2   Copyright (C) 2012 Microsoft Corporation
3   Author: CM Wintersteiger (cwinter) 2012-12-17
6open Z3
7open Z3.Symbol
8open Z3.Sort
9open Z3.Expr
10open Z3.Boolean
11open Z3.FuncDecl
12open Z3.Goal
13open Z3.Tactic
14open Z3.Tactic.ApplyResult
15open Z3.Probe
16open Z3.Solver
17open Z3.Arithmetic
18open Z3.Arithmetic.Integer
19open Z3.Arithmetic.Real
20open Z3.BitVector
23exception TestFailedException of string
26   Model Converter test
28let  model_converter_test ( ctx : context ) =
29  Printf.printf "ModelConverterTest\n";
30  let xr = (Expr.mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx "x") (Real.mk_sort ctx)) in
31  let yr = (Expr.mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx "y") (Real.mk_sort ctx)) in
32  let g4 = (mk_goal ctx true false false ) in
33  (Goal.add g4 [ (mk_gt ctx xr (Real.mk_numeral_nd ctx 10 1)) ]) ;
34  (Goal.add g4 [ (mk_eq ctx
35			 yr
36			 (Arithmetic.mk_add ctx [ xr; (Real.mk_numeral_nd ctx 1 1)  ])) ]) ;
37  (Goal.add g4 [ (mk_gt ctx yr (Real.mk_numeral_nd ctx 1 1)) ]) ;
38  (
39    let  ar = (Tactic.apply (mk_tactic ctx "simplify") g4 None) in
40    if ((get_num_subgoals ar) == 1 &&
41	   ((is_decided_sat (get_subgoal ar 0)) ||
42	       (is_decided_unsat (get_subgoal ar 0)))) then
43      raise (TestFailedException "")
44    else
45      Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
46  );
47  (
48    let ar = (Tactic.apply (and_then ctx (mk_tactic ctx ("simplify")) (mk_tactic ctx "solve-eqs") []) g4 None) in
49    if ((get_num_subgoals ar) == 1 &&
50	   ((is_decided_sat (get_subgoal ar 0)) ||
51	       (is_decided_unsat (get_subgoal ar 0)))) then
52      raise (TestFailedException "")
53    else
54      Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
55    ;
56    let solver = (mk_solver ctx None) in
57    let f e = (Solver.add solver [ e ]) in
58    ignore (List.map f (get_formulas (get_subgoal ar 0))) ;
59    let q = (check solver []) in
60    if q != SATISFIABLE then
61      raise (TestFailedException "")
62    else
63      let m = (get_model solver) in
64      match m with
65	| None -> raise (TestFailedException "")
66	| Some (m) ->
67	  Printf.printf "Solver says: %s\n" (string_of_status q) ;
68	  Printf.printf "Model: \n%s\n" (Model.to_string m)
69  )
72 Some basic tests.
74let basic_tests ( ctx : context ) =
75  Printf.printf "BasicTests\n" ;
76  let fname = (mk_string ctx "f") in
77  let x = (mk_string ctx "x") in
78  let y = (mk_string ctx "y") in
79  let bs = (Boolean.mk_sort ctx) in
80  let domain = [ bs; bs ] in
81  let f = (FuncDecl.mk_func_decl ctx fname domain bs) in
82  let fapp = (mk_app ctx f
83		[ (Expr.mk_const ctx x bs); (Expr.mk_const ctx y bs) ]) in
84  let fargs2 = [ (mk_fresh_const ctx "cp" bs) ] in
85  let domain2 = [ bs ] in
86  let fapp2 = (mk_app ctx (mk_fresh_func_decl ctx "fp" domain2 bs) fargs2) in
87  let trivial_eq = (mk_eq ctx fapp fapp) in
88  let nontrivial_eq = (mk_eq ctx fapp fapp2) in
89  let g = (mk_goal ctx true false false) in
90  (Goal.add g [ trivial_eq ]) ;
91  (Goal.add g [ nontrivial_eq ]) ;
92  Printf.printf "%s\n" ("Goal: " ^ (Goal.to_string g)) ;
93  (
94    let solver = (mk_solver ctx None) in
95    (List.iter (fun a -> (Solver.add solver [ a ])) (get_formulas g)) ;
96    if (check solver []) != SATISFIABLE then
97      raise (TestFailedException "")
98    else
99      Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
100  );
101  (
102    let ar = (Tactic.apply (mk_tactic ctx "simplify") g None) in
103    if ((get_num_subgoals ar) == 1 &&
104	   ((is_decided_sat (get_subgoal ar 0)) ||
105	       (is_decided_unsat (get_subgoal ar 0)))) then
106      raise (TestFailedException "")
107    else
108      Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
109  );
110  (
