1 use {
2     proc_macro2,
3     quote::quote,
4     syn::LitStr,
5 };
7 /// The lazy static regex building code, which is produced and
8 /// inserted by all lazy-regex macros
9 pub(crate) struct RegexCode {
10     pub regex: regex::Regex,
11     pub build: proc_macro2::TokenStream,
12 }
14 impl From<LitStr> for RegexCode {
from(lit_str: LitStr) -> Self15     fn from(lit_str: LitStr) -> Self {
16         let regex_string = lit_str.value();
17         let mut case_insensitive = false;
18         let mut multi_line = false;
19         let mut dot_matches_new_line = false;
20         let mut ignore_whitespace = false;
21         let mut swap_greed = false;
22         for ch in lit_str.suffix().chars() {
23             match ch {
24                 'i' => case_insensitive = true,
25                 'm' => multi_line = true,
26                 's' => dot_matches_new_line = true,
27                 'x' => ignore_whitespace = true,
28                 'U' => swap_greed = true,
29                 _ => {
30                     panic!("unrecognized regex flag {:?}", ch);
31                 }
32             };
33         }
35         // the next line prevents compilation if the
36         // literal is invalid as a regular expression
37         let regex = regex::Regex::new(&regex_string).unwrap();
39         let build = quote! {{
40             lazy_regex::Lazy::new(|| {
41                 //println!("compiling regex {:?}", #regex_string);
42                 let mut builder = lazy_regex::RegexBuilder::new(#regex_string);
43                 builder.case_insensitive(#case_insensitive);
44                 builder.multi_line(#multi_line);
45                 builder.dot_matches_new_line(#dot_matches_new_line);
46                 builder.ignore_whitespace(#ignore_whitespace);
47                 builder.swap_greed(#swap_greed);
48                 builder.build().unwrap()
49             })
50         }};
52         Self { regex, build }
53     }
54 }