1 /*
2  * Diese Datei ist Teil des GDialog Projektes:
3  * "Gigaset-Erweiterung f�r ProjectX"
4  *
5  * Das GDialog Projekt ist freigegeben unter
6  * der GNU Public Licence (GPL), deren Text sich in
7  * dem Quellen-Verzeichnis befindet. Ist er dort nicht
8  * mehr vorhanden, so kann er unter http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
9  * eingesehen werden.
10  */
11 package de.m740.projectx.gigaset;
13 import java.awt.BorderLayout;
14 import java.awt.EventQueue;
15 import java.awt.GridLayout;
16 import java.awt.Toolkit;
17 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
18 import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
19 import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
20 import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
21 import java.util.ArrayList;
22 import java.util.Collections;
23 import java.util.Comparator;
24 import java.util.HashMap;
25 import java.util.List;
27 import javax.swing.JButton;
28 import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
29 import javax.swing.JPanel;
30 import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
31 import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
32 import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
33 import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
34 import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
36 import net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.common.Common;
37 import net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.gui.FtpChooser;
38 import net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.XInputDirectory;
39 import net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.XInputFile;
40 import net.sourceforge.dvb.projectx.xinput.ftp.FtpVO;
42 import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient;
44 /**
45  *
46  *
47  * @author arnaud
48  *
49  */
50 public class GPanelFTP extends GPanelAbstract implements ChangeListener {
51     /**
52      *
53      */
54     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
56     // ----------------------------------------------------------
57     public static class XInputFileComparatorAZ implements Comparator {
compare(Object arg0, Object arg1)59         public int compare(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
60             try {
61                 XInputFile tmpFile0 = (XInputFile) arg0;
62                 XInputFile tmpFile1 = (XInputFile) arg1;
63                 String tmpFN0 = tmpFile0.getName();
64                 String tmpFN1 = tmpFile1.getName();
65                 return tmpFN0.compareTo(tmpFN1);
66             } catch (Exception e) {
67                 // ignore
68             }
69             return 0;
70         }
72     }
74     // ----------------------------------------------------------
75     class XInputFileComparatorZA implements Comparator {
compare(Object arg0, Object arg1)77         public int compare(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
78             try {
79                 return -(getXFileComparatorAZ().compare(arg0, arg1));
80             } catch (Exception e) {
81                 // ignore
82             }
83             return 0;
84         }
86     }
88     // ----------------------------------------------------------
90     protected JButton btnFtpChooser = new JButton(GStrings
91             .getString("gdialog.ftp.chooser"));
93     private JButton btnRefresh = new JButton(GStrings
94             .getString("gdialog.refresh"));
96     protected XInputDirectory aCridDirectory = null;
98     private XInputFileComparatorAZ aXFileComparatorAZ = null;
100     private XInputFileComparatorZA aXFileComparatorZA = null;
102     private GFTPHandler aFTPHandler = null;
GPanelFTP(GDialog inpDialog)104     public GPanelFTP(GDialog inpDialog) {
105         super();
106         setDialog(inpDialog);
107         buildPanel();
108     }
buildPanel()110     private void buildPanel() {
111         setLayout(new BorderLayout());
112         // Buttons top
113         JPanel tmpPanelTop = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2));
114         tmpPanelTop.add(btnFtpChooser);
115         tmpPanelTop.add(btnRefresh);
116         btnRefresh.setEnabled(true);
117         // Buttons oben
118         add(tmpPanelTop, BorderLayout.NORTH);
119         // Aufnahmetabelle
120         add(spAufnahmen, BorderLayout.CENTER);
122         ListSelectionModel tmpSelectionModel = aTableAufnahmen
123                 .getSelectionModel();
124         tmpSelectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
125             public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
126                 if (!e.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
127                     doEnabled();
128                 }
129             }
131         });
133         aTableAufnahmen.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
134             public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {
135                 mouseClick(event);
136             }
137         });