111    let ar = (Tactic.apply (mk_tactic ctx "smt") g None) in
112    if ((get_num_subgoals ar) == 1 &&
113	   (not (is_decided_sat (get_subgoal ar 0)))) then
114      raise (TestFailedException "")
115    else
116      Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
117  );
118  (Goal.add g [ (mk_eq ctx
119			(mk_numeral_int ctx 1 (BitVector.mk_sort ctx 32))
120			(mk_numeral_int ctx 2 (BitVector.mk_sort ctx 32))) ] )
121  ;
122  (
123    let ar = (Tactic.apply (mk_tactic ctx "smt") g None) in
124    if ((get_num_subgoals ar) == 1 &&
125	   (not (is_decided_unsat (get_subgoal ar 0)))) then
126      raise (TestFailedException "")
127    else
128      Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
129  );
130  (
131    let g2 = (mk_goal ctx true true false) in
132    let ar = (Tactic.apply (mk_tactic ctx "smt") g2 None) in
133    if ((get_num_subgoals ar) == 1 &&
134	   (not (is_decided_sat (get_subgoal ar 0)))) then
135      raise (TestFailedException "")
136    else
137      Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
138  );
139  (
140    let g2 = (mk_goal ctx true true false) in
141    (Goal.add g2 [ (Boolean.mk_false ctx) ]) ;
142    let ar = (Tactic.apply (mk_tactic ctx "smt") g2 None) in
143    if ((get_num_subgoals ar) == 1 &&
144	   (not (is_decided_unsat (get_subgoal ar 0)))) then
145      raise (TestFailedException "")
146    else
147      Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
148  );
149  (
150    let g3 = (mk_goal ctx true true false) in
151    let xc = (Expr.mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx "x") (Integer.mk_sort ctx)) in
152    let yc = (Expr.mk_const ctx (Symbol.mk_string ctx "y") (Integer.mk_sort ctx)) in
153    (Goal.add g3 [ (mk_eq ctx xc (mk_numeral_int ctx 1 (Integer.mk_sort ctx))) ]) ;
154    (Goal.add g3 [ (mk_eq ctx yc (mk_numeral_int ctx 2 (Integer.mk_sort ctx))) ]) ;
155    let constr = (mk_eq ctx xc yc) in
156    (Goal.add g3 [ constr ] ) ;
157    let ar = (Tactic.apply (mk_tactic ctx "smt") g3 None) in
158    if ((get_num_subgoals ar) == 1 &&
159	   (not (is_decided_unsat (get_subgoal ar 0)))) then
160      raise (TestFailedException "")
161    else
162      Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
163  ) ;
164  model_converter_test ctx ;
165  (* Real num/den test. *)
166  let rn = Real.mk_numeral_nd ctx 42 43 in
167  let inum = (get_numerator rn) in
168  let iden = get_denominator rn in
169  Printf.printf "Numerator: %s Denominator: %s\n" (Real.numeral_to_string inum) (Real.numeral_to_string iden) ;
170  if ((Real.numeral_to_string inum) <> "42" || (Real.numeral_to_string iden) <> "43") then
171    raise (TestFailedException "")
172  else
173    Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
174  ;
175  if ((to_decimal_string rn 3) <> "0.976?") then
176    raise (TestFailedException "")
177  else
178    Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
179  ;
180  if (to_decimal_string (Real.mk_numeral_s ctx "-1231231232/234234333") 5 <> "-5.25640?") then
181    raise (TestFailedException "")
182  else if (to_decimal_string (Real.mk_numeral_s ctx "-123123234234234234231232/234234333") 5 <> "-525641278361333.28170?") then
183    raise (TestFailedException "")
184  else if (to_decimal_string (Real.mk_numeral_s ctx "-234234333") 5 <> "-234234333") then
185    raise (TestFailedException "")
186  else if (to_decimal_string (Real.mk_numeral_s ctx "234234333/2") 5 <> "117117166.5") then
187    raise (TestFailedException "")
188  ;
189  (* Error handling test. *)
190  try (
191    let i = Integer.mk_numeral_s ctx "1/2" in
192    Printf.printf "%s\n" (Expr.to_string i) ;
193    raise (TestFailedException "check")
194  )
195  with Z3.Error(_) -> (
196    Printf.printf "Exception caught, OK.\n"
197  )
