1Count;;;N NI;;;Count of objects available in this stream
2Status;;;N NI;;;Status of bit field (0=IsAccepted, 1=IsFilled, 2=IsUpdated, 3=IsFinished)
3StreamCount;;;N NI;;;Count of streams of this kind available (base=1)
4StreamKind;General;;N NT;;;Stream type name
5StreamKind/String;;;N NT;;;Stream type name
6StreamKindID;;;N NI;;;Stream number (base=0)
7StreamKindPos;;;N NI;;;Number of the stream, when multiple (base=1)
8StreamOrder;;;N YIY;;;Stream order in the file for type of stream (base=0)
9FirstPacketOrder;;;N YI;;;Order of the first fully decodable packet met in the file for stream type (base=0)
10Inform;;;N NT;;;Last **Inform** call
11ID;;;N YTY;;;The ID for this stream in this file
12ID/String;;;Y NT;;;The ID for this stream in this file
13OriginalSourceMedium_ID;;;N YTY;;;The ID for this stream in the original medium of the material
14OriginalSourceMedium_ID/String;;;Y NT;;;The ID for this stream in the original medium of the material
15UniqueID;;;N YTY;;;The unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
16UniqueID/String;;;Y NT;;;The unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
17MenuID;;;N YTY;;;The menu ID for this stream in this file
18MenuID/String;;;Y NT;;;The menu ID for this stream in this file
19GeneralCount;1;;N NIY;;;Number of general streams
20VideoCount;;;N NIY;;;Number of video streams
21AudioCount;;;N NIY;;;Number of audio streams
22TextCount;;;N NIY;;;Number of text streams
23OtherCount;;;N NIY;;;Number of other streams
24ImageCount;;;N NIY;;;Number of image streams
25MenuCount;;;N NIY;;;Number of menu streams
26Video_Format_List;;;N NT;;;Video Codecs in this file, separated by /
27Video_Format_WithHint_List;;;N NT;;;Video Codecs in this file with popular name (hint), separated by /
28Video_Codec_List;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
29Video_Language_List;;;N NT;;;Video languages in this file, full names, separated by /
30Audio_Format_List;;;N NT;;;Audio Codecs in this file,separated by /
31Audio_Format_WithHint_List;;;N NT;;;Audio Codecs in this file with popular name (hint), separated by /
32Audio_Codec_List;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
33Audio_Language_List;;;N NT;;;Audio languages in this file separated by /
34Text_Format_List;;;N NT;;;Text Codecs in this file, separated by /
35Text_Format_WithHint_List;;;N NT;;;Text Codecs in this file with popular name (hint),separated by /
36Text_Codec_List;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
37Text_Language_List;;;N NT;;;Text languages in this file, separated by /
38Other_Format_List;;;N NT;;;Other formats in this file, separated by /
39Other_Format_WithHint_List;;;N NT;;;Other formats in this file with popular name (hint), separated by /
40Other_Codec_List;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
41Other_Language_List;;;N NT;;;Chapters languages in this file, separated by /
42Image_Format_List;;;N NT;;;Image Codecs in this file, separated by /
43Image_Format_WithHint_List;;;N NT;;;Image Codecs in this file with popular name (hint), separated by /
44Image_Codec_List;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
45Image_Language_List;;;N NT;;;Image languages in this file, separated by /
46Menu_Format_List;;;N NT;;;Menu Codecs in this file, separated by /
47Menu_Format_WithHint_List;;;N NT;;;Menu Codecs in this file with popular name (hint),separated by /
48Menu_Codec_List;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
49Menu_Language_List;;;N NT;;;Menu languages in this file, separated by /
50CompleteName;;;Y YT;;;Complete name (Folder+Name+Extension)
51FolderName;;;N NT;;;Folder name only
52FileNameExtension;;;N NT;;;File name and extension
