1                               ViSP
2                     Visual Servoing Platform
3                     Resume of the change log
5     Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 by Inria. All rights reserved.
6                      https://visp.inria.fr
8ViSP 3.4.0 (released February 26, 2021)
9  - Contributors:
10    . This release was possible thanks to contributions from Fabien Spindler,
11      Pierre Chatelain, Souriya Trinh, Joudy Nader
12    . Thanks also to Sergio Agostinho
13  - New features and improvements
14    . Compatibility with FreeBSD
15    . Introduce transparency when displaying filled circle and rectangle with
16      vpDisplayOpenCV
17    . Complete refactoring of https://github.com/lagadic/visp_unity project
18      a wrapper between ViSP and Unity
19    . BLAS/LAPACK usage for linear algebra with either Intel MKL, OpenBLAS, Atlas,
20      GSL, Netlib or Lapack built-in. Under Ubuntu, update-alternatives allows
21      to switch during runtime between OpenBLAS, Atlas and Netlib
22    . Remove vpMbEdgeMultiTracker, vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker and vpMbKltMultiTracker
23      deprecated classes. Use rather vpMbGenericTracker
24    . visp.pc file used by pkg-config and visp-config script updated to
25      be able to build a project that uses ViSP as 3rd party without CMake
26    . New vpReflexTakktile2 class and examples to control Reflex Takktile 2 hand
27      from Right Hand Robotics
28    . New vpGaussianFilter class for Gaussian blur operation
29    . vpRealsense2 class was extended to support Intel Realsense T265 device
30    . Introduce Kannala Brandt projection model for fisheye cameras in vpCameraParameters
31    . Extend existing tools to support Kannala Brandt projection model for XML I/O,
32      undistort, pixel-meter and meter-pixel conversion
33    . Introduce analysis tools for camera calibration / hand-eye calibration
34      (see tutorials)
35    . New cmake option to use MathJax to speed up online doc build
36    . Docker images available on Docker Hub:
37      https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/vispci/vispci
38    . Support of Kinova Jaco assistive robotic arm that could be controlled
39      using vpRobotKinova
40    . Compat with Basler Pylon 6.x Camera Software Suite
41    . New wrapper in vpUeyeGrabber to support IDS uEye Camera Software Suite
42    . Compat with OpenCV 4.5.0
43  - Tutorials
44    . New tutorial: Basic linear algebra operations
45    . New tutorial: How to create and build a project that uses ViSP without CMake
46    . New tutorial: Installation from Docker images
47  - Bug fixed
48    . [#713] 3.3.0 build fails on non-linux systems: fatal error: 'linux/serial.h'
49      file not found
50    . [#716] Build issue on FreeBSD with g++
51    . [#718] vpImage<unsigned char>::getValue() is not working on big endian arch
52    . [#726] Segfault in vpServo when the number of visual features is very
53      large (> 50.000)
54    . [#728] vpProjectionDisplay doesn't display frame with RGB colors respectively
55      for X, Y and Z axis
56    . [#731] Link issues using pkgconfig with static libraries
57    . [#735] MKL and GSL Blas/Lapack 3rd parties incompatibility
58    . [#750] Cannot detect OpenMP with clang on MacOS
59    . [#763] VISP does not support the latest PCL release 1.11.0
60    . [#767] Compile from source on Ubuntu Focal raises CMake error with Ogre 1.9 or 2.1
61    . [#777] Issue when calling vpMatrix::eigenValues() using lapack built-in
62    . [#780] Projects have to explicitely link against Boost when compiling ViSP with ar module
63    . [#781] Wrong share install path on unix-like system
64    . [#785] Static variable in vpServo
65    . [#787] Unable to build simdlib 3rd party for iOS
66    . [#792] Mismatch between mu_ij and n_ij centered moments of an ellipse
67    . [#798] Inconsistant handling of Exif Orientation between libjpeg and opencv
68    . [#799] Issue when parsing .cao model with no newline at end of file
69    . [#801] Build issue with visp_java
70    . [#803] Segfault with MBT and when a circle disappears
71    . [#806] Error running the Java sample with intel-mkl 2020.2.254-1
72    . [#808] vpVirtuose.cpp doen't build with Visual 2019 (vc16)
73    . [#812] Online doc formula rendering issue with Ghostscript on OSX
74    . [#817] vpIoTools::getFileExtension prints "Debug sepIndex: 0" to std::cout
75    . [#818] Model-based tracking issue using RGBD-data on Windows
76    . [#820] Error when composing two RT transformations in template tracker
77    . [#822] Issue in ellipse display and usage
78    . [#832] Memory leak when reading a sequence of images with vpVideoReader
79    . [#838] vpImage::getValue() fails on Alpha arch
80    . [#841] Build issue with PCL 1.11.0 on OSX
81    . [#842] iOS framework build process is unable to detect opencv2.framework as 3rd party
82    . [#845] Fix ME display when calling setPose() without track() after
83    . [#857] Reading a color image with vpImageIo::readPNG() can lead to a gray level image
84    . [#859] Wrong visp.pc content with PCL 1.10.0 around VTK library names
86ViSP 3.3.0 (released February 14, 2020)
87  - Contributors:
88    . This release was possible thanks to contributions from Fabien Spindler,
89      Souriya Trinh, Gatien Gaumerais, Yasutomo Shirahama, Yash Kapoor, Noura Neji,
90      Rahaf Rahal, Romain Lagneau, ahfuzhang, Franco Fusco, Olivier Kermorgant,
91      Alexander Oliva
92  - New features and improvements
93    . Upgrade to new AprilTag3 version. Note that TAG_36h10, TAG_25h7 and
94      TAG_36ARTOOLKIT are deprecated and that new families: TAG_CIRCLE21h7,
96      are supported. AprilTag detection time is reduced
97    . Remove libxml2 3rd party dependency to use pugixml built-in
98    . Replace pthreads-win32 for POSIX threads for windows 3rd party with
99      pthreads4w implementation
100    . New matrix and vector initialization methods to ease setting elements
101    . Introduce Eigen <-> ViSP conversion functions in vp namespace
102    . Add OpenBLAS, Intel MKL and Atlas explicit support
103    . Add support of vpImage<vpRGBa> to vpMbGenericTracker
104    . Add support of vpImage<vpRGBa> to vpKeyPoint
105    . Introduce force/torque controller for Franka Emika Panda robot in
106      vpRobotFranka class
107    . New vpQbDevice and vpQbSoftHand classes and examples to control
108      qbrobotics devices
109    . Compatibility with Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 (MSCV 16)
110    . Compatibility with FlyCapture 2.13 to enable vpFlyCaptureGrabber usage
111    . Compatibility with PCL > 1.9.1 to enable additional features in
112      vpRealSense2 class
113    . Compatibility with Windows 10 SDK latest version to enable vpDisplayGDI
114      usage
115    . Compatibility with Fedora 31
116    . Compatibility with Raspberry 4 Alpine
117    . New option to select CXX standard set by default to c++11
118    . Introduce a timeout (default to 50ms) during DataMatrix code detection
119      implemented in vpDetectorDataMatrixCode class
120    . New vpForceTorqueAtiNetFTSensor class to get F/T measurements from an
121      ATI F/T sensor connected to a Net FT box
122    . New vpRobotBebop2 class a wrapper over ARSDK3 to control Parrot Bebop2
123      drone
124    . New vpRobotFlirPtu class, a wrapper over Flir pan-tilt unit SDK
125    . New vpForceTorqueIitSensor class, a wrapper over IIT force-torque sensor
126    . Optimize template tracker
127    . Modify vpVideoReader to support MTS video format
128    . Upgrade to AprilTag 3.1.1 last release
129    . Introduce performance tests using Catch2
130    . Modify vpVideoReader to enable MTS video format reading
131    . Use only OpenCV required modules to reduce the number of dependencies
132    . Remove valgrind false positive memory leaks adding a suppression file
133    . Introduce Java bindings for vpGenericTracker and vpDetectorAprilTag classes
134    . New vpImageDraw and vpFont classes for basic drawings (line, circle,
135      rectangle, text) in an image without the need of a vpDisplay
136  - Tutorials
137    . New tutorial: Installation from source for Windows with Visual C++ 2019
138      (vc16)
139    . New tutorial: Cross-compilation for UWP from Windows host with Visual
140      C++ 2019 (vc16)
141    . New tutorial: IBVS with Panda 7-dof robot from Franka Emika
142    . New tutorial: Visual-servoing with Parrot Bebop 2 drone
143    . New tutorial: Visual servoing with FLIR Pan Tilt Unit
144    . New tutorial: AprilTag marker real-time detection on iOS
145    . New tutorial: Introduce a new class with 3rd-party dependencies
146    . New tutorial: AprilTag detection in java with ViSP
147    . New tutorial: Generic model-based tracking in java with ViSP
148  - Bug fixed
149    . [#523] dpkg-shlibdeps produces an error during Debian packaging
150    . [#525] Tests are failing during Debian package build in a container
151    . [#546] ViSP doesn't build when C++11 off and PCL on
152    . [#549] Bug in unsigned int vpBSpline::findSpan(double u)
153    . [#554] Bug in SaveRealSenseData.cpp prevents install on windows
154    . [#559] AprilTag detector freeze with msvc built when more than 1 thread
155      is used
156    . [#564] visp_java build fails when OpenCV and libjpeg or libpng are not
157      used
158    . [#570] Could not get left and right Infrared images from RealSense D435
159    . [#573] VISP fails to build with cmake 3.14.3 and PCL 1.9.1
160    . [#574] Compatibility problem with PCL > 1.9.1
161    . [#597] Fix vpImage bitmap deletion when copyData = false
162    . [#614] Performance issues in vpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional
163    . [#621] Fix pointcloud computation when align with librealsense2
164    . [#650] Video reader ends prematurely on some mp4
165    . [#651] visp_ros installation error
166    . [#655] Build error with Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
167    . [#661] Possible issues in image Moments calculations
168    . [#665] Build error with Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
169    . [#667] Tutorial-apriltag-detector seg fault
170    . [#668] April Tags and depth image
171    . [#669] Fix segfault and memory leak when BEST_RESIDUAL_VIRTUAL_VS or
172      HOMOGRAPHY_ORTHOGONAL_ITERATION pose estimation method are used
173    . [#679] Fix display
174    . [#705] Fix error computation in the VVS loop for plane normal
175    . [#706] visp.pc pkg-config file not conform to man page
177ViSP 3.2.0 (released January 23, 2019)
178  - Contributors:
179    . This release was possible thanks to contributions from Fabien Spindler,
180      Souriya Trinh, Olivier Kermorgant, Mathieu Simon, Francois Chaumette,
181      Marc Pouliquen, Jason Chevrie, Yash Kapoor, Tianhuanyu, Yasutomo Shirahama,
182      ashwinpathak20
183    . Google Summer of Code 2018: Akshay Sharma that ported ViSP to Java and Android,
184      and Utkarsh Tripathi that developped the wrapper between ViSP and Unity.
