1 use super::*;
2 use crate::AxisScale;
3 use itertools::Itertools;
4 use plotters::coord::{
5     ranged1d::{AsRangedCoord, ValueFormatter as PlottersValueFormatter},
6     Shift,
7 };
8 use std::cmp::Ordering;
9 use std::path::Path;
11 const NUM_COLORS: usize = 8;
13     RGBColor(178, 34, 34),
14     RGBColor(46, 139, 87),
15     RGBColor(0, 139, 139),
16     RGBColor(255, 215, 0),
17     RGBColor(0, 0, 139),
18     RGBColor(220, 20, 60),
19     RGBColor(139, 0, 139),
20     RGBColor(0, 255, 127),
21 ];
line_comparison( formatter: &dyn ValueFormatter, title: &str, all_curves: &[&(&BenchmarkId, Vec<f64>)], path: &Path, value_type: ValueType, axis_scale: AxisScale, )23 pub fn line_comparison(
24     formatter: &dyn ValueFormatter,
25     title: &str,
26     all_curves: &[&(&BenchmarkId, Vec<f64>)],
27     path: &Path,
28     value_type: ValueType,
29     axis_scale: AxisScale,
30 ) {
31     let (unit, series_data) = line_comparison_series_data(formatter, all_curves);
33     let x_range =
34         plotters::data::fitting_range(series_data.iter().map(|(_, xs, _)| xs.iter()).flatten());
35     let y_range =
36         plotters::data::fitting_range(series_data.iter().map(|(_, _, ys)| ys.iter()).flatten());
37     let root_area = SVGBackend::new(&path, SIZE)
38         .into_drawing_area()
39         .titled(&format!("{}: Comparison", title), (DEFAULT_FONT, 20))
40         .unwrap();
42     match axis_scale {
43         AxisScale::Linear => {
44             draw_line_comarision_figure(root_area, unit, x_range, y_range, value_type, series_data)
45         }
46         AxisScale::Logarithmic => draw_line_comarision_figure(
47             root_area,
48             unit,
49             x_range.log_scale(),
50             y_range.log_scale(),
51             value_type,
52             series_data,
53         ),
54     }
55 }
draw_line_comarision_figure<XR: AsRangedCoord<Value = f64>, YR: AsRangedCoord<Value = f64>>( root_area: DrawingArea<SVGBackend, Shift>, y_unit: &str, x_range: XR, y_range: YR, value_type: ValueType, data: Vec<(Option<&String>, Vec<f64>, Vec<f64>)>, ) where XR::CoordDescType: PlottersValueFormatter<f64>, YR::CoordDescType: PlottersValueFormatter<f64>,57 fn draw_line_comarision_figure<XR: AsRangedCoord<Value = f64>, YR: AsRangedCoord<Value = f64>>(
58     root_area: DrawingArea<SVGBackend, Shift>,
59     y_unit: &str,
60     x_range: XR,
61     y_range: YR,
62     value_type: ValueType,
63     data: Vec<(Option<&String>, Vec<f64>, Vec<f64>)>,
64 ) where
65     XR::CoordDescType: PlottersValueFormatter<f64>,
66     YR::CoordDescType: PlottersValueFormatter<f64>,
67 {
68     let input_suffix = match value_type {
69         ValueType::Bytes => " Size (Bytes)",
70         ValueType::Elements => " Size (Elements)",
71         ValueType::Value => "",
72     };
74     let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root_area)
75         .margin((5).percent())
76         .set_label_area_size(LabelAreaPosition::Left, (5).percent_width().min(60))
77         .set_label_area_size(LabelAreaPosition::Bottom, (5).percent_height().min(40))
78         .build_cartesian_2d(x_range, y_range)
79         .unwrap();
81     chart
82         .configure_mesh()
83         .disable_mesh()
84         .x_desc(format!("Input{}", input_suffix))
85         .y_desc(format!("Average time ({})", y_unit))
86         .draw()
87         .unwrap();
89     for (id, (name, xs, ys)) in (0..).zip(data.into_iter()) {
90         let series = chart
91             .draw_series(
92                 LineSeries::new(
93                     xs.into_iter().zip(ys.into_iter()),
94                     COMPARISON_COLORS[id % NUM_COLORS].filled(),
95                 )
96                 .point_size(POINT_SIZE),
97             )
98             .unwrap();
99         if let Some(name) = name {
100             let name: &str = &*name;
101             series.label(name).legend(move |(x, y)| {
102                 Rectangle::new(
103                     [(x, y - 5), (x + 20, y + 5)],
104                     COMPARISON_COLORS[id % NUM_COLORS].filled(),
105                 )
106             });
107         }
108     }
110     chart
111         .configure_series_labels()
112         .position(SeriesLabelPosition::UpperLeft)
113         .draw()
114         .unwrap();
115 }
117 #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]
line_comparison_series_data<'a>( formatter: &dyn ValueFormatter, all_curves: &[&(&'a BenchmarkId, Vec<f64>)], ) -> (&'static str, Vec<(Option<&'a String>, Vec<f64>, Vec<f64>)>)118 fn line_comparison_series_data<'a>(
119     formatter: &dyn ValueFormatter,
120     all_curves: &[&(&'a BenchmarkId, Vec<f64>)],
121 ) -> (&'static str, Vec<(Option<&'a String>, Vec<f64>, Vec<f64>)>) {
122     let max = all_curves
123         .iter()
124         .map(|&&(_, ref data)| Sample::new(data).mean())
125         .fold(::std::f64::NAN, f64::max);
127     let mut dummy = [1.0];
128     let unit = formatter.scale_values(max, &mut dummy);
130     let mut series_data = vec![];
132     // This assumes the curves are sorted. It also assumes that the benchmark IDs all have numeric
133     // values or throughputs and that value is sensible (ie. not a mix of bytes and elements
134     // or whatnot)
135     for (key, group) in &all_curves.iter().group_by(|&&&(id, _)| &id.function_id) {
136         let mut tuples: Vec<_> = group
137             .map(|&&(id, ref sample)| {
138                 // Unwrap is fine here because it will only fail if the assumptions above are not true
139                 // ie. programmer error.
