1 /* GNU Talkfilters
2    Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4    This file is part of GNU Talkfilters
6    GNU Talkfilters is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
8    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
9    your option) any later version.
11    This software is distributed in the hope that it will be amusing, but
12    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14    General Public License for more details.
16    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17    along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
18    Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19 */
21 %option prefix="cockney_yy"
22 %option outfile="lex.yy.c"
23 %option noyywrap
24 %option nowarn
26 /*
27  * ken:
28  * will turn English into Cockney, featuring (dubious) rhyming slang for a lot
29  * of computer terminology.
30  *
31  * Written by Stephen K Mulrine <smulrine%cs.strath.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk>
32  * Make copies if you want etc.etc.
33  *
34  * Contacted author in June 2001, asked him to clarify the license, he replied
35  * with some improvements and placed the program in the public domain.
36  *         -- Edward Betts <edward@debian.org> Mon, 11 Jun 2001 12:04:29 +0100
37  *
38  * ken is named after Ken the Chirpy Cockney Character from the Viz Comic (tm),
39  * who speaks somewhat like that.
40  */
43 %e 3000
44 %p 6000
45 %n 1000
46 %k 500
47 %a 4000
48 %o 2000
50 %{
52 #include "common.h"
53 #include "talkfilters.h"
55 #define YY_DECL int yylex(gtf_databuf_t *buf)
57 %}
59 WB      [\n\t ]
60 WC	[A-Za-z'0-9]
61 NW	[^A-Za-z'0-9]
62 EOT	\4
64 %s NIW INW
66 %%
70 \<(\/)?[A-Za-z][^\>]*\>      gtf_echo(); // don't damage HTML tags
72 [Tt]alk/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("go on");
73 [Tt]alked/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("went on");
74 [Tt]alking/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("goin' on");
75 [Aa]s{WB}soon/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("soon");
76 [Gg]oing{WB}to/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("gonna");
77 [Aa]{WB}try/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("a go");
78 [Oo][Kk]"."		|
79 [Ff]ine/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("not so bad");
80 Take/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("'Ave");
81 take/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("'ave");
82 Take{WB}a{WB}look/{NW}	|
83 Look/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("'Ave a look");
84 take{WB}a{WB}look/{NW}	|
85 look/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("'ave a look");
86 [Hh]onestly/{NW}	|
87 [Ss]eriously/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("straight up");
88 seam/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("join");
89 [Gg]ood/{NW}		{ if(gtf_random(3) == 0)
90 			    gtf_puts_case("right good");
91 			  else
92 			    gtf_echo();
93 			}
94 [Ll]end{WB}me/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("borrow us");
95 [Ll]end/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("borrow");
96 [Gg]ive{WB}me/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("give us");
97 [Gg]ive{WB}up/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("give over");
98 [Pp]ut{WB}it/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("stick it");
99 [Pp]ut{WB}those/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("stick those");
100 [Pp]ut{WB}them/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("stick 'em");
101 [Dd]iscussion		gtf_puts_case("chat"); BEGIN(INW);
102 [Tt]ry({WB}it)?/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("give it a go");
103 [Oo]ur/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("us");
104 [Ss]aw/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("seen");
