1 // This is mul/vimt3d/vimt3d_transform_3d.cxx
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <cstdlib>
4 #include <sstream>
5 #include "vimt3d_transform_3d.h"
6 //:
7 // \file
8 // \brief A class to define and apply a 3D transformation up to affine.
9 // \author Graham Vincent, Tim Cootes
11 #include <cassert>
12 #ifdef _MSC_VER
13 #  include "vcl_msvc_warnings.h"
14 #endif
15 #include "vsl/vsl_indent.h"
16 #include "vnl/vnl_matrix_fixed.h"
17 #include "vnl/vnl_vector.h"
18 #include <vnl/algo/vnl_determinant.h>
19 #include "vnl/vnl_math.h"
20 #include "vul/vul_string.h"
21 #include "vul/vul_sprintf.h"
22 #include <mbl/mbl_read_props.h>
23 #include <mbl/mbl_exception.h>
24 #include <mbl/mbl_parse_sequence.h>
27 //=======================================================================
matrix() const29 vnl_matrix<double> vimt3d_transform_3d::matrix() const
30 {
31   vnl_matrix<double> M(4,4);
32   matrix(M);
33   return M;
34 }
36 //=======================================================================
matrix(vnl_matrix<double> & M) const38 void vimt3d_transform_3d::matrix(vnl_matrix<double>& M) const
39 {
40 #if 0 //grv
41   if ((M.rows()!=4) || (M.columns()!=4)) M.resize(4,4);
42 #endif
43   M.set_size(4,4);
44   double**m_data = M.data_array();
45   m_data[0][0]=xx_; m_data[0][1]=xy_; m_data[0][2]=xz_; m_data[0][3]=xt_;
46   m_data[1][0]=yx_; m_data[1][1]=yy_; m_data[1][2]=yz_; m_data[1][3]=yt_;
47   m_data[2][0]=zx_; m_data[2][1]=zy_; m_data[2][2]=zz_; m_data[2][3]=zt_;
48   m_data[3][0]=tx_; m_data[3][1]=ty_; m_data[3][2]=tz_; m_data[3][3]=tt_;
49 }
51 //=======================================================================
52 // Define the transform in terms of a 4x4 homogeneous matrix.
set_matrix(const vnl_matrix<double> & M)53 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_matrix(const vnl_matrix<double>& M)
54 {
55   if (M.rows()!=4 || M.cols()!=4)
56     mbl_exception_error(mbl_exception_abort("vimt3d_transform_3d::set_matrix(matrix): input matrix must be 4x4"));
58   form_=Affine;
59   xx_=M[0][0]; xy_=M[0][1]; xz_=M[0][2]; xt_=M[0][3];
60   yx_=M[1][0]; yy_=M[1][1]; yz_=M[1][2]; yt_=M[1][3];
61   zx_=M[2][0]; zy_=M[2][1]; zz_=M[2][2]; zt_=M[2][3];
62   tx_=M[3][0]; ty_=M[3][1]; tz_=M[3][2]; tt_=M[3][3];
63 }
65 //=======================================================================
66 // See also vnl_rotation_matrix(), vgl_rotation_3d, and vnl_quaternion
angles(double & phi_x,double & phi_y,double & phi_z) const67 void vimt3d_transform_3d::angles(double& phi_x, double& phi_y, double& phi_z) const
68 {
69   // NB: in affine case will probably have to store s_x, s_y, s_z etc somewhere else!
70   // also won't work properly in rigid body case either!
71   double det=+xx_*yy_*zz_-xx_*zy_*yz_-yx_*xy_*zz_+yx_*zy_*xz_+zx_*xy_*yz_-zx_*yy_*xz_;
73   double xlen = std::sqrt(xx_*xx_ + yx_*yx_ + zx_*zx_)* vnl_math::sgn(det);
74   double ylen = std::sqrt(xy_*xy_ + yy_*yy_ + zy_*zy_)* vnl_math::sgn(det);
75   double zlen = std::sqrt(xz_*xz_ + yz_*yz_ + zz_*zz_)* vnl_math::sgn(det);
77   double xx3 = xx_ / xlen;
78   double xy3 = xy_ / ylen;
79   double xz3 = xz_ / zlen;
80   double yz3 = yz_ / zlen;
81   double zz3 = zz_ / zlen;
83   phi_x = std::atan2(-yz3,zz3);
84   phi_y = std::atan2(-xz3*std::cos(phi_x),zz3);
85   phi_z=std::atan2(-xy3,xx3);
87   // nb the equation for phi_z doesn't work in affine case
88   // because sy and sx aren't necessarily the same
90   // calc scaling factor
91   // ie assuming similarity transform here
92   // assume s is always positive
93   // to recover original angle
94   double s;
95   if (std::sin(phi_y) < 1e-20)
96     s = 1.0;
97   else
98     s = std::fabs( xz3/ (-1*std::sin(phi_y) ) );
100 #ifdef DEBUG
101   std::cout<<"s= "<<s<<std::endl;
102 #endif
104   // the angles may be wrong by +-vnl_math::pi - we can
105   // only tell by checking against the signs
106   // of the original entries in the rotation matrix
107   if (std::fabs(std::sin(phi_y)*s + xz3) > 1e-6)
108   {
109     if (phi_y > 0)
110       phi_y -= vnl_math::pi;
111     else
112       phi_y += vnl_math::pi;
113     //phi_y *= -1;
114   }
116   const double cos_y = std::cos(phi_y);
118   if (std::fabs(std::sin(phi_x)*cos_y*s + yz3) > 1e-6 ||
119       std::fabs(std::cos(phi_x)*cos_y*s - zz3) > 1e-6)
120   {
121     if (phi_x > 0)
122       phi_x -= vnl_math::pi;
123     else
124       phi_x += vnl_math::pi;
125   }
127   if (std::fabs(std::cos(phi_z)*cos_y*s - xx3) > 1e-6 ||
128       std::fabs(std::sin(phi_z)*cos_y*s + xy3) > 1e-6)
129   {
130     if (phi_z > 0)
131       phi_z -= vnl_math::pi;
132     else
133       phi_z += vnl_math::pi;
134   }
136   // now compress the angles towards zero as much as possible
137   // (we can add +-vnl_math::pi to each angle and negate phi_y without changing
138   // the rotation matrix)
139   int count = 0;
140   if (std::fabs(phi_x) > vnl_math::pi/2) ++count;
141   if (std::fabs(phi_y) > vnl_math::pi/2) ++count;
142   if (std::fabs(phi_z) > vnl_math::pi/2) ++count;
144   if (count > 1)
145   {
146     if (phi_x > 0)
147       phi_x -= vnl_math::pi;
148     else
149       phi_x += vnl_math::pi;
151     phi_y=-phi_y;
152     if (phi_y > 0)
153       phi_y -= vnl_math::pi;
154     else
155       phi_y += vnl_math::pi;
157     if (phi_z > 0)
158       phi_z -= vnl_math::pi;
