1% Modifications to tree.tex by D. Roegel, for desc-tex2
2% -----------------------------------------------------
4% (compare with the original file to see changes)
6% 16 January 1995 D. Roegel (roegel@loria.fr)
8% There are now six kinds of \subtree nodes:
10%   These nodes are boxes which are marked through a distinct
11%   very small depth. This correspond to a dirty trick
12%   mentionned in Appendix D of the TeXbook.
14%    \subtree{normal}                     (depth 0sp)
16%    \subtree{unframed;rules:right}       (depth 5sp)
18%    \subtree{unframed;rules:left,right}  (depth 1sp)
20%    \subtree{unframed;rules:left}        (depth 3sp)
22%    \subtree{framed;rules:right}         (depth 2sp)
24%    \subtree{unframed;norules}           (depth 4sp)
26%    Case ``unframed;rules:left'' is normally never needed
27%    and remains for historical reasons.
30%  Note that 1sp is very small since 65536x72.27sp=2.54cm
32% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
33% Old documentation
35%              Tree -- a macro to make aligned (horizontal) trees in TeX
37%    Input is of the form
38%        \tree
39%           item
40%           \subtree
41%              \leaf{item}
42%                 .
43%                 .
44%                 .
45%           \endsubtree
46%           \subtree
47%              .
48%              .
49%              .
50%           \endsubtree
51%        \endsubtree
52%     \endtree
54%    Nesting is to any level.  \leaf is defined as a subtree of one item:
55% \def\leaf#1{\subtree#1\endsubtree}.
57%    A structure:
58%       \subtree
59%          item_part1
60%          item_part2
61%               .
62%               .
63%               .
65% will print item_part2 directly below item_part1 as a single item
66% as if they were in a \box.
68%    The macro is a 3-pass macro.  On the first pass it sets up a data
69% structure from the \subtree ... \endsubtree definitions.  On the second pass
70% it recursively calculates the width of each level of the tree.  On the third
71% pass it sets up the boxes, glue and rules.
73%    By David Eppstein, TUGboat, vol. 6 (1985), no. 1, pp. 31--35.
74%    Transcribed by Margaret Kromer (peg), Feb., 1986.
76%             Pass 1
77% At the end of pass 1, the tree is coded as a nested collection of \hboxes
78% and \vboxes.
81% Some new things:
97\def\tree#1{\message{Begin tree}\treeboxcnt=1\global\setbox\treebox=\boxtree{#1}}
98\def\subtree#1{\ettext \advance\treeboxcnt by 1 \boxtree{#1}}
100\def\endsubtree{\ettext \egroup \advance\treeboxcnt-1{}%
101             \ifnum\treeboxcnt=-1 \treeerrora\fi}
102\def\endtree{\endsubtree \ifnum\treeboxcnt>0 \treeerrorb\fi%
103             \settreesizes \typesettree\message{-- end tree}}
104% Error messages for unbalanced tree
106             \errmessage{Unbalanced tree -- too many endsubtrees}}
107\newhelp\treeerrorahelp{There are more subtrees closed than opened}
109             \errmessage{Unbalanced tree -- not enough endsubtrees}}
110\newhelp\treeerrorbhelp{Not all the subtrees of the tree are closed.
111If you continue, you'll get some mysterious secondary errors.}
112%        Set up \vbox containing root of tree
113\newif\iftreetext\treetextfalse         % Whether still aligning text
114\def\boxtree#1{\hbox\bgroup               % Start outer box of tree or subtree
115  \baselineskip 2.5ex                   % Narrow line spacing slightly
116  \tabskip 0pt                          % No spurious glue in alignment
117  %\kern\framerule
118  %\kern\framesep
119  \vbox\bgroup                          % Start inner text \vbox
120  \kern\framerule
121  \kern\framesep
122% Some new things:
123  \ifequal{#1}{unframed;rules:left,right}\dontframetrue\fi
124  \ifequal{#1}{framed;rules:right}\nolinklefttrue\fi
125  \ifequal{#1}{unframed;rules:left}\nolinkrighttrue\fi
126  \ifequal{#1}{unframed;norules}\nothingtrue\fi
127  \ifequal{#1}{unframed;rules:right}\rootandsecondfamtrue\fi
128  \treetexttrue                         % Remember for \ettext
129  \let\par\crcr \obeylines              % New line breaks without explicit \cr
130  \halign\bgroup##\hfil\cr}             % Start alignment with simple template
131\def\ettext{\iftreetext                 % Are we still in inner text \vbox?