105 [Ss]ee/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("spot");
106 [Ss]ees/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("spots");
107 [Aa]{WB}lot/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("a bit");
108 [Ll]ots{WB}of/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("a bit a'");
109 [Aa]nyway/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("any road, so");
110 [Aa]nyhow/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("any road");
111 Around/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("'Round");
112 around/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("'round");
113 [Pp]ants/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("kegs");
114 [Cc]lothes/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("kit");
115 [Ss]occer/{NW}		|
116 [Ff]ootball/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("footie");
117 [Yy](ou{WB}|')all/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("you lot");
118 [Nn]ude/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("buff");
119 [Nn]aked/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("stark bloody naked");
120 [Pp]laying({WB}around)?/{NW} |
121 [Hh]aving{WB}fun/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("messing");
122 [Cc]lassy/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("posh");
123 [Gg]et/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("cop");
124 [Gg]etting/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("copping");
125 [Gg]et{WB}me/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("get us");
126 [Dd]own/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("dahn");
127 [Dd]ownstairs/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("down the apples and pears");
128 [Ee]yes/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("mince pies");
129 [Pp]erhaps/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("peraps");
130 [Ss]tairs/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("apples and pears");
131 [Tt]own/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("tahn");
132 [Uu]pstairs/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("up the apples and pears");
133 [Pp]olice/{NW}		|
134 [Cc]ops/{NW}		|
135 [Pp]olice(wo)?men/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("bobbies");
136 [Cc]op/{NW}		|
137 [Pp]olice(wo)?man/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("bobby");
138 [Ss]uit/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("whistle and flute");
139 [Pp]rofessional		|
140 [Ee]xpert		gtf_puts_case("ace"); BEGIN(INW);
141 [Ll]ove			gtf_puts_case("luv"); BEGIN(INW);
142 [Cc]lean		gtf_puts_case("tidy"); BEGIN(INW);
143 [Mm]outh/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("North and South");
144 [Ff]ace/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("boat race");
145 [Tt]rouble/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("Barney Rubble");
146 [Ww]ife/{NW}		{ switch(gtf_random(2))
147 			    {
148 			    case 0: gtf_puts_case("trouble and strife"); break;
149 			    case 1: gtf_puts_case("ole lady"); break;
150 		 	    }
151 			}
152 [Rr]oad/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("frog and toad");
153 [Pp]ub/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("rub-a-dub");
154 [Pp]ubs/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("rub-a-dubs");
155 [Bb]ar/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("boozer");
156 [Bb]ars/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("boozers");
157 [Hh]usband/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("ole man");
158 [Pp]arty		gtf_puts_case("knees-up");
159 [Pp]arties/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("knees-ups");
160 [Mm]y/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("me");
161 [Yy]ou/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("yer");
162 [Yy]ou({WB}are|r)?	gtf_puts_case("yor");