185  - New features
186    . Turn cxx11 on by default
187    . Introduce vpSerial class to handle serial communication
188    . New vpRobotFranka class, examples and test showing how to use Panda robot
189      from Franka Emika
190    . In MBT:
191      - Improve the generic tracker implemented in vpMbGenericTracker class
192      - Add possibility to introduce a homogeneous transformation matrix
193        when loading model and init files, useful to change the origin of the 3D
194        cad model; see vpMbTracker::loadModel() and vpMbTracker::initClick()
195      - Add support of pgm, png, jpg image format for initClick helper
196      - Introduce a new confidence indicator that is working with all the visual
197        features types to detect tracking failures;
198        see vpMbGenericTracker::computeCurrentProjectionError()
199    . Add basic template matching algorithm in vpImageTools::templateMatching()
200    . Improve vpRealsense2 class that is the wrapper over librealsense 2.x
201    . QR matrix decomposition introduced in vpMatrix
202    . New solvers for Linear Programs and Quadratic Programs implemented in vpLinProg and
203      vpQuadProg classes
204    . Add vpDetectorDNN wrapper for deep learning object detection. The idea is to have a
205      small wrapper over the OpenCV DNN module as much as possible light and simple.
206      vpDetectorDNN is specialized to handle object detection tasks and provide a
207      "convenient" way to have the detection bounding boxes.
208    . Improve eye to hand calibration
209    . Improve PnP pose estimation
210    . Compat with OpenCV 4
211    . Compat with Fedora 29
212    . Introduce SonarQube code quality analysis tool. Analysis reports are available on
213      https://sonarqube.bordeaux.inria.fr/sonarqube/dashboard/index/rainbow:visp:master
214  - Tutorials
215    . New tutorial: Installation from source on a Jetson equipped with an Orbitty Carrier
216      board http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-install-jetson.html
217    . New tutorial: Using ViSP and Matlab
218      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-visp-matlab.html
219    . New tutorial: PBVS with Panda 7-dof robot from Franka Emika
220      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-franka-pbvs.html
221    . New tutorial: Visual-servoing with mBot Ranger educational robot kit
222      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-mbot-vs.html
223    . New tutorial: Camera extrinsic calibration
224      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-calibration-extrinsic.html
225    . New tutorial: Markerless generic model-based tracking using a color camera
226      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-tracking-mb-generic.html
227    . New tutorial: Markerless generic model-based tracking using a stereo camera
228      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-tracking-mb-generic-stereo.html
229    . New tutorial: Markerless generic model-based tracking using a RGB-D camera
230      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-tracking-mb-generic-rgbd.html
231    . New tutorial: Markerless generic model-based tracking using AprilTag for
232      initialization (use case)
233      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-tracking-mb-generic-apriltag-live.html
234    . New tutorial: Developement of an interface and demo between ViSP and Unity engine
235      https://github.com/lagadic/visp_unity/blob/master/README.md
236    . New tutorial: ViSP for Unity introduction
237      https://github.com/lagadic/visp_unity/wiki
238    . New tutorial: Generating a DLL for Unity
239      https://github.com/lagadic/visp_unity/wiki/Generating-DLL
240    . New tutorial: Unity demo based on ViSP
241      https://github.com/lagadic/visp_unity/wiki/Running-in-Unity
242    . New tutorial: Installing ViSP for Java
243      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-install-java.html
244    . New tutorial: First java application with ViSP
245      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-java-started.html
246    . New tutorial: Building ViSP SDK for Android
247      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-create-android-sdk.html
248    . New tutorial: Creating a simple Android App with ViSP
249      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-android-getting-started.html
250    . New tutorial: Deep learning object detection
251      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-detection-dnn.html
252    . New tutorial: Draw basic drawings
253      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-basic-drawings.html
254    . New tutorial: How to use Blender to generate simulated data for model-based tracking experiments
255      http://visp-doc.inria.fr/doxygen/visp-daily/tutorial-tracking-mb-generic-rgbd-Blender.html
256  - Bug fixed
257    . [#279] Unable to build ViSP with Visual Studio 2010
258    . [#281] Segfault in mbtGenericTrackingDepth.cpp when run on big endian arch
259    . [#286] Fix build issue on Debian hurd-i386 arch
260    . [#287] On Win XP inet_ntop() could not be located in WS2_32.dll
261    . [#293] Rotation extrinsic for RealSense is not correct
262    . [#299] Unable to build when libaria is used
263    . [#302] Fix build issue with librealsense 2.9.1 or higher
264    . [#324] How to compile ViSP within Visual Studio 2013 on windows 7?
265    . [#348] ViSP-third-party.txt is erased after make
266    . [#353] Test imageSequenceReader not working
267    . [#355] Segmentation fault with vpRealSense2 acquire
268    . [#368] ViSP Contrib Module including non-existant vpConfig.h header
269    . [#371] Wrong conversion from vpRotationMatrix to vpThetaUVector for rotations around pi
270    . [#373] ViSP doesn't build with OpenCV 4.0.0
271    . [#382] Meaningless camera parameters when calibrating built-in auto-focusing camera
272    . [#389] CMake error with Xcode generator
273    . [#391] Tutorial command error
274    . [#400] vpCircle::display() didn't work as expected
275    . [#422] Two #include lines, <linux/kernel.h> and <linux/types.h>, aren't needed for V4L
276    . [#423] Man page location should be man/man1
277    . [#424] Please have one cmake variablefor DATADIR
278    . [#425] Please remove the 'register' specifier everywhere: it is deprecated and incompatible with C++17
279    . [#433] Can not build android SDK
280    . [#435] vpRobot::END_EFFECTOR_FRAME not implemented in vpRobotViper650
281    . [#442] Unable to build ios framework
282    . [#453] CMake error when building tutorials and examples with ViSP from installation folder
283    . [#466] Build error with libboost_thread-mt.a
284    . [#429] vpRobotViper650 getPosition(vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME) error
285    . [#485] CMake error when PCL is build with VTK option VTK_ENABLE_KITS=ON
286    . [#515] Model-based tracking stops throwing an exception: the image of the straight line is a point!