53FileName;;;N NT;;;File name only
54FileExtension;;;N NTY;;;File extension only
55CompleteName_Last;;;Y YTY;;;Complete name (Folder+Name+Extension) of the last file (in the case of a sequence of files)
56FolderName_Last;;;N NT;;;Folder name only of the last file (in the case of a sequence of files)
57FileNameExtension_Last;;;N NT;;;File name and extension of the last file (in the case of a sequence of files)
58FileName_Last;;;N NT;;;File name only of the last file (in the case of a sequence of files)
59FileExtension_Last;;;N NT;;;File extension only of the last file (in the case of a sequence of files)
60Format;;;N YTY;;;Format used
61Format/String;;;Y NT;;;Format used + additional features
62Format/Info;;;Y NT;;;Info about this Format
63Format/Url;;;N NT;;;Link to a description of this format
64Format/Extensions;;;N NT;;;Known extensions of this format
65Format_Commercial;;;N NT;;;Commercial name used by vendor for these settings or Format field if there is no difference
66Format_Commercial_IfAny;;;Y YTY;;;Commercial name used by vendor for these settings if there is one
67Format_Version;;;Y YTY;;;Version of this format
68Format_Profile;;;Y YTY;;;Profile of the Format (old XML: 'Profile@Level' format; MIXML: 'Profile' only)
69Format_Level;;;Y YTY;;;Level of the Format (only MIXML)
70Format_Compression;;;Y YTY;;;Compression method used;;
71Format_Settings;;;Y YTY;;;Settings needed for decoder used
72Format_AdditionalFeatures;;;N YTY;;;Format features needed for fully supporting the content
73InternetMediaType;;;N YT;;;Internet Media Type (aka MIME Type, Content-Type)
74CodecID;;;N YTY;;;Codec ID (found in some containers);;
75CodecID/String;;;Y NT;;;Codec ID (found in some containers);;
76CodecID/Info;;;Y NT;;;Info about this Codec
77CodecID/Hint;;;Y NT;;;A hint/popular name for this Codec
78CodecID/Url;;;N NT;;;A link to more details about this Codec ID
79CodecID_Description;;;Y YTY;;;Manual description given by the container
80CodecID_Version;;;N YTY;;;Version of the CodecID
81CodecID_Compatible;;;N YTY;;;Compatible CodecIDs
82Interleaved;;;N YTY;;;If Audio and video are muxed
83Codec;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
84Codec/String;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
85Codec/Info;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
86Codec/Url;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
87Codec/Extensions;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
88Codec_Settings;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
89Codec_Settings_Automatic;;;N NT;;;Deprecated, do not use in new projects
90FileSize;; byte;N YTY;;;File size in bytes
91FileSize/String;;;Y NT;;;File size (with measure)
92FileSize/String1;;;N NT;;;File size (with measure, 1 digit mini)
93FileSize/String2;;;N NT;;;File size (with measure, 2 digit mini)
94FileSize/String3;;;N NT;;;File size (with measure, 3 digit mini)
95FileSize/String4;;;N NT;;;File size (with measure, 4 digit mini)
96Duration;; ms;N YFY;;;Play time of the stream (in ms)
97Duration/String;;;Y NT;;;Play time in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omitted if zero
98Duration/String1;;;N NT;;;Play time in format : HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, XX omitted if zero
99Duration/String2;;;N NT;;;Play time in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omitted if zero
100Duration/String3;;;N NT;;;Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM
101Duration/String4;;;N NT;;;Play time in format : HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
102Duration/String5;;;N NT;;;Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
103Duration_Start;;;Y YTY;;;
104Duration_End;;;Y YTY;;;
