1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkAMRVolumeMapper.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 #include "vtkAMRVolumeMapper.h"
17 #include "vtkAMRResampleFilter.h"
18 #include "vtkBoundingBox.h"
19 #include "vtkCamera.h"
20 #include "vtkCompositeDataPipeline.h"
21 #include "vtkDataSet.h"
22 #include "vtkExecutive.h"
23 #include "vtkInformation.h"
24 #include "vtkInformationVector.h"
25 #include "vtkMath.h"
26 #include "vtkMatrix4x4.h"
27 #include "vtkMultiBlockDataSet.h"
28 #include "vtkMultiThreader.h"
29 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
30 #include "vtkOverlappingAMR.h"
31 #include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
32 #include "vtkRenderer.h"
33 #include "vtkSmartVolumeMapper.h"
34 #include "vtkUniformGrid.h"
36 #include "vtkNew.h"
37 #include "vtkTimerLog.h"
39 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkAMRVolumeMapper);
41 // Construct a vtkAMRVolumeMapper
42 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vtkAMRVolumeMapper()43 vtkAMRVolumeMapper::vtkAMRVolumeMapper()
44 {
45   this->InternalMapper = vtkSmartVolumeMapper::New();
46   this->Resampler = vtkAMRResampleFilter::New();
47   this->HasMetaData = false;
48   this->Resampler->SetDemandDrivenMode(0);
49   this->Grid = nullptr;
50   this->NumberOfSamples[0] = 128;
51   this->NumberOfSamples[1] = 128;
52   this->NumberOfSamples[2] = 128;
53   this->RequestedResamplingMode = 0; // Frustrum Mode
54   this->FreezeFocalPoint = false;
55   this->LastFocalPointPosition[0] = this->LastFocalPointPosition[1] =
56     this->LastFocalPointPosition[2] = 0.0;
57   // Set the camera position to focal point distance to
58   // something that would indicate an initial update is needed
59   this->LastPostionFPDistance = -1.0;
60   this->ResamplerUpdateTolerance = 10e-8;
61   this->GridNeedsToBeUpdated = true;
62   this->UseDefaultThreading = false;
63 }
65 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
~vtkAMRVolumeMapper()66 vtkAMRVolumeMapper::~vtkAMRVolumeMapper()
67 {
68   this->InternalMapper->Delete();
69   this->InternalMapper = nullptr;
70   this->Resampler->Delete();
71   this->Resampler = nullptr;
72   if (this->Grid)
73   {
74     this->Grid->Delete();
75     this->Grid = nullptr;
76   }
77 }
79 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetInputData(vtkImageData * vtkNotUsed (genericInput))80 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetInputData(vtkImageData* vtkNotUsed(genericInput))
81 {
82   vtkErrorMacro("Mapper expects a hierarchical dataset as input");
83   this->Resampler->SetInputConnection(0, nullptr);
84 }
86 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetInputData(vtkDataSet * vtkNotUsed (genericInput))87 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetInputData(vtkDataSet* vtkNotUsed(genericInput))
88 {
89   vtkErrorMacro("Mapper expects a hierarchical dataset as input");
90   this->Resampler->SetInputConnection(0, nullptr);
91 }
93 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetInputData(vtkRectilinearGrid * vtkNotUsed (genericInput))94 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetInputData(vtkRectilinearGrid* vtkNotUsed(genericInput))
95 {
96   vtkErrorMacro("Mapper expects a hierarchical dataset as input");
97   this->Resampler->SetInputConnection(0, nullptr);
98 }
100 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetInputData(vtkOverlappingAMR * hdata)101 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetInputData(vtkOverlappingAMR* hdata)
102 {
103   this->SetInputDataInternal(0, hdata);
104 }
106 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetInputConnection(int port,vtkAlgorithmOutput * input)107 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetInputConnection(int port, vtkAlgorithmOutput* input)
108 {
109   if ((this->Resampler->GetNumberOfInputConnections(0) > 0) &&
110     (this->Resampler->GetInputConnection(port, 0) == input))
111   {
112     return;
113   }
114   this->Resampler->SetInputConnection(port, input);
115   this->vtkVolumeMapper::SetInputConnection(port, input);
116   if (this->Grid)
117   {
118     this->Grid->Delete();
119     this->Grid = nullptr;
120   }
121 }
122 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetBounds()123 double* vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetBounds()
124 {
125   vtkOverlappingAMR* hdata;
126   hdata = vtkOverlappingAMR::SafeDownCast(this->Resampler->GetInputDataObject(0, 0));
127   if (!hdata)
128   {
129     vtkMath::UninitializeBounds(this->Bounds);
130   }
131   else
132   {
133     hdata->GetBounds(this->Bounds);
134   }
135   return this->Bounds;
136 }
137 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FillInputPortInformation(int vtkNotUsed (port),vtkInformation * info)138 int vtkAMRVolumeMapper::FillInputPortInformation(int vtkNotUsed(port), vtkInformation* info)
