->PointMap;
390     for (; cellId < endCellId; ++cellId)
391     {
392       // Does the implicit function cut this cell?
393       npts = cellIter->NumVerts;
394       if (Classify::Intersects(inout, npts, c))
395       {
396         ++lNumCells;
397         lTypes.emplace_back(cellIter->GetCellType(cellId));
398         lCells.emplace_back(npts);
399         const vtkIdType* pts = cellIter->GetCellIds(cellId);
400         for (auto i = 0; i < npts; ++i)
401         {
402           pointMap[pts[i]] = 1; // this point is used
403           lCells.emplace_back(pts[i]);
404         }
405         if (this->CopyCellData)
406         {
407           lOrigins.emplace_back(cellId); // to support cell data copying
408         }
409       }                     // if implicit function intersects
410       c = cellIter->Next(); // move to the next cell
411     }                       // for all cells in this batch
412   }
414   // Composite local thread data. Basically build the output unstructured grid.
Reduce__anon2aa6e4590111::ExtractPointsAndCells415   void Reduce()
416   {
417     // Generate point map
418     vtkIdType globalPtId = 0;
419     vtkIdType* ptMap = this->PointMap;
420     for (auto ptId = 0; ptId < this->InputNumPts; ++ptId)
421     {
422       if (this->PointMap[ptId] > 0)
423       {
424         ptMap[ptId] = globalPtId++;
425       }
426     }
427     this->OutputNumPts = globalPtId;
429     // Count the number of cells, and the number of threads used. Figure out the total
430     // length of the cell array.
431     vtkIdType numCells = 0;
432     vtkIdType size = 0;
433     for (const auto& threadData : this->LocalData)
434     {
435       numCells += threadData.LocalNumCells;
436       size += static_cast<vtkIdType>(threadData.LocalCells.size());
437       this->NumThreadsUsed++;
438     }
439     this->OutputNumCells = numCells;
440     this->TotalSize = size;
442     // Now allocate the cell array, offset array, and cell types array.
443     this->Cells->AllocateExact(numCells, size - numCells);
444     vtkNew<vtkUnsignedCharArray> cellTypes;
445     unsigned char* ctptr = static_cast<unsigned char*>(cellTypes->WriteVoidPointer(0, numCells));
447     // If cell data is requested, roll up generating cell ids
448     vtkIdType* cellMap = nullptr;
449     this->CellMap = cellMap = new vtkIdType[numCells];
451     // Now composite the cell-related information
452     for (const auto& threadData : this->LocalData)
453     {
454       const auto& lCells = threadData.LocalCells;
455       const auto& lTypes = threadData.LocalTypes;
456       const auto& lOrigins = threadData.LocalOrigins;
457       numCells = threadData.LocalNumCells;
459       ctptr = std::copy_n(lTypes.cbegin(), numCells, ctptr);
460       if (this->CopyCellData)
461       {
462         cellMap = std::copy_n(lOrigins.cbegin(), numCells, cellMap);
463       }
465       // Need to do this in a loop since the pointIds are mapped through ptMap:
466       auto threadCells = lCells.cbegin();
467       for (auto i = 0; i < numCells; ++i)
468       {
469         const vtkIdType npts = *threadCells++;
470         this->Cells->InsertNextCell(static_cast<int>(npts));
471         for (auto j = 0; j < npts; ++j)
472         {
473           this->Cells->InsertCellPoint(ptMap[*threadCells++]);
474         }
475       } // over all the cells in this thread
476     }   // for this thread
478     // Define the grid
479     this->Grid->SetCells(cellTypes, this->Cells);
481   } // Reduce
483 }; // ExtractPointsAndCells
485 // Copy cell data from input to output
486 struct CopyCellAttributes
487 {
488   ArrayList* Arrays;
489   const vtkIdType* CellMap;
CopyCellAttributes__anon2aa6e4590111::CopyCellAttributes491   CopyCellAttributes(ArrayList* arrays, const vtkIdType* cellMap)
492     : Arrays(arrays)
493     , CellMap(cellMap)
494   {
495   }
operator ()__anon2aa6e4590111::CopyCellAttributes497   void operator()(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType endCellId)
498   {
499     for (; cellId < endCellId; ++cellId)
500     {
501       this->Arrays->Copy(this->CellMap[cellId], cellId);
502     }
503   }
504 };
506 // Generate point coordinates
507 template <typename TPIn, typename TPOut>
508 struct GeneratePoints
509 {
510   const TPIn* InPts;
511   const vtkIdType* PointMap;
512   TPOut* OutPts;
GeneratePoints__anon2aa6e4590111::GeneratePoints514   GeneratePoints(TPIn* inPts, vtkIdType* ptMap, TPOut* outPts)
515     : InPts(inPts)
516     , PointMap(ptMap)
517     , OutPts(outPts)
518   {
519   }
operator ()__anon2aa6e4590111::GeneratePoints521   void operator()(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType endPtId)
522   {
523     const TPIn* p = this->InPts + 3 * ptId;
524     const vtkIdType* ptMap = this->PointMap;
525     TPOut *outPts = this->OutPts, *x;
527     for (; ptId < endPtId; ++ptId, p += 3)
528     {
529       if (ptMap[ptId] >= 0)
530       {
531         x = outPts + 3 * ptMap[ptId];
532         *x++ = static_cast<TPOut>(p[0]);
533         *x++ = static_cast<TPOut>(p[1]);
534         *x = static_cast<TPOut>(p[2]);
535       }
536     }
537   }
538 };
540 // Copy point data from input to output.
