4 #include <vector>
5 #include <array>
7 #include "ghc/filesystem.hpp"
9 #include <xtl/xsequence.hpp>
11 #include "xtensor/xarray.hpp"
12 #include "xtensor/xchunked_array.hpp"
13 #include "xfile_array.hpp"
15 namespace xt
16 {
17     template <class EC, class IP>
18     class xchunk_store_manager;
20     /***************************
21      * xindex_path declaration *
22      ***************************/
24     class xindex_path
25     {
26     public:
28         std::string get_directory() const;
29         void set_directory(const std::string& directory);
31         template <class I>
32         void index_to_path(I, I, std::string&) const;
34     private:
36         std::string m_directory;
37     };
39     /*********************************
40      * xchunked_assigner declaration *
41      *********************************/
43     template <class T, class EC, class IP>
44     class xchunked_assigner<T, xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>>
45     {
46     public:
48         using temporary_type = T;
50         template <class E, class DST>
51         void build_and_assign_temporary(const xexpression<E>& e, DST& dst);
52     };
54     /************************************
55      * xchunk_store_manager declaration *
56      ************************************/
58     template <class EC, class IP>
59     struct xcontainer_inner_types<xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>>
60     {
61         using storage_type = EC;
62         using reference = EC&;
63         using const_reference = const EC&;
64         using size_type = std::size_t;
65         using temporary_type = xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>;
66     };
68     template <class EC, class IP>
69     struct xiterable_inner_types<xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>>
70     {
71         using inner_shape_type = std::vector<std::size_t>;
72         using stepper = xindexed_stepper<xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>, false>;
73         using const_stepper = xindexed_stepper<xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>, true>;
74     };
76     /**
77      * @class xchunk_store_manager
78      * @brief Multidimensional chunk container and manager.
79      *
80      * The xchunk_store_manager class implements a multidimensional chunk container.
81      * Chunks are managed in a pool, allowing for a limited number of chunks
82      * that can simultaneously be hold in memory, by swapping chunks when the pool
83      * is full. Should not be used directly, instead use chunked_file_array factory
84      * functions.
85      *
86      * @tparam EC The type of a chunk (e.g. xfile_array)
87      * @tparam IP The type of the index-to-path transformer (default: xindex_path)
88      */
89     template <class EC, class IP = xindex_path>
90     class xchunk_store_manager: public xaccessible<xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>>,
91                                 public xiterable<xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>>
92     {
93     public:
95         using self_type = xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>;
96         using inner_types = xcontainer_inner_types<self_type>;
97         using storage_type = typename inner_types::storage_type;
98         using value_type = storage_type;
99         using reference = EC&;
100         using const_reference = const EC&;
101         using pointer = value_type*;
102         using const_pointer = const value_type*;
103         using size_type = typename inner_types::size_type;
104         using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
105         using iterable_base = xconst_iterable<self_type>;
106         using stepper = typename iterable_base::stepper;
107         using const_stepper = typename iterable_base::const_stepper;
108         using shape_type = typename iterable_base::inner_shape_type;
110         template <class S>
111         xchunk_store_manager(S&& shape,
112                              S&& chunk_shape,
113                              const std::string& directory,
114                              std::size_t pool_size,
115                              layout_type chunk_memory_layout = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT);
117         template <class S, class T>
118         xchunk_store_manager(S&& shape,
119                              S&& chunk_shape,
120                              const std::string& directory,
121                              std::size_t pool_size,
122                              const T& init_value,
123                              layout_type chunk_memory_layout = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT);
125         ~xchunk_store_manager() = default;
127         xchunk_store_manager(const xchunk_store_manager&) = default;
128         xchunk_store_manager& operator=(const xchunk_store_manager&) = default;
130         xchunk_store_manager(xchunk_store_manager&&) = default;
131         xchunk_store_manager& operator=(xchunk_store_manager&&) = default;
133         const shape_type& shape() const noexcept;
134         const shape_type& chunk_shape() const noexcept;
136         template <class... Idxs>
137         reference operator()(Idxs... idxs);
139         template <class... Idxs>