287    . [#519] Cannot build java bindings when lapack is not used
289ViSP 3.1.0 (released December 22nd, 2017)
290  - Contributors:
291    . This release was possible thanks to contributions from Fabien Spindler,
292      Souriya Trinh, Wenfeng Cai, Oleksandr Borysov, Marc Pouliquen, Ronald Ensing,
293      Yuriy Baranov, Jason Chevie
294    . Google Summer of Code 2017: Vikas Thamizharasan that developed for the
295      model-based tracker Blender import/export CAD model plugins and a Qt-based
296      CAD model viewer
297  - New features
298    . Improve vpRealSense to better support R200 device
299    . Improve vpConfig.h header content to remove path to build tree when installed
300    . Speed-up vpMbKltTracker and vpMbEdgeKltTracker during reinit
301    . Remove numerical recipes code that is not open-source
302    . Changes done in vpMatrix to use either Lapack, OpenCV or GSL 3rd party
303    . Eigen 3rd party was introduced as an alternative for matrix computation
304    . Lapack is now embedded as a build-in when Lapack system library is not found
305    . vpVideoReader was improved to better detect first and last image numbers of an
306      image sequence and better handle the frame step
307    . Speed-up vpColVector::insert(), vpMatrix::insert() and vpMatrix::stack()
308    . Refactor model-based tracker (+ some segfault / memory fixes)
309    . Introduce vpMbGenericTracker a new class that can handle all the features
310      supported by the model-based tracker but also consider stereo or multi-view
311      tracking
312    . Add model-based depth tracking using face normals or using a dense approach
313    . Use BLAS library to compute dgemm and dgemv operations if available
314    . Add Hadamard product
315    . Add an explicit recopy parameter when resizing a vpArray2D
316    . Add move constructor / assignment operator for vpMatrix, vpColVector and vpImage
317    . Introduce vpPylonGrabber a wrapper for Basler cameras using Pylon SDK
318    . Introduce AprilTag as a 3rd party and vpDetectorAprilTag wrapper
319    . Remove ffmpeg 3rd party usage
320    . Introduce AppVeyor check for continuous integration (MSVC + mingw-w64)
321    . Fix slow acquisition of color pointcloud with RealSense camera
322    . Improve vpIoTools to make recursive folder and sort files
323    . Add display of polygon lines (vpDisplay::displayLine() /
324      vpDisplay::displayDotLine())
325    . Add CPU capabilities check
326    . Improve VISP_INPUT_IMAGE_PATH env var usage to get more flexibility
327    . Update ViSP license to GPLv2 or later
328    . Introduce new imgproc module dedicated to image processing and tutorials
329    . Add UDP client / server
330    . Add compat with Intel Compiler icc
331    . Add new class vpRealSense2 to support Realsense 2 SDK
332    . Add Franka Control Interface C++ API detection and native examples from Franka
333  - Tutorials
334    . New tutorial: How to extend ViSP creating a new contrib module
335    . New tutorial: AprilTag marker detection on iOS
336    . New tutorial: Installation from source for Windows with Visual C++ 2017 (vc15)
337    . New tutorial: Installation from source for UWP with Visual C++ 2017 (vc15)
338    . New tutorial: How to import a CMake project that uses ViSP in Eclipse IDE
339    . New tutorial: Brightness and contrast adjustment
340    . New tutorial: Contrast and image sharpening techniques
341    . New tutorial: Automatic thresholding
342    . New tutorial: Contours extraction from a binary image
343    . New tutorial: Connected-components labeling
344    . New tutorial: Flood fill algorithm
345    . New tutorial: Practical example: count the number of coins in an image
346    . New tutorial: Markerless generic model-based tracking
347    . New tutorial: AprilTag marker detection
348    . New tutorial: Markerless model-based tracker CAD model editor - GSoC 2017 project
349  - Bug fixed
350    . [#137] Fix bug in extration of vpRotationMatrix from vpPoseVector using
351             vpPoseVector::getRotationMatrix()
352    . [#149] Bug in vpTime::measureTimeMicros() (OS detection was done wrong)
353    . [#160] Build issue with msvc arround std::min() std::max()
354    . [#162] Redefinition errors in WinSock2.h and winsock.h
355    . [#165] Segmentation fault when cout a null row vector
356    . [#171] Segfault when using vpMatrix::pseudoInverse()
357    . [#175] Unable to track an ellipse with vpMeEllipse
358    . [#177] Bug in line 124 of VISPConfig.cmake
359    . [#178] Comments are not handled in vpMbTracker::initFromPoints()
360    . [#183] Inversion between pixel size and optical center in vpRealSense class
361    . [#187] Integer division by zero in vpDisplayWin32.cpp
362    . [#200] Issue when reading PNG images with 16bits depth with libpng
363    . [#201] Fix read PNG images with 16 bits depth with libpng
364    . [#207] CMake option 'ACTIVATE_DEBUG_TRACE' has never been used
365    . [#226] Planar pose Lagrange computation returns a left handed frame
368ViSP 3.0.1 (released February 3rd, 2017)
369  - New features
370    . Compatibility with Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 (MSCV 15)
371    . Compatibility with Universal Windows Platform (UWP); Windows Phone
372      and Windows Store 8.x and 10.0
373    . Add vpMatrix, vpColVector, vpTranslationVector missing member functions
374      to keep compat with ViSP 2.10.0
375    . New vpFlyCaptureGrabber class to capture images from PointGrey
376      cameras (USB-3, firewire, GigE)
377    . New vpVirtuose class, a wrapper over Haption Virtuose SDK that is
378      provided with their haptic devices
379    . New vpComedi and vpForceTorqueAtiSensor classes to get synchonous
380      data from ATI F/T sensors
381    . New vpRealSense class, a wrapper over RealSense SDK to capture
382      data from SR300, F200, R200 RGB-depth sensors:
383      + Acquisition of the color / depth / infrared streams + the associated
384        point cloud
385      + Possibility to set the stream parameters (resolution, FPS, ...)
386      + Possibility to retrieve stream aligned (e.g. color stream aligned to depth)
387    . New cross platform multi-threading capabilities with vpMutex and
388      vpThread classes
389    . Crosscompiling capabilities tested for Raspberry Pi target
390    . Crosscompiling capabilities tested for Nao, Romeo and Pepper robots
391    . OSX/iOS framework creation with support of OpenCV 3rd party
392    . Introduce SSE2, SSE3 and SSSE3 optimizations
393    . New meta-header visp3/visp.h that allows to include all ViSP headers
394      in one line
395    . New meta-header visp3/visp_<module>.h that allows to include all the
396      headers of a given module in one line
397    . When using cxx11 support (USE_CPP11=ON), the corresponding compiler
398      flag is propagated to the project that use ViSP as 3rd party
399    . In vpServo introduce setCameraDoF() that allows to turn off the usage
400      of some dof
401    . Model-based tracker:
402      + Introduce stereo as well as more generic multi camera tracking capabilities
403      + New classes vpMbEdgeMultiTracker, vpMbKltMultiTracker, and
404        vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker for the hybrid version
405    . Set vpRGBa images alpha channel default value to 255
406    . Allow to resize the display in order to display image that are larger than
407      the screen resolution
408    . Introduce new CMake ENABLE_FULL_DOC var: when turned ON allows to build
409      doxygen documentation with all classes including internal ones
410    . Build information available in ViSP-third-party.txt is now more
411      complete, including OS, compiler, flags and 3rd party versions.
412      This information is also embedded in visp_core library and could
413      be obtained using vpIoTools::getBuildInformation()
414    . Improve RANSAC pose estimation computation time (noticeable with large data)
415    . vpKeyPoint class:
416      + Support for little / big endian architecture when writing learning data
417        into binary file
418      + Add possibility to learn keypoints on cylinders
419      + Add support of the new keypoint methods in OpenCV 3.1 and 3.2
420      + Add possibility to use enum type to select the keypoint
421    . Add possibility to save extra information (time, reprojection error, ...)
422      for the camera calibration process (e.g. in camera_calibration.cpp)
423    . Improve image morphology operations for grayscale images
424    . Add optimized image addition / subtraction for grayscale images
425    . Add possibility to load recursive CAO model with identical filenames
426    . Add possibility to retrieve clipped polygons for the model-based tracker
427    . Improve vpPolygon::isInside() computation time
428    . Add separable filter and switch between correlation / convolution in vpImageFilter
429    . Add possibility to print vpImage class in the terminal
430    . Add basic image resizing (nearest neighbor / bilinear / bicubic interpolation)
431  - Tutorials
432    . New tutorial: How to use multi-threading capabilities
433    . New tutorial: Crosscompilation for Raspberry Pi from Ubuntu host
434    . New tutorial: Installation from prebuilt packages for Arch Linux
435    . New tutorial: Installation from prebuilt packages for ROS
436    . New tutorial: Installation from prebuilt packages for iOS devices
437    . New tutorial: Installation from source for iOS devices
438    . New tutorial: How to create a basic iOS application that uses ViSP
439    . New tutorial: Image processing on iOS
440    . New tutorial: Cross-compilation for NAOqi OS from Ubuntu host
441    . New tutorial: How to create an application that uses ViSP on NAOqi OS
442    . New Tutorial: Markerless model-based tracking with stereo cameras
443    . New Tutorial: How to display an image
444    . New Tutorial: Pose estimation from QRcode
445    . New Tutorial: Installation from source for Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
446  - Bug fixed
447    . [#37] How to build for ios? build failed
448    . [#38] Wrong urls in visp/doc/tutorial-calibration.doc
449    . [#39] Meta header files visp_<module>.h not installed
450    . [#40] vpKeyPoint fails to R/W database on big endian arch
451    . [#42] Fails to build on Fedora 23 with Coin3-devel
452    . [#44] Reshape issue with vpRowVector or vpColVector
453    . [#47] Build issue in vpMath.h around vpMath::sign()
454    . [#48] Fix vpPoseVector::getThetaUVector() to return the adequate vector
455    . [#54] Error in vpHomography::projection()
456    . [#59] Unable to use visp-config or visp-config.bat to build a project
457            without CMake
458    . [#68] Visual C++ 2010 unable to build modules\core\test\math\testMath.cpp
459    . [#69] Unable to build ViSP under Windows without OpenCV 3rdparty
460    . [#75] visp.pc pkgconfig file is corrupted by optimized and debug keywords
461    . [#77] vpAROgre: wrong resources / plugins default path when used from
462            ROS installation
463    . [#82] Problem when comparing two vpImage (operator!=)
464    . [#84] Problem with vpImageMorphology and CONNEXITY_8 and with border pixels
465    . [#90] Fix potential build issue with isnan() and isinf() usage when cxx11
466            flags are used
467    . [#91] vpMeLine::computeRhoTheta should throw exception
468    . [#92] Is there any interface to resize display window?
