1 /*
2  *			GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
3  *
4  *			Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
5  *			Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2019
6  *					All rights reserved
7  *
8  *  This file is part of GPAC / ISO Media File Format sub-project
9  *
10  *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11  *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
12  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
13  *  any later version.
14  *
15  *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19  *
20  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21  *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
22  *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
23  *
24  */
28 #ifndef _GF_ISOMEDIA_H_
29 #define _GF_ISOMEDIA_H_
32 #ifdef __cplusplus
33 extern "C" {
34 #endif
36 /*!
37 \file <gpac/isomedia.h>
38 \brief ISOBMFF parsing and writing library.
39 */
41 /*!
42 \addtogroup iso_grp ISO Base Media File
43 \brief ISOBMF, 3GPP, AVC and HEVC file format utilities.
45 This section documents the reading and writing of ISOBMF (MP4, 3GPP, AVC, HEVC HEIF ...)
46 The library supports:
47 - regular movie read
48 - regular movie write
49 - fragmented movie and movie segments read
50 - fragmented movie and movie segments write
51 - QT support
52 - Sample descriptions for most common media found in such files (audio, video, text and subtitles)
53 - Meta and HEIF read
54 - Meta and HEIF write
55 - Common Encryption ISMA E&A and OMA DRM support
56 - MPEG-4 Systems extensions
59 All the READ function in this API can be used in EDIT/WRITE mode.
60 However, some unexpected errors or values may happen in that case, depending
61 on how much modifications you made (timing, track with 0 samples, ...).
62 On the other hand, none of the EDIT/WRITE functions will work in READ mode.
64 The output structure of a edited file will sometimes be different
65 from the original file, but the media-data and meta-data will be identical.
66 The only change happens in the file media-data container(s) during edition
68 When editing the file, you MUST set the final name of the modified file
69 to something different. This API doesn't allow file overwriting.
71 @{
72  */
74 #include <gpac/tools.h>
77 /*! Track reference types
79 Some track may depend on other tracks for several reasons. They reference these tracks through the following Reference Types
80 */
81 enum
82 {
83 	/*! ref type for the OD track dependencies*/
84 	GF_ISOM_REF_OD = GF_4CC( 'm', 'p', 'o', 'd' ),
85 	/*! ref type for stream dependencies*/
86 	GF_ISOM_REF_DECODE = GF_4CC( 'd', 'p', 'n', 'd' ),
87 	/*! ref type for OCR (Object Clock Reference) dependencies*/
88 	GF_ISOM_REF_OCR = GF_4CC( 's', 'y', 'n', 'c' ),
89 	/*! ref type for IPI (Intellectual Property Information) dependencies*/
90 	GF_ISOM_REF_IPI = GF_4CC( 'i', 'p', 'i', 'r' ),
91 	/*! this track describes the referenced tr*/
92 	GF_ISOM_REF_META = GF_4CC( 'c', 'd', 's', 'c' ),
93 	/*! ref type for Hint tracks*/
94 	GF_ISOM_REF_HINT = GF_4CC( 'h', 'i', 'n', 't' ),
95 	/*! ref type for QT Chapter tracks*/
96 	GF_ISOM_REF_CHAP = GF_4CC( 'c', 'h', 'a', 'p' ),
97 	/*! ref type for the SVC and SHVC base tracks*/
98 	GF_ISOM_REF_BASE = GF_4CC( 's', 'b', 'a', 's' ),
99 	/*! ref type for the SVC and SHVC extractor reference tracks*/
100 	GF_ISOM_REF_SCAL = GF_4CC( 's', 'c', 'a', 'l' ),
101 	/*! ref type for the SHVC tile base tracks*/
102 	GF_ISOM_REF_TBAS = GF_4CC( 't', 'b', 'a', 's' ),
103 	/*! ref type for the SHVC tile tracks*/
104 	GF_ISOM_REF_SABT = GF_4CC( 's', 'a', 'b', 't' ),
105 	/*! ref type for the SHVC oinf track*/
106 	GF_ISOM_REF_OREF = GF_4CC( 'o', 'r', 'e', 'f' ),
107 	/*! this track uses fonts carried/defined in the referenced track*/
108 	GF_ISOM_REF_FONT = GF_4CC( 'f', 'o', 'n', 't' ),
109 	/*! this track depends on the referenced hint track, i.e., it should only be used if the referenced hint track is used.*/
110 	GF_ISOM_REF_HIND = GF_4CC( 'h', 'i', 'n', 'd' ),
111 	/*! this track contains auxiliary depth video information for the referenced video track*/
112 	GF_ISOM_REF_VDEP = GF_4CC( 'v', 'd', 'e', 'p' ),
113 	/*! this track contains auxiliary parallax video information for the referenced video track*/
114 	GF_ISOM_REF_VPLX = GF_4CC( 'v', 'p', 'l', 'x' ),
115 	/*! this track contains subtitle, timed text or overlay graphical information for the referenced track or any track in the alternate group to which the track belongs, if any*/
116 	GF_ISOM_REF_SUBT = GF_4CC( 's', 'u', 'b', 't' ),
117 	/*! thumbnail track*/
118 	GF_ISOM_REF_THUMB = GF_4CC( 't', 'h', 'm', 'b' ),
119 	/*DRC*/
120 	/*! additional audio track*/
121 	GF_ISOM_REF_ADDA = GF_4CC( 'a', 'd', 'd', 'a' ),
122 	/*! DRC metadata*/
123 	GF_ISOM_REF_ADRC = GF_4CC( 'a', 'd', 'r', 'c' ),
124 	/*! item->track location*/
125 	GF_ISOM_REF_ILOC = GF_4CC( 'i', 'l', 'o', 'c' ),
126 	/*! AVC dep stream*/
127 	GF_ISOM_REF_AVCP = GF_4CC( 'a', 'v', 'c', 'p' ),
128 	/*! AVC switch to*/
129 	GF_ISOM_REF_SWTO = GF_4CC( 's', 'w', 't', 'o' ),
130 	/*! AVC switch from*/
131 	GF_ISOM_REF_SWFR = GF_4CC( 's', 'w', 'f', 'r' ),
133 	/*! Time code*/
134 	GF_ISOM_REF_TMCD = GF_4CC( 't', 'm', 'c', 'd' ),
135 	/*! Structural dependency*/
136 	GF_ISOM_REF_CDEP = GF_4CC( 'c', 'd', 'e', 'p' ),
137 	/*! transcript*/
138 	GF_ISOM_REF_SCPT = GF_4CC( 's', 'c', 'p', 't' ),
139 	/*! nonprimary source description*/
140 	GF_ISOM_REF_SSRC = GF_4CC( 's', 's', 'r', 'c' ),
141 	/*! layer audio track dependency*/
142 	GF_ISOM_REF_LYRA = GF_4CC( 'l', 'y', 'r', 'a' ),
143 	/*! File Delivery Item Information Extension */
144 	GF_ISOM_REF_FDEL = GF_4CC( 'f', 'd', 'e', 'l' ),
145 	/*! Track fragment inherit */
146 	GF_ISOM_REF_TRIN = GF_4CC( 't', 'r', 'i', 'n' ),
147 };
149 /*! Track Edit list type*/
150 typedef enum {
151 	/*! empty segment in the track (no media for this segment)*/
152 	GF_ISOM_EDIT_EMPTY		=	0x00,
153 	/*! dwelled segment in the track (one media sample for this segment)*/
154 	GF_ISOM_EDIT_DWELL		=	0x01,
155 	/*! normal segment in the track*/
156 	GF_ISOM_EDIT_NORMAL		=	0x02
157 } GF_ISOEditType;
160 enum
161 {
162 	/*base media types*/
163 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_VISUAL	= GF_4CC( 'v', 'i', 'd', 'e' ),
164     GF_ISOM_MEDIA_AUXV      = GF_4CC( 'a', 'u', 'x', 'v' ),
165     GF_ISOM_MEDIA_PICT      = GF_4CC( 'p', 'i', 'c', 't' ),
166 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_AUDIO		= GF_4CC( 's', 'o', 'u', 'n' ),
167 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_HINT		= GF_4CC( 'h', 'i', 'n', 't' ),
168 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_META		= GF_4CC( 'm', 'e', 't', 'a' ),
169 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_TEXT		= GF_4CC( 't', 'e', 'x', 't' ),
170 	/*subtitle code point used on ipod - same as text*/
171 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SUBT		= GF_4CC( 's', 'b', 't', 'l' ),
172 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SUBPIC	= GF_4CC( 's', 'u', 'b', 'p' ),
173 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_MPEG_SUBT	= GF_4CC( 's', 'u', 'b', 't' ),
174 	/*closed caption track types for QT/ProRes*/
175 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_CLOSED_CAPTION		= GF_4CC( 'c', 'l', 'c', 'p' ),
176 	/*timecode metadata for QT/ProRes*/
177 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_TIMECODE		= GF_4CC( 't', 'm', 'c', 'd' ),
178 	/*MPEG-4 media types*/
179 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OD		= GF_4CC( 'o', 'd', 's', 'm' ),
180 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OCR		= GF_4CC( 'c', 'r', 's', 'm' ),
181 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SCENE		= GF_4CC( 's', 'd', 's', 'm' ),
182 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_MPEG7		= GF_4CC( 'm', '7', 's', 'm' ),
183 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OCI		= GF_4CC( 'o', 'c', 's', 'm' ),
184 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_IPMP		= GF_4CC( 'i', 'p', 's', 'm' ),
185 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_MPEGJ		= GF_4CC( 'm', 'j', 's', 'm' ),
186 	/*GPAC-defined, for any track using MPEG-4 systems signaling but with undefined streaml types*/
187 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_ESM		= GF_4CC( 'g', 'e', 's', 'm' ),
188 	/*DIMS media type (same as scene but with a different mediaInfo)*/
189 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_DIMS		= GF_4CC( 'd', 'i', 'm', 's' ),
190 	/*SWF file embedded in media track*/
191 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_FLASH		= GF_4CC( 'f', 'l', 's', 'h' ),
192 	/*QTVR track*/
193 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_QTVR		= GF_4CC( 'q', 't', 'v', 'r' ),
194 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_JPEG		= GF_4CC( 'j', 'p', 'e', 'g' ),
195 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_JP2		= GF_4CC( 'j', 'p', '2', ' ' ),
196 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_PNG		= GF_4CC( 'p', 'n', 'g', ' ' ),
197 	GF_ISOM_MEDIA_TMCD		= GF_4CC( 't', 'm', 'c', 'd' ),
198 };
201 /*! specific media sub-types - you shall make sure the media sub type is what you expect*/
202 enum
203 {
204 	/*reserved, internal use in the lib. Indicates the track complies to MPEG-4 system
205 	specification, and the usual OD framework tools may be used*/
206 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MPEG4		= GF_4CC( 'M', 'P', 'E', 'G' ),
208 	/*reserved, internal use in the lib. Indicates the track is of GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MPEG4
209 	but it is encrypted.*/
210 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MPEG4_CRYP	= GF_4CC( 'E', 'N', 'C', 'M' ),
212 	/*AVC/H264 media type - not listed as an MPEG-4 type, ALTHOUGH this library automatically remaps
213 	GF_AVCConfig to MPEG-4 ESD*/
214 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC_H264		= GF_4CC( 'a', 'v', 'c', '1' ),
215 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC2_H264		= GF_4CC( 'a', 'v', 'c', '2' ),
216 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC3_H264		= GF_4CC( 'a', 'v', 'c', '3' ),
217 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC4_H264		= GF_4CC( 'a', 'v', 'c', '4' ),
218 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_SVC_H264		= GF_4CC( 's', 'v', 'c', '1' ),
219 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MVC_H264		= GF_4CC( 'm', 'v', 'c', '1' ),
221 	/*HEVC media type*/
222 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_HVC1			= GF_4CC( 'h', 'v', 'c', '1' ),
223 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_HEV1			= GF_4CC( 'h', 'e', 'v', '1' ),
224 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_HVC2			= GF_4CC( 'h', 'v', 'c', '2' ),
225 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_HEV2			= GF_4CC( 'h', 'e', 'v', '2' ),
226 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_LHV1			= GF_4CC( 'l', 'h', 'v', '1' ),
227 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_LHE1			= GF_4CC( 'l', 'h', 'e', '1' ),
228 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_HVT1			= GF_4CC( 'h', 'v', 't', '1' ),
230 	/*AV1 media type*/
231 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AV01 = GF_4CC('a', 'v', '0', '1'),
233 	/*Opus media type*/
234 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_OPUS = GF_4CC('O', 'p', 'u', 's'),
235 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_FLAC = GF_4CC( 'f', 'L', 'a', 'C' ),
237 	/* VP */
238 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_VP08 = GF_4CC('v', 'p', '0', '8'),
239 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_VP09 = GF_4CC('v', 'p', '0', '9'),
240 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_VP10 = GF_4CC('v', 'p', '1', '0'),
242 	/* Dolby Vision */
243 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_DVHE = GF_4CC('d', 'v', 'h', 'e'),
245 	/*3GPP(2) extension subtypes*/
246 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_H263	= GF_4CC( 's', '2', '6', '3' ),
247 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_AMR		= GF_4CC( 's', 'a', 'm', 'r' ),
248 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_AMR_WB	= GF_4CC( 's', 'a', 'w', 'b' ),
249 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_EVRC	= GF_4CC( 's', 'e', 'v', 'c' ),
250 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_QCELP	= GF_4CC( 's', 'q', 'c', 'p' ),
251 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_SMV		= GF_4CC( 's', 's', 'm', 'v' ),
253 	/*3GPP DIMS*/
254 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_DIMS	= GF_4CC( 'd', 'i', 'm', 's' ),
256 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AC3			= GF_4CC( 'a', 'c', '-', '3' ),
257 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_EC3			= GF_4CC( 'e', 'c', '-', '3' ),
258 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MP3			= GF_4CC( '.', 'm', 'p', '3' ),
259 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MP4A		= GF_4CC( 'm', 'p', '4', 'a' ),
260 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MP4S		= GF_4CC( 'm', 'p', '4', 's' ),
262 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_LSR1		= GF_4CC( 'l', 's', 'r', '1' ),
263 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_WVTT		= GF_4CC( 'w', 'v', 't', 't' ),
264 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_STXT		= GF_4CC( 's', 't', 'x', 't' ),
265 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_STPP		= GF_4CC( 's', 't', 'p', 'p' ),
266 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_SBTT		= GF_4CC( 's', 'b', 't', 't' ),
267 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_METT		= GF_4CC( 'm', 'e', 't', 't' ),
268 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_METX		= GF_4CC( 'm', 'e', 't', 'x' ),
269 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_TX3G		= GF_4CC( 't', 'x', '3', 'g' ),
270 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_TEXT		= GF_4CC( 't', 'e', 'x', 't' ),
273 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_RTP			= GF_4CC( 'r', 't', 'p', ' ' ),
274 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_SRTP		= GF_4CC( 's', 'r', 't', 'p' ),
275 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_RRTP		= GF_4CC( 'r', 'r', 't', 'p' ),
276 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_RTCP		= GF_4CC( 'r', 't', 'c', 'p' ),
277 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_FLUTE		= GF_4CC( 'f', 'd', 'p', ' ' ),
279 	/* Apple XDCAM */
280 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_XDVB		= GF_4CC( 'x', 'd', 'v', 'b' ),
282 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_H263		= GF_4CC( 'h', '2', '6', '3' ),
284 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_JPEG		= GF_4CC( 'j', 'p', 'e', 'g' ),
285 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_PNG 		= GF_4CC( 'p', 'n', 'g', ' ' ),
286 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MJP2 		= GF_4CC( 'm', 'j', 'p', '2' ),
287 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_JP2K		= GF_4CC('j','p','2','k'),
289 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MH3D_MHA1	= GF_4CC( 'm', 'h', 'a', '1' ),
290 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MH3D_MHA2	= GF_4CC( 'm', 'h', 'a', '2' ),
291 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MH3D_MHM1	= GF_4CC( 'm', 'h', 'm', '1' ),
292 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MH3D_MHM2	= GF_4CC( 'm', 'h', 'm', '2' ),
294 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_IPCM		= GF_4CC( 'i', 'p', 'c', 'm' ),
295 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_FPCM		= GF_4CC( 'f', 'p', 'c', 'm' ),
297 	/* on-screen colours */
298 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_NCLX 		= GF_4CC( 'n', 'c', 'l', 'x' ),
299 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_NCLC 		= GF_4CC( 'n', 'c', 'l', 'c' ),
300 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_PROF 		= GF_4CC( 'p', 'r', 'o', 'f' ),
301 	GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_RICC 		= GF_4CC( 'r', 'I', 'C', 'C' ),
303 	/* QT audio codecs */
304 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_RAW	= GF_4CC('r','a','w',' '),
305 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_TWOS 	= GF_4CC('t','w','o','s'),
306 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_SOWT 	= GF_4CC('s','o','w','t'),
307 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_FL32 	= GF_4CC('f','l','3','2'),
308 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_FL64 	= GF_4CC('f','l','6','4'),
309 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_IN24 	= GF_4CC('i','n','2','4'),
310 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_IN32 	= GF_4CC('i','n','3','2'),
311 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_ULAW 	= GF_4CC('u','l','a','w'),
312 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_ALAW 	= GF_4CC('a','l','a','w'),
313 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_ADPCM 	= GF_4CC(0x6D,0x73,0x00,0x02),
314 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_IMA_ADPCM 	= GF_4CC(0x6D,0x73,0x00,0x11),
315 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_DVCA 	= GF_4CC('d','v','c','a'),
316 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_QDMC 	= GF_4CC('Q','D','M','C'),
317 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_QDMC2	= GF_4CC('Q','D','M','2'),
318 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_QCELP	= GF_4CC('Q','c','l','p'),
319 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_kMP3 	= GF_4CC(0x6D,0x73,0x00,0x55),
321 	/* QT video codecs */
322 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_C608	= GF_4CC( 'c', '6', '0', '8' ),
323 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_APCH	= GF_4CC( 'a', 'p', 'c', 'h' ),
324 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_APCO	= GF_4CC( 'a', 'p', 'c', 'o' ),
325 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_APCN	= GF_4CC( 'a', 'p', 'c', 'n' ),
326 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_APCS	= GF_4CC( 'a', 'p', 'c', 's' ),
327 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_AP4X	= GF_4CC( 'a', 'p', '4', 'x' ),
328 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_AP4H	= GF_4CC( 'a', 'p', '4', 'h' ),
329 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_YUV422 	= GF_4CC('y','u','v','2'),
330 //	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_YUV422 	= GF_4CC('2','v','u','Y'),
331 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_YUV444 	= GF_4CC('v','3','0','8'),
332 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_YUV422_10 	= GF_4CC('v','2','1','0'),
333 	GF_QT_SUBTYPE_YUV444_10 	= GF_4CC('v','4','1','0'),
334 };
339 /*! direction for sample search (including SyncSamples search)
340 Function using search allways specify the desired time in composition (presentation) time
341 		(Sample N-1)	DesiredTime		(Sample N)
342 */
343 typedef enum
344 {
345 	/*! FORWARD: will give the next sample given the desired time (eg, N)*/
347 	/*! BACKWARD: will give the previous sample given the desired time (eg, N-1)*/
349 	/*! SYNCFORWARD: will search from the desired point in time for a sync sample if any. If no sync info, behaves as FORWARD*/
351 	/*! SYNCBACKWARD: will search till the desired point in time for a sync sample if any. If no sync info, behaves as BACKWARD*/
353 	/*! SYNCSHADOW: use the sync shadow information to retrieve the sample. If no SyncShadow info, behave as SYNCBACKWARD
354 	\warning deprecated in ISOBMFF*/
356 } GF_ISOSearchMode;
358 /*! Predefined File Brand codes (MPEG-4 and JPEG2000)*/
359 enum
360 {
361 	/*file complying to the generic ISO Media File (base specification ISO/IEC 14496-12)
362 	this is the default brand when creating a new movie*/
363 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISOM = GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', 'm' ),
364 	/*file complying to the generic ISO Media File (base specification ISO/IEC 14496-12) + Meta extensions*/
365 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO2 =  GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', '2' ),
366 	/*file complying to ISO/IEC 14496-1 2001 edition. A .mp4 file without a brand
367 	is equivalent to a file compatible with this brand*/
368 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_MP41 = GF_4CC( 'm', 'p', '4', '1' ),
369 	/*file complying to ISO/IEC 14496-14 (MP4 spec)*/
370 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_MP42 = GF_4CC( 'm', 'p', '4', '2' ),
371 	/*file complying to ISO/IEC 15444-3 (JPEG2000) without profile restriction*/
372 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_MJP2 = GF_4CC( 'm', 'j', 'p', '2' ),
373 	/*file complying to ISO/IEC 15444-3 (JPEG2000) with simple profile restriction*/
374 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_MJ2S = GF_4CC( 'm', 'j', '2', 's' ),
375 	/*old versions of 3GPP spec (without timed text)*/
376 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GP4 = GF_4CC('3', 'g', 'p', '4'),
377 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GP5 = GF_4CC('3', 'g', 'p', '5'),
378 	/*final version of 3GPP file spec*/
379 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GP6 = GF_4CC('3', 'g', 'p', '6'),
380 	/*generci 3GPP file (several audio tracks, etc..)*/
381 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GG5 = GF_4CC('3', 'g', 'g', '5'),
382 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GG6 = GF_4CC('3', 'g', 'g', '6'),
383 	/*3GPP2 file spec*/
384 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_3G2A = GF_4CC('3', 'g', '2', 'a'),
385 	/*AVC file spec*/
386 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_AVC1 = GF_4CC('a', 'v', 'c', '1'),
387 	/* file complying to ISO/IEC 21000-9:2005 (MPEG-21 spec)*/
388 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_MP21 = GF_4CC('m', 'p', '2', '1'),
389 	/*file complying to the generic ISO Media File (base specification ISO/IEC 14496-12) + support for version 1*/
390 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO4 =  GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', '4' ),
391 	/* Image File Format */
392 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_MIF1 = GF_4CC('m', 'i', 'f', '1'),
393 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_HEIC = GF_4CC('h', 'e', 'i', 'c'),
394 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_HEIM = GF_4CC('h', 'e', 'i', 'm'),
395 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_AVIF = GF_4CC('a', 'v', 'i', 'f'),
396 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_AVCI = GF_4CC('a', 'v', 'c', 'i'),
397 	/*other iso media brands */
398 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO1 = GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', '1' ),
399 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO3 = GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', '3' ),
400 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO5 = GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', '5' ),
401 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO6 = GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', '6' ),
402 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO7 = GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', '7' ),
403 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO8 = GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', '8' ),
404 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO9 = GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', '9' ),
405 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISOA = GF_4CC( 'i', 's', 'o', 'a' ),
407 	/* QT brand*/
408 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_QT  = GF_4CC( 'q', 't', ' ', ' ' ),
410 	/* JPEG 2000 Image (.JP2) [ISO 15444-1] */
411 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_JP2  = GF_4CC( 'j', 'p', '2', ' ' ),
413 	/* MPEG-4 (.MP4) for SonyPSP */
414 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_MSNV = GF_4CC( 'M', 'S', 'N', 'V' ),
415 	/* Apple iTunes AAC-LC (.M4A) Audio */
416 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_M4A  = GF_4CC( 'M', '4', 'A', ' ' ),
417 	/* Apple iTunes Video (.M4V) Video */
418 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_M4V  = GF_4CC( 'M', '4', 'V', ' ' ),
420 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_HVCE = GF_4CC( 'h', 'v', 'c', 'e' ),
421 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_HVCI = GF_4CC( 'h', 'v', 'c', 'i' ),
422 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_HVTI = GF_4CC( 'h', 'v', 't', 'i' ),
425 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_AV01 = GF_4CC( 'a', 'v', '0', '1'),
427 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_OPUS = GF_4CC( 'O', 'p', 'u', 's'),
429 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISMA = GF_4CC( 'I', 'S', 'M', 'A' ),
431 	/* dash related brands (ISO/IEC 23009-1) */
432 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_DASH = GF_4CC('d','a','s','h'),
433 	/* Media Segment conforming to the DASH Self-Initializing Media Segment format type */
434 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_DSMS = GF_4CC('d','s','m','s'),
435 	/* Media Segment conforming to the general format type */
436 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_MSDH = GF_4CC('m','s','d','h'),
437 	/* Media Segment conforming to the Indexed Media Segment format type */
438 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_MSIX = GF_4CC('m','s','i','x'),
439 	/* Representation Index Segment used to index MPEG-2 TS based Media Segments */
440 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_RISX = GF_4CC('r','i','s','x'),
441 	/* last Media Segment indicator for ISO base media file format */
442 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_LMSG = GF_4CC('l','m','s','g'),
443 	/* Single Index Segment used to index MPEG-2 TS based Media Segments */
444 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_SISX = GF_4CC('s','i','s','x'),
445 	/* Subsegment Index Segment used to index MPEG-2 TS based Media Segments */
446 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_SSSS = GF_4CC('s','s','s','s'),
449 	/* from ismacryp.c */
450 	/* OMA DCF DRM Format 2.0 (OMA-TS-DRM-DCF-V2_0-20060303-A) */
451 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ODCF = GF_4CC('o','d','c','f'),
452 	/* OMA PDCF DRM Format 2.1 (OMA-TS-DRM-DCF-V2_1-20070724-C) */
453 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_OPF2 = GF_4CC('o','p','f','2'),
455 };
459 #include <gpac/mpeg4_odf.h>
461 /*! isomedia file*/
462 typedef struct __tag_isom GF_ISOFile;
464 /*! a track ID value - just a 32 bit value but typedefed for API safety*/
465 typedef u32 GF_ISOTrackID;
467 /*! @} */
469 /*!
470 \addtogroup isosample_grp ISO Sample
471 \ingroup iso_grp
473 Media sample for ISOBMFF API.
474 @{
475 */
477 /*! Random Access Point flag*/
478 typedef enum {
479 	/*! redundant sync shadow - only set when reading sample*/
480 	RAP_REDUNDANT = -1,
481 	/*! not rap*/
482 	RAP_NO = 0,
483 	/*! sync point (IDR)*/
484 	RAP = 1,
485 	/*! sync point (IDR)*/
486 	SAP_TYPE_1 = 1,
487 	/*! sync point (IDR)*/
488 	SAP_TYPE_2 = 2,
489 	/*! RAP, OpenGOP*/
490 	SAP_TYPE_3 = 3,
491 	/*! RAP, roll info (GDR or audio preroll)*/
492 	SAP_TYPE_4 = 4,
493 } GF_ISOSAPType;
495 /*! media sample object*/
496 typedef struct
497 {
498 	/*! data size*/
499 	u32 dataLength;
500 	/*! data with padding if requested*/
501 	u8 *data;
502 	/*! decoding time*/
503 	u64 DTS;
504 	/*! relative offset for composition if needed*/
505 	s32 CTS_Offset;
506 	/*! SAP type*/
508 	/*! allocated data size - used only when using static sample in \ref gf_isom_get_sample_ex*/
509 	u32 alloc_size;
511 	/*! number of packed samples in this sample. If 0 or 1, only 1 sample is present
512 	only used for constant size and constant duration samples*/
513 	u32 nb_pack;
514 } GF_ISOSample;
517 /*! creates a new empty sample
518 \return the newly allocated ISO sample*/
519 GF_ISOSample *gf_isom_sample_new();
521 /*! delete a sample. NOTE:the buffer content will be destroyed by default.
522 if you wish to keep the buffer, set dataLength to 0 in the sample
523 before deleting it
524 the pointer is set to NULL after deletion
525 \param samp pointer to the target ISO sample
526 */
527 void gf_isom_sample_del(GF_ISOSample **samp);
530 /*! @} */
532 /*!
533 \addtogroup isogen_grp Generic API
534 \ingroup iso_grp
536 Generic API functions
537 @{
538 */
540 /*! Movie file opening modes */
541 typedef enum
542 {
543 	/*! Opens file for dumping: same as read-only but keeps all movie fragments info untouched*/
545 	/*! Opens a file in READ ONLY mode*/
547 	/*! Opens a file in WRITE ONLY mode. Media Data is captured on the fly and storage mode is always flat (moov at end).
548 	In this mode, the editing functions are disabled.*/
550 	/*! Opens an existing file in EDIT mode*/
552 	/*! Creates a new file in EDIT mode*/
554 	/*! Opens an existing file and keep fragment information*/
556 } GF_ISOOpenMode;
558 /*! indicates if target file is an IsoMedia file
559 \param fileName the target local file name or path to probe, gmem:// or gfio:// resource
560 \return 1 if it is a non-special file, 2 if an init segment, 3 if a media segment, 0 otherwise
561 */
562 u32 gf_isom_probe_file(const char *fileName);
564 /*! indicates if target file is an IsoMedia file
565 \param fileName the target local file name or path to probe, gmem:// or gfio:// resource
566 \param start_range the offset in the file to start probing from
567 \param end_range the offset in the file at which probing shall stop
568 \return 1 if it is a non-special file, 2 if an init segment, 3 if a media segment, 4 if empty or no file, 0 otherwise
569 */
570 u32 gf_isom_probe_file_range(const char *fileName, u64 start_range, u64 end_range);
572 /*! indicates if target file is an IsoMedia file
573 \param inBuf the buffer to probe
574 \param inSize the sizeo of the buffer to probe
575 \returns 1 if it is a non-special file, 2 if an init segment, 3 if a media segment, 0 otherwise (non recognized or too short)
576 */
577 u32 gf_isom_probe_data(const u8*inBuf, u32 inSize);
579 /*! opens an isoMedia File.
580 If fileName is NULL data will be written in memory ; write with gf_isom_write() ; use gf_isom_get_bs() to get the data ; use gf_isom_delete() to delete the internal data.
581 \param fileName name of the file to open, , gmem:// or gfio:// resource. The special name "_gpac_isobmff_redirect" is used to indicate that segment shall be written to a memory buffer passed to callback function set through \ref gf_isom_set_write_callback.
582 \param OpenMode file opening mode
583 \param tmp_dir for the 2 edit modes only, specifies a location for temp file. If NULL, the library will use the default
584 OS temporary file management schemes.
585 \return the created ISO file if no error
586 */
587 GF_ISOFile *gf_isom_open(const char *fileName, GF_ISOOpenMode OpenMode, const char *tmp_dir);
589 /*! closes the file, write it if new/edited - equivalent to gf_isom_write()+gf_isom_delete()
590 \param isom_file the target ISO file
591 \return error if any
592 */
593 GF_Err gf_isom_close(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
595 /*! deletes the movie without saving it
596 \param isom_file the target ISO file
597 */
598 void gf_isom_delete(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
600 /*! gets the last fatal error that occured in the file
602 Note: some function may return an error while the movie has no error
603 the last error is a FatalError, and is not always set if a bad
604 param is specified...
605 \param isom_file the target ISO file
606 \return error if any
607 */
608 GF_Err gf_isom_last_error(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
610 /*! gets the mode of an open file
611 \param isom_file the target ISO file
612 \return open mode of the file
613 */
614 u8 gf_isom_get_mode(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
616 /*! checks if file is J2K image
617 \param isom_file the target ISO file
618 \return GF_TRUE if file is a j2k image, GF_FALSE otherwise
619 */
620 Bool gf_isom_is_JPEG2000(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
622 /*! gets file size of an ISO file
623 \param isom_file the target ISO file
624 \return the file size in bytes
625 */
626 u64 gf_isom_get_file_size(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
628 /*! checks if a given four character code matches a known video handler type (vide, auxv, pict, ...)