140         const_reference operator()(Idxs... idxs) const;
142         template <class It>
143         reference element(It first, It last);
145         template <class It>
146         const_reference element(It first, It last) const;
148         template <class O>
149         stepper stepper_begin(const O& shape) noexcept;
150         template <class O>
151         stepper stepper_end(const O& shape, layout_type) noexcept;
153         template <class O>
154         const_stepper stepper_begin(const O& shape) const noexcept;
155         template <class O>
156         const_stepper stepper_end(const O& shape, layout_type) const noexcept;
158         template <class S>
159         void resize(S&& shape);
161         size_type size() const;
162         const std::string& get_directory() const;
163         bool get_pool_size() const;
165         IP& get_index_path();
166         void flush();
168         template <class FC, class IOC>
169         void configure(FC& format_config, IOC& io_config);
171         template <class I>
172         reference map_file_array(I first, I last);
174         template <class I>
175         const_reference map_file_array(I first, I last) const;
177         std::string get_temporary_directory() const;
178         void reset_to_directory(const std::string& directory);
180     private:
182         template <class... Idxs>
183         std::array<std::size_t, sizeof...(Idxs)> get_indexes(Idxs... idxs) const;
185         template <class S, class T>
186         void initialize(S&& shape,
187                         S&& chunk_shape,
188                         const std::string& directory,
189                         bool init,
190                         const T& init_value,
191                         std::size_t pool_size,
192                         layout_type chunk_memory_layout);
194         using chunk_pool_type = std::vector<EC>;
195         using index_pool_type = std::vector<shape_type>;
197         shape_type m_shape;
198         shape_type m_chunk_shape;
199         chunk_pool_type m_chunk_pool;
200         index_pool_type m_index_pool;
201         std::size_t m_unload_index;
202         IP m_index_path;
203     };
205     /**
206      * Creates a chunked file array.
207      * This function returns an uninitialized ``xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH>>>``.
208      *
209      * @tparam T The type of the elements (e.g. double)
210      * @tparam IOH The type of the IO handler (e.g. xio_disk_handler)
211      * @tparam L The layout_type of the array
212      * @tparam IP The type of the index-to-path transformer (default: xindex_path)
213      *
214      * @param shape The shape of the array
215      * @param chunk_shape The shape of a chunk
216      * @param path The path to the chunk store
217      * @param pool_size The size of the chunk pool (default: 1)
218      * @param chunk_memory_layout The layout of each chunk (default: XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT)
219      *
220      * @return returns a ``xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH>>>`` with the given shape, chunk shape and memory layout.
221      */
222     template <class T, class IOH, layout_type L = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT, class IP = xindex_path, class S>
223     xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH, L>, IP>>
224     chunked_file_array(S&& shape,
225                        S&& chunk_shape,
226                        const std::string& path,
227                        std::size_t pool_size = 1,
228                        layout_type chunk_memory_layout = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT);
230     template <class T, class IOH, layout_type L = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT, class IP = xindex_path, class S>
231     xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH, L>, IP>>
232     chunked_file_array(std::initializer_list<S> shape,
233                        std::initializer_list<S> chunk_shape,
234                        const std::string& path,
235                        std::size_t pool_size = 1,
236                        layout_type chunk_memory_layout = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT);
238     /**
239      * Creates a chunked file array.
240      * This function returns an uninitialized ``xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH>>>``.
241      *
242      * @tparam T The type of the elements (e.g. double)
243      * @tparam IOH The type of the IO handler (e.g. xio_disk_handler)
244      * @tparam L The layout_type of the array
245      * @tparam IP The type of the index-to-path transformer (default: xindex_path)
246      *
247      * @param shape The shape of the array
248      * @param chunk_shape The shape of a chunk
249      * @param path The path to the chunk store
250      * @param init_value The value with which to initialize the chunks when they are not already stored
251      * @param pool_size The size of the chunk pool (default: 1)
252      * @param chunk_memory_layout The layout of each chunk (default: XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT)
253      *
254      * @return returns a ``xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH>>>`` with the given shape, chunk shape and memory layout.