159     else
160       phi_z += vnl_math::pi;
161   }
162 }
164 //=======================================================================
params(vnl_vector<double> & v) const166 void vimt3d_transform_3d::params(vnl_vector<double>& v) const
167 {
168   switch (form_)
169   {
170    case (Identity):
171     v.set_size(0);
172     break;
173    case (Translation):
174     if (v.size()!=3) v.set_size(3);
175     v[0]=xt_; v[1]=yt_; v[2]=zt_;
176     break;
177    case (ZoomOnly):
178     if (v.size()!=6) v.set_size(6);
179     v[0]=xx_; v[1]=yy_; v[2]=zz_;
180     v[3]=xt_; v[4]=yt_; v[5]=zt_;
181     break;
182    case (RigidBody):
183     if (v.size()!=6) v.set_size(6);
184     angles(v[0],v[1],v[2]);
185     v[3]=xt_; v[4]=yt_; v[5]=zt_;
186     break;
187    case (Similarity): // not sure this is right - kds
188                       // I think it's fixed now -dac
189     if (v.size()!=7) v.set_size(7);
190     angles(v[1],v[2],v[3]);
191     // compute scaling factor
192     v[0]= xx_/ ( std::cos( v[2] ) *std::cos( v[3] ) );
193     v[4]=xt_; v[5]=yt_; v[6]=zt_;
194     break;
195    case (Affine):     // not sure this is right - kds
196                       // I'm sure it's not correct -dac
197     {
198       v.set_size(9);
199       // computation of angles doesn't work unless
200       // sx, sy, sz are all the same!
202       angles(v[3],v[4],v[5]);
203       // try to compute scaling factors
204       double det=+xx_*yy_*zz_-xx_*zy_*yz_-yx_*xy_*zz_+yx_*zy_*xz_+zx_*xy_*yz_-zx_*yy_*xz_;
205       v[0]=std::sqrt(xx_*xx_ + yx_*yx_ + zx_*zx_)* vnl_math::sgn(det);
206       v[1]=std::sqrt(xy_*xy_ + yy_*yy_ + zy_*zy_)* vnl_math::sgn(det);
207       v[2]=std::sqrt(xz_*xz_ + yz_*yz_ + zz_*zz_)* vnl_math::sgn(det);
208       v[6]=xt_; v[7]=yt_; v[8]=zt_;
209       break;
210     }
211    default:
212     mbl_exception_error(mbl_exception_abort(
213       vul_sprintf("vimt3d_transform_3d::params() Unexpected form: %d", form_) ));
214   }
215 }
218 //=======================================================================
simplify(double tol)219 void vimt3d_transform_3d::simplify(double tol /*=1e-10*/)
220 {
221   double rx, ry, rz;
222   double sx, sy, sz;
223   double det;
224   switch (form_)
225   {
226    case Affine:
227     { // Not really true affine, because shear is forbidden.
228       angles(rx, ry, rz);
229       double matrix_form[]= {xx_, yx_, zx_, xy_, yy_, zy_, xz_, yz_, zz_};
230       vnl_matrix_fixed<double, 3, 3> X(matrix_form);
231       vnl_matrix_fixed<double, 3, 3> S2 = X.transpose() * X;
232       // if X=R*S (where S is a diagonal matrix) then X'X = S'*R'*R*S
233       // if R is a rotation matrix then R'*R=I and so X'X = S'*S = [s_x^2 0 0; 0 s_y^2 0; 0 0 s_z^2]
234       if (S2(0,1)*S2(0,1) + S2(0,2)*S2(0,2) + S2(1,0)*S2(1,0) +
235           S2(1,2)*S2(1,2) + S2(2,0)*S2(2,0) + S2(2,1)*S2(2,1) >= tol*tol*6)
236         return;
238       // mirroring if det is negative;
239       double mirror=vnl_math::sgn(vnl_determinant(X[0], X[1], X[2]));
241       sx = std::sqrt(std::abs(S2(0,0))) * mirror;
242       sy = std::sqrt(std::abs(S2(1,1))) * mirror;
243       sz = std::sqrt(std::abs(S2(2,2))) * mirror;
244       if (vnl_math::sqr(sx-sy) +  vnl_math::sqr(sx-sz) < tol*tol)
245         this->set_similarity(sx, rx, ry, rz,
246                              xt_, yt_, zt_ );
247       else if (rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz < tol*tol)
248         this->set_zoom_only(sx, sy, sz,
249                             xt_, yt_, zt_);
250       else
251         return;
252       simplify(tol);
253       return;
254     }
255    case Similarity:
256     angles(rx, ry, rz);
257     det=+xx_*yy_*zz_-xx_*zy_*yz_-yx_*xy_*zz_+yx_*zy_*xz_+zx_*xy_*yz_-zx_*yy_*xz_;
258     sx=std::sqrt(xx_*xx_ + yx_*yx_ + zx_*zx_)* vnl_math::sgn(det);
259     if (rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz < tol*tol)
260       this->set_zoom_only(sx, xt_, yt_, zt_);
261     else if (vnl_math::sqr(sx-1.0) < tol*tol)
262       this->set_rigid_body(rx, ry, rz, xt_, yt_, zt_);
263     else
264       return;
265     simplify(tol);
266     return;
268    case RigidBody:
269     angles(rx, ry, rz);
270     if (rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz >= tol*tol)
271       return;
272     this->set_translation(xt_, yt_, zt_);
273     simplify(tol);
274     return;
275    case ZoomOnly:
276     if (vnl_math::sqr(xx_-1.0) + vnl_math::sqr(yy_-1.0) + vnl_math::sqr(zz_-1.0) >= tol*tol)
277       return;
278     set_translation(xt_, yt_, zt_);
279    case Translation:
280     if (xt_*xt_+yt_*yt_+zt_*zt_<tol*tol)
281       set_identity();
282     return;
283    case Identity:
284     return;
285    default:
286     mbl_exception_error(mbl_exception_abort(
287       vul_sprintf("vimt3d_transform_3d::simplify() Unexpected form: %d", form_) ));
288   }
289 }
291 //=======================================================================
setCheck(int n1,int n2,const char * str) const293 void vimt3d_transform_3d::setCheck(int n1,int n2,const char* str) const
294 {
295   if (n1==n2) return;
296   std::ostringstream ss;
297   ss << "vimt3d_transform_3d::set() " << n1 << " parameters required for "
298      << str << ". Passed " << n2;
299   mbl_exception_error(mbl_exception_abort(ss.str()));
300 }