163 [Yy]ou({WB}a|')re/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("yor");
164 [Tt]hose/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("them");
165 [Tt]he/{NW}		{ switch(gtf_random(5))
166 			    {
167 		            case 0: gtf_puts_case("the bleedin'"); break;
168 			    case 1: gtf_puts_case("the bloody"); break;
169 			    case 2: gtf_puts_case("the bloomin'"); break;
170 			    case 3: gtf_puts_case("the chuffin'"); break;
171 			    default: gtf_echo();
172 			    }
173 			}
174 [Tt]his			gtf_echo(); BEGIN(INW);
175 [Tt]hat			gtf_echo(); BEGIN(INW);
176 [Tt]hus/{NW}		|
177 [Hh]ence/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("so");
178 [Tt]han			gtf_echo(); BEGIN(INW);
179 [Ww]ho			gtf_echo(); BEGIN(INW);
180 old/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("ole");
181 to/{NW}			gtf_puts("ter");
182 [Ww]hat			gtf_puts_case("wot"); BEGIN(INW);
183 [Ww]as/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("were");
184 [Aa]ren't{WB}you/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("Aintcha ");
185 [Aa]ren't/{NW}		|
186 [Aa]re{WB}not/{NW}	|
187 [Ii]s({WB}no|n')t/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("Ain't");
188 [Ww]hat({WB}i|')s{WB}that/{NW} gtf_puts_case("wossat");
189 [Ww]hat({WB}i|')s/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("woss");
190 [Ww]hat({WB}a|')re{WB}you(r)?/{NW} |
191 [Ww]hat{WB}you({WB}a|')re/{NW}     |
192 [Ww]hat{WB}do{WB}you(r)?/{NW} gtf_puts_case("wotcher");
193 [Ww]atch{WB}it/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("wotchit");
194 [Ii]({WB}a|')m/{NW}	{ switch(gtf_random(2))
195 			  { case 0: gtf_puts_case("I'm bloody well"); break;
196 			    default: gtf_echo();
197                           }
198 			}
199 [Ww]hat{WB}is{WB}th	gtf_puts_case("Woss"); BEGIN(INW);
200 [Ww]hat{WB}you({WB}a|')re/{NW} gtf_puts_case("wotcher");
201 [Ww]hat{WB}(are|do){WB}you(r)?	gtf_puts_case("wotcher");
202 H[aeu]llo/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("'Allo");
203 h[aeu]llo/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("'allo");
204 [Ww]hat			gtf_puts_case("wot"); BEGIN(INW);
205 [Ww]ere/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("was");
206 [Bb]other		gtf_puts_case("ars"); BEGIN(INW);
207 [Bb]oys/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("fellas");
208 [Mm]other		gtf_puts_case("Muvver"); BEGIN(INW);
209 [Mm]om			gtf_puts_case("mum"); BEGIN(INW);
210 [Aa]rrest		|
211 [Ss]teal		|
212 [Bb]ust			gtf_puts_case("nick"); BEGIN(INW);
213 [Ss]tole(n)?/{NW}	|
214 [Hh]andcuffed/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("nicked");
215 [Hh]ell/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("hell fire");
216 [Uu]neployed/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("on dole");
217 [Rr]ude/{NW}		|
218 [Ss]assy/{NW}		|
219 [Ii]mpudent/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("cheeky");
220 [Tt]elephone/{NW}	|
221 [Pp]hone/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("dog and bone");
222 [Pp]erson		gtf_puts_case("bloke"); BEGIN(INW);
223 [Pp]eople		gtf_puts_case("blokes"); BEGIN(INW);
224 ([Aa]n{WB})?[Aa]merican/{NW} |
225 [Yy]ank(ee)?/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("a septic tank"); BEGIN(INW);
226 [Oo]ld{WB}man/{NW}	|
227 [Gg]entleman/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("geezer"); BEGIN(INW);
228 [Oo]ld{WB}men/{NW}	|
229 [Gg]entlemen/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("geezers"); BEGIN(INW);
230 [Gg]uy			gtf_puts_case("lad"); BEGIN(INW);
231 [Ss]omeone/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("some bloke");
232 [Ss]omebody/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("some geezer");
233 [Oo]ther		gtf_puts_case("uvver"); BEGIN(INW);
234 [Aa]nother		gtf_puts_case("aunuvver"); BEGIN(INW);
235 [Hh]i/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("oi");
236 [Ww]ow/{NW}		|
237 [Yy]ay/{NW}		|