139         btnFtpChooser.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
140             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
141                 connect();
142             }
143         });
145         btnRefresh.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
146             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
147                 if (aCridDirectory == null) {
148                     autoConnect();
149                 } else {
150                     sucheAufnahmen();
151                 }
152             }
153         });
155     }
157     /*
158      * (Kein Javadoc)
159      *
160      * @see de.m740.projectx.gigaset.GChooserIF#getSelectedRecording()
161      */
getSelectedRecording()162     public List getSelectedRecording() {
163         List tmpList = null;
164         try {
165             GAufnahmeIF tmpAufnahme = getSelectedAufnahme();
166             if (tmpAufnahme == null) {
167                 return null;
168             }
169             GConsole.setMessage("Get selected recording: "
170                     + tmpAufnahme.getTitel());
171             tmpList = tmpAufnahme.getMpgFiles();
172             if (tmpList != null && tmpList.size() > 1) {
173                 Collections.sort(tmpList, getXFileComparatorAZ());
174             }
175         } catch (Exception e) {
176             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
177         }
178         return tmpList;
179     }
connect()181     protected void connect() {
182         try {
183             // Add ftp server directory to autoload list
184             FtpChooser tmpChooser = new FtpChooser();
186             tmpChooser.pack();
187             tmpChooser.setVisible(true);
189             XInputDirectory tmpXInputDirectory = tmpChooser
190                     .getXInputDirectory();
191             aCridDirectory = tmpXInputDirectory;
193             if (tmpChooser.isTested() && tmpXInputDirectory != null) {
194                 sucheAufnahmen();
195             }
197         } catch (Exception e) {
198             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
199         }
200     }
autoConnect2()202     protected boolean autoConnect2() {
203         boolean isTested = false;
204         try {
205             GConsole.setMessage("Try to connect to ftp-server...");
207             final String tmpBaseKey = "FtpServer.";
209             String tmpServer = Common.getSettings().getProperty(
210                     tmpBaseKey + "Server");
212             String tmpPort = Common.getSettings().getProperty(
213                     tmpBaseKey + "Port");
215             String tmpUser = Common.getSettings().getProperty(
216                     tmpBaseKey + "User");
218             String tmpPassword = Common.getSettings().getProperty(
219                     tmpBaseKey + "Password");
221             String tmpDirectory = Common.getSettings().getProperty(
222                     tmpBaseKey + "Directory");
224             FtpVO ftpVO = new FtpVO(tmpServer, tmpUser, tmpPassword,
225                     tmpDirectory, tmpPort, null);
226             XInputDirectory tmpXInputDirectory = new XInputDirectory(ftpVO);
228             isTested = tmpXInputDirectory.test();
229             GConsole.setMessage(tmpXInputDirectory.getLog());
230             GConsole.setMessage(tmpXInputDirectory.getTestMsg());
232             aCridDirectory = tmpXInputDirectory;
234             if (isTested) {
235                 sucheAufnahmen0();
236             }
237             return isTested;
239         } catch (Exception e) {
240             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
241         } finally {
242             if (!isTested) {
243                 btnFtpChooser.setEnabled(true);
244             }
245         }
246         return false;
247     }
249     /**
250      *
251      * @return true/false
252      */
isAutoConnectOn()253     public boolean isAutoConnectOn() {
254         try {
255             if (Common.getSettings().getBooleanProperty(
256                     GDialog.PROPERTY_FTP_AUTOCONNECT, false)) {
257                 return true;
258             }
259         } catch (Exception e) {
260             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
261         }
262         return false;
263     }
265     /**
266      *
267      *
268      */
autoConnect()269     public void autoConnect() {
270         try {
271             if (!isAutoConnectOn()) {
272                 return;
273             }
274             Runnable tmpRunnable = new Runnable() {
275                 public void run() {
276                     autoConnect2();
277                 }
278             };
279             btnFtpChooser.setEnabled(false);
280             btnRefresh.setEnabled(false);
281             if (!EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
282                 EventQueue.invokeLater(tmpRunnable);
283             } else {
284                 new Thread(tmpRunnable).start();
285             }
286         } catch (Exception e) {
287             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