302 //=======================================================================
set(const vnl_vector<double> & v,Form form)304 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set(const vnl_vector<double>& v, Form form)
305 {
306   int n=v.size();
308   switch (form)
309   {
310    case (Identity):
311     set_identity();
312     break;
313    case (Translation):
314     setCheck(3,n,"Translation");
315     set_translation(v[0],v[1],v[2]);
316     break;
317    case (ZoomOnly):
318     setCheck(6,n,"ZoomOnly");
319     set_zoom_only( v[0],v[1],v[2],
320                    v[3],v[4],v[5]);
321     break;
322    case (RigidBody):
323     setCheck(6,n,"RigidBody");
324     set_rigid_body( v[0],v[1],v[2],
325                     v[3],v[4],v[5]);
326     break;
327    case (Similarity):
328     setCheck(7,n,"Similarity");
329     set_similarity( v[0],v[1],v[2],
330                     v[3],v[4],v[5], v[6]);
331     form_ = Similarity;
332     inv_uptodate_=false;
333     break;
334    case (Affine): // not sure this is right - kds
335                   // it works unless you call params()
336                   // later which gives the wrong answer
337                   // in affine case -dac
338     setCheck(9,n,"Affine");
339     set_affine( v[0],v[1],v[2],
340                 v[3],v[4],v[5],
341                 v[6],v[7],v[8]);
342     form_ = Affine;
343     inv_uptodate_=false;
344     break;
345    default:
346     mbl_exception_error(mbl_exception_abort(
347       vul_sprintf("vimt3d_transform_3d::set() Unexpected form: %d", form_) ));
348   }
349 }
351 //=======================================================================
352 // See also vnl_rotation_matrix(), vgl_rotation_3d, and vnl_quaternion
setRotMat(double r_x,double r_y,double r_z)353 void vimt3d_transform_3d::setRotMat( double r_x, double r_y, double r_z )
354 {
355   double sinx=std::sin(r_x);
356   double siny=std::sin(r_y);
357   double sinz=std::sin(r_z);
358   double cosx=std::cos(r_x);
359   double cosy=std::cos(r_y);
360   double cosz=std::cos(r_z);
362   // set R_mat = Rx*Ry*Rz
363   xx_ =  cosy*cosz;
364   xy_ = -cosy*sinz;
365   xz_ = -siny;
366   yx_ =  cosx*sinz - sinx*siny*cosz;
367   yy_ =  cosx*cosz + sinx*siny*sinz;
368   yz_ = -sinx*cosy;
369   zx_ =  sinx*sinz + cosx*siny*cosz;
370   zy_ =  sinx*cosz - cosx*siny*sinz;
371   zz_ =  cosx*cosy;
372 }
374 //=======================================================================
set_origin(const vgl_point_3d<double> & p)376 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_origin( const vgl_point_3d<double> & p )
377 {
378   xt_=p.x()*tt_;
379   yt_=p.y()*tt_;
380   zt_=p.z()*tt_;
382   if (form_ == Identity) form_=Translation;
384   inv_uptodate_=false;
385 }
387 //=======================================================================
set_identity()389 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_identity()
390 {
391   if (form_==Identity) return;
392   form_=Identity;
394   xx_=yy_=zz_=tt_=1;
395   xy_=xz_=xt_=0;
396   yx_=yz_=yt_=0;
397   zx_=zy_=zt_=0;
398   tx_=ty_=tz_=0;
399   inv_uptodate_=false;
400 }
402 //=======================================================================
set_translation(double t_x,double t_y,double t_z)404 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_translation(double t_x, double t_y, double t_z)
405 {
406   if (t_x==0 && t_y==0 && t_z==0)
407     set_identity();
408   else
409   {
410     form_=Translation;
412     // Set translation (first 3 elements of final column)
413     xt_=t_x;
414     yt_=t_y;
415     zt_=t_z;
417     // Set all other elements to defaults
418     xx_=yy_=zz_=tt_=1;
419     xy_=xz_=yx_=yz_=zx_=zy_=0;
420     tx_=ty_=tz_=0;
421   }
423   inv_uptodate_=false;
424 }
426 //=======================================================================
set_zoom_only(double s_x,double s_y,double s_z,double t_x,double t_y,double t_z)428 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_zoom_only(double s_x, double s_y, double s_z,
429                                         double t_x, double t_y, double t_z)
430 {
431   form_=ZoomOnly;
433   // Set scaling (first 3 diagonal elements)
434   xx_=s_x;
435   yy_=s_y;
436   zz_=s_z;
438   // Set translation (first 3 elements of final column)
439   xt_=t_x;
440   yt_=t_y;
441   zt_=t_z;
443   // Set all other elements to defaults
444   tx_=ty_=tz_=0;
445   xy_=xz_=yx_=yz_=zx_=zy_=0;
446   tt_=1;
448   inv_uptodate_=false;
449 }
451 //=======================================================================
set_rigid_body(double r_x,double r_y,double r_z,double t_x,double t_y,double t_z)453 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_rigid_body(double r_x, double r_y, double r_z,
454                                          double t_x, double t_y, double t_z)
455 {
456   if (r_x==0.0 && r_y==0.0 && r_z==0.0)
457   {
458     set_translation(t_x,t_y,t_z);
459   }
460   else
461   {
462     form_=RigidBody;
464     // Set rotation matrix
465     setRotMat(r_x,r_y,r_z);
467     // Set translation (first 3 elements of final column)
468     xt_=t_x;
469     yt_=t_y;
470     zt_=t_z;
472     // Set all other elements to defaults
473     tx_=0; ty_=0; tz_=0; tt_=1;
474   }
476   inv_uptodate_=false;
477 }
479 //: Sets the transformation to be rotation, followed by translation.