629 \param mtype the four character code to check
630 \return GF_TRUE if the type is a video media type*/
631 Bool gf_isom_is_video_handler_type(u32 mtype);
633 /*! gets number of implemented boxes in  (including the internal unknown box wrapper).
634 \note There can be several times the same type returned due to variation of the box (versions or flags)
635 \return number of implemented boxes
636 */
637 u32 gf_isom_get_num_supported_boxes();
639 /*! gets four character code of box given its index. Index 0 is GPAC internal unknown box handler
640 \param idx 0-based index of the box
641 \return four character code of the box
642 */
643 u32 gf_isom_get_supported_box_type(u32 idx);
647 /*! prints default box syntax of box given its index. Index 0 is GPAC internal unknown box handler
648 \param idx 0-based index of the box
649 \param trace the file object to dump to
650 \return error if any
651 */
652 GF_Err gf_isom_dump_supported_box(u32 idx, FILE * trace);
654 #endif
656 /*! @} */
658 /*!
659 \addtogroup isoread_grp ISOBMFF Reading
660 \ingroup iso_grp
662 ISOBMF file reading
663 @{
664 */
666 /*! checks if moov box is before any mdat box
667 \param isom_file the target ISO file
668 \return GF_TRUE if if moov box is before any mdat box, GF_FALSE otherwise
669 */
670 Bool gf_isom_moov_first(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
672 /*! when reading a file, indicates that file data is missing the indicated bytes
673 \param isom_file the target ISO file
674 \param byte_offset number of bytes not present at the begining of the file
675 \return error if any
676 */
677 GF_Err gf_isom_set_byte_offset(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, s64 byte_offset);
680 /*! opens a movie that can be uncomplete in READ_ONLY mode
681 to use for http streaming & co
683 start_range and end_range restricts the media byte range in the URL (used by DASH)
684 if 0 or end_range<=start_range, the entire URL is used when parsing
686 If the url indicates a gfio or gmem resource, the file can be played from the associated underlying buffer. For gmem, you must call \ref gf_isom_refresh_fragmented and gf_isom_set_removed_bytes whenever the underlying buffer is modified.
688 \param fileName the name of the local file or cache to open, gmem:// or gfio://
689 \param start_range only loads starting from indicated byte range
690 \param end_range loading stops at indicated byte range
691 \param enable_frag_templates loads fragment and segment boundaries in an internal table
692 \param isom_file pointer set to the opened file if success
693 \param BytesMissing is set to the predicted number of bytes missing for the file to be loaded
694 Note that if the file is not optimized for streaming, this number is not accurate
695 If the movie is successfully loaded (isom_file non-NULL), BytesMissing is zero
696 \return error if any
697 */
698 GF_Err gf_isom_open_progressive(const char *fileName, u64 start_range, u64 end_range, Bool enable_frag_templates, GF_ISOFile **isom_file, u64 *BytesMissing);
701 /*! same as  \ref gf_isom_open_progressive but allows fetching the incomplete box type
703 \param fileName the name of the local file or cache to open
704 \param start_range only loads starting from indicated byte range
705 \param end_range loading stops at indicated byte range
706 \param enable_frag_templates loads fragment and segment boundaries in an internal table
707 \param isom_file pointer set to the opened file if success
708 \param BytesMissing is set to the predicted number of bytes missing for the file to be loaded
709 \param topBoxType is set to the 4CC of the incomplete top-level box found - may be NULL
710 Note that if the file is not optimized for streaming, this number is not accurate
711 If the movie is successfully loaded (isom_file non-NULL), BytesMissing is zero
712 \return error if any
713 */
714 GF_Err gf_isom_open_progressive_ex(const char *fileName, u64 start_range, u64 end_range, Bool enable_frag_templates, GF_ISOFile **isom_file, u64 *BytesMissing, u32 *topBoxType);
716 /*! retrieves number of bytes missing.
717 if requesting a sample fails with error GF_ISOM_INCOMPLETE_FILE, use this function
718 to get the number of bytes missing to retrieve the sample
719 \param isom_file the target ISO file
720 \param trackNumber the desired track to query
721 \return the number of bytes missing to fetch the sample
722 */
723 u64 gf_isom_get_missing_bytes(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
725 /*! checks if a file has movie info (moov box with tracks & dynamic media). Some files may just use
726 the base IsoMedia structure without "moov" container
727 \param isom_file the target ISO file
728 \return GF_TRUE if the file has a movie, GF_FALSE otherwise
729 */
730 Bool gf_isom_has_movie(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
732 /*! gets number of tracks
733 \param isom_file the target ISO file
734 \return the number of tracks in the movie, or -1 if error*/
735 u32 gf_isom_get_track_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
737 /*! gets the movie timescale
738 \param isom_file the target ISO file
739 \return the timescale of the movie, 0 if error*/
740 u32 gf_isom_get_timescale(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
742 /*! gets the movie duration computed based on media samples and edit lists
743 \param isom_file the target ISO file
744 \return the computed duration of the movie, 0 if error*/
745 u64 gf_isom_get_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
747 /*! gets the original movie duration as written in the file, regardless of the media data
748 \param isom_file the target ISO file
749 \return the duration of the movie*/
750 u64 gf_isom_get_original_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
752 /*! gets the creation info of the movie
753 \param isom_file the target ISO file
754 \param creationTime set to the creation time of the movie
755 \param modificationTime set to the modification time of the movie
756 \return error if any
757 */
758 GF_Err gf_isom_get_creation_time(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u64 *creationTime, u64 *modificationTime);
760 /*! gets the ID of a track
761 \param isom_file the target ISO file
762 \param trackNumber the target track
763 \return the trackID of the track, or 0 if error*/
764 GF_ISOTrackID gf_isom_get_track_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
766 /*! gets a track number by its ID
767 \param isom_file the target ISO file
768 \param trackID the target track ID
769 \return the track number of the track, or 0 if error*/
770 u32 gf_isom_get_track_by_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID trackID);
772 /*! gets the track original ID (before cloning from another file)
773 \param isom_file the target ISO file
774 \param trackNumber the target track
775 \return the original trackID of the track, or 0 if error*/
776 GF_ISOTrackID gf_isom_get_track_original_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
778 /*! gets the enable flag of a track
779 \param isom_file the target ISO file
780 \param trackNumber the target track
781 \return 0: not enabled, 1: enabled, 2: error
782 */
783 u8 gf_isom_is_track_enabled(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
785 /*! gets track flags
786 \param isom_file the target ISO file
787 \param trackNumber the target track
788 \return the track flags
789 */
790 u32 gf_isom_get_track_flags(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
792 /*! gets the track duration
793 \param isom_file the target ISO file
794 \param trackNumber the target track
795 \return the track duration in movie timescale, or 0 if error*/
796 u64 gf_isom_get_track_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
798 /*! gets the media type (audio, video, etc) of a track
799 \param isom_file the target ISO file
800 \param trackNumber the target track
801 \return the media type four character code of the media*/
802 u32 gf_isom_get_media_type(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
804 /*! gets media subtype of a sample description entry
805 \param isom_file the target ISO file
806 \param trackNumber the target track
807 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
808 \return the media type four character code of the given sample description*/
809 u32 gf_isom_get_media_subtype(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
811 /*! gets the composition time (media time) given the absolute time in the Movie
812 \param isom_file the target ISO file
813 \param trackNumber the target track
814 \param movieTime desired time in movie timescale
815 \param mediaTime is set to 0 if the media is not playing at that time (empty time segment)
816 \return error if any*/
817 GF_Err gf_isom_get_media_time(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 movieTime, u64 *mediaTime);
819 /*! gets the number of sample descriptions in the media - a media can have several stream descriptions (eg different codec configurations, different protetcions, different visual sizes).
820 \param isom_file the target ISO file
821 \param trackNumber the target track
822 \return the number of sample descriptions
823 */
824 u32 gf_isom_get_sample_description_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
826 /*! gets the stream description index for a given time in media time
827 \param isom_file the target ISO file
828 \param trackNumber the target track
829 \param for_time the desired time in media timescale
830 \return the sample description index, or 0 if error or if empty*/
831 u32 gf_isom_get_sample_description_index(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 for_time);
833 /*! checks if a sample stream descritpion is self-contained (samples located in the file)
834 \param isom_file the target ISO file
835 \param trackNumber the target track
836 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
837 \return GF_TRUE if samples refering to the given stream description are present in the file, GF_FALSE otherwise*/
838 Bool gf_isom_is_self_contained(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
840 /*! gets the media duration (without edit) based on sample table
841 \param isom_file the target ISO file
842 \param trackNumber the target track
843 \return the media duration, 0 if no samples
844 */
845 u64 gf_isom_get_media_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
847 /*! gets the original media duration (without edit) as indicated in the file
848 \param isom_file the target ISO file
849 \param trackNumber the target track
850 \return the media duration
851 */
852 u64 gf_isom_get_media_original_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
854 /*! gets the media timescale
855 \param isom_file the target ISO file
856 \param trackNumber the target track
857 \return the timeScale of the media
858 */
859 u32 gf_isom_get_media_timescale(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
861 /*! gets media chunking information for non-fragmented files
862 \param isom_file the target ISO file
863 \param trackNumber the target track
864 \param dur_min set to minimum chunk duration in media timescale (optional, can be NULL)
865 \param dur_avg set to average chunk duration in media timescale (optional, can be NULL)
866 \param dur_max set to maximum chunk duration in media timescale (optional, can be NULL)
867 \param size_min set to smallest chunk size in bytes (optional, can be NULL)
868 \param size_avg set to average chunk size in bytes (optional, can be NULL)
869 \param size_max set to largest chunk size in bytes (optional, can be NULL)
870 \return error if any
871 */
872 GF_Err gf_isom_get_chunks_infos(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 *dur_min, u32 *dur_avg, u32 *dur_max, u32 *size_min, u32 *size_avg, u32 *size_max);
874 /*! gets the handler name. The outName must be:
875 \param isom_file the target ISO file
876 \param trackNumber the target track
877 \param outName set to the handler name (must be non NULL)
878 \return error if any
879 */
880 GF_Err gf_isom_get_handler_name(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char **outName);
882 /*! checks if the data reference for the given track and sample description is valid and supported
883 (a data Reference allows to construct a file without integrating the media data, however this library only handles local storage external data references)
884 \param isom_file the target ISO file
885 \param trackNumber the target track
886 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
887 \return error if any
888 */
889 GF_Err gf_isom_check_data_reference(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
891 /*! gets the location of the data. If both outURL and outURN are set to NULL, the data is in this file
892 \param isom_file the target ISO file
893 \param trackNumber the target track
894 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
895 \param outURL set to URL value of the data reference
896 \param outURN set to URN value of the data reference
897 \return error if any
898 */
899 GF_Err gf_isom_get_data_reference(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, const char **outURL, const char **outURN);
901 /*! gets the number of samples in a track
902 \param isom_file the target ISO file
903 \param trackNumber the target track
904 \return the number of samples, or 0 if error*/
905 u32 gf_isom_get_sample_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
907 /*! gets the constant sample size for samples of a track
908 \param isom_file the target ISO file
909 \param trackNumber the target track
910 \return constant size of samples or 0 if size not constant
911 */
912 u32 gf_isom_get_constant_sample_size(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
914 /*! gets the constant sample duration for samples of a track
915 \param isom_file the target ISO file
916 \param trackNumber the target track
917 \return constant duration of samples, or 0 if duration not constant*/
918 u32 gf_isom_get_constant_sample_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
920 /*! sets max audio sample packing in a single ISOSample.
921 This is mostly used when processing raw audio tracks, for which extracting samples per samples would be too time consuming
922 \param isom_file the target ISO file
923 \param trackNumber the target track
924 \param pack_num_samples the target number of samples to pack in one ISOSample
925 \return GF_TRUE if packing was successfull, GF_FALSE otherwise (non constant size and non constant duration)
926 */
927 Bool gf_isom_enable_raw_pack(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 pack_num_samples);
929 /*! gets the total media data size of a track (whether in the file or not)
930 \param isom_file the target ISO file
931 \param trackNumber the target track
932 \return total amount of media bytes in track
933 */
934 u64 gf_isom_get_media_data_size(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
936 /*! sets sample padding bytes when reading a sample
937 It may be desired to fetch samples with a bigger allocated buffer than their real size, in case the decoder
938 reads more data than available. This sets the amount of extra bytes to allocate when reading samples from this track
939 NOTE: the dataLength of the sample does NOT include padding
940 \param isom_file the target ISO file
941 \param trackNumber the target track
942 \param padding_bytes the amount of bytes to add at the end of a sample data buffer
943 \return error if any
944 */
945 GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_padding(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 padding_bytes);
947 /*! fetches a sample from a track. The sample must be destroyed using \ref gf_isom_sample_del
948 \param isom_file the target ISO file
949 \param trackNumber the target track
950 \param sampleNumber the desired sample number (1-based index)
951 \param sampleDescriptionIndex set to the sample description index corresponding to this sample
952 \return the ISO sample or NULL if not found or end of stream  or incomplete file. Use \ref gf_isom_last_error to check the error code
953 */
954 GF_ISOSample *gf_isom_get_sample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 *sampleDescriptionIndex);
956 /*! fetches a sample from a track without allocating a new sample.
957 This function is the same as \ref gf_isom_get_sample except that it fills in the static_sample passed as argument, potentially reallocating buffers
959 \param isom_file the target ISO file
960 \param trackNumber the target track
961 \param sampleNumber the desired sample number (1-based index)
962 \param sampleDescriptionIndex set to the sample description index corresponding to this sample
963 \param static_sample a caller-allocated ISO sample to use as the returned sample
964 \param data_offset set to data offset in file / current bitstream - may be NULL
965 \return the ISO sample or NULL if not found or end of stream or incomplete file. Use \ref gf_isom_last_error to check the error code
966 \note If the function returns NULL, the static_sample and its associated data are NOT destroyed
967 */
968 GF_ISOSample *gf_isom_get_sample_ex(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 *sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_ISOSample *static_sample, u64 *data_offset);
970 /*! gets sample information. This is the same as \ref gf_isom_get_sample but doesn't fetch media data
972 \param isom_file the target ISO file
973 \param trackNumber the target track
974 \param sampleNumber the desired sample number (1-based index)
975 \param sampleDescriptionIndex set to the sample description index corresponding to this sample (optional, can be NULL)
976 \param data_offset set to the sample start offset in file (optional, can be NULL)
977 \note: when both sampleDescriptionIndex and data_offset are NULL, only DTS, CTS_Offset and RAP indications are retrieved (faster)
978 \return the ISO sample without data or NULL if not found or end of stream  or incomplete file. Use \ref gf_isom_last_error to check the error code
979 */
980 GF_ISOSample *gf_isom_get_sample_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 *sampleDescriptionIndex, u64 *data_offset);
982 /*! gets sample information with a user-allocated sample. This is the same as \ref gf_isom_get_sample_info but uses a static allocated sample as input
983 \param isom_file the target ISO file
984 \param trackNumber the target track
985 \param sampleNumber the desired sample number (1-based index)
986 \param sampleDescriptionIndex set to the sample description index corresponding to this sample (optional, can be NULL)
987 \param data_offset set to the sample start offset in file (optional, can be NULL)
988 \note: when both sampleDescriptionIndex and data_offset are NULL, only DTS, CTS_Offset and RAP indications are retrieved (faster)
989 \param static_sample a caller-allocated ISO sample to use as the returned sample
990 \return the ISO sample without data or NULL if not found or end of stream  or incomplete file. Use \ref gf_isom_last_error to check the error code
991 \note If the function returns NULL, the static_sample and its associated data if any are NOT destroyed
992 */
993 GF_ISOSample *gf_isom_get_sample_info_ex(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 *sampleDescriptionIndex, u64 *data_offset, GF_ISOSample *static_sample);
995 /*! get sample decoding time
996 \param isom_file the target ISO file
997 \param trackNumber the target track
998 \param sampleNumber the desired sample number (1-based index)
999 \return decoding time in media timescale
1000 */
1001 u64 gf_isom_get_sample_dts(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber);
1003 /*! gets sample duration
1004 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1005 \param trackNumber the target track
1006 \param sampleNumber the desired sample number (1-based index)
1007 \return sample duration in media timescale*/
1008 u32 gf_isom_get_sample_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber);
1010 /*! gets sample size
1011 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1012 \param trackNumber the target track
1013 \param sampleNumber the desired sample number (1-based index)
1014 \return sample size in bytes*/
1015 u32 gf_isom_get_sample_size(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber);
1017 /*! gets maximum sample size in track
1018 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1019 \param trackNumber the target track
1020 \return max size of any sample in track*/
1021 u32 gf_isom_get_max_sample_size(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1023 /*! gets average sample size in a track
1024 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1025 \param trackNumber the target track
1026 \return average size of sample in track
1027 */
1028 u32 gf_isom_get_avg_sample_size(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1030 /*! gets maximum sample duration in track
1031 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1032 \param trackNumber the target track
1033 \return max sample delta in media timescale
1034 */
1035 u32 gf_isom_get_max_sample_delta(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1037 /*! gets max sample CTS offset (CTS-DTS) in track
1038 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1039 \param trackNumber the target track
1040 \return max sample cts offset in media timescale*/
1041 u32 gf_isom_get_max_sample_cts_offset(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1043 /*! gets sample sync flag. This does not check other sample groups ('rap ' or 'sap ')
1044 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1045 \param trackNumber the target track
1046 \param sampleNumber the desired sample number (1-based index)
1047 \return GF_TRUE if sample is sync, GF_FALSE otherwise*/
1048 Bool gf_isom_get_sample_sync(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber);
1050 /*! gets sample dependency flags - see ISO/IEC 14496-12 and \ref gf_filter_pck_set_dependency_flags
1051 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1052 \param trackNumber the target track
1053 \param sampleNumber the desired sample number (1-based index)
1054 \param is_leading set to 1 if sample is a leading picture
1055 \param dependsOn set to the depends_on flag
1056 \param dependedOn set to the depended_on flag
1057 \param redundant set to the redundant flag
1058 \return error if any
1059 */
1060 GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_flags(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 *is_leading, u32 *dependsOn, u32 *dependedOn, u32 *redundant);
1062 /*! gets a sample given a desired decoding time and set the sampleDescriptionIndex of this sample
1064 WARNING: the sample may not be sync even though the sync was requested (depends on the media and the editList)
1065 the SampleNum is optional. If non-NULL, will contain the sampleNumber
1067 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1068 \param trackNumber the target track
1069 \param desiredTime the desired time in media timescale
1070 \param sampleDescriptionIndex set to the sample description index corresponding to this sample (optional, can be NULL)
1071 \param SearchMode the search direction mode
1072 \param sample set to the fetched sample if any. If NULL, sample is not fetched (optional, can be NULL)
1073 \param sample_number set to the fetched sample number if any, set to 0 otherwise (optional, can be NULL)
1074 \param data_offset set to the sample start offset in file (optional, can be NULL)
1076 \return GF_EOS if the desired time exceeds the media duration or error if any
1077 */
1078 GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_for_media_time(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 desiredTime, u32 *sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_ISOSearchMode SearchMode, GF_ISOSample **sample, u32 *sample_number, u64 *data_offset);
1080 /*! gets sample number for a given decode time
1081 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1082 \param trackNumber the target track
1083 \param dts the desired decode time in media timescale
1084 \return the sample number or 0 if not found
1085 */
1086 u32 gf_isom_get_sample_from_dts(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 dts);
1088 /*! get the number of track references of a track for a given ReferenceType
1089 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1090 \param trackNumber the target track
1091 \param referenceType the four character code of the reference to query
1092 \return -1 if error or the number of references*/
1093 s32 gf_isom_get_reference_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType);
1095 /*! get the referenced track number for a track and a given ReferenceType and Index
1096 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1097 \param trackNumber the target track
1098 \param referenceType the four character code of the reference to query
1099 \param referenceIndex the 1-based index of the reference to query (see \ref gf_isom_get_reference_count)
1100 \param refTrack set to the track number of the referenced track
1101 \return error if any
1102 */
1103 GF_Err gf_isom_get_reference(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, u32 referenceIndex, u32 *refTrack);
1105 /*! get the referenced track ID for a track and a given ReferenceType and Index
1106 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1107 \param trackNumber the target track
1108 \param referenceType the four character code of the reference to query
1109 \param referenceIndex the 1-based index of the reference to query (see \ref gf_isom_get_reference_count)
1110 \param refTrackID set to the track ID of the referenced track
1111 \return error if any
1112 */
1113 GF_Err gf_isom_get_reference_ID(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, u32 referenceIndex, GF_ISOTrackID *refTrackID);
1115 /*! checks if a track has a reference of given type to another track
1116 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1117 \param trackNumber the target track
1118 \param referenceType the four character code of the reference to query
1119 \param refTrackID set to the track number of the referenced track
1120 \return the reference index if the given track has a reference of type referenceType to refTreckID, 0 otherwise*/
1121 u32 gf_isom_has_track_reference(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, GF_ISOTrackID refTrackID);
1123 /*! fetches a sample for a given movie time, handling possible track edit lists.
1125 if no sample is playing, an empty sample is returned with no data and a DTS set to MovieTime when searching in sync modes
1126 if no sample is playing, the closest sample in the edit time-line is returned when searching in regular modes
1128 WARNING: the sample may not be sync even though the sync was requested (depends on the media and the editList)
1130 Note: this function will handle re-timestamping the sample according to the mapping  of the media time-line
1131 on the track time-line. The sample TSs (DTS / CTS offset) are expressed in MEDIA TIME SCALE
1132 (to match the media stream TS resolution as indicated in media header / SLConfig)
1135 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1136 \param trackNumber the target track
1137 \param movieTime the desired movie time in media timescale
1138 \param sampleDescriptionIndex set to the sample description index corresponding to this sample (optional, can be NULL)
1139 \param SearchMode the search direction mode
1140 \param sample set to the fetched sample if any. If NULL, sample is not fetched (optional, can be NULL)
1141 \param sample_number set to the fetched sample number if any, set to 0 otherwise (optional, can be NULL)
1142 \param data_offset set to the sample start offset in file (optional, can be NULL)
1143 \return error if any
1144 */
1145 GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_for_movie_time(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 movieTime, u32 *sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_ISOSearchMode SearchMode, GF_ISOSample **sample, u32 *sample_number, u64 *data_offset);
1147 /*! gets edit list type
1148 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1149 \param trackNumber the target track
1150 \param mediaOffset set to the media offset of the edit for time-shifting edits
1151 \return GF_TRUE if complex edit list, GF_FALSE if no edit list or time-shifting only edit list, in which case mediaOffset is set to the CTS of the first sample to present at presentation time 0
1152 A negative value implies that the samples with CTS between 0 and mediaOffset should not be presented (skip)
1153 A positive value value implies that there is nothing to present between 0 and CTS (hold)
1154 */
1155 Bool gf_isom_get_edit_list_type(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, s64 *mediaOffset);
1157 /*! gets the number of edits in an edit list
1158 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1159 \param trackNumber the target track
1160 \return number of edits
1161 */
1162 u32 gf_isom_get_edits_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1164 /*! gets the desired edit information
1165 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1166 \param trackNumber the target track
1167 \param EditIndex index of the edit to query (1-based index)
1168 \param EditTime set to the edit time in movie timescale
1169 \param SegmentDuration set to the edit duration in movie timescale
1170 \param MediaTime set to the edit media start time in media timescale
1171 \param EditMode set to the mode of the edit
1172 \return error if any
1173 */
1174 GF_Err gf_isom_get_edit(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 EditIndex, u64 *EditTime, u64 *SegmentDuration, u64 *MediaTime, GF_ISOEditType *EditMode);
1176 /*! gets the number of languages for the copyright
1177 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1178 \return number of languages, 0 if no copyright*/
1179 u32 gf_isom_get_copyright_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
1181 /*! gets a copyright and its language code
1182 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1183 \param Index the 1-based index of the copyright notice to query
1184 \param threeCharCodes set to the copyright language code
1185 \param notice set to the copyright notice
1186 \return error if any
1187 */
1188 GF_Err gf_isom_get_copyright(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 Index, const char **threeCharCodes, const char **notice);
1190 /*! gets the number of chapter for movie or track (chapters can be assigned to tracks or to movies)
1191 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1192 \param trackNumber the target track to queryy. If 0, looks for chapter at the movie level
1193 \return number of chapters
1194 */
1195 u32 gf_isom_get_chapter_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1197 /*! gets the given chapter time and name for a movie or track
1198 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1199 \param trackNumber the target track to queryy. If 0, looks for chapter at the movie level
1200 \param Index the index of the ckhapter to queryy
1201 \param chapter_time set to chapter start time in milliseconds (optional, may be NULL)
1202 \param name set to chapter name (optional, may be NULL)
1203 \return error if any
1204 */
1205 GF_Err gf_isom_get_chapter(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 Index, u64 *chapter_time, const char **name);
1207 /*! checks if a media has sync points
1208 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1209 \param trackNumber the target track
1210 \return 0 if the media has no sync point info (eg, all samples are RAPs), 1 if the media has sync points (eg some samples are RAPs),  2 if the media has empty sync point info (no samples are RAPs - this will likely only happen
1211 			in scalable context)
1212 */
1213 u8 gf_isom_has_sync_points(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1215 /*! gets the number of sync points in a media
1216 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1217 \param trackNumber the target track
1218 \return number of sync points*/
1219 u32 gf_isom_get_sync_point_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1221 /*! checks if a media track hhas composition time offset
1222 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1223 \param trackNumber the target track
1224 \return 1 if the track uses unsigned compositionTime offsets (B-frames or similar), 2 if the track uses signed compositionTime offsets (B-frames or similar), 0 if the track does not use compositionTime offsets (CTS == DTS)
1225 */
1226 u32 gf_isom_has_time_offset(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1228 /*! gets cts to dts shift value if defined.
1229 This shift is defined only in cases of negative CTS offset (ctts version 1) and not always present in files!
1230 Adding shift to CTS guarantees that the shifted CTS is always greater than the DTS for any sample
1231 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1232 \param trackNumber the target track
1233 \return the shift from composition time to decode time for that track if indicated, or 0 if not found
1234 */
1235 s64 gf_isom_get_cts_to_dts_shift(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1237 /*! checks if a track has sync shadow samples (RAP samples replacing non RAP ones)
1238 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1239 \param trackNumber the target track
1240 \return GF_TRUE if the track has sync shadow samples*/
1241 Bool gf_isom_has_sync_shadows(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1243 /*! checks if a track has sample dependencoes indicated
1244 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1245 \param trackNumber the target track
1246 \return GF_TRUE if the track has sample dep indications*/
1247 Bool gf_isom_has_sample_dependency(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1249 /*! gets a rough estimation of file size. This only works for completely self-contained files and without fragmentation
1250 for the current time
1251 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1252 \return estimated file size in bytes*/
1253 u64 gf_isom_estimate_size(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
1255 /*! gets next alternate group ID available
1256 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1257 \return next available ID for alternate groups
1258 */
1259 u32 gf_isom_get_next_alternate_group_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
1262 /*! gets file name of an opened ISO file
1263 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1264 \return the file name*/
1265 const char *gf_isom_get_filename(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
1268 /*! gets file brand information
1269 The brand is used to
1270 - differenciate MP4, MJPEG2000 and QT while indicating compatibilities
1271 - identify tools that shall be supported for correct parsing of the file
1273 The function will set brand, minorVersion and AlternateBrandsCount to 0 if no brand indication is found in the file
1275 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1276 \param brand set to the four character code of the brand
1277 \param minorVersion set to an informative integer for the minor version of the major brand (optional, can be NULL)
1278 \param AlternateBrandsCount set to the number of compatible brands (optional, can be NULL).
1279 \return error if any*/
1280 GF_Err gf_isom_get_brand_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 *brand, u32 *minorVersion, u32 *AlternateBrandsCount);
1282 /*! gets an alternate brand indication
1283 \note the Major brand should always be indicated in the alternate brands
1284 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1285 \param BrandIndex 1-based index of alternate brand to query (cf \ref gf_isom_get_brand_info)
1286 \param brand set to the four character code of the brand
1287 \return error if any*/
1288 GF_Err gf_isom_get_alternate_brand(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 BrandIndex, u32 *brand);
1290 /*! gets the internal list of brands
1291 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1292 \return the internal list of brands. DO NOT MODIFY the content
1293 */
1294 const u32 *gf_isom_get_brands(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
1296 /*! gets the number of padding bits at the end of a given sample if any
1297 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1298 \param trackNumber the target track
1299 \param sampleNumber the desired sample number (1-based index)
1300 \param NbBits set to the number of padded bits at the end of the sample
1301 \return error if any*/
1302 GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_padding_bits(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u8 *NbBits);
1304 /*! checks if a track samples use padding bits or not
1305 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1306 \param trackNumber the target track
1307 \return GF_TRUE if samples have padding bits information, GF_FALSE otherwise*/
1308 Bool gf_isom_has_padding_bits(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1310 /*! gets information of a visual track for a given sample description
1311 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1312 \param trackNumber the target track
1313 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
1314 \param Width set to the width of the sample description in pixels
1315 \param Height set to the height of the sample description in pixels
1316 \return error if any*/
1317 GF_Err gf_isom_get_visual_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *Width, u32 *Height);
1319 /*! gets bit depth of a sample description of a visual track (for uncompressed media usually)
1320 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1321 \param trackNumber the target track number
1322 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
1323 \param bitDepth the bit depth of each pixel (eg 24 for RGB, 32 for RGBA)
1324 \return error if any
1325 */
1326 GF_Err gf_isom_get_visual_bit_depth(GF_ISOFile* isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u16 *bitDepth);
1328 /*! gets information of an audio track for a given sample description
1329 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1330 \param trackNumber the target track
1331 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
1332 \param SampleRate set to the audio sample rate of the sample description
1333 \param Channels set to the audio channel count of the sample description
1334 \param bitsPerSample set to the audio bits per sample for raw audio of the sample description
1335 \return error if any*/
1336 GF_Err gf_isom_get_audio_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *SampleRate, u32 *Channels, u32 *bitsPerSample);
1338 /*! Audio channel layout description, ISOBMFF style*/
1339 typedef struct
1340 {
1341 	/*! stream structure flags, 1: has channel layout, 2: has objects*/
1342 	u8 stream_structure;
1344 	/*! defined CICP channel layout*/
1345 	u8 definedLayout;
1347 	/*! number of channels*/
1348 	u32 channels_count;
1349 	struct {
1350 		/*! speaker position*/
1351 		u8 position;
1352 		/*! speaker elevation if position==126*/
1353 		s8 elevation;
1354 		/*! speaker azimuth if position==126*/
1355 		s16 azimuth;
1356 	} layouts[64];
1357 	/*! bit-map of omitted channels using bit positions defined in CICP - only valid if definedLayout is not 0*/
1358 	u64 omittedChannelsMap;
1359 	/*! number of objects in the stream*/
1360 	u8 object_count;
1361 } GF_AudioChannelLayout;
1363 /*! get channel layout info for an audio track, ISOBMFF style
1364  \param isom_file the target ISO file
1365  \param trackNumber the target track
1366  \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
1367  \param layout set to the channel/object layout info for this track
1368  \return GF_NOT_FOUND if not set in file, or other error if any*/
1369 GF_Err gf_isom_get_audio_layout(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_AudioChannelLayout *layout);
1372 /*! gets visual track layout information
1373 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1374 \param trackNumber the target track
1375 \param width set to the width of the track in pixels
1376 \param height set to the height of the track in pixels
1377 \param translation_x set to the horizontal translation of the track in pixels
1378 \param translation_y set to the vertical translation of the track in pixels
1379 \param layer set to the z-order of the track
1380 \return error if any*/
1381 GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_layout_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 *width, u32 *height, s32 *translation_x, s32 *translation_y, s16 *layer);
1383 /*! gets matrix of a visual track
1384 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1385 \param trackNumber the target track
1386 \param matrix set to the track matrix - all coord values are expressed as 16.16 fixed point floats
1387 \return error if any*/
1388 GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_matrix(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 matrix[9]);
1390 /*! gets sample (pixel) aspect ratio information of a visual track for a given sample description
1391 The aspect ratio is hSpacing divided by vSpacing
1392 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1393 \param trackNumber the target track
1394 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
1395 \param hSpacing horizontal spacing
1396 \param vSpacing vertical spacing
1397 \return error if any*/
1398 GF_Err gf_isom_get_pixel_aspect_ratio(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *hSpacing, u32 *vSpacing);
1400 /*! gets color information of a visual track for a given sample description
1401 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1402 \param trackNumber the target track
1403 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
1404 \param colour_type set to the four character code of the colour type mode used (nclx, nclc, prof or ricc currently defined)
1405 \param colour_primaries set to the colour primaries for nclc/nclx as defined in ISO/IEC 23001-8
1406 \param transfer_characteristics set to the colour primaries for nclc/nclx as defined in ISO/IEC 23001-8
1407 \param matrix_coefficients set to the colour primaries for nclc/nclx as defined in ISO/IEC 23001-8
1408 \param full_range_flag set to the colour primaries for nclc as defined in ISO/IEC 23001-8
1409 \return error if any*/
1410 GF_Err gf_isom_get_color_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *colour_type, u16 *colour_primaries, u16 *transfer_characteristics, u16 *matrix_coefficients, Bool *full_range_flag);
1412 /*! gets the media language code of a track
1413 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1414 \param trackNumber the target track
1415 \param lang set to a newly allocated string containg 3 chars (if old files) or longer form (BCP-47) - shall be freed by caller
1416 \return error if any*/
1417 GF_Err gf_isom_get_media_language(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, char **lang);
1419 /*! gets the number of kind (media role) for a given track
1420 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1421 \param trackNumber the target track
1422 \return number of kind defined
1423 */
1424 u32 gf_isom_get_track_kind_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1426 /*! gets a given kind (media role) information for a given track
1427 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1428 \param trackNumber the target track
1429 \param index the 1-based index of the kind to retrieve
1430 \param scheme set to the scheme of the kind information - shall be freed by caller
1431 \param value set to the value of the kind information - shall be freed by caller
1432 \return error if any*/
1433 GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_kind(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 index, char **scheme, char **value);
1435 /*! gets the magic number associated with a track. The magic number is usually set by a file muxer, and is not serialized to file
1436 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1437 \param trackNumber the target track
1438 \return the magic number (0 by default)
1439 */
1440 u64 gf_isom_get_track_magic(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1442 /*! checks if file is a single AV file with max one audio, one video, one text and basic od/bifs
1443 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1444 \return GF_TRUE if file is single AV, GF_FALSE otherwise
1445 */
1446 Bool gf_isom_is_single_av(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
1448 /*! guesses which specification this file refers to.
