4 namespace mp4v2 { namespace platform { namespace io {
6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 class MP4V2_EXPORT FileProvider
9 {
10 public:
11     static FileProvider& standard();
13 public:
14     //! file operation mode flags
15     enum Mode {
16         MODE_UNDEFINED, //!< undefined
17         MODE_READ,      //!< file may be read
18         MODE_MODIFY,    //!< file may be read/written
19         MODE_CREATE,    //!< file will be created/truncated for read/write
20     };
22     //! type used to represent all file sizes and offsets
23     typedef int64_t Size;
25 public:
~FileProvider()26     virtual ~FileProvider() { }
28     virtual bool open( std::string name, Mode mode ) = 0;
29     virtual bool seek( Size pos ) = 0;
30     virtual bool read( void* buffer, Size size, Size& nin, Size maxChunkSize ) = 0;
31     virtual bool write( const void* buffer, Size size, Size& nout, Size maxChunkSize ) = 0;
32     virtual bool close() = 0;
34 protected:
FileProvider()35     FileProvider() { }
36 };
38 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39 ///
40 /// File implementation.
41 ///
42 /// File objects model real filesystem files in a 1:1 releationship and always
43 /// treated as binary; there are no translations of text content performed.
44 ///
45 /// The interface represents all sizes with a signed 64-bit value, thus
46 /// the limit to this interface is 63-bits of size, roughly 9.22 million TB.
47 ///
48 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 class MP4V2_EXPORT File : public FileProvider
51 {
52 public:
53     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
54     //!
55     //! Constructor.
56     //!
57     //! A new file object is constructed but not opened.
58     //!
59     //! @param name filename of file object, or empty-string.
60 	//!  On Windows, this should be a UTF-8 encoded string.
61     //!  On other platforms, it should be an 8-bit encoding that is
62     //!  appropriate for the platform, locale, file system, etc.
63     //!  (prefer to use UTF-8 when possible).
64     //! @param mode bitmask specifying mode flags.
65     //!     See #Mode for bit constants.
66     //! @param provider a fileprovider instance. If NULL a standard file
67     //!     provider will be used otherwise the supplied provider must be
68     //!     new-allocated and will be delete'd via ~File().
69     //!
70     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
72     explicit File( std::string name = "", Mode mode = MODE_UNDEFINED, FileProvider* = NULL );
74     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75     //!
76     //! Destructor.
77     //!
78     //! File object is destroyed. If the file is opened it is closed prior
79     //! to destruction.
80     //!
81     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
83     ~File();
85     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
86     //!
87     //! Open file.
88     //!
89     //! @param name filename of file object, or empty-string to use #name.
90 	//!     On Windows, this should be a UTF-8 encoded string.
91     //!     On other platforms, it should be an 8-bit encoding that is
92     //!     appropriate for the platform, locale, file system, etc.
93     //!     (prefer to use UTF-8 when possible).
94     //!
95     //! @return true on failure, false on success.
96     //!
97     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
99     bool open( std::string name = "", Mode mode = MODE_UNDEFINED );
101     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
102     //!
103     //! Closes file.
104     //!
105     //! If the file has not been opened or is not considered the
106     //! owner of a filehandle, no action is taken.
107     //!
108     //! @return true on failure, false on success.
109     //!
110     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
112     bool close();
114     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
115     //!
116     //! Set current file position in bytes.
117     //!
118     //! @param pos new file position in bytes.
119     //!
120     //! @return true on failure, false on success.
121     //!
122     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
124     bool seek( Size pos );
126     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
127     //!
128     //! Binary stream read.
129     //!
130     //! The function reads up to a maximum <b>size</b> bytes from file,
131     //! storing them in <b>buffer</b>. The number of bytes actually read are
132     //! returned in <b>nin</b>.
133     //!
134     //! @param buffer storage for data read from file.
135     //! @param size maximum number of bytes to read from file.
136     //! @param nin output indicating number of bytes read from file.
137     //! @param maxChunkSize maximum chunk size for reads issued to operating
138     //!     system or 0 for default.
139     //!
140     //! @return true on failure, false on success.
141     //!
142     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
144     bool read( void* buffer, Size size, Size& nin, Size maxChunkSize = 0 );
146     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
147     //!
148     //! Binary stream write.
149     //!
150     //! The function writes up to a maximum <b>size</b> bytes from
151     //! <b>buffer</b> to file. The number of bytes actually written are
152     //! returned in <b>nout</b>.
153     //!
154     //! @param buffer data to be written out to file.
155     //! @param size maximum number of bytes to read from file.
156     //! @param nout output indicating number of bytes written to file.
157     //! @param maxChunkSize maximum chunk size for writes issued to operating
158     //!     system or 0 for default.
159     //!
160     //! @return true on failure, false on success.
161     //!
162     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
164     bool write( const void* buffer, Size size, Size& nout, Size maxChunkSize = 0 );
166 private:
167     std::string   _name;
168     bool          _isOpen;
169     Mode          _mode;
170     Size          _size;
171     Size          _position;
172     FileProvider& _provider;
174 public:
175     const std::string& name;      //!< read-only: file pathname or empty-string if not applicable
176     const bool&        isOpen;    //!< read-only: true if file is open
177     const Mode&        mode;      //!< read-only: file mode
178     const Size&        size;      //!< read-only: file size
179     const Size&        position;  //!< read-only: file position
181 public:
182     void setName( const std::string& name );
183     void setMode( Mode mode );
184 };
186 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
188 class CustomFileProvider : public FileProvider
189 {
190 public:
191     CustomFileProvider( const MP4FileProvider& );
193     bool open( std::string name, Mode mode );
194     bool seek( Size pos );
195     bool read( void* buffer, Size size, Size& nin, Size maxChunkSize );
196     bool write( const void* buffer, Size size, Size& nout, Size maxChunkSize );
197     bool close();
199 private:
200     MP4FileProvider _call;
201     void*           _handle;
202 };
204 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
206 }}} // namespace mp4v2::platform::io
208 #endif // MP4V2_PLATFORM_IO_FILE_H