480 // The transformation is separable affine.
481 // \param q  Unit quaternion defining rotation
set_rigid_body(const vnl_quaternion<double> & q,double t_x,double t_y,double t_z)482 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_rigid_body(const vnl_quaternion<double>& q,
483                                          double t_x, double t_y, double t_z)
484 {
485   if (q.angle()==0.0)
486   {
487     set_translation(t_x,t_y,t_z);
488     return;
489   }
490   vnl_matrix_fixed<double,3,3> R = q.rotation_matrix_transpose();
491   form_=RigidBody;
493   // Set rotation terms from R, which is transpose of Rot mat.
494   xx_=R[0][0];  xy_= R[1][0]; xz_ = R[2][0];
495   yx_=R[0][1];  yy_= R[1][1]; yz_ = R[2][1];
496   zx_=R[0][2];  zy_= R[1][2]; zz_ = R[2][2];
498   // Set translation
499   xt_=t_x;
500   yt_=t_y;
501   zt_=t_z;
503   inv_uptodate_=false;
504 }
506 //: Sets the transformation to be similarity: scale, rotation, followed by translation.
507 // The transformation is separable affine.
508 // \param unit_q  Unit quaternion defining rotation
set_similarity(double s,const vnl_quaternion<double> & q,double t_x,double t_y,double t_z)509 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_similarity(double s, const vnl_quaternion<double>& q,
510                       double t_x, double t_y, double t_z)
511 {
512   if (q.angle()==0.0)
513   {
514     set_zoom_only(s,t_x,t_y,t_z);
515     return;
516   }
517   vnl_matrix_fixed<double,3,3> R = q.rotation_matrix_transpose();
518   form_=RigidBody;
520   // Set scale/rotation terms from R, which is transpose of Rot mat.
521   xx_=s*R[0][0];  xy_= s*R[1][0]; xz_ = s*R[2][0];
522   yx_=s*R[0][1];  yy_= s*R[1][1]; yz_ = s*R[2][1];
523   zx_=s*R[0][2];  zy_= s*R[1][2]; zz_ = s*R[2][2];
525   // Set translation
526   xt_=t_x;
527   yt_=t_y;
528   zt_=t_z;
530   inv_uptodate_=false;
531 }
532 //=======================================================================
set_similarity(double s,double r_x,double r_y,double r_z,double t_x,double t_y,double t_z)534 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_similarity(double s,
535                                          double r_x, double r_y, double r_z,
536                                          double t_x, double t_y, double t_z)
537 {
538   if (s==1.0)
539   {
540     set_rigid_body(r_x,r_y,r_z,t_x,t_y,t_z);
541   }
542   else
543   {
544     form_=Similarity;
546     // Set rotation matrix
547     setRotMat(r_x,r_y,r_z);
549 #ifdef DEBUG // debug test
550     double r_x1, r_y1, r_z1;
551     angles( r_x1, r_y1, r_z1 );
552     std::cout << "r_x = " << r_x  << '\n'
553              << "r_x1= " << r_x1 << '\n'
554              << "r_y = " << r_y  << '\n'
555              << "r_y1= " << r_y1 << '\n'
556              << "r_z = " << r_z  << '\n'
557              << "r_z1= " << r_z1 << std::endl;
558 #endif
560     // Account for scaling (this actually means that scaling was done BEFORE rotation)
561     xx_*=s;  xy_*=s;  xz_*=s;
562     yx_*=s;  yy_*=s;  yz_*=s;
563     zx_*=s;  zy_*=s;  zz_*=s;
565     // Set translation (first 3 elements of final column)
566     xt_=t_x;
567     yt_=t_y;
568     zt_=t_z;
570     // Set all other elements to defaults
571     tx_=0; ty_=0; tz_=0; tt_=1;
572   }
573   inv_uptodate_=false;
574 }
576 //=======================================================================
set_affine(double s_x,double s_y,double s_z,double r_x,double r_y,double r_z,double t_x,double t_y,double t_z)578 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_affine(double s_x, double s_y, double s_z,
579                                      double r_x, double r_y, double r_z,
580                                      double t_x, double t_y, double t_z)
581 {
582   form_=Affine;
584   // Set rotation matrix
585   setRotMat(r_x,r_y,r_z);
587   // Account for scaling (this actually means that scaling was done BEFORE rotation)
588   xx_*=s_x;  xy_*=s_y;  xz_*=s_z;
589   yx_*=s_x;  yy_*=s_y;  yz_*=s_z;
590   zx_*=s_x;  zy_*=s_y;  zz_*=s_z;
592   // Set translation (first 3 elements of final column)
593   xt_=t_x;
594   yt_=t_y;
595   zt_=t_z;
597   // Set all other elements to defaults
598   tx_=0; ty_=0; tz_=0; tt_=1;
600   inv_uptodate_=false;
601 }
602 //=======================================================================
set_affine(double s_x,double s_y,double s_z,vgl_vector_3d<double> c_x,vgl_vector_3d<double> c_y,vgl_vector_3d<double> c_z,double t_x,double t_y,double t_z)604 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_affine(double s_x, double s_y, double s_z,
605                                      vgl_vector_3d<double> c_x,
606                                      vgl_vector_3d<double> c_y,
607                                      vgl_vector_3d<double> c_z,
608                                      double t_x, double t_y, double t_z)
609 {
610   form_=Affine;