288         }
289     }
sucheAufnahmen0()291     private void sucheAufnahmen0() {
292         try {
293             btnFtpChooser.setEnabled(false);
294             btnRefresh.setEnabled(false);
295             final XInputDirectory tmpXInputDirectory = aCridDirectory;
297             if (tmpXInputDirectory != null) {
299                 Runnable tmpRunnable = new Runnable() {
300                     public void run() {
301                         sucheAufnahmen1(tmpXInputDirectory);
302                     }
304                 };
305                 new Thread(tmpRunnable).start();
306             }
308         } catch (Exception e) {
309             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
310         }
311     }
sucheAufnahmen()313     public void sucheAufnahmen() {
314         try {
315             GConsole.clear();
316             sucheAufnahmen0();
317         } catch (Exception e) {
318             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
319         }
320     }
sucheAufnahmen2(XInputDirectory inpDirectory)322     protected void sucheAufnahmen2(XInputDirectory inpDirectory) {
323         clearSelection();
324         aTableModel.clear();
325         aTableModel.fireTableDataChanged();
326         fireStateChanged();
327         if (inpDirectory == null) {
328             return;
329         }
330         //
331         ListSelectionModel tmpListSelectionModel = aTableAufnahmen
332                 .getSelectionModel();
333         // aTableAufnahmen = new GTable(aTableModel);
334         aTableAufnahmen.setSelectionModel(tmpListSelectionModel);
335         spAufnahmen.setViewportView(aTableAufnahmen);
336         //
337         XInputFile[] tmpFiles = inpDirectory.getFiles();
338         int anzf = (tmpFiles == null) ? 0 : tmpFiles.length;
339         List tmpCridList = null;
340         for (int i = 0; i < anzf; i++) {
341             XInputFile tmpFile = tmpFiles[i];
342             String tmpFN = tmpFile.getName();
343             if (tmpFN.toLowerCase().endsWith(".crid")) {
344                 if (tmpCridList == null) {
345                     tmpCridList = new ArrayList();
346                 }
347                 tmpCridList.add(tmpFile);
348             }
349         } // for i
350         tmpFiles = null;
351         if (tmpCridList == null) {
352             return;
353         }
354         anzf = tmpCridList.size();
355         if (anzf > 1) {
356             Collections.sort(tmpCridList, getXFileComparatorZA());
357             setSortSelector(SORT_FILES_NO);
358         }
359         aAufnahmen = new ArrayList(anzf);
360         HashMap tmpHash = new HashMap(anzf);
361         for (int i = 0; i < anzf; i++) {
362             try {
363                 XInputFile tmpFile = (XInputFile) tmpCridList.get(i);
364                 GAufnahmeFTP tmpAufnahme = new GAufnahmeFTP(tmpFile,
365                         inpDirectory);
366                 if (tmpAufnahme.isValid()) {
367                     aAufnahmen.add(tmpAufnahme);
368                     addAufnahme(i, tmpAufnahme, tmpHash);
369                     // Listener anmelden,
370                     // der uns �ber das Einlesen der MPGs informiert
371                     tmpAufnahme.addChangeListener(this);
372                 } else {
373                     GConsole.setMessage("Invalid file " + tmpFile.getName()
374                             + " skipped!");
375                 }
376             } catch (Exception exc) {
377                 GConsole.setErrorMessage(exc);
378             }
379         } // for i
380         countChildren(GPanelTableIF.SORT_FILES_ON);
381         // evtl letzte Tree-�nderungen sichtbar machen
382         aTableModel.fireTableRowsUpdated(0, aTableModel.getRowCount() - 1);
383         tmpHash = null;
385         if (aTableModel.getRowCount() == 0) {
386             // falls keine Aufnahmen vorh.
387             getDialog().zeigeInfos(-1); // soll auch nix angezeigt w.!
388         }
389     }
391     /**
392      *
393      * @param inpAufnahmeOrdner
394      */
sucheAufnahmen1(XInputDirectory inpDirectory)395     protected void sucheAufnahmen1(XInputDirectory inpDirectory) {
396         try {
397             sucheAufnahmen2(inpDirectory);
398         } catch (Exception e) {
399             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
400         } finally {
401             btnFtpChooser.setEnabled(true);
402             btnRefresh.setEnabled(true);
403         }
404     }
deleteSelectedAufnahme()406     public void deleteSelectedAufnahme() {
407         try {
408             GAufnahmeIF tmpAufnahme = getSelectedAufnahme();
409             if (tmpAufnahme == null) {
410                 return;
411             }
412             // int nr = aTableAufnahmen.getSelectedRow();
413             XInputFile tmpCridFile = ((GAufnahmeFTP) tmpAufnahme).getCridFile();
414             String tmpWarning = "<html>" + tmpAufnahme.getTitel() + "<hr>"
415                     + GStrings.getString("gdialog.delete.text") + " "