238 [Yy]ahoo/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("cor");
239 [Hh]oora(y|h)/{NW}	|
240 [Yy]eehaw/{NW}		|
241 [Gg]eez/{NW}		|
242 [Gg]osh/{NW}		|
243 [Gg]olly/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("blimey");
244 [Hh]ey/{NW}		{ switch(gtf_random(2))
245 			  { case 0: gtf_puts_case("eh, up"); break;
246 			    case 1: gtf_puts_case("oi"); break;
247 			  }
248 			}
249 [Cc]ow/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("cah");
250 [Ss]tate{WB}of{WB}the{WB}art/{NW} gtf_puts_case("top o' the range");
251 [Ff]ather		gtf_puts_case("favver"); BEGIN(INW);
252 [Rr]ather/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("ravver");
253 [Ww]eather		gtf_puts_case("wevver"); BEGIN(INW);
254 [Ll]eather/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("Levver");
255 [Ww]ither/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("wivver");
256 [Ee]ither/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("eever");
257 [Ss]mart		gtf_puts_case("keen"); BEGIN(INW);
258 [Ww]ith			gtf_puts_case("wiv"); BEGIN(INW);
259 [Aa]nything/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("anyfink");
260 [Ss]omething/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("sumfink");
261 [Nn]othing/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("nuffink");
262 [Ee]verything/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("evryfink");
263 [Vv]ery/{NW}		|
264 [Rr]eally/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("right");
265 [Bb]other/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("bovver");
266 [Dd]umb			gtf_puts_case("daft"); BEGIN(INW);
267 [Cc]ool{WB}it/{NW}	|
268 [Cc]hill{WB}out/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("don't get a benny on");
269 [Ii]mmoral		|
270 [Cc]rude		gtf_puts_case("naughty"); BEGIN(INW);
271 [Pp]rofanity/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("naughty language");
272 [Ss]wear{WB}word	gtf_puts_case("naughty word"); BEGIN(INW);
273 [Gg]et{WB}over/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("grow out");
274 [Gg]ot{WB}over/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("grew out");
275 [Gg]otten{WB}over/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("grown out");
276 [Ss]uppose/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("s'pose");
277 [Kk]ind{WB}of/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("sort of");
278 [Dd]oesn't/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("don't");
279 [Gg]uitar(s)?/{NW}	|
280 [Dd]rum(s)?/{NW}	|
281 [Tt]rumpet(s)?/{NW}	|
282 [Vv]iolin(s)?/{NW}	|
283 [Cc]larinet(s)?/{NW}	|
284 [Tt]rombone(s)?/{NW}	|
285 [Oo]boe(s)?/{NW}	|
286 [Ff]lute(s)?/{NW}	|
287 [Tt]uba(s)?/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("spoons");
288 [Pp]iano/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("joanna");
290 [Dd]ata			gtf_puts_case("Info"); BEGIN(INW);
291 [Dd]irectory/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("Lockup");
292 [Dd]irectories/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("Lockups");
293 [Pp]rocess		{ switch(gtf_random(2))
294 			  {
295 			  case 0: gtf_puts_case("Queen Bess"); break;
296 			  case 1: gtf_puts_case("Rudolf 'Ess"); break;
297 			  }
298 			}
299 [Cc]omputer		gtf_puts_case("French Tutor"); BEGIN(INW);
300 [Bb]yte			gtf_puts_case("Jimmy White"); BEGIN(INW);
301 [Ff]iles		gtf_puts_case("Nobby Stiles"); BEGIN(INW);
302 [Ff]ile			gtf_puts_case("Royal Mile"); BEGIN(INW);
303 [Ll]anguage		gtf_puts_case("'Am Sandwich"); BEGIN(INW);
304 [Zz]ero			gtf_puts_case("Emperor Nero"); BEGIN(INW);
305 [Jj]ob			gtf_puts_case("Uncle Bob"); BEGIN(INW);
306 [Ss]hell		gtf_puts_case("Bow Bell"); BEGIN(INW);
307 [Ss]ave			gtf_puts_case("Chas'n'Dave"); BEGIN(INW);
308 [Ll]oad			gtf_puts_case("Old Kent Road"); BEGIN(INW);
309 [Mm]ouse		gtf_puts_case("Doll's 'Ouse"); BEGIN(INW);
310 [Bb]uffer		gtf_puts_case("Sausage Stuffer"); BEGIN(INW);