541 struct CopyPointAttributes
542 {
543   ArrayList* Arrays;
544   const vtkIdType* PointMap;
CopyPointAttributes__anon2aa6e4590111::CopyPointAttributes546   CopyPointAttributes(ArrayList* arrays, const vtkIdType* ptMap)
547     : Arrays(arrays)
548     , PointMap(ptMap)
549   {
550   }
operator ()__anon2aa6e4590111::CopyPointAttributes552   void operator()(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType endPtId)
553   {
554     const vtkIdType* ptMap = this->PointMap;
555     for (; ptId < endPtId; ++ptId)
556     {
557       if (ptMap[ptId] >= 0)
558       {
559         this->Arrays->Copy(ptId, ptMap[ptId]);
560       }
561     }
562   }
563 };
565 } // anonymous namespace
567 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
568 // Construct an instance of the class.
vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor()569 vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor()
570 {
571   this->ImplicitFunction = nullptr;
572   this->CopyPointData = true;
573   this->CopyCellData = false;
574   this->RemoveUnusedPoints = false;
575   this->OutputPointsPrecision = DEFAULT_PRECISION;
576   this->SequentialProcessing = false;
577   this->NumberOfThreadsUsed = 0;
578 }
580 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
~vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor()581 vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::~vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor()
582 {
583   this->SetImplicitFunction(nullptr);
584 }
586 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
587 // Overload standard modified time function. If the implicit function
588 // definition is modified, then this object is modified as well.
GetMTime()589 vtkMTimeType vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::GetMTime()
590 {
591   vtkMTimeType mTime = this->Superclass::GetMTime();
592   if (this->ImplicitFunction != nullptr)
593   {
594     vtkMTimeType mTime2 = this->ImplicitFunction->GetMTime();
595     return (mTime2 > mTime ? mTime2 : mTime);
596   }
597   else
598   {
599     return mTime;
600   }
601 }
603 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
604 // Specialized implicit function extraction filter to handle unstructured
605 // grids with 3D linear cells (tetrahedras, hexes, wedges, pyradmids, voxels)
606 //
ProcessPiece(vtkUnstructuredGrid * input,vtkImplicitFunction * f,vtkUnstructuredGrid * grid)607 int vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::ProcessPiece(
608   vtkUnstructuredGrid* input, vtkImplicitFunction* f, vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid)
609 {
610   if (input == nullptr || f == nullptr || grid == nullptr)
611   {
612     // Not really an error
613     return 1;
614   }
616   // Make sure there is input data to process
617   vtkPoints* inPts = input->GetPoints();
618   vtkIdType numPts = 0;
619   if (inPts)
620   {
621     numPts = inPts->GetNumberOfPoints();
622   }
623   vtkCellArray* cells = input->GetCells();
624   vtkIdType numCells = 0;
625   if (cells)
626   {
627     numCells = cells->GetNumberOfCells();
628   }
629   if (numPts <= 0 || numCells <= 0)
630   {
631     vtkLog(INFO, "Empty input");
632     return 0;
633   }
635   // Check the input point type. Only real types are supported.
636   int inPtsType = inPts->GetDataType();
637   if ((inPtsType != VTK_FLOAT && inPtsType != VTK_DOUBLE))
638   {
639     vtkLog(ERROR, "Input point type not supported");
640     return 0;
641   }
643   // Output cells go here.