469    . [#95] setEllipsoidBadPointsPercentage in vpDot2 not completly being taken
470            into account
471    . [#104] vpMomentAlpha: Results are not repeatable
472    . [#105] vpMomentAlpha: Question about symmetric judgement based on centered
473             moments
474    . [#106] Freeze when more than one GDI display is opened with mingw
475    . [#109] Link errors with undefined reference to TIFF
476    . [#111] vpColor doesn't work in mb-hybrid
477    . [#112] vpPose: Possible ambiguity or misunderstanding in doxygen message
478    . [#114] vpMomentAlpha: wrong abs() function using
479    . [#116] Link errors related to openmp
480    . [#117] vpMomentAlpha: out of range of [-Pi, Pi] in relative mode
481    . [#118] vpKeyPoint: perhaps misleading in document
482    . [#120] Build failed with clang/llvm
483    . [#126] vpPolygon::operator=() does not copy everything.
486ViSP 3.0.0 (released December 18th, 2015)
487  - New features
488    . Compatibility with Windows 8.1 and 10
489    . Compatibility with Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (MSCV 14)
490    . Compatibility with Odroid XU4
491    . Source code migrates to GitHub: http://github.com/lagadic/visp
492    . Introduce Travis continuous integration
493    . New website: http://visp.inria.fr
494    . Reorganize source in modules (core, vision, mbt, tt, …) with a library
495      per module named libvisp_<module>. Keep compat with previous releases.
496    . Allow to link contributions to ViSP source code using
498      see http://github.com/lagadic/visp_contrib
499    . Model-based tracker:
500      + New visibility tests based on the scanline rendering algorithm.
501      + Improve Ogre3D visibility tests in order to use it in a probalistic
502        approach via the setNbRayCastingAttemptsForVisibility()
503        and setGoodNbRayCastingAttemptsRatio() functions.
504      + Introduction of cylinder tracking with the model-based trackers using
505        key points.
506      + Improve the setPose() functionnality to use the given pose as a
507        prediction of the key points position while using vpMbKltTracker and
508        vpMbEdgeKltTracker.
509    . Introduce vpArray2D template class that is inherited by all matrices and
510      vectors.
511    . vpKeyPoint class:
512      + Full code compatibility with OpenCV 3.0.
513      + Add support to the new Features introduce in OpenCV 3.0 and contrib
514        module releases.
515      + Add possibility to detect keypoints on an image pyramid with OpenCV 3.0.
516      + Add possibility to change the image type (jpeg, png, ppm, pgm) when
517        saving a learning file.
518      + Add OpenMP support for Affine SIFT.
519      + Add single matching filter (discard pairs of keypoints where multiple
520        query keypoints are matched to the same train keypoints).
521      + Add possibility to match train keypoints to query keypoints (could be
522        useful when we learn only on one image, it allows to avoid to match
523        background keypoints with train keypoints).
524      + Optimize the FLANN matching by learning once the train descriptors
525        instead of doing it at each call of the matching function (noticeable
526        with large train descriptors).
527      + Add possibility to use the FLANN matcher with binary descriptors.
528      + Fix displayMatching function and fix small memory leak in loadLearningData.
529      + Should be possible to read / write learning files in binary mode regardless
530        of the endianness of the host (need to be tested on a real case).
531      + Save learning files in XML mode with the full precision (according to
532        the data type).
533    . and a lot of improvements and fixes
534  - Tutorials
535    . New tutorial: Bridge over OpenCV
536    . New tutorial: Installation from source with Homebrew
537    . New tutorial: Installation from source on Windows 10 with Visual 2015
538    . Update all the installation tutorials since GitHub migration and modules
539      introduction and make more explicit 3rd party installation
540    . Update tutorial: Markerless 3D model-based tracking
541  - Bug fixed
542    . [18748] Ogre and wireframe resources not found after ViSP installation
543    . [18823] vpMatrix::kernel method returns false result if matrix has
544      less rows than columns
545    . [18939] vpParseArgv::ARGV_CONSTANT segfault
546    . [19312] Model-based tracker unable to initialize the number of cylinder
547      or circle from cao file
548    . [19326] segfault when using vpDisplayX::init(unsigned int, unsigned int, ...)
549    . [19368] Invalid rotation parameters in vpSimulatorViper850::getPosition()
550    . [#3]  Issue when comparing two vpRGBa
551    . [#5]  Unable to get calibration matrix K when model with distorsion is
552      used
553    . [#6]  Issue with vpMath::round()
554    . [#18] Issues with vpColVector::median() + with assignment operator of
555      vpRowVector + with vpRowVector::normalize() function
558ViSP 2.10.0 (released February 13th, 2015)
559  - New features
560    . New object detection and localisation capabilities that allow to
561      initialize for instance the model-based tracker (see tutorial).
562    . New bar code detectors that uses libdmtx and libzbar (see tutorial):
563      + vpDetectorQRcode class allows to detect QR codes
564      + vpDetectorDataMatrixCode class allows to detect data matrices
565    . New vpDetectorFace class that allows face detection based on OpenCV
566      Haar cascade classifier capabilities (see tutorial)
567    . New vpConvert class for type conversions from OpenCV to ViSP.
568    . Model-based tracker:
569      + Introduction of 3D circles that project as ellipses.
570      + In *.cao files comments are allowed on lines starting with # character.
571      + New functions getError() and getRobustWeights() useful to compute
572        tracking quality indicators.
573      + Introduction of setLod() for "level of detail" that checks if the size
574        of the feature is large enough to be considered by the tracker.
575      + Based on the rank of the interaction matrix turn off automatically the
576        degrees of freedom that cannot be estimated. Especially useful when
577        considering 3D objets with only cylinders and circles.
578      + and many other improvements and fixes.
579    . Video reader and writer support mpeg4. ffmpeg is no more requested
580      in vpVideoReader and vpVideoWriter. If ffmpeg is not detected or installed
581      we use OpenCV.
582    . New vpXmlParserHomogeneousMatrix class to read/write homogeneous
583      transformations from/to xml files
584    . Auto detection of visp-images-data Debian or Ubuntu package that allows
585      testing without setting VISP_INPUT_IMAGE_PATH
586    . If OpenCV version >= 2.4.8 use only OpenCV C++ api. Classes that use
587      IplImages as input are deprecated.
588    . Compat with RaspberryPi architecture
589    . Compat with OpenCV 3.x
590    . Compat with Yarp 2.3.63
591    . Compat with CMake 3.x
592    . Compat with MinGW w64 from http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/
593  - Tutorials
594    . New tutorial to show how to install ViSP from Ubuntu official packages.
595    . New tutorial to show how to install ViSP on CentOS.
596    . New tutorial to show how to install ViSP on openSUSE.
597    . New tutorial to show how to install ViSP on Raspberry Pi.
598    . New tutorial to show how to install ViSP on Windows 8.1 with msvc.
599    . New tutorial to show how to install ViSP on Windows 8.1 with mingw.
600    . New keypoints matching tutorial.
601    . New bar code detection tutorial.
602    . New face detection tutorial.
603    . New object detection and localization tutorial
604    . Update KLT tracker tutorial to show how to initialize the tracker online.
605    . Update blob tracker tutorial to show how to use v4l2 live camera.
606    . Update model-based tracking tutorial for advanced usage.
607  - Bug fixed
608    . [17112] Error after second call to track() in vpMbEdgeTracker
609    . [17212] vp1394TwoGrabber: unable to select a camera from its guid
610    . [17457] Cannot apply a secondary task to a 7dof robot
611    . [17550] Build error with ffmpeg libraries
612    . [17620] vpXmlParserCamera::save() doesn't save the camera name and
613      image size
614    . [17644] vpDisplayX doesn't work on RaspberryPi
615    . [17659] ViSP+Ogre3D+boost: libboost_chrono cannot be opened
616    . [17705] Bad endianness support in vpDisplayX
617    . [17766] Compat with cmake 3.0.0: failed due to new CMP0026 policy
618    . [17972] Ogre examples are not working with Fedora 20
619    . [17983] Unable to build ViSP when an older version was previously
620      installed
621    . [18258] Stack overflow when using vpDot under Windows
622    . [16895] undefined reference to `vpGaussRand::gaussianDraw()'
623    . [18406] Infinite loop in `vpPose::poseRansac()'
624    . [18446] Bad KLT points detection in vpMbKtlTracker and vpMbEdgeKltTracker.
625    . [18451] Infinite loop in vpSimulatorViper850::stopMotion()
626    . [18452] Empty filename check in vpImageIo, vpVideoReader, vpVideoWriter is erroneous
627    . [18459] Error when initializing KLT related trackers but no key point is deteted.
628    . [18471] Bad fov computation in vpCameraParameters.
629    . [18550] Linking error with Homebrew install of OpenCV on MacOS
632ViSP 2.9.0 (released February 18th, 2014)
633  - New features
634    . Introduction of a new template tracker using SSD (vpTemplateTrackerSSD
635      classes) or ZNCC (vpTemplateTrackerZNCC classes). These trackers are able
636      to estimate 2D transformations such as translation, SRT (scale, rotation
637      and translation), affine and homography. A video
638      illustrating this tracker capabilities is available on:
639      http://team.inria.fr/lagadic/visp/computer-vision.html
640    . In vpServo introduction of a new controller able to ensure continuous
641      sequencing
642  - Improvements
643    . Add missing const to member functions and arguments passed by reference.