1449 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1450 \return possible values are:
1451 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISOM: unrecognized std
1452 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GP5: 3GP file (max 1 audio, 1 video) without text track
1453 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GP6: 3GP file (max 1 audio, 1 video) with text track
1454 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GG6: 3GP file multitrack file
1455 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_3G2A: 3GP2 file
1456 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_AVC1: AVC file
1457 	FCC("ISMA"): ISMA file (may overlap with 3GP)
1458 	GF_ISOM_BRAND_MP42: any generic MP4 file (eg with BIFS/OD/MPEG-4 systems stuff)
1460   for files without movie, returns the file meta handler type
1461 */
1462 u32 gf_isom_guess_specification(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
1465 /*! gets the nalu_length_field size used for this sample description if NALU-based (AVC/HEVC/...)
1466 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1467 \param trackNumber the target track
1468 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
1469 \return number of bytes used to code the NALU size, or 0 if not NALU-based*/
1470 u32 gf_isom_get_nalu_length_field(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
1472 /*! gets max/average rate information as indicated in ESDS or BTRT boxes. If not found all values are set to 0
1473 if sampleDescriptionIndex is 0, gather for all sample descriptions
1475 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1476 \param trackNumber the target track
1477 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
1478 \param average_bitrate set to the average bitrate in bits per second of the media
1479 \param max_bitrate set to the maximum bitrate in bits per second of the media
1480 \param decode_buffer_size set to the decoder buffer size in bytes of the media
1481 \return error if any*/
1482 GF_Err gf_isom_get_bitrate(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *average_bitrate, u32 *max_bitrate, u32 *decode_buffer_size);
1485 /*! gets the track template of a track. This serializes track box without serializing sample tables nor sample description info
1486 \param isom_file the destination ISO file
1487 \param trackNumber the destination track
1488 \param output will be set to a newly allocated buffer containing the serialized box - caller shall free it
1489 \param output_size will be set to the size of the allocated buffer
1490 \return error if any
1491 */
1492 GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_template(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 **output, u32 *output_size);
1494 /*! gets the trex template of a track. This serializes trex box
1495 \param isom_file the destination ISO file
1496 \param trackNumber the destination track
1497 \param output will be set to a newly allocated buffer containing the serialized box - caller shall free it
1498 \param output_size will be set to the size of the allocated buffer
1499 \return error if any
1500 */
1501 GF_Err gf_isom_get_trex_template(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 **output, u32 *output_size);
1503 /*! sets the number of removed bytes form the input bitstream when using gmem:// url
1504  The number of bytes shall be the total number since the opening of the movie
1505 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1506 \param bytes_removed number of bytes removed
1507 \return error if any
1508 */
1509 GF_Err gf_isom_set_removed_bytes(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u64 bytes_removed);
1511 /*! gets the current file offset of the current incomplete top level box not parsed
1512  This shall be checked to avoid discarding bytes at or after the current top box header
1513 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1514 \param current_top_box_offset set to the offset from file first byte
1515 \return error if any
1516 */
1517 GF_Err gf_isom_get_current_top_box_offset(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u64 *current_top_box_offset);
1519 /*! purges the given number of samples, starting from the first sample, from a track of a fragmented file.
1520  This avoids having sample tables growing in size when reading a fragmented file in pure streaming mode (no seek).
1521  You should always keep one sample in the track
1522 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1523 \param trackNumber the desired track to purge
1524 \param nb_samples the number of samples to remove
1525 \return error if any
1526 */
1527 GF_Err gf_isom_purge_samples(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 nb_samples);
1532 /*! dumps file structures into XML trace file
1533 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1534 \param trace the file object to dump to
1535 \param skip_init does not dump init segment structure
1536 \return error if any
1537 */
1538 GF_Err gf_isom_dump(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, FILE *trace, Bool skip_init, Bool skip_samples);
1540 #endif /*GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM_DUMP*/
1543 /*! @} */
1548 /*!
1549 \addtogroup isowrite_grp ISOBMFF Writing
1550 \ingroup iso_grp
1552 ISOBMF file writing
1553 @{
1554 */
1556 /*! Movie Storage modes*/
1557 typedef enum
1558 {
1559 	/*! FLAT: the MediaData is stored at the beginning of the file*/
1561 	/*! STREAMABLE: the MetaData (File Info) is stored at the beginning of the file
1562 	for fast access during download*/
1564 	/*! INTERLEAVED: Same as STREAMABLE, plus the media data is mixed by chunk  of fixed duration*/
1566 	/*! INTERLEAVED +DRIFT: Same as INTERLEAVED, and adds time drift control to avoid creating too long chunks*/
1568 	/*! tightly interleaves samples based on their DTS, therefore allowing better placement of samples in the file.
1569 	This is used for both http interleaving and Hinting optimizations*/
1571 	/*! FASTSTART: same as FLAT but moves moov before mdat at the end*/
1573 } GF_ISOStorageMode;
1575 /*! writes the file without deleting (see \ref gf_isom_delete)
1576 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1577 \return error if any
1578 */
1579 GF_Err gf_isom_write(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
1581 /*! freezes order of the current box tree in the file.
1582 By default the library always reorder boxes in the recommended order in the various specifications implemented.
1583 New created tracks or meta items will not have a frozen order of boxes, but the function can be called several time
1584 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1585 \return error if any
1586 */
1587 GF_Err gf_isom_freeze_order(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
1589 /*! keeps UTC edit times when storing
1590 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1591 \param keep_utc if GF_TRUE, do not edit times
1592 */
1593 void gf_isom_keep_utc_times(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool keep_utc);
1595 /*! sets the timescale of the movie. This rescales times expressed in movie timescale in edit lists and mvex boxes
1596 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1597 \param timeScale the target timescale
1598 \return error if any
1599 */
1600 GF_Err gf_isom_set_timescale(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 timeScale);
1602 /*! loads a set of top-level boxes in moov udta and child boxes. UDTA will be replaced if already present
1603 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1604 \param moov_boxes a serialized array of boxes to add
1605 \param moov_boxes_size the size of the serialized array of boxes
1606 \param udta_only only replace/inject udta box and entries
1607 \return error if any
1608 */
1609 GF_Err gf_isom_load_extra_boxes(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u8 *moov_boxes, u32 moov_boxes_size, Bool udta_only);
1611 /*! creates a new track
1612 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1613 \param trackID the ID of the track - if 0, the track ID is chosen by the API
1614 \param MediaType the handler type (four character code) of the media
1615 \param TimeScale the time scale of the media
1616 \return the track number or 0 if error*/
1617 u32 gf_isom_new_track(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID trackID, u32 MediaType, u32 TimeScale);
1619 /*! creates a new track from an encoded trak box.
1620 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1621 \param trackID the ID of the track - if 0, the track ID is chosen by the API
1622 \param MediaType the handler type (four character code) of the media
1623 \param TimeScale the time scale of the media
1624 \param tk_box a serialized trak box to use as template
1625 \param tk_box_size the size of the serialized trak box
1626 \param udta_only only replace/inject udta box and entries
1627 \return the track number or 0 if error*/
1628 u32 gf_isom_new_track_from_template(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID trackID, u32 MediaType, u32 TimeScale, u8 *tk_box, u32 tk_box_size, Bool udta_only);
1630 /*! removes a track - internal cross dependencies will be updated.
1631 WARNING: any OD streams with references to this track through  ODUpdate, ESDUpdate, ESDRemove commands
1632 will be rewritten
1633 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1634 \param trackNumber the target track to remove file
1635 \return error if any
1636 */
1637 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1639 /*! sets the enable flag of a track
1640 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1641 \param trackNumber the target track
1642 \param enableTrack if GF_TRUE, track is enabled, otherwise disabled
1643 \return error if any
1644 */
1645 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_enabled(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, Bool enableTrack);
1647 /*! Track header flags operation type*/
1648 typedef enum
1649 {
1650 	/*! set flags, erasing previous value*/
1652 	/*! add flags*/
1654 	/*! remove flags*/
1656 } GF_ISOMTrackFlagOp;
1658 /*! toggles track flags on or off
1659 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1660 \param trackNumber the target track
1661 \param flags flags to modify
1662 \param op flag operation mode
1663 \return error if any
1664 */
1665 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_flags(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 flags, GF_ISOMTrackFlagOp op);
1667 /*! sets creationTime and modificationTime of the movie to the specified date
1668 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1669 \param time the new time
1670 \return error if any
1671 */
1672 GF_Err gf_isom_set_creation_time(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u64 time);
1674 /*! sets creationTime and modificationTime of the track to the specified date
1675 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1676 \param trackNumber the target track
1677 \param time the new time
1678 \return error if any
1679 */
1680 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_creation_time(GF_ISOFile *isom_file,u32 trackNumber, u64 time);
1682 /*! changes the ID of a track - all track references present in the file are updated
1683 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1684 \param trackNumber the target track
1685 \param trackID the new track ID
1686 \return error if trackID is already in used in the file*/
1687 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOTrackID trackID);
1689 /*! forces to rewrite all dependencies when track ID changes. Used to check if track references are broken during import of a single track
1690 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1691 \param trackNumber the target track
1692 \return error if any
1693 */
1694 GF_Err gf_isom_rewrite_track_dependencies(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1696 /*! adds a sample to a track
1697 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1698 \param trackNumber the target track
1699 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index associated with the sample
1700 \param sample the target sample to add
1701 \return error if any
1702 */
1703 GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, const GF_ISOSample *sample);
1705 /*! copies all sample dependency, subSample and sample group information from the given sampleNumber in source file to the last added sample in dest file
1706 \param dst the destination ISO file
1707 \param dst_track the destination track
1708 \param src the source ISO file
1709 \param src_track the source track
1710 \param sampleNumber the source sample number
1711 \return error if any
1712 */
1713 GF_Err gf_isom_copy_sample_info(GF_ISOFile *dst, u32 dst_track, GF_ISOFile *src, u32 src_track, u32 sampleNumber);
1715 /*! adds a sync shadow sample to a track.
1716 - There must be a regular sample with the same DTS.
1717 - Sync Shadow samples MUST be RAP and can only use the same sample description as the sample they shadow
1718 - Currently, adding sync shadow must be done in order (no sample insertion)
1720 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1721 \param trackNumber the target track
1722 \param sample the target shadow sample to add
1723 \return error if any
1724 */
1725 GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_shadow(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOSample *sample);
1727 /*! adds data to current sample in the track. This will update the data size.
1728 CANNOT be used with OD media type
1729 There shall not be any other
1730 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1731 \param trackNumber the target track
1732 \param data the data to append to the sample
1733 \param data_size the size of the data to append
1734 \return error if any
1735 */
1736 GF_Err gf_isom_append_sample_data(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 *data, u32 data_size);
1738 /*! adds sample references to a track
1739 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1740 \param trackNumber the target track
1741 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index associated with the sample
1742 \param sample the target sample to add
1743 \param dataOffset is the offset in bytes of the data in the referenced file.
1744 \return error if any
1745 */
1746 GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_reference(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_ISOSample *sample, u64 dataOffset);
1748 /*! sets the duration of the last media sample. If not set, the duration of the last sample is the
1749 duration of the previous one if any, or media TimeScale (default value). This does not modify the edit list if any,
1750 you must modify this using \ref gf_isom_set_edit
1751 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1752 \param trackNumber the target track
1753 \param duration duration of last sample in media timescale
1754 \return error if any
1755 */
1756 GF_Err gf_isom_set_last_sample_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 duration);
1758 /*! sets the duration of the last media sample. If not set, the duration of the last sample is the
1759 duration of the previous one if any, or media TimeScale (default value). This does not modify the edit list if any,
1760 you must modify this using \ref gf_isom_set_edit.
1761 If both dur_num and dur_den are both zero, forces last sample duration to be the same as previous sample
1762 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1763 \param trackNumber the target track
1764 \param dur_num duration num value
1765 \param dur_den duration num value
1766 \return error if any
1767 */
1768 GF_Err gf_isom_set_last_sample_duration_ex(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 dur_num, u32 dur_den);
1770 /*! patches last stts entry to make sure the cumulated duration equals the given next_dts value
1771 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1772 \param trackNumber the target track
1773 \param next_dts target decode time of next sample
1774 \return error if any
1775 */
1776 GF_Err gf_isom_patch_last_sample_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 next_dts);
1778 /*! adds a track reference to another track
1779 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1780 \param trackNumber the target track
1781 \param referenceType the four character code of the reference
1782 \param ReferencedTrackID the ID of the track refered to
1783 \return error if any
1784 */
1785 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_reference(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, GF_ISOTrackID ReferencedTrackID);
1787 /*! removes all track references
1788 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1789 \param trackNumber the target track
1790 \return error if any
1791 */
1792 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_references(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1794 /*! sets track handler name.
1795 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1796 \param trackNumber the target track
1797 \param nameUTF8 the handler name; either NULL (reset), a UTF-8 formatted string or a UTF8 file resource in the form "file://path/to/file_utf8"
1798 \return error if any
1799 */
1800 GF_Err gf_isom_set_handler_name(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *nameUTF8);
1802 /*! updates the sample size table - this is needed when using \ref gf_isom_append_sample_data in case the resulting samples
1803 are of same sizes (typically in 3GP speech tracks)
1804 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1805 \param trackNumber the target track
1806 \return error if any
1807 */
1808 GF_Err gf_isom_refresh_size_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
1810 /*! updates the duration of the movie
1811 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1812 \return error if any
1813 */
1814 GF_Err gf_isom_update_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
1817 /*! updates a given sample of the media. This function updates both media data of sample and sample properties (DTS, CTS, SAP type)
1818 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1819 \param trackNumber the target track
1820 \param sampleNumber the number of the sample to update
1821 \param sample the new sample
1822 \param data_only if set to GF_TRUE, only the sample data is updated, not other info
1823 \return error if any
1824 */
1825 GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, GF_ISOSample *sample, Bool data_only);
1827 /*! updates a sample reference in the media. Note that the sample MUST exists, and that sample->data MUST be NULL and sample->dataLength must be NON NULL.
1828 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1829 \param trackNumber the target track
1830 \param sampleNumber the number of the sample to update
1831 \param sample the new sample
1832 \param data_offset new offset of sample in referenced file
1833 \return error if any
1834 */
1835 GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample_reference(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, GF_ISOSample *sample, u64 data_offset);
1837 /*! removes a given sample
1838 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1839 \param trackNumber the target track
1840 \param sampleNumber the number of the sample to update
1841 \return error if any
1842 */
1843 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber);
1845 /*! changes media time scale
1847 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1848 \param trackNumber the target track
1849 \param new_timescale the new timescale to set
1850 \param new_tsinc if not 0, changes sample duration and composition offsets to new_tsinc/new_timescale. If non-constant sample dur is used, uses the samllest sample dur in the track. Otherwise, only changes the timescale
1851 \param force_rescale if set to GF_TRUE, only the media timescale is changed but media times are not updated. Ignored if new_tsinc is not 0.
1852 \return GF_EOS if no action taken (same config), or error if any
1853 */
1854 GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_timescale(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 new_timescale, u32 new_tsinc, Bool force_rescale);
1856 /*! sets the save file name of the (edited) movie.
1857 If the movie is edited, the default fileName is the open name suffixed with an internally defined extension "%p_isotmp")"
1858 \note you cannot save an edited file under the same name (overwrite not allowed)
1859 If the movie is created (WRITE mode), the default filename is $OPEN_NAME
1861 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1862 \param filename the new final filename
1863 \return error if any
1864 */
1865 GF_Err gf_isom_set_final_name(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, char *filename);
1867 /*! sets the storage mode of a file (FLAT, STREAMABLE, INTERLEAVED)
1868 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1869 \param storage_mode the target storage mode
1870 \return error if any
1871 */
1872 GF_Err gf_isom_set_storage_mode(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOStorageMode storage_mode);
1874 /*! sets the interleaving time of media data (INTERLEAVED mode only)
1875 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1876 \param InterleaveTime the target interleaving time in movie timescale
1877 \return error if any
1878 */
1879 GF_Err gf_isom_set_interleave_time(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 InterleaveTime);
1881 /*! forces usage of 64 bit chunk offsets
1882 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1883 \param set_on if GF_TRUE, 64 bit chunk offsets are always used; otherwise, they are used only for large files
1884 \return error if any
1885 */
1886 GF_Err gf_isom_force_64bit_chunk_offset(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool set_on);
1888 /*! compression mode of top-level boxes*/
1889 typedef enum
1890 {
1891 	/*! no compression is used*/
1893 	/*! only moov box is compressed*/
1895 	/*! only moof boxes are compressed*/
1897 	/*! only moof and sidx boxes are compressed*/
1899 	/*! only moof,  sidx and ssix boxes are compressed*/
1901 	/*! all (moov, moof,  sidx and ssix) boxes are compressed*/
1903 } GF_ISOCompressMode;
1905 /*! sets compression mode of file
1906 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1907 \param compress_mode the desired compress mode
1908 \param force_compress forces compressed box even if compress size is larger than uncompressed size
1909 \return error if any
1910 */
1911 GF_Err gf_isom_enable_compression(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOCompressMode compress_mode, Bool force_compress);
1913 /*! sets the copyright in one language
1914 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1915 \param threeCharCode the ISO three character language code for copyright
1916 \param notice the copyright notice to add
1917 \return error if any
1918 */
1919 GF_Err gf_isom_set_copyright(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, const char *threeCharCode, char *notice);
1921 /*! adds a kind type to a track
1922 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1923 \param trackNumber the target track
1924 \param schemeURI the scheme URI of the added kind
1925 \param value the value of the added kind
1926 \return error if any
1927 */
1928 GF_Err gf_isom_add_track_kind(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *schemeURI, const char *value);
1930 /*! removes a kind type to the track, all if NULL params
1931 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1932 \param trackNumber the target track
1933 \param schemeURI the scheme URI of the removed kind
1934 \param value the value of the removed kind
1935 \return error if any
1936 */
1937 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_kind(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *schemeURI, const char *value);
1939 /*! changes the handler type of the media
1940 \warning this may completely breaks the parsing of the media track
1941 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1942 \param trackNumber the target track
1943 \param new_type the new handler four character type
1944 \return error if any
1945 */
1946 GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_type(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 new_type);
1948 /*! changes the type of the sampleDescriptionBox
1949 \warning this may completely breaks the parsing of the media track
1950 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1951 \param trackNumber the target track
1952 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
1953 \param new_type the new four character code type of the smaple description
1954 \return error if any
1955 */
1956 GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_subtype(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 new_type);
1958 /*! sets a track in an alternate group
1959 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1960 \param trackNumber the target track
1961 \param groupId the alternate group ID
1962 \return error if any
1963 */
1964 GF_Err gf_isom_set_alternate_group_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 groupId);
1966 /*! adds chapter info:
1968 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1969 \param trackNumber the target track. If 0, the chapter info is added to the movie, otherwise to the track
1970 \param timestamp the chapter start time in milliseconds. Chapters are added in order to the file. If a chapter with same timestamp
1971 	is found, its name is updated but no entry is created.
1972 \param name the chapter name. If NULL, defaults to 'Chapter N'
1973 \return error if any
1974 */
1975 GF_Err gf_isom_add_chapter(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 timestamp, char *name);
1977 /*! deletes copyright
1978 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1979 \param trackNumber the target track
1980 \param index the 1-based index of the copyright notice to remove, or 0 to remove all copyrights
1981 \return error if any
1982 */
1983 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_chapter(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 index);
1985 /*! updates or inserts a new edit in the track time line. Edits are used to modify
1986 the media normal timing. EditTime and EditDuration are expressed in movie timescale
1987 \note If a segment with EditTime already exists, it is erase
1988 \note If there is a segment before this new one, its duration is adjust to match EditTime of the new segment
1989 \warning The first segment always have an EditTime of 0. You should insert an empty or dwelled segment first
1991 \param isom_file the target ISO file
1992 \param trackNumber the target track
1993 \param EditTime the start of the edit in movie timescale
1994 \param EditDuration the duration of the edit in movie timecale
1995 \param MediaTime the corresponding media time of the start of the edit, in media timescale. -1 for empty edits
1996 \param EditMode the edit mode
1997 \return error if any
1998 */
1999 GF_Err gf_isom_set_edit(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 EditTime, u64 EditDuration, u64 MediaTime, GF_ISOEditType EditMode);
2001 /*! same as \ref gf_isom_set_edit except only modifies duration type and mediaType
2002 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2003 \param trackNumber the target track
2004 \param edit_index the 1-based index of the edit to update
2005 \param EditDuration duration of the edit in movie timescale
2006 \param MediaTime the corresponding media time of the start of the edit, in media timescale. -1 for empty edits
2007 \param EditMode the edit mode
2008 \return error if any
2009 */
2010 GF_Err gf_isom_modify_edit(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 edit_index, u64 EditDuration, u64 MediaTime, GF_ISOEditType EditMode);
2012 /*! same as \ref gf_isom_modify_edit except only appends new segment
2013 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2014 \param trackNumber the target track
2015 \param EditDuration duration of the edit in movie timescale
2016 \param MediaTime the corresponding media time of the start of the edit, in media timescale. -1 for empty edits
2017 \param EditMode the edit mode
2018 \return error if any
2019 */
2020 GF_Err gf_isom_append_edit(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 EditDuration, u64 MediaTime, GF_ISOEditType EditMode);
2022 /*! removes all edits in the track
2023 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2024 \param trackNumber the target track
2025 \return error if any
2026 */
2027 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_edits(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
2029 /*! removes the given edit. If this is not the last segment, the next segment duration is updated to maintain a continous timeline
2030 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2031 \param trackNumber the target track
2032 \param edit_index the 1-based index of the edit to update
2033 \return error if any
2034 */
2035 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_edit(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 edit_index);
2037 /*! updates edit list after track edition. All edit entries with a duration or media starttime larger than the media duration are clamped to media duration
2038 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2039 \param trackNumber the target track
2040 \return error if any
2041 */
2042 GF_Err gf_isom_update_edit_list_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
2045 /*! remove track, moov or file-level UUID box of matching type
2046 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2047 \param trackNumber the target track for the UUID box; if 0, removes from movie; if 0xFFFFFFFF, removes from file
2048 \param UUID the UUID of the box to remove
2049 \return error if any
2050 */
2051 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_uuid(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, bin128 UUID);
2053 /*! adds track, moov or file-level UUID box
2054 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2055 \param trackNumber the target track for the UUID box; if 0, removes from movie; if 0xFFFFFFFF, removes from file
2056 \param UUID the UUID of the box to remove
2057 \param data the data to add, may be NULL
2058 \param size the size of the data to add, shall be 0 when data is NULL
2059 \return error if any
2060 */
2061 GF_Err gf_isom_add_uuid(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, bin128 UUID, const u8 *data, u32 size);
2063 /*! uses a compact track version for sample size. This is not usually recommended
2064 except for speech codecs where the track has a lot of small samples
2065 compaction is done automatically while writing based on the track's sample sizes
2066 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2067 \param trackNumber the target track for the udta box; if 0, add the udta to the movie;
2068 \param CompactionOn if set to GF_TRUE, compact size tables are used; otherwise regular size tables are used
2069 \return error if any
2070 */
2071 GF_Err gf_isom_use_compact_size(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, Bool CompactionOn);
2073 /*! sets the brand of the movie
2074 \note this automatically adds the major brand to the set of alternate brands if not present
2075 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2076 \param MajorBrand four character code of the major brand to set
2077 \param MinorVersion version of the brand
2078 \return error if any
2079 */
2080 GF_Err gf_isom_set_brand_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 MajorBrand, u32 MinorVersion);
2082 /*! adds or removes an alternate brand for the movie.