132  \crcr\egroup
133% Some new things:
134  \kern\framesep
135  \kern\framerule
136    % various depths are added when some flags are set:
137    \ifdontframe\hrule height0ptwidth0ptdepth1sp\fi
138    \dontframefalse
139    \ifnolinkleft\hrule height0ptwidth0ptdepth2sp\fi
140    \nolinkleftfalse
141    \ifnolinkright\hrule height0ptwidth0ptdepth3sp\fi
142    \nolinkrightfalse
143    \ifnothing\hrule height0ptwidth0ptdepth4sp\fi
144    \nothingfalse
145    \ifrootandsecondfam\hrule height0ptwidth0ptdepth5sp\fi
146    \rootandsecondfamfalse
147  \egroup
148  \hskip\frameseprule\relax
149  %\hskip\framerule\relax
150  \fi}             % Yes, end alignment and box
151%             Pass 2
152% Recursively calculate widths of tree with \setsizes; keep results in
153% \treesizes; \treewidth contains total width calculated so far.  \treeworkbox
154% is workspace containing subtree being sized.
156\def\cons#1#2{\edef#2{\xmark #1#2}}     % Add something to start of list
157\def\car#1{\expandafter\docar#1\docar}  % Take first element of list
158\def\docar\xmark#1\xmark#2\docar{#1}    % ..by ignoring rest in expansion
159\def\cdr#1{\expandafter\docdr#1\docdr#1}% Similarly, drop first element
160\def\docdr\xmark#1\xmark#2\docdr#3{\def#3{\xmark #2}}
161\def\xmark{\noexpand\xmark}             % List separator expands to self
162\def\nil{\xmark}                        % Empty list is just separator
164              \global\let\treesizes\nil \setsizes}
165\newdimen\treewidth                     % Width of this part of the tree
166\def\setsizes{\setbox\treeworkbox=\hbox\bgroup% Get a horiz list as a workspace
167  \unhbox\treeworkbox\unskip            % Take tree, unpack it into horiz list
168  \inittreewidth                        % Get old width at this level
169  \sizesubtrees                         % Recurse through all subtrees
170  \sizelevel                            % Now set width from remaining \vbox
171  \egroup}                              % All done, finish our \hbox
172\def\inittreewidth{\ifx\treesizes\nil   % If this is the first at this level
173    \treewidth=0pt                      % ..then we have no previous max width
174 \else \treewidth=\car\treesizes        % Otherwise take old max level width
175   \global\cdr\treesizes                % ..and advance level width storage
176   \fi}                                 % ..in preparation for next level.
177\def\sizesubtrees{\loop                 % For each box in horiz list (subtree)
178  \setbox\treeworkbox=\lastbox \unskip  % ..pull it off list and flush glue
179  \ifhbox\treeworkbox \setsizes         % If hbox, it's a subtree - recurse
180  \repeat}                              % ..and loop; end loop on tree text
182  \ifdim\treewidth<\wd\treeworkbox      % If greater than previous maximum
183  \treewidth=\wd\treeworkbox \fi        % Then set max to new high
184 \global\cons{\the\treewidth}\treesizes}% In either case, put back on list
185%             Pass 3
186% Recursively typeset tree with \maketree by adding an \hbox containing
187% a subtree (in \treebox) to the horizontal list.
188\newdimen\treeheight                    % Height of this part of the tree
189\newif\ifleaf                           % Tree has no subtrees (is a leaf)
190\newif\ifbotsub                         % Bottom subtree of parent
191\newif\iftopsub                         % Top subtree of parent
192\def\typesettree{\medskip\maketree\medskip}  % Make whole tree
193\def\maketree{\hbox{\treewidth=\car\treesizes  % Get width at this level
194  \cdr\treesizes                        % Set up width list for recursion
195  \makesubtreebox\unskip                % Set \treebox to text, make subtrees
196  \ifleaf \makeleaf                     % No subtrees, add glue
197  \else \makeparent\fi}}                % Have subtrees, stick them at right
198{\catcode`@=11                          % Be able to use \voidb@x
199\gdef\makesubtreebox{\unhbox\treebox    % Open up tree or subtree
200  \unskip\global\setbox\treebox\lastbox % Pick up very last box
201  \ifvbox\treebox                       % If we're already at the \vbox
202    \global\leaftrue \let\next\relax    % ..then this is a leaf
203  \else \botsubtrue                     % Otherwise, we have subtrees
204    \setbox\treeworkbox\box\voidb@x     % Init stack of processed subs
205    \botsubtrue \let\next\makesubtree   % ..and call \maketree on them
206  \fi \next}}                           % Finish up for whichever it was
207\def\makesubtree{\setbox1\maketree      % Call \maketree on this subtree
208  \unskip\global\setbox\treebox\lastbox % Pick up box before it
209  \treeheight=\ht1                      % Get height of subtree we made
210  \advance\treeheight 2ex               % Add some room around the edges
211  \ifhbox\treebox \topsubfalse          % If picked up box is a \vbox,
212    \else \topsubtrue \fi               % ..this is the top, otherwise not
213  \addsubtreebox                        % Stack subtree with the rest