140                 let x = id.as_number().unwrap();
141                 let y = Sample::new(sample).mean();
143                 (x, y)
144             })
145             .collect();
146         tuples.sort_by(|&(ax, _), &(bx, _)| (ax.partial_cmp(&bx).unwrap_or(Ordering::Less)));
147         let function_name = key.as_ref();
148         let (xs, mut ys): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tuples.into_iter().unzip();
149         formatter.scale_values(max, &mut ys);
150         series_data.push((function_name, xs, ys));
151     }
152     (unit, series_data)
153 }
violin( formatter: &dyn ValueFormatter, title: &str, all_curves: &[&(&BenchmarkId, Vec<f64>)], path: &Path, axis_scale: AxisScale, )155 pub fn violin(
156     formatter: &dyn ValueFormatter,
157     title: &str,
158     all_curves: &[&(&BenchmarkId, Vec<f64>)],
159     path: &Path,
160     axis_scale: AxisScale,
161 ) {
162     let all_curves_vec = all_curves.iter().rev().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
163     let all_curves: &[&(&BenchmarkId, Vec<f64>)] = &*all_curves_vec;
165     let mut kdes = all_curves
166         .iter()
167         .map(|&&(id, ref sample)| {
168             let (x, mut y) = kde::sweep(Sample::new(sample), KDE_POINTS, None);
169             let y_max = Sample::new(&y).max();
170             for y in y.iter_mut() {
171                 *y /= y_max;
172             }
174             (id.as_title(), x, y)
175         })
176         .collect::<Vec<_>>();
178     let mut xs = kdes
179         .iter()
180         .flat_map(|&(_, ref x, _)| x.iter())
181         .filter(|&&x| x > 0.);
182     let (mut min, mut max) = {
183         let &first = xs.next().unwrap();
184         (first, first)
185     };
186     for &e in xs {
187         if e < min {
188             min = e;
189         } else if e > max {
190             max = e;
191         }
192     }
193     let mut dummy = [1.0];
194     let unit = formatter.scale_values(max, &mut dummy);
195     kdes.iter_mut().for_each(|&mut (_, ref mut xs, _)| {
196         formatter.scale_values(max, xs);
197     });
199     let mut x_range =
200         plotters::data::fitting_range(kdes.iter().map(|(_, xs, _)| xs.iter()).flatten());
201     x_range.start = 0.0;
202     let y_range = -0.5..all_curves.len() as f64 - 0.5;
204     let size = (960, 150 + (18 * all_curves.len() as u32));
206     let root_area = SVGBackend::new(&path, size)
207         .into_drawing_area()
208         .titled(&format!("{}: Violin plot", title), (DEFAULT_FONT, 20))
209         .unwrap();
211     match axis_scale {
212         AxisScale::Linear => draw_violin_figure(root_area, unit, x_range, y_range, kdes),
213         AxisScale::Logarithmic => {
214             draw_violin_figure(root_area, unit, x_range.log_scale(), y_range, kdes)
215         }
216     }
217 }
219 #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]
draw_violin_figure<XR: AsRangedCoord<Value = f64>, YR: AsRangedCoord<Value = f64>>( root_area: DrawingArea<SVGBackend, Shift>, unit: &'static str, x_range: XR, y_range: YR, data: Vec<(&str, Box<[f64]>, Box<[f64]>)>, ) where XR::CoordDescType: PlottersValueFormatter<f64>, YR::CoordDescType: PlottersValueFormatter<f64>,220 fn draw_violin_figure<XR: AsRangedCoord<Value = f64>, YR: AsRangedCoord<Value = f64>>(
221     root_area: DrawingArea<SVGBackend, Shift>,
222     unit: &'static str,
223     x_range: XR,
224     y_range: YR,
225     data: Vec<(&str, Box<[f64]>, Box<[f64]>)>,
226 ) where
227     XR::CoordDescType: PlottersValueFormatter<f64>,
228     YR::CoordDescType: PlottersValueFormatter<f64>,
229 {
230     let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root_area)
231         .margin((5).percent())
232         .set_label_area_size(LabelAreaPosition::Left, (10).percent_width().min(60))
233         .set_label_area_size(LabelAreaPosition::Bottom, (5).percent_width().min(40))
234         .build_cartesian_2d(x_range, y_range)
235         .unwrap();
237     chart
238         .configure_mesh()
239         .disable_mesh()
240         .y_desc("Input")
241         .x_desc(format!("Average time ({})", unit))
242         .y_label_style((DEFAULT_FONT, 10))
243         .y_label_formatter(&|v: &f64| data[v.round() as usize].0.to_string())
244         .y_labels(data.len())
245         .draw()
246         .unwrap();
248     for (i, (_, x, y)) in data.into_iter().enumerate() {
249         let base = i as f64;
251         chart
252             .draw_series(AreaSeries::new(
253                 x.iter().zip(y.iter()).map(|(x, y)| (*x, base + *y / 2.0)),
254                 base,
255                 &DARK_BLUE,
256             ))
257             .unwrap();
259         chart
260             .draw_series(AreaSeries::new(
261                 x.iter().zip(y.iter()).map(|(x, y)| (*x, base - *y / 2.0)),
262                 base,
263                 &DARK_BLUE,
264             ))
265             .unwrap();
266     }
267 }