2083 \note When removing an alternate brand equal to the major brand, the major brand is updated with the first alternate brand remaining, or 'isom' otherwise
2084 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2085 \param Brand four character code of the brand to add or remove
2086 \param AddIt if set to GF_TRUE, the brand is added, otherwise it is removed
2087 \return error if any
2088 */
2089 GF_Err gf_isom_modify_alternate_brand(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 Brand, Bool AddIt);
2091 /*! removes all alternate brands except major brand
2092 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2093 \return error if any
2094 */
2095 GF_Err gf_isom_reset_alt_brands(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
2097 /*! set sample dependency flags - see ISO/IEC 14496-12 and \ref gf_filter_pck_set_dependency_flags
2098 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2099 \param trackNumber the target track number
2100 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
2101 \param isLeading indicates that the sample is a leading picture
2102 \param dependsOn indicates the sample dependency towards other samples
2103 \param dependedOn indicates the sample dependency from other samples
2104 \param redundant indicates that the sample contains redundant coding
2105 \return error if any
2106 */
2107 GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_flags(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 isLeading, u32 dependsOn, u32 dependedOn, u32 redundant);
2109 /*! sets size information of a sample description of a visual track
2110 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2111 \param trackNumber the target track number
2112 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2113 \param Width the width in pixels
2114 \param Height the height in pixels
2115 \return error if any
2116 */
2117 GF_Err gf_isom_set_visual_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 Width, u32 Height);
2119 /*! sets bit depth of a sample description of a visual track (for uncompressed media usually)
2120 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2121 \param trackNumber the target track number
2122 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2123 \param bitDepth the bit depth of each pixel (eg 24 for RGB, 32 for RGBA)
2124 \return error if any
2125 */
2126 GF_Err gf_isom_set_visual_bit_depth(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u16 bitDepth);
2128 /*! sets a visual track layout info
2129 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2130 \param trackNumber the target track number
2131 \param width the track width in pixels
2132 \param height the track height in pixels
2133 \param translation_x the horizontal translation (from the left) of the track in the movie canvas, expressed as 16.16 fixed point float
2134 \param translation_y the vertical translation (from the top) of the track in the movie canvas, expressed as 16.16 fixed point float
2135 \param layer z order of the track on the canvas
2136 \return error if any
2137 */
2138 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_layout_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 width, u32 height, s32 translation_x, s32 translation_y, s16 layer);
2140 /*! sets track matrix
2141 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2142 \param trackNumber the target track number
2143 \param matrix the transformation matrix of the track on the movie canvas; all coeficients are expressed as 16.16 floating points
2144 \return error if any
2145  */
2146 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_matrix(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, s32 matrix[9]);
2148 /*! sets the pixel aspect ratio for a sample description
2149 \note the aspect ratio is expressed as hSpacing divided by vSpacing; 2:1 means pixel is twice as wide as it is high
2150 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2151 \param trackNumber the target track number
2152 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2153 \param hSpacing horizontal spacing of the aspect ratio; a value of 0 removes PAR; negative value means 1
2154 \param vSpacing vertical spacing of the aspect ratio; a value of 0 removes PAR; negative value means 1
2155 \param force_par if set, forces PAR to 1:1 when hSpacing=vSpacing; otherwise removes PAR when hSpacing=vSpacing
2156 \return error if any
2157 */
2158 GF_Err gf_isom_set_pixel_aspect_ratio(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, s32 hSpacing, s32 vSpacing, Bool force_par);
2160 /*! sets clean apperture (crop window, see ISO/IEC 14496-12) for a sample description
2161 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2162 \param trackNumber the target track number
2163 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2164 \param cleanApertureWidthN nominator of clean apperture horizontal size
2165 \param cleanApertureWidthD denominator of clean apperture horizontal size
2166 \param cleanApertureHeightN nominator of clean apperture vertical size
2167 \param cleanApertureHeightD denominator of clean apperture vertical size
2168 \param horizOffN nominator of horizontal offset of clean apperture center minus (width-1)/2 (eg 0 sets center to center of video)
2169 \param horizOffD denominator of horizontal offset of clean apperture center minus (width-1)/2 (eg 0 sets center to center of video)
2170 \param vertOffN nominator of vertical offset of clean apperture center minus (height-1)/2 (eg 0 sets center to center of video)
2171 \param vertOffD denominator of vertical offset of clean apperture center minus (height-1)/2 (eg 0 sets center to center of video)
2172 \return error if any
2173 */
2174 GF_Err gf_isom_set_clean_aperture(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 cleanApertureWidthN, u32 cleanApertureWidthD, u32 cleanApertureHeightN, u32 cleanApertureHeightD, u32 horizOffN, u32 horizOffD, u32 vertOffN, u32 vertOffD);
2176 /*! updates track aperture information for QT/ProRes
2177 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2178 \param trackNumber the target track number
2179 \param remove if GF_TRUE, remove track aperture information, otherwise updates it
2180 \return error if any
2181 */
2182 GF_Err gf_isom_update_aperture_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, Bool remove);
2184 /*! content light level info*/
2185 typedef struct  {
2186 	/*! max content ligth level*/
2187 	u16 max_content_light_level;
2188 	/*! max picture average ligth level*/
2189 	u16 max_pic_average_light_level;
2190 } GF_ContentLightLevelInfo;
2192 /*! mastering display colour volume info*/
2193 typedef struct  {
2194 	/*! display primaries*/
2195 	struct {
2196 		u16 x;
2197 		u16 y;
2198 	} display_primaries[3];
2199 	/*! X white point*/
2200 	u16 white_point_x;
2201 	/*! Y white point*/
2202 	u16 white_point_y;
2203 	u32 max_display_mastering_luminance;
2204 	/*! min display mastering luminance*/
2205 	u32 min_display_mastering_luminance;
2206 } GF_MasteringDisplayColourVolumeInfo;
2209 /*! sets high dynamic range information for a sample description
2210 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2211 \param trackNumber the target track number
2212 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2213 \param mdcv the mastering display colour volume to set
2214 \param clli the content light level to set
2215 \return error if any
2216 */
2217 GF_Err gf_isom_set_high_dynamic_range_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_MasteringDisplayColourVolumeInfo *mdcv, GF_ContentLightLevelInfo *clli);
2219 /*! force Dolby Vision profile: mainly used when the bitstream doesn't contain all the necessary information
2220 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2221 \param trackNumber the target track number
2222 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2223 \param dv_profile the Dolby Vision profile
2224 \return error if any
2225 */
2226 GF_Err gf_isom_set_dolby_vision_profile(GF_ISOFile* isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 dv_profile);
2229 /*! sets image sequence coding constraints (mostly used for HEIF image files)
2230 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2231 \param trackNumber the target track number
2232 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2233 \param remove if set to GF_TRUE, removes coding constraints
2234 \param all_ref_pics_intra indicates if all reference pictures are intra frames
2235 \param intra_pred_used indicates if intra prediction is used
2236 \param max_ref_per_pic indicates the max number of reference images per picture
2237 \return error if any
2238  */
2239 GF_Err gf_isom_set_image_sequence_coding_constraints(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, Bool remove, Bool all_ref_pics_intra, Bool intra_pred_used, u32 max_ref_per_pic);
2241 /*! sets image sequence alpha flag (mostly used for HEIF image files). The alpha flag indicates the image sequence is an alpha plane
2242 or has an alpha channel
2243 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2244 \param trackNumber the target track number
2245 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2246 \param remove if set to GF_TRUE, removes coding constraints
2247 \return error if any
2248 */
2249 GF_Err gf_isom_set_image_sequence_alpha(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, Bool remove);
2251 /*! sets colour information for a sample description
2252 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2253 \param trackNumber the target track number
2254 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2255 \param colour_type the four character code of the colour type to set (nclc, nclx, prof, ricc); if 0, removes all color info
2256 \param colour_primaries the colour primaries for nclc/nclx as defined in ISO/IEC 23001-8
2257 \param transfer_characteristics the colour primaries for nclc/nclx as defined in ISO/IEC 23001-8
2258 \param matrix_coefficients the colour primaries for nclc/nclx as defined in ISO/IEC 23001-8
2259 \param full_range_flag the colour primaries for nclc as defined in ISO/IEC 23001-8
2260 \param icc_data the icc data pto set for prof and ricc types
2261 \param icc_size the size of the icc data
2262 \return error if any
2263 */
2264 GF_Err gf_isom_set_visual_color_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 colour_type, u16 colour_primaries, u16 transfer_characteristics, u16 matrix_coefficients, Bool full_range_flag, u8 *icc_data, u32 icc_size);
2267 /*! Audio Sample Description signaling mode*/
2268 typedef enum {
2269 	/*! use ISOBMF sample entry v0*/
2271 	/*! use ISOBMF sample entry v0*/
2273 	/*! use ISOBMF sample entry v0 and forces channel count to 2*/
2275 	/*! use ISOBMF sample entry v1*/
2277 	/*! use QTFF sample entry v1*/
2279 } GF_AudioSampleEntryImportMode;
2282 /*! sets audio format  information for a sample description
2283 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2284 \param trackNumber the target track number
2285 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2286 \param sampleRate the audio sample rate
2287 \param nbChannels the number of audio channels
2288 \param bitsPerSample the number of bits per sample, mostly used for raw audio
2289 \param asemode type of audio entry signaling desired
2290 \return error if any
2291 */
2292 GF_Err gf_isom_set_audio_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 sampleRate, u32 nbChannels, u8 bitsPerSample, GF_AudioSampleEntryImportMode asemode);
2295 /*! sets audio channel and object layout  information for a sample description, ISOBMFF style
2296 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2297 \param trackNumber the target track number
2298 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2299 \param layout the layout information
2300 \return error if any
2301 */
2302 GF_Err gf_isom_set_audio_layout(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_AudioChannelLayout *layout);
2304 /*! sets CTS unpack mode (used for B-frames & like): in unpack mode, each sample uses one entry in CTTS tables
2306 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2307 \param trackNumber the target track number
2308 \param unpack if GF_TRUE, sets unpack on, creating a ctts table if none found; if GF_FALSE, sets unpack off and repacks all table info
2309 \return error if any
2310 */
2311 GF_Err gf_isom_set_cts_packing(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, Bool unpack);
2313 /*! shifts all CTS with the given offset. This MUST be called in unpack mode only
2314 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2315 \param trackNumber the target track number
2316 \param offset_shift CTS offset shift in media timescale
2317 \return error if any
2318 */
2319 GF_Err gf_isom_shift_cts_offset(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, s32 offset_shift);
2321 /*! enables negative composition offset in track
2322 \note this will compute the composition to decode time information
2323 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2324 \param trackNumber the target track
2325 \param use_negative_offsets if GF_TRUE, negative offsets are used, otherwise they are disabled
2326 \return error if any
2327 */
2328 GF_Err gf_isom_set_composition_offset_mode(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, Bool use_negative_offsets);
2330 /*! enables negative composition offset in track and shift offsets
2332 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2333 \param trackNumber the target track
2334 \param ctts_shift shif CTS offsets by the given time in media timescale if positive offsets only are used
2335 \return error if any
2336 */
2337 GF_Err gf_isom_set_ctts_v1(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 ctts_shift);
2340 /*! sets language for a track
2341 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2342 \param trackNumber the target track number
2343 \param code 3-character code or BCP-47 code media language
2344 \return error if any
2345 */
2346 GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_language(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, char *code);
2348 /*! gets the ID of the last created track
2349 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2350 \return the last created track ID
2351 */
2352 GF_ISOTrackID gf_isom_get_last_created_track_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
2354 /*! applies a box patch to the file. See examples in gpac test suite, media/boxpatch/
2355 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2356 \param trackID the ID of the track to patch, in case one of the box patch applies to a track
2357 \param box_patch_filename the name of the file containing the box patches
2358 \param for_fragments indicates if the patch targets movie fragments or regular moov
2359 \return error if any
2360 */
2361 GF_Err gf_isom_apply_box_patch(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID trackID, const char *box_patch_filename, Bool for_fragments);
2363 /*! sets track magic number
2364 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2365 \param trackNumber the target track
2366 \param magic the magic number to set; magic number is not written to file
2367 \return error if any
2368 */
2369 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_magic(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 magic);
2371 /*! sets track index in moov
2372 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2373 \param trackNumber the target track
2374 \param index the 1-based index to set. Tracks will be reordered after this!
2375 \param track_num_changed callback function used to notify track changes during the call to this function
2376 \param udta opaque user data for the callback function
2377 \return error if any
2378 */
2379 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_index(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 index, void (*track_num_changed)(void *udta, u32 old_track_num, u32 new_track_num), void *udta);
2381 /*! removes a sample description with the given index
2382 \warning This does not remove any added samples for that stream description, nor rewrite the sample to chunk and other boxes referencing the sample description index !
2383 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2384 \param trackNumber the target track number
2385 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description to remove
2386 \return error if any
2387 */
2388 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_stream_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2390 /*! updates average and max bitrate of a sample description
2391 if both average_bitrate and max_bitrate are 0, this removes any bitrate information
2392 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2393 \param trackNumber the target track number
2394 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description
2395 \param average_bitrate the average bitrate of the media for that sample description
2396 \param max_bitrate the maximum bitrate of the media for that sample description
2397 \param decode_buffer_size the decoder buffer size in bytes for that sample description
2398 \return error if any
2399 */
2400 GF_Err gf_isom_update_bitrate(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 average_bitrate, u32 max_bitrate, u32 decode_buffer_size);
2403 /*! track clone flags*/
2404 typedef enum
2405 {
2406 	/*! set this flag to keep data reference entries while cloning track*/
2408 	/*! set this flag to avoid cloning track as a QT track while cloning track*/
2410 } GF_ISOTrackCloneFlags;
2412 /*! clones a track. This clones everything except media data and sample info (DTS, CTS, RAPs, etc...), and also clones sample descriptions
2413 \param orig_file the source ISO file
2414 \param orig_track the source track
2415 \param dest_file the destination ISO file
2416 \param flags flags to use during clone
2417 \param dest_track set to the track number of cloned track
2418 \return error if any
2419 */
2420 GF_Err gf_isom_clone_track(GF_ISOFile *orig_file, u32 orig_track, GF_ISOFile *dest_file, GF_ISOTrackCloneFlags flags, u32 *dest_track);
2423 /*! sets the GroupID of a track (only used for optimized interleaving). By setting GroupIDs
2424 you can specify the storage order for media data of a group of streams. This is useful
2425 for BIFS presentation so that static resources of the scene can be downloaded before BIFS
2427 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2428 \param trackNumber the target track
2429 \param GroupID the desired group ID
2430 \return error if any
2431 */
2432 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_interleaving_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 GroupID);
2434 /*! sets the priority of a track within a Group (used for optimized interleaving and hinting).
2435 This allows tracks to be stored before other within a same group, for instance the
2436 hint track data can be stored just before the media data, reducing disk seeking
2438 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2439 \param trackNumber the target track
2440 \param InversePriority the desired priority. For a same time, within a group of tracks, the track with the lowest InversePriority will
2441 be written first
2442 \return error if any
2443 */
2444 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_priority_in_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 InversePriority);
2446 /*! sets the maximum chunk size for a track
2447 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2448 \param trackNumber the target track
2449 \param maxChunkSize the maximum chunk size in bytes
2450 \return error if any
2451 */
2452 GF_Err gf_isom_hint_max_chunk_size(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 maxChunkSize);
2454 /*! sets up interleaving for storage (shortcut for storeage mode + interleave_time)
2455 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2456 \param TimeInSec the desired interleaving time in seconds
2457 \return error if any
2458 */
2459 GF_Err gf_isom_make_interleave(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Double TimeInSec);
2461 /*! sets progress callback when writing a file
2462 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2463 \param progress_cbk the progress callback function
2464 \param progress_cbk_udta opaque data passed to the progress callback function
2465 */
2466 void gf_isom_set_progress_callback(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, void (*progress_cbk)(void *udta, u64 nb_done, u64 nb_total), void *progress_cbk_udta);
2468 /*! sets write callback functions for in-memory file writing
2469 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2470 \param on_block_out the block write callback function
2471 \param on_block_patch the block patch callback function
2472 \param usr_data opaque user data passed to callback functions
2473 \param block_size desired block size in bytes
2474 \return error if any
2475 */
2476 GF_Err gf_isom_set_write_callback(GF_ISOFile *isom_file,
2477  			GF_Err (*on_block_out)(void *cbk, u8 *data, u32 block_size),
2478 			GF_Err (*on_block_patch)(void *usr_data, u8 *block, u32 block_size, u64 block_offset, Bool is_insert),
2479  			void *usr_data,
2480  			u32 block_size);
2482 /*! @} */
2486 /*!
2487 \addtogroup isomp4sys_grp ISOBMFF MPEG-4 Systems
2488 \ingroup iso_grp
2490 MPEG-4 Systems extensions
2491 @{
2492 */
2495 /*! MPEG-4 ProfileAndLevel codes*/
2496 typedef enum
2497 {
2498 	/*! Audio PL*/
2500 	/*! Visual PL*/
2502 	/*! Graphics PL*/
2504 	/*! Scene PL*/
2506 	/*! OD PL*/
2507 	GF_ISOM_PL_OD,
2508 	/*! MPEG-J PL*/
2510 	/*! not a profile, just set/unset inlineFlag*/
2512 } GF_ISOProfileLevelType;
2514 /*! gets MPEG-4 subtype of a sample description entry (eg, mp4a, mp4v, enca, encv, resv, etc...)
2515 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2516 \param trackNumber the target track
2517 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
2518 \return the media type FOUR CHAR code type of an MPEG4 media, or 0 if not MPEG-4 subtype
2519  */
2520 u32 gf_isom_get_mpeg4_subtype(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2522 /*! checks if files has root OD/IOD or not
2523 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2524 \return GF_TRUE if the file has a root OD or IOD */
2525 Bool gf_isom_has_root_od(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
2527 /*! fetches the root OD of a file  (can be NULL, OD or IOD, you have to check its tag)
2528 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2529 \return the OD/IOD if any. Caller must destroy the descriptor
2530 */
2531 GF_Descriptor *gf_isom_get_root_od(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
2533 /*! disable OD conversion from ISOM internal to regular OD tags
2534 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2535 \param disable if TRUE, ODs and ESDs will not be converted
2536 */
2537 void gf_isom_disable_odf_conversion(GF_ISOFile *movie, Bool disable);
2539 /*! checks the presence of a track in rood OD/IOD
2540 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2541 \param trackNumber the target track
2542 \return 0: NO, 1: YES, 2: ERROR*/
2543 u8 gf_isom_is_track_in_root_od(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
2545 /*! gets the GF_ESD given the sampleDescriptionIndex
2546 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2547 \param trackNumber the target track
2548 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
2549 \return the ESD associated to the sample description index, or NULL if error or not supported. Caller must destroy the ESD*/
2550 GF_ESD *gf_isom_get_esd(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2552 /*! gets the decoderConfigDescriptor given the sampleDescriptionIndex
2553 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2554 \param trackNumber the target track
2555 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
2556 \return the decoder configuration descriptor associated to the sample description index, or NULL if error or not supported. Caller must destroy the descriptor
2557 */
2558 GF_DecoderConfig *gf_isom_get_decoder_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2560 /*! sets default TrackID (or ES_ID) for clock references.
2561 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2562 \param trackNumber the target track to set as a clock reference. If 0, default sync track ID is reseted and will be reassigned at next ESD fetch*/
2563 void gf_isom_set_default_sync_track(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
2565 /*! gets the profile and level value for MPEG-4 streams
2566 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2567 \param PL_Code the target profile to query file
2568 \return the profile and level value, 0xFF if not defined
2569 */
2570 u8 gf_isom_get_pl_indication(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOProfileLevelType PL_Code);
2572 /*! finds the first ObjectDescriptor using the given track by inspecting all OD tracks
2573 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2574 \param trackNumber the target track
2575 \return the OD ID if dound, 0 otherwise*/
2576 u32 gf_isom_find_od_id_for_track(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
2578 /*! sets a profile and level indication for the movie iod (created if needed)
2579 \note Use for MPEG-4 Systems only
2580 if the flag is ProfileLevel is 0 this means the movie doesn't require
2581 the specific codec (equivalent to 0xFF value in MPEG profiles)
2582 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2583 \param PL_Code the profile and level code to set
2584 \param ProfileLevel the profile and level value to set
2585 \return error if any
2586 */
2587 GF_Err gf_isom_set_pl_indication(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u8 PL_Code, GF_ISOProfileLevelType ProfileLevel);
2590 /*! sets the rootOD ID of the movie if you need it. By default, movies are created without root ODs
2591 \note Use for MPEG-4 Systems only
2592 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2593 \param OD_ID ID to assign to the root OD/IOD
2594 \return error if any
2595 */
2596 GF_Err gf_isom_set_root_od_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 OD_ID);
2598 /*! sets the rootOD URL of the movie if you need it (only needed to create an empty file pointing
2599 to external ressource)
2600 \note Use for MPEG-4 Systems only
2601 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2602 \param url_string the URL to assign to the root OD/IOD
2603 \return error if any
2604 */
2605 GF_Err gf_isom_set_root_od_url(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, const char *url_string);
2607 /*! removes the root OD
2608 \note Use for MPEG-4 Systems only
2609 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2610 \return error if any
2611 */
2612 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_root_od(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
2614 /*! adds a system descriptor to the OD of the movie
2615 \note Use for MPEG-4 Systems only
2616 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2617 \param theDesc the descriptor to add
2618 \return error if any
2619 */
2620 GF_Err gf_isom_add_desc_to_root_od(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, const GF_Descriptor *theDesc);
2622 /*! adds a track to the root OD
2623 \note Use for MPEG-4 Systems only
2624 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2625 \param trackNumber the track to add to the root OD
2626 \return error if any
2627 */
2628 GF_Err gf_isom_add_track_to_root_od(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
2630 /*! removes a track to the root OD
2631 \note Use for MPEG-4 Systems only
2632 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2633 \param trackNumber the track to remove from the root OD
2634 \return error if any
2635 */
2636 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_from_root_od(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
2639 /*! creates a new MPEG-4 sample description in a track
2641 \note Used for MPEG-4 Systems, AAC and MPEG-4 Visual (part 2)
2643 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2644 \param trackNumber the target track number
2645 \param esd the ESD to use for that sample description
2646 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
2647 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
2648 \param outDescriptionIndex set to index of the new sample description
2649 \return error if any
2650 */
2651 GF_Err gf_isom_new_mpeg4_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const GF_ESD *esd, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
2653 /*! changes an MPEG-4 sample description
2654 \note Used for MPEG-4 Systems, AAC and MPEG-4 Visual (part 2)
2655 \warning This will replace the whole ESD
2656 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2657 \param trackNumber the target track number
2658 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description
2659 \param newESD the new ESD to use for that sample description
2660 \return error if any
2661 */
2662 GF_Err gf_isom_change_mpeg4_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, const GF_ESD *newESD);
2664 /*! adds an MPEG-4 systems descriptor to the ESD of a sample description
2665 \note Used for MPEG-4 Systems, AAC and MPEG-4 Visual (part 2)
2666 \warning This will replace the whole ESD
2667 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2668 \param trackNumber the target track number
2669 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description
2670 \param theDesc the descriptor to add to the ESD of the sample description
2671 \return error if any
2672 */
2673 GF_Err gf_isom_add_desc_to_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, const GF_Descriptor *theDesc);
2675 /*! clones IOD PLs from orig to dest if any
2676 \param orig_file the source ISO file
2677 \param dest_file the destination ISO file
2678 \return error if any
2679 */
2680 GF_Err gf_isom_clone_pl_indications(GF_ISOFile *orig_file, GF_ISOFile *dest_file);
2682 /*deletes chapter (1-based index, index 0 for all)*/
2683 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_chapter(GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 index);
2685 /*! associates a given SL config with a given ESD while extracting the OD information
2686 This is useful while reading the IOD / OD stream of an MP4 file. Note however that
2687 only full AUs are extracted, therefore the calling application must SL-packetize the streams
2689 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2690 \param trackNumber the target track
2691 \param sampleDescriptionIndex set to the sample description index corresponding to this sample (optional, can be NULL)
2692 \param slConfig the SL configuration descriptor to set. The descriptor is copied by the API for further use. A NULL pointer will result
2693 in using the default SLConfig (predefined = 2) remapped to predefined = 0
2694 \return error if any
2695 */
2696 GF_Err gf_isom_set_extraction_slc(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, const GF_SLConfig *slConfig);
2701 /*! @} */
2703 /*!
2704 \addtogroup isostsd_grp ISOBMFF Sample Descriptions
2705 \ingroup iso_grp
2707 Sample Description functions are used to query and set codec parameters of a track
2709 @{
2710 */
2712 /*! Unknown sample description*/
2713 typedef struct
2714 {
2715 	/*! codec tag is the containing box's tag, 0 if UUID is used*/
2716 	u32 codec_tag;
2717 	/*! entry UUID if no tag is used*/
2718 	bin128 UUID;
2719 	/*! codec version*/
2720 	u16 version;
2721 	/*! codec revision*/
2722 	u16 revision;
2723 	/*! vendor four character code*/
2724 	u32 vendor_code;
2726 	/*! temporal quality, video codecs only*/
2727 	u32 temporal_quality;
2728 	/*! spatial quality, video codecs only*/
2729 	u32 spatial_quality;
2730 	/*! width in pixels, video codecs only*/
2731 	u16 width;
2732 	/*! height in pixels, video codecs only*/
2733 	u16 height;
2734 	/*! horizontal resolution as 16.16 fixed point, video codecs only*/
2735 	u32 h_res;
2736 	/*! vertical resolution as 16.16 fixed point, video codecs only*/
2737 	u32 v_res;
2738 	/*! bit depth resolution in bits, video codecs only*/
2739 	u16 depth;
2740 	/*! color table, video codecs only*/
2741 	u16 color_table_index;
2742 	/*! compressor name, video codecs only*/
2743 	char compressor_name[33];
2745 	/*! sample rate, audio codecs only*/
2746 	u32 samplerate;
2747 	/*! number of channels, audio codecs only*/
2748 	u16 nb_channels;
2749 	/*! bits per sample, audio codecs only*/
2750 	u16 bits_per_sample;
2751 	/*! indicates if QTFF signaling should be used, audio codecs only*/
2752 	Bool is_qtff;
2754 	/*optional, sample description specific configuration*/
2755 	u8 *extension_buf;
2756 	/*optional, sample description specific size*/
2757 	u32 extension_buf_size;
2758 } GF_GenericSampleDescription;
2760 /*! gets an unknown sample description
2761 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2762 \param trackNumber the target track
2763 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
2764 \return generic sample description information, or NULL if error
2765 */
2766 GF_GenericSampleDescription *gf_isom_get_generic_sample_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2768 /*! gets the decoder configuration of a JP2 file
2769 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2770 \param trackNumber the target track
2771 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
2772 \param out_dsi set to the decoder configuration - shall be freed by user
2773 \param out_size set to the decoder configuration size
2774 \return error if any
2775 */
2776 GF_Err gf_isom_get_jp2_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u8 **out_dsi, u32 *out_size);
2780 /*! gets RVC (Reconvigurable Video Coding) config of a track for a given sample description
2781 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2782 \param trackNumber the target track
2783 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index (1-based)
2784 \param rvc_predefined set to a predefined value of RVC
2785 \param data set to the RVC config buffer if not predefined, NULL otherwise
2786 \param size set to the RVC config buffer size
2787 \param mime set to the associated mime type of the stream
2788 \return error if any*/
2789 GF_Err gf_isom_get_rvc_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u16 *rvc_predefined, u8 **data, u32 *size, const char **mime);
2792 /*! sets the RVC config for the given track sample description
2793 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2794 \param trackNumber the target track number
2795 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2796 \param rvc_predefined the predefined RVC configuration code, 0 if not predefined
2797 \param mime the associated mime type of the video
2798 \param data the RVC configuration data; ignored if rvc_predefined is not 0
2799 \param size the size of the RVC configuration data; ignored if rvc_predefined is not 0
2800 \return error if any
2801 */
2802 GF_Err gf_isom_set_rvc_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u16 rvc_predefined, char *mime, u8 *data, u32 size);
2805 /*! updates fields of given visual sample description - these fields are reserved in ISOBMFF, this should only be used for QT, see QTFF
2806 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2807 \param trackNumber the target track number
2808 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description
2809 \param revision revision of the sample description format
2810 \param vendor four character code of the vendor
2811 \param temporalQ temporal quality
2812 \param spatialQ spatial quality
2813 \param horiz_res horizontal resolution as 16.16 fixed point number
2814 \param vert_res vertical resolution as 16.16 fixed point number
2815 \param frames_per_sample number of frames per media samples
2816 \param compressor_name human readable name for the compressor
2817 \param color_table_index color table index, use -1 if no color table (most common case)
2818 \return error if any
2819 */
2820 GF_Err gf_isom_update_video_sample_entry_fields(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u16 revision, u32 vendor, u32 temporalQ, u32 spatialQ, u32 horiz_res, u32 vert_res, u16 frames_per_sample, const char *compressor_name, s16 color_table_index);
2822 /*! updates a sample description from a serialized sample description box. Only child boxes are removed in the process
2823 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2824 \param trackNumber the target track number
2825 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description
2826 \param data a serialized sample description box
2827 \param size size of the serialized sample description
2828 \return error if any
2829 */
2830 GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample_description_from_template(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u8 *data, u32 size);
2833 /*! creates a new unknown StreamDescription in the file.