255      */
256     template <class T, class IOH, layout_type L = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT, class IP = xindex_path, class S>
257     xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH, L>, IP>>
258     chunked_file_array(S&& shape,
259                        S&& chunk_shape,
260                        const std::string& path,
261                        const T& init_value,
262                        std::size_t pool_size = 1,
263                        layout_type chunk_memory_layout = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT);
265     template <class T, class IOH, layout_type L = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT, class IP = xindex_path, class S>
266     xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH, L>, IP>>
267     chunked_file_array(std::initializer_list<S> shape,
268                        std::initializer_list<S> chunk_shape,
269                        const std::string& path,
270                        const T& init_value,
271                        std::size_t pool_size = 1,
272                        layout_type chunk_memory_layout = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT);
274     /**
275      * Creates a chunked file array.
276      * This function returns a ``xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH>>>`` initialized from an expression.
277      *
278      * @tparam T The type of the elements (e.g. double)
279      * @tparam IOH The type of the IO handler (e.g. xio_disk_handler)
280      * @tparam L The layout_type of the array
281      * @tparam IP The type of the index-to-path transformer (default: xindex_path)
282      *
283      * @param e The expression to initialize the chunked array from
284      * @param chunk_shape The shape of a chunk
285      * @param path The path to the chunk store
286      * @param pool_size The size of the chunk pool (default: 1)
287      * @param chunk_memory_layout The layout of each chunk (default: XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT)
288      *
289      * @return returns a ``xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH>>>`` from the given expression, with the given chunk shape and memory layout.
290      */
291     template <class IOH, layout_type L = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT, class IP = xindex_path, class E, class S>
292     xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<typename E::value_type, IOH, L>, IP>>
293     chunked_file_array(const xexpression<E>& e,
294                        S&& chunk_shape,
295                        const std::string& path,
296                        std::size_t pool_size = 1,
297                        layout_type chunk_memory_layout = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT);
299     /**
300      * Creates a chunked file array.
301      * This function returns a ``xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH>>>`` initialized from an expression.
302      *
303      * @tparam IOH The type of the IO handler (e.g. xio_disk_handler)
304      * @tparam L The layout_type of the array
305      * @tparam IP The type of the index-to-path transformer (default: xindex_path)
306      *
307      * @param e The expression to initialize the chunked array from
308      * @param path The path to the chunk store
309      * @param pool_size The size of the chunk pool (default: 1)
310      * @param chunk_memory_layout The layout of each chunk (default: XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT)
311      *
312      * @return returns a ``xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH>>>`` from the given expression, with the expression's chunk shape and the given memory layout.