644    . Introduction of a new option BUILD_WITH_STATIC_CRT that allows to set
645      /MT (default) or /MD msvc build option
646    . Compatibility with mingw, msvc11 (2012), msvc12 (2013)
647      and open solaris 11
648    . Trace and debug can now be enabled/disabled using CMake
649      ACTIVATE_DEBUG_TRACE option
650    . Fix errors detected by Covery Scan static code analyser
651    . Fix warnings detected with Gnu g++ -Weffc++ -Wshadow compiler flags
652    . Improve a lot of classes
653  - New examples
654    . New example that shows how to use the template tracker
655    . A lot of new sample code provided in tutorial folder
656  - New tutorials
657    . Installation from source on Linux Fedora
658    . Image filtering
659    . Template tracking
660    . Homography estimation from points
661    . Keypoint matching
662    . How to boost your visual servo control law
663    . Debug and trace printings
664  - Bug fixed
665    . [16263] libopencv_nonfree for Surf not detected by CMake.
666    . [16307] vpVideoReader::setLastFrameIndex() doesn't work.
667    . [16371] No convergence in SVDcmp
668    . [16465] FTBFS on armhf, ppc, s390: Errors while running CTest
669    . [16696] Build with OpenCV fails with msvc (/MT conflicts with /MD)
670    . [16781] Unable to open .pgm saved with Matlab imwrite
671    . [16823] Problems with camera calibration code
672    . [16889] Link error with CMU 1394 on win x64 arch
673    . [16895] undefined reference to `vpGaussRand::gaussianDraw()'
674    . [16919] Unable to link with OpenCV 2.4.8 under Windows
675    . [16924] MinGW: unable to build ViSP as a shared library
676    . [16928] vpVideoReader is unable to find the number of the first image
677	      from a generic sequence of images
679ViSP 2.8.0 (released July 24th, 2013)
680  - New features
681    . New camera calibration tool: example/camera_calibration.cpp
682  - Improvements
683    . vpV4l2Grabber and vp1394CMUGrabber does no more require a call to
684      open(I).
685    . In vp1394CMUGrabber new getters/setters for the framerate, shutter, gain.
686      It is now possible to change the settings in the acquisition loop.
687    . An exceptions is throwned when moving-edges are not initialized
688      (vpMeTracker, vpMeLine, vpMeEllipse)
689    . In model-based trackers, improve face visibility test using Ogre ray
690      tracing when faces are concave or not oriented counter clockwise.
691    . Still in model-based trackers, add functionalities to use clipping planes.
692    . ViSP can now be used with pkg-config
693    . New fonctions in vp1394TwoGrabber to turn auto shutter and auto gain
694      on. Also new getter for auto shutter and auto gain min/max values.
695    . Support Visual Studio 2012 (MSVC11)
696    . Introduce C++ visibility support as described here
697      http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility
698    . Better support of image formats: *.tiff, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.pbm, ...
699  - Examples
700    . Introduction of tutorials as minimalist line by line illustrated examples.
701  - Bug fixed
702    . [15404] Segfault in vpMbTracker derived classes around Coin SoDB::init()
703      and SoDB::finish() usage
704    . [15410] Robot wireframe simulator hangs
705    . [15422] Build issues with ffmpeg 1.0.1 third party
706    . [15475] Segfault in cv::Mat(BGR) to vpImage(grey) conversion
707    . [15522] Visibility tests issues in Model-Based Tracker using Ogre3D
708    . [15566] Bad mask orientation when using model-based tracker with
709      cylinders
710    . [15587] visp-config conflicts with multiarch support on Debian
711    . [15623] Possible ViSP-2.7.0 bugs detected by cppcheck
712    . [15644] crash with vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::initScene()
713    . [15679] vpDot and vpDot2 copy operator are incomplete
714    . [15680] Bad pixel to meter conversion in vpFeatureLuminance
715    . [15697] False positive exception in vpDisplay when vpDisplay::close()
716      is used
717    . [15730] ViSP-third-party.txt is installed in a wrong location
718    . [15896] Ogre Boost components miss Boost.Filesystem
719    . [15895] ViSP does not compile on FreeBSD (amd64 / i386)
721ViSP 2.7.0 (released February 11th, 2013)
722  - New features
723    - New vpViper650 and vpRobotViper650 classes to interface Inria's new
724      Adept Viper s650 robot.
725    - New robot simulators; vpSimulatorCamera, vpSimulatorPioneer,
726      vpSimulatorPioneerPan
727    - New model-based tracker using KLT points: vpMbKltTracker.
728    - New hybrid model-based tracker using moving edges and KLT points:
729      vpMbEdgeKltTracker
730  - Improvements
731    - Add visp-config.1 man page.
732    - To respect Debian guidelines, remove duplicate ABI version.
733      Library name was set to libvisp.a or libvisp.so.2.7.0 rather than
734      libvisp-2.a or libvisp-2.so.2.7.0
735    - Fix typos detected by lintian
736    - Add support for multiarch. Multiarch is the ability for a library
737      to be installed concurrently for differents architectures (such as
738      i386 and amd64 for instance). In practice, the changes removes the
739      assumption made that libraries are installed in $INSTALL_PREFIX/lib and
740      binaries in $INSTALL_PREFIX/bin.
741    - In vp1394TwoGrabber that allows to grab images from firewire cameras,
742      cameras are powered off when the grabber is closed.
743    - MinGW is now supported but since MinGW currently doesn't support tls
744      __declspec(thread) with vpDisplayGDI it is possible to open only
745      one display.
746    - To better organise the code, robot simulators inherit from
747      vpRobotSimulator class. Introduction of a new vpRobotWireFrameSimulator
748      class as a base class of robot simulated using the wireframe display
749      capabilities.
750    - VRML loader (based on Coin3D) now reads transform nodes and hierarchical
751      scenes.
752    - If Ogre3D is used, model-based trackers use now RayCasting to improve
753      faces visibility test.
754    - Compatibility with iOS 6 and Fedora 18
755  - Examples
756    - New model-based tracker examples to show how to use the KLT and hybrid
757      tracker. See in example/tracking mbtEdgeKltTracking.cpp and
758      mbtKltTracking.cpp
759  - Bug fixed
760    - [14646] ViSP doesn't build on Windows with MinGW
761    - [14651] Build error arround vpMatrix::pseudoInverse() with OpenCV 2.1.0
762    - [14661] Build error when GDI is not detected or turned off
763    - [14818] Build error when only GTK display device is available
764    - [14862] Lagrange pose estimation cannot handle planar objects with
765              points in plane oX=d or oY=d
766    - [14863] vpPose::poseRansac() can fail during Lagrange pose estimation
767    - [14993] Segfault in mbtTracker example when only the cube is tracked
768    - [15049] In vpFeatureSegment, bad interaction matrix associated to
769              alpha angle
770    - [15110] Segfault in ffmpeg video reader
771    - [15291] Under Windows, the end of an image is not displayed
774ViSP 2.6.2 (released July 15, 2012)
775  - New features
776     - New vp1394CMUGrabber class that allows firewire frame acquisition
777       under Windows using CMU 1394 Digital Camera 3rd party library.
778       Thanks to Lucas Lopes Lemos and Guillaume Laurent from FEMTO-ST,
779       AS2M departement, Besancon, France for this contribution.
780     - New vpPioneer, vpPioneerPan, vpRobotPioneer classes to control Pioneer
781       mobile robots using Aria 3rd party library.
782     - New vpFeatureSegment class to consider a segment as a visual
783       servoing feature. Normalized and non normalized features are considered.
784     - New vpFeatureMomentArea class to consider moment area as a visual
785       feature.
786     - Introduction of new functionalities in vpIoTools to parse text
787       config files
788     - Introduction of YARP to ViSP image converters in vpImageConvert
789     - New vpClient and vpServer classes for a multiclients TCP network.
790     - New vpPoseFeatures class for pose computation from any visual features.
791       To be able to consider other user defined features the compiler should
792       be compatible with C++ 11 standart.
793  - Improvements
794     - Introduce a new Denavit Hartenberg representation of the Biclops head
795       in vpBiclops.
796     - Compatibility with g++ 4.7 and OpenCV 2.3.1, 2.4.0, 2.4.1
797     - Remove warning detected with Visual C++ /Wall flag
798     - Use CMake native package finder for zlib, png, jpeg, coin3d, gtk2 and
799       doxygen 3rd party libraries detection. If detection fails, we use our
800       own package finder.
801     - Under Windows, changes done to add "d" suffix to the library name when
802       build in debug (libvisp-2d.lib and libvisp-2d.dll). Install stage
803       copy libvisp-2[d].lib in $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib and libvisp-2[d].dll
804       in $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin.
805     - Use OpenMP to optimize the execution of the moments computation.
806     - Possibility to compute the covariance matrix during pose estimation
807       (vpPose and vpPoseFeatures) and model-based tracking (vpMbTracker).
808     - All initClick() now have a non-blocking equivalent as initFromPoints(),
809       or initFromPose(), etc.
810     - Most of the classes that had a display() method now have the equivalent
811       display in static function (display's externalisation).
812     - Ransac is now improved for either pose computation or point matching.
813  - Examples
814     - New example plot3d.cpp to show how to plot 3D curves
815     - New example movePioneer.cpp to illustrate Pioneer velocity control.
816     - New example sonarPioneerReader.cpp to illustrate Pioneer sonar device
817       usage.
818     - New examples servoPioneerPoint2DDepth.cpp,
819       servoPioneerPoint2DDepthWithoutVpServo.cpp and
820       servoPioneerPanSegment3D.cpp
821       to show how to control the pioneer mobile robot by IBVS.
822     - New example grab1394CMU.cpp to show how to acquire images with
823       the CMU 1394 library.