644   vtkCellArray* newCells = vtkCellArray::New();
646   // Set up the cells for processing. A specialized iterator is used to traverse the cells.
647   unsigned char* cellTypes =
648     static_cast<unsigned char*>(input->GetCellTypesArray()->GetVoidPointer(0));
649   CellIter* cellIter = new CellIter(numCells, cellTypes, cells);
651   // Classify the cell points based on the specified implicit function. A
652   // fast path is available for planes.
653   unsigned char* inout = nullptr;
654   int ptsType = inPts->GetDataType();
655   if (vtkPlane::SafeDownCast(f) != nullptr)
656   { // plane fast path
657     if (ptsType == VTK_FLOAT)
658     {
659       PlaneClassifyPoints<float> classify(inPts, static_cast<vtkPlane*>(f));
660       EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing, numPts, classify);
661       inout = classify.InOutArray;
662     }
663     else if (ptsType == VTK_DOUBLE)
664     {
665       PlaneClassifyPoints<double> classify(inPts, static_cast<vtkPlane*>(f));
666       EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing, numPts, classify);
667       inout = classify.InOutArray;
668     }
669   }
670   else
671   { // general implicit function fast path
672     if (ptsType == VTK_FLOAT)
673     {
674       FunctionClassifyPoints<float> classify(inPts, f);
675       EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing, numPts, classify);
676       inout = classify.InOutArray;
677     }
678     else if (ptsType == VTK_DOUBLE)
679     {
680       FunctionClassifyPoints<double> classify(inPts, f);
681       EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing, numPts, classify);
682       inout = classify.InOutArray;
683     }
684   }
686   // Depending on whether we are going to eliminate unused points, use
687   // different extraction techniques. There is a large performance
688   // difference if points are compacted.
689   vtkIdType outNumCells = 0;
690   vtkIdType* cellMap = nullptr;
691   vtkIdType outNumPts = 0;
692   vtkIdType* ptMap = nullptr;
693   vtkPointData* inPD = input->GetPointData();
694   vtkCellData* inCD = input->GetCellData();
695   if (!this->RemoveUnusedPoints)
696   {
697     ExtractCells extract(
698       numPts, cellIter, inout, grid, newCells, this->CopyPointData, this->CopyCellData);
700       this->SequentialProcessing, numCells, extract, this->NumberOfThreadsUsed);
702     outNumCells = extract.OutputNumCells;
703     cellMap = extract.CellMap;
705     grid->SetPoints(inPts);
706     if (this->CopyPointData)
707     {
708       vtkPointData* outPD = grid->GetPointData();
709       outPD->PassData(inPD);
710     }
711   }
713   else
714   {
715     ExtractPointsAndCells extract(
716       numPts, cellIter, inout, grid, newCells, this->CopyPointData, this->CopyCellData);
718       this->SequentialProcessing, numCells, extract, this->NumberOfThreadsUsed);
720     outNumPts = extract.OutputNumPts;
721     ptMap = extract.PointMap;
723     outNumCells = extract.OutputNumCells;
724     cellMap = extract.CellMap;
725   }
727   // Copy cell data if requested
728   if (this->CopyCellData)
729   {
730     vtkCellData* outCD = grid->GetCellData();
731     ArrayList arrays;
732     outCD->CopyAllocate(inCD, outNumCells);
733     arrays.AddArrays(outNumCells, inCD, outCD);
734     CopyCellAttributes copyCellData(&arrays, cellMap);
735     EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing, outNumCells, copyCellData);
736     delete[] cellMap;
737   }
739   if (this->RemoveUnusedPoints)
740   {
741     // Create the output points if not passing through. Only real types are
742     // supported. Use the point map to create them.
