2 /* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
3  * Copyright (C) 2013-2021 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
4  * written by Iain Buclaw
5  * http://www.digitalmars.com
6  * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
7  * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
8  * https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/target.h
9  */
11 #pragma once
13 // This file contains a data structure that describes a back-end target.
14 // At present it is incomplete, but in future it should grow to contain
15 // most or all target machine and target O/S specific information.
16 #include "globals.h"
17 #include "tokens.h"
19 class ClassDeclaration;
20 class Dsymbol;
21 class Expression;
22 class FuncDeclaration;
23 class Parameter;
24 class Statement;
25 class Type;
26 class TypeFunction;
27 class TypeTuple;
28 struct OutBuffer;
30 struct TargetC
31 {
32     unsigned longsize;            // size of a C 'long' or 'unsigned long' type
33     unsigned long_doublesize;     // size of a C 'long double'
34     Type *twchar_t;               // C 'wchar_t' type
35 };
37 struct TargetCPP
38 {
39     bool reverseOverloads;    // with dmc and cl, overloaded functions are grouped and in reverse order
40     bool exceptions;          // set if catching C++ exceptions is supported
41     bool twoDtorInVtable;     // target C++ ABI puts deleting and non-deleting destructor into vtable
43     const char *toMangle(Dsymbol *s);
44     const char *typeInfoMangle(ClassDeclaration *cd);
45     const char *thunkMangle(FuncDeclaration *fd, int offset);
46     const char *typeMangle(Type *t);
47     Type *parameterType(Parameter *p);
48     bool fundamentalType(const Type *t, bool& isFundamental);
49     unsigned derivedClassOffset(ClassDeclaration *baseClass);
50 };
52 struct TargetObjC
53 {
54     bool supported;     // set if compiler can interface with Objective-C
55 };
57 struct Target
58 {
59     // D ABI
60     unsigned ptrsize;
61     unsigned realsize;           // size a real consumes in memory
62     unsigned realpad;            // 'padding' added to the CPU real size to bring it up to realsize
63     unsigned realalignsize;      // alignment for reals
64     unsigned classinfosize;      // size of 'ClassInfo'
65     unsigned long long maxStaticDataSize;  // maximum size of static data
67     // C ABI
68     TargetC c;
70     // C++ ABI
71     TargetCPP cpp;
73     // Objective-C ABI
74     TargetObjC objc;
76     template <typename T>
77     struct FPTypeProperties
78     {
79         real_t max;
80         real_t min_normal;
81         real_t nan;
82         real_t snan;
83         real_t infinity;
84         real_t epsilon;
86         d_int64 dig;
87         d_int64 mant_dig;
88         d_int64 max_exp;
89         d_int64 min_exp;
90         d_int64 max_10_exp;
91         d_int64 min_10_exp;
92     };
94     FPTypeProperties<float> FloatProperties;
95     FPTypeProperties<double> DoubleProperties;
96     FPTypeProperties<real_t> RealProperties;
98 private:
99     Type *tvalist;
101 public:
102     void _init(const Param& params);
103     // Type sizes and support.
104     unsigned alignsize(Type *type);
105     unsigned fieldalign(Type *type);
106     Type *va_listType(const Loc &loc, Scope *sc);  // get type of va_list
107     int isVectorTypeSupported(int sz, Type *type);
108     bool isVectorOpSupported(Type *type, TOK op, Type *t2 = NULL);
109     // ABI and backend.
110     LINK systemLinkage();
111     TypeTuple *toArgTypes(Type *t);
112     bool isReturnOnStack(TypeFunction *tf, bool needsThis);
113     Expression *getTargetInfo(const char* name, const Loc& loc);
114     bool libraryObjectMonitors(FuncDeclaration *fd, Statement *fbody);
115 };
117 extern Target target;