2834 \note use this to store media not currently supported by the ISO media format or media types not implemented in this library
2835 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2836 \param trackNumber the target track
2837 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
2838 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
2839 \param udesc generic sample description information to use
2840 \param outDescriptionIndex set to index of the new sample description
2841 \return error if any
2842 */
2843 GF_Err gf_isom_new_generic_sample_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, GF_GenericSampleDescription *udesc, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
2845 /*! clones a sample description without inspecting media types
2846 \param isom_file the destination ISO file
2847 \param trackNumber the destination track
2848 \param orig_file the source ISO file
2849 \param orig_track the source track
2850 \param orig_desc_index the source sample description to clone
2851 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
2852 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
2853 \param outDescriptionIndex set to index of the new sample description
2854 \return error if any
2855 */
2856 GF_Err gf_isom_clone_sample_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOFile *orig_file, u32 orig_track, u32 orig_desc_index, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
2858 /*! gets the sample description template of a track. This serializes sample description box
2859 \param isom_file the destination ISO file
2860 \param trackNumber the destination track
2861 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description
2862 \param output will be set to a newly allocated buffer containing the serialized box - caller shall free it
2863 \param output_size will be set to the size of the allocated buffer
2864 \return error if any
2865 */
2866 GF_Err gf_isom_get_stsd_template(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u8 **output, u32 *output_size);
2870 /*! checks if sample descriptions are the same. This does include self-contained checking and reserved flags. The specific media cfg (DSI & co) is not analysed, only a memory comparaison is done
2871 \param f1 the first ISO file
2872 \param tk1 the first track
2873 \param sdesc_index1 the first sample description
2874 \param f2 the second ISO file
2875 \param tk2 the second track
2876 \param sdesc_index2 the second sample description
2877 \return GF_TRUE if sample descriptions match, GF_FALSE otherwise
2878 */
2879 Bool gf_isom_is_same_sample_description(GF_ISOFile *f1, u32 tk1, u32 sdesc_index1, GF_ISOFile *f2, u32 tk2, u32 sdesc_index2);
2882 /*! Generic 3GP/3GP2 config record*/
2883 typedef struct
2884 {
2885 	/*GF_4CC record type, one fo the above GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_ * subtypes*/
2886 	u32 type;
2887 	/*4CC vendor name*/
2888 	u32 vendor;
2889 	/*codec version*/
2890 	u8 decoder_version;
2891 	/*number of sound frames per IsoMedia sample, >0 and <=15. The very last sample may contain less frames. */
2892 	u8 frames_per_sample;
2893 	/*H263 ONLY - Level*/
2894 	u8 H263_level;
2895 	/*H263 Profile*/
2896 	u8 H263_profile;
2897 	/*AMR(WB) ONLY - num of mode for the codec*/
2898 	u16 AMR_mode_set;
2899 	/*AMR(WB) ONLY - changes in codec mode per sample*/
2900 	u8 AMR_mode_change_period;
2901 } GF_3GPConfig;
2904 /*! gets a 3GPP sample description
2905 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2906 \param trackNumber the target track
2907 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2908 \return the 3GP config for this sample description, NULL if not a 3GPP track
2909 */
2910 GF_3GPConfig *gf_isom_3gp_config_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2912 /*! creates a 3GPP sample description
2913 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2914 \param trackNumber the target track
2915 \param config the 3GP config for this sample description
2916 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
2917 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
2918 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
2919 \return error if any
2920 */
2921 GF_Err gf_isom_3gp_config_new(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_3GPConfig *config, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
2922 /*! updates the 3GPP config - subtypes shall NOT differ
2923 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2924 \param trackNumber the target track
2925 \param config the 3GP config for this sample description
2926 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2927 \return error if any
2928 */
2929 GF_Err gf_isom_3gp_config_update(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_3GPConfig *config, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2933 /*! gets AVC config for a sample description
2934 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2935 \param trackNumber the target track
2936 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2937 \return the AVC config - user is responsible for deleting it
2938 */
2939 GF_AVCConfig *gf_isom_avc_config_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2940 /*! gets SVC config for a sample description
2941 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2942 \param trackNumber the target track
2943 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2944 \return the SVC config - user is responsible for deleting it
2945 */
2946 GF_AVCConfig *gf_isom_svc_config_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2947 /*! gets MVC config for a sample description
2948 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2949 \param trackNumber the target track
2950 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2951 \return the SVC config - user is responsible for deleting it
2952 */
2953 GF_AVCConfig *gf_isom_mvc_config_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2955 /*! AVC familiy type*/
2956 typedef enum
2957 {
2958 	/*! not an AVC codec*/
2960 	/*! AVC only*/
2962 	/*! AVC+SVC in same track*/
2964 	/*! SVC only*/
2966 	/*! AVC+MVC in same track*/
2968 	/*! SVC only*/
2970 } GF_ISOMAVCType;
2972 /*! gets the AVC family type for a sample description
2973 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2974 \param trackNumber the target hint track
2975 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2976 \return the type of AVC media
2977 */
2978 GF_ISOMAVCType gf_isom_get_avc_svc_type(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
2980 /*! HEVC family type*/
2981 typedef enum
2982 {
2983 	/*! not an HEVC codec*/
2985 	/*! HEVC only*/
2987 	/*! HEVC+LHVC in same track*/
2989 	/*! LHVC only*/
2991 } GF_ISOMHEVCType;
2993 /*! gets the HEVC family type for a sample description
2994 \param isom_file the target ISO file
2995 \param trackNumber the target track
2996 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
2997 \return the type of HEVC media
2998 */
2999 GF_ISOMHEVCType gf_isom_get_hevc_lhvc_type(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
3001 /*! gets HEVC config for a sample description
3002 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3003 \param trackNumber the target track
3004 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3005 \return the HEVC config - user is responsible for deleting it
3006 */
3007 GF_HEVCConfig *gf_isom_hevc_config_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
3008 /*! gets LHVC config for a sample description
3009 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3010 \param trackNumber the target track
3011 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3012 \return the LHVC config - user is responsible for deleting it
3013 */
3014 GF_HEVCConfig *gf_isom_lhvc_config_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
3016 /*! gets AV1 config for a sample description
3017 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3018 \param trackNumber the target track
3019 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3020 \return the AV1 config - user is responsible for deleting it
3021 */
3022 GF_AV1Config *gf_isom_av1_config_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
3024 /*! gets VP8/9 config for a sample description
3025 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3026 \param trackNumber the target track
3027 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3028 \return the VP8/9 config - user is responsible for deleting it
3029 */
3030 GF_VPConfig *gf_isom_vp_config_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
3032 /*! gets DOVI config for a sample description
3033 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3034 \param trackNumber the target track
3035 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3036 \return the DOVI config - user is responsible for deleting it
3037 */
3038 GF_DOVIDecoderConfigurationRecord* gf_isom_dovi_config_get(GF_ISOFile* isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex);
3040 /*! checks if some tracks in file needs layer reconstruction
3041 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3042 \return GF_TRUE if track dependencies implying extractors or implicit reconstruction are found, GF_FALSE otherwise
3043 */
3044 Bool gf_isom_needs_layer_reconstruction(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
3046 /*! NALU extract modes and flags*/
3047 typedef enum
3048 {
3049 	/*! all extractors are rewritten*/
3051 	/*! all extractors are skipped but NALU data from this track is kept*/
3053 	/*! all extractors are kept (untouched sample) - used for dumping modes*/
3055 	/*! above mode is applied and PPS/SPS/... are appended in the front of every IDR*/
3057 	/*! above mode is applied and all start codes are rewritten (xPS inband as well)*/
3059 	/*! above mode is applied and VDRD NAL unit is inserted before SVC slice*/
3061 	/*! all extractors are skipped and only tile track data is kept*/
3063 } GF_ISONaluExtractMode;
3065 /*! sets the NALU extraction mode for this track
3066 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3067 \param trackNumber the target track
3068 \param nalu_extract_mode the NALU extraction mode to set
3069 \return error if any
3070 */
3071 GF_Err gf_isom_set_nalu_extract_mode(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISONaluExtractMode nalu_extract_mode);
3072 /*! gets the NALU extraction mode for this track
3073 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3074 \param trackNumber the target track
3075 \return the NALU extraction mode used
3076 */
3077 GF_ISONaluExtractMode gf_isom_get_nalu_extract_mode(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
3081 /*! creates a new AVC sample description
3082 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3083 \param trackNumber the target track
3084 \param cfg the AVC config for this sample description
3085 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3086 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3087 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3088 \return error if any
3089 */
3090 GF_Err gf_isom_avc_config_new(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_AVCConfig *cfg, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
3091 /*! updates an AVC sample description
3092 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3093 \param trackNumber the target track
3094 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index to update
3095 \param cfg the AVC config for this sample description
3096 \return error if any
3097 */
3098 GF_Err gf_isom_avc_config_update(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_AVCConfig *cfg);
3100 /*! creates a new SVC sample description
3101 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3102 \param trackNumber the target track
3103 \param cfg the SVC config for this sample description
3104 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3105 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3106 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3107 \return error if any
3108 */
3109 GF_Err gf_isom_svc_config_new(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_AVCConfig *cfg, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
3110 /*! updates an SVC sample description
3111 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3112 \param trackNumber the target track
3113 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index to update
3114 \param cfg the AVC config for this sample description
3115 \param is_additional if set, the SVCConfig will be added to the AVC sample description, otherwise the sample description will be SVC-only
3116 \return error if any
3117 */
3118 GF_Err gf_isom_svc_config_update(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_AVCConfig *cfg, Bool is_additional);
3119 /*! deletes an SVC sample description
3120 \warning associated samples if any are NOT deleted
3121 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3122 \param trackNumber the target track
3123 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index to delete
3124 \return error if any
3125 */
3126 GF_Err gf_isom_svc_config_del(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
3128 /*! creates a new MVC sample description
3129 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3130 \param trackNumber the target track
3131 \param cfg the SVC config for this sample description
3132 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3133 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3134 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3135 \return error if any
3136 */
3137 GF_Err gf_isom_mvc_config_new(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_AVCConfig *cfg, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
3139 /*! updates an MVC sample description
3140 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3141 \param trackNumber the target track
3142 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index to update
3143 \param cfg the AVC config for this sample description
3144 \param is_additional if set, the MVCConfig will be added to the AVC sample description, otherwise the sample description will be MVC-only
3145 \return error if any
3146 */
3147 GF_Err gf_isom_mvc_config_update(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_AVCConfig *cfg, Bool is_additional);
3149 /*! deletes an MVC sample description
3150 \warning associated samples if any are NOT deleted
3151 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3152 \param trackNumber the target track
3153 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index to delete
3154 \return error if any
3155 */
3156 GF_Err gf_isom_mvc_config_del(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
3158 /*! sets avc3 entry type (inband SPS/PPS) instead of avc1 (SPS/PPS in avcC box)
3159 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3160 \param trackNumber the target track
3161 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3162 \param keep_xps if set to GF_TRUE, keeps parameter set in the configuration record otherwise removes them
3163 \return error if any
3164 */
3165 GF_Err gf_isom_avc_set_inband_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, Bool keep_xps);
3167 /*! sets hev1 entry type (inband SPS/PPS) instead of hvc1 (SPS/PPS in hvcC box)
3168 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3169 \param trackNumber the target track
3170 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3171 \param keep_xps if set to GF_TRUE, keeps parameter set in the configuration record otherwise removes them
3172 \return error if any
3173 */
3174 GF_Err gf_isom_hevc_set_inband_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, Bool keep_xps);
3176 /*! sets lhe1 entry type instead of lhc1 but keep lhcC box intact
3177 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3178 \param trackNumber the target track
3179 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3180 \return error if any
3181 */
3182 GF_Err gf_isom_lhvc_force_inband_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
3184 /*! sets hvt1 entry type (tile track) or hev2/hvc2 type if is_base_track is set. It is the use responsability to set the tbas track reference to the base hevc track
3185 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3186 \param trackNumber the target track
3187 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3188 \param cfg may be set to the tile track configuration to indicate sub-profile of the tile, or NULL
3189 \param is_base_track if set to GF_TRUE, indicates this is a tile base track, otherwise this is a tile track
3190 \return error if any
3191 */
3192 GF_Err gf_isom_hevc_set_tile_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_HEVCConfig *cfg, Bool is_base_track);
3194 /*! creates a new HEVC sample description
3195 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3196 \param trackNumber the target track
3197 \param cfg the HEVC config for this sample description
3198 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3199 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3200 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3201 \return error if any
3202 */
3203 GF_Err gf_isom_hevc_config_new(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_HEVCConfig *cfg, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
3205 /*! updates an HEVC sample description
3206 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3207 \param trackNumber the target track
3208 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index to update
3209 \param cfg the HEVC config for this sample description
3210 \return error if any
3211 */
3212 GF_Err gf_isom_hevc_config_update(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_HEVCConfig *cfg);
3214 /*! Updates L-HHVC config*/
3215 typedef enum {
3216 	//! changes track type to LHV1/LHE1: no base nor extractors in track, just enhancement layers
3218 	//! changes track type to HVC2/HEV2: base and extractors/enh. in track
3220 	//! changes track type to HVC1/HEV1 with additional cfg: base and enh. in track no extractors
3222 	//! changes track type to HVC2/HEV2 for tile base tracks
3224 } GF_ISOMLHEVCTrackType;
3226 /*! updates an HEVC sample description
3227 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3228 \param trackNumber the target track
3229 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index to update
3230 \param cfg the LHVC config for this sample description
3231 \param track_type indicates the LHVC track type to set
3232 \return error if any
3233 */
3234 GF_Err gf_isom_lhvc_config_update(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_HEVCConfig *cfg, GF_ISOMLHEVCTrackType track_type);
3236 /*! sets nalu size length
3237 \warning any previously added samples must be rewritten by the caller
3238 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3239 \param trackNumber the target track
3240 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index to update
3241 \param nalu_size_length the new NALU size length in bytes
3242 \return error if any
3243 */
3244 GF_Err gf_isom_set_nalu_length_field(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 nalu_size_length);
3246 /*! creates new VPx config
3247 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3248 \param trackNumber the target track
3249 \param cfg the VPx config for this sample description
3250 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3251 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3252 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3253 \param vpx_type four character code of entry ('vp08', 'vp09' or 'vp10')
3254 \return error if any
3255 */
3256 GF_Err gf_isom_vp_config_new(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_VPConfig *cfg, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex, u32 vpx_type);
3259 /*! creates new AV1 config
3260 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3261 \param trackNumber the target track
3262 \param cfg the AV1 config for this sample description
3263 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3264 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3265 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3266 \return error if any
3267 */
3268 GF_Err gf_isom_av1_config_new(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_AV1Config *cfg, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
3274 /*! Sample entry description for 3GPP DIMS*/
3275 typedef struct
3276 {
3277 	/*! profile*/
3278 	u8 profile;
3279 	/*! level*/
3280 	u8 level;
3281 	/*! number of components in path*/
3282 	u8 pathComponents;
3283 	/*! full request*/
3284 	Bool fullRequestHost;
3285 	/*! stream type*/
3286 	Bool streamType;
3287 	/*! has redundant sample (carousel)*/
3288 	u8 containsRedundant;
3289 	/*! text encoding string*/
3290 	const char *textEncoding;
3291 	/*! content encoding string*/
3292 	const char *contentEncoding;
3293 	/*! script string*/
3294 	const char *content_script_types;
3295 	/*! mime type string*/
3296 	const char *mime_type;
3297 	/*! xml schema location string*/
3298 	const char *xml_schema_loc;
3299 } GF_DIMSDescription;
3301 /*! gets a DIMS sample description
3302 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3303 \param trackNumber the target track
3304 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3305 \param desc set to the DIMS description
3306 \return error if any
3307 */
3308 GF_Err gf_isom_get_dims_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_DIMSDescription *desc);
3311 /*! creates a DIMS sample description
3312 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3313 \param trackNumber the target track
3314 \param desc the DIMS config for this sample description
3315 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3316 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3317 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3318 \return error if any
3319 */
3320 GF_Err gf_isom_new_dims_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_DIMSDescription *desc, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
3323 /*! AC-3 config record extension for EAC-3 - see dolby specs*/
3324 struct __ec3_stream
3325 {
3326 	/*! AC3 fs code*/
3327 	u8 fscod;
3328 	/*! AC3 bsid code*/
3329 	u8 bsid;
3330 	/*! AC3 bs mode*/
3331 	u8 bsmod;
3332 	/*! AC3 ac mode*/
3333 	u8 acmod;
3334 	/*! LF on*/
3335 	u8 lfon;
3336 	/*! asvc mode, only for EC3*/
3337 	u8 asvc;
3338 	/*! deps, only for EC3*/
3339 	u8 nb_dep_sub;
3340 	/*! channel loc, only for EC3*/
3341 	u8 chan_loc;
3342 };
3344 /*! AC3 config record*/
3345 typedef struct
3346 {
3347 	/*! indicates if ec3*/
3348 	u8 is_ec3;
3349 	/*! number of streams :
3350 		1 for AC3
3351 		max 8 for EC3, main stream is included
3352 	*/
3353 	u8 nb_streams;
3354 	/*! if AC3 this is the bitrate code, otherwise cumulated data rate of EC3 streams*/
3355 	u16 brcode;
3356 	struct __ec3_stream streams[8];
3357 } GF_AC3Config;
3359 /*! gets an AC3 sample description
3360 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3361 \param trackNumber the target track
3362 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3363 \return AC-3 config
3364 */
3365 GF_AC3Config *gf_isom_ac3_config_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
3367 /*! parses an AC3/EC3 sample description
3368 \param dsi the encoded config
3369 \param dsi_len the encoded config size
3370 \param is_ec3 indicates that the encoded config is for an EC3 track
3371 \param cfg the AC3/EC3 confgi to fill
3372 \return Error if any
3373 */
3374 GF_Err gf_isom_ac3_config_parse(u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_len, Bool is_ec3, GF_AC3Config *cfg);
3377 /*! creates an AC3 sample description
3378 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3379 \param trackNumber the target track
3380 \param cfg the AC3 config for this sample description
3381 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3382 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3383 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3384 \return error if any
3385 */
3386 GF_Err gf_isom_ac3_config_new(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_AC3Config *cfg, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
3389 /*! gets a FLAC sample description
3390 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3391 \param trackNumber the target track
3392 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3393 \param dsi set to the flac decoder config - shall be freeed by caller
3394 \param dsi_size set to the size of the flac decoder config
3395 \return error if any
3396 */
3397 GF_Err gf_isom_flac_config_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u8 **dsi, u32 *dsi_size);
3400 /*! creates a FLAC sample description
3401 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3402 \param trackNumber the target track
3403 \param metadata the flac decoder config buffer
3404 \param metadata_size the size of flac decoder config
3405 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3406 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3407 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3408 \return error if any
3409 */
3410 GF_Err gf_isom_flac_config_new(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 *metadata, u32 metadata_size, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
3413 /*! gets a OPUS  sample description
3414 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3415 \param trackNumber the target track
3416 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3417 \param dsi set to the OPUS decoder config - shall be freeed by caller
3418 \param dsi_size set to the size of the OPUS decoder config
3419 \return error if any
3420 */
3421 GF_Err gf_isom_opus_config_get(GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u8 **dsi, u32 *dsi_size);
3425 /*! creates a motion jpeg 2000 sample description
3426 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3427 \param trackNumber the target track
3428 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3429 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
3430 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3431 \param dsi the jpeg2000 decoder config buffer
3432 \param dsi_len the size of jpeg2000 decoder config
3433 \return error if any
3434 */
3435 GF_Err gf_isom_new_mj2k_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex, u8 *dsi, u32 dsi_len);
3440 /*! creates a time code metadata sample description
3441 \note frames_per_counter_tick<0 disables counter flag but signals frames_per_tick
3442 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3443 \param trackNumber the target track
3444 \param fps_num the frame rate numerator
3445 \param fps_den the frame rate denumerator (frame rate numerator will be track media timescale)
3446 \param frames_per_counter_tick if not 0, enables counter mode (sample data is an counter) and use this value as number of frames per counter tick. Otherwise, disables counter mode (sample data write h,m,s,frames)
3447 \param is_drop indicates that the time code in samples is a drop timecode
3448 \param is_counter indicates that the counter flag should be set
3449 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
3450 \return error if any
3451 */
3452 GF_Err gf_isom_tmcd_config_new(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 fps_num, u32 fps_den, s32 frames_per_counter_tick, Bool is_drop, Bool is_counter, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
3456 /*! gets information of a time code metadata sample description
3457 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3458 \param trackNumber the target track
3459 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3460 \param tmcd_flags set to the timecode description flags
3461 \param tmcd_fps_num set to fps numerator of timecode description
3462 \param tmcd_fps_den set to fps denominator of timecode description
3463 \param tmcd_fpt set to the ticks per second for counter mode (tmcd_flags & 0x1)
3464 \return error if any
3465 */
3466 GF_Err gf_isom_get_tmcd_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *tmcd_flags, u32 *tmcd_fps_num, u32 *tmcd_fps_den, u32 *tmcd_fpt);
3468 /*! gets information of a raw PCM  sample description, ISOBMFF style
3469 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3470 \param trackNumber the target track
3471 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
3472 \param flags set to the pcm config flags (0: big endian, 1: little endian)
3473 \param pcm_size  set to PCM sample size (per channel, 16, 24, 32, 64
3474 \return error if any
3475 */
3476 GF_Err gf_isom_get_pcm_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *flags, u32 *pcm_size);
3478 /*! @} */
3482 /*!
3483 \addtogroup isofragred_grp Fragmented ISOBMFF Read
3484 \ingroup iso_grp
3486 This describes function specific to fragmented ISOBMF files
3488 @{
3489 */
3491 /*! checks if a movie file is fragmented
3492 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3493 \return GF_FALSE if movie isn't fragmented, GF_TRUE otherwise
3494 */
3495 Bool gf_isom_is_fragmented(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
3496 /*! checks if a movie file is fragmented
3497 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3498 \param TrackID the target track
3499 \return GF_FALSE if track isn't fragmented, GF_TRUE otherwise*/
3500 Bool gf_isom_is_track_fragmented(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID TrackID);
3502 /*! checks if a file has a top styp box
3503 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3504 \param brand set to the major brand of the styp box
3505 \param version set to version of the styp box
3506 \return GF_TRUE of the file has a styp box, GF_FALSE otherwise
3507 */
3508 Bool gf_isom_has_segment(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 *brand, u32 *version);
3509 /*! gets number of movie fragments in the file
3510 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3511 \returns number of movie fragments in the file, 0 if none
3512 */
3513 u32 gf_isom_segment_get_fragment_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
3514 /*! gets number of track fragments in the indicated movie fragment
3515 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3516 \param moof_index the target movie fragment  (1-based index)
3517 \return number of track fragments, 0 if none
3518 */
3519 u32 gf_isom_segment_get_track_fragment_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 moof_index);
3520 /*! get the track fragment decode time of a track fragment
3521 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3522 \param moof_index the target movie fragment (1-based index)
3523 \param traf_index the target track fragment (1-based index)
3524 \param decode_time set to the track fragment decode time if present, 0 otherwise
3525 \return the track ID of the track fragment
3526 */
3527 u32 gf_isom_segment_get_track_fragment_decode_time(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 moof_index, u32 traf_index, u64 *decode_time);
3529 /*! enables single moof mode. In single moof mode, file is parsed only one moof/mdat at a time
3530    in order to proceed to next moof, \ref gf_isom_reset_data_offset must be called to parse the next moof
3531 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3532 \param mode if GF_TRUE, enables single moof mode; otherwise disables it
3533 */
3534 void gf_isom_set_single_moof_mode(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool mode);
3536 GF_Err gf_isom_get_file_offset_for_time(GF_ISOFile *movie, Double start_time, u64 *max_offset);
3537 GF_Err gf_isom_get_sidx_duration(GF_ISOFile *movie, u64 *sidx_dur, u32 *sidx_timescale);
3540 /*! refreshes a fragmented file
3541 A file being downloaded may be a fragmented file. In this case only partial info
3542 is available once the file is successfully open (gf_isom_open_progressive), and since there is
3543 no information wrt number fragments (which could actually be generated on the fly
3544 at the sender side), you must call this function on regular basis in order to
3545 load newly downloaded fragments. Note this may result in Track/Movie duration changes
3546 and SampleCount change too ...
3548 This function should also be called when using memory read (gmem://) to refresh the underlying bitstream after appendin data to your blob.
3549 In the case where the file is not fragmented, no further box parsing will be done.
3551 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3552 \param MissingBytes set to the number of missing bytes to parse the last incomplete top-level box found
3553 \param new_location if set, the previous bitstream is changed to this new location, otherwise it is refreshed (disk flush)
3554 \return error if any
3555 */
3556 GF_Err gf_isom_refresh_fragmented(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u64 *MissingBytes, const char *new_location);
3558 /*! gets the current track fragment decode time of the track (the one of the last fragment parsed).
3559 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3560 \param trackNumber the target track
3561 \return the track fragment decode time in media timescale
3562 */
3563 u64 gf_isom_get_current_tfdt(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
3565 /*! checks if the movie is a smooth streaming recomputed initial movie
3566 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3567 \return GF_TRUE if the file init segment (moov) was generated from external meta-data (smooth streaming)
3568 */
3569 Bool gf_isom_is_smooth_streaming_moov(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
3572 /*! gets default values of samples in a track to use for track fragments default. Each variable is optional and
3573 if set will contain the default value for this track samples
3575 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3576 \param trackNumber the target track
3577 \param defaultDuration set to the default duration of samples, 0 if not computable
3578 \param defaultSize set to the default size of samples, 0 if not computable
3579 \param defaultDescriptionIndex set to the default sample description index of samples, 0 if not computable
3580 \param defaultRandomAccess set to the default sync flag of samples, 0 if not computable
3581 \param defaultPadding set to the default padding bits of samples, 0 if not computable
3582 \param defaultDegradationPriority set to the default degradation priority of samples, 0 if not computable
3583 \return error if any*/
3584 GF_Err gf_isom_get_fragment_defaults(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber,
3585                                      u32 *defaultDuration, u32 *defaultSize, u32 *defaultDescriptionIndex,
3586                                      u32 *defaultRandomAccess, u8 *defaultPadding, u16 *defaultDegradationPriority);
3590 /*! gets last UTC/timestamp values indicated for the reference track in the file if any (pfrt box)
3591 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3592 \param refTrackID set to the ID of the reference track used by the pfrt box
3593 \param ntp set to the NTP timestamp found
3594 \param timestamp set to the corresponding media timestamp in refTrackID timescale
3595 \param reset_info if GF_TRUE, discards current NTP mapping info; this will trigger parsing of the next prft box found. If not set, subsequent pfrt boxes will not be parsed until the function is called with reset_info=GF_TRUE
3596 \return GF_FALSE if no info found, GF_TRUE if OK
3597 */
3598 Bool gf_isom_get_last_producer_time_box(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID *refTrackID, u64 *ntp, u64 *timestamp, Bool reset_info);
3601 /*! enables storage of traf templates (serialized sidx/moof/traf without trun/senc) at segment boundaries
3602 This is mostly used to recreate identical segment information when refragmenting a file
3603 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3604 */
3605 void gf_isom_enable_traf_map_templates(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
3607 /*! Segment boundary information*/
3608 typedef struct
3609 {
3610 	/*! fragment start offset*/
3611 	u64 frag_start;
3612 	/*! mdat end offset*/
3613 	u64 mdat_end;
3614 	/*segment start offset plus one:
3615 		0 if regular fragment, 1 if dash sedment, offset indicates start of segment (styp or sidx)
3616 		if sidx, it is writtent in the moof_template
3617 	*/
3618 	u64 seg_start_plus_one;
3620 	/*! serialized array of styp (if present) sidx (if present) and moof with only the current traf*/
3621 	const u8 *moof_template;
3622 	/*! size of serialized buffer*/
3623 	u32 moof_template_size;
3624 	/*! sidx start, 0 if absent*/
3625 	u64 sidx_start;
3626 	/*! sidx end, 0 if absent*/
3627 	u64 sidx_end;
3628 } GF_ISOFragmentBoundaryInfo;
3630 /*! checks if a sample is a fragment start
3631 Only use this function if \ref gf_isom_enable_traf_map_templates has been called
3632 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3633 \param trackNumber the target track
3634 \param sampleNum the target sample number
3635 \param frag_info filled with information on fragment boundaries (optional - can be NULL)
3636 \return GF_TRUE if this sample was the first sample of a traf in the fragmented source file, GF_FALSE otherwise*/
3637 Bool gf_isom_sample_is_fragment_start(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNum, GF_ISOFragmentBoundaryInfo *frag_info);
3640 /*! resets sample information for all tracks setup. This allows keeping the memory footprint low when playing DASH/CMAF segments
3641 \note seeking in the file is then no longer possible
3642 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3643 \param reset_sample_count if GF_TRUE, sets sample count of all tracks back to 0
3644 \return error if any
3645 */
3646 GF_Err gf_isom_reset_tables(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool reset_sample_count);
3648 /*! sets the offset for parsing from the input buffer to 0 (used to reclaim input buffer)
3649 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3650 \param top_box_start set to the byte offset in the source buffer of the first top level box
3651 \return error if any
3652 */
3653 GF_Err gf_isom_reset_data_offset(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u64 *top_box_start);
3656 /*! releases current movie segment. This closes the associated file IO object.
3657 \note seeking in the file is no longer possible when tables are rested
3658 \warning the sample count is not reseted after the release of tables. use \ref gf_isom_reset_tables for this
3660 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3661 \param reset_tables if set, sample information for all tracks setup as segment are destroyed, along with all PSSH boxes. This allows keeping the memory footprint low when playing segments.
3662 \return error if any
3663 */
3664 GF_Err gf_isom_release_segment(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool reset_tables);
3666 /*! Flags for gf_isom_open_segment*/
3667 typedef enum
3668 {
3669 	/*! do not check for movie fragment sequence number*/
3671 	/*! the segment contains a scalable layer of the last opened segment*/
3673 } GF_ISOSegOpenMode;
3675 /*! opens a new segment file. Access to samples in previous segments is no longer possible
3676 if end_range>start_range, restricts the URL to the given byterange when parsing
3678 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3679 \param fileName the file name of the new segment to open
3680 \param start_range the start offset in bytes in the file of the segment data
3681 \param end_range the end offset in bytes in the file of the segment data
3682 \param flags flags to use when opening the segment
3683 \return error if any
3684 */
3685 GF_Err gf_isom_open_segment(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, const char *fileName, u64 start_range, u64 end_range, GF_ISOSegOpenMode flags);
3687 /*! returns the track ID of the track containing the highest enhancement layer for the given base track
3688 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3689 \param for_base_track the number of the base track
3690 \return the track ID of the highest enahnacement track
3691 */
3692 GF_ISOTrackID gf_isom_get_highest_track_in_scalable_segment(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 for_base_track);
3694 /*! resets internal info (track fragement decode time, number of samples, next moof number)used with fragments and segment.
3695 \note This should be called when seeking (with keep_sample_count=0) or when loading a media segments with the same timing as the previously loaded segment
3696 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3697 \param keep_sample_count if GF_TRUE, does not reset the sample count on tracks
3698 */
3699 void gf_isom_reset_fragment_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool keep_sample_count);
3701 /*! resets sample count to 0 and next moof number to 0. When doing scalable media, should be called before opening the segment containing
3702 the base layer in order to make sure the sample count base number is always the same (ie 1) on all tracks
3703 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3704 */
3705 void gf_isom_reset_sample_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
3706 /*! resets moof sequence number to 0
3707 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3708 */
3709 void gf_isom_reset_seq_num(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
3711 /*! gets the duration of movie+fragments
3712 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3713 \return the duration in movie timescale, 0 if unknown or if error*/
3714 u64 gf_isom_get_fragmented_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
3716 /*! gets the number of fragments or segments when the file is opened in \ref GF_ISOM_OPEN_READ_DUMP mode
3717 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3718 \param segments_only if set to GF_TRUE, counts segments (sidx), otherwise counts fragments
3719 \return the number of segments or fragments
3720 */
3721 u32 gf_isom_get_fragments_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool segments_only);
3723 /*! gets total sample number and duration when the file is opened in \ref GF_ISOM_OPEN_READ_DUMP mode
3724 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3725 \param trackID the ID of the target track
3726 \param nb_samples set to the number of samples in the track
3727 \param duration set to the total duration in media timescale
3728 \return error if any
3729 */
3730 GF_Err gf_isom_get_fragmented_samples_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID trackID, u32 *nb_samples, u64 *duration);
3732 /*! gets the number of the next moof to be produced
3733 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3734 \return number of the next moof
3735 */
3736 u32 gf_isom_get_next_moof_number(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
3738 /*! @} */
3742 /*!
3743 \addtogroup isoudta_grp ISOBMFF UserData Manipulation
3744 \ingroup iso_grp
3746 				User Data Manipulation
3748 You can add specific typed data to either a track or the movie: the UserData
3749 	The type must be formated as a FourCC if you have a registered 4CC type
3750 	but the usual is to set a UUID (128 bit ID for box type) which never conflict
3751 	with existing structures in the format
3752 		To manipulate a UUID user data set the UserDataType to 0 and specify a valid UUID.
3753 Otherwise the UUID parameter is ignored
3754 		Several items with the same ID or UUID can be added (this allows you to store any
3755 	kind/number of private information under a unique ID / UUID)
3757 @{
3758 */
3760 /*! gets number of udta (user data) entries of a movie or track
3761 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3762 \param trackNumber the target track if not 0; if 0, the movie udta is checked
3763 \return the number of entries in UDTA*/
3764 u32 gf_isom_get_udta_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
3766 /*! checks type of a given udta entry
3767 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3768 \param trackNumber the target track if not 0; if 0, the movie udta is checked
3769 \param udta_idx 1-based index of the user data to query
3770 \param UserDataType set to the four character code of the user data entry (optional, can be NULL)
3771 \param UUID set to the UUID of the user data entry (optional, can be NULL)
3772 \return error if any*/
3773 GF_Err gf_isom_get_udta_type(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 udta_idx, u32 *UserDataType, bin128 *UUID);
3775 /*! gets the number of UserDataItems with the same ID / UUID in the desired track or movie
3776 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3777 \param trackNumber the target track if not 0; if 0, the movie udta is checked
3778 \param UserDataType the four character code of the user data entry to query
3779 \param UUID the UUID of the user data entry
3780 \return number of UDTA entries with the given type*/
3781 u32 gf_isom_get_user_data_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID);
3783 /*! gets the UserData for the specified item from the track or the movie
3784 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3785 \param trackNumber the target track if not 0; if 0, the movie udta is checked
3786 \param UserDataType the four character code of the user data entry to query
3787 \param UUID the UUID of the user data entry
3788 \param UserDataIndex 1-based index of the user data of the given type to fetch. If 0, all boxes with type==UserDataType will be serialized (including box header and size) in the output buffer
3789 \param userData set to a newly allocated buffer containing the serialized data - shall be freed by caller, you must pass (userData != NULL && *userData=NULL)
3790 \param userDataSize set to the size of the allocated buffer
3791 \return error if any*/
3792 GF_Err gf_isom_get_user_data(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID, u32 UserDataIndex, u8 **userData, u32 *userDataSize);
3796 /*! adds a user data item in the desired track or in the movie
3797 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3798 \param trackNumber the target track for the user data; if 0, adds user data to the movie
3799 \param UserDataType the user data four character code type
3800 \param UUID the user data UUID
3801 \param data the data to add, may be NULL
3802 \param size the size of the data to add, shall be 0 when data is NULL
3803 \return error if any
3804 */
3805 GF_Err gf_isom_add_user_data(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID, u8 *data, u32 size);
3807 /*! removes all user data items from a track or movie
3808 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3809 \param trackNumber the target track for the user data; if 0, adds user data to the movie
3810 \param UserDataType the user data four character code type
3811 \param UUID the user data UUID
3812 \return error if any
3813 */
3814 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_user_data(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID);
3816 /*! removes a user data item from a track or movie
3817 use the UDAT read functions to get the item index
3818 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3819 \param trackNumber the target track for the user data; if 0, adds user data to the movie
3820 \param UserDataType the user data four character code type
3821 \param UUID the user data UUID
3822 \param UserDataIndex the 1-based index of the user data item to remove - see \ref gf_isom_get_user_data_count
3823 \return error if any
3824 */
3825 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_user_data_item(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID, u32 UserDataIndex);
3827 /*! adds a user data item in a track or movie using a serialzed buffer of ISOBMFF boxes
3828 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3829 \param trackNumber the target track for the udta box; if 0, add the udta to the movie;
3830 \param data the serialized udta box to add, shall not be NULL
3831 \param size the size of the data to add
3832 \return error if any
3833 */
3834 GF_Err gf_isom_add_user_data_boxes(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 *data, u32 size);
3836 /*! gets serialized user data box of a movie
3837 \param isom_file the destination ISO file
3838 \param output will be set to a newly allocated buffer containing the serialized box - caller shall free it
3839 \param output_size will be set to the size of the allocated buffer
3840 \return error if any
3841 */
3842 GF_Err gf_isom_get_raw_user_data(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u8 **output, u32 *output_size);
3846 /*! @} */
3851 /*!
3852 \addtogroup isofragwrite_grp Fragmented ISOBMFF Writing
3853 \ingroup iso_grp
3855 			Movie Fragments Writing API
3856 		Movie Fragments is a feature of ISO media files for fragmentation
3857 	of a presentation meta-data and interleaving with its media data.