200   A basic example of how to use quantifiers.
202let  quantifier_example1 ( ctx : context ) =
203  Printf.printf "QuantifierExample\n" ;
204  let is = (Integer.mk_sort ctx) in
205  let types = [ is; is; is ] in
206  let names = [ (Symbol.mk_string ctx "x_0");
207		(Symbol.mk_string ctx "x_1");
208		(Symbol.mk_string ctx "x_2") ] in
209  let vars = [ (Quantifier.mk_bound ctx 2 (List.nth types 0));
210	       (Quantifier.mk_bound ctx 2 (List.nth types 1));
211	       (Quantifier.mk_bound ctx 2 (List.nth types 2)) ] in
212  let xs = [ (Integer.mk_const ctx (List.nth names 0));
213	     (Integer.mk_const ctx (List.nth names 1));
214	     (Integer.mk_const ctx (List.nth names 2)) ] in
216  let body_vars = (Boolean.mk_and ctx
217		     [ (mk_eq ctx
218			  (Arithmetic.mk_add ctx [ (List.nth vars 0) ; (Integer.mk_numeral_i ctx 1)])
219			  (Integer.mk_numeral_i ctx 2)) ;
220		       (mk_eq ctx
221			  (Arithmetic.mk_add ctx [ (List.nth vars 1); (Integer.mk_numeral_i ctx 2)])
222			  (Arithmetic.mk_add ctx [ (List.nth vars 2); (Integer.mk_numeral_i ctx 3)])) ]) in
223  let body_const = (Boolean.mk_and ctx
224		      [ (mk_eq ctx
225			   (Arithmetic.mk_add ctx [ (List.nth xs 0); (Integer.mk_numeral_i ctx 1)])
226			   (Integer.mk_numeral_i ctx 2)) ;
227			(mk_eq ctx
228			   (Arithmetic.mk_add ctx [ (List.nth xs 1); (Integer.mk_numeral_i ctx 2)])
229			   (Arithmetic.mk_add ctx [ (List.nth xs 2); (Integer.mk_numeral_i ctx 3)])) ]) in
231  let x = (Quantifier.mk_forall ctx types names body_vars (Some 1) [] [] (Some (Symbol.mk_string ctx "Q1")) (Some (Symbol.mk_string ctx "skid1"))) in
232  Printf.printf "Quantifier X: %s\n" (Quantifier.to_string x) ;
233  let y = (Quantifier.mk_forall_const ctx xs body_const (Some 1) [] [] (Some (Symbol.mk_string ctx "Q2")) (Some (Symbol.mk_string ctx "skid2"))) in
234  Printf.printf "Quantifier Y: %s\n" (Quantifier.to_string y) ;
235  if (is_true (Quantifier.expr_of_quantifier x)) then
236    raise (TestFailedException "") (* unreachable *)
237  else if (is_false (Quantifier.expr_of_quantifier x)) then
238    raise (TestFailedException "") (* unreachable *)
239  else if (is_const (Quantifier.expr_of_quantifier x)) then
240    raise (TestFailedException "") (* unreachable *)
243open Z3.FloatingPoint
246	A basic example of floating point arithmetic
248let fpa_example ( ctx : context ) =
249  Printf.printf "FPAExample\n" ;
250  (* let str = ref "" in *)
251  (* (read_line ()) ; *)
252  let double_sort = (FloatingPoint.mk_sort_double ctx) in
253  let rm_sort = (FloatingPoint.RoundingMode.mk_sort ctx) in
255  (** Show that there are x, y s.t. (x + y) = 42.0 (with rounding mode). *)
256  let s_rm = (mk_string ctx "rm") in
257  let rm = (mk_const ctx s_rm rm_sort) in
258  let s_x = (mk_string ctx "x") in
259  let s_y = (mk_string ctx "y") in
260  let x = (mk_const ctx s_x double_sort) in
261  let y = (mk_const ctx s_y double_sort)in
262  let n = (FloatingPoint.mk_numeral_f ctx 42.0 double_sort) in
263  let s_x_plus_y = (mk_string ctx "x_plus_y") in
264  let x_plus_y = (mk_const ctx s_x_plus_y double_sort) in
265  let c1 = (mk_eq ctx x_plus_y (mk_add ctx rm x y)) in
266  let args = [ c1 ; (mk_eq ctx x_plus_y n) ] in
267  let c2 = (Boolean.mk_and ctx args) in
268  let args2 = [ c2 ; (Boolean.mk_not ctx (Boolean.mk_eq ctx rm (RoundingMode.mk_rtz ctx))) ] in