139 {
140   info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkOverlappingAMR");
141   return 1;
142 }
144 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SelectScalarArray(int arrayNum)145 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SelectScalarArray(int arrayNum)
146 {
147   this->InternalMapper->SelectScalarArray(arrayNum);
148 }
150 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SelectScalarArray(const char * arrayName)151 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SelectScalarArray(const char* arrayName)
152 {
153   this->InternalMapper->SelectScalarArray(arrayName);
154 }
156 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetScalarModeAsString()157 const char* vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetScalarModeAsString()
158 {
159   return this->InternalMapper->GetScalarModeAsString();
160 }
162 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetArrayName()163 char* vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetArrayName()
164 {
165   return this->InternalMapper->GetArrayName();
166 }
168 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetArrayId()169 int vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetArrayId()
170 {
171   return this->InternalMapper->GetArrayId();
172 }
174 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetArrayAccessMode()175 int vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetArrayAccessMode()
176 {
177   return this->InternalMapper->GetArrayAccessMode();
178 }
179 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetScalarMode(int mode)180 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetScalarMode(int mode)
181 {
182   this->vtkVolumeMapper::SetScalarMode(mode);
183   // for the internal mapper we need to convert all cell based
184   // modes to point based since this is what the resample filter is doing
185   int newMode = mode;
186   if (mode == VTK_SCALAR_MODE_USE_CELL_DATA)
187   {
189   }
190   else if (mode == VTK_SCALAR_MODE_USE_CELL_FIELD_DATA)
191   {
193   }
195   this->InternalMapper->SetScalarMode(newMode);
196 }
197 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetBlendMode(int mode)198 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetBlendMode(int mode)
199 {
200   this->InternalMapper->SetBlendMode(mode);
201 }
202 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetBlendMode()203 int vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetBlendMode()
204 {
205   return this->InternalMapper->GetBlendMode();
206 }
207 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetCropping(vtkTypeBool mode)208 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetCropping(vtkTypeBool mode)
209 {
210   this->InternalMapper->SetCropping(mode);
211 }
212 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCropping()213 vtkTypeBool vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetCropping()
214 {
215   return this->InternalMapper->GetCropping();
216 }
217 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetCroppingRegionFlags(int mode)218 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetCroppingRegionFlags(int mode)
219 {
220   this->InternalMapper->SetCroppingRegionFlags(mode);
221 }
222 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCroppingRegionFlags()223 int vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetCroppingRegionFlags()
224 {
225   return this->InternalMapper->GetCroppingRegionFlags();
226 }
227 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetCroppingRegionPlanes(double arg1,double arg2,double arg3,double arg4,double arg5,double arg6)228 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetCroppingRegionPlanes(
229   double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5, double arg6)
230 {
231   this->InternalMapper->SetCroppingRegionPlanes(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
232 }
233 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCroppingRegionPlanes(double * planes)234 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetCroppingRegionPlanes(double* planes)
235 {
236   this->InternalMapper->GetCroppingRegionPlanes(planes);
237 }
238 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetCroppingRegionPlanes()239 double* vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetCroppingRegionPlanes()
240 {
241   return this->InternalMapper->GetCroppingRegionPlanes();
242 }
243 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetRequestedRenderMode(int mode)244 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetRequestedRenderMode(int mode)
245 {
246   this->InternalMapper->SetRequestedRenderMode(mode);
247 }
248 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetRequestedRenderMode()249 int vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetRequestedRenderMode()