612   // Set rotation matrix
613   xx_ = c_x.x(); xy_ = c_y.x(); xz_ = c_z.x();
614   yx_ = c_x.y(); yy_ = c_y.y(); yz_ = c_z.y();
615   zx_ = c_x.z(); zy_ = c_y.z(); zz_ = c_z.z();
618   // Account for scaling (this actually means that scaling was done BEFORE rotation)
619   xx_*=s_x;  xy_*=s_y;  xz_*=s_z;
620   yx_*=s_x;  yy_*=s_y;  yz_*=s_z;
621   zx_*=s_x;  zy_*=s_y;  zz_*=s_z;
623   // Set translation (first 3 elements of final column)
624   xt_=t_x;
625   yt_=t_y;
626   zt_=t_z;
628   // Set all other elements to defaults
629   tx_=0; ty_=0; tz_=0; tt_=1;
631   inv_uptodate_=false;
632 }
634 //=======================================================================
set_affine(const vgl_point_3d<double> & p,const vgl_vector_3d<double> & u,const vgl_vector_3d<double> & v,const vgl_vector_3d<double> & w)636 void vimt3d_transform_3d::set_affine(const vgl_point_3d<double>& p,
637                                      const vgl_vector_3d<double>& u,
638                                      const vgl_vector_3d<double>& v,
639                                      const vgl_vector_3d<double>& w)
640 {
641   form_=Affine;
643 #ifndef NDEBUG
644   const double tol=1e-6;
646   // Get normalized vectors
647   vgl_vector_3d<double> uh = normalized(u);
648   vgl_vector_3d<double> vh = normalized(v);
649   vgl_vector_3d<double> wh = normalized(w);
651   // Test for orthogonality of input vectors
652   assert(std::fabs(dot_product(uh,vh))<tol);
653   assert(std::fabs(dot_product(vh,wh))<tol);
654   assert(std::fabs(dot_product(wh,uh))<tol);
656   // Test for right-handedness of input vectors
657   assert(std::fabs((cross_product(uh,vh)-wh).length())<tol);
658 #endif
660   // Set rotation and scaling (this actually means that scaling was done BEFORE rotation)
661   xx_=u.x();  xy_=v.x();  xz_=w.x();
662   yx_=u.y();  yy_=v.y();  yz_=w.y();
663   zx_=u.z();  zy_=v.z();  zz_=w.z();
665   // Set translation (first 3 elements of final column)
666   xt_=p.x();
667   yt_=p.y();
668   zt_=p.z();
670   // Set final row with default values (for all transforms up to affine)
671   tx_=0; ty_=0; tz_=0; tt_=1;
673   inv_uptodate_=false;
674 }
676 //=======================================================================
inverse() const678 vimt3d_transform_3d vimt3d_transform_3d::inverse() const
679 {
680   if (!inv_uptodate_) calcInverse();
682   vimt3d_transform_3d inv;
684   inv.xx_ = xx2_; inv.xy_ = xy2_; inv.xz_ = xz2_; inv.xt_ = xt2_;
685   inv.yx_ = yx2_; inv.yy_ = yy2_; inv.yz_ = yz2_; inv.yt_ = yt2_;
686   inv.zx_ = zx2_; inv.zy_ = zy2_; inv.zz_ = zz2_; inv.zt_ = zt2_;
687   inv.tx_ = tx2_; inv.ty_ = ty2_; inv.tz_ = tz2_; inv.tt_ = tt2_;
689   inv.xx2_ = xx_; inv.xy2_ = xy_; inv.xz2_ = xz_; inv.xt2_ = xt_;
690   inv.yx2_ = yx_; inv.yy2_ = yy_; inv.yz2_ = yz_; inv.yt2_ = yt_;
691   inv.zx2_ = zx_; inv.zy2_ = zy_; inv.zz2_ = zz_; inv.zt2_ = zt_;
692   inv.tx2_ = tx_; inv.ty2_ = ty_; inv.tz2_ = tz_; inv.tt2_ = tt_;
694   inv.form_ = form_;
695   inv.inv_uptodate_ = true;
697   return inv;
698 }
700 //=======================================================================
calcInverse() const702 void vimt3d_transform_3d::calcInverse() const
703 {
704   xx2_=yy2_=zz2_=tt2_=1;
705   xy2_ = xz2_= xt2_ = yx2_ = yz2_= yt2_ = zx2_ = zy2_ = zt2_ = tx2_ = ty2_ = tz2_ = 0;
707   switch (form_)
708   {
709    case Identity :
710     break;
711    case Translation :
712     xt2_=-xt_;
713     yt2_=-yt_;
714     zt2_=-zt_;
715     break;
716    case ZoomOnly :
717     xx2_=1.0/xx_;
718     yy2_=1.0/yy_;
719     zz2_=1.0/zz_;
720     xt2_=-xt_/xx_;
721     yt2_=-yt_/yy_;
722     zt2_=-zt_/zz_;
723     break;
724    case RigidBody :
725     // transpose x,y,z part
726     xx2_=xx_;
727     xy2_=yx_;
728     xz2_=zx_;
729     yx2_=xy_;
730     yy2_=yy_;
731     yz2_=zy_;
732     zx2_=xz_;
733     zy2_=yz_;
734     zz2_=zz_;
735     xt2_=-(xx2_*xt_ + xy2_*yt_ + xz2_*zt_);
736     yt2_=-(yx2_*xt_ + yy2_*yt_ + yz2_*zt_);
737     zt2_=-(zx2_*xt_ + zy2_*yt_ + zz2_*zt_);
738     break;
739    case Similarity :
740    case Affine : {
741       // affine inverse (plugged in from symbolic matlab)
742       double det=-xx_*yy_*zz_+xx_*zy_*yz_+yx_*xy_*zz_-yx_*zy_*xz_-zx_*xy_*yz_+zx_*yy_*xz_;
743       if (det==0)
744       {
745         std::cerr<<"vimt3d_transform_3d() : No inverse exists for this affine transform (det==0)\n";
746         std::abort();
747       }
749       xx2_=(-yy_*zz_+zy_*yz_)/det;
750       xy2_=( xy_*zz_-zy_*xz_)/det;
751       xz2_=(-xy_*yz_+yy_*xz_)/det;
752       xt2_=(xy_*yz_*zt_-xy_*yt_*zz_-yy_*xz_*zt_+yy_*xt_*zz_+zy_*xz_*yt_-zy_*xt_*yz_)/det;
754       yx2_=( yx_*zz_-zx_*yz_)/det;
755       yy2_=(-xx_*zz_+zx_*xz_)/det;
756       yz2_=( xx_*yz_-yx_*xz_)/det;
757       yt2_=(-xx_*yz_*zt_+xx_*yt_*zz_+yx_*xz_*zt_-yx_*xt_*zz_-zx_*xz_*yt_+zx_*xt_*yz_)/det;
759       zx2_=(-yx_*zy_+zx_*yy_)/det;
760       zy2_=( xx_*zy_-zx_*xy_)/det;
