1 /*: Computes QR factorisation of an n x p complex matrix */
2 extern int v3p_netlib_cqrdc_(
3   v3p_netlib_complex *x, v3p_netlib_integer v3p_netlib_const *ldx, /*!< (IN/OUT) matrix, n rows, p columns, stored row-wise */
4   v3p_netlib_integer v3p_netlib_const *n, v3p_netlib_integer v3p_netlib_const *p,
5   v3p_netlib_complex *qraux, /*!< (OUT) further info necessary to recover R part from x */
6   v3p_netlib_integer *jpvt,  /*!< (IN/OUT) length p; selection of pivot columns: */
7                              /*   ==0 ==> any; >0 ==> initial column; <0 ==> final */
8   v3p_netlib_complex *work,  /*!< (IN/OUT) scratch work area of length p */
9   v3p_netlib_integer v3p_netlib_const *job /*!< (IN) if == 0, no pivoting is done */
10   );