2 Copyright (c) 2014 by Contributors
4 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 limitations under the License.
15 */
17package ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.params
19import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet
21import org.apache.spark.ml.param.{DoubleParam, IntParam, BooleanParam, Param, Params}
23private[spark] trait BoosterParams extends Params {
25  /**
26   * step size shrinkage used in update to prevents overfitting. After each boosting step, we
27   * can directly get the weights of new features and eta actually shrinks the feature weights
28   * to make the boosting process more conservative. [default=0.3] range: [0,1]
29   */
30  final val eta = new DoubleParam(this, "eta", "step size shrinkage used in update to prevents" +
31    " overfitting. After each boosting step, we can directly get the weights of new features." +
32    " and eta actually shrinks the feature weights to make the boosting process more conservative.",
33    (value: Double) => value >= 0 && value <= 1)
35  final def getEta: Double = $(eta)
37  /**
38   * minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree.
39   * the larger, the more conservative the algorithm will be. [default=0] range: [0,
40   * Double.MaxValue]
41   */
42  final val gamma = new DoubleParam(this, "gamma", "minimum loss reduction required to make a " +
43    "further partition on a leaf node of the tree. the larger, the more conservative the " +
44    "algorithm will be.", (value: Double) => value >= 0)
46  final def getGamma: Double = $(gamma)
48  /**
49   * maximum depth of a tree, increase this value will make model more complex / likely to be
50   * overfitting. [default=6] range: [1, Int.MaxValue]
51   */
52  final val maxDepth = new IntParam(this, "maxDepth", "maximum depth of a tree, increase this " +
53    "value will make model more complex/likely to be overfitting.", (value: Int) => value >= 0)
55  final def getMaxDepth: Int = $(maxDepth)
58  /**
59   * Maximum number of nodes to be added. Only relevant when grow_policy=lossguide is set.
60   */
61  final val maxLeaves = new IntParam(this, "maxLeaves",
62    "Maximum number of nodes to be added. Only relevant when grow_policy=lossguide is set.",
63    (value: Int) => value >= 0)
65  final def getMaxLeaves: Int = $(maxLeaves)
68  /**
69   * minimum sum of instance weight(hessian) needed in a child. If the tree partition step results
70   * in a leaf node with the sum of instance weight less than min_child_weight, then the building
71   * process will give up further partitioning. In linear regression mode, this simply corresponds
72   * to minimum number of instances needed to be in each node. The larger, the more conservative
73   * the algorithm will be. [default=1] range: [0, Double.MaxValue]
74   */
75  final val minChildWeight = new DoubleParam(this, "minChildWeight", "minimum sum of instance" +
76    " weight(hessian) needed in a child. If the tree partition step results in a leaf node with" +
77    " the sum of instance weight less than min_child_weight, then the building process will" +
78    " give up further partitioning. In linear regression mode, this simply corresponds to minimum" +
79    " number of instances needed to be in each node. The larger, the more conservative" +
80    " the algorithm will be.", (value: Double) => value >= 0)
82  final def getMinChildWeight: Double = $(minChildWeight)
84  /**
85   * Maximum delta step we allow each tree's weight estimation to be. If the value is set to 0, it
86   * means there is no constraint. If it is set to a positive value, it can help making the update
87   * step more conservative. Usually this parameter is not needed, but it might help in logistic
88   * regression when class is extremely imbalanced. Set it to value of 1-10 might help control the
89   * update. [default=0] range: [0, Double.MaxValue]
90   */
91  final val maxDeltaStep = new DoubleParam(this, "maxDeltaStep", "Maximum delta step we allow " +
92    "each tree's weight" +
93    " estimation to be. If the value is set to 0, it means there is no constraint. If it is set" +
94    " to a positive value, it can help making the update step more conservative. Usually this" +
95    " parameter is not needed, but it might help in logistic regression when class is extremely" +
96    " imbalanced. Set it to value of 1-10 might help control the update",
97    (value: Double) => value >= 0)
99  final def getMaxDeltaStep: Double = $(maxDeltaStep)
101  /**
102   * subsample ratio of the training instance. Setting it to 0.5 means that XGBoost randomly
103   * collected half of the data instances to grow trees and this will prevent overfitting.