214  \iftopsub \global\leaffalse           % If top, remember not a leaf
215    \let\next\relax \else           % ..(after recursion), set return
216    \botsubfalse \let\next\makesubtree  % Otherwise, we have more subtrees
217  \fi \next}                         % Do tail recursion or return
219        \setbox\treeworkbox=\vbox{\subtreebox\unvbox\treeworkbox}}
220\def\subtreebox{\hbox\bgroup            % Start \hbox of tree and lines
221  \ifdim\dp1=2sp\def\norules{1}%
222  \else\def\norules{0}%
223  \fi
224  \vbox to \treeheight\bgroup           % Start \vbox for vertical rules
225    \ifbotsub \iftopsub \vfil           % If both bottom and top subtree
226        \if\norules1%
227           \hrule height0pt width 0.4pt
228        \else
229           \hrule width 0.4pt           % ..vertical rule is just a dot
230        \fi
231     \else \treehalfrule{\norules}\fi \vfil      % Bottom gets half-height rule
232    \else \iftopsub
233             \vfil \treehalfrule{\norules}% Top gets half-height the other way
234     \else \if\norules1\hrule width 0.4pt height 0pt\kern\treeheight
235           \else
236               \hrule width 0.4pt height \treeheight
237           \fi
238      \fi\fi % Middle, full height
239    \egroup                             % Finish vertical rule \vbox
240  %\treectrbox{\hrule width 1em}\hskip 0.2em\treectrbox{\box1}\egroup}
241% Some new things:
242  \if\norules1%
243    \treectrbox{\hrule width 1em height0pt}%
244  \else
245    \treectrbox{\hrule width 1em}%
246  \fi
247  \treectrbox{\box1
248                     % this rule enforces the depth to be 0pt,
249                     % and avoids transmission of this depth
250                     % towards the left
251                              \hrule width0ptheight0ptdepth0pt
252                              }\egroup}
254                   \ifdim\dp0=2sp
255                     \gdef\newdp{2}%
256                   \else
257                     \gdef\newdp{0}%
258                   \fi
259                   \ifdim\dp0=1sp\gdef\newdp{1}\fi
260                   \vbox to \treeheight{\vfil\box0\vfil
261                                     \hrule width0ptheight0ptdepth\newdp sp}}}
262\def\treehalfrule#1{\dimen\treeworkbox=\treeheight   % Get total height
263  \divide\dimen\treeworkbox 2%
264  \advance\dimen\treeworkbox 0.2pt      % Divide by two, add half horiz height
265  \if#11\hrule width 0.4pt height 0pt\kern\dimen\treeworkbox
266  \else \hrule width 0.4pt height \dimen\treeworkbox
267  \fi
268       }% Make a vertical rule that high
269% Some new things:
270% The frame is partly put *inside* the box, since we do not want
271% to change the dimensions of the resulting box (see \ettext)
274                             \vbox{\kern\framerule\kern\framesep
275                                   \box\treebox
276                                   \kern\framerule\kern\framesep
277                                   #1}%
278                             \kern\framerule\kern\framesep}}
280              \ifdepth{2}{2}{0}%
281              \ifdepth{1}{1}{1}%
282              \ifdepth{3}{1}{3}%
283              \ifdepth{4}{2}{3}%
284              \ifdepth{5}{2}{3}%
285              \ifdim\dp\treebox=1sp
286                 \noframedtreebox{}%
287              \else
288                  \if\newdpl3
289                     \ifdim\dp\treebox=5sp\gdef\newdpl{0}\fi
290                     \noframedtreebox{\hrule height0ptwidth0ptdepth\newdp sp}%
291                  \else
292                       \vbox{\hrule
293                             \hbox{\vrule\kern\framesep
294                                   \vbox{%\kern\framesep
295                                         \box\treebox
296                                         %\kern\framesep
297                                        }%
298                                   \kern\framesep
299                                   \vrule
300                                  }%
301                             \hrule
302                             \hrule height0ptwidth0ptdepth\newdp sp
303                            }%
304                  \fi
305              \fi
306              }%            % Add leaf box to horiz list
307% This is an alternative definition giving braces:
309%\def\makeleaf{\box\treebox}% original definition
311    \ht\treeworkbox                     % If text is higher than subtrees
312    \treeheight=\ht\treebox             % ..use that height
313  \else \treeheight=\ht\treeworkbox \fi % Otherwise use height of subtrees
314  \advance\treewidth-\wd\treebox        % Take remainder of level width
315  \advance\treewidth 1em                % ..after accounting for text and glue
316  %\treectrbox{\box\treebox}\hskip 0.2em % Add text, space before connection
317  \treectrbox{\makeleaf}%\hskip 0.2em
318  \if\newdpl3%
319     \treectrbox{\hrule height 0pt width \treewidth}%
320  \else
321     \treectrbox{\hrule height 0.4pt width \treewidth}%
322  \fi
323  \treectrbox{\box\treeworkbox}}        % Add \hrule, subs