416                     + aCridDirectory.getDirectory() + " :<br>"
417                     + tmpCridFile.getName() + "<br>";
418             if (tmpAufnahme.istGesperrt()) {
419                 tmpWarning += "<hr> "
420                         + GStrings.getString("gdialog.delete.locked") + " <hr>";
421             }
422             tmpWarning += "</html>";
424             Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();
425             if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, tmpWarning, GStrings
426                     .getString("gdialog.delete"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE) != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
427                 return;
428             }
429             GFTPHandler tmpHandler = getFTPHandler();
430             FtpVO tmpVO = tmpHandler.makeVOFrom(aCridDirectory);
431             String tmpWD = aCridDirectory.getDirectory();
432             FTPClient tmpClient = tmpHandler.openClient(tmpVO);
433             boolean ok = tmpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(tmpWD);
434             String tmpFN = tmpCridFile.getName();
435             if (ok) {
436                 ok = tmpClient.deleteFile(tmpFN);
437                 if (ok) {
438                     aAufnahmen.remove(tmpAufnahme);
439                     // aTableModel.removeRow(nr);
440                     // aTableModel.fireTableRowsDeleted(nr, nr);
441                     sortiereAufnahmen(getSortSelector());
442                 }
443             }
444             tmpHandler.closeClient(tmpClient);
445             GConsole.setInfo(tmpFN + (ok ? " " : " NOT ") + "deleted");
446         } catch (Exception e) {
447             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
448         }
449     }
doEnabled()451     public void doEnabled() {
452         GDialog tmpDialog = getDialog();
453         int index = aTableAufnahmen.getSelectedRow();
454         boolean enable = (index >= 0);
455         tmpDialog.btnPrintEPG.setEnabled(enable);
456         tmpDialog.aItemPlayMPC.setEnabled(false);
457         tmpDialog.aItemLoeschen.setEnabled(enable);
458         tmpDialog.aItemReread.setEnabled(enable);
459         tmpDialog.btnAuswaehlen.setEnabled(enable);
460         tmpDialog.aItemAuswaehlen.setEnabled(enable);
461         tmpDialog.btnHinzufuegen.setEnabled(enable);
462         tmpDialog.aItemHinzufuegen.setEnabled(enable);
463         tmpDialog.zeigeInfos(index);
464     }
getXFileComparatorZA()466     private XInputFileComparatorZA getXFileComparatorZA() {
467         if (aXFileComparatorZA == null) {
468             aXFileComparatorZA = new XInputFileComparatorZA();
469         }
470         return aXFileComparatorZA;
471     }
getXFileComparatorAZ()473     protected XInputFileComparatorAZ getXFileComparatorAZ() {
474         if (aXFileComparatorAZ == null) {
475             aXFileComparatorAZ = new XInputFileComparatorAZ();
476         }
477         return aXFileComparatorAZ;
478     }
480     /**
481      *
482      */
getUsedRecDirectories()483     public List getUsedRecDirectories() {
484         List tmpList = null;
485         int anza = (aAufnahmen == null) ? 0 : aAufnahmen.size();
486         for (int i = 0; i < anza; i++) {
487             GAufnahmeIF tmpAufnahmeIF = (GAufnahmeIF) aAufnahmen.get(i);
488             if (tmpAufnahmeIF instanceof GAufnahmeFTP) {
489                 GAufnahmeFTP tmpAufnahme = (GAufnahmeFTP) tmpAufnahmeIF;
490                 XInputDirectory[] tmpDirs = tmpAufnahme
491                         .getFmpgDirectories(true);
492                 int anzd = (tmpDirs == null) ? 0 : tmpDirs.length;
493                 for (int j = 0; j < anzd; j++) {
494                     XInputDirectory tmpDir = tmpDirs[j];
495                     if (tmpDir == null) {
496                         continue;
497                     }
498                     if (tmpList == null) {
499                         tmpList = new ArrayList();
500                     }
501                     tmpList.add(tmpDir);
502                     GConsole.setMessage("Used dir: " + tmpDir.getDirectory());
503                 } // for j
504             } // if FTP
505         } // for i
506         return tmpList;
507     }
makeRecDirectory(String inpDateinamenbasis)509     private XInputDirectory makeRecDirectory(String inpDateinamenbasis) {
510         try {
511             XInputDirectory tmpXDirectory = aCridDirectory;
512             String tmpAufnahmeverzeichnis = tmpXDirectory.getDirectory();
513             String tmpServer = tmpXDirectory.getServer();
514             String tmpUser = tmpXDirectory.getUser();
515             String tmpPassword = tmpXDirectory.getPassword();
516             String tmpDirectory = tmpAufnahmeverzeichnis;
517             String tmpLim = "/";
518             if (tmpDirectory.indexOf('\\') >= 0) {
519                 //tmpLim = "\\";
520             }
521             if (!tmpDirectory.endsWith(tmpLim)) {
522                 tmpDirectory += tmpLim;
523             }
524             tmpDirectory += ".rec";