824  - Bug fixed
825     - [13536] Division by zero in vpMeLine
826     - [13548] ViSP-2.6.1 produces several warnings with g++ 4.4.3, a const
827	       is missing in vpMbtDistanceLine.h
828     - [13575] ViSP sporadic segmentation fault in vpMeLine
829     - [13625] trackMeNurbs example produce an assertion failed with MSVC:
830               "list iterator not incrementable"
831     - [13626] testXmlParser produre a Debug assertion failed with MSVC
832     - [13678] Cannot build all the examples if no display capability is
833	       available
834     - [13679] GDI not detected on Windows 7 (64 bit) with Visual C++ Express
835	       2010
836     - [13689] Memory leaks in jpeg reader: vpImageIo::readJPEG()
837     - [13690] Memory leaks in NURBS tracker
838     - [13843] In vpPolygon, isInside() may produce a segfault and getArea()
839               or getCenter() give bad results
840     - [13850] visp-config.bat produces a non compatible msvc 2010 output
841	       format
842     - [13955] vpBasicFeature::error() is not virtual
843     - [13963] Under Windows, vpDisplay::getClickUp() doesn't work
844     - [14081] Error in vpThetaUVector when angles are near 180 deg +/- epsilon
845     - [14082] Segmentation fault in model based tracking when tracking only
846               cylinders
847     - [14474] Fix race condition in vpXmlParser.
848     - [14481] testFeatureSegment can lead to an exception.
849     - [14587] Ogre media directory OGRE_MEDIA_DIR not set in Ubuntu 12.04
850     - [14588] vpConfig.h doesn't match with the install directory
853ViSP 2.6.1 (released October 20th, 2011)
854  - New features
855     - Introduction of Lapack support used for the SVD decomposition in vpMatrix
856     - Introduction of vpAROgre that enables augmented reality applications
857       based on Ogre 3D. Some examples are provided in examples/ogre-simulator
858     - Add cylinder's tracking in the model-based tracker.
859     - Reintroduce OpenCV 2.0.0 support lost in ViSP 2.6.0
860     - Introduction of vpKinect, a wrapper of libfreenect to support the
861       Kinect device
862     - Introduction of vpMoment and vpFeatureMoment classes to be able to
863       consider 2D image moments as visual feature in visual servoing
864  - Improvements
865     - For firewire cameras framegrabbing with vp1394TwoGrabber, it is now
866       possible to select a specific camera with its GUID by using setCamera()
867     - All the specific Xml parser (vpMbtXmlParser, vpXmlParserCamera)
868       inherit now from vpXmlParser
869     - Memory leaks suppression in vpWireFrameSimulator, vpMe, vpXmlParser,
870       vpMbtXmlParser, vpXmlParserCamera, vpMbTracker, vpFeatureLuminance,
871       vpRobotSimulator, vpFFMPEG, vpBSpline
872     - It is now possible to grab images from an usb webcam with the
873       vpV4l2Grabber class that is based on the video 4 linux 2 driver.
874     - When it was possible without braking the backward compatibilty
875       std::list was introduced instead of vpList. Some of the functions that
876       use vpList are now deprecated.
877     - Better detection of image or video file types when used in vpImageIo,
878       vpVideoReader and vpVideoWriter
879  - Build
880     - Set the build type by default to release
881     - Improve the usage of debug versus release third-party libraries
882  - Deprecated
883     - vpAdaptativeGain is deprecated. Use vpAdaptiveGain instead.
884     - vp1394Grabber is deprecated. Use vp1394TwoGrabber instead.
885     - Most of the methods that use vpList are deprecated. Use std::list instead
886     - vpTwistMatrix deprecated in ViSP-1.6.0 was removed.
887  - Examples:
888    - New example grabOpenCV-2.cpp to show how to use the OpenCV
889      cv::VideoCapture class. This example shows how to acquire an image
890      with cv::VideoCapture, how to transform this image in ViSP format
891      and how to display it.
892    - New examples to illustrate the usage of the Ogre simulator through
893      vpAROgre class.
894    - New example to illustrate the usage of the Kinect through
895      vpKinect class.
896    - New examples to illustrate the usage of 2D image moments.
897  - Bug fixed
898     - [11110] On OSX vpDisplayOpenCV does not display images since OpenCV 2.1.0
899     - [11147] Coin not installed, cannot read VRML files
900     - [11473] vpImageTools::flip() come out error when deal with vpImage
901       with vpRGBa type
902     - [11529] ViSP / OpenCV(2.2.0) incompatibility
903     - [11563] segfault in vpVideoReader
904     - [11617] selecting a subset of features is not taken into account in
905       vpServo
906     - [11916] Build issues with GTK2 on ubuntu 10.10 (fatal error:
907       gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h)
908     - [11924] svdNr fails on some matrices where svdGsl succeeds
909     - [11942] Build issues with GSL on OSX due to 32/64 bits architecture
910     - [11943] Build issues with libjpeg on OSX due to 32/64 bits architecture
911     - [11944] Build issues with libpng on OSX due to 32/64 bits architecture
912     - [11981] vpV4l2Grabber class based on video 4 linux 2 is not able to
913       grab images from an usb webcam
914     - [12329] Bad font problem when opening vpPlot example
915     - [12334] Under windows, link errors when some 3rd party libs are not
916       build in the same build configuration as ViSP
917     - [12499] servoSimu4Points: World point disposition does not match camera
918     - [12591] Seg fault when using setCleanPreviousImage() from
919       vpImageSimulator
920     - [12739] Problem initialising a vpMeEllipse
921     - [13014] Bug in vpCalibration::calibVVSMulti() jacobian
922     - [13015] vpFFMPEG compatibility issue with ffmpeg-0.8 release
923     - [13449] "LIBJPEG_BUILD_TEST - Failed" message in CMake for Visual 2010
924     - [13467] CreateWindow windows API does not correctly register class.
927ViSP 2.6.0 (released September 23rd, 2010)
928  - License:
929      Change the open source license from QPL to GPL v2
930  - New Features
931    - Introduction of a new wireframe simulator. See vpWireFrameSimulator class.
932    - Introduction of a new model-based tracker that allows to track
933      an object based on its 3D model. See vpMbEdgeTracker class.
934    - New vpForceTwistMatrix class that allows to transfer a force/torque skew
935      from one frame to another.
936    - New vpVelocityTwistMatrix class that allows to transfer a velocity skew
937      from one frame to an other. The vpTwistMatrix class that does the same
938      work previously is from now deprecated.
939    - New vpRobotCycab class to communicate with the Cycab car-like mobile
940      robot at Inria.
941    - New generic vpRobotSimulator class to create robot simulators.
942    - New vpSimulatorViper850 class which simulates the viper850 robot.
943    - New vpSimulatorAfma6 class which simulates the Afma 6dof robot.
944    - New vpPlanarObjectDetector class to detect a planar surface based on
945      the Ferns Classifier.
946    - New vpSickLDMRS class, a UNIX driver to get measures from a Sick LD-MRS
947      laser scanner.
948    - New vpPlot class that was recoded to suppress the XPlotter dependency.
949      This class aims real time drawing of 2D or 3D graphics under Linux, OSX
950      and Windows.
951  - Third party library dependencies
952    - OpenCV 1.1 and 2.0 are no more supported. ViSP requires at least
953      OpenCV 2.1.
954    - libplotter is no longer required.
955    - Itifg8 is no longer supported.
956  - Improvements
957    - Copy constructors were added to better support stl lists and vectors.
958    - In firewire framegrabbing using vp1394TwoGrabber based on libdc1394-2.x,
959      add possibility to change during the execution the shutter, the gain, the
960      brightness, ... (see documentation for more details)
961      . new setIsoTransmissionSpeed(), setAutoShutter() methods
962    - In vpThetaUVector addition of &operator=() method to initialise all the
963      angles to the same value
964    - In vpHomogeneousMatrix addition of
965      . eye() method to set the transformation as identity
966      . extract(vpThetaUVector &) to extract the rotation as a Theta U vector
967    - In vpRobotViper850 add openGripper() and closeGripper() functions to
968      control the Schunk two fingers electric gripper (available only at
969      Inria).
970    - In vpRotationVector and vpTranslationVector introduction of set()
971      method that allows initialization from 3 doubles
972    - Documentation improvements
973  - Deprecated
974      . Some deprecated classes were removed: vpItifg8Grabber,
975	vpEulerVector, vpSubPixel, vpRA
976      . Deprecated functions since ViSP 2.4.4 where also removed
977  - Examples:
978    - New example calibrateTsai.cpp to show how to use the vpCalibration
979      class to estimate the hand to eye transformation.
980    - New examples to illustrate the usage of the new wire-frame simulators
981  - Bug fixed
982    - [9476] Memory leak in vpImageIo::readPNG() functions.
983    - [9505] Problem with the DirectShow grabber : can't be initialised.
984    - [9516] Problem in the getValue methods in the vpImage class.
985    - [9746] The displayPoint method of the vpDisplayOpenCV class doesn't work.
986    - [10472] Bug in the visual features: can't select the good feature.
987    - [10647] Delay in displaying image overlays
988    - [10687] The GDI display is not detected with Visual Studio 2010
989    - [10696] [CMake] VISP_DIR path conflict
990    - [10697] CMake standard output vars
991    - [10719] Compilation error in vpPlot
992    - [10723] Compilation error in vpFFMPEG.cpp
993    - [10748] PThread and Win32 Conflict
994    - [10928] vpPlane: rayIntersection from 2 points
995    - [10985] In vpPlot, 2D curve plotting starts with point (0,0)
996	      and not with the first specified point.