311 [Kk]eyboard		gtf_puts_case("Henry Ford"); BEGIN(INW);
312 [Mm]anual		gtf_puts_case("Cocker Spaniel"); BEGIN(INW);
313 [Ss]creen		gtf_puts_case("James Dean"); BEGIN(INW);
314 [Pp]rinter		gtf_puts_case("'Arold Pinter"); BEGIN(INW);
315 [Pp]lotter		gtf_puts_case("Pansy Potter"); BEGIN(INW);
316 [Cc]ompiler		gtf_puts_case("Martin Tyler"); BEGIN(INW);
317 [Ss]tring		gtf_puts_case("Emperor Ming"); BEGIN(INW);
318 [Bb]rain		gtf_puts_case("Michael Caine"); BEGIN(INW);
319 [Pp][Aa][Ss][Cc][Aa][Ll]/{NW} { switch(gtf_random(2))
320 			   {
321 			   case 0: gtf_puts_case("Pall Mall"); break;
322 			   case 1: gtf_puts_case("Roald Dahl"); break;
323 			   }
324 			 }
325 [Aa][Ll][Gg][Oo][Ll]/{NW} gtf_puts_case("Johnny Ball");
326 [Ff][Oo][Rr][Tt][Rr][Aa][Nn]/{NW} gtf_puts_case("Manfred Mann");
327 [Cc][Oo][Bb][Oo][Ll]/{NW} gtf_puts_case("Albert Hall");
328 C/{NW}			{ switch(gtf_random(4))
329 			    {
330 			    case 0: gtf_puts_case("Bruce Lee"); break;
331 			    case 1: gtf_puts_case("Circus Flea"); break;
332 			    case 2: gtf_puts_case("Bumble Bee"); break;
333 			    case 3: gtf_puts_case("Door Key"); break;
334 			    }
335 			}
336 [Jj]ava/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("Wot a palavah");
337 [Ww][aA][pP]/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("Pony and trap");
338 [Ll]oon(e)?y		|
339 [Ff]ruitcake		|
340 [Nn]utcase		gtf_puts_case("nutter"); BEGIN(INW);
341 [Bb]ook			gtf_puts_case("butcher's hook"); BEGIN(INW);
342 [Ss]topped/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("'Ad the mockers put on");
343 [Ss]topping/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("Putting the mockers on");
344 stops/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("puts the mockers on");
345 [Ss]top/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("put the mockers on");
346 [Ll]ondoner		gtf_puts_case("Cockney"); BEGIN(INW);
347 [Hh]			gtf_puts_case("'"); BEGIN(INW);
348 [Mm]ini(ature)?		|
349 [Tt]iny			|
350 [Ll]ittle		|
351 [Ss]mall		gtf_puts_case("wee"); BEGIN(INW);
352 [Mm]oney/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("brass");
353 [Pp]al/{NW}		|
354 [Bb]uddy/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("mate");
355 [Pp]als/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("mates");
356 [Ff]riend		{ switch(gtf_random(3))
357 			    {
358 			    case 0: gtf_puts_case("mucker"); break;
359 			    case 1: gtf_puts_case("mate"); break;
360 			    case 2: gtf_puts_case("china"); break;
361 		            }
362 			  BEGIN(INW);
363 			}
364 [Ww]oman/{NW}		{ switch(gtf_random(4))
365 			  { case 0: gtf_puts_case("bint"); break;
366 			    case 1: gtf_puts_case("cow"); break;
367 			    case 2: gtf_puts_case("lass"); break;
368 			    case 3: gtf_puts_case("tart"); break;
369 			  }
370 			}
371 [Ww]omen/{NW}		{ switch(gtf_random(4))
372 			  { case 0: gtf_puts_case("bints"); break;
373 			    case 1: gtf_puts_case("cows"); break;
374 			    case 2: gtf_puts_case("ruddy ladies"); break;
375 			    case 3: gtf_puts_case("tarts"); break;
376 			  }
377 			}
378 [Tt]hing		{ switch(gtf_random(2))
379                           { case 0: gtf_puts_case("fink");
380 			    case 1: gtf_puts_case("bugger");
381 			  }
382 			  BEGIN(INW);
383 			}
384 [Dd]evil		|
385 [Rr]ascal		|
386 [Aa]sshole		|
387 [Dd]ork			|
388 [Dd]olt			|
389 [Nn]erd			|
390 [Ii]diot		{ switch(gtf_random(6))
391 			  { case 0: gtf_puts_case("bog eyes"); break;
392 			    case 1: gtf_puts_case("poof"); break;
393 			    case 2: gtf_puts_case("git"); break;
394 			    case 3: gtf_puts_case("fairy"); break;
395 			    case 4: gtf_puts_case("tosser"); break;
396 			    case 5: gtf_puts_case("divvy"); break;
397 			  }
398 			  BEGIN(INW);
399 			}
400 [Bb]e{WB}quiet/{NW}	|
401 [Ss]hut{WB}up/{NW}	{ switch(gtf_random(2))
402 			  { case 0: gtf_puts_case("shut it"); break;
403 			    default: gtf_puts_case("Button it"); break;