313      */
314     template <class IOH, layout_type L = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT, class IP = xindex_path, class E>
315     xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<typename E::value_type, IOH, L>, IP>>
316     chunked_file_array(const xexpression<E>& e,
317                        const std::string& path,
318                        std::size_t pool_size = 1,
319                        layout_type chunk_memory_layout = XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT);
321     /******************************
322      * xindex_path implementation *
323      ******************************/
get_directory() const325     inline std::string xindex_path::get_directory() const
326     {
327         return m_directory;
328     }
set_directory(const std::string & directory)330     inline void xindex_path::set_directory(const std::string& directory)
331     {
332         m_directory = directory;
333         if (m_directory.back() != '/')
334         {
335             m_directory.push_back('/');
336         }
337     }
339     template <class I>
index_to_path(I first,I last,std::string & path) const340     void xindex_path::index_to_path(I first, I last, std::string& path) const
341     {
342         std::string fname;
343         for (auto it = first; it != last; ++it)
344         {
345             if (!fname.empty())
346             {
347                 fname.push_back('.');
348             }
349             fname.append(std::to_string(*it));
350         }
351         path = m_directory + fname;
352     }
354     /************************************
355      * xchunked_assigner implementation *
356      ************************************/
358     template <class T, class EC, class IP>
359     template <class E, class DST>
build_and_assign_temporary(const xexpression<E> & e,DST & dst)360     inline void xchunked_assigner<T, xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>>::build_and_assign_temporary(const xexpression<E>& e,
361                                                                                                DST& dst)
362     {
363         using store_type = xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>;
364         store_type store(e.derived_cast().shape(), dst.chunk_shape(), dst.chunks().get_temporary_directory(), dst.chunks().get_pool_size());
365         temporary_type tmp(e, std::move(store), dst.chunk_shape());
366         tmp.chunks().flush();
367         dst.chunks().reset_to_directory(tmp.chunks().get_directory());
368     }
370     /******************************************
371      * xchunk_store_manager factory functions *
372      ******************************************/
374     template <class T, class IOH, layout_type L, class IP, class S>
375     inline xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH, L>, IP>>
chunked_file_array(S && shape,S && chunk_shape,const std::string & path,std::size_t pool_size,layout_type chunk_memory_layout)376     chunked_file_array(S&& shape, S&& chunk_shape, const std::string& path, std::size_t pool_size, layout_type chunk_memory_layout)
377     {
378         using chunk_storage = xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH, L>, IP>;
379         chunk_storage chunks(shape, chunk_shape, path, pool_size, chunk_memory_layout);
380         return xchunked_array<chunk_storage>(std::move(chunks), std::forward<S>(shape), std::forward<S>(chunk_shape));
381     }
383     template <class T, class IOH, layout_type L, class IP, class S>
384     inline xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH, L>, IP>>
chunked_file_array(std::initializer_list<S> shape,std::initializer_list<S> chunk_shape,const std::string & path,std::size_t pool_size,layout_type chunk_memory_layout)385     chunked_file_array(std::initializer_list<S> shape, std::initializer_list<S> chunk_shape, const std::string& path, std::size_t pool_size, layout_type chunk_memory_layout)
386     {
387         using sh_type = std::vector<std::size_t>;
388         auto sh = xtl::forward_sequence<sh_type, std::initializer_list<S>>(shape);
389         auto ch_sh = xtl::forward_sequence<sh_type, std::initializer_list<S>>(chunk_shape);
390         return chunked_file_array<T, IOH, L, IP, sh_type>(std::move(sh), std::move(ch_sh), path, pool_size, chunk_memory_layout);
391     }
393     template <class T, class IOH, layout_type L, class IP, class S>
394     inline xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH, L>, IP>>
chunked_file_array(S && shape,S && chunk_shape,const std::string & path,const T & init_value,std::size_t pool_size,layout_type chunk_memory_layout)395     chunked_file_array(S&& shape, S&& chunk_shape, const std::string& path, const T& init_value, std::size_t pool_size, layout_type chunk_memory_layout)
396     {
397         using chunk_storage = xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH, L>, IP>;
398         chunk_storage chunks(shape, chunk_shape, path, pool_size, init_value, chunk_memory_layout);
399         return xchunked_array<chunk_storage>(std::move(chunks), std::forward<S>(shape), std::forward<S>(chunk_shape));