105OverallBitRate_Mode;;;N YTY;;;Bit rate mode of all streams (VBR, CBR)
106OverallBitRate_Mode/String;;;Y NT;;;Bit rate mode of all streams (Variable, Constant)
107OverallBitRate;; bps;N YFY;;;Bit rate of all streams (in bps)
108OverallBitRate/String;;;Y NT;;;Bit rate of all streams (with measure)
109OverallBitRate_Minimum;; bps;N YFY;;;Minimum bit rate (in bps)
110OverallBitRate_Minimum/String;;;Y NT;;;Minimum bit rate (with measurement)
111OverallBitRate_Nominal;; bps;N YFY;;;Nominal bit rate (in bps)
112OverallBitRate_Nominal/String;;;Y NT;;;Nominal bit rate (with measurement)
113OverallBitRate_Maximum;; bps;N YFY;;;Maximum bit rate (in bps)
114OverallBitRate_Maximum/String;;;Y NT;;;Maximum bit rate (with measurement)
115FrameRate;; fps;N YFY;;;Frames per second
116FrameRate/String;;;N NT;;;Frames per second (with measurement)
117FrameRate_Num;;;N NFN;;;Frames per second, numerator
118FrameRate_Den;;;N NFN;;;Frames per second, denominator
119FrameCount;;;N NIY;;;Frame count (if a frame contains a count of samples);;
120Delay;; ms;N YI;;;Delay fixed in the stream (relative) (in ms)
121Delay/String;;;N NT;;;Delay with measurement
122Delay/String1;;;N NT;;;Delay with measurement
123Delay/String2;;;N NT;;;Delay with measurement
124Delay/String3;;;N NT;;;format : HH:MM:SS.MMM
125Delay/String4;;;N NT;;;Delay in format : HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
126Delay/String5;;;N NT;;;Delay in format : HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
127Delay_Settings;;;N NTY;;;Delay settings (in case of timecode, for example);
128Delay_DropFrame;;;N NTY;;;Delay drop frame;
129Delay_Source;;;N NTY;;;Delay source (Container, Stream, empty);
130Delay_Source/String;;;N NT;;;Delay source (Container, Stream, empty);
131StreamSize;; byte;N YIY;;;Stream size (in bytes)
132StreamSize/String;;;N NT;;;
133StreamSize/String1;;;N NT;;;
134StreamSize/String2;;;N NT;;;
135StreamSize/String3;;;N NT;;;
136StreamSize/String4;;;N NT;;;
137StreamSize/String5;;;N NT;;;Stream size with proportion
138StreamSize_Proportion;;;N NT;;;Stream size divided by file size
139StreamSize_Demuxed;; byte;N YIN;;;StreamSize after demux (in bytes);;
140StreamSize_Demuxed/String;;;N NT;;;StreamSize_Demuxed with percentage value;;
141StreamSize_Demuxed/String1;;;N NT;;;;;
142StreamSize_Demuxed/String2;;;N NT;;;;;
143StreamSize_Demuxed/String3;;;N NT;;;;;
144StreamSize_Demuxed/String4;;;N NT;;;;;
145StreamSize_Demuxed/String5;;;N NT;;;StreamSize_Demuxed with percentage value (note: theoretical value, not for real use);;
146HeaderSize;;;N YIY;;;
147DataSize;;;N YIY;;;
148FooterSize;;;N YIY;;;
149IsStreamable;;;N YTY;;;
150Album_ReplayGain_Gain;; dB;N YTY;;;The gain to apply to reach 89dB SPL on playback
151Album_ReplayGain_Gain/String;;;Y YT;;;
152Album_ReplayGain_Peak;;;Y YTY;;;The maximum absolute peak value of the item;;
153Encryption;;;Y YT;;;;;
154Encryption_Format;;;N YTY;;;;;
155Encryption_Length;;;N YTY;;;;;
156Encryption_Method;;;N YTY;;;;;
157Encryption_Mode;;;N YTY;;;;;
158Encryption_Padding;;;N YTY;;;;;
159Encryption_InitializationVector;;;N YTY;;;;;
160UniversalAdID/String;;;Y NT;;;Universal Ad-ID, see https://ad-id.org
161UniversalAdID_Registry;;;N YTY;;;Universal Ad-ID registry
162UniversalAdID_Value;;;N YTY;;;Universal Ad-ID value
163Title;;;N NTY;;;(Generic)Title of file;;Title
164Title_More;;;N NTY;;;(Generic)More info about the title of file;;Title
165Title/Url;;;N NT;;;(Generic)Url;;Title
166Domain;;;Y YTY;;;Universe movies belong to, e.g. Star Wars, Stargate, Buffy, Dragonball;;Title
167Collection;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the series, e.g. Star Wars movies, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Buffy, Angel;;Title