761       zz2_=(-xx_*yy_+yx_*xy_)/det;
762       zt2_=( xx_*yy_*zt_-xx_*yt_*zy_-yx_*xy_*zt_+yx_*xt_*zy_+zx_*xy_*yt_-zx_*xt_*yy_)/det;
764       break; }
765    default:
766     mbl_exception_error(mbl_exception_abort(
767       vul_sprintf("vimt3d_transform_3d::calcInverse() Unexpected form: %d", form_) ));
768   }
770   inv_uptodate_=true;
771 }
773 //=======================================================================
operator ==(const vimt3d_transform_3d & t) const775 bool vimt3d_transform_3d::operator==( const vimt3d_transform_3d& t) const
776 {
777   return
778     xx_ == t.xx_ &&
779     yy_ == t.yy_ &&
780     zz_ == t.zz_ &&
781     tt_ == t.tt_ &&
782     xy_ == t.xy_ &&
783     xz_ == t.xz_ &&
784     xt_ == t.xt_ &&
785     yx_ == t.yx_ &&
786     yz_ == t.yz_ &&
787     yt_ == t.yt_ &&
788     zx_ == t.zx_ &&
789     zy_ == t.zy_ &&
790     zt_ == t.zt_ &&
791     tx_ == t.tx_ &&
792     ty_ == t.ty_ &&
793     tz_ == t.tz_ ;
794 }
796 //=======================================================================
797 //: Calculates the product LR
798 // \param L  Transform
799 // \param R  Transform
800 // \return Transform LR = R followed by L
operator *(const vimt3d_transform_3d & L,const vimt3d_transform_3d & R)801 vimt3d_transform_3d operator*(const vimt3d_transform_3d& L, const vimt3d_transform_3d& R)
802 {
803   vimt3d_transform_3d T;
805   if (L.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::Identity)
806     return R;
807   else
808   if (R.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::Identity)
809     return L;
810   else
811   {
812   /// full multiplication - inefficient but works for
813   // arbitrary 4*4 transformation matrix
814     T.xx_ = L.xx_*R.xx_ + L.xy_*R.yx_+ L.xz_*R.zx_ + L.xt_*R.tx_;
815     T.xy_ = L.xx_*R.xy_ + L.xy_*R.yy_+ L.xz_*R.zy_ + L.xt_*R.ty_;
816     T.xz_ = L.xx_*R.xz_ + L.xy_*R.yz_+ L.xz_*R.zz_ + L.xt_*R.tz_;
817     T.xt_ = L.xx_*R.xt_ + L.xy_*R.yt_+ L.xz_*R.zt_ + L.xt_*R.tt_;
819     T.yx_ = L.yx_*R.xx_ + L.yy_*R.yx_+ L.yz_*R.zx_ + L.yt_*R.tx_;
820     T.yy_ = L.yx_*R.xy_ + L.yy_*R.yy_+ L.yz_*R.zy_ + L.yt_*R.ty_;
821     T.yz_ = L.yx_*R.xz_ + L.yy_*R.yz_+ L.yz_*R.zz_ + L.yt_*R.tz_;
822     T.yt_ = L.yx_*R.xt_ + L.yy_*R.yt_+ L.yz_*R.zt_ + L.yt_*R.tt_;
824     T.zx_ = L.zx_*R.xx_ + L.zy_*R.yx_+ L.zz_*R.zx_ + L.zt_*R.tx_;
825     T.zy_ = L.zx_*R.xy_ + L.zy_*R.yy_+ L.zz_*R.zy_ + L.zt_*R.ty_;
826     T.zz_ = L.zx_*R.xz_ + L.zy_*R.yz_+ L.zz_*R.zz_ + L.zt_*R.tz_;
827     T.zt_ = L.zx_*R.xt_ + L.zy_*R.yt_+ L.zz_*R.zt_ + L.zt_*R.tt_;
829     T.tx_ = L.tx_*R.xx_ + L.ty_*R.yx_+ L.tz_*R.zx_ + L.tt_*R.tx_;
830     T.ty_ = L.tx_*R.xy_ + L.ty_*R.yy_+ L.tz_*R.zy_ + L.tt_*R.ty_;
831     T.tz_ = L.tx_*R.xz_ + L.ty_*R.yz_+ L.tz_*R.zz_ + L.tt_*R.tz_;
832     T.tt_ = L.tx_*R.xt_ + L.ty_*R.yt_+ L.tz_*R.zt_ + L.tt_*R.tt_;
834     // now set the type using the type of L and R
835     // not sure this right - kds
836     if (R.form() == L.form())
837       T.form_ = R.form();
838     else
839     {
840       if (R.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::Affine ||
841           L.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::Affine)
842           T.form_ = vimt3d_transform_3d::Affine;
843       else
844       if (R.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::Similarity ||
845           L.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::Similarity)
846           T.form_ = vimt3d_transform_3d::Similarity;
847       else
848       if (R.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::RigidBody ||
849           L.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::RigidBody)
850       {
851         if (R.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::ZoomOnly)
852         {
853           if (R.xx_ == R.yy_ &&
854               R.xx_ == R.zz_)
855             T.form_ = vimt3d_transform_3d::Similarity;
856           else
857             T.form_ = vimt3d_transform_3d::Affine;
858         }
859         else
860         if (L.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::ZoomOnly)
861         {
862           if (L.xx_ == L.yy_ &&
863               L.xx_ == L.zz_)
864             T.form_ = vimt3d_transform_3d::Similarity;
865           else
866             T.form_ = vimt3d_transform_3d::Affine;
867         }
868         else
869           T.form_ = vimt3d_transform_3d::RigidBody;
870       }
871       else
872       if (R.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::ZoomOnly ||
873           L.form() == vimt3d_transform_3d::ZoomOnly)
874           T.form_ = vimt3d_transform_3d::ZoomOnly;
875       else
876         T.form_ = vimt3d_transform_3d::Translation;
877     }
878   }
880   T.inv_uptodate_ = false;
882   return T;
883 }
885 //=======================================================================
print_summary(std::ostream & o) const886 void vimt3d_transform_3d::print_summary(std::ostream& o) const