404 			  }
405 			}
406 [Aa]l(l{WB})?right/{NW}	{ switch(gtf_random(3))
407 			  { case 0: gtf_puts_case("arright"); break;
408 			    case 1: gtf_puts_case("awright"); break;
409 			    case 2: gtf_puts_case("right"); break;
410 			  }
411 			}
412 [Cc]igarette		gtf_puts_case("fag"); BEGIN(INW);
413 [Gg]oing/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("gahn");
414 [Bb]ring		|
415 [Ss]ting		|
416 [Ss]wing		|
417 [CcFfSs]ling		|
418 [BbKkMmPpRrSsWw]ing	gtf_echo(); BEGIN(INW);
419 [Tt]here		|
420 [Tt]hey			|
421 [Tt]his			|
422 [Tt]hat			gtf_echo(); BEGIN(INW);
423 Th			gtf_puts("F"); BEGIN(INW);
424 [Mm]r"."/{NW}		gtf_puts("Guvnor");
425 [Ww]hy			|
426 [Ww]here		| gtf_echo(); BEGIN(INW);
427 [Ww]h			gtf_puts_case("W"); BEGIN(INW);
428 [Oo]f/{NW}		gtf_puts_case("o'");
430 {WC}			{ BEGIN(INW); gtf_echo(); }
432 }
434 <INW>{
436 [Aa]{WB}h	gtf_puts_case("an '");
437 aw		gtf_puts_case("or");
439 ing/{NW}	gtf_puts_case("in'"); BEGIN(NIW);
440 "."		{ switch(gtf_random(32))
441 		    {
442 		    case 0:
443 		      gtf_puts_case(". I'll get out me spoons.");
444 		      break;
445 		    case 1:
446 		      gtf_puts_case(". Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna.");
447 		      break;
448 		    case 2:
449 		      gtf_puts_case(". Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you.");
450 		      break;
451 		    case 3:
452 		      gtf_puts_case(". I'll make us all a nice cup a' tea.");
453 		      break;
454 		    case 4:
455 		      gtf_puts_case(", do wot Guvnor!");
456 		      break;
457 		    case 5:
458 		      gtf_puts_case(", right?");
459 		      break;
460 		    case 6:
461 		      gtf_puts_case(". Right.");
462 		      break;
463 		    case 7:
464 		    case 8:
465 		      gtf_puts_case(", i'n it?");
466 		      break;
467 		    default:
468 		      gtf_echo();
469 		    }
470 		  BEGIN(NIW);
471 		}
472 "?"		{ if(gtf_random(3) == 0)
473 		    gtf_puts(", isit?");
474 		  else
475 		    {
476 		    switch(gtf_random(4))
477 		      {
478 		      case 0: gtf_puts(", then"); break;
479 		      case 1: gtf_puts(", eh"); break;
480 		      case 2: gtf_puts(", then, eh"); break;
481 		      }
482 		    switch(gtf_random(6))
483 		      {
484 		      case 0: gtf_puts(", mate?"); break;
485 		      case 1: gtf_puts(", guv?"); break;
486 		      case 2: gtf_puts(", squire?"); break;
487 		      case 3: gtf_puts(", luv?"); break;
488 		      default: gtf_echo();
489 		      }
490 		    }
491 		}
492 ,		{ if(gtf_random(3) == 0)
493 		    gtf_puts(", right,");
494 		  else
495 		    gtf_echo();
496 		}
497 !		{ switch(gtf_random(7))
498 		    {
499 		    case 0: gtf_puts_case("! Blimey!"); break;
500 		    case 1: gtf_puts_case("! Struth!"); break;
501 		    case 2: gtf_puts_case("! Right!"); break;
502 		    case 3: gtf_puts_case(", guv!"); break;
503 		    case 4: gtf_puts_case("! Honest, guv!"); break;
504 		    case 5: gtf_puts_case("! Oi!"); break;
505 		    case 6: gtf_puts_case(", mate!"); break;
506 		    default: gtf_echo();
507 		    }
508 		}
510 {NW}		BEGIN(NIW); unput(yytext[0]);
512 }
514 {EOT}			/* ignore trailing EOT character */
515 .			gtf_echo();
517 %%
519 #ifdef LIBRARY_MODE
521 int gtf_filter_cockney(const char *input, char *buf, size_t bufsz)
522   {
523   gtf_databuf_t buffer;
524   YY_BUFFER_STATE _yybuf;
526   gtf_strbuf_init(&buffer, buf, bufsz);
527   _yybuf = yy_scan_string(input);
528   yylex(&buffer);
529   yy_delete_buffer(_yybuf);
530   gtf_reset();
532   return(buffer.overflow);
533   }
535 int __gtf_filter_cockney(const char *input, char *buf, size_t bufsz)
536 {
537   return(gtf_filter_cockney(input, buf, bufsz));
538 }
540 #else /* LIBRARY_MODE */
542 int main(int argc, char **argv)
543   {
544   gtf_parse_args();
545   gtf_random_seed();
547   yylex(NULL);
549   return(EXIT_SUCCESS);
550   }
552 #endif /* LIBRARY_MODE */
554 /* end of source file */