168Season;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the season, e.g. Star Wars first Trilogy, Season 1;;Title
169Season_Position;;;Y YIY;;;Number of the Season;;Title
170Season_Position_Total;;;Y YIY;;;Place of the season, e.g. 2 of 7;;Title
171Movie;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the movie. Eg : Star Wars, A New Hope;;Title
172Movie_More;;;Y YTY;;;More info about the movie;;Title
173Movie/Country;;;Y YTY;;;Country, where the movie was produced;;Title
174Movie/Url;;;Y YT;;;Homepage for the movie;;Title
175Album;;;Y YTY;;;Name of an audio-album. Eg : The Joshua Tree;;Title
176Album_More;;;Y YTY;;;More info about the album;;Title
177Album/Sort;;;Y YTY;;;;;Title
178Album/Performer;;;Y YTY;;;Album performer/artist of this file;;Entity
179Album/Performer/Sort;;;Y YTY;;;;;Entity
180Album/Performer/Url;;;Y YT;;;Homepage of the album performer/artist;;Entity
181Comic;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the comic.;;Title
182Comic_More;;;Y YTY;;;More info about the comic;;Title
183Comic/Position_Total;;;Y YIY;;;Place of the comic, e.g. 1 of 10;;Title
184Part;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the part. e.g. CD1, CD2;;Title
185Part/Position;;;Y YIY;;;Number of the part;;Title
186Part/Position_Total;;;Y YIY;;;Place of the part e.g. 2 of 3;;Title
187Track;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the track. e.g. track 1, track 2;;Title
188Track_More;;;Y YTY;;;More info about the track;;Title
189Track/Url;;;Y YT;;;Link to a site about this track;;Title
190Track/Sort;;;Y YTY;;;;;Title
191Track/Position;;;Y YIY;;;Number of this track;;Title
192Track/Position_Total;;;Y YIY;;;Place of this track, e.g. 3 of 15;;Title
193PackageName;;;Y YTY;;;Package name i.e. technical flavor of the content
194Grouping;;;Y YTY;;;iTunes grouping;;Title
195Chapter;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the chapter;;Title
196SubTrack;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the subtrack;;Title
197Original/Album;;;Y YTY;;;Original name of the album;;Title
198Original/Movie;;;Y YTY;;;Original name of the movie;;Title
199Original/Part;;;Y YTY;;;Original name of the part;;Title
200Original/Track;;;Y YTY;;;Original name of the track;;Title
201Compilation;;Yes;N YTY;;;iTunes compilation;;Title
202Compilation/String;;;Y NT;;;iTunes compilation;;Title
203Performer;;;Y YTY;;;Main performer(s)/artist(s);;Entity
204Performer/Sort;;;Y YTY;;;;;Entity
205Performer/Url;;;Y YT;;;Homepage of the performer/artist;;Entity
206Original/Performer;;;Y YTY;;;Original artist(s)/performer(s);;Entity
207Accompaniment;;;Y YTY;;;Band/orchestra/accompaniment/musician;;Entity
208Composer;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the original composer;;Entity
209Composer/Nationality;;;Y YTY;;;Nationality of the primary composer of the piece (mostly for classical music);;Entity
210Composer/Sort;;;Y YTY;;;;;Entity
211Arranger;;;Y YTY;;;The person who arranged the piece (e.g. Ravel);;Entity
212Lyricist;;;Y YTY;;;The person who wrote the lyrics for the piece;;Entity
213Original/Lyricist;;;Y YTY;;;Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s).;;Entity
214Conductor;;;Y YTY;;;The artist(s) who performed the work. In classical music this would be the conductor, orchestra, soloists, etc.;;Entity
215Director;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the director;;Entity
216CoDirector;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the codirector;;Entity
217AssistantDirector;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the assistant director;;Entity