400     }
402     template <class T, class IOH, layout_type L, class IP, class S>
403     inline xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<T, IOH, L>, IP>>
chunked_file_array(std::initializer_list<S> shape,std::initializer_list<S> chunk_shape,const std::string & path,const T & init_value,std::size_t pool_size,layout_type chunk_memory_layout)404     chunked_file_array(std::initializer_list<S> shape, std::initializer_list<S> chunk_shape, const std::string& path, const T& init_value, std::size_t pool_size, layout_type chunk_memory_layout)
405     {
406         using sh_type = std::vector<std::size_t>;
407         auto sh = xtl::forward_sequence<sh_type, std::initializer_list<S>>(shape);
408         auto ch_sh = xtl::forward_sequence<sh_type, std::initializer_list<S>>(chunk_shape);
409         return chunked_file_array<T, IOH, L, IP, sh_type>(std::move(sh), std::move(ch_sh), path, init_value, pool_size, chunk_memory_layout);
410     }
412     template <class IOH, layout_type L, class IP, class E, class S>
413     inline xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<typename E::value_type, IOH, L>, IP>>
chunked_file_array(const xexpression<E> & e,S && chunk_shape,const std::string & path,std::size_t pool_size,layout_type chunk_memory_layout)414     chunked_file_array(const xexpression<E>& e, S&& chunk_shape, const std::string& path, std::size_t pool_size, layout_type chunk_memory_layout)
415     {
416         using chunk_storage = xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<typename E::value_type, IOH, L>, IP>;
417         chunk_storage chunks(e.derived_cast().shape(), chunk_shape, path, pool_size, chunk_memory_layout);
418         return xchunked_array<chunk_storage>(e, chunk_storage(), std::forward<S>(chunk_shape));
419     }
421     template <class IOH, layout_type L, class IP, class E>
422     inline xchunked_array<xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<typename E::value_type, IOH, L>, IP>>
chunked_file_array(const xexpression<E> & e,const std::string & path,std::size_t pool_size,layout_type chunk_memory_layout)423     chunked_file_array(const xexpression<E>& e, const std::string& path, std::size_t pool_size, layout_type chunk_memory_layout)
424     {
425         using chunk_storage = xchunk_store_manager<xfile_array<typename E::value_type, IOH, L>, IP>;
426         chunk_storage chunks(e.derived_cast().shape(), detail::chunk_helper<E>::chunk_shape(e), path, pool_size, chunk_memory_layout);
427         return xchunked_array<chunk_storage>(e, chunk_storage());
428     }
430     /***************************************
431      * xchunk_store_manager implementation *
432      ***************************************/
434     template <class EC, class IP>
435     template <class S>
xchunk_store_manager(S && shape,S && chunk_shape,const std::string & directory,std::size_t pool_size,layout_type chunk_memory_layout)436     inline xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::xchunk_store_manager(S&& shape,
437                                                               S&& chunk_shape,
438                                                               const std::string& directory,
439                                                               std::size_t pool_size,
440                                                               layout_type chunk_memory_layout)
441         : m_shape(xtl::forward_sequence<shape_type, S>(shape))
442         , m_chunk_shape(xtl::forward_sequence<shape_type, S>(chunk_shape))
443         , m_unload_index(0u)
444     {
445         initialize(shape, chunk_shape, directory, false, 0, pool_size, chunk_memory_layout);
446     }
448     template <class EC, class IP>
449     template <class S, class T>
xchunk_store_manager(S && shape,S && chunk_shape,const std::string & directory,std::size_t pool_size,const T & init_value,layout_type chunk_memory_layout)450     inline xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::xchunk_store_manager(S&& shape,
451                                                               S&& chunk_shape,
452                                                               const std::string& directory,
453                                                               std::size_t pool_size,
454                                                               const T& init_value,
455                                                               layout_type chunk_memory_layout)
456         : m_shape(xtl::forward_sequence<shape_type, S>(shape))
457         , m_chunk_shape(xtl::forward_sequence<shape_type, S>(chunk_shape))
458         , m_unload_index(0u)
459     {
460         initialize(shape, chunk_shape, directory, true, init_value, pool_size, chunk_memory_layout);
461     }
463     template <class EC, class IP>
464     template <class S, class T>
initialize(S && shape,S && chunk_shape,const std::string & directory,bool init,const T & init_value,std::size_t pool_size,layout_type chunk_memory_layout)465     inline void xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::initialize(S&& shape,