104   * [default=1] range:(0,1]
105   */
106  final val subsample = new DoubleParam(this, "subsample", "subsample ratio of the training " +
107    "instance. Setting it to 0.5 means that XGBoost randomly collected half of the data " +
108    "instances to grow trees and this will prevent overfitting.",
109    (value: Double) => value <= 1 && value > 0)
111  final def getSubsample: Double = $(subsample)
113  /**
114   * subsample ratio of columns when constructing each tree. [default=1] range: (0,1]
115   */
116  final val colsampleBytree = new DoubleParam(this, "colsampleBytree", "subsample ratio of " +
117    "columns when constructing each tree.", (value: Double) => value <= 1 && value > 0)
119  final def getColsampleBytree: Double = $(colsampleBytree)
121  /**
122   * subsample ratio of columns for each split, in each level. [default=1] range: (0,1]
123   */
124  final val colsampleBylevel = new DoubleParam(this, "colsampleBylevel", "subsample ratio of " +
125    "columns for each split, in each level.", (value: Double) => value <= 1 && value > 0)
127  final def getColsampleBylevel: Double = $(colsampleBylevel)
129  /**
130   * L2 regularization term on weights, increase this value will make model more conservative.
131   * [default=1]
132   */
133  final val lambda = new DoubleParam(this, "lambda", "L2 regularization term on weights, " +
134    "increase this value will make model more conservative.", (value: Double) => value >= 0)
136  final def getLambda: Double = $(lambda)
138  /**
139   * L1 regularization term on weights, increase this value will make model more conservative.
140   * [default=0]
141   */
142  final val alpha = new DoubleParam(this, "alpha", "L1 regularization term on weights, increase " +
143    "this value will make model more conservative.", (value: Double) => value >= 0)
145  final def getAlpha: Double = $(alpha)
147  /**
148   * The tree construction algorithm used in XGBoost. options:
149   * {'auto', 'exact', 'approx','gpu_hist'} [default='auto']
150   */
151  final val treeMethod = new Param[String](this, "treeMethod",
152    "The tree construction algorithm used in XGBoost, options: " +
153      "{'auto', 'exact', 'approx', 'hist', 'gpu_hist'}",
154    (value: String) => BoosterParams.supportedTreeMethods.contains(value))
156  final def getTreeMethod: String = $(treeMethod)
158  /**
159   * growth policy for fast histogram algorithm
160   */
161  final val growPolicy = new Param[String](this, "growPolicy",
162    "Controls a way new nodes are added to the tree. Currently supported only if" +
163      " tree_method is set to hist. Choices: depthwise, lossguide. depthwise: split at nodes" +
164      " closest to the root. lossguide: split at nodes with highest loss change.",
165    (value: String) => BoosterParams.supportedGrowthPolicies.contains(value))
167  final def getGrowPolicy: String = $(growPolicy)
169  /**
170   * maximum number of bins in histogram
171   */
172  final val maxBins = new IntParam(this, "maxBin", "maximum number of bins in histogram",
173    (value: Int) => value > 0)
175  final def getMaxBins: Int = $(maxBins)
177  /**
178   * whether to build histograms using single precision floating point values
179   */
180  final val singlePrecisionHistogram = new BooleanParam(this, "singlePrecisionHistogram",
181    "whether to use single precision to build histograms")
183  final def getSinglePrecisionHistogram: Boolean = $(singlePrecisionHistogram)
185  /**
186   * This is only used for approximate greedy algorithm.
187   * This roughly translated into O(1 / sketch_eps) number of bins. Compared to directly select
188   * number of bins, this comes with theoretical guarantee with sketch accuracy.
189   * [default=0.03] range: (0, 1)
190   */
191  final val sketchEps = new DoubleParam(this, "sketchEps",
192    "This is only used for approximate greedy algorithm. This roughly translated into" +
193      " O(1 / sketch_eps) number of bins. Compared to directly select number of bins, this comes" +
194      " with theoretical guarantee with sketch accuracy.",
195    (value: Double) => value < 1 && value > 0)
197  final def getSketchEps: Double = $(sketchEps)
199  /**
200   * Control the balance of positive and negative weights, useful for unbalanced classes. A typical
201   * value to consider: sum(negative cases) / sum(positive cases).   [default=1]
202   */
203  final val scalePosWeight = new DoubleParam(this, "scalePosWeight", "Control the balance of " +
204    "positive and negative weights, useful for unbalanced classes. A typical value to consider:" +
205    " sum(negative cases) / sum(positive cases)")
207  final def getScalePosWeight: Double = $(scalePosWeight)
209  // Dart boosters
211  /**
212   * Parameter for Dart booster.