250 {
251   return this->InternalMapper->GetRequestedRenderMode();
252 }
253 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetInterpolationMode(int mode)254 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::SetInterpolationMode(int mode)
255 {
256   this->InternalMapper->SetInterpolationMode(mode);
257 }
258 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetInterpolationMode()259 int vtkAMRVolumeMapper::GetInterpolationMode()
260 {
261   return this->InternalMapper->GetInterpolationMode();
262 }
263 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow * window)264 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow* window)
265 {
266   this->InternalMapper->ReleaseGraphicsResources(window);
267 }
268 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Render(vtkRenderer * ren,vtkVolume * vol)269 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::Render(vtkRenderer* ren, vtkVolume* vol)
270 {
271   // Hack - Make sure the camera is in the right mode for moving the focal point
272   ren->GetActiveCamera()->SetFreezeFocalPoint(this->FreezeFocalPoint);
273   // If there is no grid initially we need to see if we can create one
274   // The grid is not created if it is an interactive render; meaning the desired
275   // time is less than the previous time to draw
276   if (!(this->Grid &&
277         (1.0 / ren->GetRenderWindow()->GetDesiredUpdateRate() <
278           this->InternalMapper->GetTimeToDraw())))
279   {
280     if (!this->HasMetaData)
281     {
282       // If there is no meta data then the resample filter has not been updated
283       // with the proper frustrun bounds else it would have been done when
284       // processing request information
285       this->UpdateResampler(ren, nullptr);
286     }
287     if (this->GridNeedsToBeUpdated)
288     {
289       this->UpdateGrid();
290     }
292     if (this->Grid == nullptr)
293     {
294       // Could not create a grid
295       return;
296     }
298     this->InternalMapper->SetInputData(this->Grid);
299   }
300   // Enable threading for the internal volume renderer and the reset the
301   // original value when done - need when running inside of ParaView
302   if (this->UseDefaultThreading)
303   {
304     int maxNumThreads = vtkMultiThreader::GetGlobalMaximumNumberOfThreads();
305     vtkMultiThreader::SetGlobalMaximumNumberOfThreads(0);
306     this->InternalMapper->Render(ren, vol);
307     vtkMultiThreader::SetGlobalMaximumNumberOfThreads(maxNumThreads);
308   }
309   else
310   {
311     this->InternalMapper->Render(ren, vol);
312   }
313 }
314 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UpdateResampler(vtkRenderer * ren,vtkOverlappingAMR * amr)315 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::UpdateResampler(vtkRenderer* ren, vtkOverlappingAMR* amr)
316 {
317   // Set the bias of the resample filter to be the projection direction
318   double bvec[3];
319   vtkCamera* cam = ren->GetActiveCamera();
320   double d, d2, fp[3], pd, gb[6];
321   d = cam->GetDistance();
322   cam->GetFocalPoint(fp);
324   if (this->Grid)
325   {
326     // Compare distances with the grid's bounds
327     this->Grid->GetBounds(gb);
328     vtkBoundingBox bbox(gb);
329     double maxL = bbox.GetMaxLength();
330     // If the grid's max length is 0 then we need to update
331     if (maxL > 0.0)
332     {
333       pd = fabs(d - this->LastPostionFPDistance) / this->LastPostionFPDistance;
334       if ((this->LastPostionFPDistance > 0.0) && (pd <= this->ResamplerUpdateTolerance))
335       {
336         // Lets see if the focal point has not moved enough to cause an update
337         d2 = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(fp, this->LastFocalPointPosition) / (maxL * maxL);
338         if (d2 <= (this->ResamplerUpdateTolerance * this->ResamplerUpdateTolerance))
339         {
340           // nothing needs to be updated
341           return;
342         }
343         else
344         {
345           //          int oops = 1;
346         }
347       }
348     }
349   }
350   cam->GetDirectionOfProjection(bvec);
351   this->Resampler->SetBiasVector(bvec);
352   this->Resampler->SetUseBiasVector(true);
353   this->LastPostionFPDistance = d;
354   this->LastFocalPointPosition[0] = fp[0];
355   this->LastFocalPointPosition[1] = fp[1];
356   this->LastFocalPointPosition[2] = fp[2];
358   if (this->RequestedResamplingMode == 0)
359   {
360     this->UpdateResamplerFrustrumMethod(ren, amr);
361   }
362   else
363   {
364     // This is the focal point approach where we
365     // center the grid on the focal point and set its length
366     // to be the distance between the camera and its focal point
367     double p[3];
368     p[0] = fp[0] - d;