3858 	This enables faster http fast start for big movies, and also reduces the risk
3859 	of data loss in case of a recording crash, because meta data and media data
3860 	can be written to disk at regular times
3861 		This API provides simple function calls to setup such a movie and write it
3862 	The process implies:
3863 		1- creating a movie in the usual way (track, stream descriptions, (IOD setup
3864 	copyright, ...)
3865 		2- possibly add some samples in the regular fashion
3866 		3- setup track fragments for all track that will be written in a fragmented way
3867 	(note that you can create/write a track that has no fragmentation at all)
3868 		4- finalize the movie for fragmentation (this will flush all meta-data and
3869 	any media-data added to disk, ensuring all vital information for the presentation
3870 	is stored on file and not lost in case of crash/poweroff)
3872 	  then 5-6 as often as desired
3873 		5- start a new movie fragment
3874 		6- add samples to each setup track
3878 		* Movie Fragments can only be used in GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE mode (capturing)
3879   and no editing functionalities can be used
3880 		* the fragmented movie API uses TrackID and not TrackNumber
3882 @{
3883 */
3885 /*! sets up a track for fragmentation by specifying some default values for storage efficiency
3886 \note If all the defaults are 0, traf flags will always be used to signal them.
3887 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3888 \param TrackID ID of the target track
3889 \param DefaultSampleDescriptionIndex the default description used by samples in this track
3890 \param DefaultSampleDuration default duration of samples in this track
3891 \param DefaultSampleSize default size of samples in this track (0 if unknown)
3892 \param DefaultSampleIsSync default key-flag (RAP) of samples in this track
3893 \param DefaultSamplePadding default padding bits for samples in this track
3894 \param DefaultDegradationPriority default degradation priority for samples in this track
3895 \param force_traf_flags if GF_TRUE, will ignore these default in each traf but will still write them in moov
3896 \return error if any
3897 */
3898 GF_Err gf_isom_setup_track_fragment(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID TrackID,
3899                                     u32 DefaultSampleDescriptionIndex,
3900                                     u32 DefaultSampleDuration,
3901                                     u32 DefaultSampleSize,
3902                                     u8 DefaultSampleIsSync,
3903                                     u8 DefaultSamplePadding,
3904                                     u16 DefaultDegradationPriority,
3905 									Bool force_traf_flags);
3907 /*! changes the default parameters of an existing trak fragment
3908 \warning should not be used if samples have already been added
3910 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3911 \param TrackID ID of the target track
3912 \param DefaultSampleDescriptionIndex the default description used by samples in this track
3913 \param DefaultSampleDuration default duration of samples in this track
3914 \param DefaultSampleSize default size of samples in this track (0 if unknown)
3915 \param DefaultSampleIsSync default key-flag (RAP) of samples in this track
3916 \param DefaultSamplePadding default padding bits for samples in this track
3917 \param DefaultDegradationPriority default degradation priority for samples in this track
3918 \param force_traf_flags if GF_TRUE, will ignore these default in each traf but will still write them in moov
3919 \return error if any
3920 */
3921 GF_Err gf_isom_change_track_fragment_defaults(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID TrackID,
3922         u32 DefaultSampleDescriptionIndex,
3923         u32 DefaultSampleDuration,
3924         u32 DefaultSampleSize,
3925         u8 DefaultSampleIsSync,
3926         u8 DefaultSamplePadding,
3927         u16 DefaultDegradationPriority,
3928         u8 force_traf_flags);
3930 /*! flushes data to disk and prepare movie fragmentation
3931 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3932 \param media_segment_type 0 if no segments, 1 if regular segment, 2 if single segment
3933 \param mvex_after_tracks forces writing mvex box after track boxes
3934 \return error if any
3935 */
3936 GF_Err gf_isom_finalize_for_fragment(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 media_segment_type, Bool mvex_after_tracks);
3938 /*! sets the duration of the movie in case of movie fragments
3939 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3940 \param duration the complete duration (movie and all fragments) in movie timescale
3941 \return error if any
3942 */
3943 GF_Err gf_isom_set_movie_duration(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u64 duration);
3945 /*! fragment creatio option*/
3946 typedef enum
3947 {
3948 	/*! moof is stored before mdat - will require temporary storage of data in memory*/
3950 #ifdef GF_ENABLE_CTRN
3951 	/*! use compact fragment syntax*/
3953 #endif
3954 } GF_ISOStartFragmentFlags;
3955 /*! starts a new movie fragment
3956 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3957 \param moof_first if GF_TRUE, the moof will be written before the mdat
3958 \return error if any
3959 */
3960 GF_Err gf_isom_start_fragment(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOStartFragmentFlags moof_first);
3962 /*! starts a new segment in the file
3963 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3964 \param SegName if not NULL, the output will be written in the SegName file. If NULL, segment will be created in same file as movie. The special name "_gpac_isobmff_redirect" is used to indicate that segment shall be written to a memory buffer passed to callback function set through \ref gf_isom_set_write_callback
3965 \param memory_mode if set, all samples writing is done in memory rather than on disk. Ignored in callback mode
3966 \return error if any
3967 */
3968 GF_Err gf_isom_start_segment(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, const char *SegName, Bool memory_mode);
3970 /*! sets the baseMediaDecodeTime of the first sample of the given track
3971 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3972 \param TrackID ID of the target track
3973 \param decode_time the decode time in media timescale
3974 \return error if any
3975 */
3976 GF_Err gf_isom_set_traf_base_media_decode_time(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID TrackID, u64 decode_time);
3978 /*! enables mfra (movie fragment random access computing) when writing movie fragments
3979 \note this should only be used when generating segments in a single file
3980 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3981 \return error if any
3982 */
3983 GF_Err gf_isom_enable_mfra(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
3985 /*! sets Microsoft Smooth Streaming traf 'tfxd' box info, written at the end of each traf
3986 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3987 \param reference_track_ID ID of the reference track giving the media timescale
3988 \param decode_traf_time decode time of the first sample in the segment in media timescale (hardcoded to 10MHz in Smooth)
3989 \param traf_duration duration of all samples in the traf in media timescale (hardcoded to 10MHz in Smooth)
3990 \return error if any
3991 */
3992 GF_Err gf_isom_set_traf_mss_timeext(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID reference_track_ID, u64 decode_traf_time, u64 traf_duration);
3994 /*! closes current segment, producing a segment index box if desired
3995 \param isom_file the target ISO file
3996 \param subsegs_per_sidx number of subsegments per sidx box; a negative value disables sidx, 0 forces a single sidx for the segment (or subsegment)
3997 \param referenceTrackID the ID of the track used as a reference for the segment index box
3998 \param ref_track_decode_time the decode time fo the first sample in the reference track for this segment
3999 \param timestamp_shift the constant difference between media time and presentation time (derived from edit list)
4000 \param ref_track_next_cts the CTS of the first sample in the reference track in the next segment
4001 \param daisy_chain_sidx if GF_TRUE, indicates chained sidx shall be used. Otherwise, an array of indexes is used
4002 \param use_ssix if GF_TRUE, produces an ssix box using I-frames as first level and all other frames as second level
4003 \param last_segment indicates if this is the last segment of the session
4004 \param close_segment_handle if set to GF_TRUE, the associated file if any will be closed
4005 \param segment_marker_4cc a four character code used to insert an empty box at the end of the saegment with the given type. If 0, no such box is inserted
4006 \param index_start_range set to the start offset in bytes of the segment in the media file
4007 \param index_end_range set to the end offset in bytes of the segment in the media file
4008 \param out_seg_size set to the segment size in bytes (optional, can be NULL)
4009 \return error if any
4010 */
4011 GF_Err gf_isom_close_segment(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, s32 subsegs_per_sidx, GF_ISOTrackID referenceTrackID, u64 ref_track_decode_time, s32 timestamp_shift, u64 ref_track_next_cts, Bool daisy_chain_sidx, Bool use_ssix, Bool last_segment, Bool close_segment_handle, u32 segment_marker_4cc, u64 *index_start_range, u64 *index_end_range, u64 *out_seg_size);
4013 /*! writes any pending fragment to file for low-latency output.
4014 \warning This shall only be used if no SIDX is used: subsegs_per_sidx<0 or flushing all fragments before calling \ref gf_isom_close_segment
4016 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4017 \param last_segment indicates if this is the last segment of the session
4018 \return error if any
4019 */
4020 GF_Err gf_isom_flush_fragments(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool last_segment);
4022 /*! gets name of current segment (or last segment if called between close_segment and start_segment)
4023 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4024 \return associated file name of the segment
4025 */
4026 const char *gf_isom_get_segment_name(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
4028 /*! sets fragment prft box info, written just before the moof
4029 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4030 \param reference_track_ID the ID of the track used as a reference for media timestamps
4031 \param ntp absolute NTP time
4032 \param timestamp media time corresponding to the NTP time, in reference track media timescale
4033 \return error if any
4034 */
4035 GF_Err gf_isom_set_fragment_reference_time(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID reference_track_ID, u64 ntp, u64 timestamp);
4037 /*! writes an empty sidx in the current movie.
4039 The SIDX will be forced to have nb_segs entries, and nb_segs shall match the number of calls to
4040 \ref gf_isom_close_segment that will follow.
4041 This avoids wasting time and disk space moving data around. Once \ref gf_isom_close_segment has then been called nb_segs times,
4042 the pre-allocated SIDX is destroyed and successive calls to \ref gf_isom_close_segment will create their own sidx, unless gf_isom_allocate_sidx is called again.
4044 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4045 \param subsegs_per_sidx reserved to 0, currently ignored
4046 \param daisy_chain_sidx reserved to 0, currently ignored
4047 \param nb_segs number of entries in the segment index
4048 \param frags_per_segment reserved, currently ignored
4049 \param start_range set to the start offset in bytes of the segment index box
4050 \param end_range set to the end offset in bytes of the segment index box
4051 \param use_ssix if GF_TRUE, produces an ssix box using I-frames as first level and all other frames as second level
4052 \return error if any
4053 */
4054 GF_Err gf_isom_allocate_sidx(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, s32 subsegs_per_sidx, Bool daisy_chain_sidx, u32 nb_segs, u32 *frags_per_segment, u32 *start_range, u32 *end_range, Bool use_ssix);
4056 /*! sets up track fragment defaults using the given template. The template shall be a serialized array of one or more trex boxes
4058 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4059 \param TrackID ID of the target track
4060 \param boxes serialized array of trex boxes
4061 \param boxes_size size of the serialized array
4062 \param force_traf_flags if GF_TRUE, will ignore these default in each traf but will still write them in moov
4063 \return error if any
4064 */
4065 GF_Err gf_isom_setup_track_fragment_template(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID TrackID, u8 *boxes, u32 boxes_size, u8 force_traf_flags);
4067 /*! enables track fragment inheriting from a given traf.
4068 This shall only be set when the inherited traf shares exactly the same syntax except the sample sizes, this library does not compute which
4069 sample values can be inherited
4071 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4072 \param TrackID ID of the target track
4073 \param BaseTrackID ID of the track from which sample values are inherited in track fragments
4074 \return error if any
4075 */
4076 GF_Err gf_isom_enable_traf_inherit(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID TrackID, GF_ISOTrackID BaseTrackID);
4078 /*! Track fragment options*/
4079 typedef enum
4080 {
4081 	/*! indicates that the track fragment has no samples but still has a duration
4082 	(silence-detection in audio codecs, ...).
4083 	param: indicates duration*/
4085 	/*! I-Frame detection: this can reduce file size by detecting I-frames and
4086 	optimizing sample flags (padding, priority, ..)
4087 	param: on/off (0/1)*/
4089 	/*! activate data cache on track fragment. This is useful when writing interleaved
4090 	media from a live source (typically audio-video), and greatly reduces file size
4091 	param: Number of samples (> 1) to cache before disk flushing. You shouldn't try
4092 	to cache too many samples since this will load your memory. base that on FPS/SR*/
4094 	/*! forces moof base offsets when traf based offsets would be chosen
4095 	param: on/off (0/1)*/
4097 	/*! use sdtp box in traf rather than storing sample deps in trun entry. param values are:
4098 		0: disables sdtp
4099 		1: enables sdtp and disables sample dependency flags in trun
4100 		2: enables sdtp and also use sample dependency flags in trun
4101 	*/
4103 	/*! forces new trun at next sample add
4104 	param: ignored*/
4106 	/*! sets interleave group ID of the  next sample add. Samples with lower interleave ID will be stored first, creating new trun whenever a new group is detected
4107 	This will enable data cache
4108 	param: interleave ID*/
4110 } GF_ISOTrackFragmentOption;
4112 /*! sets a track fragment option. Options can be set at the beginning of each new fragment only, and for the
4113 lifetime of the fragment
4114 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4115 \param TrackID ID of the target track
4116 \param Code the option type to set
4117 \param param the option value
4118 \return error if any
4119 */
4120 GF_Err gf_isom_set_fragment_option(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID TrackID, GF_ISOTrackFragmentOption Code, u32 param);
4122 /*! adds a sample to a fragmented track
4124 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4125 \param TrackID destination track
4126 \param sample sample to add
4127 \param sampleDescriptionIndex sample description for this sample. If 0, the default one
4128 is used
4129 \param Duration sample duration; the sample duration MUST be provided at least for the last sample (for intermediate samples, it is recomputed internally by the lib)
4130 \param PaddingBits padding bits for the sample, or 0
4131 \param DegradationPriority for the sample, or 0
4132 \param redundantCoding indicates this is samples acts as a sync shadow point
4133 \return error if any
4134 */
4135 GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_add_sample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID TrackID, const GF_ISOSample *sample,
4136                                    u32 sampleDescriptionIndex,
4137                                    u32 Duration, u8 PaddingBits, u16 DegradationPriority, Bool redundantCoding);
4139 /*! appends data into last sample of track for video fragments/other media
4140 \warning this shall not be used with OD tracks
4141 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4142 \param TrackID destination track
4143 \param data the data to append
4144 \param data_size the size of the data to append
4145 \param PaddingBits padding bits for the sample, or 0
4146 \return error if any
4147 */
4148 GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_append_data(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID TrackID, u8 *data, u32 data_size, u8 PaddingBits);
4151 /*! sets side information for common encryption for the last added sample
4152 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4153 \param trackID the ID of the target track
4154 \param IV_size the size of the init vector (8 or 16 bytes)
4155 \param sai_b buffer containing the SAI information of the sample
4156 \param sai_b_size size of the SAI buffer. If sai_b is NULL, this indicates the original sample size, and an SAI will be created describing the proper byte ranges if use_subsample is set
4157 \param use_subsample indicates if the media uses CENC subsamples
4158 \param use_saio_32bit indicates if 32-bit saio shall be used
4159 \return error if any
4160 */
4161 GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_set_cenc_sai(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID trackID, u32 IV_size, u8 *sai_b, u32 sai_b_size, Bool use_subsample, Bool use_saio_32bit);
4162 /*! clones PSSH data between two files
4163 \param dst_file the target ISO file
4164 \param src_file the source ISO file
4165 \param in_moof if GF_TRUE, indicates the pssh should be cloned in current moof box
4166 \return error if any
4167 */
4168 GF_Err gf_isom_clone_pssh(GF_ISOFile *dst_file, GF_ISOFile *src_file, Bool in_moof);
4169 /*! sets roll information for a sample in a track fragment
4170 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4171 \param trackID the ID of the target track
4172 \param sample_number the sample number of the last sample
4173 \param is_roll set to GF_TRUE to indicate the sample is a roll sample, GF_FALSE otherwise
4174 \param roll_distance set to the roll distance for a roll sample
4175 \return error if any
4176 */
4177 GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_set_sample_roll_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID trackID, u32 sample_number, Bool is_roll, s16 roll_distance);
4179 /*! sets rap information for a sample in a track fragment
4180 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4181 \param trackID the ID of the target track
4182 \param sample_number_in_frag the sample number of the sample in the traf
4183 \param is_rap set to GF_TRUE to indicate the sample is a RAP sample (open-GOP), GF_FALSE otherwise
4184 \param num_leading_samples set to the number of leading pictures for a RAP sample
4185 \return error if any
4186 */
4187 GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_set_sample_rap_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID trackID, u32 sample_number_in_frag, Bool is_rap, u32 num_leading_samples);
4189 /*! sets sample dependency flags in a track fragment - see ISO/IEC 14496-12 and \ref gf_filter_pck_set_dependency_flags
4190 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4191 \param trackID the ID of the target track
4192 \param is_leading indicates that the sample is a leading picture
4193 \param dependsOn indicates the sample dependency towards other samples
4194 \param dependedOn indicates the sample dependency from other samples
4195 \param redundant indicates that the sample contains redundant coding
4196 \return error if any
4197 */
4198 GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_set_sample_flags(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID trackID, u32 is_leading, u32 dependsOn, u32 dependedOn, u32 redundant);
4201 /*! sets the number of the next moof to be produced
4202 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4203 \param value the number of the next moof
4204 */
4205 void gf_isom_set_next_moof_number(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 value);
4208 /*! @} */
4209 #endif// !defined(GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM_FRAGMENTS) && !defined(GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM_WRITE)
4212 /*!
4213 \addtogroup isortp_grp ISOBMFF RTP Hinting
4214 \ingroup iso_grp
4216 @{
4217 */
4219 /*! supported hint formats - ONLY RTP now*/
4220 typedef enum
4221 {
4222 	/*! RTP hint type*/
4223 	GF_ISOM_HINT_RTP = GF_4CC('r', 't', 'p', ' '),
4224 } GF_ISOHintFormat;
4228 /*! sets up a hint track based on the hint format
4229 \warning This function MUST be called after creating a new hint track and before any other calls on this track
4230 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4231 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4232 \param HintType the desired hint type
4233 \return error if any
4234 */
4235 GF_Err gf_isom_setup_hint_track(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOHintFormat HintType);
4237 /*! creates a HintDescription for the HintTrack
4238 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4239 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4240 \param HintTrackVersion version of hint track
4241 \param LastCompatibleVersion last compatible version of hint track
4242 \param Rely flag indicating whether a reliable transport protocol is desired/required
4243 for data transport
4244 	0: not desired (UDP/IP). NB: most RTP streaming servers only support UDP/IP for data
4245 	1: preferable (TCP/IP if possible or UDP/IP)
4246 	2: required (TCP/IP only)
4247 \param HintDescriptionIndex is set to the newly created hint sample description index
4248 \return error if any
4249 */
4250 GF_Err gf_isom_new_hint_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, s32 HintTrackVersion, s32 LastCompatibleVersion, u8 Rely, u32 *HintDescriptionIndex);
4252 /*! starts a new sample for the hint track. A sample is just a collection of packets
4253 the transmissionTime is indicated in the media timeScale of the hint track
4254 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4255 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4256 \param HintDescriptionIndex the target hint sample description index
4257 \param TransmissionTime the target transmission time in hint media timescale
4258 \return error if any
4259 */
4260 GF_Err gf_isom_begin_hint_sample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 HintDescriptionIndex, u32 TransmissionTime);
4262 /*! ends an hint sample once all your packets for this sample are done
4263 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4264 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4265 \param IsRandomAccessPoint set to GF_TRUE if you want to indicate that this is a random access point in the stream
4266 \return error if any
4267 */
4268 GF_Err gf_isom_end_hint_sample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 IsRandomAccessPoint);
4271 /*!
4272 		PacketHandling functions
4273 		Data can be added at the end or at the beginning of the current packet
4274 		by setting AtBegin to 1 the data will be added at the beginning
4275 		This allows constructing the packet payload before any meta-data
4276 */
4278 /*! adds a blank chunk of data in the sample that is skipped while streaming
4279 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4280 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4281 \param AtBegin indicates if the blank chunk should be at the end or at the begining of the hint packet
4282 \return error if any
4283 */
4284 GF_Err gf_isom_hint_blank_data(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 AtBegin);
4286 /*! adds a chunk of data in the packet that is directly copied while streaming
4287 NOTE: dataLength MUST BE <= 14 bytes, and you should only use this function
4288 to add small blocks of data (encrypted parts, specific headers, ...)
4289 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4290 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4291 \param data buffer to add to the RTP packet
4292 \param dataLength size of buffer to add to the RTP packet
4293 \param AtBegin indicates if the blank chunk should be at the end or at the begining of the hint packet
4294 \return error if any
4295 */
4296 GF_Err gf_isom_hint_direct_data(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 *data, u32 dataLength, u8 AtBegin);
4298 /*! adds a reference to some sample data in the packet
4299 \note if you want to reference a previous HintSample in the hintTrack, you will have to parse the sample yourself ...
4301 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4302 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4303 \param SourceTrackID the ID of the track where the referenced sample is
4304 \param SampleNumber the sample number containing the data to be added
4305 \param DataLength the length of bytes to copy in the packet
4306 \param offsetInSample the offset in bytes in the sample at which to begin copying data
4307 \param extra_data only used when the sample is actually the sample that will contain this packet
4308 (useful to store en encrypted version of a packet only available while streaming)
4309 	In this case, set SourceTrackID to the HintTrack ID and SampleNumber to 0
4310 	In this case, the DataOffset MUST BE NULL and length will indicate the extra_data size
4311 \param AtBegin indicates if the blank chunk should be at the end or at the begining of the hint packet
4312 \return error if any
4313 */
4314 GF_Err gf_isom_hint_sample_data(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOTrackID SourceTrackID, u32 SampleNumber, u16 DataLength, u32 offsetInSample, u8 *extra_data, u8 AtBegin);
4317 /*! adds a reference to some stream description data in the packet (headers, ...)
4319 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4320 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4321 \param SourceTrackID the ID of the track where the referenced sample is
4322 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the index of the stream description in the desired track
4323 \param DataLength the length of bytes to copy in the packet
4324 \param offsetInDescription the offset in bytes in the description at which to begin copying data. Since it is far from being obvious / interoperable what this offset is, we recommend not using this function and injecting the data instead using \ref gf_isom_hint_direct_data.
4325 \param AtBegin indicates if the blank chunk should be at the end or at the begining of the hint packet
4326 \return error if any
4327 */
4328 GF_Err gf_isom_hint_sample_description_data(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOTrackID SourceTrackID, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u16 DataLength, u32 offsetInDescription, u8 AtBegin);
4331 /*! creates a new RTP packet in the HintSample. If a previous packet was created,
4332 it is stored in the hint sample and a new packet is created.
4334 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4335 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4336 \param relativeTime RTP time offset of this packet in the HintSample if any - in hint track
4337 time scale. Used for data smoothing by servers.
4338 \param PackingBit the 'P' bit of the RTP packet header
4339 \param eXtensionBit the'X' bit of the RTP packet header
4340 \param MarkerBit the 'M' bit of the RTP packet header
4341 \param PayloadType the payload type, on 7 bits, format 0x0XXXXXXX
4342 \param disposable_packet indicates if this packet can be skipped by a server
4343 \param IsRepeatedPacket indicates if this is a duplicate packet of a previous one and can be skipped by a server
4344 \param SequenceNumber the RTP base sequence number of the packet. Because of support for repeated packets, you have to set the sequence number yourself.
4345 \return error if any
4346 */
4347 GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_packet_begin(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, s32 relativeTime, u8 PackingBit, u8 eXtensionBit, u8 MarkerBit, u8 PayloadType, u8 disposable_packet, u8 IsRepeatedPacket, u16 SequenceNumber);
4349 /*! sets the flags of the RTP packet
4350 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4351 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4352 \param PackingBit the 'P' bit of the RTP packet header
4353 \param eXtensionBit the'X' bit of the RTP packet header
4354 \param MarkerBit the 'M' bit of the RTP packet header
4355 \param disposable_packet indicates if this packet can be skipped by a server
4356 \param IsRepeatedPacket indicates if this is a duplicate packet of a previous one and can be skipped by a server
4357 \return error if any*/
4358 GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_packet_set_flags(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 PackingBit, u8 eXtensionBit, u8 MarkerBit, u8 disposable_packet, u8 IsRepeatedPacket);
4360 /*! sets the time offset of this packet. This enables packets to be placed in the hint track
4361 in decoding order, but have their presentation time-stamp in the transmitted
4362 packet in a different order. Typically used for MPEG video with B-frames
4363 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4364 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4365 \param timeOffset time offset in RTP media timescale
4366 \return error if any
4367 */
4368 GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_packet_set_offset(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, s32 timeOffset);
4371 /*! sets the RTP TimeScale that the server use to send packets
4372 some RTP payloads may need a specific timeScale that is not the timeScale in the file format
4373 the default timeScale choosen by the API is the MediaTimeScale of the hint track
4374 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4375 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4376 \param HintDescriptionIndex the target hint sample description index
4377 \param TimeScale the RTP timescale to use
4378 \return error if any
4379 */
4380 GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_set_timescale(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 HintDescriptionIndex, u32 TimeScale);
4382 /*! sets the RTP TimeOffset that the server will add to the packets
4383 if not set, the server adds a random offset
4384 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4385 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4386 \param HintDescriptionIndex the target hint sample description index
4387 \param TimeOffset the time offset in RTP timescale
4388 \return error if any
4389 */
4390 GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_set_time_offset(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 HintDescriptionIndex, u32 TimeOffset);
4392 /*! sets the RTP SequenceNumber Offset that the server will add to the packets
4393 if not set, the server adds a random offset
4394 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4395 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4396 \param HintDescriptionIndex the target hint sample description index
4397 \param SequenceNumberOffset the sequence number offset
4398 \return error if any
4399 */
4400 GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_set_time_sequence_offset(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 HintDescriptionIndex, u32 SequenceNumberOffset);
4402 /*! adds an SDP line to the SDP container at the track level (media-specific SDP info)
4403 \note the CRLF end of line for SDP is automatically inserted
4404 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4405 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4406 \param text the SDP text to add the target hint track
4407 \return error if any
4408 */
4409 GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_add_track_line(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *text);
4410 /*! removes all SDP info at the track level
4411 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4412 \param trackNumber the target hint track
4413 \return error if any
4414 */
4415 GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_clean_track(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
4417 /*! adds an SDP line to the SDP container at the movie level (presentation SDP info)
4418 NOTE: the CRLF end of line for SDP is automatically inserted
4419 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4420 \param text the SDP text to add the target hint track
4421 \return error if any
4422 */
4423 GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_add_line(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, const char *text);
4424 /*! removes all SDP info at the movie level
4425 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4426 \return error if any
4427 */
4428 GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_clean(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
4430 #endif// !defined(GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM_WRITE) && !defined(GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM_HINTING)
4436 /*! dumps RTP hint samples structure into XML trace file
4437 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4438 \param trackNumber the target track
4439 \param SampleNum the target sample number
4440 \param trace the file object to dump to
4441 \return error if any
4442 */
4443 GF_Err gf_isom_dump_hint_sample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SampleNum, FILE * trace);
4444 #endif
4446 /*! gets SDP info at the movie level
4447 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4448 \param sdp set to the sdp text - do not modify
4449 \param length set to the sdp length
4450 \return error if any
4451 */
4452 GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, const char **sdp, u32 *length);
4453 /*! gets SDP info at the track level
4454 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4455 \param trackNumber the target track
4456 \param sdp set to the sdp text - do not modify
4457 \param length set to the sdp length
4458 \return error if any
4459 */
4460 GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_track_get(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char **sdp, u32 *length);
4461 /*! gets number of payload type defines for an RTP hint track
4462 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4463 \param trackNumber the target track
4464 \return the number of payload types defined
4465 */
4466 u32 gf_isom_get_payt_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
4467 /*! gets payload type information for an RTP hint track
4468 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4469 \param trackNumber the target track
4470 \param index the payload type 1_based index
4471 \param payID set to the ID of the payload type
4472 \return the sdp fmtp attribute describing the payload
4473 */
4474 const char *gf_isom_get_payt_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 index, u32 *payID);
4480 /*! @} */
4482 /*!
4483 \addtogroup isotxt_grp Subtitles and Timed Text
4484 \ingroup iso_grp
4486 @{
4487 */
4490 /*! sets streaming text reading mode (MPEG-4 text vs 3GPP)
4491 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4492 \param do_convert is set, all text samples will be retrieved as TTUs and ESD will be emulated for text tracks
4493 \return error if any
4494 */
4495 GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_streaming_mode(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool do_convert);
4499 /*! text track export type*/
4500 typedef enum {
4501 	/*! dump as TTXT XML*/
4503 	/*! dump as TTXT XML with box */
4505 	/*! dump as SRT*/
4507 	/*! dump as SVG*/
4509 } GF_TextDumpType;
4510 /*! dumps a text track to a file
4511 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4512 \param trackNumber the target track
4513 \param dump the file object to write to (binary open mode)
4514 \param dump_type the dump type mode
4515 \return error if any
4516 */
4517 GF_Err gf_isom_text_dump(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, FILE *dump, GF_TextDumpType dump_type);
4518 #endif
4520 /*! gets encoded TX3G box (text sample description for 3GPP text streams) as needed by RTP or other standards:
4521 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4522 \param trackNumber the target track
4523 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
4524 \param sidx_offset if 0, the sidx will NOT be written before the encoded TX3G. If not 0, the sidx will be written before the encoded TX3G, with the given offset. Offset sshould be at least 128 for most commmon usage of TX3G (RTP, MPEG-4 timed text, etc)
4525 \param tx3g set to a newly allocated buffer containing the encoded tx3g - to be freed by caller
4526 \param tx3g_size set to the size of the encoded config
4527 \return error if any
4528 */
4529 GF_Err gf_isom_text_get_encoded_tx3g(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 sidx_offset, u8 **tx3g, u32 *tx3g_size);
4531 /*! text sample formatting*/
4532 typedef struct _3gpp_text_sample GF_TextSample;
4533 /*! creates text sample handle
4534 \return a newly allocated text sample
4535 */
4536 GF_TextSample *gf_isom_new_text_sample();
4537 /*! destroys text sample handle
4538 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4539 */
4540 void gf_isom_delete_text_sample(GF_TextSample *tx_samp);
4542 /*! generic subtitle sample formatting*/
4543 typedef struct _generic_subtitle_sample GF_GenericSubtitleSample;
4544 /*! creates generic subtitle sample handle
4545 \return a newly allocated generic subtitle sample
4546 */
4547 GF_GenericSubtitleSample *gf_isom_new_generic_subtitle_sample();
4548 /*! destroys generic subtitle sample handle
4549 \param generic_subtitle_samp the target generic subtitle sample
4550 */
4551 void gf_isom_delete_generic_subtitle_sample(GF_GenericSubtitleSample *generic_subtitle_samp);
4553 #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_VTT
4554 /*! creates new WebVTT config
4555 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4556 \param trackNumber the target track
4557 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
4558 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
4559 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
4560 \param config the WebVTT configuration string
4561 \return error if any
4562 */
4563 GF_Err gf_isom_new_webvtt_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex, const char *config);
4564 /*! updates a WebVTT sample description
4565 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4566 \param trackNumber the target track
4567 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index to update
4568 \param config the WebVTT configuration string
4569 \return error if any
4570 */
4571 GF_Err gf_isom_update_webvtt_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, const char *config);
4572 #endif
4574 /*! gets WebVTT config for a sample description
4575 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4576 \param trackNumber the target track
4577 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
4578 \return the WebVTT configuration string
4579 */
4580 const char *gf_isom_get_webvtt_config(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
4582 /*! gets simple streaming text config for a sample description
4583 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4584 \param trackNumber the target track
4585 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
4586 \param mime set to the mime type (optional, can be NULL)
4587 \param encoding set to the text encoding type (optional, can be NULL)
4588 \param config set to the WebVTT configuration string (optional, can be NULL)
4589 \return error if any
4590 */
4591 GF_Err gf_isom_stxt_get_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, const char **mime, const char **encoding, const char **config);
4594 /*! creates new simple streaming text config
4595 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4596 \param trackNumber the target track
4597 \param type the four character code of the simple text sample description (sbtt, stxt, mett)
4598 \param mime the mime type
4599 \param encoding the text encoding, if any
4600 \param config the configuration string, if any
4601 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
4602 \return error if any
4603 */
4604 GF_Err gf_isom_new_stxt_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 type, const char *mime, const char *encoding, const char *config, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
4606 /*! updates simple streaming text config
4607 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4608 \param trackNumber the target track
4609 \param encoding the text encoding, if any
4610 \param config the configuration string, if any
4611 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
4612 \return error if any
4613 */
4614 GF_Err gf_isom_update_stxt_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *encoding, const char *config, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
4617 /*! gets XML streaming text config for a sample description
4618 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4619 \param trackNumber the target track
4620 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
4621 \param xmlnamespace set to the XML namespace (optional, can be NULL)
4622 \param xml_schema_loc set to the XML schema location (optional, can be NULL)
4623 \param mimes set to the associated mime(s) types (optional, can be NULL)
4624 \return error if any
4625 */
4626 GF_Err gf_isom_xml_subtitle_get_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex,
4627         const char **xmlnamespace, const char **xml_schema_loc, const char **mimes);
4630 /*! creates a new XML streaming text config
4631 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4632 \param trackNumber the target track
4633 \param xmlnamespace the XML namespace
4634 \param xml_schema_loc the XML schema location (optional, can be NULL)
4635 \param auxiliary_mimes the associated mime(s) types (optional, can be NULL)
4636 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
4637 \return error if any
4638 */
4639 GF_Err gf_isom_new_xml_subtitle_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber,
4640         const char *xmlnamespace, const char *xml_schema_loc, const char *auxiliary_mimes,
4641         u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
4645 /*! gets XML metadata for a sample description
4646 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4647 \param trackNumber the target track
4648 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
4649 \param xmlnamespace set to the XML namespace (optional, can be NULL)
4650 \param schema_loc set to the XML schema location (optional, can be NULL)
4651 \param content_encoding set to the content encoding string (optional, can be NULL)
4652 \return error if any
4653 */
4654 GF_Err gf_isom_get_xml_metadata_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, const char **xmlnamespace, const char **schema_loc, const char **content_encoding);
4657 /*! creates a new timed metadata sample description for this track
4658 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4659 \param trackNumber the target track
4660 \param xmlnamespace the XML namespace
4661 \param schema_loc the XML schema location (optional, can be NULL)
4662 \param content_encoding the content encoding string (optional, can be NULL)
4663 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
4664 \return error if any
4665 */
4666 GF_Err gf_isom_new_xml_metadata_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *xmlnamespace, const char *schema_loc, const char *content_encoding, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
4672 /*! text flags operation type*/
4673 typedef enum
4674 {
4678 } GF_TextFlagsMode;
4679 /*! sets text display flags according to given mode.