525             String tmpPort = tmpXDirectory.getPort();
526             FtpVO tmpVO = new FtpVO(tmpServer, tmpUser, tmpPassword,
527                     tmpDirectory, tmpPort, null);
528             XInputDirectory tmpIDirectory = new XInputDirectory(tmpVO);
529             if (tmpIDirectory.test()) {
530                 return tmpIDirectory;
531             }
532         } catch (Exception e) {
533             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
534         }
535         return null;
536     }
missing(List inpList, Object inpObj)538     private boolean missing(List inpList, Object inpObj) {
539         try {
540             String tmpFN = inpObj.toString();
541             int anz = (inpList == null) ? 0 : inpList.size();
542             for (int i = 0; i < anz; i++) {
543                 Object tmpObj = inpList.get(i);
544                 String tmpStr = (tmpObj == null) ? "" : tmpObj.toString();
545                 if (tmpStr.equals(tmpFN)) {
546                     return false;
547                 }
548             } // for i
549             return true;
550         } catch (Exception e) {
551             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
552         }
553         return false; // error
554     }
556     /**
557      *
558      * @param inpList
559      *            List of File (fmpg-dirs)
560      * @return XInputDirectory (.rec-directory)
561      */
getLostDirectories(List inpList)562     public Object getLostDirectories(List inpList) {
563         XInputDirectory tmpRecDir = null;
564         try {
565             inpList.clear();
566             tmpRecDir = aCridDirectory;
567             if (tmpRecDir == null) {
568                 return null;
569             }
570             tmpRecDir = makeRecDirectory(tmpRecDir.getDirectory());
571             if (tmpRecDir == null) {
572                 return null;
573             }
574             //
575             GConsole.setMessage("*** Start searching lost directories ***");
576             XInputFile[] tmpFilesInRecDir = new GFTPHandler().getFilesAndDirectories(tmpRecDir);
577             //
578             List tmpUsedDirList = getUsedRecDirectories();
579             int anzd = (tmpUsedDirList == null) ? 0 : tmpUsedDirList.size();
580             GConsole.setMessage(anzd + " used directories read");
581             if (tmpUsedDirList == null) {
582                 return null;
583             }
584             anzd = (tmpFilesInRecDir == null) ? 0 : tmpFilesInRecDir.length;
585             GConsole.setMessage(anzd + " files (all types) found in .rec-dir");
586             //
587             // change array to list
588             List tmpList = null;
589             for (int i = 0; i < anzd; i++) {
590                 XInputFile tmpFile = tmpFilesInRecDir[i];
591                 String tmpFN = tmpFile.getName();
592                 if (tmpFN.toLowerCase().endsWith(".fmpg")) {
593                     if (tmpList == null) {
594                         tmpList = new ArrayList();
595                     }
596                     tmpList.add(tmpFile);
597                     GConsole.setInfo(tmpFN);
598                 }
599             } // for
601             anzd = (tmpList == null) ? 0 : tmpList.size();
602             GConsole.setMessage(anzd + " fmpg-files found in .rec-dir");
603             // nun vergleichen
604             for (int i = 0; i < anzd; i++) {
605                 Object tmpObject = tmpList.get(i);
606                 if (missing(tmpUsedDirList, tmpObject)) {
607                     inpList.add(tmpObject);
608                     GConsole.setMessage("Lost dir: " + tmpObject.toString());
609                 }
610             } // for i
611             anzd = (inpList == null) ? 0 : inpList.size();
612             GConsole.setMessage(anzd + " lost directories found");
613             GConsole.setMessage("*** End of searching lost directories ***");
614         } catch (Exception e) {
615             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
616         }
617         return tmpRecDir;
619     }
621     /**
622      * @return fTPHandler
623      */
getFTPHandler()624     protected GFTPHandler getFTPHandler() {
625         if (aFTPHandler == null) {
626             aFTPHandler = new GFTPHandler();
627         }
628         return aFTPHandler;
629     }
631     /*
632      * (Kein Javadoc)
633      *
634      * @see javax.swing.event.ChangeListener#stateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent)
635      */
stateChanged(ChangeEvent inpE)636     public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent inpE) {
637         try {
638             // es sind MPGs fertig eingelesen worden
639             // (von irgendeiner(!) Aufnahme)
640             GDialog tmpDialog = getDialog();
641             int index = aTableAufnahmen.getSelectedRow();
642             tmpDialog.zeigeInfos(index);
643             aTableModel.fireTableRowsUpdated(0, aTableModel.getRowCount());
644         } catch (Exception e) {
645             GConsole.setErrorMessage(e);
646         }
647     }
649 }