887 {
888   o << vsl_indent()<< "Form: ";
889   vsl_indent_inc(o);
890   switch (form_)
891   {
892    case Identity:
893     o << "Identity\n";
894     break;
896    case Translation: {
897     vnl_vector<double> p(3);
898     params(p);
899     o << "Translation (" << p(0) << ',' << p(1) << ',' << p(2) << ")\n";
900     break; }
902    case ZoomOnly: {
903     vnl_vector<double> p(6);
904     params(p);
905     o << "ZoomOnly\n"
906       << vsl_indent()<< "scale factor = (" << p(0) << ',' << p(1) << ',' << p(2) << ")\n"
907       << vsl_indent() << "translation = (" << p(3) << ',' << p(4) << ',' << p(5) << ")\n";
908     break; }
910    case RigidBody: {
911     vnl_vector<double> p(6);
912     params(p);
913     o << "RigidBody\n"
914       << vsl_indent()<< "angles = " << p(0) << ',' << p(1) << ',' << p(2) << '\n'
915       << vsl_indent()<< "translation = (" << p(3) << ',' << p(4) << ',' << p(5) << ")\n";
916     break; }
918    case Similarity: {
919     vnl_vector<double> p(7);
920     params(p);
921     // not sure this is right - kds
922     // returns euler angles of rotation
923     // which might not be same as rotations specified by set command
924     // cos euler angles not unique
925     o << "Similarity\n"
926       << vsl_indent()<< "scale factor = " << p(0) << '\n'
927       << vsl_indent()<< "angles = " << p(1) << ',' << p(2) << ',' << p(3) << '\n'
928       << vsl_indent()<< "translation = (" << p(4) << ',' << p(5) << ',' << p(6) << ")\n";
929     break; }
930    case Affine: {
931     vnl_vector<double> p(9);
932     params(p);
933     // not sure this is right - kds
934     // params(p) call is broken for affine
935     // only works if sx=sy=sz in set command
936     o << "Affine\n"
937       << vsl_indent()<< "scale factors = " << p(0) << ',' << p(1) << ',' << p(2) << '\n'
938       << vsl_indent()<< "angles = " << p(3) << ',' << p(4) << ',' << p(5) << '\n'
939       << vsl_indent()<< "translation = (" << p(6) << ',' << p(7) << ',' << p(8) << ")\n";
940     break; }
941    default:
942     mbl_exception_error(mbl_exception_abort(
943       vul_sprintf("vimt3d_transform_3d::print_summary() Unexpected form: %d", form_) ));
944   }
945   vsl_indent_dec(o);
946 }
948 //=======================================================================
949 // Print class to os
print_all(std::ostream & os) const950 void vimt3d_transform_3d::print_all(std::ostream& os) const
951 {
952   os << vsl_indent() << "Form: ";
953   switch (form_)
954   {
955    case Identity:
956     os << "Identity\n";
957     break;
959    case Translation:
960     os << "Translation\n";
961     break;
963    case ZoomOnly:
964     os << "ZoomOnly\n";
965     break;
967    case RigidBody:
968     os << "RigidBody\n";
969     break;
971    case Similarity:
972     os << "Similarity\n";
973     break;
975    case Affine:
976     os << "Affine\n";
977     break;
978    default:
979     mbl_exception_error(mbl_exception_abort(
980       vul_sprintf("vimt3d_transform_3d::print_all() Unexpected form: %d", form_) ));
981   }
983   os << vsl_indent() << "Matrix:\n";
984   vsl_indent_inc(os);
985   os << vsl_indent() << xx_ << ' ' << xy_ << ' ' << xz_ << ' ' << xt_ << '\n'
986      << vsl_indent() << yx_ << ' ' << yy_ << ' ' << yz_ << ' ' << yt_ << '\n'
987      << vsl_indent() << zx_ << ' ' << zy_ << ' ' << zz_ << ' ' << zt_ << '\n'
988      << vsl_indent() << tx_ << ' ' << ty_ << ' ' << tz_ << ' ' << tt_ << '\n';
989   vsl_indent_dec(os);
990 }
993 //=======================================================================
config(std::istream & is)994 void vimt3d_transform_3d::config(std::istream& is)
995 {
996   mbl_read_props_type props = mbl_read_props_ws(is);
997   std::string form = props.get_required_property("form");
998   vul_string_downcase(form);
1000   bool done=false;
1002   if (form == "identity")
1003   {
1004     done=true;
1005     form_ = Identity;
1006   }
1007   else if (form == "translation")
1008     form_ = Translation;
1009   else if (form == "zoomonly")
1010     form_ = ZoomOnly;
1011   else if (form == "rigidbody")
1012     form_ = RigidBody;
1013   else if (form == "similarity")
1014     form_ = Similarity;
1015   else if (form == "affine")
1016     form_ = Affine;
1017   else
1018     throw mbl_exception_parse_error("Unknown transformation: \"" + form + "\"");
1020   std::string vector = props.get_optional_property("vector");
1021   if (!vector.empty())
1022   {
1023     std::istringstream ss(vector);
1025     std::vector<double> vec1;
1026     mbl_parse_sequence(ss, std::back_inserter(vec1), double());
1027     if (vec1.empty())
1028       throw mbl_exception_parse_error("Could not find elements for transformation vector: \""+vector+"\"");
1029     vnl_vector<double> vec2(&vec1.front(), vec1.size());
1030     try
1031     { // translate exception abort into parse error.
