1 /**
2  * Copyright (c) Glow Contributors. See CONTRIBUTORS file.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 /**
18  * Contributed by Xperi Corporation on August 13, 2019
19  */
21 #ifndef X_INFERENCE_LIB_H
22 #define X_INFERENCE_LIB_H
24 #include <stdint.h>
25 #include <stdlib.h>
28 #include "x_perf_monitor.h"
31 /// Successful return
32 #define X_SUCCESS (0)
33 /// Failure
34 #define X_FAILURE (-1)
36 /// Inference function pointer type.
37 typedef void (*InferenceFunctionPtr_t)(uint8_t *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *);
39 /// The symbol table entry for Glow bundle symbols.
40 struct SymbolTableEntry {
41   const char *name;
42   uint64_t offset;
43   uint64_t size;
44   char kind;
45 };
47 /// The Glow bundle config structure.
48 struct BundleConfig {
49   uint64_t constWeightVarsMemsize;
50   uint64_t mutWeightVarsMemsize;
51   uint64_t activationMemsize;
52   uint64_t alignment;
53   uint64_t numSymbols;
54   const struct SymbolTableEntry *symbols;
55 };
57 /// The runtime data structure.
58 struct RuntimeData {
59   /// Pointer to the location of constant weights in memory.
60   uint8_t *constWeights;
61   /// Pointer to the location of mutable weights in memory.
62   uint8_t *mutWeights;
63   /// Pointer to the location of activations in memory.
64   uint8_t *activations;
65   /// The inference function
66   InferenceFunctionPtr_t inferenceFunc;
67   /// Offset of the input tensor in memory
68   size_t inputOffset;
69   /// Offset of the output tensor in memory
70   size_t outputOffset;
73   /// Performance statistics
74   struct PerfStatistics ps;
75   /// Should we monitor performance?
76   int doPerfMonitoring;
78 };
80 /// Inference IO metadata
81 struct InferenceIO {
82   /// Pointer to the input data
83   void *input;
84   /// Pointer to location of output buffer
85   void *output;
86   /// Should input memory be deallocated (yes if we allocated it, no if we were
87   /// passed a pointer to a previously allocated region)
88   int cleanupInput;
89   /// Should output memory be deallocated (yes if we allocated it, no if we were
90   /// passed a pointer to a previously allocated region)
91   int cleanupOutput;
92   /// Input data length
93   size_t inLen;
94   /// Output data length
95   size_t outLen;
96   /// Batch size
97   size_t batchSize;
98 };
100 /// Network metadata
101 struct NetworkData {
102   /// The Glow bundle config
103   struct BundleConfig *bundleConfig;
104   /// Name of the input tensor
105   char *inputTensorName;
106   /// Name of the output tensor
107   char *outputTensorName;
108   /// Name of the weights file
109   char *weightsFileName;
110   /// Inference function
111   InferenceFunctionPtr_t inferenceFunction;
112   /// Should we monitor performance?
113   int doPerfMonitoring;
114 };
116 /// Initialize runtime data \p runtimeData given the network metadata \p
117 /// networkData. \returns X_SUCCESS on success, X_FAILURE on failure.
118 int initRuntimeData(const struct NetworkData *networkData,
119                     struct RuntimeData *runtimeData);
121 /// Initialize inference IO metadata given pointers to the IO memory \p inMMap
122 /// and \p outMMap. \p inMMap may be null, then memory is allocated (and
123 /// deallocated when done). \p outMMap may be null, then memory is allocated
124 /// (and deallocated when done). If \p inMMap and \p outMMap are not null, IO
125 /// memory is not allocated/deallocated. returns X_SUCCESS on success, X_FAILURE
126 /// on failure.
127 int initIO(struct InferenceIO *iio, void *inMMap, void *outMMap);
129 /// Clean up the runtime data \p runtimeData, which ammounts to deallocating
130 /// allocated resources.
131 void cleanupRuntimeData(struct RuntimeData *runtimeData);
133 /// Clean up inference IO \p io, which ammounts to deallocating allocated
134 /// resources.
135 void cleanupIO(struct InferenceIO *io);
137 /// Run the inference given Inference IO \p iio and the runtime data \p
138 /// runtimeData.
139 void runInference(const struct InferenceIO *iio,
140                   struct RuntimeData *runtimeData);
142 #endif // X_INFERENCE_LIB_H