999ViSP 2.4.4 (released January 8th, 2010)
1000  - Features removed
1001    - vpMePath has been removed.
1004ViSP 2.4.4-rc1 (released December 21th, 2009)
1005  - New Features
1006    - During CMake configuration, when a third-party library is detected,
1007      it is now possible to turn off the default usage of the library.
1008    - Warning during the build if deprecated functions are used
1009    - For the Irisa's Afma6 robot addition of a new vacuum tool (vpAfma6).
1010    - New vpImagePoint class for image point coordinates.
1011    - New vpPlot class that enables real time drawing of graphics under Unix.
1012    - Ability to use other colors than the predefined ones with the rewriting
1013      of the vpColor class and modifications in display functionalities.
1014    - New vpKalmanFilter and vpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation classes with
1015      velocity and acceleration state models.
1016    - New vpFeatureTranslation: ctc*
1017    - New USE_COIN_SIMULATOR option during CMake configuration to enable or
1018      disable simulation capabilities based on Coin3D suite.
1019    - New vpViper, vpViper850 and vpRobotViper850 classes to provide an
1020      interface for Inria's Adept Viper 850 robot.
1021    - New vpBSpline and vpNurbs classes to manipulate 2D BSpline and
1022      2D Nurbs (Non Uniform Rational BSpline).
1023    - New vpMeNurbs class to track object edges.
1024    - New vpFFMPEG class to interface the FFmpeg library.
1025    - New vpVideoReader and vpVideoWriter classes to manipulate easily the
1026      video files and the image sequences.
1027  - Improvements
1028    - In firewire framegrabbing using vp1394TwoGrabber based on libdc1394-2.x,
1029      bus reset can be switched off in the constructor. There are also
1030      improvements in the acquisition using acquire(vpImage<unsigned char> &I,
1031      ...) by removing the color coding format request and by support of the
1032      RAW8 and RAW16 video format.
1033      New dequeue() functions were also introduced to make possible to
1034      separate the ring buffer dequeuing and enqueuing. This behavior
1035      is for example useful when image processing needs to be introduced
1036      between the dequeuing and enqueuing stages. It may also useful
1037      to synchronise the image acquisition with an other sensor.
1038      New setPanControl() function was introduced to set the PAN register
1039      0x884 to control single or multiple image transmission from stereo
1040      vision cameras like the PointGrey Bumblebee.
1041    - vpDot2: The tracking is restarted in vpDot2::track() if a dot is found
1042      but is not valid.
1043    - In vpDisplay, new getKeyboardEvent() functionality to handle key
1044      events and new getPointerMotionEvent() functionality to handle mouse
1045      pointer motion event.
1046    - Optimization of the vpMatrix class.
1047  - Examples:
1048    - New examples in examples/servo-viper850 to show how to use the
1049      linear Kalman filter to compensate the tracking error due to the
1050      motion of a target.
1051    - New examples in examples/servo-viper850 to show how to use the
1052      secondary task to avoid joint limits.
1053    - New plotting example in example/tools/plot.cpp
1054    - In grab1394Two.cpp example, addition of [-r] new option to reset the bus.
1055    - New examples to show how to build a 3D visual servoing without using the
1056      vpServo and vpFeature classes:
1057      servoSimu3D_cMcd_CamVelocityWithoutVpServo.cpp
1058      and servoSimu3D_cdMc_CamVelocityWithoutVpServo.cpp
1059  - Bug fixed
1060    - [7638] Memory leak in all vpFeature... classes was reopened
1061    - [7888] vpV4l2Grabber cannot acquire an image from an analog camera
1062	     on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron
1063    - [7994] vpMeLine : initialization problem for horizontal lines
1064    - [8001] Coin and SoQt are not detected during CMake configuration
1065	     under Fedora 10
1066    - [8032] Link error whith GSL while compiling HelloWorld.cpp on OSX
1067    - [8225] Bug in the multiplication of a twist matrix (6x6) by a matrix (6xn)
1068    - [8248] Compilation error under Windows MSCV8 if deprecated functions
1069	     are not build
1070    - [8249] Compilation error under Windows MSCV8 when building ViSP
1071	     as a shared library (DLL)
1072    - [8257] Bug in vp1394TwoGrabber::resetBus()
1073    - [8259] Segfault in vpDisplayX
1074    - [8389] vpKltOpencv : Bug in the copy constructor
1075    - [8493] Problem to build ViSP as a dynamic library under windows
1076	     (Visual C++)
1077    - [8495] Segmentation fault during the execution of the example
1078	     grabDirectShow
1079    - [8831] Possible bug when extracting axis/angle from theta/u vector
1081ViSP 2.4.3 (released April 10th, 2009)
1082  - New Features
1083    - Add vpFeaturePointPolar corresponding the a 2D image point with
1084      polar coordinates visual feature.
1085    - Add vpFeatureTranslation for cto (camera to object translation feature)
1086    - Add vpDisplay::setWindowPosition() functionality
1087  - Bug fixed
1088    - [7281] Segfault when displaying a vpCylinder.
1089    - [7308] Rotation vector not initialized to zero by the default constructor
1090    - [7309] visp-config --cflags produces a bad output
1091    - [7342] Bug in vpRobotAfma6::setVelocity(vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME, v)
1092    - [7494] Division by 0 in vpHomography
1093    - [7424] Coin3D version 3 not supported under Windows
1094    - [7613] vpSimulator::getInternalImage() function yields to an infinite
1095	     loop.
1096    - [7607] vpDisplayGTK bad window positionning
1097    - [7638] Memory leak in all vpFeature... classes
1100ViSP 2.4.3-rc2 (released January 29th, 2009)
1101  - Deprecated
1102    - Creation of a deprecated section in the online documentation that
1103      gives the list of classes or member function that are deprecated
1104    - vpOSXcfoxGrabber was removed, since the C+Fox third party library
1105      available at http://cfox.sourceforge.net/ was not updated since 2005.
1106    - vpIcCompGrabber was removed, since it uses a home made wrapper based
1107      on itifg-7.2.1 driver which is not maintained yet
1108  - Testing
1109    - Use of CDash insteed of Dart2. Dashboards are sent to
1110      http://cdash.irisa.fr/CDash/index.php?project=ViSP
1111  - Platform compatibility
1112    - Compatibility with g++ 4.3.0 coming with fedora 9
1113  - New Features
1114    - Add visp-config.bat under Windows to get the list of include dirs,
1115      library dirs and libraries ViSP depends on. This may help users to
1116      build a Visual Studio project from scratch and where ViSP is used as a
1117      third party project
1118    - vpFeatureThetaU: Add cRcd feature, with ThetaU corresponding to the
1119      rotation the camera has to achieve to move from current frame to the
1120      desired one.
1121    - vpOpenCVGrabber: New framegrabber based on OpenCV third party library
1122      (useful for USB cameras).
1123    - vp1394TwoGrabber: Get the timestamp associated to the grabbed image.
1124    - vpV4l2Grabber: Get the timestamp associated to the grabbed image.
1125    - vpRobotAfma6 and vpAfma6: Modifications to be compatible with the new
1126      low level Adept controller provided by Cerebellum Automation.
1127    - vpRobotAfma4 and vpAfma4: Modifications to be compatible with the new
1128      low level Adept controller provided by Cerebellum Automation. New
1129      vpServolens class to control the Servolens lens attached to the camera
1130      fixed on the Afma4 end-effector.
1131  - Examples:
1132    - New examples in example/manual described in ViSP guide under preparation.
1133    - example/servo-simu/servoSimu3DCamVelocity2.cpp
1134  - Documentation
1135    - Creation of a deprecated section.
1136    - Classes are now grouped in doxygen modules to help learning ViSP.
1137    - Introduction of new sample examples in the online documentation
1138  - Bug fixed
1139    - [5370] DirectShow and Visual Studio 9 2008 Express
1140    - [5371] Warnings on Visual Studio 9 2008
1141    - [5375] Compilation error in calibrate2dGrid.cpp
1142    - [5398] display cylinder
1143    - [5438] window sizes with Coin
1144    - [5496] Compilation error in example/framegrabber/grab1394.cpp
1145    - [5508] Bug in vpImageConvert::YUV420ToRGB
1146    - [5527] Bug in vpImageTools::changeLUT()
1147    - [5539] Unhandle exception with multi vpDisplayGDI / D3D instances
1148    - [5596] Multiplying a vpRotationMatrix with a vpColVector ?
1149    - [5642] warning in vphomographyvvs.cpp with Visual C++ 2003 .Net
1150    - [5993] vpImage BI
1151    - [6330] Segfault in vpSimulator with Coin + SoXt
1152    - [6336] DLT Homography on 4 points
1153    - [6484] Bug in vpCalibration::calibrationTsai for eye-to-hand calibration
1154    - [6590] vpDisplayGDI cannot handle numerous displays (windows)
1155    - [6619] Problem vpMeLine : compute of delta
1156    - [6743] Bug in vpDisplayOpenCV::displayRectangle()
1157    - [6744] Bug in vpDisplayOpenCV
1158    - [6962] vpMeLine : problem of tracking
1159    - [7034] vpMeLine : Bug when a strip is tracked
1160    - [7126] problem with vpMatrix::eigenValuesByLU()
1163ViSP 2.4.2 (released March 27th, 2008)
1164  - New classes
1165    - vpCalibration : calibration toolkit for intrinsic and
1166        extrinsic parameters of perspective camera.
