1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkInteractorStyleFlight.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
16 /**
17  * @class   vtkInteractorStyleFlight
18  * @brief   provides flight motion routines
19  *
20  *
21  * Left  mouse button press produces forward motion.
22  * Right mouse button press produces reverse motion.
23  * Moving mouse during motion steers user in desired direction.
24  * Keyboard controls are:
25  * Left/Right/Up/Down Arrows for steering direction
26  * 'A' forward, 'Z' reverse motion
27  * Ctrl Key causes sidestep instead of steering in mouse and key modes
28  * Shift key is accelerator in mouse and key modes
29  * Ctrl and Shift together causes Roll in mouse and key modes
30  *
31  * By default, one "step" of motion corresponds to 1/250th of the diagonal
32  * of bounding box of visible actors, '+' and '-' keys allow user to
33  * increase or decrease step size.
34  */
36 #ifndef vtkInteractorStyleFlight_h
37 #define vtkInteractorStyleFlight_h
39 #include "vtkInteractionStyleModule.h" // For export macro
40 #include "vtkInteractorStyle.h"
41 class vtkCamera;
42 class vtkPerspectiveTransform;
44 class CPIDControl;
46 class VTKINTERACTIONSTYLE_EXPORT vtkInteractorStyleFlight : public vtkInteractorStyle
47 {
48 public:
49   static vtkInteractorStyleFlight* New();
50   vtkTypeMacro(vtkInteractorStyleFlight, vtkInteractorStyle);
51   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
53   /**
54    * Move the Eye/Camera to a specific location (no intermediate
55    * steps are taken
56    */
57   void JumpTo(double campos[3], double focpos[3]);
59   ///@{
60   /**
61    * Set the basic unit step size : by default 1/250 of bounding diagonal
62    */
63   vtkSetMacro(MotionStepSize, double);
64   vtkGetMacro(MotionStepSize, double);
65   ///@}
67   ///@{
68   /**
69    * Set acceleration factor when shift key is applied : default 10
70    */
71   vtkSetMacro(MotionAccelerationFactor, double);
72   vtkGetMacro(MotionAccelerationFactor, double);
73   ///@}
75   ///@{
76   /**
77    * Set the basic angular unit for turning : default 1 degree
78    */
79   vtkSetMacro(AngleStepSize, double);
80   vtkGetMacro(AngleStepSize, double);
81   ///@}
83   ///@{
84   /**
85    * Set angular acceleration when shift key is applied : default 5
86    */
87   vtkSetMacro(AngleAccelerationFactor, double);
88   vtkGetMacro(AngleAccelerationFactor, double);
89   ///@}
91   ///@{
92   /**
93    * Disable motion (temporarily - for viewing etc)
94    */
95   vtkSetMacro(DisableMotion, vtkTypeBool);
96   vtkGetMacro(DisableMotion, vtkTypeBool);
97   vtkBooleanMacro(DisableMotion, vtkTypeBool);
98   ///@}
100   ///@{
101   /**
102    * When flying, apply a restorative force to the "Up" vector.
103    * This is activated when the current 'up' is close to the actual 'up'
104    * (as defined in DefaultUpVector). This prevents excessive twisting forces
105    * when viewing from arbitrary angles, but keep the horizon level when
106    * the user is flying over terrain.
107    */
108   vtkSetMacro(RestoreUpVector, vtkTypeBool);
109   vtkGetMacro(RestoreUpVector, vtkTypeBool);
110   vtkBooleanMacro(RestoreUpVector, vtkTypeBool);
111   ///@}
113   // Specify "up" (by default {0,0,1} but can be changed)
114   vtkGetVectorMacro(DefaultUpVector, double, 3);
115   vtkSetVectorMacro(DefaultUpVector, double, 3);
117   ///@{
118   /**
119    * Concrete implementation of Mouse event bindings for flight
120    */
121   void OnMouseMove() override;
122   void OnLeftButtonDown() override;
123   void OnLeftButtonUp() override;
124   void OnMiddleButtonDown() override;
125   void OnMiddleButtonUp() override;
126   void OnRightButtonDown() override;
127   void OnRightButtonUp() override;
128   ///@}
130   ///@{
131   /**
132    * Concrete implementation of Keyboard event bindings for flight
133    */
134   void OnChar() override;
135   void OnKeyDown() override;
136   void OnKeyUp() override;
137   void OnTimer() override;
138   //
139   virtual void ForwardFly();
140   virtual void ReverseFly();
141   //
142   virtual void StartForwardFly();
143   virtual void EndForwardFly();
144   virtual void StartReverseFly();
145   virtual void EndReverseFly();
146   ///@}
148 protected:
149   vtkInteractorStyleFlight();
150   ~vtkInteractorStyleFlight() override;
152   ///@{
153   /**
154    * Routines used internally for computing motion and steering
155    */
156   void UpdateSteering(vtkCamera* cam);
157   void UpdateMouseSteering(vtkCamera* cam);
158   void FlyByMouse(vtkCamera* cam);
159   void FlyByKey(vtkCamera* cam);
160   void GetLRVector(double vector[3], vtkCamera* cam);
161   void MotionAlongVector(double vector[3], double amount, vtkCamera* cam);
162   void SetupMotionVars(vtkCamera* cam);
163   void FinishCamera(vtkCamera* cam);
164   //
165   //
166   unsigned char KeysDown;
167   vtkTypeBool DisableMotion;
168   vtkTypeBool RestoreUpVector;
169   double DiagonalLength;
170   double MotionStepSize;
171   double MotionUserScale;
172   double MotionAccelerationFactor;
173   double AngleStepSize;
174   double AngleAccelerationFactor;
175   double DefaultUpVector[3];
176   double AzimuthStepSize;
177   double IdealFocalPoint[3];
178   vtkPerspectiveTransform* Transform;
179   double DeltaYaw;
180   double lYaw;
181   double DeltaPitch;
182   double lPitch;
183   ///@}
185   CPIDControl* PID_Yaw;
186   CPIDControl* PID_Pitch;
188 private:
189   vtkInteractorStyleFlight(const vtkInteractorStyleFlight&) = delete;
190   void operator=(const vtkInteractorStyleFlight&) = delete;
191 };
193 #endif