218DirectorOfPhotography;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the director of photography, also known as cinematographer;;Entity
219SoundEngineer;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the sound engineer or sound recordist;;Entity
220ArtDirector;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the person who oversees the artists and craftspeople who build the sets;;Entity
221ProductionDesigner;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the person responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a movie;;Entity
222Choreographer;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the choreographer;;Entity
223CostumeDesigner;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the costume designer;;Entity
224Actor;;;Y YTY;;;Real name of an actor/actress playing a role in the movie;;Entity
225Actor_Character;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the character an actor or actress plays in this movie;;Entity
226WrittenBy;;;Y YTY;;;Author of the story or script;;Entity
227ScreenplayBy;;;Y YTY;;;Author of the screenplay or scenario (used for movies and TV shows);;Entity
228EditedBy;;;Y YTY;;;Editors name;;Entity
229CommissionedBy;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the person or organization that commissioned the subject of the file;;Entity
230Producer;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the producer of the movie;;Entity
231CoProducer;;;Y YTY;;;Name of a co-producer;;Entity
232ExecutiveProducer;;;Y YTY;;;Name of an executive producer;;Entity
233MusicBy;;;Y YTY;;;Main musical artist for a movie;;Entity
234DistributedBy;;;Y YTY;;;Company responsible for distribution of the content;;Entity
235OriginalSourceForm/DistributedBy;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the person or organization who supplied the original subject;;Entity
236MasteredBy;;;Y YTY;;;The engineer who mastered the content for a physical medium or for digital distribution;;Entity
237EncodedBy;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the person/organisation that encoded/ripped the audio file.;;Entity
238RemixedBy;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the artist(s) that interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified the content;;Entity
239ProductionStudio;;;Y YTY;;;Main production studio;;Entity
240ThanksTo;;;Y YTY;;;A very general tag for everyone else that wants to be listed;;Entity
241Publisher;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the organization publishing the album (i.e. the 'record label') or movie;;Entity
242Publisher/URL;;;Y YTY;;;Publisher's official webpage;;Entity
243Label;;;Y YTY;;;Brand or trademark associated with the marketing of music recordings and music videos;;Entity
244Genre;;;Y YTY;;;Main genre of the audio or video. e.g. classical, ambient-house, synthpop, sci-fi, drama, etc.;;Classification
245PodcastCategory;;;Y YTY;;;Podcast category;;Classification
246Mood;;;Y YTY;;;Intended to reflect the mood of the item with a few keywords, e.g. Romantic, Sad, Uplifting, etc.;;Classification
247ContentType;;;Y YTY;;;The type or genre of the content. e.g. Documentary, Feature Film, Cartoon, Music Video, Music, Sound FX, etc.;;Classification
248Subject;;;Y YTY;;;Describes the topic of the file, such as 'Aerial view of Seattle.';;Classification
249Description;;;Y YTY;;;A short description of the contents, such as 'Two birds flying.';;Classification
250Keywords;;;Y YTY;;;Keywords for the content separated by a comma, used for searching;;Classification
251Summary;;;Y YTY;;;Plot outline or a summary of the story;;Classification
252Synopsis;;;Y YTY;;;Description of the story line of the item;;Classification