466                                                          S&& chunk_shape,
467                                                          const std::string& directory,
468                                                          bool init,
469                                                          const T& init_value,
470                                                          std::size_t pool_size,
471                                                          layout_type chunk_memory_layout)
472     {
473         if (pool_size == SIZE_MAX)
474         {
475             // as many "physical" chunks in the pool as there are "logical" chunks
476             pool_size = size();
477         }
478         if (init)
479         {
480             m_chunk_pool.resize(pool_size, EC("", xfile_mode::init_on_fail, init_value));
481         }
482         else
483         {
484             m_chunk_pool.resize(pool_size, EC("", xfile_mode::init_on_fail));
485         }
486         m_index_pool.resize(pool_size);
487         // resize the pool chunks
488         for (auto& chunk: m_chunk_pool)
489         {
490             chunk.resize(chunk_shape, chunk_memory_layout);
491         }
492         m_index_path.set_directory(directory);
493     }
495     template <class EC, class IP>
shape() const496     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::shape() const noexcept -> const shape_type&
497     {
498         return m_shape;
499     }
501     template <class EC, class IP>
chunk_shape() const502     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::chunk_shape() const noexcept -> const shape_type&
503     {
504         return m_chunk_shape;
505     }
507     template <class EC, class IP>
508     template <class... Idxs>
operator ()(Idxs...idxs)509     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::operator()(Idxs... idxs) -> reference
510     {
511         auto index = get_indexes(idxs...);
512         return map_file_array(index.cbegin(), index.cend());
513     }
515     template <class EC, class IP>
516     template <class... Idxs>
operator ()(Idxs...idxs) const517     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::operator()(Idxs... idxs) const -> const_reference
518     {
519         auto index = get_indexes(idxs...);
520         return map_file_array(index.cbegin(), index.cend());
521     }
523     template <class EC, class IP>
524     template <class It>
element(It first,It last)525     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::element(It first, It last) -> reference
526     {
527         return map_file_array(first, last);
528     }
530     template <class EC, class IP>
531     template <class It>
element(It first,It last) const532     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::element(It first, It last) const -> const_reference
533     {
534         return map_file_array(first, last);
535     }
537     template <class EC, class IP>
538     template <class O>
stepper_begin(const O & shape)539     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::stepper_begin(const O& shape) noexcept -> stepper
540     {
541         size_type offset = shape.size() - this->dimension();
542         return stepper(this, offset);
543     }
545     template <class EC, class IP>
546     template <class O>
stepper_end(const O & shape,layout_type)547     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::stepper_end(const O& shape, layout_type) noexcept -> stepper
548     {
549         size_type offset = shape.size() - this->dimension();
550         return stepper(this, offset, true);
551     }
553     template <class EC, class IP>
554     template <class O>
stepper_begin(const O & shape) const555     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::stepper_begin(const O& shape) const noexcept -> const_stepper
556     {
557         size_type offset = shape.size() - this->dimension();
558         return const_stepper(this, offset);
559     }
561     template <class EC, class IP>
562     template <class O>
stepper_end(const O & shape,layout_type) const563     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::stepper_end(const O& shape, layout_type) const noexcept -> const_stepper
564     {
565         size_type offset = shape.size() - this->dimension();
566         return const_stepper(this, offset, true);
567     }
569     template <class EC, class IP>
570     template <class S>
resize(S && shape)571     inline void xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::resize(S&& shape)
572     {
573         // don't resize according to total number of chunks
574         // instead the pool manages a number of in-memory chunks
575         m_shape = shape;
576     }
578     template <class EC, class IP>
size() const579     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::size() const -> size_type
580     {
581         return compute_size(m_shape);
582     }
584     template <class EC, class IP>
get_directory() const585     inline const std::string& xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::get_directory() const