269  let c3 = (Boolean.mk_and ctx args2) in
270  let and_args = [ (Boolean.mk_not ctx (mk_is_zero ctx y)) ;
271				   (Boolean.mk_not ctx (mk_is_nan ctx y)) ;
272				   (Boolean.mk_not ctx (mk_is_infinite ctx y)) ] in
273  let args3 = [ c3 ; (Boolean.mk_and ctx and_args) ] in
274  let c4 = (Boolean.mk_and ctx args3) in
275  (Printf.printf "c4: %s\n" (Expr.to_string c4)) ;
276  (
277    let solver = (mk_solver ctx None) in
278	(Solver.add solver [ c4 ]) ;
279    if (check solver []) != SATISFIABLE then
280      raise (TestFailedException "")
281    else
282      Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
283  );
285  (*  Show that the following are equal: *)
286  (* (fp #b0 #b10000000001 #xc000000000000)  *)
287  (* ((_ to_fp 11 53) #x401c000000000000)) *)
288  (* ((_ to_fp 11 53) RTZ 1.75 2))) *)
289  (* ((_ to_fp 11 53) RTZ 7.0))) *)
290  let c1 = (mk_fp ctx (mk_numeral_string ctx "0" (BitVector.mk_sort ctx 1))
291                      (mk_numeral_string ctx "1025" (BitVector.mk_sort ctx 11))
292 		      (mk_numeral_string ctx "3377699720527872" (BitVector.mk_sort ctx 52))) in
293  let c2 = (mk_to_fp_bv ctx
294			  (mk_numeral_string ctx "4619567317775286272" (BitVector.mk_sort ctx 64))
295			  (mk_sort ctx 11 53)) in
296  let c3 = (mk_to_fp_int_real ctx
297			  (RoundingMode.mk_rtz ctx)
298                          (mk_numeral_string ctx "2" (Integer.mk_sort ctx))
299			  (mk_numeral_string ctx "1.75" (Real.mk_sort ctx))
300			  (FloatingPoint.mk_sort ctx 11 53)) in
301  let c4 = (mk_to_fp_real ctx (RoundingMode.mk_rtz ctx)
302			  (mk_numeral_string ctx "7.0" (Real.mk_sort ctx))
303			  (FloatingPoint.mk_sort ctx 11 53)) in
304  let args3 = [ (mk_eq ctx c1 c2) ;
305				(mk_eq ctx c1 c3) ;
306				(mk_eq ctx c1 c4) ] in
307  let c5 = (Boolean.mk_and ctx args3) in
308  (Printf.printf "c5: %s\n" (Expr.to_string c5)) ;
309  (
310    let solver = (mk_solver ctx None) in
311	(Solver.add solver [ c5 ]) ;
312    if (check solver []) != SATISFIABLE then
313	  raise (TestFailedException "")
314    else
315	  Printf.printf "Test passed.\n"
316  )
318let _ =
319  try (
320    if not (Log.open_ "z3.log") then
321      raise (TestFailedException "Log couldn't be opened.")
322    else
323      (
324	Printf.printf "Running Z3 version %s\n" Version.to_string ;
325	Printf.printf "Z3 full version string: %s\n" Version.full_version ;
326	let cfg = [("model", "true"); ("proof", "false")] in
327	let ctx = (mk_context cfg) in
328	let is = (Symbol.mk_int ctx 42) in
329	let ss = (Symbol.mk_string ctx "mySymbol") in
330	let bs = (Boolean.mk_sort ctx) in
331	let ints = (Integer.mk_sort ctx) in
332        let rs = (Real.mk_sort ctx) in
333	let v = (Arithmetic.Integer.mk_numeral_i ctx 8000000000) in
334	Printf.printf "int symbol: %s\n" (Symbol.to_string is);
335	Printf.printf "string symbol: %s\n" (Symbol.to_string ss);
336	Printf.printf "bool sort: %s\n" (Sort.to_string bs);
337	Printf.printf "int sort: %s\n" (Sort.to_string ints);
338	Printf.printf "real sort: %s\n" (Sort.to_string rs);
339	Printf.printf "integer: %s\n" (Expr.to_string v);
340	basic_tests ctx ;
341	quantifier_example1 ctx ;
342	fpa_example ctx ;
343	Printf.printf "Disposing...\n";
344	Gc.full_major ()
345      );
346    Printf.printf "Exiting.\n" ;
347    exit 0
348  ) with Error(msg) -> (
349    Printf.printf "Z3 EXCEPTION: %s\n" msg ;
350    exit 1
351  )