369     p[1] = fp[1] - d;
370     p[2] = fp[2] - d;
371     // Now set the min/max of the resample filter
372     this->Resampler->SetMin(p);
373     p[0] = fp[0] + d;
374     p[1] = fp[1] + d;
375     p[2] = fp[2] + d;
376     this->Resampler->SetMax(p);
377     this->Resampler->SetNumberOfSamples(this->NumberOfSamples);
378   }
379   // The grid may have changed
380   this->GridNeedsToBeUpdated = true;
381 }
383 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UpdateResamplerFrustrumMethod(vtkRenderer * ren,vtkOverlappingAMR * amr)384 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::UpdateResamplerFrustrumMethod(vtkRenderer* ren, vtkOverlappingAMR* amr)
385 {
386   double bounds[6];
387   // If we have been passed a valid amr then assume this is the proper
388   // meta data to use
389   if (amr)
390   {
391     amr->GetBounds(bounds);
392   }
393   else
394   {
395     // Make sure the bounds are up to date
396     this->GetBounds(bounds);
397   }
399   double computed_bounds[6];
400   if (vtkAMRVolumeMapper::ComputeResamplerBoundsFrustumMethod(
401         ren->GetActiveCamera(), ren, bounds, computed_bounds))
402   {
403     vtkBoundingBox bbox(computed_bounds);
404     // Now set the min/max of the resample filter
405     this->Resampler->SetMin(const_cast<double*>(bbox.GetMinPoint()));
406     this->Resampler->SetMax(const_cast<double*>(bbox.GetMaxPoint()));
407     this->Resampler->SetNumberOfSamples(this->NumberOfSamples);
408   }
409 }
411 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ComputeResamplerBoundsFrustumMethod(vtkCamera * camera,vtkRenderer * renderer,const double bounds[6],double out_bounds[6])412 bool vtkAMRVolumeMapper::ComputeResamplerBoundsFrustumMethod(
413   vtkCamera* camera, vtkRenderer* renderer, const double bounds[6], double out_bounds[6])
414 {
415   vtkMath::UninitializeBounds(out_bounds);
417   // First we need to create a bounding box that represents the visible region
418   // of the camera in World Coordinates
420   // In order to produce as tight of bounding box as possible we need to determine
421   // the z range in view coordinates of the data and then project that part
422   // of the view volume back into world coordinates
424   // We would just use the renderer's WorldToView and ViewToWorld methods but those
425   // implementations are not efficient for example ViewToWorld would do 8
426   // matrix inverse ops when all we really need to do is one
428   // Get the camera transformation
429   vtkMatrix4x4* matrix =
430     camera->GetCompositeProjectionTransformMatrix(renderer->GetTiledAspectRatio(), 0, 1);
432   int i, j, k;
433   double pnt[4], tpnt[4];
434   vtkBoundingBox bbox;
435   pnt[3] = 1.0;
436   for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
437   {
438     pnt[0] = bounds[i];
439     for (j = 2; j < 4; j++)
440     {
441       pnt[1] = bounds[j];
442       for (k = 4; k < 6; k++)
443       {
444         pnt[2] = bounds[k];
445         matrix->MultiplyPoint(pnt, tpnt);
446         if (tpnt[3])
447         {
448           bbox.AddPoint(tpnt[0] / tpnt[3], tpnt[1] / tpnt[3], tpnt[2] / tpnt[3]);
449         }
450         else
451         {
452           vtkGenericWarningMacro("UpdateResampler: Found an Ideal Point going to VC!");
453         }
454       }
455     }
456   }
458   double zRange[2];
459   if (bbox.IsValid())
460   {
461     zRange[0] = bbox.GetMinPoint()[2];
462     zRange[1] = bbox.GetMaxPoint()[2];
463     // Normalize the z values to make sure they are between -1 and 1
464     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
465     {
466       if (zRange[i] < -1.0)
467       {
468         zRange[i] = -1.0;
469       }
470       else if (zRange[i] > 1.0)
471       {
472         zRange[i] = 1.0;
473       }
474     }
475   }
476   else
477   {
478     // Since we could not find a valid bounding box assume that the
479     // zrange is -1 to 1
480     zRange[0] = -1.0;
481     zRange[1] = 1.0;
482   }
484   // Now that we have the z range of the data in View Coordinates lets
485   // convert that part of the View Volume back into World Coordinates
486   double mat[16];
487   // Need the inverse
488   vtkMatrix4x4::Invert(*matrix->Element, mat);
490   bbox.Reset();
491   // Compute the bounding box
492   for (i = -1; i < 2; i += 2)
493   {
494     pnt[0] = i;
495     for (j = -1; j < 2; j += 2)
496     {
497       pnt[1] = j;
498       for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
499       {
500         pnt[2] = zRange[k];
501         vtkMatrix4x4::MultiplyPoint(mat, pnt, tpnt);
502         if (tpnt[3])
503         {
504           bbox.AddPoint(tpnt[0] / tpnt[3], tpnt[1] / tpnt[3], tpnt[2] / tpnt[3]);
505         }
506         else
507         {
508           vtkGenericWarningMacro("UpdateResampler: Found an Ideal Point going to WC!");