253Period;;;Y YTY;;;Describes the period that the piece is from or about. e.g. Renaissance.;;Classification
254LawRating;;;Y YTY;;;Legal rating of a movie. Format depends on country of origin (e.g. PG or R in the USA, an age in other countries or a URI defining a logo);;Classification
255LawRating_Reason;;;Y YTY;;;Reason for the law rating;;Classification
256ICRA;;;Y YTY;;;The ICRA rating (previously RSACi);;Classification
257Released_Date;;;Y YTY;;;Date/year that the content was released;;Temporal
258Original/Released_Date;;;Y YTY;;;Date/year that the content was originally released;;Temporal
259Recorded_Date;;;Y YTY;;;Time/date/year that the recording began;;Temporal
260Encoded_Date;;;Y YTY;;;Time/date/year that the encoding of this content was completed;;Temporal
261Tagged_Date;;;Y YTY;;;Time/date/year that the tags were added to this content;;Temporal
262Written_Date;;;Y YTY;;;Time/date/year that the composition of the music/script began;;Temporal
263Mastered_Date;;;Y YTY;;;Time/date/year that the content was transferred to a digital medium.;;Temporal
264File_Created_Date;;;N NTY;;;Time that the file was created on the file system;;Temporal
265File_Created_Date_Local;;;N NTY;;;Time that the file was created on the file system (Warning: this field depends of local configuration, do not use it in an international database);;Temporal
266File_Modified_Date;;;N NTY;;;Time that the file was last modified on the file system;;Temporal
267File_Modified_Date_Local;;;N NTY;;;Time that the file was last modified on the file system (Warning: this field depends of local configuration, do not use it in an international database);;Temporal
268Recorded_Location;;;Y YTY;;;Location where track was recorded (See COMPOSITION_LOCATION for format);;Spatial
269Written_Location;;;Y YTY;;;Location that the item was originally designed/written. Information should be stored in the following format: country code, state/province, city where the country code is the same 2 octets as in Internet domains, or possibly ISO-3166. e.g. US, Texas, Austin or US, , Austin.;;Spatial
270Archival_Location;;;Y YTY;;;Location where an item is archived (e.g. Louvre, Paris, France);;Spatial
271Encoded_Application;;;N YTY;;;Name of the software package used to create the file, such as Microsoft WaveEdiTY;;Technical
272Encoded_Application/String;;;Y NT;;;Name of the software package used to create the file, such as Microsoft WaveEdit, trying to have the format 'CompanyName ProductName (OperatingSystem) Version (Date)';;Technical
273Encoded_Application_CompanyName;;;N YTY;;;Name of the company of the encoding application;;Technical
274Encoded_Application_Name;;;N YTY;;;Name of the encoding product;;Technical
275Encoded_Application_Version;;;N YTY;;;Version of the encoding product;;Technical
276Encoded_Application_Url;;;N YTY;;;URL associated with the encoding software;;Technical
277Encoded_Library;;;N YTY;;;Software used to create the file;;Technical
278Encoded_Library/String;;;Y NT;;;Software used to create the file, trying to have the format 'CompanyName ProductName (OperatingSystem) Version (Date)';;Technical
279Encoded_Library_CompanyName;;;N YTY;;;Name of the company;;Technical
280Encoded_Library_Name;;;N NTY;;;Name of the the encoding library;;Technical
281Encoded_Library_Version;;;N NTY;;;Version of encoding library;;Technical
282Encoded_Library_Date;;;N NTY;;;Release date of encoding library;;Technical
283Encoded_Library_Settings;;;Y YTY;;;Parameters used by the encoding library;;Technical
284Encoded_OperatingSystem;;;N YTY;;;Operating System used by encoding application;;Technical
285Cropped;;;Y YTY;;;Describes whether an image has been cropped and, if so, how it was cropped;;Technical