213   * Type of sampling algorithm. "uniform": dropped trees are selected uniformly.
214   * "weighted": dropped trees are selected in proportion to weight. [default="uniform"]
215   */
216  final val sampleType = new Param[String](this, "sampleType", "type of sampling algorithm, " +
217    "options: {'uniform', 'weighted'}",
218    (value: String) => BoosterParams.supportedSampleType.contains(value))
220  final def getSampleType: String = $(sampleType)
222  /**
223   * Parameter of Dart booster.
224   * type of normalization algorithm, options: {'tree', 'forest'}. [default="tree"]
225   */
226  final val normalizeType = new Param[String](this, "normalizeType", "type of normalization" +
227    " algorithm, options: {'tree', 'forest'}",
228    (value: String) => BoosterParams.supportedNormalizeType.contains(value))
230  final def getNormalizeType: String = $(normalizeType)
232  /**
233   * Parameter of Dart booster.
234   * dropout rate. [default=0.0] range: [0.0, 1.0]
235   */
236  final val rateDrop = new DoubleParam(this, "rateDrop", "dropout rate", (value: Double) =>
237    value >= 0 && value <= 1)
239  final def getRateDrop: Double = $(rateDrop)
241  /**
242   * Parameter of Dart booster.
243   * probability of skip dropout. If a dropout is skipped, new trees are added in the same manner
244   * as gbtree. [default=0.0] range: [0.0, 1.0]
245   */
246  final val skipDrop = new DoubleParam(this, "skipDrop", "probability of skip dropout. If" +
247    " a dropout is skipped, new trees are added in the same manner as gbtree.",
248    (value: Double) => value >= 0 && value <= 1)
250  final def getSkipDrop: Double = $(skipDrop)
252  // linear booster
253  /**
254   * Parameter of linear booster
255   * L2 regularization term on bias, default 0(no L1 reg on bias because it is not important)
256   */
257  final val lambdaBias = new DoubleParam(this, "lambdaBias", "L2 regularization term on bias, " +
258    "default 0 (no L1 reg on bias because it is not important)", (value: Double) => value >= 0)
260  final def getLambdaBias: Double = $(lambdaBias)
262  final val treeLimit = new IntParam(this, name = "treeLimit",
263    doc = "number of trees used in the prediction; defaults to 0 (use all trees).")
265  final def getTreeLimit: Int = $(treeLimit)
267  final val monotoneConstraints = new Param[String](this, name = "monotoneConstraints",
268    doc = "a list in length of number of features, 1 indicate monotonic increasing, - 1 means " +
269      "decreasing, 0 means no constraint. If it is shorter than number of features, 0 will be " +
270      "padded ")
272  final def getMonotoneConstraints: String = $(monotoneConstraints)
274  final val interactionConstraints = new Param[String](this,
275    name = "interactionConstraints",
276    doc = "Constraints for interaction representing permitted interactions. The constraints" +
277      " must be specified in the form of a nest list, e.g. [[0, 1], [2, 3, 4]]," +
278      " where each inner list is a group of indices of features that are allowed to interact" +
279      " with each other. See tutorial for more information")
281  final def getInteractionConstraints: String = $(interactionConstraints)
283  setDefault(eta -> 0.3, gamma -> 0, maxDepth -> 6,
284    minChildWeight -> 1, maxDeltaStep -> 0,
285    growPolicy -> "depthwise", maxBins -> 256,
286    subsample -> 1, colsampleBytree -> 1, colsampleBylevel -> 1,
287    lambda -> 1, alpha -> 0, treeMethod -> "auto", sketchEps -> 0.03,
288    scalePosWeight -> 1.0, sampleType -> "uniform", normalizeType -> "tree",
289    rateDrop -> 0.0, skipDrop -> 0.0, lambdaBias -> 0, treeLimit -> 0)
292private[spark] object BoosterParams {
294  val supportedBoosters = HashSet("gbtree", "gblinear", "dart")
296  val supportedTreeMethods = HashSet("auto", "exact", "approx", "hist", "gpu_hist")
298  val supportedGrowthPolicies = HashSet("depthwise", "lossguide")
300  val supportedSampleType = HashSet("uniform", "weighted")
302  val supportedNormalizeType = HashSet("tree", "forest")