1167    - vpXmlParserCamera : Parser xml to read and save camera parameters
1168        from vpCameraParameters class.
1169    - vpHinkley : Hinkley's cumulative sum test computation.
1170    - vpMePath  : Tracking of a white curve by using line and parabola
1171        tracker.
1172    - vpKeyboard : Gets a key from the keyboard without waiting for the
1173        enter key.
1174    - vpParallelPort : Parallel port management under unix.
1175    - vpRingLight : Irisa's ring light controller.
1176    - vpKltOpencv : Interface for the KLT (Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi) feature
1177        tracker implemented with opencv.
1178  - New Features
1179  - Bug fix and improvement
1180    - vpCameraParameters : support for radial distortion camera model.
1181    - vpAfma6 : Add a getCameraParameters functionnality
1182    - vpSimulator : either SoWin or SoQt or SoXt is needed to use
1183        vpSimulator class.
1184    - vpDot: setMaxDotSize(double percentage) replace
1185        setNbMaxPoint(double nb) to be less image size dependent.
1186        The maximal dot size is set by default to 0.25% (quarter image size).
1187        setGrayLevelPrecision(double grayLevelPrecision) has been
1188        added for a better management of gray dots detection.
1189    - vpDot2:
1190        Changes in searchDotsInArea() :
1191          The algorithm search now in the bounding boxes of the bad dots.
1192          Bug fixed : we could fall in an infinite loop.
1193          Split accuracy private variable into grayLevelPrecision and
1194          sizePrecision. The gray level min and max are well calculated for
1195          white and black dots.
1196        Add setEllipsoidShapePrecision() to turn on/off and modify the test
1197        related of the geometry of the shape
1198    - vpDisplayX : better management of endianness
1199    - vpDisplayGTK, vpDisplayGDI, vpDisplayD3D, vpDisplayX :
1200        To actually display drawings on the screen, a vpDisplay::flush(I) is
1201        needed. Use it with parsimony : it is time consuming.
1202    - vpDisplayGTK, vpDisplayGDI, vpDisplayD3D :
1203        The behavior of the following methods change to be similar
1204        to vpDisplayX:
1205        . getClick(..., button) : The button used to click is now an output
1206        . getClickUp(..., button) : The button used to click is now an output
1207        Moreover, in vpDisplayGDI, vpDisplayD3D middle button is now managed
1208    - vpDisplayGTK, vpDisplayGDI, vpDisplayD3D :
1209        The usage of display->init(vpImage, int, int); returned a
1210        segmentation fault : bug fixed
1211    - vpDisplayD3D : we couldn't re-use a display after the call of the
1212        function close(vpImage). We had a black image : bug fixed.
1213    - vpDisplay : changes in displayRectangle():an option parameter
1214        fill has been had to precise if the displayed rectangle is filled
1215        or not.
1216    - vpColor : Add orange color.
1217    - vpServo : To fix bug #3528 you should explicitly call vpServo::kill()
1218        in your programs. Otherwise an exception
1219        vpServoException::notKilledProperly is launched by
1220        vpServo::~vpServo() destructor.
1221    - vpMatrix : Change Infinity Norm and Euclidian Norm formula to match with
1222	the standard matrix norms definitions.
1223        Change determinant formula for 3x3 matrices to match with
1224        the standard determinant definition.
1225    - vpImageConvert :
1226	Add IplImage to vpImage and vpImage to IplImage conversion tool.
1227	Add MONO16 to grey (MONO8) conversion tool.
1228    - vp1394TwoGrabber :
1229	Supports libdc1394-2.0.0-rc7 and libdc1394-2.0.1
1230	MONO16 color coding is supported
1231  - Testing and examples:
1232    - example/calibration/calibrate2dGrid.cpp was added
1233    - example/tracking/trackKltOpencv.cpp was added
1234    - example/light/ringLight.cpp was added
1235    - example/tools/parallelPort.cpp was added
1236    - test/video-device/testClick.cpp was added
1237    - test/video-device/testVideoDevice.cpp was added
1238    - test/visual-feature/testFeature.cpp was added
1239    - test/image/testCreateSubImage.cpp was added
1240    - test/camera/testCameraParametersConversion.cpp was added
1241    - Documentation improvement
1242    - vpRobust::MEstimator()
1243    - vpRobotAfma6: example usage of getPosition() was updated
1244    - vpDisplayGDI is included in the doxygen documentation
1247ViSP 2.4.1 (released May 16th, 2007)
1248  - New classes
1249        - vpRect class for rectangle manipulations, display
1250        - vpHistogram,vpHistogramPeak and vpHistogramValey classes to
1251	  handle gray level image histogram
1252	- vpSubPixel for sub-pixel manipulations
1253	- vpMouseButton for mouse click identification
1254  - New Features
1255        - MinGW supported
1256	- ViSP as a third party library in an other project.
1257	  It is now possible to use ViSP as a third party project without
1258	  installing ViSP by make install. ViSP can now be used
1259	  directly from the build dir, or from the install dir, or
1260	  from a package (NSIS, ...)
1261	- vpRobotCamera It is now possible to add a sampling time so that
1262          the behavior of this simulated camera is quite realistic. This
1263	  sampling time is set by default to 40 ms.
1264	- vpExponentialMap A sampling time was introduced.
1265  - Bug fix and improvement
1266	- vpImage: getWidth() and getHeight() replace getCols() and getRows()
1267	  which are now obsolete.
1268	- More restrictive types in vpImage, vpDisplay..., and vp...Grabber
1269	  classes: const are added, unsigned int replace int for pixel
1270	  manipulations and image or display size.
1271	- In vpDisplay classes:
1272	  . vpMouseButton::vpMouseButtonType was introduced to handle
1273	    mouse clicks
1274	  . vpColor::vpColorType was introduced to handle colors to display
1275	- Simulator functionality based on Coin usage is now available
1276	  under windows. It allows the use of vpSimulator class under this
1277	  platform.
1278	- Compatibility with Windows platform.
1279	- Reference documentation improvement
1280	- cfox and std namespace were removed. To use cout you need to call
1281	  std::cout, std::endl, std::cin ...
1284ViSP 2.4.0 (released February 6th, 2007)
1285  - New Feature
1286	- add new framegrabber interface for itifg8 driver from Coreco
1287	  Imaging Technology (http://sourceforge.net/projects/itifg)
1288	  Tested with AM-STD COMP framegrabber board on 2.4 and 2.6
1289	  linux kernel (see vpItifg8Grabber).
1290	- add new framegrabber interface and test for firewire 1394
1291	  cameras using libdc1394-2.x. Need a newer version than
1292	  libdc1394-2.0.0-rc4.
1293	  Tested with the svn version of libdc1394-2 and Marlin F033C and
1294          F131B cameras (see vp1394TwoGrabber). Format 7 is supported
1295	  in vp1394TwoGrabber.
1296	  vp1394Grabber will be obsolete soon.
1297  - Bug fix and improvement
1298	- tests and examples
1299	- Video For Linux Two grabber (see vpV4l2Grabber)
1300        - memory leaks suppression
1301	- works fully under windows
1302	- doxygen documentation
1305ViSP 2.2.0 (released August 25th, 2006)
1306  - Build
1307	- To increase the code portability, especially under windows),
1308	  all the build process is now based on CMake
1309	  (see http://www.cmake.org).
1310	- Supported platforms:
1311	  Linux, Mac OSX, SunOS: g++ 2.95.3, 2.96, 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 4.1.0)
1312	  Windows: MSVC7 (2003.NET), MSVC8 (2005)
1313	- Suppression of autotools support (configure)
1314	- Allows shared library building (.so and .dll)
1315  - New Feature
1316	- add control for Traclabs biclops pan-tilt head
1317	- add control for Directed Perception ptu-46 pan-tilt head
1318	- add vpDisplayGTK display under Windows
1319	- add vpDirectShowGrabber framegrabber under Windows
1320	- add vpDisplayGDI display under windows
1321  - Bug fix and improvement
1322	- vp1394Grabber settings (format, mode, framerate, shutter, gain)
1323	- vpDot (Moment computation)
1324	- some fixes in vpDisplayGTK
1327ViSP 2.1.1 (released January 6th, 2006)
1328   - New examples
1329	- create an example directory
1330	- add vpDotExample.cpp
1331	- add vpDot2Example.cpp
1332	- add vpPoseExample.cpp
1333	- add 2D0.5.VisualServoingSimulation.cpp
1334  - New Feature
1335	- add this ChangleLog file
1336	- add a vpDisplayGTK class with the GTK2+ window system
1337	- new member function in vpDisplay (_uv)
1338	- add function getInteractionMatrix() in vpGenericFeature
1339  - Specification modifications
1340	- change the vpDot and vpDot2 specifications
1341	- supress demo directory
1342  - Bug fix and improvement
1343	- add a runtime warning when vpGenericFeature is not correctly used
1344	- comment in english in vpDisplayX
1345	- suppress a trace in vpPoseVirtualVisualServoing.cpp
1346	- directory.mk : add -p option to mkdir
1347	- improve XP compatibility
1348	- in vp1394Grabber, latency and memory leaks suppression
1349  - WWW
1350     - add an image sequence to download on the www site cube.tar.gz
1354ViSP 2.1.0 (released October, 24th 2005)