286Dimensions;;;Y YTY;;;Specifies the size of the original subject of the file (e.g. 8.5 in h, 11 in w);;Technical
287DotsPerInch;;;Y YTY;;;Stores dots per inch setting of the digitization mechanism used to produce the file;;Technical
288Lightness;;;Y YTY;;;Describes the changes in lightness settings on the digitization mechanism made during the production of the file;;Technical
289OriginalSourceMedium;;;Y YTY;;;Original medium of the material (e.g. vinyl, Audio-CD, Super8 or BetaMax);;Technical
290OriginalSourceForm;;;Y YTY;;;Original form of the material (e.g. slide, paper, map);;Technical
291OriginalSourceForm/NumColors;;;Y YTY;;;Number of colors requested when digitizing (e.g. 256 for images or 32 bit RGB for video);;Technical
292OriginalSourceForm/Name;;;Y YTY;;;Name of the product the file was originally intended for;;Technical
293OriginalSourceForm/Cropped;;;Y YTY;;;Describes whether the original image has been cropped and, if so, how it was cropped (e.g. 16:9 to 4:3, top and bottom);;Technical
294OriginalSourceForm/Sharpness;;;Y YTY;;;Identifies changes in sharpness the digitization mechanism made during the production of the file;;Technical
295Tagged_Application;;;Y YTY;;;Software used to tag the file;;Technical
296BPM;;;Y YTY;;;Average number of beats per minute;;Technical
297ISRC;;;Y YTY;;;International Standard Recording Code, excluding the ISRC prefix and including hyphens;;Identifier
298ISBN;;;Y YTY;;;International Standard Book Number.;;Identifier
299BarCode;;;Y YTY;;;EAN-13 (13-digit European Article Numbering) or UPC-A (12-digit Universal Product Code) bar code identifier;;Identifier
300LCCN;;;Y YTY;;;Library of Congress Control Number;;Identifier
301CatalogNumber;;;Y YTY;;;A label-specific catalogue number used to identify the release. e.g. TIC 01;;Identifier
302LabelCode;;;Y YTY;;;A 4-digit or 5-digit number to identify the record label, typically printed as (LC) xxxx or (LC) 0xxxx on CDs medias or covers, with only the number being stored;;Identifier
303Owner;;;Y YTY;;;Owner of the file;;Legal
304Copyright;;;Y YTY;;;Copyright attribution;;Legal
305Copyright/Url;;;Y YTY;;;Link to a site with copyright/legal information;;Legal
306Producer_Copyright;;;Y YTY;;;Copyright information as per the production copyright holder;;Legal
307TermsOfUse;;;Y YTY;;;License information (e.g. All Rights Reserved, Any Use Permitted);;Legal
308ServiceName;;;Y YTY;;;;;Legal
309ServiceChannel;;;Y YTY;;;;;Legal
310Service/Url;;;Y YTY;;;;;Legal
311ServiceProvider;;;Y YTY;;;;;Legal
312ServiceProvider/Url;;;Y YTN;;;;;Legal
313ServiceType;;;Y YTY;;;;;Legal
314NetworkName;;;Y YTY;;;;;Legal
315OriginalNetworkName;;;Y YTY;;;;;Legal
316Country;;;Y YTY;;;;;Legal
317TimeZone;;;Y YTY;;;;;Legal
318Cover;;;Y YTY;;;Is there a cover;;Info
319Cover_Description;;;Y YTY;;;Short description (e.g. Earth in space);;Info
320Cover_Type;;;Y YTY;;;;;Info
321Cover_Mime;;;Y YTY;;;Mime type of cover file;;Info
322Cover_Data;;;N YTY;;;Cover, in binary format, encoded as BASE64;;Info
323Lyrics;;;Y YTY;;;Text of a song;;Info
324Comment;;;Y YTY;;;Any comment related to the content;;Personal
325Rating;;;Y YTY;;;A numeric value defining how much a person likes the song/movie. The number is between 0 and 5 with decimal values possible (e.g. 2.7), 5(.0) being the highest possible rating.;;Personal
326Added_Date;;;Y YTY;;;Date/year the item was added to the owners collection;;Personal
327Played_First_Date;;;Y YTY;;;Date the owner first played an item;;Personal
328Played_Last_Date;;;Y YTY;;;Date the owner last played an item;;Personal
329Played_Count;;;Y YIY;;;Number of times an item was played;;Personal
330EPG_Positions_Begin;;;N YIY;;;;;
331EPG_Positions_End;;;N YIY;;;;;