4680 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4681 \param trackNumber the target track
4682 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index. If 0, sets the flags for all text descriptions
4683 \param flags the flag to set
4684 \param op_type the flag toggle mode
4685 \return error if any
4686 */
4687 GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_display_flags(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 flags, GF_TextFlagsMode op_type);
4689 /*! gets text description of a sample description
4690 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4691 \param trackNumber the target track
4692 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the target sample description index
4693 \param out_desc set to a newly allocated text sample descriptor - shall be freeed by user
4694 \return error if any
4695 */
4696 GF_Err gf_isom_get_text_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, GF_TextSampleDescriptor **out_desc);
4700 /*! creates a new TextSampleDescription in the file.
4701 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4702 \param trackNumber the target track
4703 \param desc the text sample description
4704 \param URLname URL value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
4705 \param URNname URN value of the data reference, NULL if no data reference (media in the file)
4706 \param outDescriptionIndex set to the index of the created sample description
4707 \return error if any
4708 */
4709 GF_Err gf_isom_new_text_description(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_TextSampleDescriptor *desc, const char *URLname, const char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex);
4711 /*! resets text sample content
4712 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4713 \return error if any
4714 */
4715 GF_Err gf_isom_text_reset(GF_TextSample * tx_samp);
4716 /*! resets text sample styles but keep text
4717 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4718 \return error if any
4719 */
4720 GF_Err gf_isom_text_reset_styles(GF_TextSample *tx_samp);
4722 /*! appends text to sample - text_len is the number of bytes to be written from text_data. This allows
4723 handling UTF8 and UTF16 strings in a transparent manner
4724 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4725 \param text_data the text data to add
4726 \param text_len the size of the data to add
4727 \return error if any
4728 */
4729 GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_text(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, char *text_data, u32 text_len);
4730 /*! appends style modifyer to sample
4731 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4732 \param rec the style record to add
4733 \return error if any
4734 */
4735 GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_style(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, GF_StyleRecord *rec);
4736 /*! appends highlight modifier for the sample
4737 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4738 \param start_char first char highlighted,
4739 \param end_char first char not highlighted
4740 \return error if any
4741 */
4742 GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_highlight(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, u16 start_char, u16 end_char);
4744 /*! sets highlight color for the whole sample
4745 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4746 \param argb color value
4747 \return error if any
4748 */
4749 GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_highlight_color(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, u32 argb);
4750 /*! appends a new karaoke sequence in the sample
4751 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4752 \param start_time karaoke start time expressed in text stream timescale, but relative to the sample media time
4753 \return error if any
4754 */
4755 GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_karaoke(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, u32 start_time);
4756 /*! appends a new segment in the current karaoke sequence - you must build sequences in order to be compliant
4757 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4758 \param end_time segment end time expressed in text stream timescale, but relative to the sample media time
4759 \param start_char first char highlighted,
4760 \param end_char first char not highlighted
4761 \return error if any
4762 */
4763 GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_karaoke_segment(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, u32 end_time, u16 start_char, u16 end_char);
4764 /*! sets scroll delay for the whole sample (scrolling is enabled through GF_TextSampleDescriptor.DisplayFlags)
4765 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4766 \param scroll_delay delay for scrolling expressed in text stream timescale
4767 \return error if any
4768 */
4769 GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_scroll_delay(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, u32 scroll_delay);
4770 /*! appends hyperlinking for the sample
4771 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4772 \param URL UTF-8 url
4773 \param altString UTF-8 hint (tooltip, ...) for end user
4774 \param start_char first char hyperlinked,
4775 \param end_char first char not hyperlinked
4776 \return error if any
4777 */
4778 GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_hyperlink(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, char *URL, char *altString, u16 start_char, u16 end_char);
4779 /*! sets current text box (display pos&size within the text track window) for the sample
4780 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4781 \param top top coordinate of box
4782 \param left left coordinate of box
4783 \param bottom bottom coordinate of box
4784 \param right right coordinate of box
4785 \return error if any
4786 */
4787 GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_box(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, s16 top, s16 left, s16 bottom, s16 right);
4788 /*! appends blinking for the sample
4789 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4790 \param start_char first char blinking,
4791 \param end_char first char not blinking
4792 \return error if any
4793 */
4794 GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_blink(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, u16 start_char, u16 end_char);
4795 /*! sets wrap flag for the sample
4796 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4797 \param wrap_flags text wrap flags - currently only 0 (no wrap) and 1 ("soft wrap") are allowed in 3GP
4798 \return error if any
4799 */
4800 GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_wrap(GF_TextSample *tx_samp, u8 wrap_flags);
4802 /*! formats sample as a regular GF_ISOSample payload in a bitstream object.
4803 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4804 \param bs thetarget bitstream
4805 \return error if any
4806 */
4807 GF_Err gf_isom_text_sample_write_bs(const GF_TextSample *tx_samp, GF_BitStream *bs);
4808 /*! gets the serialized size of the text sample
4809 \param tx_samp the target text sample
4810 \return the serialized size
4811 */
4812 u32 gf_isom_text_sample_size(GF_TextSample *tx_samp);
4814 /*! creates a new XML subtitle sample
4815 \return a new XML subtitle sample
4816 */
4817 GF_GenericSubtitleSample *gf_isom_new_xml_subtitle_sample();
4818 /*! deletes an XML subtitle sample
4819 \param subt_samp the target XML subtitle sample
4820 */
4821 void gf_isom_delete_xml_subtitle_sample(GF_GenericSubtitleSample *subt_samp);
4822 /*! resets content of an XML subtitle sample
4823 \param subt_samp the target XML subtitle sample
4824 \return error if any
4825 */
4826 GF_Err gf_isom_xml_subtitle_reset(GF_GenericSubtitleSample *subt_samp);
4827 /*! the corresponding serialized ISO sample
4828 \param subt_samp the target XML subtitle sample
4829 \return the corresponding serialized ISO sample
4830 */
4831 GF_ISOSample *gf_isom_xml_subtitle_to_sample(GF_GenericSubtitleSample *subt_samp);
4832 /*! appends text to an XML subtitle sample
4833 \param subt_samp the target XML subtitle sample
4834 \param text_data the UTF-8 or UTF-16 data to add
4835 \param text_len the size of the text to add in bytes
4836 \return error if any
4837 */
4838 GF_Err gf_isom_xml_subtitle_sample_add_text(GF_GenericSubtitleSample *subt_samp, char *text_data, u32 text_len);
4842 /*! @} */
4845 /*!
4846 \addtogroup isocrypt_grp Content Protection
4847 \ingroup iso_grp
4849 @{
4850 */
4852 /*! DRM related code points*/
4853 enum
4854 {
4855 	/*! Storage location of CENC sample auxiliary in PSEC UUID box*/
4856 	GF_ISOM_BOX_UUID_PSEC = GF_4CC( 'P', 'S', 'E', 'C' ),
4857 	/*! Storage location of CENC sample auxiliary in senc box*/
4858 	GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_SENC = GF_4CC( 's', 'e', 'n', 'c'),
4859 	/*! PSSH box type */
4860 	GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_PSSH = GF_4CC( 'p', 's', 's', 'h'),
4861 	/*! ISMA Encryption Scheme Type in the SchemeTypeInfoBox */
4862 	GF_ISOM_ISMACRYP_SCHEME	= GF_4CC( 'i', 'A', 'E', 'C' ),
4863 	/*! OMA DRM Encryption Scheme Type in the SchemeTypeInfoBox */
4864 	GF_ISOM_OMADRM_SCHEME = GF_4CC('o','d','k','m'),
4865 	/*! CENC AES-CTR Encryption Scheme Type in the SchemeTypeInfoBox */
4866 	GF_ISOM_CENC_SCHEME	= GF_4CC('c','e','n','c'),
4867 	/*! CENC AES-CBC Encryption Scheme Type in the SchemeTypeInfoBox */
4868 	GF_ISOM_CBC_SCHEME = GF_4CC('c','b','c','1'),
4869 	/*! Adobe Encryption Scheme Type in the SchemeTypeInfoBox */
4870 	GF_ISOM_ADOBE_SCHEME = GF_4CC('a','d','k','m'),
4871 	/*! CENC AES-CTR Pattern Encryption Scheme Type in the SchemeTypeInfoBox */
4872 	GF_ISOM_CENS_SCHEME	= GF_4CC('c','e','n','s'),
4873 	/*! CENC AES-CBC Pattern Encryption Scheme Type in the SchemeTypeInfoBox */
4874 	GF_ISOM_CBCS_SCHEME	= GF_4CC('c','b','c','s'),
4875 	/*! PIFF Scheme Type in the SchemeTypeInfoBox */
4876 	GF_ISOM_PIFF_SCHEME	= GF_4CC('p','i','f','f'),
4877 };
4879 /*! checks if a track is encrypted or protected
4880 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4881 \param trackNumber the target track
4882 \return GF_TRUE if track is protected, GF_FALSE otherwise*/
4883 Bool gf_isom_is_track_encrypted(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
4886 /*! flags for GF_ISMASample*/
4887 typedef enum
4888 {
4889 	/*! signals the stream the sample belongs to uses selective encryption*/
4891 	/*! signals the sample is encrypted*/
4893 } GF_ISOISMACrypFlags;
4895 /*! ISMA sample*/
4896 typedef struct
4897 {
4898 	/*! IV in ISMACryp is Byte Stream Offset*/
4899 	u64 IV;
4900 	/*! IV size in bytes, repeated from sampleDesc for convenience*/
4901 	u8 IV_length;
4902 	/*! key indicator*/
4903 	u8 *key_indicator;
4904 	/*! key indicator size, repeated from sampleDesc for convenience*/
4905 	u8 KI_length;
4906 	/*! payload size*/
4907 	u32 dataLength;
4908 	/*! payload*/
4909 	u8 *data;
4910 	/*! flags*/
4911 	u32 flags;
4912 } GF_ISMASample;
4913 /*! creates a new empty ISMA sample
4914 \return a new empty ISMA sample
4915 */
4916 GF_ISMASample *gf_isom_ismacryp_new_sample();
4918 /*! delete an ISMA sample.
4919 \note the buffer content will be destroyed by default. If you wish to keep the buffer, set dataLength to 0 in the sample before deleting it
4920 \param samp the target ISMA sample
4921 */
4922 void gf_isom_ismacryp_delete_sample(GF_ISMASample *samp);
4924 /*! decodes ISMACryp sample based on all info in ISMACryp sample description
4925 \param data sample data
4926 \param dataLength sample data size in bytes
4927 \param use_selective_encryption set to GF_TRUE if sample uses selective encryption
4928 \param KI_length set to the size in bytes of the key indicator - 0 means no key roll
4929 \param IV_length set to the size in bytes of the initialization vector
4930 \return a newly allocated ISMA sample with the parsed data
4931 */
4932 GF_ISMASample *gf_isom_ismacryp_sample_from_data(u8 *data, u32 dataLength, Bool use_selective_encryption, u8 KI_length, u8 IV_length);
4933 /*! rewrites ISMA sample as an ISO sample
4934 \param s the ISMA sample to rewrite
4935 \param dest the destination ISO sample
4936 \return error if any
4937 */
4938 GF_Err gf_isom_ismacryp_sample_to_sample(const GF_ISMASample *s, GF_ISOSample *dest);
4940 /*! decodes ISMACryp sample based on sample and its descrition index
4941 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4942 \param trackNumber the target track
4943 \param samp the sample to decode
4944 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index of the sample to decode
4945 \return the ISMA sample or NULL if not an ISMA sample or error
4946 */
4947 GF_ISMASample *gf_isom_get_ismacryp_sample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, const GF_ISOSample *samp, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
4949 /*! checks if sample description is protected or not
4950 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4951 \param trackNumber the target track
4952 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index. If 0, checks all sample descriptions for protected ones
4953 \return scheme protection 4CC or 0 if not protected*/
4954 u32 gf_isom_is_media_encrypted(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
4956 /*! checks if sample description is protected with ISMACryp
4957 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4958 \param trackNumber the target track
4959 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
4960 \return GF_TRUE if ISMA protection is used*/
4961 Bool gf_isom_is_ismacryp_media(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
4963 /*! checks if sample description is protected with OMA DRM
4964 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4965 \param trackNumber the target track
4966 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
4967 \return GF_TRUE if OMA DRM protection is used*/
4968 Bool gf_isom_is_omadrm_media(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
4970 /*! gets OMA DRM configuration - all output parameters are optional and may be NULL
4971 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4972 \param trackNumber the target track
4973 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
4974 \param outOriginalFormat four character code of the unprotected sample description
4975 \param outSchemeType set to four character code of the protection scheme type
4976 \param outSchemeVersion set to scheme protection version
4977 \param outContentID set to associated ID of content
4978 \param outRightsIssuerURL set to the rights issuer (license server) URL
4979 \param outTextualHeaders set to OMA textual headers
4980 \param outTextualHeadersLen set to the size in bytes of OMA textual headers
4981 \param outPlaintextLength set to the size in bytes of clear data in file
4982 \param outEncryptionType set to the OMA encryption type used
4983 \param outSelectiveEncryption set to GF_TRUE if sample description uses selective encryption
4984 \param outIVLength set to the size of the initialization vector
4985 \param outKeyIndicationLength set to the size of the key indicator
4986 \return error if any
4987 */
4988 GF_Err gf_isom_get_omadrm_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *outOriginalFormat,
4989                                u32 *outSchemeType, u32 *outSchemeVersion,
4990                                const char **outContentID, const char **outRightsIssuerURL, const char **outTextualHeaders, u32 *outTextualHeadersLen, u64 *outPlaintextLength, u32 *outEncryptionType, Bool *outSelectiveEncryption, u32 *outIVLength, u32 *outKeyIndicationLength);
4992 /*! retrieves ISMACryp info for the given track & SDI - all output parameters are optional - URIs SHALL NOT BE MODIFIED BY USER
4994 \note outSelectiveEncryption, outIVLength and outKeyIndicationLength are usually not needed to decode an ISMA sample when using \ref gf_isom_get_ismacryp_sample
4996 \param isom_file the target ISO file
4997 \param trackNumber the target track
4998 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
4999 \param outOriginalFormat set to orginal unprotected media format
5000 \param outSchemeType set to 4CC of protection scheme (GF_ISOM_ISMACRYP_SCHEME = iAEC in ISMACryp 1.0)
5001 \param outSchemeVersion set to version of protection scheme (1 in ISMACryp 1.0)
5002 \param outSchemeURI set to URI location of scheme
5003 \param outKMS_URI set to URI location of key management system - only valid with ISMACryp 1.0
5004 \param outSelectiveEncryption set to whether sample-based encryption is used in media - only valid with ISMACryp 1.0
5005 \param outIVLength set to length of Initial Vector - only valid with ISMACryp 1.0
5006 \param outKeyIndicationLength set to length of key indicator - only valid with ISMACryp 1.0
5007 \return error if any
5008 */
5009 GF_Err gf_isom_get_ismacryp_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *outOriginalFormat, u32 *outSchemeType, u32 *outSchemeVersion, const char **outSchemeURI, const char **outKMS_URI, Bool *outSelectiveEncryption, u32 *outIVLength, u32 *outKeyIndicationLength);
5011 /*! gets original format four character code type of a protected media sample description
5012 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5013 \param trackNumber the target track
5014 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index. If 0, checks all sample descriptions for a protected one
5015 \param outOriginalFormat set to orginal unprotected media format
5016 \return error if any
5017 */
5018 GF_Err gf_isom_get_original_format_type(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *outOriginalFormat);
5020 /*! CENC subsample entry*/
5021 typedef struct
5022 {
5023 	/*! size of bytes in clear - 16 bit stored but we use 32*/
5024 	u32 bytes_clear_data;
5025 	/*! size of bytes encrypted*/
5026 	u32 bytes_encrypted_data;
5027 } GF_CENCSubSampleEntry;
5029 /*! CENC auxiliary info*/
5030 typedef struct __cenc_sample_aux_info
5031 {
5032  	/*! IV size: 0, 8 or 16; it MUST NOT be written to file*/
5033 	u8 IV_size;
5034  	/*! IV can be 0, 64 or 128 bits - if 64, bytes 0-7 are used and 8-15 are 0-padded*/
5035 	bin128 IV;
5036 	/*! number of subsamples*/
5037 	u16 subsample_count;
5038 	/*! subsamples*/
5039 	GF_CENCSubSampleEntry *subsamples;
5040 } GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo;
5043 /*! removes protection info (does not perform decryption), for ISMA, OMA and CENC of a sample description
5044 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5045 \param trackNumber the target track
5046 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5047 \return error if any
5048 */
5049 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_protection(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
5051 /*! creates ISMACryp protection info for a sample description
5052 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5053 \param trackNumber the target track
5054 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5055 \param scheme_type 4CC of protection scheme (GF_ISOM_ISMACRYP_SCHEME = iAEC in ISMACryp 1.0)
5056 \param scheme_version version of protection scheme (1 in ISMACryp 1.0)
5057 \param scheme_uri URI location of scheme
5058 \param kms_URI URI location of key management system - only valid with ISMACryp 1.0
5059 \param selective_encryption whether sample-based encryption is used in media - only valid with ISMACryp 1.0
5060 \param KI_length length of key indicator - only valid with ISMACryp 1.0
5061 \param IV_length length of Initial Vector - only valid with ISMACryp 1.0
5062 \return error if any
5063 */
5064 GF_Err gf_isom_set_ismacryp_protection(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 scheme_type,
5065                                        u32 scheme_version, char *scheme_uri, char *kms_URI,
5066                                        Bool selective_encryption, u32 KI_length, u32 IV_length);
5068 /*! changes scheme URI and/or KMS URI for crypted files. Other params cannot be changed once the media is crypted
5069 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5070 \param trackNumber the target track
5071 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5072 \param scheme_uri new scheme URI, or NULL to keep previous
5073 \param kms_uri new KMS URI, or NULL to keep previous
5074 \return error if any
5075 */
5076 GF_Err gf_isom_change_ismacryp_protection(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, char *scheme_uri, char *kms_uri);
5079 /*! creates OMA DRM protection for a sample description
5080 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5081 \param trackNumber the target track
5082 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5083 \param contentID associated ID of content
5084 \param kms_URI the rights issuer (license server) URL
5085 \param encryption_type the OMA encryption type used
5086 \param plainTextLength the size in bytes of clear data in file
5087 \param textual_headers OMA textual headers
5088 \param textual_headers_len the size in bytes of OMA textual headers
5089 \param selective_encryption GF_TRUE if sample description uses selective encryption
5090 \param KI_length the size of the key indicator
5091 \param IV_length the size of the initialization vector
5092 \return error if any
5093 */
5094 GF_Err gf_isom_set_oma_protection(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex,
5095                                   char *contentID, char *kms_URI, u32 encryption_type, u64 plainTextLength, char *textual_headers, u32 textual_headers_len,
5096                                   Bool selective_encryption, u32 KI_length, u32 IV_length);
5098 /*! creates a generic protection for a sample description
5099 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5100 \param trackNumber the target track
5101 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5102 \param scheme_type 4CC of protection scheme (GF_ISOM_ISMACRYP_SCHEME = iAEC in ISMACryp 1.0)
5103 \param scheme_version version of protection scheme (1 in ISMACryp 1.0)
5104 \param scheme_uri URI location of scheme
5105 \param kms_URI the rights issuer (license server) URL
5106 \return error if any
5107 */
5108 GF_Err gf_isom_set_generic_protection(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 scheme_type, u32 scheme_version, char *scheme_uri, char *kms_URI);
5110 /*! allocates storage for CENC side data in a senc or UUID box
5111 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5112 \param trackNumber the target track
5113 \param container_type the code of the container (currently 'senc' for CENC or 'PSEC' for smooth)
5114 \param AlgorithmID algorith ID, usually 0
5115 \param IV_size the size of the init vector
5116 \param KID the default Key ID
5117 \return error if any
5118 */
5119 GF_Err gf_isom_cenc_allocate_storage(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 container_type, u32 AlgorithmID, u8 IV_size, bin128 KID);
5121 /*! adds cenc SAI for the last sample added to a track
5122 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5123 \param trackNumber the target track
5124 \param container_type the code of the container (currently 'senc' for CENC or 'PSEC' for smooth)
5125 \param IV_size the size of the init vector
5126 \param buf the SAI buffer
5127 \param len the size of the SAI buffer. If buf is NULL but len is given, this adds an unencrypted entry. otherwise, buf && len represent the sai cenc info to add
5128 \param use_subsamples if GF_TRUE, the media format uses CENC subsamples
5129 \param clear_IV the IV used for clear samples (when buf is null)
5130 \param use_saio_32bit forces usage of 32-bit saio boxes
5131 \return error if any
5132 */
5133 GF_Err gf_isom_track_cenc_add_sample_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 container_type, u8 IV_size, u8 *buf, u32 len, Bool use_subsamples, u8 *clear_IV, Bool use_saio_32bit);
5137 /*! creates CENC protection for a sample description
5138 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5139 \param trackNumber the target track
5140 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5141 \param scheme_type 4CC of protection scheme (GF_ISOM_ISMACRYP_SCHEME = iAEC in ISMACryp 1.0)
5142 \param scheme_version version of protection scheme (1 in ISMACryp 1.0)
5143 \param default_IsEncrypted default isEncrypted flag
5144 \param default_IV_size default IV size flag
5145 \param default_KID default key ID used
5146 \param default_crypt_byte_block default crypt block size for pattern encryption
5147 \param default_skip_byte_block default skip block size for pattern encryption
5148 \param default_constant_IV_size default constant IV size
5149 \param default_constant_IV default constant IV
5150 \return error if any
5151 */
5152 GF_Err gf_isom_set_cenc_protection(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 scheme_type,
5153                                    u32 scheme_version, u32 default_IsEncrypted, u8 default_IV_size, bin128 default_KID,
5154 								   u8 default_crypt_byte_block, u8 default_skip_byte_block,
5155 								   u8 default_constant_IV_size, bin128 default_constant_IV);
5156 /*! adds PSSH info for a file, can be called several time per system ID
5157 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5158 \param systemID the ID of the protection system
5159 \param version the version of the protection system
5160 \param KID_count the number of key IDs
5161 \param KID the list of key IDs
5162 \param data opaque data for the protection system
5163 \param len size of the opaque data
5164 \param use_piff if GF_TRUE, use PIFF pssh UUID box when creating the pssh
5165 \return error if any
5166 */
5167 GF_Err gf_cenc_set_pssh(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, bin128 systemID, u32 version, u32 KID_count, bin128 *KID, u8 *data, u32 len, Bool use_piff);
5169 /*! removes CENC SAI size info
5170 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5171 \param trackNumber the target track
5172 \return error if any
5173 */
5174 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_cenc_saiz(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
5175 /*! removes CENC SAI offset info
5176 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5177 \param trackNumber the target track
5178 \return error if any
5179 */
5180 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_cenc_saio(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
5181 /*! removes CENC senc box info
5182 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5183 \param trackNumber the target track
5184 \return error if any
5185 */
5186 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_samp_enc_box(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
5187 /*! removes all CENC sample groups
5188 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5189 \param trackNumber the target track
5190 \return error if any
5191 */
5192 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_samp_group_box(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
5193 /*! removes CENC PSSH box
5194 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5195 \return error if any
5196 */
5197 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_pssh_box(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
5201 /*! checks if sample description is protected with Adobe systems
5202 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5203 \param trackNumber the target track
5204 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5205 \return GF_TRUE if ADOBE protection is used
5206 */
5207 Bool gf_isom_is_adobe_protection_media(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
5209 /*! gets adobe protection information for a sample description
5210 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5211 \param trackNumber the target track
5212 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5213 \param outOriginalFormat set to orginal unprotected media format
5214 \param outSchemeType set to 4CC of protection scheme (GF_ISOM_ISMACRYP_SCHEME = iAEC in ISMACryp 1.0)
5215 \param outSchemeVersion set to version of protection scheme (1 in ISMACryp 1.0)
5216 \param outMetadata set to adobe metadata string
5217 \return GF_TRUE if ADOBE protection is used
5218 */
5219 GF_Err gf_isom_get_adobe_protection_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *outOriginalFormat, u32 *outSchemeType, u32 *outSchemeVersion, const char **outMetadata);
5222 /*! creates an adobe protection for a sample description
5223 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5224 \param trackNumber the target track
5225 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5226 \param scheme_type 4CC of protection scheme (GF_ISOM_ISMACRYP_SCHEME = iAEC in ISMACryp 1.0)
5227 \param scheme_version version of protection scheme (1 in ISMACryp 1.0)
5228 \param is_selective_enc indicates if selective encryption is used
5229 \param metadata metadata information
5230 \param len size of metadata information in bytes
5231 \return error if any
5232 */
5233 GF_Err gf_isom_set_adobe_protection(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 scheme_type, u32 scheme_version, Bool is_selective_enc, char *metadata, u32 len);
5235 /*! removes the IPMPX tools from files
5236 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5237 */
5238 void gf_isom_ipmpx_remove_tool_list(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
5242 /*! checks of sample description is protected with CENC
5243 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5244 \param trackNumber the target track
5245 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index. If 0, checks all sample descriptions for protected ones
5246 \return GF_TRUE if sample protection is CENC
5247 */
5248 Bool gf_isom_is_cenc_media(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
5249 /*! gets CENC information of a sample description
5250 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5251 \param trackNumber the target track
5252 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5253 \param outOriginalFormat set to orginal unprotected media format
5254 \param outSchemeType set to 4CC of protection scheme (GF_ISOM_ISMACRYP_SCHEME = iAEC in ISMACryp 1.0)
5255 \param outSchemeVersion set to version of protection scheme (1 in ISMACryp 1.0)
5256 \param outIVLength set to the IV size in bytes
5257 \return error if any
5258 */
5259 GF_Err gf_isom_get_cenc_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *outOriginalFormat, u32 *outSchemeType, u32 *outSchemeVersion, u32 *outIVLength);
5261 /*! destroys a CENC sample auxiliary structure
5262 \param samp_aux_info the target auxiliary buffer
5263 */
5264 void gf_isom_cenc_samp_aux_info_del(GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo *samp_aux_info);
5266 /*! gets CENC auxiliary info of a sample
5267 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5268 \param trackNumber the target track
5269 \param sampleNumber the target sample
5270 \param sampleDescIndex the target sample description index
5271 \param sai set to the auxiliary info - shall be freeed by caller
5272 \param container_type set to type of box which contains the sample auxiliary information. Now we have two type: GF_ISOM_BOX_UUID_PSEC and GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_SENC
5273 \return error if any
5274 */
5275 GF_Err gf_isom_cenc_get_sample_aux_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 sampleDescIndex, GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo **sai, u32 *container_type);
5277 /*! gets CENC auxiliary info of a sample as a buffer
5278 \note the serialized buffer format is IV on IV_size bytes, then subsample count if any an [clear_bytes(u16), crypt_bytes(u32)] subsamples
5280 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5281 \param trackNumber the target track
5282 \param sampleNumber the target sample
5283 \param sampleDescIndex the sample description index
5284 \param container_type is type of box which contains the sample auxiliary information. Now we have two type: GF_ISOM_BOX_UUID_PSEC and GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_SENC
5285 \param out_buffer set to a newly allocated buffer, or reallocated buffer if not NULL
5286 \param outSize set to the size of the serialized buffer. If an existing buffer was passed, the passed value shall be the allocated buffer size (the returned value is still the buffer size)
5287 \return error if any
5288 */
5289 GF_Err gf_isom_cenc_get_sample_aux_info_buffer(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 sampleDescIndex, u32 *container_type, u8 **out_buffer, u32 *outSize);
5291 /*! gets CENC default info for a sample description
5292 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5293 \param trackNumber the target track
5294 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5295 \param container_type set to the container type of SAI data
5296 \param default_IsEncrypted set to default isEncrypted flag
5297 \param default_IV_size set to default IV size flag
5298 \param default_KID set to default key ID used
5299 \param constant_IV_size set to default constant IV size
5300 \param constant_IV set to default constant IV
5301 \param crypt_byte_block set to default crypt block size for pattern encryption
5302 \param skip_byte_block set to default skip block size for pattern encryption
5303 */
5304 void gf_isom_cenc_get_default_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *container_type, Bool *default_IsEncrypted, u8 *default_IV_size, bin128 *default_KID, u8 *constant_IV_size, bin128 *constant_IV, u8 *crypt_byte_block, u8 *skip_byte_block);
5307 /*! checks if CENC protection uses pattern encryption
5308 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5309 \param trackNumber the target track
5310 \param sampleDescriptionIndex the sample description index
5311 \return GF_TRUE if protection uses pattern encryption
5312 */
5313 Bool gf_isom_cenc_is_pattern_mode(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex);
5314 /*! gets the number of PSSH defined
5315 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5316 \return number of PSSH defined
5317 */
5318 u32 gf_isom_get_pssh_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
5320 /*! gets PSS info
5321 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5322 \param pssh_index 1-based index of PSSH to query, see \ref gf_isom_get_pssh_count
5323 \param SystemID set to the protection system ID
5324 \param version set to the protection system version
5325 \param KID_count set to the number of key IDs defined
5326 \param KIDs array of defined key IDs
5327 \param private_data set to a buffer containing system ID private data
5328 \param private_data_size set to the size of the system ID private data
5329 \return error if any
5330 */
5331 GF_Err gf_isom_get_pssh_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 pssh_index, bin128 SystemID, u32 *version, u32 *KID_count, const bin128 **KIDs, const u8 **private_data, u32 *private_data_size);
5333 /*! gets serialized PSS
5334 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5335 \param pssh_index 1-based index of PSSH to query, see \ref gf_isom_get_pssh_count
5336 \param pssh_data set to a newly allocated buffer containing serialized PSSH - shall be freeed by caller
5337 \param pssh_size set to the size of the allocated buffer
5338 \return error if any
5339 */
5340 GF_Err gf_isom_get_pssh(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 pssh_index, u8 **pssh_data, u32 *pssh_size);
5344 /*! dumps ismacrypt protection of sample descriptions to xml trace
5345 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5346 \param trackNumber the target track
5347 \param trace the file object to dump to
5348 \return error if any
5349 */
5350 GF_Err gf_isom_dump_ismacryp_protection(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, FILE * trace);
5351 /*! dumps ismacrypt sample to xml trace
5352 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5353 \param trackNumber the target track
5354 \param SampleNum the target sample number
5355 \param trace the file object to dump to
5356 \return error if any
5357 */
5358 GF_Err gf_isom_dump_ismacryp_sample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SampleNum, FILE *trace);
5359 #endif
5361 /*! gets CENC configuration for a given sample
5362 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5363 \param trackNumber the target track
5364 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
5365 \param IsEncrypted set to GF_TRUE if the sample is encrypted, GF_FALSE otherwise (optional can be NULL)
5366 \param IV_size set to IV size in bytes used for the sample (optional can be NULL)
5367 \param KID set to key ID used for the sample (optional can be NULL)
5368 \param crypt_byte_block set to crypt block count for pattern encryption (optional can be NULL)
5369 \param skip_byte_block set to skip block count for pattern encryption (optional can be NULL)
5370 \param constant_IV_size set to constant IV size (optional can be NULL)
5371 \param constant_IV set to constant IV (optional can be NULL)
5372 \return error if any
5373 */
5374 GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_cenc_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, Bool *IsEncrypted, u8 *IV_size, bin128 *KID, u8 *crypt_byte_block, u8 *skip_byte_block, u8 *constant_IV_size, bin128 *constant_IV);
5377 /*! @} */
5379 /*!