1032       this->set(vec2, form_);
1033     }
1034     catch (mbl_exception_abort & e)
1035     {
1036       throw mbl_exception_parse_error(e.what());
1037     }
1038     done = true;
1039   }
1040   if (!done && form_==Translation)
1041   {
1042     this->set_translation(
1043       vul_string_atof(props.get_required_property("t_x")),
1044       vul_string_atof(props.get_required_property("t_y")),
1045       vul_string_atof(props.get_required_property("t_z")) );
1046     done = true;
1047   }
1048   if (!done && form_==ZoomOnly)
1049   {
1050     std::string s_str = props.get_optional_property("s");
1051     if (!s_str.empty())
1052       this->set_zoom_only(
1053         vul_string_atof(s_str),
1054         vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("t_x")),
1055         vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("t_y")),
1056         vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("t_z")) );
1057     else
1058       this->set_zoom_only(
1059         vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("s_x")),
1060         vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("s_y")),
1061         vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("s_z")),
1062         vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("t_x")),
1063         vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("t_y")),
1064         vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("t_z")) );
1065     done = true;
1066   }
1067   if (!done && form_==RigidBody)
1068   {
1069     set_rigid_body(
1070       vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("r_x")),
1071       vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("r_y")),
1072       vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("r_z")),
1073       vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("t_x")),
1074       vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("t_y")),
1075       vul_string_atof(props.get_optional_property("t_z")) );
1076     done = true;
1077   }
1079   if (!done) throw mbl_exception_parse_error("Not enough transformation values specified");
1081   mbl_read_props_look_for_unused_props(
1082     "vimt3d_transform_3d::config", props, mbl_read_props_type());
1083   return;
1084 }
1087 //=======================================================================
b_write(vsl_b_ostream & bfs) const1089 void vimt3d_transform_3d::b_write(vsl_b_ostream& bfs) const
1090 {
1091   constexpr short version_no = 2;
1092   vsl_b_write(bfs,version_no);
1093   vsl_b_write(bfs,int(form_));
1094   vsl_b_write(bfs,xx_); vsl_b_write(bfs,xy_); vsl_b_write(bfs,xz_); vsl_b_write(bfs,xt_);
1095   vsl_b_write(bfs,yx_); vsl_b_write(bfs,yy_); vsl_b_write(bfs,yz_); vsl_b_write(bfs,yt_);
1096   vsl_b_write(bfs,zx_); vsl_b_write(bfs,zy_); vsl_b_write(bfs,zz_); vsl_b_write(bfs,zt_);
1097   vsl_b_write(bfs,tx_); vsl_b_write(bfs,ty_); vsl_b_write(bfs,tz_); vsl_b_write(bfs,tt_);
1098 }
1100 //=======================================================================
b_read(vsl_b_istream & bfs)1102 void vimt3d_transform_3d::b_read(vsl_b_istream& bfs)
1103 {
1104   short version;
1105   vsl_b_read(bfs,version);
1106   int f;
1107   switch (version)
1108   {
1109    case 1:
1110     vsl_b_read(bfs,f);
1111     if (f==0) // Old Form enum had "Undefined" as the first value. It is never needed, and so was removed.
1112       set_identity();
1113     else
1114     {
1115       form_=Form(f-1);
1116       vsl_b_read(bfs,xx_); vsl_b_read(bfs,xy_); vsl_b_read(bfs,xz_); vsl_b_read(bfs,xt_);
1117       vsl_b_read(bfs,yx_); vsl_b_read(bfs,yy_); vsl_b_read(bfs,yz_); vsl_b_read(bfs,yt_);
1118       vsl_b_read(bfs,zx_); vsl_b_read(bfs,zy_); vsl_b_read(bfs,zz_); vsl_b_read(bfs,zt_);
1119       vsl_b_read(bfs,tx_); vsl_b_read(bfs,ty_); vsl_b_read(bfs,tz_); vsl_b_read(bfs,tt_);
1120     }
1121     break;
1122    case 2:
1123     vsl_b_read(bfs,f); form_=Form(f);
1124     vsl_b_read(bfs,xx_); vsl_b_read(bfs,xy_); vsl_b_read(bfs,xz_); vsl_b_read(bfs,xt_);
1125     vsl_b_read(bfs,yx_); vsl_b_read(bfs,yy_); vsl_b_read(bfs,yz_); vsl_b_read(bfs,yt_);
1126     vsl_b_read(bfs,zx_); vsl_b_read(bfs,zy_); vsl_b_read(bfs,zz_); vsl_b_read(bfs,zt_);
1127     vsl_b_read(bfs,tx_); vsl_b_read(bfs,ty_); vsl_b_read(bfs,tz_); vsl_b_read(bfs,tt_);
1128     break;
1129    default:
1130     std::cerr<<"vimt3d_transform_3d::load : Illegal version number "<<version<<'\n';
1131     std::abort();
1132   }
1134   inv_uptodate_ = false;
1135 }
1137 //=======================================================================
vsl_b_write(vsl_b_ostream & bfs,const vimt3d_transform_3d & b)1139 void vsl_b_write(vsl_b_ostream& bfs, const vimt3d_transform_3d& b)
1140 {
1141   b.b_write(bfs);
1142 }
1144 //=======================================================================
vsl_b_read(vsl_b_istream & bfs,vimt3d_transform_3d & b)1146 void vsl_b_read(vsl_b_istream& bfs, vimt3d_transform_3d& b)
1147 {
1148   b.b_read(bfs);
1149 }
1151 //=======================================================================
operator <<(std::ostream & os,const vimt3d_transform_3d & b)1153 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const vimt3d_transform_3d& b)
1154 {
1155   vsl_indent_inc(os);
1156   b.print_summary(os);
1157   vsl_indent_dec(os);
1158   return os;
1159 }
1161 //========================================================================
1162 // Test whether a 3D transform is zoom-only or lesser, i.e. there may
1163 // be translation and (anisotropic) scaling but no rotation.
1164 // This tests only for a commonly-occurring special case; there may
1165 // be other zoom-only transforms that are not detected.
1166 //========================================================================
vimt3d_transform_is_zoom_only(const vimt3d_transform_3d & transf,const double zero_tol)1167 bool vimt3d_transform_is_zoom_only(const vimt3d_transform_3d& transf,
1168                                    const double zero_tol/*=1e-9*/)
1169 {
1170   // Check whether the top-left 3x3 submatrix part of the transform is
1171   // diagonal with strictly-positive elements. Such cases have zero rotation
1172   // and positive (possibly anisotropic) scaling.
1173   vnl_matrix<double> M = transf.matrix().extract(3,3,0,0);
1175   // Are any diagonal elements zero or negative?
1176   for (unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
1177     if (M(i,i)<=zero_tol) return false;
1179   // Are any off-diagonal elements non-zero?
1180   for (unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j)
1181   {
1182     for (unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
1183     {
1184       if (i!=j && std::fabs(M(i,j))>=zero_tol) return false;
1185     }
1186   }
1188   return true;
1189 }