1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkXMLTreeReader.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
16   Copyright 2008 Sandia Corporation.
17   Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
18   the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 /**
21  * @class   vtkXMLTreeReader
22  * @brief   reads an XML file into a vtkTree
23  *
24  *
25  * vtkXMLTreeReader parses an XML file and uses the nesting structure of the
26  * XML tags to generate a tree.  Node attributes are assigned to node arrays,
27  * and the special arrays .tagname and .chardata contain the tag type and the
28  * text internal to the tag, respectively.  The arrays are of type
29  * vtkStringArray.  There is an array for each attribute type in the XML file,
30  * even if it appears in only one tag.  If an attribute is missing from a tag,
31  * its value is the empty string.
32  *
33  * If MaskArrays is on (the default is off), the filter will additionally make bit
34  * arrays whose names are prepended with ".valid." which are 1 if the element
35  * contains that attribute, and 0 otherwise.
36  *
37  * For example, the XML file containing the text:
38  * <pre>
39  * &lt;node name="jeff" age="26"&gt;
40  *   this is text in jeff's node
41  *   &lt;node name="joe"&gt;
42  *     &lt;node name="al" initials="amb" other="something"/&gt;
43  *     &lt;node name="dave" age="30"/&gt;
44  *   &lt;/node&gt;
45  *   &lt;node name="lisa"&gt;this is text in lisa's node&lt;/node&gt;
46  *   &lt;node name="darlene" age="29"/&gt;
47  * &lt;/node&gt;
48  * </pre>
49  *
50  * would be parsed into a tree with the following node IDs and structure:
51  *
52  * <pre>
53  * 0 (jeff) - children: 1 (joe), 4 (lisa), 5 (darlene)
54  * 1 (joe)  - children: 2 (al), 3 (dave)
55  * 2 (al)
56  * 3 (dave)
57  * 4 (lisa)
58  * 5 (darlene)
59  * </pre>
60  *
61  * and the node data arrays would be as follows:
62  *
63  * <pre>
64  * name      initials  other     age       .tagname  .chardata
65  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66  * jeff      (empty)   (empty)   26         node     "  this is text in jeff's node\n  \n  \n  \n"
67  * joe       (empty)   (empty)   (empty)    node     "\n    \n    \n  "
68  * al        amb       something (empty)    node     (empty)
69  * dave      (empty)   (empty)   30         node     (empty)
70  * lisa      (empty)   (empty)   (empty)    node     "this is text in lisa's node"
71  * darlene   (empty)   (empty)   29         node     (empty)
72  * </pre>
73  *
74  * There would also be the following bit arrays if MaskArrays is on:
75  *
76  * <pre>
77  * .valid.name   .valid.initials   .valid.other   .valid.age
78  * ---------------------------------------------------------
79  * 1             0                 0              1
80  * 1             0                 0              0
81  * 1             1                 1              0
82  * 1             0                 0              1
83  * 1             0                 0              0
84  * 1             0                 0              1
85  * </pre>
86  */
88 #ifndef vtkXMLTreeReader_h
89 #define vtkXMLTreeReader_h
91 #include "vtkIOInfovisModule.h" // For export macro
92 #include "vtkTreeAlgorithm.h"
94 class VTKIOINFOVIS_EXPORT vtkXMLTreeReader : public vtkTreeAlgorithm
95 {
96 public:
97   static vtkXMLTreeReader* New();
98   vtkTypeMacro(vtkXMLTreeReader, vtkTreeAlgorithm);
99   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
101   ///@{
102   /**
103    * If set, reads in the XML file specified.
104    */
105   vtkGetFilePathMacro(FileName);
106   vtkSetFilePathMacro(FileName);
107   ///@}
109   ///@{
110   /**
111    * If set, and FileName is not set, reads in the XML string.
112    */
113   vtkGetStringMacro(XMLString);
114   vtkSetStringMacro(XMLString);
115   ///@}
117   ///@{
118   /**
119    * The name of the edge pedigree ids. Default is "edge id".
120    */
121   vtkGetStringMacro(EdgePedigreeIdArrayName);
122   vtkSetStringMacro(EdgePedigreeIdArrayName);
123   ///@}
125   ///@{
126   /**
127    * The name of the vertex pedigree ids. Default is "vertex id".
128    */
129   vtkGetStringMacro(VertexPedigreeIdArrayName);
130   vtkSetStringMacro(VertexPedigreeIdArrayName);
131   ///@}
133   ///@{
134   /**
135    * Set whether to use an property from the XML file as pedigree ids (off),
136    * or generate a new array with integer values starting at zero (on).
137    * Default is on.
138    */
139   vtkSetMacro(GenerateEdgePedigreeIds, bool);
140   vtkGetMacro(GenerateEdgePedigreeIds, bool);
141   vtkBooleanMacro(GenerateEdgePedigreeIds, bool);
142   vtkSetMacro(GenerateVertexPedigreeIds, bool);
143   vtkGetMacro(GenerateVertexPedigreeIds, bool);
144   vtkBooleanMacro(GenerateVertexPedigreeIds, bool);
145   ///@}
147   ///@{
148   /**
149    * If on, makes bit arrays for each attribute with name .valid.attribute_name
150    * for each attribute.  Default is off.
151    */
152   vtkGetMacro(MaskArrays, bool);
153   vtkSetMacro(MaskArrays, bool);
154   vtkBooleanMacro(MaskArrays, bool);
155   ///@}
157   ///@{
158   /**
159    * If on, stores the XML character data (i.e. textual data between tags)
160    * into an array named CharDataField, otherwise this field is skipped.
161    * Default is off.
162    */
163   vtkGetMacro(ReadCharData, bool);
164   vtkSetMacro(ReadCharData, bool);
165   vtkBooleanMacro(ReadCharData, bool);
166   ///@}
168   ///@{
169   /**
170    * If on, stores the XML tag name data in a field called .tagname
171    * otherwise this field is skipped.
172    * Default is on.
173    */
174   vtkGetMacro(ReadTagName, bool);
175   vtkSetMacro(ReadTagName, bool);
176   vtkBooleanMacro(ReadTagName, bool);
177   ///@}
179   static const char* TagNameField;
180   static const char* CharDataField;
182 protected:
183   vtkXMLTreeReader();
184   ~vtkXMLTreeReader() override;
185   char* FileName;
186   char* XMLString;
187   bool ReadCharData;
188   bool ReadTagName;
189   bool MaskArrays;
190   char* EdgePedigreeIdArrayName;
191   char* VertexPedigreeIdArrayName;
192   bool GenerateEdgePedigreeIds;
193   bool GenerateVertexPedigreeIds;
195   int RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) override;
197 private:
198   vtkXMLTreeReader(const vtkXMLTreeReader&) = delete;
199   void operator=(const vtkXMLTreeReader&) = delete;
200 };
202 #endif