5380 \addtogroup isometa_grp Meta and Image File Format
5381 \ingroup iso_grp
5383 @{
5384 */
5387 /*! gets meta type
5388 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5389 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5390 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5391 \return 0 if no meta found, or four char code of meta (eg, "mp21", "smil", ...)*/
5392 u32 gf_isom_get_meta_type(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num);
5394 /*! checks if the meta has an XML container (note that XML data can also be included as items).
5395 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5396 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5397 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5398 \return 0 (no XML or error), 1 (XML text), 2 (BinaryXML, eg BiM) */
5399 u32 gf_isom_has_meta_xml(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num);
5401 /*! extracts XML (if any) from given meta
5402 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5403 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5404 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5405 \param outName output file path and location for writing
5406 \param is_binary indicates if XML is Bim or regular XML
5407 \return error if any
5408 */
5409 GF_Err gf_isom_extract_meta_xml(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, char *outName, Bool *is_binary);
5411 /*! checks the number of items in a meta
5412 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5413 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5414 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5415 \return number of items*/
5416 u32 gf_isom_get_meta_item_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num);
5418 /*! gets item info for the given item
5419 \note When an item is fully contained in file, both item_url and item_urn are set to NULL
5421 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5422 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5423 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5424 \param item_num 1-based index of item to query
5425 \param itemID set to item ID in file (optional, can be NULL)
5426 \param type set to item 4CC type
5427 \param protection_idx set to the 1-based index of the protection in used, 0 if not protected
5428 \param is_self_reference set to item is the file itself
5429 \param item_name set to the item name (optional, can be NULL)
5430 \param item_mime_type set to the item mime type (optional, can be NULL)
5431 \param item_encoding set to the item content encoding type (optional, can be NULL)
5432 \param item_url set to the URL of external resource containing this item data if any.
5433 \param item_urn set to the URN of external resource containing this item data if any.
5434 \return error if any
5435 */
5436 GF_Err gf_isom_get_meta_item_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_num,
5437                                   u32 *itemID, u32 *type, u32 *protection_idx, Bool *is_self_reference,
5438                                   const char **item_name, const char **item_mime_type, const char **item_encoding,
5439                                   const char **item_url, const char **item_urn);
5442 /*! gets item index from item ID
5443 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5444 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5445 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5446 \param item_ID ID of the item to search
5447 \return item index if found, 0 otherwise
5448 */
5449 u32 gf_isom_get_meta_item_by_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_ID);
5451 /*! extracts an item from given meta
5452 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5453 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5454 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5455 \param item_num 1-based index of item to query
5456 \param dump_file_name if NULL, uses item name for dumping, otherwise dumps in given file object (binary write mode)
5457 \return error if any
5458 */
5459 GF_Err gf_isom_extract_meta_item(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_num, const char *dump_file_name);
5461 /*! extracts item from given meta in memory
5462 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5463 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5464 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5465 \param item_id the ID of the item to dump
5466 \param out_data set to allocated buffer containing the item, shall be freeed by user
5467 \param out_size set to the size of the allocated buffer
5468 \param out_alloc_size set to the allocated size of the buffer (this allows passing an existing buffer without always reallocating it)
5469 \param mime_type set to the mime type of the item
5470 \param use_annex_b for image items based on NALU formats (AVC, HEVC) indicates to extract the data as Annex B format (with start codes)
5471 \return error if any
5472 */
5473 GF_Err gf_isom_extract_meta_item_mem(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_id, u8 **out_data, u32 *out_size, u32 *out_alloc_size, const char **mime_type, Bool use_annex_b);
5475 /*! gets primary item ID
5476 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5477 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5478 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5479 \return primary item ID, 0 if none found (primary can also be stored through meta XML)*/
5480 u32 gf_isom_get_meta_primary_item_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num);
5482 /*! item tile mode*/
5483 typedef enum {
5484 	/*! not a tile item*/
5485 	TILE_ITEM_NONE = 0,
5486 	/*! a tile item without base*/
5488 	/*! a tile item with base*/
5490 	/*! a tile item grid*/
5492 	/*! a tile item single*/
5494 } GF_TileItemMode;
5496 /*! Image item properties*/
5497 typedef struct
5498 {
5499 	/*! width in pixels*/
5500 	u32 width;
5501 	/*! height in pixless*/
5502 	u32 height;
5503 	/*! pixel aspect ratio numerator*/
5504 	u32 hSpacing;
5505 	/*! pixel aspect ratio denominator*/
5506 	u32 vSpacing;
5507 	/*! horizontal offset in pixels*/
5508 	u32 hOffset;
5509 	/*! vertical offset in pixels*/
5510 	u32 vOffset;
5511 	/*! angle in radians*/
5512 	u32 angle;
5513 	/*! hidden flag*/
5514 	Bool hidden;
5515 	/*! pointer to configuration box*/
5516 	void *config;
5517 	/*! tile item mode*/
5518 	GF_TileItemMode tile_mode;
5519 	/*! tile number */
5520 	u32 single_tile_number;
5521 	/*! time for importing*/
5522 	double time;
5523 	/*! file containg iCC data for importing*/
5524 	char iccPath[GF_MAX_PATH];
5525 	/*! is alpha*/
5526 	Bool alpha;
5527 	/*! number of channels*/
5528 	u8 num_channels;
5529 	/*! bits per channels in bits*/
5530 	u8 bits_per_channel[3];
5531 } GF_ImageItemProperties;
5536 /*! sets meta type (four char int, eg "mp21", ...), creating a meta box if not found
5537 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5538 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5539 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5540 \param metaType the type of meta to create. If 0, removes the meta box
5541 \return error if any
5542 */
5543 GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_type(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 metaType);
5545 /*! removes meta XML info if any
5546 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5547 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5548 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5549 \return error if any
5550 */
5551 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_meta_xml(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num);
5553 /*! sets meta XML data from file - erase any previously (Binary)XML info
5554 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5555 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5556 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5557 \param XMLFileName the XML file to import as XML item
5558 \param IsBinaryXML indicates if the content of the XML file is binary XML (BIM) or not
5559 \return error if any
5560 */
5561 GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_xml(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, char *XMLFileName, Bool IsBinaryXML);
5562 /*! set meta XML data from memory - erase any previously (Binary)XML info
5563 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5564 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5565 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5566 \param data buffer containing XML data
5567 \param data_size size of buffer in bytes
5568 \param IsBinaryXML indicates if the content of the buffer is binary XML (BIM) or not
5569 \return error if any
5570 */
5571 GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_xml_memory(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u8 *data, u32 data_size, Bool IsBinaryXML);
5573 /*! gets next available item ID in a meta
5574 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5575 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5576 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5577 \param item_id set to the next available item ID
5578 \return error if any
5579 */
5580 GF_Err gf_isom_meta_get_next_item_id(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 *item_id);
5582 /*! adds an item to a meta box from file
5583 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5584 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5585 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5586 \param self_reference if GF_TRUE, indicates that the item is in fact the entire container file
5587 \param resource_path path to the file to add
5588 \param item_name name of the item
5589 \param item_id ID of the item, can be 0
5590 \param item_type four character code of item type
5591 \param mime_type mime type of the item, can be NULL
5592 \param content_encoding content encoding of the item, can be NULL
5593 \param URL URL of the item for external data reference (data is not contained in meta parent file)
5594 \param URN URN of the item for external data reference (data is not contained in meta parent file)
5595 \param image_props image properties information for image items
5596 \return error if any
5597 */
5598 GF_Err gf_isom_add_meta_item(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, Bool self_reference, char *resource_path, const char *item_name, u32 item_id, u32 item_type, const char *mime_type, const char *content_encoding, const char *URL, const char *URN, GF_ImageItemProperties *image_props);
5600 /*! item extend description*/
5601 typedef struct
5602 {
5603 	/*! offset of extent in file*/
5604 	u64 extent_offset;
5605 	/*! size of extent*/
5606 	u64 extent_length;
5607 	/*! index of extent*/
5608 	u64 extent_index;
5610 	/*! for storage only, original offset in source file*/
5611 	u64 original_extent_offset;
5612 #endif
5613 } GF_ItemExtentEntry;
5616 /*! adds an item to a meta box from memory
5617 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5618 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5619 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5620 \param item_name name of the item
5621 \param item_id ID of the item, can be 0
5622 \param item_type four character code of item type
5623 \param mime_type mime type of the item, can be NULL
5624 \param content_encoding content encoding of the item, can be NULL
5625 \param image_props image properties information for image items
5626 \param data buffer containing the item data
5627 \param data_len size of item data buffer in bytes
5628 \param item_extent_refs list of item extend description, or NULL
5629 \return error if any
5630 */
5631 GF_Err gf_isom_add_meta_item_memory(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, const char *item_name, u32 item_id, u32 item_type, const char *mime_type, const char *content_encoding, GF_ImageItemProperties *image_props, char *data, u32 data_len, GF_List *item_extent_refs);
5633 /*! creates image item(s) from samples of a media track
5634 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5635 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if meta_track_number is 0
5636 \param meta_track_number if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5637 \param media_track track number to import samples from
5638 \param item_name name of the item
5639 \param item_id ID of the item, can be 0
5640 \param image_props image properties information for image items
5641 \param item_extent_refs list of item extend description, or NULL
5642 \return error if any
5643 */
5644 GF_Err gf_isom_iff_create_image_item_from_track(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 meta_track_number, u32 media_track, const char *item_name, u32 item_id, GF_ImageItemProperties *image_props, GF_List *item_extent_refs);
5646 /*! removes item from meta
5647 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5648 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5649 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5650 \param item_num 1-based index of the item to remove
5651 \return error if any
5652 */
5653 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_meta_item(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_num);
5655 /*! sets the given item as the primary one
5656 \warning This SHALL NOT be used if the meta has a valid XML data
5657 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5658 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5659 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5660 \param item_num 1-based index of the item to remove
5661 \return error if any
5662 */
5663 GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_primary_item(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_num);
5665 /*! adds an item reference to another item
5666 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5667 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5668 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5669 \param from_id ID of item the reference is from
5670 \param to_id ID of item the reference is to
5671 \param type four character code of reference
5672 \param ref_index set to the 1-based index of the reference
5673 \return error if any
5674 */
5675 GF_Err gf_isom_meta_add_item_ref(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 from_id, u32 to_id, u32 type, u64 *ref_index);
5679 /*!
5680 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5681 \param root_meta if GF_TRUE uses meta at the file, otherwise uses meta at the movie level if track number is 0
5682 \param track_num if GF_TRUE and root_meta is GF_FALSE, uses meta at the track level
5683 \param item_id ID of the item
5684 \param out_image_props set to the image properties information of the item
5685 \return error if any
5686 */
5687 GF_Err gf_isom_get_meta_image_props(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_id, GF_ImageItemProperties *out_image_props);
5689 /*! @} */
5691 /*!
5692 \addtogroup isotags_grp iTunes tagging
5693 \ingroup iso_grp
5695 @{
5696 */
5698 /*! iTunes info tags */
5699 typedef enum
5700 {
5701 	/*probe is only used to check if iTunes info are present*/
5703 	/*all is only used to remove all tags*/
5704 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ALL = 1,
5705 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ALBUM	= GF_4CC( 0xA9, 'a', 'l', 'b' ),
5706 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ARTIST = GF_4CC( 0xA9, 'A', 'R', 'T' ),
5707 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COMMENT = GF_4CC( 0xA9, 'c', 'm', 't' ),
5708 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COMPILATION = GF_4CC( 'c', 'p', 'i', 'l' ),
5709 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COMPOSER = GF_4CC( 0xA9, 'c', 'o', 'm' ),
5710 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COVER_ART = GF_4CC( 'c', 'o', 'v', 'r' ),
5711 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_CREATED = GF_4CC( 0xA9, 'd', 'a', 'y' ),
5712 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_DISK = GF_4CC( 'd', 'i', 's', 'k' ),
5713 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TOOL = GF_4CC( 0xA9, 't', 'o', 'o' ),
5714 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GENRE = GF_4CC( 'g', 'n', 'r', 'e' ),
5715 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GROUP = GF_4CC( 0xA9, 'g', 'r', 'p' ),
5716 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ITUNES_DATA = GF_4CC( '-', '-', '-', '-' ),
5717 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_NAME = GF_4CC( 0xA9, 'n', 'a', 'm' ),
5718 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TEMPO = GF_4CC( 't', 'm', 'p', 'o' ),
5719 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TRACK = GF_4CC( 0xA9, 't', 'r', 'k' ),
5720 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TRACKNUMBER = GF_4CC( 't', 'r', 'k', 'n' ),
5721 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_WRITER = GF_4CC( 0xA9, 'w', 'r', 't' ),
5722 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ENCODER = GF_4CC( 0xA9, 'e', 'n', 'c' ),
5723 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ALBUM_ARTIST = GF_4CC( 'a', 'A', 'R', 'T' ),
5724 	GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GAPLESS = GF_4CC( 'p', 'g', 'a', 'p' ),
5725 } GF_ISOiTunesTag;
5727 /*! gets the given itunes tag info.
5728 \warning 'genre' may be coded by ID, the libisomedia doesn't translate the ID. In such a case, the result data is set to NULL and the data_len to the genre ID
5730 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5731 \param tag the tag to query
5732 \param data set to the tag data pointer - do not modify
5733 \param data_len set to the size of the tag data
5734 \return error if any (GF_URL_ERROR if no tag is present in the file)
5735 */
5736 GF_Err gf_isom_apple_get_tag(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOiTunesTag tag, const u8 **data, u32 *data_len);
5739 /*! sets the given tag info.
5741 \warning For 'genre', data may be NULL in which case the genre ID taken from the data_len parameter
5743 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5744 \param tag the tag to set
5745 \param data tag data buffer
5746 \param data_len size of the tag data buffer. If data and data_len are 0, removes the given tag
5747 \return error if any
5748 */
5749 GF_Err gf_isom_apple_set_tag(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOiTunesTag tag, const u8 *data, u32 data_len);
5751 /*! sets compatibility tag on AVC tracks (needed by iPod to play files... hurray for standards)
5752 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5753 \param trackNumber the target track
5754 \return error if any
5755 */
5756 GF_Err gf_isom_set_ipod_compatible(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
5759 /*! @} */
5761 /*!
5762 \addtogroup isogrp_grp Track Groups
5763 \ingroup iso_grp
5765 @{
5766 */
5768 /*! gets the number of switching groups declared in this track if any
5769 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5770 \param trackNumber the target track
5771 \param alternateGroupID alternate group id of track if speciifed, 0 otherwise
5772 \param nb_groups set to number of switching groups defined for this track
5773 \return error if any
5774 */
5775 GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_switch_group_count(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 *alternateGroupID, u32 *nb_groups);
5777 /*! get the list of criteria (expressed as 4CC IDs, cf 3GPP TS 26.244)
5778 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5779 \param trackNumber the track number
5780 \param group_index the 1-based index of the group to inspect
5781 \param switchGroupID set to the ID of the switch group if any, 0 otherwise (alternate-only group)
5782 \param criteriaListSize set to the number of criteria items in returned list
5783 \return list of criteria (four character codes, cf 3GPP TS 26.244) for the switch group
5784 */
5785 const u32 *gf_isom_get_track_switch_parameter(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 group_index, u32 *switchGroupID, u32 *criteriaListSize);
5788 /*! sets a new (switch) group for this track
5789 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5790 \param trackNumber the target track
5791 \param trackRefGroup number of a track belonging to the same alternate group. If 0, a new alternate group will be created for this track
5792 \param is_switch_group if set, indicates that a switch group identifier shall be assigned to the created group. Otherwise, the criteria list is associated with the entire alternate group
5793 \param switchGroupID set to the ID of the switch group. On input, specifies the desired switchGroupID to use; if value is 0, next available switchGroupID in file is used. On output, is set to the switchGroupID used.
5794 \param criteriaList list of four character codes used as criteria - cf 3GPP TS 26.244
5795 \param criteriaListCount number of criterias in list
5796 \return error if any
5797 */
5798 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_switch_parameter(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 trackRefGroup, Bool is_switch_group, u32 *switchGroupID, u32 *criteriaList, u32 criteriaListCount);
5800 /*! resets track switch group information
5801 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5802 \param trackNumber the target track
5803 \param reset_all_group if GF_TRUE, resets the entire alternate group this track belongs to; otherwise, resets switch group for the track only
5804 \return error if any
5805 */
5806 GF_Err gf_isom_reset_track_switch_parameter(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, Bool reset_all_group);
5808 /*! resets all track switch group information in the entire movie
5809 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5810 \return error if any
5811 */
5812 GF_Err gf_isom_reset_switch_parameters(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
5814 /*! sets track in group of a given type and ID
5815 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5816 \param trackNumber the target track
5817 \param track_group_id ID of the track group
5818 \param group_type four character code of the track group
5819 \param do_add if GF_FALSE, track is removed from that group, otherwise it is added
5820 \return error if any
5821 */
5822 GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 track_group_id, u32 group_type, Bool do_add);
5826 /*! @} */
5828 /*!
5829 \addtogroup isosubs_grp Subsamples
5830 \ingroup iso_grp
5832 @{
5833 */
5836 /*! checks if a sample has subsample information
5837 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5838 \param trackNumber the target track
5839 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
5840 \param flags the subsample flags to query (may be 0)
5841 \return the number of subsamples in the given sample for the given flags*/
5842 u32 gf_isom_sample_has_subsamples(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 flags);
5844 /*! gets subsample information on a sample
5845 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5846 \param trackNumber the target track
5847 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
5848 \param flags the subsample flags to query (may be 0)
5849 \param subSampleNumber the 1-based index of the subsample (see \ref gf_isom_sample_has_subsamples)
5850 \param size set to the subsample size
5851 \param priority set to the subsample priority
5852 \param reserved set to the subsample reserved value (may be used by derived specifications)
5853 \param discardable set to GF_TRUE if subsample is discardable
5854 \return error if any*/
5855 GF_Err gf_isom_sample_get_subsample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 flags, u32 subSampleNumber, u32 *size, u8 *priority, u32 *reserved, Bool *discardable);
5858 /*! adds subsample information to a given sample. Subsample information shall be added in increasing order of sampleNumbers, insertion of information is not supported
5860 \note it is possible to  add subsample information for samples not yet added to the file
5861 \note specifying 0 as subSampleSize will remove the last subsample information if any
5862 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5863 \param trackNumber the target track
5864 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
5865 \param flags the subsample flags to query (may be 0)
5866 \param subSampleSize size of the subsample. If 0, this will remove the last subsample information if any
5867 \param priority the subsample priority
5868 \param reserved the subsample reserved value (may be used by derived specifications)
5869 \param discardable indicates if the subsample is discardable
5870 \return error if any*/
5871 GF_Err gf_isom_add_subsample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 flags, u32 subSampleSize, u8 priority, u32 reserved, Bool discardable);
5875 /*! adds subsample information for the latest sample added to the current track fragment
5876 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5877 \param TrackID the ID of the target track
5878 \param flags the subsample flags to query (may be 0)
5879 \param subSampleSize size of the subsample. If 0, this will remove the last subsample information if any
5880 \param priority the subsample priority
5881 \param reserved the subsample reserved value (may be used by derived specifications)
5882 \param discardable indicates if the subsample is discardable
5883 \return error if any*/
5884 GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_add_subsample(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, GF_ISOTrackID TrackID, u32 flags, u32 subSampleSize, u8 priority, u32 reserved, Bool discardable);
5889 /*! @} */
5891 /*!
5892 \addtogroup isosgdp_grp Sample Groups
5893 \ingroup iso_grp
5895 @{
5896 */
5898 /*! defined sample groups in GPAC*/
5899 enum {
5900 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_ROLL = GF_4CC( 'r', 'o', 'l', 'l'),
5901 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_PROL = GF_4CC( 'p', 'r', 'o', 'l'),
5902 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_RAP = GF_4CC( 'r', 'a', 'p', ' ' ),
5903 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_SEIG = GF_4CC( 's', 'e', 'i', 'g' ),
5904 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_OINF = GF_4CC( 'o', 'i', 'n', 'f'),
5905 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_LINF = GF_4CC( 'l', 'i', 'n', 'f'),
5906 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_TRIF = GF_4CC( 't', 'r', 'i', 'f' ),
5907 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_NALM = GF_4CC( 'n', 'a', 'l', 'm'),
5908 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_TELE = GF_4CC( 't', 'e', 'l', 'e'),
5909 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_SAP = GF_4CC( 's', 'a', 'p', ' '),
5910 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_ALST = GF_4CC( 'a', 'l', 's', 't'),
5911 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_RASH = GF_4CC( 'r', 'a', 's', 'h'),
5912 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_AVLL = GF_4CC( 'a', 'v', 'l', 'l'), //p15
5913 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_AVSS = GF_4CC( 'a', 'v', 's', 's'), //p15
5914 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_DTRT = GF_4CC( 'd', 't', 'r', 't'), //p15
5915 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_MVIF = GF_4CC( 'm', 'v', 'i', 'f'), //p15
5916 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_SCIF = GF_4CC( 's', 'c', 'i', 'f'), //p15
5917 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_SCNM = GF_4CC( 's', 'c', 'n', 'm'), //p15
5918 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_STSA = GF_4CC( 's', 't', 's', 'a'), //p15
5919 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_TSAS = GF_4CC( 't', 's', 'a', 's'), //p15
5920 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_SYNC = GF_4CC( 's', 'y', 'n', 'c'), //p15
5921 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_TSCL = GF_4CC( 't', 's', 'c', 'l'), //p15
5922 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_VIPR = GF_4CC( 'v', 'i', 'p', 'r'), //p15
5923 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_LBLI = GF_4CC( 'l', 'b', 'l', 'i'), //p15
5924 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_3GAG = GF_4CC( '3', 'g', 'a', 'g'), //3gpp
5925 	GF_ISOM_SAMPLE_GROUP_AVCB = GF_4CC( 'a', 'v', 'c', 'b'), //3gpp
5926 };
5928 /*! gets 'rap ' and 'roll' group info for the given sample
5929 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5930 \param trackNumber the target track
5931 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
5932 \param is_rap set to GF_TRUE if sample is a rap (open gop), GF_FALSE otherwise
5933 \param has_roll set to GF_TRUE of sample has roll information, GF_FALSE otherwise
5934 \param roll_distance if sample has roll information, set to roll distance
5935 \return error if any*/
5936 GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_rap_roll_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, Bool *is_rap, Bool *has_roll, s32 *roll_distance);
5938 /*! returns opaque data of sample group
5939 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5940 \param trackNumber the target track
5941 \param sample_group_description_index index of sample group description entry to query
5942 \param grouping_type four character code of grouping typpe of sample group description to query
5943 \param default_index set to the default index for this sample group description if any, 0 otherwise (no defaults)
5944 \param data set to the internal sample group description data buffer
5945 \param size set to size of the sample group description data buffer
5946 \return GF_TRUE if found, GF_FALSE otherwise*/
5947 Bool gf_isom_get_sample_group_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sample_group_description_index, u32 grouping_type, u32 *default_index, const u8 **data, u32 *size);
5949 /*! checks if a track as a CENC seig sample group used for key rolling
5950 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5951 \param trackNumber the target track
5952 \return GF_TRUE if found, GF_FALSE otherwise*/
5953 Bool gf_isom_has_cenc_sample_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber);
5955 /*! gets HEVC tiling info
5956 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5957 \param trackNumber the target track
5958 \param sample_group_description_index index of sample group description entry to query
5959 \param default_sample_group_index set to the default index for this sample group description if any, 0 otherwise (no defaults)
5960 \param id set to the tile group ID
5961 \param independent set to independent flag of the tile group (0: not constrained, 1: constrained in layer, 2: all intra slices)
5962 \param full_frame set to GF_TRUE if the tile corresponds to the entire picture
5963 \param x set to the horizontal position in pixels
5964 \param y set to the vertical position in pixels
5965 \param w set to the width in pixels
5966 \param h set to the height in pixels
5967 \return GF_TRUE if found, GF_FALSE otherwise*/
5968 Bool gf_isom_get_tile_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sample_group_description_index, u32 *default_sample_group_index, u32 *id, u32 *independent, Bool *full_frame, u32 *x, u32 *y, u32 *w, u32 *h);
5973 /*! sets rap flag for sample_number - this is used by non-IDR RAPs in AVC (also in USAC) were SYNC flag (stss table) cannot be used
5974 \warning sample group info MUST be added in order (no insertion in the tables)
5976 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5977 \param trackNumber the target track
5978 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
5979 \param is_rap indicates if the sample is a RAP (open gop) sample
5980 \param num_leading_samples indicates the number of leading samples (samples after this RAP that have dependences on samples before this RAP and hence should be discarded when tuning in)
5981 \return error if any
5982 */
5983 GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_rap_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, Bool is_rap, u32 num_leading_samples);
5985 /*! sets roll_distance info for sample_number (number of frames before (<0) or after (>0) this sample to have a complete refresh of the decoded data (used by GDR in AVC)
5987 \warning sample group info MUST be added in order (no insertion in the tables)
5988 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5989 \param trackNumber the target track
5990 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
5991 \param is_roll indicates that the sample is a roll recovery point
5992 \param roll_distance indicates the roll distance before a correct decoding is produced
5993 \return error if any
5994 */
5995 GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_roll_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, Bool is_roll, s16 roll_distance);
5997 /*! sets encryption group for a sample number
5998 \param isom_file the target ISO file
5999 \param trackNumber the target track
6000 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
6001 \param isEncrypted isEncrypted flag
6002 \param IV_size IV size, can be 0 if not encrypted
6003 \param KeyID key ID used
6004 \param crypt_byte_block crypt block size for pattern encryption, can be 0
6005 \param skip_byte_block skip block size for pattern encryption, can be 0
6006 \param constant_IV_size constant IV size, can be 0
6007 \param constant_IV constant IV, can be 0
6008 \return error if any
6009 */
6010 GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_cenc_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u8 isEncrypted, u8 IV_size, bin128 KeyID, u8 crypt_byte_block, u8 skip_byte_block, u8 constant_IV_size, bin128 constant_IV);
6012 /*! sets a sample using the default CENC parameters in a CENC saig sample group SEIG, creating a sample group description if needed (when seig is already defined)
6013 \param isom_file the target ISO file
6014 \param trackNumber the target track
6015 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
6016 \return error if any
6017 */
6018 GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_cenc_default_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber);
6020 /*! adds the given blob as a sample group description entry of the given grouping type.
6021 \param isom_file the target ISO file
6022 \param trackNumber the target track
6023 \param grouping_type the four character code of the grouping type
6024 \param data the payload of the sample group description
6025 \param data_size the size of the payload
6026 \param is_default if GF_TRUE, thie created entry will be marked as the default entry for the sample group description
6027 \param sampleGroupDescriptionIndex is set to the sample group description index (optional, can be NULL)
6028 \return error if any
6029 */
6030 GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_group_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 grouping_type, void *data, u32 data_size, Bool is_default, u32 *sampleGroupDescriptionIndex);
6032 /*! removes a sample group description of the give grouping type, if found
6033 \param isom_file the target ISO file
6034 \param trackNumber the target track
6035 \param grouping_type the four character code of the grouping type
6036 \return error if any
6037 */
6038 GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_group(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 grouping_type);
6040 /*! adds a sample to the given sample group
6041 \param isom_file the target ISO file
6042 \param trackNumber the target track
6043 \param sampleNumber the target sample number
6044 \param grouping_type the four character code of the grouping type
6045 \param sampleGroupDescriptionIndex the 1-based index of the sample group description entry
6046 \param grouping_type_parameter the grouping type paramter (see ISO/IEC 14496-12)
6047 \return error if any
6048 */
6049 GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_info(GF_ISOFile *isom_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 grouping_type, u32 sampleGroupDescriptionIndex, u32 grouping_type_parameter);
6052 /*! sets sample group descriptions storage in trafs and not in initial movie (Smooth compatibility)
6053 \param isom_file the target ISO file
6054 \return error if any*/
6055 GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_group_in_traf(GF_ISOFile *isom_file);
6056 #endif
6061 /*! @} */
6063 #endif /*GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM*/
6065 #ifdef __cplusplus
6066 }
6067 #endif
6070 #endif	/*_GF_ISOMEDIA_H_*/