586     {
587         return m_index_path.get_directory();
588     }
590     template <class EC, class IP>
get_pool_size() const591     inline bool  xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::get_pool_size() const
592     {
593         return m_chunk_pool.size();
594     }
596     template <class EC, class IP>
flush()597     inline void xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::flush()
598     {
599         for (auto& chunk: m_chunk_pool)
600         {
601             chunk.flush();
602         }
603     }
605     template <class EC, class IP>
606     template <class FC, class IOC>
configure(FC & format_config,IOC & io_config)607     void xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::configure(FC& format_config, IOC& io_config)
608     {
609         for (auto& chunk: m_chunk_pool)
610         {
611             chunk.configure(format_config, io_config);
612         }
613     }
615     template <class EC, class IP>
get_index_path()616     IP& xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::get_index_path()
617     {
618         return m_index_path;
619     }
621     template <class EC, class IP>
622     template <class I>
map_file_array(I first,I last)623     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::map_file_array(I first, I last) -> reference
624     {
625         std::string path;
626         m_index_path.index_to_path(first, last, path);
627         if (first == last)
628         {
629             return m_chunk_pool[0];
630         }
631         else
632         {
633             // check if the chunk is already loaded in memory
634             const auto it1 = std::find_if(m_index_pool.cbegin(), m_index_pool.cend(), [first, last](const auto& v)
635                 { return std::equal(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), first, last); });
636             std::size_t i;
637             if (it1 != m_index_pool.cend())
638             {
639                 i = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(m_index_pool.cbegin(), it1));
640                 return m_chunk_pool[i];
641             }
642             // if not, find a free chunk in the pool
643             std::vector<std::size_t> empty_index;
644             const auto it2 = std::find(m_index_pool.cbegin(), m_index_pool.cend(), empty_index);
645             if (it2 != m_index_pool.cend())
646             {
647                 i = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(m_index_pool.cbegin(), it2));
648                 m_chunk_pool[i].set_path(path);
649                 m_index_pool[i].resize(static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(first, last)));
650                 std::copy(first, last, m_index_pool[i].begin());
651                 return m_chunk_pool[i];
652             }
653             // no free chunk, take one (which will thus be unloaded)
654             // fairness is guaranteed through the use of a walking index
655             m_chunk_pool[m_unload_index].set_path(path);
656             m_index_pool[m_unload_index].resize(static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(first, last)));
657             std::copy(first, last, m_index_pool[m_unload_index].begin());
658             auto& chunk = m_chunk_pool[m_unload_index];
659             m_unload_index = (m_unload_index + 1) % m_index_pool.size();
660             return chunk;
661         }
662     }
664     template <class EC, class IP>
665     template <class I>
map_file_array(I first,I last) const666     inline auto xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::map_file_array(I first, I last) const -> const_reference
667     {
668         return const_cast<xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>*>(this)->map_file_array(first, last);
669     }
671     template <class EC, class IP>
get_temporary_directory() const672     inline std::string xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::get_temporary_directory() const
673     {
674         namespace fs = ghc::filesystem;
675         fs::path tmp_dir = fs::temp_directory_path();
676         std::size_t count = 0;
677         while(fs::exists(tmp_dir / std::to_string(count)))
678         {
679             ++count;
680         }
681         return tmp_dir / std::to_string(count);
682     }
684     template <class EC, class IP>
reset_to_directory(const std::string & directory)685     inline void xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::reset_to_directory(const std::string& directory)
686     {
687         namespace fs = ghc::filesystem;
688         fs::remove_all(get_directory());
689         fs::rename(directory, get_directory());
690         m_unload_index = 0u;
691     }
693     template <class EC, class IP>
694     template <class... Idxs>
695     inline std::array<std::size_t, sizeof...(Idxs)>
get_indexes(Idxs...idxs) const696     xchunk_store_manager<EC, IP>::get_indexes(Idxs... idxs) const
697     {
698         std::array<std::size_t, sizeof...(Idxs)> indexes = {{idxs...}};
699         return indexes;
700     }
701 }
703 #endif