743     int inType = inPts->GetDataType(), outType;
744     void *inPtr, *outPtr;
745     vtkPoints* outPts = vtkPoints::New();
746     if (this->OutputPointsPrecision == vtkAlgorithm::DEFAULT_PRECISION)
747     {
748       outType = inType;
749     }
750     else if (this->OutputPointsPrecision == vtkAlgorithm::SINGLE_PRECISION)
751     {
752       outType = VTK_FLOAT;
753     }
754     else // if(this->OutputPointsPrecision == vtkAlgorithm::DOUBLE_PRECISION)
755     {
756       outType = VTK_DOUBLE;
757     }
758     outPts->SetDataType(outType);
759     outPts->SetNumberOfPoints(outNumPts);
761     // Generate points using the point map
762     inPtr = inPts->GetData()->GetVoidPointer(0);
763     outPtr = outPts->GetData()->GetVoidPointer(0);
764     if (inType == VTK_DOUBLE && outType == VTK_DOUBLE)
765     {
766       GeneratePoints<double, double> generatePts((double*)inPtr, ptMap, (double*)outPtr);
767       EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing, numPts, generatePts);
768     }
769     else if (inType == VTK_FLOAT && outType == VTK_FLOAT)
770     {
771       GeneratePoints<float, float> generatePts((float*)inPtr, ptMap, (float*)outPtr);
772       EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing, numPts, generatePts);
773     }
774     else if (inType == VTK_DOUBLE && outType == VTK_FLOAT)
775     {
776       GeneratePoints<double, float> generatePts((double*)inPtr, ptMap, (float*)outPtr);
777       EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing, numPts, generatePts);
778     }
779     else // if ( inType == VTK_FLOAT && outType == VTK_DOUBLE )
780     {
781       GeneratePoints<float, double> generatePts((float*)inPtr, ptMap, (double*)outPtr);
782       EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing, numPts, generatePts);
783     }
784     grid->SetPoints(outPts);
785     outPts->Delete();
787     // Use the point map to copy point data if desired
788     if (this->CopyPointData)
789     {
790       vtkPointData* outPD = grid->GetPointData();
791       ArrayList arrays;
792       outPD->CopyAllocate(inPD, outNumPts);
793       arrays.AddArrays(outNumPts, inPD, outPD);
794       CopyPointAttributes copyPointData(&arrays, ptMap);
795       EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing, numPts, copyPointData);
796       delete[] ptMap;
797     }
798   }
800   // Report the results of execution
801   vtkLog(INFO,
802     "Extracted: " << grid->GetNumberOfPoints() << " points, " << grid->GetNumberOfCells()
803                   << " cells");
805   // Clean up
806   delete[] inout;
807   delete cellIter;
808   newCells->Delete();
810   return 1;
811 }
813 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
814 // The output dataset type varies depending on the input type.
RequestDataObject(vtkInformation *,vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)815 int vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::RequestDataObject(
816   vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
817 {
818   vtkInformation* inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
819   if (!inInfo)
820   {
821     return 0;
822   }
824   vtkDataObject* inputDO = vtkDataObject::GetData(inputVector[0], 0);
825   vtkDataObject* outputDO = vtkDataObject::GetData(outputVector, 0);
826   assert(inputDO != nullptr);
828   vtkInformation* outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
830   if (vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(inputDO))
831   {
832     if (vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(outputDO) == nullptr)
833     {
834       outputDO = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
835       outInfo->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT(), outputDO);
836       outputDO->Delete();
837     }
838     return 1;
839   }
841   if (vtkCompositeDataSet::SafeDownCast(inputDO))
842   {
843     // For any composite dataset, we're create a vtkMultiBlockDataSet as output;
844     if (vtkMultiBlockDataSet::SafeDownCast(outputDO) == nullptr)
845     {
846       outputDO = vtkMultiBlockDataSet::New();
847       outInfo->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT(), outputDO);
848       outputDO->Delete();
849     }
850     return 1;
851   }
853   vtkLog(ERROR, "Not sure what type of output to create!");
854   return 0;
855 }
857 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
858 // Specialized extraction filter to handle unstructured grids with 3D
859 // linear cells (tetrahedras, hexes, wedges, pyradmids, voxels)
860 //
RequestData(vtkInformation *,vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)861 int vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::RequestData(
862   vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
863 {
864   // Get the input and output
865   vtkInformation* inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
866   vtkInformation* outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
868   vtkUnstructuredGrid* inputGrid =
869     vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
870   vtkUnstructuredGrid* outputGrid =
871     vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
873   vtkCompositeDataSet* inputCDS =
874     vtkCompositeDataSet::SafeDownCast(inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
875   vtkMultiBlockDataSet* outputMBDS =
876     vtkMultiBlockDataSet::SafeDownCast(outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
878   // Make sure we have valid input and output of some form
879   if ((inputGrid == nullptr || outputGrid == nullptr) &&
880     (inputCDS == nullptr || outputMBDS == nullptr))
881   {
882     return 0;
883   }
885   // Need an implicit function to do the cutting
886   vtkImplicitFunction* f = this->ImplicitFunction;
887   if (!f)
888   {
889     vtkLog(ERROR, "Implicit function not defined");
890     return 0;
891   }
893   // If the input is an unstructured grid, then simply process this single
894   // grid producing a single output vtkUnstructuredGrid.