509         }
510       }
511     }
512   }
514   // Check to see if the box is valid
515   if (!bbox.IsValid())
516   {
517     return false; // There is nothing we can do
518   }
519   bbox.GetBounds(out_bounds);
520   return true;
521 }
523 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UpdateGrid()524 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::UpdateGrid()
525 {
526   // This is for debugging
527 #define PRINTSTATS 0
529   vtkNew<vtkTimerLog> timer;
530   int gridDim[3];
531   double gridOrigin[3];
532   timer->StartTimer();
533 #endif
534   this->Resampler->Update();
536   timer->StopTimer();
537   std::cerr << "Resample Time:" << timer->GetElapsedTime() << " ";
538   std::cerr << "New Bounds: [" << bbox.GetMinPoint()[0] << ", " << bbox.GetMaxPoint()[0] << "], ["
539             << bbox.GetMinPoint()[1] << ", " << bbox.GetMaxPoint()[1] << "], ["
540             << bbox.GetMinPoint()[2] << ", " << bbox.GetMaxPoint()[2] << "\n";
541 #endif
542   vtkMultiBlockDataSet* mb = this->Resampler->GetOutput();
543   if (!mb)
544   {
545     return;
546   }
547   unsigned int nb = mb->GetNumberOfBlocks();
548   if (!nb)
549   {
550     // No new grid was created
551     return;
552   }
553   if (nb != 1)
554   {
555     vtkErrorMacro("UpdateGrid: Resampler created more than 1 Grid!");
556   }
557   if (this->Grid)
558   {
559     this->Grid->Delete();
560   }
561   this->Grid = vtkUniformGrid::SafeDownCast(mb->GetBlock(0));
562   this->Grid->Register(nullptr);
563   this->GridNeedsToBeUpdated = false;
565   this->Grid->GetDimensions(gridDim);
566   this->Grid->GetOrigin(gridOrigin);
567   std::cerr << "Grid Dimensions: (" << gridDim[0] << ", " << gridDim[1] << ", " << gridDim[2]
568             << ") Origin:(" << gridOrigin[0] << ", " << gridOrigin[1] << ", " << gridOrigin[2]
569             << ")\n";
570 #endif
571 }
572 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ProcessUpdateExtentRequest(vtkRenderer * vtkNotUsed (ren),vtkInformation * info,vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)573 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::ProcessUpdateExtentRequest(vtkRenderer* vtkNotUsed(ren),
574   vtkInformation* info, vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
575 {
576   this->Resampler->RequestUpdateExtent(info, inputVector, outputVector);
577 }
578 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ProcessInformationRequest(vtkRenderer * ren,vtkInformation * info,vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)579 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::ProcessInformationRequest(vtkRenderer* ren, vtkInformation* info,
580   vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
581 {
582   vtkInformation* input = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
583   if (!(input && input->Has(vtkCompositeDataPipeline::COMPOSITE_DATA_META_DATA())))
584   {
585     this->HasMetaData = false;
586     this->Resampler->SetDemandDrivenMode(0);
587     return;
588   }
590   if (!this->HasMetaData)
591   {
592     this->HasMetaData = true;
593     this->Resampler->SetDemandDrivenMode(1);
594   }
595   vtkOverlappingAMR* amrMetaData = vtkOverlappingAMR::SafeDownCast(
596     input->Get(vtkCompositeDataPipeline::COMPOSITE_DATA_META_DATA()));
598   this->UpdateResampler(ren, amrMetaData);
599   this->Resampler->RequestInformation(info, inputVector, outputVector);
600 }
601 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
603 // Print the vtkAMRVolumeMapper
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)604 void vtkAMRVolumeMapper::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
605 {
606   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
607   os << indent << "ScalarMode: " << this->GetScalarModeAsString() << endl;
609   if (this->ScalarMode == VTK_SCALAR_MODE_USE_POINT_FIELD_DATA ||
610     this->ScalarMode == VTK_SCALAR_MODE_USE_CELL_FIELD_DATA)
611   {
612     if (this->ArrayAccessMode == VTK_GET_ARRAY_BY_ID)
613     {
614       os << indent << "ArrayId: " << this->ArrayId << endl;
615     }
616     else
617     {
618       os << indent << "ArrayName: " << this->ArrayName << endl;
619     }
620   }
621   os << indent << "UseDefaultThreading:" << this->UseDefaultThreading << "\n";
622   os << indent << "ResampledUpdateTolerance: " << this->ResamplerUpdateTolerance << "\n";
623   os << indent << "NumberOfSamples: ";
624   for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
625   {
626     os << this->NumberOfSamples[i] << " ";
627   }
628   os << std::endl;
629   os << indent << "RequestedResamplingMode: " << this->RequestedResamplingMode << "\n";
630   os << indent << "FreezeFocalPoint: " << this->FreezeFocalPoint << "\n";
631 }
632 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------