895   if (inputGrid)
896   {
897     this->ProcessPiece(inputGrid, f, outputGrid);
898   }
900   // Otherwise it is an input composite data set and each unstructured grid
901   // contained in it is processed, producing a vtkGrid that is added to
902   // the output multiblock dataset.
903   else
904   {
905     vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid;
906     vtkUnstructuredGrid* output;
907     outputMBDS->CopyStructure(inputCDS);
908     vtkSmartPointer<vtkCompositeDataIterator> inIter;
909     inIter.TakeReference(inputCDS->NewIterator());
910     for (inIter->InitTraversal(); !inIter->IsDoneWithTraversal(); inIter->GoToNextItem())
911     {
912       auto ds = inIter->GetCurrentDataObject();
913       if ((grid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(ds)))
914       {
915         output = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
916         this->ProcessPiece(grid, f, output);
917         outputMBDS->SetDataSet(inIter, output);
918         output->Delete();
919       }
920       else
921       {
922         vtkLog(INFO, << "This filter only processes unstructured grids");
923       }
924     }
925   }
927   return 1;
928 }
930 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetOutputPointsPrecision(int precision)931 void vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::SetOutputPointsPrecision(int precision)
932 {
933   this->OutputPointsPrecision = precision;
934   this->Modified();
935 }
937 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetOutputPointsPrecision() const938 int vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::GetOutputPointsPrecision() const
939 {
940   return this->OutputPointsPrecision;
941 }
943 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CanFullyProcessDataObject(vtkDataObject * object)944 bool vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::CanFullyProcessDataObject(vtkDataObject* object)
945 {
946   auto ug = vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(object);
947   auto cd = vtkCompositeDataSet::SafeDownCast(object);
949   if (ug)
950   {
951     // Get list of cell types in the unstructured grid
952     vtkNew<vtkCellTypes> cellTypes;
953     ug->GetCellTypes(cellTypes);
954     for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < cellTypes->GetNumberOfTypes(); ++i)
955     {
956       unsigned char cellType = cellTypes->GetCellType(i);
957       if (cellType != VTK_VOXEL && cellType != VTK_TETRA && cellType != VTK_HEXAHEDRON &&
958         cellType != VTK_WEDGE && cellType != VTK_PYRAMID)
959       {
960         // Unsupported cell type, can't process data
961         return false;
962       }
963     }
965     // All cell types are supported, can process data.
966     return true;
967   }
968   else if (cd)
969   {
970     bool supported = true;
971     vtkSmartPointer<vtkCompositeDataIterator> iter;
972     iter.TakeReference(cd->NewIterator());
973     iter->SkipEmptyNodesOn();
974     for (iter->InitTraversal(); !iter->IsDoneWithTraversal(); iter->GoToNextItem())
975     {
976       auto leafDS = iter->GetCurrentDataObject();
977       if (!CanFullyProcessDataObject(leafDS))
978       {
979         supported = false;
980         break;
981       }
982     }
983     return supported;
984   }
986   return false; // not a vtkUnstructuredGrid nor a composite dataset
987 }
989 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FillInputPortInformation(int,vtkInformation * info)990 int vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::FillInputPortInformation(int, vtkInformation* info)
991 {
992   info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkUnstructuredGrid");
993   info->Append(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkCompositeDataSet");
994   return 1;
995 }
997 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)998 void vtk3DLinearGridCrinkleExtractor::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
999 {
1000   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
1002   os << indent << "Implicit Function: " << this->ImplicitFunction << "\n";
1004   os << indent << "Copy Point Data: " << (this->CopyPointData ? "true\n" : "false\n");
1005   os << indent << "Copy Cell Data: " << (this->CopyCellData ? "true\n" : "false\n");
1007   os << indent << "RemoveUnusedPoints: " << (this->RemoveUnusedPoints ? "true\n" : "false\n");
1009   os << indent << "Precision of the output points: " << this->OutputPointsPrecision << "\n";
1011   os << indent << "Sequential Processing: " << (this->SequentialProcessing ? "true\n" : "false\n");
1012 }
1014 #undef EXECUTE_SMPFOR
1016 #undef MAX_CELL_VERTS